This probably should've been posted on the thread about the study, not the
thread about my blog entry :)

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
> wrote:

> in my humble opinion. the study is very very poor :
>    1. what were the solutions used ?
>    2. what were the statistics ?
> i would agree with the observations though on how to screw up oss
> implementations:
>    1. no proper technology transfer
>    2. loss in mgmt will
>    3. poor project mgmt - deduced from lack of documentation
>    4. no continuous improvement programs (cip)
>    5. environment impact assessment : how does it affect culture, people,
>    processes, infrastructure, etc
> actually this is common for all technology implementations. the biggest
> fallacy is the belief that a software will solve a problem !
> they forget that people solve problems, not machines ! well, at least not
> yet. machines are just dumb edp operators !
> some machines cant even do simple plus and minus operations !
> try copy and paste this into a spreadsheet program : then view all decimal
> places :
> =161001.165-100000.009-60000.7-1000.456
For the most part, I agree with you, but I think that most of the problems
with the study reflect back on the organization that failed to do the OSS
implementation.  They were disorganized.  All the researchers could do was
ask questions after everything was all over.  It looks like the organization
really didn't know what happened.

I agree with you on most of your points.  Actually my "End Your Addiction!"
article was originally part of a larger article about the OSS implementation
failure in the study.  I make many of the same points, but I state them from
a slightly different perspective.  I was looking for problems that we could
correct either in OSS or in the OSS community, but all I found was problems
in the way they went about the implementation.

I'm almost done... :D


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