O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    January 02, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
        Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/                   

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High Tech Foosball Mod Project

    [0]JakeBullet writes: "Project: Take a standard [1]foosball table and
    make it a little bit smarter. 1. The table should be aware of who's
    playing, the score and the status of the game. 2. Take the data from
    the game and use it to create a stats engine and player ranking system.
    3. Project all relevant information about gameplay onto a flat screen.
    4. Spend under $50. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://stage.itp.tsoa.nyu.edu/~dc788/fall2002/physcomp/foosball/

Linux Number Crunching: Languages and Tools

    [0]ChaoticCoyote writes " You've covered some of my past forays into
    benchmarking, so I thought Slashdot might be interested in [1]Linux
    Number Crunching: Benchmarking Compilers and Languages for ia32. I
    wrote the article while trying to decide between competing
    technologies. No one benchmark (or set of benchmarks) provides an
    absolute answer -- but information helps make reasonable decisions.
    Among the topics covered: C++, Java, Fortran 95, gcc, gcj, Intel
    compilers, SMP, double-precision math, and hyperthreading." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.coyotegulch.com/reviews/almabench.html

Mood-Sensing Computer

    [0]handy_vandal writes "'A team at Vanderbilt University is ...
    developing a robotic assistant whose goal is .. [to] [1]respond to the
    moods of its human master.' For use on the battlefield -- e.g. when a
    soldier is overcome with anxiety." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,56921,00.html

Chemistry Sets for Adults?

    An Anonymous Coward asks "I’ve been pursuing a few different lines of
    study, to refresh myself in basic sciences before I return to school.
    Right now I am reading up on Chemistry, and thought it would be fun to
    acquire a chemistry set just to play around with and maybe learn a few
    things from. Do any science geeks here have any suggestions?" My
    childhood garage probably still has purple and black stains all over it
    (lucky I was wearing glasses). 300 in one electronics kits, anyone? 

The State of GNU/Linux in 2002: It was Good.

    An anonymous reader writes "This year has proven most interesting for
    GNU/Linux. While there was not any amazing surprises, there were
    numerous events that are noteworthy for review. The upshot to all of
    this is that most of what happened was good overall for the Free
    Software community. Read the [0]full story." 
    0. http://www.ofb.biz/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=188

Typewriter Keyboard Conversion

    [0]graymalkn writes "My wife has repetitive stress problems and prefers
    typing on old-fashioned mechanical typewriters. For Christmas, I
    [1]converted a mechanical typewriter to work as a computer keyboard. My
    favorite feature: slap the carriage return for Enter." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.multipledigression.com/typewriter

Oregon Considers GPS-based Road Taxes

    Oregon is [0]considering instituting a road tax - a tax based on the
    mileage driven within the state. The tax would be implemented with
    mandatory GPS boxes in each vehicle recording the mileage driven in
    Oregon. We've done a couple of [1]previous stories on Great Britain's
    initiatives in this area. 
    0. http://news.statesmanjournal.com/article.cfm?i=54184
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/02/24/1536230&tid=99

Linux and Forensic Discovery

    [0]Max Pyziur writes "Found this on cryptome.org where [1]Linux is
    cited in a DOJ document against Moussaoui (sometimes referred to as the
    "20th man"). FBI: Moussaoui E-mail Not Recoverable - January 1, 2003."
    An interesting read which gives some insight into how computer evidence
    is handled in court. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://cryptome.org/usa-v-zm-email.htm

Review of Mozilla's 2002

    An anonymous reader writes "[0]MozillaZine is currently featuring [1]an
    article looking back at the last 12 months of the Mozilla project. It's
    amazing to see how far things have come in 2002. A year ago, there was
    no [2]Mozilla 1.0, no [3]Netscape 7, no [4]Phoenix, no [5]Chimera and
    no shipping [6]AOL clients using [7]Gecko (Mozilla's rendering engine).
    An interesting read." 
    0. http://www.mozillazine.org/
    1. http://www.mozillazine.org/articles/article2795.html
    2. http://www.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla1.0.html
    3. http://browsers.netscape.com/
    4. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/phoenix/
    5. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/chimera/
    6. http://www.aol.com/
    7. http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/

