O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    January 06, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Sendo vs. Microsoft: The Truth Comes Out

    [0]igotmybfg writes "[1]The Register has a [2]story which includes many
    details about the phone maker's Texas suit against the software giant.
    It seems that Microsoft had much more to gain from letting its partner
    fail than helping it to succeed: in the event of a bankruptcy,
    Microsoft acquired all of Sendo's intellectual property related to the
    z100 Stinger SmartPhone, and was then free to do whatever it wanted,
    which in this case turned out to be going behind Sendo's back and
    making a deal with Orange SPA." Read our [3]original article about this
    to get more background information. 
    0. http://dannyt52 AT earthlink DOT net
    1. http://www.theregister.co.uk/
    2. http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/28724.html
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/26/1423247&tid=109

New Estimates for Universe's Age

    [0]Makarand writes "In a study published recently in the journal
    Science, a team of researchers say that they are 95% sure the universe
    is between 11.2 billion and 20 billion years old according to this
    [1]article on Space.com. The new calculations from cosmologists at Case
    Western Reserve University and Dartmouth College involved new
    information about old star clusters in our galaxy and a better
    understanding of how stars evolve." Which blows my theory that the
    Universe is predated by [2]Zsa Zsa Gabor, but oh well. 
    0. mailto:{theJunta(@)HotMail.}
    1. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/age_universe_030103.html
    2. http://us.imdb.com/Name?Gabor,+Zsa+Zsa

IOGEAR Homeplug Networking Reviewed

    [0]Chris Allen writes "Wired or wireless? This is always just about the
    first thing anyone thinks of when planning their new home/soho office.
    It always comes down to price/performance/practicality, in whichever
    order you feel is more important. Sometimes it just isn’t possible to
    run CAT5, for a variety of reasons. The only options available for the
    average consumer is wireless, HomePNA, which uses your existing
    telephone network in your house, and [1]HomePlug, using your existing
    power grid. HomePNA has been around for around 3 years or so, and has
    matured some, starting out transmitting at dismal speeds and lackluster
    reliability in regards to interference. HomePlug is short for
    [2]HomePlug® Powerline Alliance." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.monkeyreview.com/reviews/review.php?num=211
    2. http://www.homeplug.org/index_basic.html

2003 Edge.org World Question

    [0]murky.waters writes "The [1]responses to this year's Edge.org
    question have been published; basically, people were asked to imagine
    they were nominated as White House science adviser and the President
    asked them what are some important issues in science and what we should
    do about them. There are 84 responses, ranging in topic from advanced
    nanotechnology to the psychology of foreign cultures, and lots of ideas
    regarding science, technology, politics, and education. The responses
    were written by academics (e.g. [2]Roger Schank, [3]Marvin Minsky),
    journalists ([4]Kevin Kelly), Nobel Laureates ([5]Eric Kandel), and
    others ([6]Alan Alda). Some of responses are politically loaded but the
    majority has either a more specialised proposal, or general remarks
    about our world. Many are absolutely fascinating: funny, insightful,
    interesting, hell even informative. ... One of the most public
    supporters of the [7]Singularity 'religion', [8]Ray Kurzweil, is a
    regular at Edge, and currently discussed issues range from said
    transhumanism to early-universe theories, and many other kinds of
    exciting and novel science." 
    0. mailto:murkywaters@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.edge.org/q2003/question03_index.html
    2. http://www.edge.org/q2003/q03_schank.html
    3. http://www.edge.org/q2003/q03_minsky.html
    4. http://www.edge.org/q2003/q03_kelly.html
    5. http://www.edge.org/q2003/q03_kandel.html
    6. http://www.edge.org/q2003/q03_alda.html
    8. http://www.edge.org/q2003/q03_kurzweil.html

Using Bacterial DNA For Data Storage

    [0]NPV writes "January ACM Communications has an article on the use of
    DNA in genetically modified bacteria to store information. This is an
    attempt to achieve the ultimate in archival storage (one of the
    modified bacteria can tolerate 1000X more radiation than a human
    being). Now just suppose that the "junk DNA" in the human genome is the
    documentation package for the machine code. Who wrote that manual?"
    Here's the [1]article abstract. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/602421.602426

Prentice Hall To Publish Open Content Licensed Books

    [0]lma writes "Bruce Perens has convinced Prentice Hall to publish a
    series of [1]books under an Open Source license. The 'Bruce Perens'
    Open Source Series' will be available first as hardcopy in bookstores,
    and the Open Source text will be available electronically a few months
    later. Prentice Hall is counting on people buying the books even though
    the electronic version will be freely available later. I like the
    model, since I prefer to read paper, but like the electronic version
    for reference." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.perens.com/Books

