
L.Rasmusson the creator of GWave (Also GMap) left Google and join FB.

I only found out about the demise of Gwave recently, jeez I feel kinda

my take, and what we can learn from it...

I guess Rasmusson was pissed that his baby was not supported by
Google. I would have felt the same, if I was in the same league;-).
Google should have been more patient, they should not expect  GWave to
be like GMail. It will take longer to catch on.

I think its a very different product. With GMail, its a no brainer,
people are already used to webmail. They are not introducing a new
product, just a same old product under their brand name.

When GWave 1st came out, its an entirely new way of doing things. Ppl
couldn't figure out how to use it, what to do with it. Also they
couldn't categorise it. Its certainly not meant for the masses, like
gmail (the fbk/twitter junkies are too dumb to use it!). Some geeks
would figure out how to use it, but most lay people will shun it, as
its totally different and new.

However it makes an excellent collaboration tool. Maybe ppl don't
really need to collaborate that much? Maybe they more like gossip,
like on Facebook & Twitter, but don't really collaborate. The modes of
communication is very different, the 1st is mode based, (read, ponder,
post, receive) whereas GWave is for modeless, almost realtime
communication. Where your commitment and attention is real-time, like
in a meeting. Maybe this is a way of meeting and interaction that many
ppl are not used to; even in a real meetings, you seldom have active
participation from all members, just 1 or 2 ppl end up doing all the
talking, especially in Asian cultures.

I think there's also a psycological barrier here, its reported that,
initially, users feel freaked out when you can see the other guy
typing, like you are baring yr thoughts as you type. Then later they
adapt and start editing/completing each others sentences halfway ...
as when they collaborate on writing an article. I also think that this
psycological barrier does exist in our more conservative Asian
cultures. Its like doing pair-programming, I don't think its caught on
here at all, I can't find someone to do it with anyway...

So perhaps Google should have been more patient, and taken this
approach: look for and work with early adopters, these could be any
organisation (not necesarily a business, non-profits would be
ideal...) support them and learn from them and evolve the product. For
one thing although I think the underlying infra is great, the UI kinda
sucks. It could have been made simpler, more 'compact'. I for one
think that when working with an app that shows a lot of info, its
better to have multiple windows rather than multiple panes in a big
window - but with the current UI its not intuitive to do so.

So google shld have been more patient, used the early adopters as
incubators, leverage them to create the hype, create the stories, then
the rest of the 'herd' will slowly want to adopt it, becos 'so & so
name brand company' is using it!

I also think that they did themselves a disservice by not giving out
enough users beta accounts. Many who were keen could not get an
account, and after a while they loose interest. Also when they
assigned accounts, they gave each user only 5? other accounts to give
away. This is a big FAIL. If I have only 5 accounts to give away,
then I will be very 'stingy' with those accounts and and tend to hoard
it rather than give them away, this certainly destroys the viral
marketing momentum! If I have more colleagues using GWave, then I wld
be more inclined to use it. Its the network effect, the (greater)
number of users, creates its own success.... Dumb of Google not to
recognise this.

I don't think it is meant to take on social networking, its a bigger
sort of product, a different sort of product, but not having a
sufficient critical-mass of initial users certainly deterred its
adoption and success.

other news....

its creator talking about GWave after its public release.

Why he quit

GWave to live on.

this guy positions himself as a online mktg and userbility expert, has
some interesting points to make on GWave's failure although I may not
agree with all of them.


Boh Heong, Yap

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