O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    December 31, 2002                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
        Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/                   

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Futurama Confirmed on Cartoon Network

    [0]MrChubble writes "A quote from the cartoon network [1]Adult Swim
    FAQ: "Starting January 12th the block will be extended to five nights a
    week (Sunday-Thursday) 11pm-2am et/pt and FUTURAMA will be added to the
    schedule." Sounds like fun to me." Jamie asks: it's nice to get
    confirmation of [2]reruns, but will they be buying new episodes? Anyone
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.adultswim.com/feedback/index.html
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/29/0256236&tid=129

Microsoft Reader Format Cracked

    [0]Anonymous Coward writes "[1]Pocket PC Addict has a cool [2]story
    about how some guy named Dan Jackson is distributing an unfortunately
    named program that will remove the security from Microsoft Reader
    ebooks. Once the security is removed, it then allows the book to be
    converted to html, text or any other format." 
    0. http://www.pocketpcaddict.com
    1. http://www.pocketpcaddict.com/
    2. http://www.pocketpcaddict.com/article.php?sid=937

India's Bargain Supercomputer

    MaximusTheGreat writes "India beat U.S. supercomputer sanctions by
    building a teraflop $5 million [0]PARAM Padma supercomputer, which is
    half the price of similar computers being sold in the international
    market. It can be scaled upto 16 teraflops, on a [1]build-to-order
    basis For comparison, the fastest supercomputer in the U.S. is [2]about
    10 Teraflops. Some [3]techical details and more info on [4] CDAC , [1]
    ITworld, [5] Economic times and [6] Asia Times. Also, India has been
    [0]exporting older model PARAM 10000s to other countries like Russia,
    Canada, Germany etc. for some time, and expects to increase exports
    significantly with the new model PARAM Padma." 
    0. http://www.cdacindia.com/html/press/spot231.asp
    1. http://www.itworld.com/Comp/1437/021217indiasupercomp/
    2. http://www.top500.org/list/2002/11/
    3. http://www.cdacindia.com/html/press/spot245.asp
    4. http://www.cdacindia.com/html/press/innews.asp#padma
    5. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/html/comp/articleshow?artid=31391693
    6. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/DL18Df03.html

Supremes Grant Stay in Pavlovich DVD CCA Case

    endall writes "Sandra Day O'Connor [0]granted a stay last week for DVD
    Copy Control Association so that the court could gather more
    information. She requested filings by later this week. I'm guessing
    that this delays implimentation of the [1]California Supreme court
    decision on the matter." 
    0. http://www.salon.com/tech/wire/2002/12/30/scotus_dvd/index.html
    1. http://www.eff.org/IP/Video/DVDCCA_case/20001213_ca_supct_order.html

Serial ATA, Here and Now

    [0]Xev writes "We have heard a lot about this new technology; over at
    HEXUS.net they have a [1]review of a retail drive. The first on the
    internet, it is interesting to see the performance of the unit as well
    as the hotswap feature, and other new functions. Is this a solution to
    cheaper hot swap?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.hexus.net/review.php?review=477

Requiem for the Disappearing Pay Phone

    [0]StarEmperor writes "[1]This Washington Post article describes the
    steady disappearance of pay phones as cell phones become more
    commonplace. Many pay phones, which used to generate hundreds of
    dollars per month in revenue, are now used so infrequently that they
    cost money to operate. I wonder what kind of environmental hazard is
    posed by junking thousands of pay phones?" 
    0. http://www.starempires.com
    1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A49017-2002Dec28.html

Video Storage And Hard Drive Manufacturers

    IrateSurf writes "A [0]new column posted over at the [1]Storage
    Supersite questions whether or not PVRs (Personal Video Recorders) are
    good for the hard drive industry. It's interesting, considering topics
    like whether the noise of a hard drive is worse than a VCR. The
    discussion is a response to an [2]earlier column talking about the bad
    market for hard drive makers." 
    0. http://storage.ziffdavis.com/article2/0,3973,801818,00.asp
    1. http://storage.ziffdavis.com/
    2. http://storage.ziffdavis.com/article2/0,3973,797704,00.asp

