
(I have copied the user list to illicit more feedback.)

Thanks for your feedback.

Are you talking about the applet at http://jakarta.apache.org/oro/demo.html?

This is similar in some respects but I think that
my application goes a little further in one area.
Specifically, it shows which part of the regular
expression contributed to each match.

I knocked up the quick web page due to the fact
that there was no formal process for contributing
code.  I thought that it would be easier to have
the application separate and a link on the oro page.
My intention was to see if anyone thought this was
useful.  Due to the limited response and the initial
feedback it could be that this is not a needed

I personally find it quite useful.

As for source code, it will be included on the site.
There's no reason for me not to add it, other than
a couple of housekeeping chores my end.

So, what are the chances of getting a link to my
page from the ORO page?  I will also be adding more
in the way of examples and help.



----Original Message Follows----
 >Here is a link to the application:
 >Comments and feedback?

Since no one else has replied, I'll offer my comments.  No source code;
tsk, tsk :)  It basically duplicates some of the functionality of the
demonstration applet, so I don't think there's any reason to consider
distributing it with jakarta-oro.  Don't let that be a disincentive to
making future contributions though.


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