O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    December 05, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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    related content to a user with a focus for development with Open Source  
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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

Sony Introduces Passage

    [0]UncleCrispy writes "[1]Sony, a newcomer in the cable industry
    announced its new technology, [2]Passage, on the opening day of the
    [3]BroadBand Plus Show to the receptive ears of the cable community.
    "Sony's Passage Technology is a simple, elegant solution that allows
    equipment from multiple vendors to peacefully co-exist on legacy
    digital CATV networks" Now you won't be stuck with the SetTopBox your
    cable provider forces on you, but with Passage you should be able to go
    to the store and buy any box you want. If you want a DVR box, you can
    buy it, and you'll no longer be stuck with the rental fees. Sounds like
    it's a good deal for the cable providers and consumers, but how will
    current SetTopBox monopolies take the news?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.sony.com/
    2. http://www.sonypassage.com/
    3. http://www.broadbandplus.org/

eGovOS Running Again

    Tony Stanco, host of the most recent [0]eGovOS meeting is putting
    together anyone. I've included the salient information below - but one
    thing of note is that it's going to be an opportunity for open source
    vendors to hook up with the government. In other conference news, I've
    got my plane ticket for [1]CALU - woohoo! 
    0. http://www.egovos.org
    1. http://conf.linux.org.au/

Fuel Cell Powered Backup System

    bassrat writes "Coleman just announced the world's first backup power
    system with Fuel Cells. Like any new technology, it's a bit pricey at
    $6K but the rest of the specs are pretty decent. Info at
    0. http://www.airgen.com/

Earth as Art

    bravehamster writes "There's a new exhibit at the Library of Congress
    displaying [0]images taken of earth by the Landsat satellites. The
    exhibit displays satellite photos that have an intrinsic aesthetic
    quality, showing the beauty of Earth as seen from really far away.
    There's an article about it on MSNBC [1]here, and don't forget to check
    out those [2]fjords!" 
    0. http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/earthasart
    1. http://www.msnbc.com/news/842531.asp
    2. http://astroboy.gsfc.nasa.gov/earthasart/fjords.html

LaCie Releases 500GB Add On Drives

    [0]Glewtion writes "LaCie has release their "Big Disk" - a large
    capacity FireWire case (400 / 500GB) with decent specs. The only thing
    they're not clear on is the fact that there are two drives in the
    case...but that only seems logical. Looks like it's only available in
    Europe though, so here's a link to a [1]French Hardware site's
    description of it (translation courtesy of Google). Pretty cool for a
    portable MP3 collection. [2]Here's the LaCie page." What's not apparant
    is that this case has two drives in it apparantly. Very Slick. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.lacie.com/products/product.cfm?id=D9D5898F-01A6-11D7-98250090278D3ED0

IDE RAID Examined

    Bender writes "The Tech Report has [0]an interesting article comparing
    IDE RAID controllers from four of the top manufacturers. The article
    serves as more than just a straight product comparison, because the
    author has included tests for different RAID levels and different
    numbers of drives, plus a comprehensive series of benchmarks intended
    to isolate the performance quirks of each RAID controller card at each
    RAID level. The results raise questions about whether IDE RAID can
    really take the place of a more expensive SCSI storage subsystem in
    workstation or small-scale server environments. Worthwhile reading for
    the curious sysadmin." I personally would love to hear any ide-raid
    stories that slashdotters might have. 
    0. http://tech-report.com/reviews/2002q4/ideraid/index.x?pg=1

Secure Interaction Design

    [0]Pingster writes "Next week, [1]ICICS 2002 will take place in
    Singapore. Out of [2]40 papers at the conference, there will be just
    [3]one paper that looks at human factors. Though many people know that
    usability problems can render even the strongest security useless, the
    security community has only [4]recently started paying attention to
    usability issues. More serious thinking about usability and security is
    desperately needed. The [3]paper proposes [5]ten interaction design
    principles. Maybe you'll find them obvious; maybe you'll disagree with
    them entirely. Great! Let's have a discussion." 
    0. http://zesty.ca/
    1. http://www.krdl.org.sg/General/conferences/icics/Homepage.html
    2. http://www.krdl.org.sg/forthcoming-events/icics/conferenceProgram.html
    3. http://zesty.ca/sid/uidss.pdf
    4. http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~rachna/security_usability.html
    5. http://zesty.ca/sid/