Windows Security Holes Go Mostly Unexploited

    [0]murky.waters writes "Wired News has an [1]article with a decidedly
    different take on security holes in Microsoft Windows: Despite the
    [2]thousands of known exploits and virii, most MS users aren't target
    of much harm, and the big guns such as Klez have had almost no effect
    on home users. An interesting read that, if true, challenges some
    common arguments." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0,1377,56955,00.html
    2. http://www.google.com/search?q=windows+exploits

Act Now To Sidestep A W3C Patent Pitfall

    Jay Sulzberger, Corresponding Secretary of LXNY (New York's Free
    Computing Organization) writes with a report on the ongoing fight over
    patents in Web standards. "In the past two years the Free Software
    Movement has moved W3C, the Official Standards Body of the World Wide
    Web, from a proposed patent policy, which would have, in future, denied
    us our present right to full and free use of free software to build the
    Web, to a policy intended to guarantee that free software may be used
    without fear of patent encumbrances. This move is an important victory
    for us. But the present proposed policy on patents has a bug that is
    worth fixing. The mechanism of the bug is non-obvious, except to people
    who have studied the GPL and certain other free software licenses. It
    is a bug that, if the proposal is made an official standard, would
    allow for patent encumbrances to be laid on certain free software in
    circumstances where today no encumbrance is allowed." Read the rest of
    Jay's commentary (below) on this devil in the details. 

The Joystick Is The Root of All Evil

    Waab writes "David Yoo, of the [0]Parsons School of Design has taken
    some time out of his busy [1]schedule to put together one of the
    funniest sites I've seen all year, [2]Mothers Against Videogame
    Addiction and Violence. With articles like "EverQuest: A Threat to
    Society?" and "America's Army: A New Low" (articles currently offline
    "due to editing"), MAVAV gives worried parents one more senseless cause
    to rally round. Even [3]Tycho and Gabe love it." 
    0. http://www.parsons.edu/
    1. http://dexter.parsons.edu/~dyoo/2002-3/
    2. http://www.mavav.org/
    3. http://www.penny-arcade.com/

23 Ounces Of Glass 1.1 

    23 Ounces Of Glass is an aqua glass styled blue and gray theme. 

Balsa 2.0.4 (GNOME 2 Development)

    Balsa is a Gnome e-mail client supporting POP3, IMAP, and local mail
    delivery. It can be compiled with multi-threading support for faster
    response, and can do nifty things like read your GnomeCard address
    book, use LDAP, and render HTML mail. 

Balsa 1.4.2 

    Balsa is a Gnome e-mail client supporting POP3, IMAP, and local mail
    delivery. It can be compiled with multi-threading support for faster
    response, and can do nifty things like read your GnomeCard address
    book, use LDAP, and render HTML mail. 

BHL 0.99 

    BHL is an Emacs mode which enables you to convert plain text files into
    HTML, LaTeX, and SGML (Linuxdoc) files. The BHL mode handles common
    font-styles, three levels of sections, any kind of lists, URLs and
    horizontal rules. BHL handles a table of contents: you can browse the
    toc, insert the toc where you want, and update the sections' numbers
    with one keystroke. 

BlackHole Spam/Virus Filter 1.0.5 (Stable)

    Blackhole Spam/Virus Filter provides spam and virus filtering using dot
    files in all the major MTA/SMTP servers for UNIX and similar systems.
    It also can be used as a qmail-queue replacement or a Postfix Content
    Filter to cover the entire SMTP servers userbase. It is different from
    other, similar programs, in that it scales for thousands of users from
    being in C and not executing external programs for most of its work. It
    is uses flat config files or MySQL to store the configs of each user.
    Almost every type of check in existence for spam is implimented. It can
    be setup like an access list with each check type (over 15 checks
    currently) having its own separate rules for action and scores to
    choose action precedence. Subject tagging, custom headers, and detailed
    report logging can be fully configured from the config file, there is a
    global config file for default users setup, and it works with clamscan,
    which gives a fully Free spam/virus solution which matches any
    commercial offering. 

