O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    December 26, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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    related content to a user with a focus for development with Open Source  
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Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Electronics: Hitman 2 for PS2

Computing: Sylvania SF170 17" LCD

Electronics: Splinter Cell for Xbox

Cube Goodies: Tiny R/C Digi Q Cars

Mailman 2.1 rc 1

    This is the release candidate for Mailman 2.1 final. This version is in
    production use at python.org. Mailman is the GNU mailing list manager.
    It provides standard list management features, integrated with a web
    interface. Barring unforseen problems, this is a snapshot of what will
    be released before the end of 2002. 

Cayenne "Holiday Release": 1.0a5

    A new release of Cayenne is out. It plugs a few gaps in the core
    functionality, fixes tons of bugs and provides a much improved
    documentation. Cayenne is an object-relational persistence framework
    written in Java. It provides tools and libraries to work with
    relational databases in an object-oriented way. Cayenne consists of
    class libraries and a GUI tool for O/R mapping and deployment. Release
    highlights are: * Added flattened relationships (direct many-to-many
    relationships). * Introduced type-safe queries using Java Class as a
    root * Project structure update. Project map and node files now have
    predefined extensions. An upgrade from the old format can be done via
    CayenneModeler. Old format is compatible with Cayenne runtime. *
    Significantly improved and updated "User Guide". Created "Developer
    Guide" for contributors. * Usual Bug fixes, code cleanup and
    refactoring. Downloads available at http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/ 

Chordcast 0.9.9b

    Chordcast 0.9.9b has been released. This is probably going to be the
    last version before 1.0. This release contains mostly bug fixes and
    enhancements. ChordCast is a JAVA (swing) program for creating guitar
    chords in files called chord sheets. The software uses XML files to
    save the chord sheets. It also allows to export to HTML files using PNG
    images for chords. It requires J2RE 1.4 to run. See the changelog for
    more information. The roadmap was also updated. 

e1000-4.4.19 stable release

    Linux kernel driver for the Intel(R) PRO/100 ethernet devices and
    Intel(R) PRO/1000 gigabit ethernet devices. This project serves as a
    focal point for further driver development and discussion. e1000-4.4.19
    stable release is available in .tar.gz format to compile against any
    2.4 kernel. 

DSpace 1.0.1 released

    DSpace, currently in use at MIT Libraries, is a Java-based Open Source
    digital library system designed for scalability, and the long-term
    preservation of data (such as books, documents, and multimedia
    publications). DSpace 1.0.1 is mostly a bug fix release. New
    documentation should be available in a couple of weeks. 

The Bochs Project Releases v2.0

    It's been a busy 6 months since our previous release! Bochs is now
    running about twice as fast as version 1.4.1. Also, we can now emulate
    MMX, SSE/SSE2, and even AMD x86-64 instructions if you turn on the
    appropriate configure options. We also added two new graphical
    interfaces, SVGALIB and wxWindows. The wxWindows interface lets you
    edit all bochsrc options in a graphical form. Macintosh users will be
    happy to find binaries for MacOSX and MacOS9. Also we now support
    plugins for several platforms and cleaned up and improved the
    documentation. Download a copy and give it a spin!
    http://bochs.sourceforge.net What's changed since version 1.4.1?

UML2EJB 1.3.1 reads XMI 1.2 and UML 1.4

    UML2EJB is a code generator that builds XDoclet-tagged EJBs from UML
    models. The models come from CASE tools like Poseidon, Rational Rose
    and Together ControlCenter. UML2EJB reads XMI format files containing
    the metadata. The new release features compatibility to XMI 1.2 and UML
    1.4, both of which makes it ready to read files created by the very
    latest Poseidon release (1.5). Now, users are able to leverage all the
    new features of Poseidon and the fascinating performance increase over
    1.4.1. I wish you many successfully built components! Matthias P.S.:
    You will find the generator at http://uml2ejb.sf.net as well as at
    http://sf.net/projects/uml2ejb ! 