Build Your Own Linux PVR

    linuxwrangler writes "A few weeks ago Russell Pavlicek, Infoworld's
    'Open Source' columnist mentioned a [0]personal linux video
    time-shifter (PVR) he built. In response to reader requests he has now
    posted a [1]page describing the project." Escaping the monthly fees of
    TiVo is a good motivation -- and the total cost here isn't bad either. 
    0. http://www.infoworld.com/articles/op/xml/02/10/07/021007opsource.xml
    1. http://www.linuxprofessionalsolutions.com/pavlicek/tv.html

Week-Long Free-Software Class for Kids?

    [0]mmol_6453 asks: "I have the opportunity to submit a plan for a
    week-long class about 'Alternative Operating Systems' to our local
    community college's Computer Camp. The students will be aged 8-16.
    We've had classes attended by students who used Linux, but we've never
    set up a class with alternatives as options. We've found that students
    in this age range, when interested in the material, can absorb a great
    deal of information in a short time. This means there's a lot of
    potential to teach them about Linux, *BSD, and open-source. We often
    get extremely bright students here, the kind who are likely to go out
    and earn $80,000/yr in a post-90s economy. Some of them are even on
    Slashdot. I want to give the rest a boost in the right direction." 
    0. mailto:short.circuit@mail. g r n e t.com

Did Life Originate Underwater?

    TuringTest writes "Sciencedaily reports a highly controversial [0] new
    theory about the origins of life from Professor William Martin of the
    University of Dusseldorf and Dr Michael Russell of the Scottish
    Environmental Research Centre in Glasgow. The theory briefly states
    that inorganic cells where first, then living systems evolved inside
    these incubators which allowed an enough rich micro-environment. The
    small compartments would have been formed in iron sulphide rocks near
    hot, hydrothermal vents on the sea floor, not in the atmosphere. Wow,
    that would answer the chicken-egg problem." 
    0. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/12/021204080856.htm

23 Ounces Of Glass 1.0 

    23 Ounces Of Glass is an aqua glass styled blue and gray theme. 

Alpha Amp 1.0 

    Alpha Amp features the background of the KDE Alpha theme. 

Amaya 7.0 

    Amaya is a complete web browsing and authoring environment and comes
    equipped with a WYSIWYG style of interface. It lets users both browse
    and author valid Web pages, with standards including (X)HTML, native
    MathML, and SVG documents. It also includes a collaborative annotation
    application (RDF). 

Arkeia 5.0.8 

    Arkeia is the solution for automated backup/archiving and restoration
    on Linux, UNIX, and Windows NT networks. ARKEIA utilizes an exclusive
    multi-flow technology to deliver speeds that are 200 to 300% faster
    than rival software packages. Its unique transaction engine allows
    multiple backups and restores to be performed simultaneously with total
    reliability. This is especially valuable for multiple users backing up
    or restoring data on their own. (A multiple drive library is required). 

atop 1.8 

    Atop is an ASCII full-screen performance monitor, similar to the top
    command. At regular intervals, it shows system-level activity related
    to the CPU, memory, swap, disks and network layers, and it shows for
    every active process the CPU utilization in system and user mode, the
    virtual and resident memory growth, priority, username, state, and exit
    code. The process level activity is also shown for processes which
    finished during the last interval, to get a complete overview about the
    consumers of things such as CPU time. Atop only shows the active
    system-resources and processes, and only shows the deviations since the
    previous interval. 

cDonkey 0.5.3 

    cDonkey is an open source core client for eDonkey without a GUI. It
    works together with eMule and ed2k_gui. It uses Berkley DB-4.1 for fast
    List management. The eMule Packet data and source2source exchange was
    implemented. It currently only works with Linux. 

