 what I once did in a same situation: I just replaced the jsp scriptlets
 (or expressions) to some other arbitrary string, and put the original and
 new strings in a hashtable. Nor speed or good coding were adding to my
 kpi's (Key Performance Indicators) only the amount of time to get the job
 done. (execution and coding).You may also choose of course to change the quotes 
inside an expression to
something else, and change it back after you're finished.Further more the particular 
example you're giving here is not jsp-like, in
particular I would prevent the occurrence of strings inside those
expressions as much as possible (for instance: "the number of occurrences
is <%= i %>", instead of "<%="the number of occurences is "+ i %>"
hope this helps.

=> grettings
> i am using the RegExp in JAVA for the some tricky find and replace   My
> intention is to split the HTML attributes and work on it individually
> for example
> <img key = value key1= value1 key2= value2 >
> is a string i get i want to separate  keys and values
> like
> key = value
> key1 = value1
> key2 = value 2
> This works by using below expression forming
> \\<img\\s*(.+)\\>|<ul>$1</ul>|isg  greddy expression ( Greedy
> experession because there is a chance of %> inside as value in the Tag.
> This greddy expression gets all the attributes as string.
> To extract variables from this I use below expressionon
> \\s*([a-z]+)\\s*=((\\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\\s*)|(\\s*'([^']*)'\\s*)|(\\s*([^\\s
> ]*)\\s*))
> is the regular expression i used to find key value pair
> But if input is key="<%="somex"%>+value.jsp" it is failing.
> The problem is in specifying nested "" in the input .
> Can you please tell me how to change the regular expression to adopt to
> this input.
> I can not  use greedy expression such as  because there are more inputs
> on the same line.
> Regards,
> Srini sk

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