Dow vs. Parody

    [0]tres3 writes "I stumbled across this [1]item on [2]Wired about
    [3]Verio cutting off [4]The Thing's Internet access after seven years
    of service. It seems that [5]The Yes Men have upset [6]DOW Chemical
    with their [7]parody press release concerning a poison gas leak at the
    Union Carbide plant (now owned by Dow) in Bhopal, India, in 1984, that
    killed thousands. It was posted by [8]RTMark.com, one of hundreds of
    customers (mostly artists and political activists) of The Thing, but
    has gone missing following the DMCA claims by DOW. Some European sites
    are now hosting the site [9]here and [10]here (slightly different).
    What really sent me into orbit was Dow's [11]response to all of this.
    While writing this submission I noticed that I have become a victim of
    The Yes Men and "Dow's" response is actually one of their parodies! :-)
    The story is still valid but the only thing I could find that really
    came from DOW was the DMCA [12]complaint (pdf) to Verio. To add insult
    to injury (and death (pun intended)) Dow has committed a reprehensible
    act, even for corporate America, by [13]suing the survivors for ten
    years of income ($10,000) for protesting Dow's failure to clean up the
    mess. [14] Greenpeace has set up a site for you to [15]protest this
    action." We did an [16]earlier story on this. 
    0. mailto:class5.pacbell@net
    1. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,57011,00.html
    2. http://www.wired.com/
    3. http://www.verio.net/
    4. http://isp.thing.net/
    5. http://theyesmen.org/
    6. http://www.dow.com/Homepage/index.html
    7. http://www.dowethics.com/r/about/corp/newleader.htm
    8. http://rtmark.com/
    9. http://www.dowethics.com/r/Homepage/index.html
   10. http://www.mad-dow-disease.com/
   11. http://www.dowethics.com/r/environment/freedom.html
   12. http://theyesmen.org/dow/Dow-Chemical_DMCAnotice.pdf
   13. http://www.greenpeace.org/international_en/news/details?news_id=95504
   14. http://www.greenpeace.org/homepage/
   15. http://act.greenpeace.org/ams/e?a=Bhopal&s=blue2
   16. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/23/1316239&tid=153

ActiveDeveloper 2.10 

    ActiveDeveloper is a runtime Objective-C and C IDE, JIT compiler, and
    debugger for Cocoa and WebObjects 4.x. It features fast incremental
    Objective-C and C compilation, full native speed applications in
    deployment, and no ActiveDeveloper dependency in your products. 

Adium 1.6.2c 

    Adium is an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) client which focuses on speed
    and features a highly customizable interface. 

AVInfo 0.4b 

    AVInfo is a utility for displaying AVI header information. It returns
    the length of a clip, FPS, resolution, codec, sound parametrs, and the
    number and type of streams, including detailed information for each. 

Binary diff utility 1.0.1 

    bdiff is a simple and small program to do what the very common
    utilities "diff" and "patch" do with text files,
    but also works with binary files. 

Biorhythm Program 5.0 

    This program will print your biorhythm for a given birthday and number
    of days to the screen or to a file. 

bonnie++ 1.93b 

    Bonnie++ is based on the Bonnie hard drive benchmark by Tim Bray. The
    most notable features that have been added are support for >2G of
    storage and testing operations involving thousands of files in a
    directory. This program is used by ReiserFS developers, but can be
    useful for anyone who wants to know how fast their hard drive or file
    system is. It now includes ZCAV in the package. This program tests the
    performance of different zones on the hard drive. ZCAV has been
    released separately before but will now only be released as part of the
    Bonnie++ suite. 

calc 2.11.6 

    Calc is arbitrary precision arithmetic system that uses a C-like
    language. It's useful as a calculator, an algorithm prototype, and as a
    mathematical research tool. More importantly, calc provides a
    machine-independent means of computation. Calc comes with a rich set of
    builtin mathematical and programmatic functions. 

