In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Robert Edgar" w
>Hi there,
>I am trying to load and parse a web server log file (about 3mb on average)
>with a regex as follows
>problem is it is takeing forever, I am getting only about 15 lines a second
>code is something like
>while((logEntry = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null){
> if (matcher.contains(logEntry, pattern)) {
>   MatchResult result=matcher.getMatch();
> }

Half of the problem is calling readLine().  You're converting char arrays
into strings and then back again when you search for a match.  If the
files are about 3MB, you'll do better by reading the entire file into
a char array first and then searching for matches.  The other half of
the problem may be the regular expression, which is causing a lot of
backtracking.  Try replacing .* with \S* and [^\s"]* where appropriate.


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