Bonobo: Object Activation Framework 1.0.4 

    OAF is the Object Activation Framework for GNOME. It has a similar
    purpose to gnorba, the GNOME 1.x CORBA activation library, and will
    replace it for GNOME 2.0. It allows you to do much more powerful
    activation queries than gnorba. Each server is described by an XML file
    that defines its attributes. When querying or activating, one may
    specify complex requirements using the OAF query language. 

Cfour 1.0 (CgiParser class)

    Cfour provides C++ Common Console Classes that are reusable, for
    console I/O, _easy_ file I/O, and a class for managing configuration
    files using an XML style format. Cfour currently remains OS
    independent. The Cfour classes were used in parts of webcpp and mkscs. 

CVS 1.11.4 

    CVS is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions
    of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why
    changes occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. Unlike the simpler systems,
    CVS does not just operate on one file at a time or one directory at a
    time, but operates on hierarchical collections of directories
    consisting of version controlled files. CVS helps to manage releases
    and to control the concurrent editing of source files among multiple
    authors. CVS allows triggers to enable/log/control various operations
    and works well over a wide area network. 

Eric3 3.0.1 

    Eric3 is a Python IDE written using PyQt and QScintilla. It has
    integrated project management capabilities with class browsing
    functions, gives developers an unlimited number of editors with syntax
    highlighting and code folding, an integrated Python shell, an
    integrated Python debugger, a file system browser with class browsing
    capabilities for Python files, and more. 

ERW 0.9.6 

    ERW (Entities and Relationships on the Web) is an innovative system for
    handling complex databases using a Web browser. It uses the most recent
    standards endorsed by the W3C to offer to the user a sophisticated
    environment, similar to a dedicated client. Moreover, the user
    interface is generated in a completely automatic way starting from a
    conceptual description of the database by means of an XML-based
    description language for entity-relationship schemata. From the same
    description, you can also automatically obtain diagrams and
    documentation. ERW can be used for content management, in particular
    when the data is structured along complex relations. 

FileFinder 0.9 (Development)

    FileFinder is a Java program that helps you locate your files quickly
    and easily. You can catalog all sorts of media (CD-ROMs, Zip disks,
    directories on harddisks, harddisks, floppies, etc.). It contains a
    search feature to locate your file(s), and you can create groups in a
    tree structure, to help catalog your media. You can also add/search the
    contents of archived (zip, jar, etc.) files within media. 

Games for Gnome2 2.0.6 

    This package contains games for the GNOME2 desktop. Games included in
    this package are FreeCell (a popular solitare game), Glines (a color
    lines game), Gataxx (another disc-flipping game), Gnect (four in a row
    game), Gnibbles (a snake game for up to four players), Gnobots II
    (improved version of an old BSD robots game), GNOME-Stones (a game
    based on a very old arcade game where you have to collect gems),
    Gnometris (GNOME version of the popular Russian game Tetris), GNOME
    Mine (the popular logic puzzle minesweeper), GNOME Klotski (a game
    based on the not so popular Klotski), GNOME Tali (a sort of poker with
    dice and less money), Iagno (GNOME version of the popular Othello),
    Mahjongg (GNOME version of the classic Eastern tile game), Same GNOME
    (game where the goal is to remove as many balls in as few moves as
    possible), and GNOME xbill (a port of the classic anti-Windows game). 

Gedcom Parser Library 0.20.0 

    The Gedcom parser library provides an API to applications to parse,
    process, and write arbitrary genealogy files in the standard GEDCOM
    format. It provides a callback interface (like the SAX interface in
    XML) and an object model interface (like the DOM interface in XML). 