CGIProxy 2.0.1a 

    CGIProxy is a Perl CGI script that acts as an Internet proxy. Through
    it, you can retrieve resources that may be inaccessible from your own
    machine. The user is kept as anonymous as possible from any servers.
    HTTP and FTP are supported, and optionally SSL. Common uses include
    VPN-like setups, anonymous proxies, personal proxies, and others.
    Options include text-only browsing (to save bandwidth), selective
    cookie and script removal, simple ad filtering, access restriction by
    server, encoded target URLs and cookies, configuration by end user, and
    much more (currently about 45 config options). An online demo is

Coldtags suite 1.20 

    The Coldtags suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 90+
    custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers.
    It also includes custom tags similar to the Web controls in the .NET

Connect Daily Web Calendar 2.1.9 

    Connect Daily, a Web-based calendaring system, allows multiple users to
    add and edit calendar events using a Web browser. The calendar display
    can be directly integrated into your Web site. It provides advanced
    capabilities for managing resources and facilities. The approval
    processes allow many users to edit calendars, with the assurance that
    all items added are approved. It supports event download to MS Outlook. 

cvsplot 1.6.2 

    Cvsplot is a Perl script which analyses the history of a CVS-managed
    project. The script executes on a set of files, analyses their history,
    and automatically generates graphs that plot lines of code and number
    of files against time. 

DNews 5.6e3 

    The DNEWS News Server is a (USENET) news server. Installing your own
    local news server software gives you complete control to create your
    own discussion forums for communication. DNews News Server software
    provides many features, including ease-of-use, reliability, and

eZ publish 3.0b4 (Unstable)

    eZ publish is a professional open source content management system
    (CMS). It lets you update and maintain the content of your site through
    a user friendly Web interface, eliminating the need for HTML code. It
    is dual licenced under the GPL and the eZ publish Professional licence,
    where you can get the right to use the source code for making your own
    commercial software. It is useful for building Web sites, Web shops,
    intranets/extranets, news sites, portals, and more. 

Fle3 1.4.0b 

    Fle3 is a Web-based learning environment. More specifically, it is a
    server program for computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL).
    The Fle3 Knowledge Building tool allows groups to carry out dialogues,
    theory building, and debates by storing their thoughts into a shared
    database. While knowledge building, groups may use knowledge types
    (also called thinking types) to scaffold and structure their dialogues.
    Fle3 WebTops can be used to store items such as files and notes,
    organize them in folders, and share them with others. The Fle3 Jamming
    tool is a shared space for collaborative construction of multimedia

Flight Gear 0.9.0 

    The Flight Gear Flight Simulator project is a free, open-source,
    multi-platform, cooperative flight sim development project. Source code
    for the entire project is available and licensed under the GPL. The
    Flight Gear project is working to create a sophisticated flight
    simulator framework for the development and pursuit of interesting
    flight simulator ideas. We are developing a good basic sim that can be
    expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing. 

FluxboxDaemon 1.0 

    FluxboxDaemon is a simple and clean style that goes well with FreeBSD

Ghemical 1.50alpha (Development)

    Ghemical is a molecular modelling software package with a GUI (one for
    the GLUT library, and another for GNOME), and some nice
    3D-visualization tools. It supports methods based on both molecular
    mechanics and quantum mechanics (using MOPAC7, and MPQC for QM). The
    geometry optimization (for MM and QM) and molecular dynamics (for MM)
    algorithms are included. Ghemical is written in C++, and hopefully
    offers a good framework for a generic freeware molecular modelling

Ghemical 1.00 

    Ghemical is a molecular modelling software package with a GUI (one for
    the GLUT library, and another for GNOME), and some nice
    3D-visualization tools. It supports methods based on both molecular
    mechanics and quantum mechanics (using MOPAC7, and MPQC for QM). The
    geometry optimization (for MM and QM) and molecular dynamics (for MM)
    algorithms are included. Ghemical is written in C++, and hopefully
    offers a good framework for a generic freeware molecular modelling

GL-117 0.8 

    GL-117 is an OpenGL- and SDL-based action flight simulator written in
    C++. It provides a random terrain generator, lighting effects, sounds,
    and joystick support. 