oo2c-2.0.1 released

    OOC is an Oberon-2 development platform. It consists of an optimizing
    compiler, a number of related tools, a set of standard library modules,
    and a reference manual. Some bugfixes. Introduces a predefined type

gnuplot 3.7.3 released

    The gnuplot project is pleased to announce the availability of gnuplot
    3.7.3. gnuplot is a well-known scientific plotting package. Most, if
    not all, known bugs in gnuplot 3.7.2 have been fixed. This will most
    likely be the final release in the gnuplot 3.7 series, apart from
    another one or two possible bugfix releases. The developers are now
    concentrating their efforts on the next major release, gnuplot 4.0,
    which we hope to release during the first half of next year. For
    details, please see the gnuplot project page at

mingw-runtime-2.3 released

    MinGW is a set of include files and import libraries that allow one to
    use GCC to build native Windows applications that use vendor-supplied
    runtime. File: http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/mingw-runtime-2.3.tar.gz
    Earnie has released a new version of the MinGW Runtime. Review the file
    notes from
    which gives the pertinent ChangeLog portion. See
    http://www.mingw.org/bugs.shtml for instructions on reporting problems.
    General discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED] File:

The Collective Voice of the Internet

    [0]nycheetah submits a story about the [1]collective voice of the
    internet. There's also a [2]Bell Labs webpage with some more technical
    information about the project. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.earstudio.com/projects/listeningPost.html
    2. http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/departments/sia/ear/index.html

Anime Unleashed on TechTV

    [0]da3dAlus writes "Beginning December 30, the first series of a new
    anime block will start on [1]TechTV's new "Anime Unleashed" program. As
    billed by TechTV, "Anime Unleashed focuses on the science-fiction
    elements of anime--titles that imagine what our near or far future will
    be like, investigate the relationship between humans and machines,
    dream of what alien civilizations could be like, and more." The block
    will premiere with single half-hour episodes airing Monday through
    Thursday at 1am EST, followed by a two-hour block of anime on Friday
    from 11pm to 2am EST. Some of the series slated to be shown include
    Crest of the Stars, Serial Experiment Lain, Dual! Parallel Trouble
    Adventure, Betterman, and Silent Mobius. Additionally, a contest is
    being held until the first of January 2003 by TechTV to [2]create a new
    logo for the program." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.techtv.com/animeunleashed/
    2. http://www.techtv.com/tvshows/story/0,23350,3410655,00.html

Christmas in 2050

    [0]Makarand writes "A robotic kitchen assistant will help you with the
    Christmas meal preparations while you recieve instructions and
    monitoring assistance in real time from information systems for the
    cooking. Thanks to progress in biology and nanotechnology, the
    molecular processes needed to convert raw materials into turkey will be
    understood sufficiently well to make a good artificial turkey for the
    vegetarians. This is what we can expect this time in 2050 says Ian
    Pearson, BT's futurologist who is paid to dream, [1]in this BBC News
    article. Absent family will join the celebrations virtually. There
    might be technology allowing us to read each others minds and being
    able to know what others are thinking may not always add peace and
    harmony to the celebrations. However on the upside, it will make
    charades a whole lot easier you will never get unwanted Christmas
    presents. Lastly, just as this Christmas was hijacked by a consumption
    fever, so too in 2050, Christmas will be all about presents." 
    0. mailto:{the-Junta(@)HotMail.}
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2584387.stm

Cable TV A La Carte Part 2

    Ravi Swamy writes "Here's a followup [0]article in Business Week to the
    Cable TV A La Carte story from last month. For those who actually read
    the story it was only A La Carte if you wanted to add HBO. Apparently
    cable companies don't know about the law or are going to reclassify HBO
    as a 'tier' instead of as a channel to get around the law." 
    0. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/dec2002/nf20021223_1368.htm

Ring Tones Will Save the Music Industry

    [0]tabdelgawad writes "Well, not quite, but according to Jay A. Samit,
    senior vice president for new media at music label EMI Group PLC,
    quoted in this [1]Washington Post article, "This is huge. This is the
    largest growth area for music companies and our artists". The article
    goes on to prove two facts we already know: that the music industry is
    greedy (already asking for a bigger slice of this pie!) and that the
    porn industry is a prime innovator in marketing and technology :-)" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35254-2002Dec24.html

Games of the Year

    [0]markpapadakis writes "[1]Gamespot and [2]Gamespy have released their
    top games for 2002. Gamespot features worse game of the year as well as
    some additional categories." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://gamespot.com/gamespot/features/all/bestof2002/
    2. http://www.gamespy.com/goty2002/pc/