Chimera 0.6 

    Chimera is a Web browser that has a Cocoa user interface, and embeds
    the Gecko layout engine. It is intended to be a simple, small, and fast
    browser for Mac OS X. 

direx - directory dino 1.0 

    direx - directory dino allows you to run your own Web site directory.
    It is easy to setup, and runs correctly out of the box. Experienced Web
    masters can also customize the HTML layout. Static HTML pages are
    created for low server load and good search engine position. It
    features unlimited categories, an automatic check for double entry of
    URLs, searchability, and sendmail support. 

dvdrtools 0.1.3 (Beta)

    dvdrtools is a fork of cdrtools, with the primary goal of supporting
    writing to DVDs. 

Gengen 0.4.2 

    Gengen (GENerator GENerator) is a tool that, starting from a
    parameterized text (template), generates a text generator that can
    substitute parameters with values. 

GNU gengetopt 2.8 

    gengetopt takes an easy-to-do description of options and generates a C
    function that uses the GNU getopt_long(3) function to parse the options
    and validate them. gengetopt is GNU software, but the code generated is
    not under any particular license. gengetopt is perfect if you are too
    lazy to write all the stuff required to call GNU getopt_long(3), or if
    you have a program and wish it took many options. The generated code
    works if you use autoconf or automake. 

GNU Mailman 2.1 (Stable)

    GNU Mailman is software to help manage email discussion lists and
    e-newsletters. Its integrated Web interface provides easy-to-use access
    for list members and list administrators. Mailman supports built-in
    archiving, automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest
    delivery, spam filters, topics, Usenet gateways, and more. It is fully
    internationalized, and supports digests and email commands. It runs on
    any Linux or Unix-like operating system and is compatible with most
    email and Web servers, mail readers, and Web browsers. 

Gnumeric 1.1.15 (Development)

    Gnumeric is a powerful and easy to use spreadsheet using GNOME. Its
    goal is to provide a full featured spreadsheet and a smooth migration
    path for people and organizations currently using proprietary
    applications. It provides more sheet functions and greatly improved
    accuracy when compared to Microsoft's Excel. A plugin system lets you
    extend Gnumeric, adding functions, I/O formats, and real time data
    capabilities. The existing Python, Guile, and Perl plugins let you
    define complex functions. Gnumeric is capable of reading and writing MS
    Excel, and reading Lotus, Applix, Quattro Pro, OpenCalc, XBase, DIF,
    SYLK, HTML, Psion, MPS, oleo, sc, misc. text formats, and its native
    XML. It can also generate Latex, HTML, and others. 

gtkmm 2.1.3 (Unstable)

    gtkmm (previously known as Gtk--) is a C++ interface for the popular
    GUI library GTK+. It provides a convenient interface for C++
    programmers to create graphical user interfaces with GTK+'s framework.
    Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets which are extensible by
    inheritance, and many classes that can be easily combined to quickly
    create complex user interfaces. 

iConquer 1.1.1 

    iConquer is an addictive game of world conquest, played by 1 to 6
    players. The object of the game is to conquer the world by occupying
    all 42 countries on the map. It features artificial intelligence
    algorithms to set the player up against formidable computer opponents
    with six AI "personalities" to choose from. It also supports
    network play, a powerful help system with detailed information on each
    stage of the game along with tips and strategies, customizable strategy
    play, and gorgeous graphics. 

ISPMan 0.9.6 

    ISPMan is a distributed system used to manage components of an ISP from
    a central management interface. Its written entirely in Perl, using an
    LDAP backend to manage DNS, Apache virtual hosts, Postfix, Cyrus, FTP,
    etc. It provides a central Web-based user interface for admins/helpdesk
    and a commandline interface to automate tasks or hook to other systems. 

