hi Guys ..
sorry ... saya pun senasib dengan saudara aziman kita ... saya dah
sampai brickfield tapi dah basah lak ... saya baru balik dari Taiwan ..
jadi tak nak la demam sekarang ni .. kang tak pasal pasal kena kuarantin
... .. apa pun .. i want to join you all .... let me know if there
anything i can help


aziman noor wrote:
> Sorry, camne nak sampai seluar dan kasut sudah basah daaaa....
> Mula-mula fikir nak pegi gak dengan basah2, tapi memikirkan sana ekon
> sejuk... nanti demam selesema lak.
> pst : SMS Rizal, dia pun tak pegi.
> -aN-
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Mohd Hidzuan <hidz...@gmail.com
> <mailto:hidz...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     tapi tuan tidak sampai pung.. :-D (jangan marah lawak tgh malam..
>     muahahaha)
>     On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:57 PM, aziman noor <azi...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:azi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>         KL Sentral dah mula hujan.
>         Berhati2 selalu.
>         Bagi yang datang dengan motor, datang lambat takper jangan tak
>         datang langsung.
>         Thanks.
>         -aN-
>         On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Nasrul Amri Samsudin
>         <nasrula...@gmail.com <mailto:nasrula...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>             heh. xkan xguna moto nak citer kat semua org kot.. lgpon
>             dari bg orang lain pakai, baik bg family pakai. hehe.
>             On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
>             <trunas...@gmail.com <mailto:trunas...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>                 la motor tak guna dah almost half year ke? awat tak
>                 habaq? bak mai sini pakcik arafat bawak2kan pi konvoi
>                 seluruh semenanjung :D
>                 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Nasrul Amri Samsudin
>                 <nasrula...@gmail.com <mailto:nasrula...@gmail.com>>
>                 wrote:
>                     fyi, i didn't sell my motorcycle. i send it back
>                     to my hometown because i didn't use it almost half
>                     year. i'm not from a rich family but i don't have
>                     to save money by selling my stuffs. then it not
>                     call saving but 'gadai'. if we have bigger
>                     commitment, by selling our stuffs is not good idea.
>                     what we need to do, is work smart and harder than
>                     before in order to make a better life.
>                     On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 9:20 AM, azmi salim
>                     <azm...@gmail.com <mailto:azm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>                         jual motor utk save duit yer abang facebook?
>                         hehhehe :) nearing future commitment...jangan
>                         mare..
>                         2009/6/24 Nasrul Amri Samsudin
>                         <nasrula...@gmail.com
>                         <mailto:nasrula...@gmail.com>>
>                             nak jd rempit pon moto dah xde. hahaha.
>                             sakit la membayar parking. next time nak
>                             request kat KJ la. parking FREE. kedai
>                             mamak pon dekat.
>                             On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Mohd
>                             Hidzuan <hidz...@gmail.com
>                             <mailto:hidz...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>                                 esok memang naik sang keldai.. kesian
>                                 kat dia.. dah 2 hari tidak makan
>                                 angin.. hehehehe
>                                 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 4:11 PM,
>                                 aziman noor <azi...@gmail.com
>                                 <mailto:azi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>                                     Sesiapa yang "rider", selamba jerk
>                                     masuk bawah, memang ada parking
>                                     untuk motor. Level yang sama juga,
>                                     ada surau. [Info ini untuk yang
>                                     baru dengan Plaza Sentral]
>                                     See u there tomorrow guys.
>                                     730pm-1030pm
>                                     On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:22 PM,
>                                     Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
>                                     <bizkut...@gmail.com
>                                     <mailto:bizkut...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>                                         Nice, I will be there from
>                                         Kelantan with my colleague.
>                                         Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
>                                         -------------------------------
>                                         Ubuntu embedded developer/tester
>                                         https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bizkut
>                                         Get FireGPG for your Firefox!