MS .net vs Mono, Open Source

    [0]vinsci writes "Sometimes, reader comments to reporter-written
    stories are just as good as the stories themselves. Such as David
    Mohring's [1]comment yesterday on ZDNet.com's story [2]Mono & .Net: The
    odd couple. Since Microsoft are now [3]using their licensing terms to
    stop GPL and LGPL free software, it would be a welcome sign of free
    software maturity at Microsoft if they actually resolved the Mono
    issue. The gist of his comment: '[4]Microsoft's CEOs have made it
    'patently' clear that they intend to restrict competing .Net
    implementations by cultivating Microsoft's patents, [...] Mono also
    implements parts of .NET that have NOT been submitted to ECMA and ISO
    standards. Those parts of Mono lack even the protection for IP
    infringement with re-implementation that ISO documentation licensing
    implies. [...] There [are] those that claim that .NET is open to
    re-implementation, but until Microsoft make a simliar public legal
    declaration to Sun's JSPA, any .NET re-implementation represents a
    pending legal mindfield.' While on the subject of C# development, users
    of the GPL'd C# development environment [5]SharpDevelop may also want
    to try [6]Eclipse together with the Open Source [7]Improve CSharp
    plugin for Eclipse. Eclipse also support C/C++ these days using GCC and
    GDB, thanks to the [8]CDT. There are [9]about two hundred add-on
    plugins available for Eclipse. Eclipse itself is available for many
    platforms, including Linux with native GTK 2 support." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.zdnet.com/filters/printerfriendly/0,6061,2907356-92,00.html
    3. http://zdnet.com.com/2100-11-883627.html
    4. http://swpat.ffii.org/players/microsoft/index.en.html
    5. http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/default.asp
    6. http://eclipse.org/downloads/index.php
    7. http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/plugin_details.jsp?id=109
    8. http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/
    9. http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/plugins.jsp

How Are You Spending Your Christmas Vacation?

    [0]Embedded Geek asks: "Instead of just spending Christmas break (or
    slowdown if you don't actually get time off) fixing up your
    house/car/server, are there any neat activities or events in your neck
    of the woods that you've been putting off? A museum exhibit? A cool new
    restaurant? An attraction in your hometown you usually only see with
    out of town relatives? Share your ideas with your fellow Slashdot
    readers! I, for one, plan to check out [1]Barsoom to Blade Runner:
    Science Fiction in Southern California in my [2]hometown." 
    0. http://www.thehaws.org
    1. http://www.ci.fullerton.ca.us/museum/featured.html
    2. http://www.ci.fullerton.ca.us/

Apple's Present: iTunes Supports Ogg Files

    curious.corn writes "I may be a fool (and a happy Christmas Mac OS X
    newbie ;-) but it seems that this morning's software update brought a
    really cool cadeau to Mac OS X. How 'bout Ogg file integration in
    iTunes? Yesterday evening I could only play them in QuickTime (after
    downloading a component somewhere) this morning I updated iTunes and am
    enjoying my old Linux playlists. Buon Natale a tutti voi Edo." 

Thermally Powered Mechanical Wristwatch

    [0]Raghu Mani writes "Theremally powered quartz wristwatches - which
    use minor temperature variations to generate electricity - have been
    around for a few years. Now here is something a lot more radical - a
    thermally powered mechanical watch. Invented by an American - Steven
    Phillips - it uses small temperature variations to wind the mainspring
    of the watch. A patent has been awarded for this - check out [1]this
    link. A small article on the technology can be found [2]here and the
    guy's own website is [3]budapestwatchco.com. I doubt if any of us will
    be buying one of those watches anytime soon, though - just check out
    those prices ;-)." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.professionaljeweler.com/archives/news/2002/121202story.html
    3. http://www.budapestwatchco.com/

BBIagent Router 1.6.0 

    BBIagent is a single floppy Linux-based router for sharing a broadband
    Internet connection. It also serves as a firewall to prohibit intruders
    from accessing your LAN. You can create your own BBIagent router
    software (a diskette file image) on our server based on your hardware
    configuration (NICs) and connection protocol (e.g. PPPoE, PPPoATM or
    DHCP). It is very easy to install and use. 

