Hi all
I am trying to find a pattern match in another String using a AWK Compiler.
Actually i want to use the AwkStreamInput class so that i can search for
a string in an input stream. But wanted to try out a simple example first
cant get it to work.
I always get a false result indicating that the pattern could not be found
in the input string. Do not know what i'm missing here.

Here is the code snippet:

                AwkMatcher awkMatcher = new AwkMatcher();
                AwkCompiler awkCompiler = new AwkCompiler();

                try {
                    String testString = "This is a test for Draft";
                    Pattern pattern = awkCompiler.compile("/Draft/");
                    boolean found = awkMatcher.contains(testString,pattern);
                    System.out.println("What is Value of found:" + found );
                } catch ( MalformedPatternException me)
Any help is greatly appreciated


Sujatha Sridhar
System Architect
YOUcentric, Inc (Soon to be a part of J.D. Edwards)
P: 704.643.1000 Extn 3058
F: 704.401.1240

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