
Facebook Developer Garage KL #1

>From their Facebook page.

Friday, February 25 at 6:00pm - February 27 at 5:00pm
Location        to be advised
Created By
Facebook Developer Garage Kuala Lumpur, Hakim Albasrawy

More Info       Register now to participate in Facebook Developer Garage KL
#1. The event is targeted for developers interested in picking up
skills and learning about how to program using the Facebook API and
social graph.

Highlights and some of the reasons you cant afford to miss the event

Speakers sessions

- Using the FB api : Aizat Faiz Facebook Developer based in KL)
- How to become a preferred developer partner : (TBA)
- The business of Facebook applications : (TBA)
- Cloud rollouts, scaling backend of fb apps : Colin Charles

Speakers wanted. If interested, please do contact

24 hour Hackathon

Submit your ideas and hack-em together for fame, swag and a chance to
win some pretty cool prizes

Networking session

A little bit of fun and a chance to mingle and get to know other
developers and potential investors

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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