On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 4:20 PM, joshuatly <joshua...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The USB cable do act as a virtual LAN port if the correct driver is
> installed. It worked fine on Ubuntu and Mac, but requires extra driver
> installed in Windows.

Also work fine on Fedora 14. On other note, I got 5Mbs (through
speedtest.net) downloading from some server in KL. For another test
with a server in us-east, got 4Mbs+. This is with yellow light, not
green. But another test today only got 2Mbps. I also test it under
heavy rain, still usable though quite slow. speedtest show < 1Mpbs.
I'm thinking of terminating my streamyx when it end this june. I'm
skudai area btw.

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