Ok boss.. though i am just a messenger who always get shot.
Terima kasih atas nasihat ini. Saya diam-diamlah sekarang.

On 7/31/12 10:41 AM, Abu Mansur wrote:
Brother Red1, timing is everything. We will not achieve anything in random rants you know.

Don't spray all your bullets at random (also we need to get invited again and again so we have more info). I am discussing with Hassan about some possible agendas using the OSCC that we will discuss in the group here. Just wanted to get some structure otherwise the con/skype call will be messy. In Sales we have a saying (you are selling something), sales is a process, when it is not a process, then it is a problem. We need to map an action plan with doable milestones. Hope SIG members can take up components of the tasks ahead so it doesn't end up on one person, sort of like a gotong royong thing...

Some of my agenda that I have discussed with some of you:-

The Open Development Model in Government Procurement for software ie projects evolve with OSS license and development process from the very beginning. When actual tender comes out, marks will be given to based on Vendors participation for initial phase. Winning vendor becomes major project sponsor. Recruitment by vendor for developers is also easier as you can see who are the main developers contributing to the project. Less possibilities of lemons (Eg Kastam GST like last time)

The other one is software development on top of SELINUX for government software (I am presenting to govt CIO this coming 10th) to move to more serious stuff in OSS. If we can tie in with activity one of the above and incorporate academic faculty members and students in the development we can kill two, nay even three birds with one stone. The government can really be a catalyst for our software industry by providing a fertile ground for some serious software development through these projects.

More thoughts later (everyone else feel free to rant here) as I am rushing to send my first draft to MAMPU...

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Redhuan <r...@adempiere.org> wrote:
I think we should brainstorm more often together (while blasting away on four pistons) as i do not think our pitch yesterday sinks in or far. It is better we make a proper presentation as a powerful think tank collectively, to the right office such as KSU and then PM, and collect momentos of 'skull tatoos' along the way.
I like to share what a friend working somewhere up in KLCC Towers who wrote to me a moment ago:

Nor Bahgia B M Nordin
"I think anything creative futuristic or game changing breakthrough spearheaded by government servants will fail due to their multiple KPI mentality, and other restrictions.

Entreprenurs/Technopreneurs/Scientist have a ‘no-choice’  ‘do-or-die’ situation, which drives them to do the impossible. It’s a intense single minded focus.

Jobs, Gates, Page and the rest never wasted their time with the government types. They just went ahead and did what they were supposed to do regardless.  

I can tell you this. The road-maps will just collect dust again."

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