BlockIt 1.2.0 (Stable)

    BlockIt is a Perl script based on Guardian that monitors the Snort
    alert file and creates IPTables rules. This version is only for Linux
    (later versions will include FreeBSD and OpenBSD support). Unlike
    Guardian, BlockIt has CIDR support for multiple target IPs. 

CdrLin 0.0.18b (Development)

    CdrLin is a Java-based GUI for cdrecord, mkisofs, cdda2wav, etc. 

Checkbot 1.69 

    Checkbot is a tool to verify links on a set of HTML pages. Checkbot can
    check a single document, or a set of documents on one or more servers.
    Checkbot creates a report which summarizes all links which caused some
    kind of warning or error. 

debian-updates 1.1 

    debian-updates is a simple script that sends an email or displays
    console messages if any relevant Debian security updates become
    available. It is ideal for running from cron. 

GOBLIN Graph Library 2.5.2 

    The GOBLIN project consists of a C++ class library for a large series
    of graph optimization problems, GOSH, an extension of the Tcl/Tk
    scripting language to graph objects, and GOBLET, a graphical user
    interface to the library functions. GOBLET includes a graph editor, but
    provides only basic graph layout methods. 

Jabber Gadu-Gadu Transport 1.2.2 

    The Jabber Gadu-Gadu transport provides Gadu-Gadu protocol support
    (which is a very popular proprietary instant messaging protocol in

Kisdndial 0.1.4 (KDE3)

    Kisdndial is a applet for the KDE 2.x Kicker. It can establish ISDN
    dial-up connections as well as show the status of existing connections. 

Kismet 2.8.0 

    Kismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector. It is
    capable of sniffing using most wireless cards, automatic network IP
    block detection via UDP, ARP, and DHCP packets, Cisco equipment lists
    via Cisco Discovery Protocol, weak cryptographic packet logging, and
    Ethereal and tcpdump compatible packet dump files. It also includes the
    ability to plot detected networks and estimated network ranges on
    downloaded maps or user supplied image files. 

Krusader 1.12 beta1 

    Krusader is an "old-school" file manager. Its twin-panel look
    follows in the footsteps of the great file managers of old such as
    GNU's Midnight Commander© and the Norton Commander© for DOS.
    Krusader features an intuitive GUI, complete drag n' drop capability,
    transparent handling of archives, mimetype support, and more. 

libieee1284 0.2.6 (Stable)

    libieee1284 is intended to be used by applications that need to
    communicate with (or at least identify) devices that are attached via a
    parallel port. 

Logorrhea 1.0 

    Logorrhea is your one-stop solution for iChat log browsing and
    searching. iChat can be configured to log all messages sent and
    received, which is all fine and good - until you need to actually find
    a specific conversation that is. Enter Logorrhea. It features fast
    browsing of logs by buddy and date and keyword searching of logs. 

Mixmaster 2.9.0 

    Mixmaster is an anonymous remailer. Remailers provide protection
    against traffic analysis and allow users to send email anonymously or
    pseudonymously. Mixmaster consists of both client and server

MPlayer RED 0.91 

    MPlayer RED is a simple SF style skin for MPlayer. Everything is
    working well except an equalizer, which is still in development. 

mxflat 0.7.2 

    mxflat is a theme that was made to match the GTK[1|2]-flat engine. It
    is quite customizable, but also works very well if you do not adjust

nget 0.23 

    nget is a commandline NNTP file grabber. It automatically pieces
    together multipart postings for easy retrieval, even substituting parts
    from multiple servers and newsgroups. It handles disconnects
    gracefully, resuming after the last part successfully downloaded, and
    caching of header data for quick access. 

Phayoune Firewall 0.3.3 

    Phayoune Firewall is a Thai Linux distribution that is intended to be
    used as a stateful inspection firewall. It runs directly from CD- ROM
    and does not require a hard drive. It supports port forwarding, an
    online monitor, Squid blocking for worms, virii, and adult content, and
    a menu-based setup that stores configuration details on a floppy. 

Psycho Path 1.0 

    Psycho Path is a small, addictive arcade game for PalmOS made in the
    spirit of Carmageddon and GTA. Your aim is to crush pedestrians by
    moving your car in twists and zigzags. 

QmailLDAP/Controls 20021201 

    QmailLDAP/Controls stores control information for Qmail in an LDAP
    database instead of files. It requires the Qmail-LDAP patch. 

