Sorry, I missed out some brackets, the regex should be ((\?_)|(v_))(.+?)_
and group 4 will contain the xxxx match, group 1 v_ or ?_.


I'm not quite sure I understand the problem completely but I think that the
problem is that * is greedy.  Try using +? instead (take a look at  the
package javadoc for org.apache.oro.text.regex to find out more about
greediness).  So in the end your regex might look something like
 This will match xxx in group 3 and pick out both the ?_xxxx_ and v_xxxx_



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phillip Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 15 August 2002 04:55
> Subject: can't find v_xxxx_ in sentence
> Hi.
> Given the following sentence:
> You are v_xx_ nice to help me with my problem.  It is very ?_xxxxxx_
> I would like to find the v_xx_ strings and the ?_xxxxx_strings.
> The target matches begin with a ?_ or v_ and end with a _
> The "xxx" stuff is what could be dynamic.
> I am using a regex of v_.*?_ to get the matches, but my 
> results are not 
> right.  I get a hodpodge of results, some right, some wrong.
> For example, I will get a _you are_ not going to find this match_
> It seems to pass the first _ in the string being evaluated.
> Thanks.  I appreciate the help very much.  Especially since 
> it's midnight now.
> --
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