Globus Toolkit 2.2 

    Globus is a project to provide robust, secure, peer-to-peer distributed
    computing on supercomputers, clusters, and other high-performance
    systems. It differs from other such network toolkits in that it is
    tuned to the needs of high-end machines. 

GNU Pth 2.0b2 (Development)

    GNU Portable Threads (Pth) is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based
    library for Unix platforms providing non-preemptive priority-based
    scheduling for multiple threads of execution
    ("multithreading") inside server applications. All threads
    run in the same address space, but each thread has its own individual
    program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. The
    scheduling is done in a cooperative way, i.e. the threads are
    dispatched based on priority and pending events. The event facility
    allows threads to wait until various types of events occur, including
    pending I/O on filedescriptors, elapsed timers, pending I/O on message
    ports, thread and process termination, and even customized callback

GSMBClient 0.1.9 

    GSMBClient is a GTK 2 frontend for smbclient. It lets you browse Samba
    shares, upload/download files or directories, etc. 

harvest 1.9.1 

    Harvest is a system to collect information and make it searchable using
    a Web interface. It can collect information using HTTP, FTP, NNTP, and
    local files. Supported formats include HTML, DVI, PS, fulltext, mail,
    man pages, news, troff, WordPerfect, C sources, and many more. Adding
    support for new formats is easy due to Harvest's modular design. 

HaXml 1.08 

    HaXml is a suite of libraries and tools for manipulating XML documents
    in Haskell. It includes a parser, a pretty-printer, a validator, a
    combinator library for transforming documents, and converters for
    changing a Haskell datatype into an XML DTD, and for changing an XML
    DTD into a set of Haskell datatypes. There are also tools for a query
    language based on XQL. 

IceWM Icons 0.9.1 

    IceWM Icons is a set of XPM 16x16 and 32x32 icons for IceWM. It also
    includes an improved winoptions file to add icons of some applications
    to frames and the taskbar. 

IlohaMail 0.7.9-RC1 

    IlohaMail is a lightweight, multilingual Webmail client that is easy to
    use and install. It runs on a stock build of PHP, and does not require
    databases (although database support is available) or the IMAP library
    (it is powered by a custom IMAP/POP3 library). It supports all
    essential functionality, including a full contacts list and a user
    customizable interface. Other features include support for multiple
    domains (virtual hosts), built-in spam prevention, and activity

JDictP 0.1-SW3.3 

    JDictP is a Leitner system flashcard trainer, written in Java for
    SuperWaba for use on handhelds. 

KSocrat 3.0 

    KSocrat is the simple English/Russian and Russian/English dictionary
    for the K Desktop Environment. 

KTextDecode 3.0 

    KTextDecode is a simple conversion utility for Cyrilic texts with
    support for the following decode types: DOS text file <-> Unix
    text file, Windows text file <-> Unix text file, and ISO8859-5
    text file <-> Unix text file. 

Microbrew Message Center 0.1.2 

    Microbrew Message Center is designed to be an immensely scalable mail
    platform supporting multiple users, multiple domains, and multiple mail
    servers. It is akin to iPlanet or post.office but is not as complex and
    uses open source software to perform mundane services such as Web and
    mail services. 

nmaFPS 0.77 beta 

    nmaFPS is a simple, portable 3D first person shooter. The aim is to
    shoot down as many drones as you can. You lose if the number of drones
    flying around goes above 10. 

Noname Network 0.1.7 

    The Noname network is a gnutella-based network that features a
    different and more flexible protocol. The client and network currently
    support filesharing, but the protocol can be extended to support more

OSSP sa 1.0.2 

    OSSP sa is an abstraction library for the Unix socket application
    programming interface (API). It features stream and datagram oriented
    communication over Unix Domain and Internet Domain (TCP and UDP)
    sockets. It provides the following key features: address abstraction
    (local, IPv4, and IPv6), type abstraction, I/O timeouts, I/O stream
    buffering, and convenience I/O functions. 

phpLicenseWatcher 1.0.0 

    phpLicenseWatcher is a simple Web frontend to the FlexLM lmstat command
    that gives information about the status of FlexLM servers. You can also
    get information about features and number of licenses available on a
    particular server, as well as who is currently using them. 

phpOpenTracker 1.0.2 

    phpOpenTracker is a framework solution for the analysis of Web site
    traffic and visitor behaviour. It features a logging engine that,
    either invoked as a Web bug by an HTML image tag or embedded with two
    lines of code into your PHP application, logs each request to a Web
    site into a database. One installation can track an arbitrary number of
    Web sites. Through its API, you can easily access the gathered data and
    perform complex operations on it (for instance, the analysis of your
    visitors' click paths). 