Grip 3.0.4 

    Grip is a CD player and CD ripper/MP3-encoder for the GNOME desktop. It
    has the ripping capabilities of cdparanoia built in, but can also use
    external rippers (such as cdda2wav). It also provides an automated
    frontend for MP3 encoders (presets for lame, bladeenc, l3enc,
    xingmp3enc, mp3encode, and gogo), letting you take a disc and transform
    it easily straight into MP3s. The Ogg Vorbis format is also supported.
    Internet disc lookups are supported for retrieving track information
    from disc database servers. Grip works with DigitalDJ to provide a
    unified, "computerized" version of your music collection. 

hdup (Stable)

    hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of
    the archive (via mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none),
    the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host (via scp/rsync),
    and no obscure archive format (it is a normal compressed tar file). 

Hibernate 1.2.1 

    Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence
    and query service for Java. It lets you develop persistent objects
    following common Java idiom, including composition, association,
    inheritance, polymorphism, and the Java collections framework. To allow
    a rapid build procedure, Hibernate rejects the use of code generation
    or bytecode processing. Instead, runtime reflection is used and SQL
    generation occurs at system startup time. It supports Oracle, DB2,
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server, Mckoi SQL,
    Progress, SAP DB, and HypersonicSQL. 

IaraJS 0.9.7 

    IaraJS is a set of JavaScript templates for the construction of Web
    sites, using JavaScript components. 

Ivy software bus 1.2.2 (Java)

    Ivy is a simple protocol and a set of libraries that allows
    applications to broadcast information through text messages, with a
    subscription mechanism based on regular expressions. 

Jabber Gadu-Gadu Transport 1.2.3 

    The Jabber Gadu-Gadu transport provides Gadu-Gadu protocol support
    (which is a very popular proprietary instant messaging protocol in

JSwat Java Debugger 2.12 

    JSwat is a graphical, stand-alone Java debugger, using the JPDA
    library. It offers breakpoints with monitors and conditions, colorized
    source code display, single-stepping, displaying variables, viewing
    stack frames, and expression evaluation. 

LibCGI 0.8.1 (Stable)

    LibCGI is a simple to use and powerful library written from scratch to
    assist in the making of CGI appliactions in C. It has support for
    string manipulation, linked lists, cookies, sessions, GET and POST
    methods, and more. 

LinuxTrade 3.26 (Stable)

    LinuxTrade is a curses (text-based) implementation of the Scottrader
    Java application, plus additional features inspired by the excellent
    MedVed QuoteTracker Windows program, plus its own set of unique
    features. It is lightweight, yet full featured. It can save a session
    to a file and replay it. It has portfolios, real time quotes, charts
    with live updates, time and sales, fundamental and technical
    indicators, top ten and market movers, news articles, alerts, and Level
    2 market depth indications from Archipelago and the Island Book. 

ncc 1.0 (Stable)

    ncc is a C source code analyzer which generates program flow and
    variable usage information. Using it should be as easy as changing
    CC=gcc to CC=ncc in makefiles, and effort has been made to support most
    common gcc extensions. ncc has been tested with the sources of the
    Linux kernel, gtk, gcc, gdb, bind, mpg123, ncftp, and many other famous

obliquid 0.4.4 (Development)

    obliquid is a PHP/XML application framework for building groupware Web
    portals. Any data which is handled by any module is highly
    configurable. It has a core allowing to build pages using templates
    blocks, multilingual support and themes. It also has a
    users/groups/operation module and a calendar supporting availabilities,
    calls, and meetings. 

Perl HTTPd 1.0.2 

    Perl HTTPd is a very small and simple HTTPd written in Perl. It is by
    no means a replacement for Apache. It features request logging and
    multiple connections. 

Samsung Contact 8.0.1pre1 (Server)

    Samsung Contact is Samsung SDS's Linux/Unix unified communication,
    business messaging, and collaboration system. It supports desktops
    running Microsoft Outlook, including support for calendaring, wide-area
    scheduling, public folders, and delegation. 

SDLInvaders 0.7.4 

    SDLInvaders is a simple clone of the famous game Space Invaders using

Select 0.2 

    Select is a text classification program. It uses supervised learning
    methods with incremental learning. Several different classification
    algorithms are included. It can be used, for example, for email

SigmaPi Neurosimulator 1.2.1 

    SigmaPi is a simulator for recurrent neural networks of arbitrary
    topology. It uses the LSTM neuron model, and implements a training
    algorithm based on RTRL with some extensions taken from RProp. 

