Dear all,

Top10 LPI Trainers is the Program for to train OSDCMY member to be LPI
Trainer for the LPI Training. All the successful application will put at LPI
database Trainers and will be official LPI Trainers for OSDCMY. The Goal
Top10 LPI Trainers are the 1st phase project LPI program to make LPI
certified trainers. This project are collaboration with LPI and OSDCMY to
make LPI certified Trainers for Malaysia OSS Community How? After the
selection Top10 trainers the candidate will meetup each others and train by
them self and share with others how to become the trainers. The topic will
be discuss are: 1) How to be good trainers 2) How to be good PR 3) LPI
syllabus 4) Skill teaching 5) Motivation 6) Share experience All the modules
& syllabus will provide by OSDCMY and all the Top10 Trainers need to be
learn and share each others the resources. LPI will give special discount
for the exam, what you need to do is just train you self and ready to be a
trainers. All the application will sent to LPI and they will decide the
approval. OSDCMY will co-ordinate the Trainers to be located to any Training
Center, IPTA/IPTS and Government Training. The furthers discussion will be
discuss on next meetup between OSDCMY & Top10 LPI Trainers. Please spread
this information for who interest to be part of this special project by
OSDCMY. Thanks Good Luck!
Please register at here
Regards, Mohd Fazli Azran Secretariat OSDCMY

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