hi all,

Well, Fazli brought up a good point, maybe, becase no one else
proposed such a solution, and TriCubes did, therefore they got it.
(I'll come back to this point.. in another mail) but duhh!, is it that
easy? Then I've got 1/2 dozen proposals for 50m each, who do I submit
them to?

Whatever is said, yes tricubes may foot the initial development costs,
but if the gov is using it and paying for it, then tax-payers money is
involved. If that is the case, was due-deligence done? How?


it says

        "Proposals submitted are assessed by Entry Point Project (EPP) teams,
to ensure only sustainable and implementable business models, are
supported. In this case, the team for the e-government EPP comprised
MAMPU and GITN Sdn Bhd. Every proposal is assessed on similar

hmm... they must be technically competent.

The justification it seems:

        "Currently, most Malaysians use non-secured public e-mail e.g. yahoo,
hotmail, gmail (hosted overseas) in their communications with the
Well, there's this little piece of FLOSS called PGP (Pretty Good
Privacy). And developing a plugin that works with PGP for a mail-agent
like thunderbird or web-mail would have been much easier. Also I
believe MiMOS has this thing called DigiCert, they are a Certificate
Authority, yes?

But without discussing the technical issues(? we are geeks right?),
the concept of email is so.... yesterday. If you want to foster better
relationship between gov and the rakyat, and foster community, a much
better type of solution would be a 'FaceBook' with Twitter clone! And
things like Diaspora, Wave in a Box (formerly GoogleWave) are FLOSS
tools that are available.

It would be an interesting collaborative exercise:

Work out a simple Specifications and Costing for such a project as
mentioned in th article, using resources that we have within OSDC.
Show how we can actually deliver this using FLOSS tools and at a
fraction of the cost. Perhaps even more appealing would be to derive a
methodology for doing such that it involves more people, perhaps using
interns/trainees from institute of higher learning, in the project.
That way, there is a wider transfer of technology (to more people) and
also to grow the community. Use the project to develop skills and
expertise, it could be part of soembody's MS/PhD thesis etc...

In this case the means is as important as the end. The end is of
course to deliver the stated objects, but with FLOSS, and the means is
to build skills and a sustainable ecosystem. This ecossytem can then
grow to become an industry, and I'm sure its returns will be much
larger than the 150m?? return quoted by TriCubes.

