On Di, 2011-08-02 at 15:39 +0200, Lukas Zeller wrote:
> Hello Patrick,
> On Aug 1, 2011, at 20:39 , Patrick Ohly wrote:
> > In a local slow sync between Evolution and Google Calendar I see the
> > following problem:
> > [...]
> >      * The server logs "Status: 403: originator exception" and
> >        "WARNING: Aborting Session with Reason Status 403 (REMOTE
> >        problem)".
> > 
> > That says it all. The session ends here without finishing the slow sync.
> > 
> > This is a bit too drastic. 
> > [...]
> > Should it be turned into a local error along the were somewhere? I
> > remember vaguely that we discussed something like that and came to the
> > conclusion that a backend can return errors in the range <500 to the
> > Synthesis engine. That's what SyncEvolution is doing here.
> There's a place in localengineds.cpp (around line 3337) where all the
> error codes are catched in a switch/case statement that should NOT
> abort the session, but rather mark the item for "resend later", which
> means in the next session.
> 403 is not among these, because usually a auth problem is really fatal and 
> retry does not help.
> For your case at hand, I'd recommend to translate that kind of 403
> error to 417 (retry later) in the backend (or in the
> sentitemstatusscript), which means that the backend has some hope that
> a retry in the next session might help.

I followed that approach. It means that the problematic item will be
sent again and again, but that's better than the alternatives (abort
session or only logging the issue). 

I still need to understand better how I arrived at this situation,

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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