> Page 21
> Quadrant C includes countries with weaker or developing economies,
> mainly African countries and most Latin American countries, as well as
> the latest additions to the EU (Latvia, Bulgaria and Cyprus) and Asian
> countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam. Except for a few notable
> exceptions, such as South Africa, Vietnam, *Malaysia* and Venezuela,
> * most of the governments of the countries in quadrant C make no
> significant efforts to promote the IS, or to develop OSS*.
What this report mean is Malaysia is not enough to promote OSS or over
promote OSS?. Owh ya maybe or not foreigner see Malaysia  are not yet ready
to produce Developer/Programmer. Malaysia also still use stone age
language/program and either not yet  want to upgrade the
subject/module/course-ware. At this level Malaysia will stay behind after
2020 if nothing happen. We know that many lecturer/Dean already want to
update all this course but our KPM/KPTM not yet ready to transforms neither
our government not yet ready in my opinion. How we want
those transformation to be done.

Our strategy now like Mafia and if any blocking we like yakuza just kill who
want like obstacle. People from outside OSS community see us  like rebellion
because we just dare to voice out and not dare give the fact and what the
planning to change it. We  know that our government need like
proposal/paperwork/strategy from community how it can be done. Politic it
another obstacle need to be throw out 1st. We need to do like professional
and let it government decide what their plan after this. We are "Rakyat"
already show the prove that we do what suppose to do. For now time let do
something worth and show to the public what capability OSS community in
Malaysia can do not only voice. It time is work out and implementation

Mohd Fazli Azran

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