SpackleStats 0.3 

    Spackle is designed to be a flexible client/server architecture for the
    gathering and displaying of statistics, primarily suited to monitoring
    servers. It's written in PHP and bash shell script, uses RRDtool for
    stats logging and graphing, and PostgreSQL or MySQL for the server-side

Working Overloaded Linux Kernel 4.0s-pre4 (Development)

    The Working Overloaded Linux Kernel (WOLK) project provides stable and
    development kernels for either server or testing purposes. These
    kernels provide a server kernel and also a service for developers and
    end users who can't be up-to-date with the latest kernels/patches but
    want to test new kernel features. Patches may be added upon request. 

Yaab 0.6.1 

    Yaab is a simple address book written in PHP. It supports MySQL and
    PostgreSQL. It supports basic commands, like adding new contacts,
    modifying already existing ones, deleting, viewing, and searching. 

Newsforge Reports
Happy New Year

    NewsForge/Linux.com staff is taking a short break Dec 31 and Jan 1.
    We'll do a few NewsVac updates these two days, but our next original
    article will appear on Jan 2, 2003. See you then! 

The most popular Linux article ever?

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - You've seen a headline or two recently on
    NewsForge that said something like "Microsoft fights off Windows rival
    Linux." I say "headline or two" because we goofed up and and linked to
    this story at least twice, under different headlines. It was an easy
    mistake to make because this AP story has run in more newspapers and on
    more news Web sites than any other story I have ever seen with the word
    "Linux" in it. 

Linux Advisory Watch - December 27th 2002

    By:  Benjamin D. Thomas Linux Advisory Watch is a comprehensive
    newsletter that outlines the security vulnerabilities that have been
    announced throughout the week. It includes pointers to updated packages
    and descriptions of each vulnerability. This week, advisories were
    released for bind, perl, canna, klisa, cyrus-imapd, wget, kde, and
    fetchmail.  The distributors include Caldera, Debian, Gentoo, and

Newsforge Newsvac
DesktopLinux.com poll to close tomorrow

    Anonymous Reader writes "In the final month of the Desktop Linux
    distribution 'quick poll', Debian is leading the pack with 24% and
    Mandrake is in second place with 20.8% of the votes. Total number of
    votes cast is 9725." 

Desktop Linux Application Tips

    Anonymous Reader writes "Walt Pennington authors this practical guide
    for using Desktop Linux applications. Pennington covers some essential
    areas for users getting started downloading Linux, creating .pdf files,
    disabling pop-up ads, and tips for secure online transactions in this
    article . . ." 

McNealy: Sun won't go down on his company

    SAN FRANCISCO — While critics and rivals snipe that his company, Sun
    Microsystems, is sinking, Scott McNealy maintains his Captain
    Courageous demeanor. 

Annual scorecard

    The year is drawing to a close, so now is a good time to evaluate my
    predictions for 2002. 

Case Study: Open source packs free IP telephony

    Open source IP telephony software packages are helping users move away
    from the traditional world of proprietary office phone systems, PBXs
    with closed operating systems and expensive specialty components. 

So Many Holes, So Few Hacks

    Hole after hole, breach after breach, flaw after flaw is found -- and
    most of the time, it's in a Windows system. Yet hackers generally don't
    exploit them. Why is that? 

Glass Panes and Software: Windows Name Is Challenged (by Lindows)

    An upstart company, Lindows.com, is trying to persuade the Federal
    District Court in Seattle to invalidate Microsoft's trademark on
    Windows. (free registration required) 

Book Review: Linux Apache Web Server Administration

    We review three out of the eight books in the Craig Hunt Linux Library
    series published by Sybex Inc. 