>                                         http://getfiregpg.org
>                                         <http://getfiregpg.org/>
>                                         PGP Public Key
> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xD25748FC1754D52DAFA5EA8EC5A1B11965D43C5C&op=index
> <http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xD25748FC1754D52DAFA5EA8EC5A1B11965D43C5C&op=index>
>                                         On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:06
>                                         PM, Abdul Aziz Mydin
>                                         Salimuddin<kernel...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:kernel...@gmail.com>>
>                                         wrote:
>                                         > I wish i can attend the
>                                         meeting, but then somebody had
>                                         bought me ticker for
>                                         > Transformer... hope can join
>                                         the next
>                                         >
>                                         > regards
>                                         >
>                                         > aziz
>                                         >
>                                         > On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:30
>                                         PM, azmi salim
>                                         <azm...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:azm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Call for OSDC.my meeting
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Wednesday 24 June 2009
>                                         >> 7.30pm until 10.30pm
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Place
>                                         >>
>                                         >> MSC Malaysia Cybercentre -
>                                         Incubation Centre (1B - 3-1),
>                                         Plaza Sentral
>                                         >> (near KL Sentral)
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Agenda
>                                         >>
>                                         >> (1) Review & Approval of
>                                         last meeting minutes.
>                                         >> (2) To discuss on OSDC.my
>                                         charter & covenants
>                                         >> (3) Introduction of Circle
>                                         7 to other members
>                                         >> (4) OSDC.my club activities
>                                         suggestion and membership drive
>                                         >> (5) Other issues (if we
>                                         have time)
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Target Audience
>                                         >>
>                                         >> As much as possible
>                                         computer science
>                                         professionals, IT nerds, geeks,
>                                         >> professors, graduates,
>                                         students, anyone that is
>                                         either involved directly or
>                                         >> indirectly towards Open
>                                         Source development & movement.
>                                         The more be the
>                                         >> merrier. Please pass this
>                                         invitation around.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Thank You.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Regards,
>                                         >> AZMI Salim
>                                         >> OSDC.my
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Brief Intro on OSDC.my
>                                         (www.osdc.my
>                                         <http://www.osdc.my/>)
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >>  About OSDC.my
>                                         >> Malaysia Open Source
>                                         Developer's Club or in short
>                                         known as OSDC.my is a
>                                         >> community based club open
>                                         for all enthusiastic Open
>                                         Source developers and
>                                         >> users across Malaysia.
>                                         OSDC.my is a new chapter that
>                                         has been brought under
>                                         >> Malaysia Special Interest
>                                         Groups, MySIG for all
>                                         developers to share their
>                                         >> thought, knowledge and
>                                         experience and leverage the
>                                         Open Source idea to
>                                         >> public.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Objectives
>                                         >>
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       A platform for
>                                         Malaysian developers to engage
>                                         with developers from
>                                         >> other countries.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Provide a platform
>                                         for Malaysian developers to
>                                         leverage their
>                                         >> ideas/thoughts to the public.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       To produce world
>                                         class developers in Malaysia.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       To gain public
>                                         interest towards Open Source
>                                         development in Malaysia.
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Aims Why OSDC.my?
>                                         >>
>                                         >> OSDC.my will have linkages
>                                         to OSDC.com.au
>                                         <http://osdc.com.au/>, where
>                                         interest of technical
>                                         >> business of those in
>                                         groups, can be shared
>                                         knowledge and experiences.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> OSDC.my is to be run by
>                                         developers and for developers
>                                         and business in
>                                         >> cooperation and general
>                                         support of Government Malaysia
>                                         Agencies – MDeC,
>                                         >> MAMPU.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> The objectives is to
>                                         promote Open Source
>                                         development culture and produce
>                                         >> world class developers in
>                                         Malaysia’s community by
>                                         connecting them with world
>                                         >> class developers around the
>                                         world.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Managing OSDC.my
>                                         >>
>                                         >> OSDC.my invites any Open
>                                         Source organizations or
>                                         society to cooperate in
>                                         >> anyways possible to
>                                         leverage Open Source idea to
>                                         the public (mainly in
>                                         >> Malaysia). A secretariat is
>                                         form to ensure the activity
>                                         and event organize
>                                         >> by OSDC.my is well manage
>                                         and handle.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> The secretariat run for
>                                         OSDC.my is by elected Open
>                                         Source developers. It
>                                         >> is secretariat role to man
>                                         all the activity run under
>                                         OSDC.my.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Membership OSDC.my
>                                         >>
>                                         >> Membership is open to all
>                                         Open Source enthusiast,
>                                         irrespective of creed,
>                                         >> position and stand in
>                                         organizations or society –
>                                         with a that have an
>                                         >> interest in furthering the
>                                         aims of developing Open Source
>                                         for Malaysia.
