
I'm looking for a base line for "world class develop" looking at what boh
said yes I do agreed. We are looking to develop a world class developer and
we want to know how do you define someone to be it. What are the baseline??


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On Nov 19, 2009 2:47 PM, "Raja Iskandar Shah" <>

boh, rafe was addressing it to the ladies. that's why i did not respond at

as a person who is responsible for employing people including ladies, this
is what i look for among fresh graduates:
1. academic cgpa > 3.0 (not for intellect but for the sheer discipline to
get the assignments, exams, project work done)
2. project work (not looking for the most brilliant stuff but for the
intelligence to select the project, the tools, development and
3. oss community (for communication and collaboration skills)

i also like multi-disciplinary people. the most recent recruit is an
enviromental science graduate who took up programming for the love of it.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Boh Yap <> wrote: > > > hi
rafe, > > Its not I ...

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