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On 1/7/11 6:40 PM, Mohd Fazli Azran wrote:
Dear all,

This was a link from Berita Harian and Harian Metro:

we need look in to this if we want our country to be one of the top produce programmer and developer. It need start from down to up. We need create a foundation for school or universities to tide up with us so we can assist them how to promote and explain to them what is important thing if the student choose to be a IT professional. What the expectation and what the industry want from student and also from Malaysian

We need start from education because we can see after we start from the top we not yet reach the goal about OSS (I dont wanna to complaining it). OSDC.MY will revamp and put back the track what OSDC.MY suppose to do and why OSDC.MY are about. OSDC.MY not just community but must be professional entity to get trust with industry player, government, academia and people. We can see after several past year OSS community is like "Budak Ribena" always fighting each others, hate each others, ego, jealous and because not in same ship. I think this is enough is enough. Try to be professional and try to be most respected rather people see community it not worth to join and what you get if you join community.

We can see in real world not virtual world why many employee still want to get foreigner to be part of ICT expertise because we are Malaysia are lack of it. How do people in Malaysia are very good in skill but bad on PR or management or knowledge. Before we blame this foreigner we need to see our self. Are we consider are Professional IT? Are we already have good IT skill? Are we are very knowledgeable? Are we ready to challenge the market ICT industry that Malaysia no need to hire foreigner because Malaysia already have very good expertise and IT Professional.

Why not we move forward and seat under one umbrella and go as a one team. OSDC.MY was a platform that we can use for this. Throw out your personnel agenda and see in bigger picture to put our NATIONAL AGENDA. Because OSDC.MY was a community so it can be a partner to Industry Player, Government, Academia and any sector and put political aside. We cant be like this anymore and we need to change our approach, our mindset and our movement how to parallel and sync with them.

Get support from MAMPU or MDEC? I dont want to comment on this because they already done what they already done MAMPU (4 Years) and MDEC (2 Years). We cant depend on them already because they already done their part and they cant support us forever . We need try get another agency like MIMOS, TPM, JPM, MOE, MOHE, UNIK, YIM, SME, INTAN or others gov agency to be our ally and make close relationship with industry player like Redhat, Novell, IBM, Dell, HP or M$ and not at least to make friendly connection with Academia. We now are independent community and we need to make move or we will stuck and freeze forever.

All are you already know that we only know like to condemn, blame, critic and give accuse to them. Why we just move around and try to do something not just for OSDC.MY but for us, our nation, our people that give us more chance and more opportunity to make different what we are now face it. We know that we lake of money, support, time and energy to make it happen but at least we try to get it more harder and harder. You can see this link below and how we want to separate it with is from Malaysian and which are foreigner will get this salary.

Until now what we contribute to our nation our country???. It this enough and are we still satisfied what we are doing now and let the foreigner took the opportunity that suppose to belong to us. Are we capable that we are now to ready to be IT professional world class. What OSDC.MY need now your contribution from any area it will be. We already know that we cant do something for free or just for fun but we need some incentive or some pocket money to do something as we know now any move we do it will cost to us. How many time now our community like to do free events, free seminar, free workshop and free like beer. In Malaysia our situation are different culture between European or American. They have many support and many contribution from them because they love to do it and make some different for their nation or country and the most to OSS world and $ will come later. But in Malaysia we not like them and our society also not like them also because it all about $. It like huge gap between us maybe because it a Asian culture or Malaysia Culture :P.

We not yet to be same level as them but to grab also we not able to get it. As we know now our market it not big and the salary also are not big enough and also we lack skill how to convince people, lack of PR lack of management skill and of course professional skill. We need continuously to do this and change if necessary so we are are parallel with new technology,knowledge, information and skill. We cant stop like that and give some accuse that we now alone and we cant do nothing unless shout there shout this. We need to move we need a changing and need more people so we can together build this nation to be one of the respected country in the world that produced more IT Professional specially on Programmer & Developer.

Let do that now and make it happen and we will proud of it.

Mohd Fazli Azran

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