Silva Web Authoring System 0.9 

    Silva is a Zope-based Web application designed for the creation and
    management of structured, textual content. It allows users to enter new
    documents as well as edit existing documents using a Web interface. It
    stores the content in a structured format (XML) and keeps a strict
    separation between the way the content is used and the way it is

SRCH 0.8.4 beta 

    SRCH is a file search tool designed to 'join' or 'lookup' data in large
    files (up to 2GB). It allows for fully memory resident reference
    markers or a partial subset for quick access (if memory is restricted).
    It supports several handy features to sort and cut data. 

Sylpheed 0.8.8 (Main)

    Sylpheed is a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client. Almost
    all commands are accessible with the keyboard. It also has many
    features such as multiple accounts, POP3/APOP support, thread display,
    and multipart MIME. One of Sylpheed's future goals is to be fully
    internationalized. The messages are managed in the MH format, so you'll
    be able to use it together with another mailer that uses the MH format. 

Trivial Portable Framework Library 0.35 

    The Trivial Portable Framework Library (TPFL) consists of C++ classes
    for intuitive command line and configuration file handling, strings,
    memory buffers, and sockets. It also includes examples. 

vhost 3.01r1 

    vHost is a one-step solution for all virtual hosting needs. It enables
    a Linux/BSD server with single or multiple IP addresses to handle
    unlimited Web/FTP/email domains. It comes with both command-line and
    Web-based graphical user interface, which gives maximum control to a
    domain's owner, while relieving the system administrator of most
    routine administration tasks. The latest version also offers a
    "clustering" capability. 

xawdecode 1.66a 

    Xawdecode is a fork of xawtv that allows you to watch TV and make use
    of plugin extensions. It interacts with AleVT for Teletext and Nxtvepg
    for NextView, and uses the video4linux API. 

Problems with runtask

    I just recently installed slash 2.2.6 on a server in my company
    intranet. We're going to make use of it as a technical forum for the
    developers to collaborate. For the most part, everything has gone
    smoothly and I've had little trouble getting slash configured the way I
    want. The one problem I have come across is that I can't run runtask
    with any of the tasks in my slash-site. Every time I try to do it, I
    check my slashd.log and find a similar error: Tue Dec 24 15:01:50 2002
    Starting runtask with pid 10011 glob failed (child exited with status
    1) at /home/usr1/app/slash/bin/runtask line 118. No task
    'refresh_authors_cache.pl' found in
    /home/usr1/app/slash/site/emmaus.saic.com/tasks I've tried looking
    overthe code for runtask, but I'm a pretty novice perl programmer and
    have had little luck tracking the problem down. If anyone has ideas
    what might be causing this, please share. I don't want to have to wait
    a day for new users to have changes made to their accounts, since we're
    immediately going to make everyone authors (w/ seclev 100) because of
    the environment we're in. 


    Well, we were going to wait until 31 Dec 2002, but since the cat is out
    of the bag already, Geekizoid.Com is back. Hosted by LRSE. 

The Last Straw

    I just put up my first site using slashcode. It took about a week to
    get from downloading the Mandrake ISO's to having the site pretty
    complete. I have never used Linux before and I took this on as a
    learning experience. I am quite happy with the way it all turned out!
    Anyway, about the site - I found that people seem to complain about
    celebrities a lot, so I figured that a slash site related to the stupid
    things celebrities say and do might be a good idea. Check it out and
    let me know what you think! 

WML functionality?

    I have been wondering if there is anyone out there using the WML/WAP
    functionality of Slash? There were some past articles on this subject,
    but seemingly with no clear answers. I was hoping to be able to
    generate .wml pages somehow like slashdot.org currently does. Any tips

Graphics not appearing in Topic setup

    My newly installed topics were given graphics, in the format of
    ./images/topics/graphicname.ext and the pictures don't show. I've gone
    back in and tried changing them to absolute URLs, but when I click
    "save topic" it reverts back to the old entry. I can click and change
    sections and those update fine, but the graphic entry doesn't. 