Mandrake 9.0 Review

    Today we are looking at Linux Mandrake, a relative newcomer but which
    has picked up a large user base through the years which keep its
    development alive and well. The first version of Mandrake was based on
    Red Hat which is a fine distro in itself. The makers wanted too keep
    all that was good with Red Hat and get rid of all the bad, such as
    using KDE instead of GNOME as default desktop. Over the years, though,
    it has changed from simply being Red ... 

Free Software at Rosenzweig and Maffia

    A committee has been formed in NYLXS to try to take on first hand the
    task to driving sales for Free Software. We've dubbed this effort, 'The
    Free Software Chamber of Commerce'. The result of our efforts is
    bearing fruit, and we hope to be an anchor and a safe haven for both
    well trained consultants and businesses looking for innovative
    solutions to their business problems. 

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Electronics: Hitman 2 for PS2

Computing: Sylvania SF170 17" LCD

Electronics: Splinter Cell for Xbox

Cube Goodies: Tiny R/C Digi Q Cars

RubyCocoa 0.4 was released

    RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework that allows Cocoa programming in the
    Object-Oriented Scripting Language Ruby. RubyCocoa allows writing a
    Cocoa application in Ruby. It allows creating and using a Cocoa object
    in a Ruby script. In Cocoa application, mixture of program written by
    both Ruby and Objective-C is possible. RubyCocoa 0.4.0 was released!
    http://rubycocoa.sourceforge.net/ Changes from 0.3.2 ------------------
    * Ruby 1.8 supported * revive RubyCocoa.framework * rename the extended
    library and move the library The '.pkg' binary package is available for
    Mac OS X 10.2. All of framework, library, documents, samples and
    ProejctBuilder templates are contained in the package. These items will
    be installed into the appropriate place. It is available to start of
    RubyCocoa programming or use of RubyCocoa application immediately.
    What's RubyCocoa? ----------------- RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework
    that allows Cocoa programming in the Object-Oriented Scripting Language
    Ruby. RubyCocoa allows writing a Cocoa application in Ruby. It allows
    creating and using a Cocoa object in a Ruby script. In Cocoa
    application, mixture of program written by both Ruby and Objective-C is
    possible. Some cases using RubyCocoa: * Exploration of a Cocoa object's
    feature with 'irb' interactively * Prototyping of a Cocoa application *
    Cocoa application that include good feature of Ruby and Objective-C *
    Wrapping Mac OS X native GUI for Ruby script 

PHPEclipse 1.0.3 preAlpha released

    PHPEclipse is an open-source PHP IDE. Built as an Eclipse plugin, it
    takes advantage of a well-designed, robust and widely used application
    framework. Project Page: http://www.sf.net/projects/phpeclipse
    Homepage: http://www.phpeclipse.org ChangeLog:

Hatari version 0.25

    Version 0.25 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released. In this
    version the support for big endian systems like PowerPC machines has
    been improved, especially the Spectrum 512 pictures are now working
    better there. Hatari now also compiles and runs on Mac OS X.
    Additionally the blitter chip is now beeing emulated, too, and there is
    also support for big VDI screen resolutions. And finally, you can now
    save YM and WAV sounds. 

Bossogg v0.9.0 release

    Bossogg is a client/server for creating an ogg vorbis player in your
    entertainment center. First client is done in SDL with Truetype fonts
    so it's easy to read. Uses PostgreSQL for lookups. MP3 and FLAC support
    is in and rewritten from scratch. This is the stepping stone to a lot
    of new features. 

PHP Weather 2.1.0 released

    PHP Weather makes it easy to show the current weather on your webpage.
    All you need is a local airport, that makes some special weather
    reports called METARs. The reports are updated once or twice an hour.
    This release contains five new translations (for a total of 11
    translations) and fixes some bugs, including a bug that prevented the
    Configuration Builder from working when register_globals were turned

Benchw release 0.5b

    Benchw provides a toolset to benchmark the capabilities of several
    different database engines for data warehouse type activities. It is
    designed to provide a simple way to test data loading, index creation
    plus query performance in the spirit of TPC-H. This release adds
    default index generation and sapdb load capability - so now Oracle,
    Mysql, Postgresql, DB2 and Sapdb are supported. The documentation has
    been brought closer to completion. The generated form of the queries
    has been finalized (it has changed from the alpha releases). A BSD
    style license file has been included. 