Java+ Preprocessor 0.4 

    Java+ is a Java preprocessor that adds its features to any Java
    compiler. It has long, multi-line strings with executable inclusions
    like Perl or Ruby, optionally segregates Java+ strings into
    ResourceBundle files, eliminates the need for JSP or ASP and their
    implied need for Java compilers on deployment servers (a security
    concern), and adds absolutely no overhead in either space or time.
    There are graphical and command line interfaces, and a simple, general,
    and recursive string syntax. 

JGAP 0.3 

    JGAP is a genetic algorithms package written in Java. It is designed to
    require minimum effort to use "out of the box", but is highly
    modular and allows custom components to be easily plugged in by the
    more adventurous. 

jGnash 1.2 

    jGnash is a personal finance application written in Java. A JVM of 1.4
    or greater is required. jGnash supports basic account types and simple
    investment accounts at this time. jGnash has support for split
    transactions, nested accounts, and currencies. jGnash can import QIF
    files excluding investment accounts and transactions. Data is stored in
    an XML format so it is easy to manipulate and read the data external to
    the program. 

JMP 0.25 

    Java Memory Profiler (JMP) uses the JVMPI interface to track objects
    and method times in the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It uses a GTK+
    interface to display statistics. The current instance count and the
    total amount of memory for each class is shown as is the total time
    spent in each method. 

KTagebuch 0.6 

    KTagebuch is a simple but sufficient diary program for KDE 3. 

MAHO·WM -- Hazuki 0.3 

    MAHO·WM -- Hazuki is a theme inspired by the Japanese animation
    series "Ojamajo Doremi" (See "Magical Doremi" in
    Europe, not counting Spain, at least.). The idea was to create one
    color scheme for each character, starting with Hazuki (the orange

MailScanner 3.27 and 4.11 

    MailScanner is an Email virus scanner, vulnerability protector, and
    spam tagger. It supports the Sendmail and Exim MTAs, and the Sophos,
    McAfee, F-Prot, F-Secure, CommandAV, InoculateIT, Inoculan 4.x,
    Kaspersky, Nod32, AntiVir, RAV, Panda, and Clam anti-virus scanners. It
    supports SpamAssassin for highly successful spam identification. It is
    specifically designed to handle Denial Of Service attacks. It is very
    easy to install, and requires no changes at all to your sendmail.cf
    file. It is designed to be lightweight, and won't grind your mail
    system to a halt with its load. It can be integrated into any email
    system, regardless of the software in use. 

Meta-CVS 1.0 (Stable)

    Meta-CVS is version control system created around CVS. It retains most
    of the features of CVS while adding support for first class directory
    structure versioning, storage of symbolic links, and versioning of
    execute permissions and user-defined properties. Meta-CVS greatly
    simplifies branching and merging by keeping track of what is merged
    where. It records file types and automatically assigns a CVS keyword
    expansion mode to newly added files whose suffixes match previously
    recorded types. Meta-CVS also has an importing feature that
    automatically figures out renames and moves, making it possible to
    easily keep up with patches from multiple sources in spite of directory
    structure changes. 

MPEG Menu System Version2 0.60 

    MPEG Menu System Version2 is a menu system for the dxr3. It supports
    movie and audio playback and is very easily controlled from a remote
    control using Lirc. 

nanoFTPd 0.0.1 

    nanoFTPd is a basic FTP daemon written in PHP. Currently it supports
    user authentication via a database (MySQL or PostgreSQL), a custom
    authentication library, passive mode, dynamic IP, and basic FTP