Qadmin 0.1 Beta 

    Qadmin is a administration tool for Qmail written in PHP. 

Simple Rescue CD 1.1.5 

    Simple Rescue CD is a small Linux rescue CD, suitable for booting
    systems that have become unbootable due to filesystem corruption or
    other problems. It lies somewhere between minimalist boot floppies and
    large full-featured rescue systems, and as such is suitable for when
    space is tight, such as on business card CDs. 

STORE 1.0.1 

    STORE consists of two related parts: a framework for representing the
    contents of a relational database as Java objects (similar to but
    simpler than Entity EJBs), and a set of tools for automatically
    creating Java classes and/or SQL statements from a DB diagram or
    existing DB tables. 

SWISH++ 5.12.1 

    SWISH++ is a Unix-based file indexing and searching engine (typically
    used to index and search files on web sites). It was based on SWISH-E
    although SWISH++ is a complete rewrite. SWISH++ is at least 10 times
    faster and can handle much larger numbers of files. Additionally, it
    has unique features such as selective non-indexing, on-the-fly filters,
    user-selectable stemming, and more. 

The Tamber Project 1.1.28 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a componentized n-tier Web site engine that uses
    open languages such as XML and JavaScript. Content is stored in
    separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects. Business
    functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP. Presentation is
    controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for delivery over
    multiple channels such as HTML, WAP, and MHEG. Currently, Tamber can
    deliver to HTML and WAP, and contains modules that support e-commerce
    shopping carts, secure sign in, data access and conversion services,
    and advanced session management. 

TightVNC 1.2.7 

    TightVNC is a VNC distribution with many new features, improvements,
    and bugfixes over VNC. It is optimized for faster operation on slow
    network links such as modem connections, provides more configuration
    options in the server, features automatic SSH tunneling in the Unix
    vncviewer, and more. The modified servers and viewers are fully
    compatible with the original VNC software. 

tnailer 1.1 

    Tnailer was originally written to automatically pull images from a
    SmartMedia card and then create thumbnailed albums arranged in
    cronological order, but it will work just fine with any group of
    images. It will adjust the scale (physical image size) of any type of
    image in the album, and can adjust the quality (compression level) of
    JPEG and PNG files. It will work with over 66 other image formats,
    including GIF, PICT, TIFF, and even PDF. It has some basic HTML
    formatting options, and adds linear navigation to each image's
    individual page so that browsing forward and backward through the
    entire album is easy and intuitive. 

Ufolib 0.1-SW3.3 

    Ufolib is an extension for Superwaba (Java for Palm) to have the full
    Unicode range. 

UploadBean 1.2.1 

    UploadBean is a JavaBean that allows you to upload files. This bean can
    be integrated into any JSP/Servlets application. You can store uploaded
    files in a folder, a ZIP archive, a database, or in memory.
    Restrictions such as file-size limit, blacklist/whitelist, and max.
    uploaded files are available. An add-ons section provides tools such as
    email notification on each uploads, real time progress bar on upload,
    custom database store sample, and a Chinese upload JSP sample. 

WIMS 3.24 

    WIMS (WWW Interactive Mathematics Server) is a CGI Web application
    designed to host interactive mathematical educational activities such
    as exercises, computational math, and graphing tools. It features
    automatic score processing with strong anti-cheating mechanisms,
    virtual classes allowing teachers to guide/control student works,
    online exercise creation, animated graphics, a message board allowing
    inline mathematical formulas, and more. It can also be easily used for
    education within other disciplines. 

