Br lps tgk surrogates :)

-----Original Message-----
From: lutfi raffi <>
Sent: Thursday, 8 October 2009 5:00 PM
Subject: [osdcmy-public] Re: 2 idea setelah masuk linux varsiti

tiba-tiba teringat cerita die hard 4.0..... 

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 4:54 AM, Boh Yap <> wrote:


 the "Open Hacking" idea is really interesting and will draw a lot of
 attention, so I'll like to add a few thoughts, from different

 As a pure publicity exercise its great, but whether it will benefit
 FOSS, there is pro & cons.

 1. We will attract people, but the right ppl?

 Yes, quite a few Uni 'kids' I talk to say they wanna be hackers (or
 'security experts'), due to the 'glory' and common media perception...

 But the real hackers know, it takes hard work, experience and real knowledge.

 What will happen is you will attract a lot of 'wannabe hackers', to
 your 'hacking school'. You/We'll be conducting a lot of classes, but
 soon as they find out they have to read thick technical manuals
 they'll give up. From my experiance in teaching not only programming,
 but other skills that  require real dedication, hard work & sacrifice,
 the drop rate is 90% if you're lucky.

 Or they become (or we teach them to be) 'script kiddies', trawl the
 'net for exploits and tools other have written and use those. So we
 are back to square one, just being 'Users' and not 'Producers'. Come
 on, guys (who really know the stuff) with FOSS tools like Metasploit,
 Nessus, etc...  it ain't difficult.

 2. We end up creating a bunch of ppl that controls a botnet, and
 become real 'crackers'!

 With some knowledge, and the tools are out there, a bunch of hackers
 can start building a botnet, and then then start to use this for
 really bad purposes. This is turning to the 'darkside' - do we want to
 create that situation?

 Now for the positive points:

 3. All the security hacks will show the weakness of Proprietary SW (PSW),
   especially MS.

 There's a lot of MS based servers (and some Linux one's prob) that
 have not been patched with the latest security upgrades (dare I guess
 many government sites?). Exploiting these shouldn't be too diffcult.

 Showing the public how vulnerable PSW is may swing support towards FOSS!

 4. Demo of Security attacks should also target clients/desk/lap tops,
 not only servers.

 Fact is, many Windoze clients get easily compromised, via email and
 web and become bots, which are then used for spamming etc. I get spam
 from idiots whose computers have been compromised, but still don't
 seem do anything about it!

 If hacks can be done to show how vulnerable the average client is,
 then it will serve to educate the public, strike a blow against the
 botnets, and maybe get users to switch to a 'safer' OS.

 let the flames begin.... ;-)

 2009/10/8 lutfi raffi <>:
> Template lebih kurang amcam ni:
 > 2009/10/8 lutfi raffi <>
 >> @wan: masih berteguh untuk buat macam malaysia kini sebab nampak lebih
 >> kemas dan profesional...
 >> 2009/10/8 red1 <>
 >>> Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari wrote:
 >>> > WOW!... Idea bernas ni. Tp live hacking tu x kantoi ke nnt?
 >>> >
 >>> >
 >>> >
 >>>  i bincang with Syazwan because we want to give ideas that can pull the
 >>> crowds and layppl in the streets. If you interbiu about FOSS org
 >>> mengantuk je. Student pun tanak datang dengar. But if u say, "u going to
 >>> show how to hack into the universiti, silap2 pak guard dengan pembasuh
 >>> jamban pun nak masuk dengar.
 >>> Of course, kene minta kebenaran memang itu syarat tetap. Lepas tu boleh
 >>> bagi mereka masa utk bersiap dan kita rancang serangan ke atas mereka.
 >>> Apabila dapat tembus, silap2 dapat hadiah dari mereka suruh tutup mulut
 >>> tentang kekantoian sistem mereka. Atau hacker kita diambik sebagai
 >>> pakar-perunding luar. Macam ni akan lebih memasyurkan HACKERM sehingga
 >>> luar negara, kerana yang saya tahu tiada lagi program TV yang
 >>> menunjukkan keje2 mcm ni.
 >>> So, berapa hacker kita ade ni? Takkan Syazwan seorang je? Cmon.. lets
 >>> assemble 3 platoon elit komando siber kita!
 > >


 Boh Heong, Yap

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