Ogg::Vorbis::Header 0.01 

    Ogg::Vorbis::Header is a Perl module for viewing and modifying info and
    comment fields of files encoded in the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio
    format. It uses Inline::C to access the underlying Vorbis libraries and
    provides an object oriented interface, an incremental loading scheme,
    and maintains no open filehandles between operations, which allows data
    structures containing many Ogg::Vorbis::Header objects to be created. 

ogmencoder 0.6 

    ogmencoder is a Perl script that uses MPlayer/Mencoder and Transcode to
    create an OGM (audio Vorbis) backup of your DVD, ready to be burned to
    a CD-R. OGM is the file format for multimedia developed by the Xiph.org
    Foundation. It is very similar to the common Microsoft AVI. The main
    difference between OGM and AVI is that the new format can store audio
    with the Ogg Vorbis codec. With this codec, you can decrease the
    bitrate of your movies (I use 64 kbps), saving space to increase the
    video bitrate. Ogmencoder is completely automatic. Basically, the only
    thing you have to do is to insert the DVD in the reader and launch the

Pancho 9.0.1 (Stable)

    Pancho is a utility that allows network administrators to make changes
    to the configuration for a single node or group of nodes through SNMP
    and TFTP. It also provides archiving functionality by allowing you to
    copy the device configurations to a remote server through a scheduled
    cron or at job. 

PowerAdmin 1.2.1 

    PowerAdmin is a Web-based frontend for the PowerDNS DNS server. It
    interfaces with PowerDNS's generic database backends, such as MySQL,
    PostgreSQL, and Oracle, to add/modify/delete both forward and reverse
    zones, with full IPv6 support. 

prtunnel 0.0.4 

    prtunnel tunnels a TCP connection through to a remote server using an
    HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy. It is useful if you are behind a proxy and want
    to use a program that doesn't have native proxy support. 

Trickster Streaming Server 0.04 

    Trickster Streaming Server is a pure Perl MP3 streaming server with a
    simple Web interface that allows you to manipulate and browse the
    queue. The queue management API is done in a fairly simple UNIX manner,
    and can be easily extended. 

vhost 3.02r1 

    vHost is a one-step solution for all virtual hosting needs. It enables
    a Linux/BSD server with single or multiple IP addresses to handle
    unlimited Web/FTP/email domains. It comes with both command-line and
    Web-based graphical user interface, which gives maximum control to a
    domain's owner, while relieving the system administrator of most
    routine administration tasks. The latest version also offers a
    "clustering" capability. 

Webmin Navigation and Layout 0.29a 

    The Webmin Navigation and Layout project aims to create a new and
    better navigation system for Webmin. It is easy to install over the

Newsforge Reports
Jay Sulzberger on Free Software (and computing freedom) advocacy

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - Jay Sulzberger is a high-profile Free
    Software advocate, best known as Secretary of LXNY. He's also active on
    behalf of Internet and computer freedom in general. Other activists
    don't always agree with Jay's viewpoints, but this never stops him.
    What follows are some quotes about his beliefs and his approach to free
    this-and-that advocacy in general. All words that follow except the
    subheads [and editorial ... 

Happy New Year

    NewsForge/Linux.com staff is taking a short break Dec 31 and Jan 1.
    We'll do a few NewsVac updates these two days, but our next original
    article will appear on Jan 2, 2003. See you then! 

The most popular Linux article ever?

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - You've seen a headline or two recently on
    NewsForge that said something like "Microsoft fights off Windows rival
    Linux." I say "headline or two" because we goofed up and and linked to
    this story at least twice, under different headlines. It was an easy
    mistake to make because this AP story has run in more newspapers and on
    more news Web sites than any other story I have ever seen with the word
    "Linux" in it. 

Newsforge Newsvac
802.11g Hardware Arrives

    Slashdot: DBordello writes "There's been quite a scramble as networking
    companies the world over rush to be the first to bring their 802.11g
    wireless gear to market." 

Job Scheduling and Batch Systems

    One of the measures of success of a Beowulf cluster is the number of
    people waiting in line to run their code on the system. 