Four of the EPPs are under the Oil, Gas and Energy NKEA, three under
Business Services, three under Greater Kuala Lumpur, two under
Healthcare, two under Tourism, and one each under Education,
Agriculture, Wholesale and Retail, Communications Content and
Infrastructure, and Electrical and Electronics.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Mohd Fazli Azran
<mfazliaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I love malaysia. :)
> Many news and many people have their own way to thinking and give various
> feedback. Many people still confuse what ETP for. Please read what ETP for.
> I not worried about this 50m project because it not from our gov public fund
> but it from private fund. This project was propose by tricubes to gov to
> make 1malaysia email. Because we not propose anything to our gov, our
> community just love to voice, blame, flame war and talk and talk and give
> good idea and many suggestion but who want to execute and implement it? Who?
> Don't blame tricubes because they get endorse by our gov about the project
> but blame our self why until now we not yet publish or do something and
> propose to our gov that we can do also same like tricubes do.
> What we must do now is proposal and paperwork and sent to our gov. We have
> many agency that we can propose like mimos, tpm, mdec, mampu, mcmc, intan,
> unik, miti, smidec, smecorp, terajun, pemandu and others.
> If we want beat tricubes we need to be like them too. We have many various
> level people in this group and of course many geek too and until now we
> still not unite and still talk behind each others and curse each others.
> If we done like above and we have the right voice to consult our gov why
> must use this and this. We done our part and then we have a right to blame
> our gov heheheh. Until now we not do like that as community but many people
> done but only for individually. So we are no where because we not voice as
> one.
> As above topic project maybe some one are behind that funded them the fund
> 50m to make 1malaysia email become reality. I don't want to know who are
> behind tricubes what I want to know is this 1malaysia email will be like use
> hotmail muahahahaha.
> Best Regards,
> Mohd Fazli Azran
> Sent by my BlackCerry® Smartphone Powered by Wireless DIGImon
> ________________________________
> From: Hanxue Lee <leehan...@gmail.com>
> Sender: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
> Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:28:06 +0800
> To: <osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com>
> ReplyTo: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia Secure
> Email Server
> Its a waste of taxpayer money. I do not see a need to develop a service
> (email) which is already well established in the private sector.
> The article did say
> "Najib disclosed today the email account will allow direct and secure
> communication between the public and the government, and is part of a new
> one-stop web portal for government services."
> To give the benefit of doubt, perhaps its an initiative to have a one-stop
> solution for Malaysian citizens to interact with its government, similar to
> Singapore's e-Citizen http://www.ecitizen.gov.sg/ ?
> Best regards,
> Hanxue
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:01 PM, darXness darXness <darxl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> phew...50m....
>> even we have paperwork,proposal,manpower and all things,will they
>> trust us?that job already taken by tricubes.and i cant thing one way
>> to prevent this.we already have OSDC,but even OSDC is under gov sector
>> (sorry if i mistake about this),already deploy so much FLOSS server
>> inside gov sector,n they look like we doesnt exist.
>> maybe someone should poke "him".....
>> if i got that job,50m.....i will_____.:D
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Boh Yap <bhy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > hi, all you FLOSS guys out there,
>> >
>> >
>> > http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/1-malaysia-email-provider-tricubes-at-risk-of-delisting/
>> >
>> > the above article "Tricubes Bhd’s RM50 million contract to develop the
>> > 1 Malaysia email service could be the financial lifeline of the
>> > information technology firm which is at risk of being delisted..."
>> >
>> > The 1 Malaysia Mail Server is meant to provide secure email services
>> > to Malaysians for their dealings with the government, and to counter
>> > the fact that a lot of the free email accounts are hosted on servers
>> > outside of Malaysia, and hence expose the data....
>> >
>> > 50M to 'develop' a 'secure' email server for Malaysians to use??
>> >
>> > And they are going to use MS technology to do it ??!
>> >
>> > <quote>
>> > The Malaysia Insider understands that the 1 Malaysia email service
>> > will be using software from Microsoft, the company that now owns the
>> > free Hotmail account service that has been eclipsed by another free
>> > email provider, Google Inc.
>> > </quote>
>> >
>> > <quote>
>> > The 1 Malaysia email service is part of Najib’s Economic
>> > Transformation Programme (ETP) to achieve developed nation status by
>> > 2020. He said today the RM50 million investment will have a gross
>> > national income (GNI) impact of RM39 million up to 2015 and will
>> > enhance delivery of public services.
>> > </quote>
>> >
>> > Well, well, well..... something funny is going on.
>> > There are perfectly good FLOSS email software, crypto tools etc... and
>> > we (among OSDC) certainly have the manpower & skills to implement and
>> > deploy such solutions.
>> >
>> > Even if a 'bunch of FLOSS' developers cannot do so immediately, giving
>> > funding to the community will allow them to build the skills and
>> > knowledge within 1 year, to do so; and have that knowledge shared and
>> > benefiting a larger community rather than 1 single company!
>> >
>> > And can we do this with 1m, no problem! Even if you spend another 1-5m
>> > for HW ( 1m will buy about  160 or 4 racks full of 1u servers, which
>> > is enough to build a decent cloud...), and even if we DOUBLE all those
>> > numbers, that figure won't go anywhere near 50m!
>> >
>> > A quick look at their website, <http://www.tricubes.com> shows they
>> > are using IIS-6.0, not exactly a very secure option. A quick google
>> > found this bit:
>> >
>> >
>> > http://cyberinsecure.com/microsoft-iis6-vulnerability-exposes-websites-sensitive-files-and-passwords/
>> >
>> > <quote>
>> > Microsoft IIS6 Vulnerability Exposes Website’s Sensitive Files And
>> > Passwords
>> >
>> > Security experts are urging administrators using Microsoft’s Internet
>> > Information Services version 6 to exercise extreme care following the
>> > discovery that the popular web server is vulnerable to a simple attack
>> > that exposes password-protected files and folders.
>> > ...
>> > </quote>
>> >
>> > and they have a shopping cart running on the site, on IIS 6.0?, I hope
>> > not.
>> >
>> >
>> > Would you trust your data with MS?? I won't.
>> >
>> > What do the rest of you guys say?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > IIS 6.0
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > #-------
>> > regds,
>> >
>> > Boh Heong, Yap
>> >
>> > --
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Boh Heong, Yap

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