Gallery v1.3.3 bugfix release

    Gallery is a slick, intuitive web based photo gallery (written in PHP)
    with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to install,
    configure and use. Photo management includes automatic thumbnails,
    resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great for
    communities. This release includes a security fix and a number of small
    bugfixes. This release is primarily aimed at fixing a variety of small
    bugs that have existed in Gallery for a few releases, as well as a
    couple of fairly serious bugs (including a very serious SECURITY bug
    that can lead to a remote exploit) that were introduced in the version
    1.3.2. If you are using the 1.3.2 release we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that
    you upgrade to 1.3.3 as soon as possible to minimize the possibility of
    a web server compromise. Bugs fixed: - Fix SECURITY HOLE introduced in
    the Windows XP Publishing feature introduced in 1.3.2 (as of 1.3.2
    build 27) See http://gallery.sourceforge.net/article.php?sid=64 for
    specific details. - Hiding all elements in an album causes those
    elements to get permanently detached from the album (making it
    inconvenient to recover them). - Fixed minor bugs regarding supporting
    Nuke 6's user database - Fixed minor bugs in the slideshow code.
    Feature additions/changes: - The config wizard now allows you to select
    an option to print via Shutterfly without making a (very small)
    donation to the Gallery project. - Convenience function allows you to
    access a sub-album's permission dialog without opening the album. For
    more detailed information, you can read the Gallery changelog:
    g?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup regards, The Gallery
    Dev Team 

gwc 0.18-0 released

    This release contains no new bug fixes, but has a much faster click
    detection algorithm, and up to 200 markers. Gnome Wave Cleaner is a
    digital audio restoration tool for CD quality audio wavefiles. Dehiss,
    declick and decrackle in a GUI environment. Have fun. Please let me
    know of any problems. jw (aka weltyj at yahoo.com) 

Furthur 1.7.1 Released

    Furthur is a peer-to-peer cataloging and music sharing tool that
    allows: fully enforcable legal sharing model, instant downloads with no
    waiting lists, in-depth cataloging functionality, and detailed
    attribute searches. Upgrade to this version is recommended for all
    existing users. This release includes fixes for known memory leaks,
    high CPU usage issues, and an improved search system. Hello again, The
    Furthurnet team is proud to announce the release of: Furthurnet 1.7.1
    =129955) A great deal of hard work has gone into this release. Due to
    the nature of some of the bugs that are fixed here, we highly recommend
    that everybody upgrade. Version Notes - Notable changes include: a)
    Fixed the rest of the major memory leaks and high CPU usage bugs b)
    Fixes free disk space display for Mac OS X c) Improved search d)
    Improved connectivity Thanks again for your patience and ongoing
    support. - The FurthurNet Team - 

