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Gmail guna SSL masa login sahaja, dan akan bertukar kepada plain atau
kekal SSL mengikut tetapan anda. Jadi, sesiapa yang sniff network
tidak akan dapat capture password email. Namun, jika bertukar kepada
plain, segala isi inbox boleh di hidu (sniff). Jadi seeloknya pakai

Kekurangan SSL adalah mungkin data SSL lebih perlahan berbanding plain.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
- -------------------------------
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org

PGP Public Key

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : http://getfiregpg.org (Version: 0.7.10)


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 1:11 AM, aziman noor <azi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> itu sudah pasti.
> ssh guna nama aku ajer boleh... wakakaka.
> tapi aku nak tanya korang la kan,
> gmail ada bagi pilihan sama ada kita nak guna https atau http,
> yang aku nak tanya? apa pro dan kontra setting kedua-duan tersebut...
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:57 AM, Mohd Yusnizam Mohamad
> <myusni...@opensource.org.my> wrote:
>> cheers
>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
>> <bizkut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Kalau cakap bab security, rasanya irc server pun kena SSL jugak ni,
>>> barulah secure dari akar umbi.
>>> Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
>>> -------------------------------
>>> Ubuntu embedded developer/tester
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bizkut
>>> Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org
>>> PGP Public Key
>>> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC5A1B11965D43C5C
>>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:03 AM, cikgu ayob <ayob.alham...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > aku dh join,,,
>>> > best2,,,
>>> >
>>> > On Nov 15, 12:36 am, Mohd Fazli Azran <mfazliaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> Hi all,
>>> >>
>>> >> After our meeting today at Bangi Oldtown with 9 members . We are
>>> >> agreed
>>> >> to invite all of you guy to join our irc community for discussion
>>> >> about
>>> >> security and etc. Our agenda will sent to all after this meetup.
>>> >> FreeBSD/PCBSD community are happy to invite all community to join to
>>> >> build more strongest security among us.
>>> >>
>>> >> IRC server
>>> >> /server irc.mysecurity.my 80
>>> >>
>>> >> We use port 80 because many of us have policy  block default irc port
>>> >> 6667. For that we use port 80 so everybody can go in to irc server.
>>> >> Any
>>> >> comment and opinion are welcome.
>>> >>
>>> >> Mohd Fazli Azran
>>> >> PCBSD Malaysia
>>> >> MySecurity.my
>>> > >
>>> >
> >

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