>                                         >>
>                                         >> OSDC.my Activity
>                                         >>
>                                         >> As such, OSDC.my activities
>                                         includes as follows:
>                                         >>
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Promotion of
>                                         awareness of the existence and
>                                         utility of Open Source
>                                         >> Software.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Demonstration,
>                                         through case studies, market
>                                         research, information
>                                         >> gathering, and other
>                                         methodologies, of the specific
>                                         benefits of the use of
>                                         >> Open Source Software with
>                                         respect to other products that
>                                         are not of open
>                                         >> nature.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Information referral
>                                         services for the target
>                                         personnel, government,
>                                         >> corporate sectors and
>                                         including education as to
>                                         companies' rights and
>                                         >> obligations with respect to
>                                         Free and Open Source Software,
>                                         FOSS.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Information responses
>                                         to the media, including
>                                         correcting misleading
>                                         >> oe deceptive advertising in
>                                         relation to Open Source.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Organising Open
>                                         Source Conferences – which
>                                         open to public and
>                                         >> internationally.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Running Open Source
>                                         discussion / class – will be
>                                         held periodically,
>                                         >> or when in demand.
>                                         >>     *
>                                         >>
>                                         >>       Benchmark – benchmark
>                                         for Open Source development in
>                                         Malaysia.
>                                         >>
>                                         >>
>                                         >
>                                         >
>                                         > >
>                                         >
>                                     --
>                                     Contender Asia Season II @Malaysia
>                                     http://muaythaitigers.blogspot.com/
>                                     Osysnet Sdn Bhd
>                                     http://www.osysnet.com.my
>                                     <http://www.osysnet.com.my/>
>                                 --
>                                 To follow the path, look to the master,
>                                 follow the master, walk with the master,
>                                 see through the master, become the master.
>                                 Selasih Net Enterprise
>                                 "we never sleep, we just park our head"
>                         --
>                         *** Together Protecting The Future Environment **
>                         Please consider reading this email on-screen
>                         rather than printing.
>                         Should situation unavoidable, use
>                         recycled-paper. Plant More Trees.
>                 --
>                 # uname -a
>                 NetBSD  5.0 NetBSD 5.0 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Apr 26
>                 18:50:08 UTC 2009
> bui...@b6.netbsd.org:/home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-0-RELEASE/i386/200904260229Z-obj/home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-0-RELEASE/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
>                 i386
>         --
>         Contender Asia Season II @Malaysia
>         http://muaythaitigers.blogspot.com/
>         Osysnet Sdn Bhd
>         http://www.osysnet.com.my
>     --
>     To follow the path, look to the master,
>     follow the master, walk with the master,
>     see through the master, become the master.
>     Selasih Net Enterprise
>     "we never sleep, we just park our head"
> --
> Contender Asia Season II @Malaysia
> http://muaythaitigers.blogspot.com/
> Osysnet Sdn Bhd
> http://www.osysnet.com.my
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Forest Research Institute Malaysia
> 52109 Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia
> Hotline : +603-62797000

Forest Research Institute Malaysia
52109 Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia
Hotline : +603-62797000

Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia http://www.osdc.my/

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