Getting a Handle on Traffic

    When running a Web site of any size, it helps to learn about the
    visitors you're attracting. The traditional solution for monitoring Web
    traffic is a log file analysis tool such as analog. 

XBox Linux donor revealed

    In an effort to speed up the work needed to bring Linux to the
    Microsoft Xbox, an anonymous donor offered two prizes (part A and part
    B) of $100,000 each last year... The donor can now be revealed as
    Michael Robertson, who is the man behind the Lindows OS - which you may
    have heard recently had some conflict with Microsoft. We are grateful
    for his contribution in speeding up the goals of the whole group. 

LinuxWorld's top stories of 2002

    Maybe we're taking recycling thing too far, but the LinuxWorld editors
    decided to do a little archive-diving for the most interesting,
    popular, controversial and recyclable Linux stories of 2002. As a
    year-end treat, we've posted our list of standout stories here and
    added a few insights from the authors, as well. 

Ydesktop 3.2.1-rc2 At-A-Glance

    LPH writes "This is a quick look at the new distribution from Yoper
    Limited, Ydesktop 3.2.1 release candidate 2. Ydesktop is the first part
    of Your Operating System (YOS) being developed by Yoper. Ydesktop is
    optimized for 686 or higher x86 based machines, capable of using
    packages from all of the major distributions (native rpm and tgz
    support, .deb through alien)." 

Bootable Business Card nears 2.0 release

    Had this been an actual Linux emergency, you could really use the
    LNX-BBC rescue disk right now. Here's how to test the new release and
    make sure this mini-distribution has what it needs to rescue your
    system in the future. 

MozillaZine Review of the Year 2002

    Anonymous Reader writes "From MozillaZine: 'With the release of Mozilla
    1.0, the start of the Phoenix and Chimera projects and the launch of
    Gecko-based browsers from AOL, 2002 has been an exciting year for the
    Mozilla project. Join us as we take a look back at the past twelve

The State of GNU/Linux in 2002: It was Good.

    Timothy R. Butler writes "This year has proven most interesting for
    GNU/Linux. While there was not any amazing surprises, there were
    numerous events that are noteworthy for review. The upshot to all of
    this is that most of what happened was good overall for the Free
    Software community." 

India: HP Bundles AMD-Linux For Presario

    NZheretic writes "Kolkata: Welcome to New Year’s Diwali sale —
    Hewlett-Packard is slashing the price of its Compaq Presario home PC
    using a combination of AMD processors and Linux operating system (OS),
    thus also striking another blow at the dominance of Wintel in the
    Indian market. For PC users, the savings are huge: a branded MNC PC for
    Rs 30,990 (USD $645) , against the current Presario price of Rs 39,990
    (USD $833) based on Wintel or ... 

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Electronics: Hitman 2 for PS2

Computing: Sylvania SF170 17" LCD

Electronics: Splinter Cell for Xbox

Cube Goodies: Tiny R/C Digi Q Cars

FileZilla Server 0.8.0 has been released

    Another version of this powerful FTP Server has been released. From now
    on, FileZilla Server can run as service under WinNT based operating
    systems (NT4, 2K and XP). Also, the server interface now runs in a
    different process, so that I'll be able to implement remote
    administration in the next version. Of course, FileZilla Server still
    works well under Win9x (i.e. 95, 98(SE) and ME). Happy new year, Tim
    PS: Still reading? OK, here's a list of all changes: new features: -
    Separated server from the user interface, interface now runs in its own
    process - Sever now runs as service under Windows NT4, 2000 and XP
    fixed bugs: - fixed problems with non relative paths and drive letters.
    This should also fix the compatibility to some versions of the IE and
    other browsers (fixed by TJ Drennan) - fixed crash if a directory did
    contain files with a year larger than 2038 - server no longer sometimes
    stops responding after issuing shutdown PPS: Don't drink too much ;-) 

Mailman 2.1

    This is the stable release of GNU Mailman 2.1. Mailman is free software
    that enables users to manage email mailing lists and e-newsletters. Its
    integrated web interface provides easy-to-use access for list members
    and list administrators. Mailman supports built-in archiving, automatic
    bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, spam filters,
    and more. Mailman 2.1 is fully internationalized, supporting 17
    languages out-of-the-box. This new version also supports
    through-the-web list creation and removal, real name support, new
    moderation controls, and much more. See http://www.list.org or
    http://mailman.sf.net for details. 

