I vote for the streaming team.

The content of the streaming will be discussed with the main sponsor. kalau
sponsor tak agree to stream the talk, then we will shoot general operations
view, interviews with speakers, VIP, participants, sponsors, makan2, etc :)

+1 garfield

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Garfield WTF <garfi...@debmal.my> wrote:

> This has been discussed in the other mailing list.
> I have proposed to do love video streaming during the MOSC2011.
> Now, I need to seek for volunteers to join the streaming team.
> Although I do not know will the streaming plan will be executed or not, but
> it is best to assemble a team and do further discussion and planning first.
> I will also do a simple training to the volunteers on how to operate a
> video streaming, which it is extremely simple.
> If you are interested, please reply here and let me know, I will try to
> contact you for further information.
> For those who do not agree to do the video streaming because of some
> personal reasons, please do not sabotage this thread as this video streaming
> plan is a community plan, thank you.
> And also, I would hope that this thread will be remain clean without any
> chitchat on unrelated matters.
> *Requirement On The Video Streaming Volunteers:*
> There is only a few very simple requirements only, which includes the
> stuffs you need if you are coming for the streaming training/meeting.
> Anyone without any video streaming experience will probably also able to
> meet the below requirements.
>    1. Know how to hold the mouse and point and click in web browser. (I
>    assume all of you know how to do this!)
>    2. Have own laptop with Linux/MacOS desktop installed. (I assume
>    majority of you already have that.)
>    3. Have Mozilla Firefox 3.6+/4 Installed.
>    4. Have Adobe Flash 10.2 installed. (Must be v10.2, not v10.)
>    5. Laptop must have a webcam, or even better, a USB webcam. Preferably
>    1megapixel above.
>    6. Laptop have build-in microphone, or external microphone to attack to
>    the jack. (Optional)
>    7. If you a MacOS user, please have *Flash Media Live Encoder 
> 3.2<http://www.adobe.com/go/fmle3>
>    * installed. (Linux users no need to install this.)
>    8. Able to stay in the MOSC2011 event venue for long period of time.
>    (Because we need to have at least 1 or 2 person to manage the streaming.)
> Well, these requirements, I assume majority of you able to fulfill, as
> these are the things you probably using them daily.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Besides the video streaming volunteers, there has been discussed about
> doing interview with the speakers for the streaming.
> Therefore, we might need volunteers who have talent to perform an interview
> with the speakers during MOSC2011.
> *Requirement On Volunteers To Do Interview:*
>    1. Able to speak fluent English. (Because we will going to have a lot
>    of speakers from oversea.)
>    2. Able to handle awkward situation during the interview. (Because
>    there might be some situation where the speaker don't understand what are
>    you talking about due to the difference of culture.)
>    3. Having ability to come out with questions which is not prepared on
>    the list. (Sometimes, some questions are not appropriate to ask, so you 
> have
>    to replace them with some other questions. Or maybe if there is something
>    you think it is interesting during the interview, and think that it is best
>    for the audience to know, then you shall be able to ask some unlisted
>    questions.)
>    4. No camera shy. (The ability to not feel awkward when the camera is
>    pointing at you. Just threat it as a normal conversation, you are not on 
> the
>    CNN camera.)
>    5. Ability to not asking stupid questions which might provoke the
>    speakers. (Yeah, the speakers are VIPs, don't piss them off. By becoming 
> the
>    interviewer, you are actually represent the Malaysia OSS communities. Don't
>    make them have bad impressions on us.)
> We might not doing the interview live, and just record and do a delay
> broadcast.
> But we will need a lot people to volunteer to take this task, as we will
> need to select the few best interviewer to handle this task.
> Anyone are welcome to volunteer for this task, and those who having
> journalism experience will be an advantage to our OSS communities.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please fill up the form at below link if you interested to join the video
> streaming team or wanted to become an interviewer.
> *http://is.gd/CfyD8Z* <http://is.gd/CfyD8Z>
> Please also help to spread this.
> Thank You.
> --
> *GarfieldWTF <http://garfield.in>*
> Debian User Community (Malaysia)
> *http://debmal.my*
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> *CS Squad VPS Hosting <http://cart.cs-squad.net/cart.php?gid=1>*
>  --
> http://groups.google.com/group/mosc2011 and To unsubscribe
> mosc2011+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com

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