I think the easiest way now for us to do so, is buy installing freebsd in our own desktop or laptop to try it out. Then list out the hardwares that is compatible and also list out which hardware which can't work while using freebsd. By collecting information like this, it will be easier to track down which hardware are supported and what hardware are not supported by default.
-- *GarfieldWTF <http://garfield.in>* Debian User Community (Malaysia) *http://debmal.my* -- To unsubscribe from and detail about this group http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011 MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert