Dear all, 

OSCC MAMPU is calling for submission of OSS Case Studies for the 2010
National OSS Case Study Awards, which 
will be held in conjunction with the annual OSS conference, MyGOSSCON
which is expected to be staged in early 
November 2010.

All Government agencies are encouraged to document and submit their OSS
in the form of OSS Case Study.

The awards are classified into two (2) groups;

    Group 1: Public Sector Agencies
    Group 2: IPTA
The objectives of OSS Case Study Awards are:

        1. To provide an incentive to government agencies to share
        knowledge on OSS implementation and 
        showcase Malaysian OSS initiatives locally and internationally
        2. To promote the use of OSS amongst Government agencies in
        support of the Malaysian OSS Master Plan
        3. To recognise the most innovative and effective implementation
        of OSS among government agencies and 
        public universities in boosting the OSS ecosystem

A template for submission is provided. It is recommended that the main
sections are kept as it is, however additional 
sub-sections can be added. Submission in Bahasa Malaysia are also
accepted provided that they follow the same formats. 
English is encouraged, as these case studies will also be used to
showcase and share Malaysian OSS implementations to 
international audiences.

All OSS case studies must be submitted to  For
further enquiries, information and case study template, 
please visit or call
03-83191200 or email

Thank you.

Warmest Regards,

Stanly Tan
Open Source Competency Centre, MAMPU
Lot E302-E304, Enterprise Building 3,
63000 Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Tel. 603 83191200, Fax: 603 83193206

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