Zoe Intertwingle 0.2.9 (Stable)

    Zoe is a Web based email client with a built in SMTP and POP3 server
    and Google-like search functionality that lives on your desktop. It is
    written in Java and uses Lucene technology to provided instant
    searching and threading of your email messages. 


    Scylla is an English language slashsite dedicated to everything that's
    wrong in the world. What anyone might think is wrong is of course open
    to debate, be it political, cultural, or just unhappy circumstance.
    Visitors, comments, and input are welcome. 

What does srandblock do?

    I've been trying to figure out how to get a random sections block like
    Slashdot has. As far as I've figured out so far the srandblock
    (semi-random block) seems like a good start. When I look in the portald
    daemon there is a function newSemiRandomBlock called, but I can't find
    the function. Does anyone know how to make the random section block
    work? I believe this was discussed before but I didn't see any answers.
    Also, is there an easy way to have the section list that tells if there
    are recent articles, like the one Slashdot has on the left? --mwmurphy 

Submission Approval / Comments not working

    I've been running slashcode now for about 2 years or so. Since around
    version 2.2.5, I've had this problem on my site where neither the
    comments or approving submitted articles will work. I believe the
    problem is also aggrivated by the fact that I am using URL forwarding.
    The URL of my site points to a java-script that opens my page on a
    specific port within a frame. If a user tries to post a comment, the
    submission page comes up fine, but when they click preview or submit,
    it just brings them to the discussions list (comments.pl) instead of
    posting the comment.. Any help would be appreciated, is this a bug? -

Can Anonymous Coward Be Renamed?

    Is there a way to rename the nickname Anonymous Coward? If a site wants
    to encourage anonymous submissions for some reason, calling them
    cowards is a bit insulting. I called up user 1 and changed the Realname
    field, but that didn't work. Template 101 edit_comments seems to use
    user.nickname, but I can't find a place to change that outside of SQL.
    Would something break if I did change it in SQL? 


    After some weeks we're up and running! Elevador.org is a /. like site
    for portuguese language speakers. Many thanks to Jamie McCarthy, Pudge
    and all the good folks at #slash. And thanks to chromatic, Brian &
    Dave for a very nice Slash book. 

Emailing Stories into a Slash Site?

    Is it possible to email a story into a slash site rather then using the
    web interface? I have a slash site setup as a company bulletin board.
    One of the things I'm attempting to do is reduce the number of staff
    wide emails by having them posted on the slash site. I figure if I
    start positing these messages to the slash site and people receive the
    daily email of last day's news they will start to use it. Any

Letting Apache authenticate

    I have setup a Slash site that will be used as an Intranet (restricted
    access) discussion site, yet lives out on the INTERnet. Does anyone
    know a way to have Apache authenticate users (thus enforcing access
    from valid IP addresses) and then grant Slash access to this user
    authentication (thus eliminating double logins for users)? 

Slashcode install on RedHat 8.0

    I just got Slashcode installed on RedHat 8.0 and I documented the
    process here: http://www.heltzel.org/slashcode.html I hope this can
    help others trying to do the same thing. 

CTDATA.com Publishes Its 1,000th Story

    I'm pretty proud of the fact that CTDATA.com published its 1,000th
    article at 10:56am this morning. Not bad for a site that's still
    running some pretty ancient code. We've done some interesting stuff
    with Slash in the past year, but most of it is hidden from the casual
    visitor to our three Slash-based sites. Hopefully, we'll get on the
    main branch of the project in the next few months-- we can't be relics

What exactly is isolation mode for?

    Each section has an isolation mode property, that determines (I think)
    wether or not sories from that section will be displayed on the front
    page or not. In addition, each story has it's own DisplayMode property,
    that, in effect, does the same thing. Which takes precedence? If Slash
    always uses the individual story's displaymode to determine whether to
    display the story, what's the point of the section-level isolation

Price Compare
128MB Sony Memory Stick (Lexar Media)

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    Lowest Price: $101.80 

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    Lowest Price: $60.00 

MSA-128A 128MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $62.87 

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Haley's Cleaning Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

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Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

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