JMichelleSui 0.9.7 released. (File Manager in Java and SWT)

    JMichelleSui is a File Manager written in Java and SWT. J2SE 1.4.0 (or
    later) and SWT 2122 (in Eclipse 2.1M4) is required. URI (RFC 2396)
    based directory and file implementation. Transparent ftp client
    (includes ftp connection pooling. contains timeout function). Drag &
    Drop and Clipboard availability. Simple and fast UI. 7.License : GNU
    LGPL or IBM CPL, or both Changes: 0.9.7 (2003/01/01) 1.crush dump
    logging is added. 2.ProgressDialog.setMaximum() is added for display
    detail progress. 3.when file copy, show transfer rate. 4.move menuitem
    from View->Move into Open. 5.add home directory and start directory
    into Favor list. 6.add menu to show memory status on ? menu. 7.show SWT
    version when launch JMichelleSui. 8.try to use SWT 2122 9.dump stack
    trace into file when exception or error occured. 10.add menu to move
    parent directory. 11.ftp connect fail causes NPE, is fixed. 12.copy:
    show detail about files to copy. 

PhpWiki developer release 1.3.4

    PhpWiki is a WikiWikiWeb clone in PHP. A WikiWikiWeb is a site where
    anyone can edit the pages through an HTML form. All pages are stored in
    a DBMS and hyperlinking is dynamic. It's for collaboration,
    conversation and documentation all at once. Featuring many new plugins,
    bug fixes, and lines of code. 

nntp//rss v0.1 released

    nntp//rss is a Java-based bridge between RSS feeds and NNTP clients,
    enabling you to read your favorite RSS syndicated content within your
    existing NNTP-based newsreader. This first public release supports
    web-based administration, RSS versions 0.91 through to 2.0, and has
    been tested with popular NNTP newsreaders. nntp//rss is a Java
    application that can either be run locally on an end-user's machine, or
    on a group server. Administration is through an easy-to-use web-based
    interface, facilitating group/channel management, status monitoring,
    and channel configuration import/export. nntp//rss is *feed friendly* -
    utilizing the Last-Modified and ETag features of the HTTP protocol
    ensures that the bandwidth of content providers web servers isn't
    inconsiderately used during polling. Download nntp//rss v0.1 from:
    130632 nntp//rss Home Page http://www.methodize.org/nntprss nntp//rss
    SourceForge Project Page http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/nntprss 

Panorama 0.18 now available

    Panorama is a framework for 3D graphics production. This will include
    modeling, rendering, animating, post-processing, etc. Animation is not
    currently supported, but will be added soon. It is officially part of
    the GNU project. Panorama 0.18 is now available for download.
    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7862 Before I
    get a lot of questions, I'll state here why I jumped some numbers in
    the versions. The ultimate goal of this project is to eventually end up
    stable, with version 1.0. As such, I believe that there was enough
    added and fixed as to further the number more than 1 notch. There is
    another version being developed in CVS (0.19), which is another large
    leap, but I don't want to end up with numbers which are prematurely
    high. As a potential roadmap, here's how I see the versions stacking
    up: 0.25 -- Time added, so that objects, textures, lights, etc. can
    vary over time. 0.50 -- Plugin system rewritten and functional for both
    *nix and Win32 (possibly other OSs), most objects verified. 0.75 --
    Multiple SDLs (scene description languages), with at least one
    compatible to POV (http://www.povray.org). 0.90 -- Partially
    functioning GUIs for X (GTK--), Win32, and possibly other windowing
    systems. These will have full modeling capabilities. 1.00 -- Stable.
    Objects verfied to work, GUIs perform nicely, animation working
    correctly. These numbers are not fixed, and the order of completed
    features may be rearranged. It is, indeed, a very lofty goal. At the
    rate things have been progressing for the past 2 years, it will
    probably take me another 8 years for panorama to become stable, unless
    I can find some help. Questions or comments are welcomed. 

