
I am using the MatchActionProcessor. I have a file
'unicode.txt' which contains some English as well as
Japanese characters. I have another file 'regex.txt'
which contains only one line of some Japanese
characters that are present in the 'unicode.txt' file.
Both the files are saved in 'UTF-8' encoding. In my
program, I init a string by reading a line from
regex.txt and use it as a regex. The
MatchActionProcessor is unable to find matches
irrespective of whether the regex.txt contains English
or Jap content. I tried giving different encodings at
the time of creation of InputStreamReader, but to no
use. Below is the code that I am using. Is it that 
MatchActionProcessor does not support Unicode
matching, or am I missing something? Can anyone please
give me an example of Unicode matching that they have
successfully tried out? I am using
jakarta-oro-2.0.7-dev-1.jar. Thanks in advance for any

import java.io.*;

import org.apache.oro.text.*;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;

public final class UnicodeDemo
  public static final void main(String[] args) throws
    //init the regex
    FileInputStream fis = new
    BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new
InputStreamReader(fis/*, "UTF-8"*/));
    String regex = bf.readLine();
    System.out.println("regex used = "+regex);

    MatchActionProcessor processor = new
    processor.addAction(regex, new MatchAction() {
        //if a match is found, show it on console.
        public void processMatch(MatchActionInfo info)
          info.output.println("match found = " + ":" +
FileInputStream("unicode.txt"), System.out);

Aarti H.

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