Adding a rand photo block

    Hello, i have written something for my slash site deporteyciencia.com
    for having a nice random photo block, i try to describe the process
    first, and later put all the code. (locally) you need a lot of free
    photos (locally) you need imagemagick (locally) run the script
    create_minis.pl for creating the thumbs. Take a look to the destination
    directories. You can create a captions.txt with the syntaxis:
    filename::caption(newline)... The captions will be drawn on the image!!
    put the original images and the thumbs in your site (remote) put the
    task rand.pl in your site (and change the directories as needed)
    (remote)configure crontab for running your task daily or hourly.
    (remote) write a block who shows rand_mini_foto.jpg and links to
    rand_foto.jpg do nothing and enjoy, or try to write a way for users
    uploading photos "one day they will appear" The code:
    -------------------------------- CREATE_MINIS.PL (remember to change
    directories and have imagemagick installed)
    -------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;
    #-------- config my $use_captions=1; my $background="#006699"; my
    $fore="#ffffff"; my $width="190x190"; #-------- config end my
    @files=`ls *.jpg`; my %captions=(); if ($use_captions) { open
    F_captions,"captions.txt" or die "ERROR, lack of \"captions.txt\"\n
    This file has the following
    sintaxis:\nfilename1::caption1\nfilename2::caption 2\n..."; while () {
    chomp; my ($filename,$text)=split (/::/,$_);
    $captions{$filename}=$text; } close F_captions; } foreach (@files) {
    print $_; chomp; if ($use_captions) { system("convert -resize
    $width_height $_ minis_with_captions/$_"); if($captions{$_}) {
    system("convert -box \"$background\" -font helvetica -fill \"$fore\"
    -draw \"text 0,10 \\\" $captions{$_}\\\"\" $_
    images_with_captions/$_"); system("convert -box \"$background\" -font
    helvetica -fill \"$fore\" -draw \"text 0,10 \\\" $captions{$_}\\\"\"
    minis_with_captions/$_ minis_with_captions/$_"); } else { print "Error:
    lack of captions for file $_\n"; } } else { system("convert -resize
    $width_height $_ minis/$_"); } } --------------------------------
    rand.pl (remember to change directory names)
    -------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w #coge una imagen
    aleatoriamente y la copia en rand_foto.jpg #lo mismo para una foto de
    las pequeñas, que están en /minis #llamado cada dia por una tarea use
    strict; #--- config my
    $path_in="/home/xavi/slash_2.2.5/fotos_deportivas" ; my
    $path_out="/home/xavi/slash_2.2.5/images"; #--- config end my
    $num_files=`ls $path_in/*.jpg|wc -l`; my $file=int rand $num_files; my
    $count=0; my @files=`cd $path_in;ls *.jpg`; foreach (@files) { $count
    ++; if ($count == $file) { chomp; system("cp $path_in/$_
    $path_out/rand_foto.jpg"); system("cp $path_in/minis/$_
    $path_out/rand_mini_foto.jpg"); } } -------------------------- write
    the block and config crontab for yourself. It's more easy than i can
    explain with my english level :) Thanks Krow: Yes this is a format
    nightmare but I thought I would share the submission with people

Topics not appearing after time

    Installed slashcode and have been modifying it. I added a topic under
    the admin section. The topic now appears when I go to "new" to create a
    new story. I removed the build-in topics and added about 7 new topics.
    The new topics are not listed in the pull-down when I try and create a
    new story. I've waited more than 24 hours and tried restarting apache,
    restarting slashd, and rebooting the web server. The topics are listed
    everywhere on the site that I can look for them *BUT* they're not
    options when creating a new story. Anyone know why? 

Users can't post comments

    This is weird...I just put up a new slashsite for our dept. intranet,
    and the form to comment on a story doesn't appear when a user clicks
    "Read More" I'm guessing this is a simple matter of setting a variable,
    but I can't figure out which one. I've set the following vars:
    commentstatus = 1 defaultcommentstatus = 0 defaultdisplaystatus = 1 Any
    suggestions? Thanks. 

Integrating Slash with e-commerce?

    Does anyone know of sites that have integrated Slashcode with some sort
    of e-commerce / shopping-cart system? Or, how that might best be done?
    I'm looking at open-source e-commerce packages such as, for instance,
    phpShop (http://www.phpshop.org) and osCommerce
    (http://www.oscommerce.com/) and wondering if and how they could be
    melded with Slashcode. thanks, Tim. 


    G'DayWe have launched our new slashcode site. spacesci.org is "News and
    Information for Australian Space Researchers".Our next project will be
    a peer reviewed online journal. 

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