Kita tak perlukan SOPA. Norman sorang pun dah cukup :)

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
<> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Fight For The Future" <>
> Date: 19 Jan 2012 14:36
> Subject: Unreal
> To: <>
> Today was nuts, right?
> Google launched a petition.  Wikipedia voted to shut itself off.  Senators'
> websites went down just from the sheer surge of voters trying to write
> them.   NYC and SF geeks had protests that packed city blocks.
> You made history today: nothing like this has ever happened before.  Tech
> companies and users teamed up.  Tens of millions of people who make the
> internet what it is joined together to defend their freedoms.  The free
> network defended itself.  Whatever you call it, the bottom line is clear:
> from today forward, it will be much harder to mess up the internet.
> The really crazy part?  We might even win.
> Approaching Monday's crucial Senate vote there are now 35 Senators publicly
> opposing PIPA.  Last week there were 5.   And it just takes just 41 solid
> "no" votes to permanently stall PIPA (and SOPA) in the Senate.  What seemed
> like miles away a few weeks ago is now within reach.
> But don't trust predictions.  The forces behind SOPA & PIPA (mostly movie
> companies) can make small changes to these bills until they know they have
> the votes to pass.  Members of Congress know SOPA & PIPA are unpopular, but
> they don't understand why--so they're easily duped by superficial changes.
> The Senate returns next week, and the next few days are critical.  Here are
> two things to think about:
> 1. Plan on calling your Senator every day next week.  Pick up the phone each
> morning and call your Senators' offices, until they vote "no" on cloture.
> If your site participated today, consider running a "Call the Senate" link
> all next week.
> 2. Tomorrow, drop in at your Senators' district offices.  We don't have a
> cool map widget to show you the offices nearest you (we're too exhausted!
> any takers?).  So do it the old fashioned way: use Google, or the phonebook
> to find the address, and just walk in, say you oppose PIPA, and urge the
> Senator to vote "no" on cloture.  These drop-in visits make our spectacular
> online protests more tangible and credible.
> That's it for now. Be proud and stay on it!
> --Holmes, Tiffiniy, and the whole Fight for the Future team.
> ___
> P.S. Huge credit goes to participants in the 11/16 American Censorship Day
> protest: Mozilla, 4chan, BoingBoing, Tumblr, TGWTG, and thousands of
> others.  That's what got this ball rolling!  Reddit, both the community and
> the team behind it, you're amazing.  And of course, thanks to the
> Wikimedians whose patient and inexorable pursuit of the right answer brought
> them to take world-changing action. Thanks to David S, David K, Cory D, and
> E Stark for bold action at critical times.
> P.P.S. If you haven't already, show this video to as many people as you can.
> It works!
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