sylpheed-0.8.8claws released

    Sylpheed-Claws is a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client and
    newsreader. Supports POP3, APOP, IMAP, SMTP, SMTP AUTH, NNTP, LDAP.
    Features multiple accounts, spell-checking, address book, SSL, GPG/PGP,
    filtering, scoring, and i18n. This is a bugfix release.
    ############################################################# 26th
    December 2002 Version: 0.8.8claws SYLPHEED-CLAWS RELEASE NOTES
    <http://claws.sylpheed.org> This release of sylpheed-claws is based on
    version 0.8.8 of the main Sylpheed branch. Notes for this release:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This release fixes a bug which would run into
    an infinite loop and eventual crash when invalid characters were
    encountered in MIME header encoding. New features in this release:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * add 'Locked' flag to possible filtering
    / matcher conditions * Bug fix: [bug #633443] 'Crash on deleting
    messages' * updated translations Bulgarian and code reorganisation,
    cleanups, and more. CLAWS' EXTRA FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * pop
    before smtp authentication * Automatic saving of message when composing
    * signature in the message view can be coloured * built-in gdb crash
    handler * Customisable toolbars * quick search function * Folder color
    setting * 'Dynamic' signatures * Font configuration * Icon theming *
    Spell checking (with aspell) * filtering/processing mechanism *
    automatic account selection * 'smart' wrapping * message scoring * hide
    read messages * mbox support * IMAP over SSH Tunnel * addressbook:
    import Mutt addressbook * addressbook: import Pine addressbook *
    addressbook copy and paste * harvest addresses for addressbook *
    Request Return-Receipt * extra Folder Properties: Return-Receipt, save
    messages, default To:, default address for replies, subject
    simplification, folder CHMOD, default account * revised compose window
    * manual selection of MIME type and encoding for attachments * 'ignore
    thread' * improved clickable URL support * new mail notification *
    selective download * 7bit and 8bit encoding of attachments * NNTP:
    auto-mark cross-posted messages * configurable (non-)display of images
    * online/offline modes * User-definable quotation characters * export
    addressbook to html file * display url in statusbar on single-click *
    message priority setting * new message cache system * new sort function
    * controllable size of log text in log window * ability to select part
    of a text mime-part to reply * reply flag gets set on sending of a
    reply * sylpheed man page * allow user to 'Save all' attachments in a
    mail with multi-attachments * GnuPG signatures can now be verified by
    double-clicking [application/pgp-signature] in the text view * GnuPG
    users are informed of expired signatures and keys. * save 2 or more
    selected files to a single file * MH folder drag 'n' drop support * Cc
    and Bcc Template definitions * --online and --offline command-line
    switches * Automatic message drafting and cache saving on kill * SSL
    certificate management * 'on-the-fly' changing of the type of GnuPG
    encryption and/or signing used (MIME/ascii) * Logging can be stopped *
    user-definable newsgroup names abbreviation length * Manual and FAQ
    remote and local links * Powerful Extended Search * Indication of
    unread answers to marked mails: '(!)' is appended to the folder name
    when a marked message has a response * Customisable message view
    toolbar * Actions: trailing ">" syntax to insert command's output
    without replacing old text (in contrast to trailing "|"). * Address
    book: 'Edit Group Details' dialog allows multiple selection in either
    pane * Warning dialog is displayed when the user attempts to save
    incomplete rules in scoring, filtering and processing. * .mh_sequences
    file is created in new MH folders * 'tools' directory that contains
    various scripts: calypso_convert.pl import mbox files exported by
    calypso eud2gc.py convert a Eudora (v.3?) addressbook to vCard
    (GnomeCard) format filter_conv.pl convert sylpheed main's filter rules
    into claws' filtering format gif2xface.pl convert a gif file to an
    xface google_msgid.pl Actions script to lookup selected message-id in
    google using mozilla. gpg-sign-syl GnuPG cleartext-signing script for
    use with Actions kmail2sylpheed.pl convert a Kmail addressbook to a
    Sylpheed addressbook kmail2sylpheed_v2.pl new version of the address
    book conversion script for newer versions of Kmail/Kaddressbook
    newscache_clean clean up old files and directories in the newscache
    directory OOo2sylpheed.pl enable OpenOffice to send documents through
    sylpheed outlook2sylpheed.pl convert an Outlook contacts list to a
    Sylpheed addressbook sylpheed-switcher enable quick-switching between
    claws and main in a non-destructive way sylprint.pl process a Sylpheed
    mail and print it using enscript if available or lpr if not tb2sylpheed
    convert an addressbook exported from The Bat! into a Sylpheed
    addressbook update-po translators' tool that eases the creation of *.po
    files uudec decode UUencoded mails, for use with Actions ...and more.
    ---------------------------------------------------------- See
    ChangeLog.claws and README.claws for full information regarding changes
    in this release. Also see ChangeLog[.jp] for changes synchronised from
    sylpheed main. Sylpheed-Claws GnuPG key: Sylpheed-Claws
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> KeyID:D04C2EEF Fingerprint: 830D 8455 329F
    DD31 7ADA 71D7 7D22 7E77 D04C 2EEF 

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