Hello Congwu,

On Nov 25, 2009, at 2:19 , Chen Congwu wrote:

> While I was enabling superdatastore for SyncEvolution server usage, I found 
> the
> config file "syncserv_sample_config.xml" needs some minor fixing:
> It was using a bool variable 'ISEVENT' to differeciate events and todos, while
> for events+todo dispath we actually need a string variable 'KIND' for the
> sub-datastore dispatch process.

Yes, indeed. That's wrong in the superdatastore definition. Thanks!

> I am changing 'ISEVENT' to 'KIND' in SyncEvolution, do you think it is
> reasonable?

Yes, should work but probably it is easier (less changes) to do the opposite, 
i.e. change the <dispatchfilter> in the superdatastore definitions to check 
ISEVENT instead:

      <contains datastore="events">

      <contains datastore="tasks">

I'll do that for the sample config - for SyncEvolution it's up to you to decide 
what makes more sense.

BTW, looking at that superdatastore definition, I realized the type definitions 
only include vCalendar 1.0 - I guess it should be extended to include iCalendar 
2.0 as well:

        <use datatype="iCalendar20" mode="rw" preferred="yes"/>
        <use datatype="vcalendar10" mode="rw" preferred="legacy"/>

Best Regards,

Lukas Zeller (l...@synthesis.ch)
Synthesis AG, SyncML Solutions  & Sustainable Software Concepts
i...@synthesis.ch, http://www.synthesis.ch

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