Medi 0.1.93 released

    A new version of Medi, 0.1.93, has been released. This is in fact
    (really this time...) the new 0.2.0 version. Configuration tables have
    been transferred into configuration local files, to reduce database
    rage. By running MediUpdater.jar, included in the package, the new
    version of the database will be installed. No data will be lost. Medi
    is a Java application useful to manage files in your CDs, floppies,
    etc. It can parse MP3 files, cataloguing them by author, genre and
    data, and can display (preview) some picture types. It uses a database
    (currently supported DBs are MySQL, Firebird and PostgreSQL) to store
    the data. 

SecureDataManager 1.0.1 released

    Secure Data Manager (SDM) is a full featured Java password manager
    application. Store logins and other private information for web sites,
    computers, credit cards, etc. This release is a patch to the 1.0
    release -- fixes the 'save' disabled menu-item bug. This stable release
    contains many new features, including: searching, expiring dates,
    random password generator, CSV and XML import/export, Tree and Table
    views, printing, and more. Visit http://sdm.sourceforge.net to see
    screenshots. Installation is easy. Download, unzip, and run using Java
    1.4.1. Comments are welcome. Please remember to monitor releases so you
    can be notified of future updates. -From the SecureDataManager Team 

RubyCocoa 0.4 was released

    RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework that allows Cocoa programming in the
    Object-Oriented Scripting Language Ruby. RubyCocoa allows writing a
    Cocoa application in Ruby. It allows creating and using a Cocoa object
    in a Ruby script. In Cocoa application, mixture of program written by
    both Ruby and Objective-C is possible. RubyCocoa 0.4.0 was released!
    http://rubycocoa.sourceforge.net/ Changes from 0.3.2 ------------------
    * Ruby 1.8 supported * revive RubyCocoa.framework * rename the extended
    library and move the library The '.pkg' binary package is available for
    Mac OS X 10.2. All of framework, library, documents, samples and
    ProejctBuilder templates are contained in the package. These items will
    be installed into the appropriate place. It is available to start of
    RubyCocoa programming or use of RubyCocoa application immediately.
    What's RubyCocoa? ----------------- RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework
    that allows Cocoa programming in the Object-Oriented Scripting Language
    Ruby. RubyCocoa allows writing a Cocoa application in Ruby. It allows
    creating and using a Cocoa object in a Ruby script. In Cocoa
    application, mixture of program written by both Ruby and Objective-C is
    possible. Some cases using RubyCocoa: * Exploration of a Cocoa object's
    feature with 'irb' interactively * Prototyping of a Cocoa application *
    Cocoa application that include good feature of Ruby and Objective-C *
    Wrapping Mac OS X native GUI for Ruby script 

PHPEclipse 1.0.3 preAlpha released

    PHPEclipse is an open-source PHP IDE. Built as an Eclipse plugin, it
    takes advantage of a well-designed, robust and widely used application
    framework. Project Page: http://www.sf.net/projects/phpeclipse
    Homepage: http://www.phpeclipse.org ChangeLog:

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Windows XP Professional (Full Product) (Microsoft)

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Windows XP Home Edition (Full Product) (Microsoft)

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Nero Burning ROM 5.5 (Full Product) (Ahead Systems)

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Battlefield 1942 (Full Product) (Electronic Arts)

    Lowest Price: $27.90 

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