Collecting Classic Computers

    chriton writes "There's an interesting [0]article at [1]Reuters about
    collecting classic computers. There's mention in the story of an even
    more interesting website [2]www.classiccmp.org Unfortunately, most of
    the website is still under construction. The mailing list has been
    around since Jan 1997, and they clearly have plans for more accessible
    resources, but that just hasn't happened yet. If you are like me and
    have a an old Osbourne 1 in the closet and Commodore 128D stored at
    your mother's house she's telling you to take home lest she chuck it,
    you might find the list archives none the less." 
    0. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=1991627
    1. http://www.reuters.com/home.jhtml
    2. http://www.classiccmp.org/

25 Years of O'Reilly Books

    wka writes "The year 2003 marks the 25th anniversary of publisher
    O'Reilly and Associates. O'Reilly has a [0]site to mark the event.
    Readers can learn about the [1]origin of the first animal covers in the
    [2]time line, and read an [3]anniversary message from Tim O'Reilly,
    stating his 'audacious' goal '[t]o change the world by capturing and
    transmitting the knowledge of innovators.'" 
    0. http://www.oreilly.com/25anniversary/
    1. http://www.oreilly.com/25anniversary/animals.html
    2. http://www.oreilly.com/25anniversary/timeline.html
    3. http://www.oreilly.com/25anniversary/letter.html

Laser-Scanning U.S. Landmarks

    [0]MeanMF writes "The New York Daily News reports in this article that
    the National Park Service is creating [1]detailed 3-D maps of national
    monuments such as the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore using
    high-resolution laser scanners. Their goal is to create highly-accurate
    blueprints that can be used to reconstruct the monuments if they are
    damaged by a terrorist attack or other means." The same story is
    [2]also available at Yahoo!. 
    0. http://slashdot.org/~MeanMF
    1. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/story/48858p-45900c.html

Why IE Is So Fast ... Sometimes

    safrit writes "Finally the scoop on how IE "cheats" a little to up its
    performance! Do RFCs mean nothing anymore? What's next, Riots in the
    streets, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria! From the [0]blog
    story: 'Internet Explorer on Windows always seems either to run
    impossibly fast (page requests are fulfilled almost before the mouse
    button has returned to its original unclicked position), or
    ridiculously slow...' Now read to see why..." 
    0. http://grotto11.com/blog/?+1039831658

31337 recoder 0.3.0 

    31337 recoder is versatile recoding program. Its purpose is encoding
    text and data to non-human-readable forms and decoding from these
    forms. It supports Base64, ROT, escaped hex, and octal. It can also
    recode single bytes to any numeric system from binary to 36-ary. 

Bacula 1.28 

    Bacula is a set of programs that allow you to manage the backup,
    recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of
    different computers. It is based on a client/server architecture and is
    efficient and relatively easy to use, while offering many advanced
    storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost
    or damaged files. 

Balsa 2.0.5 (GNOME 2 Development)

    Balsa is a Gnome e-mail client supporting POP3, IMAP, and local mail
    delivery. It can be compiled with multi-threading support for faster
    response, and can do nifty things like read your GnomeCard address
    book, use LDAP, and render HTML mail. 

Calculating Pi Second Visual Release (Simple Harmonic Motion)

    ProjectPi is a project to calculate the mathematical constant Pi
    through various methods. 

ciclogin 0.3 

    ciclogin logs into and keeps the connection to the Telia Comhem
    Internet Cable service alive. 

CL-SDL 0.2.1 

    CL-SDL is a library of foreign function interfaces to SDL and OpenGL
    for Common Lisp programs. It aims to be extremely portable, fast, and

cqure ap 2.1.0 

    cqure ap is a "one floppy" wireless access point. It supports
    Prism 2-based wireless adapters and most of the 10/100 ethernet PCMCIA
    and PCI adapters supported by Linux. 

dbMan 0.30 

    dbMan is a complex SQL monitor for common database systems (PgSQL,
    Oracle, MySQL etc.). It's based on Perl and DBI interfaces. Features
    include a command history buffer, tab completion, editing Oracle
    objects, simultaneous connections, SQL help, importing and exporting of
    tables, Oracle explain plan, and more. dbMan is made as a simple kernel
    and many extension modules, and you can make your modules with a simple

e4Graph 1.0a7 

    e4Graph is a C++ library that allows programs to store graph-like data
    persistently and to access and manipulate that data efficiently. With
    e4Graph, you can arrange your data in the most natural form that
    reflects the relationships between its parts, rather than having to
    force it into a table-like format. The e4Graph library also allows you
    to concentrate on the relationships you want to represent, and not on
    how to store them in a database. You can modify data items, and add and
    remove connections and relationships between pieces of data on the fly.
    e4Graph allows you to represent an unlimited number of different
    connections between pieces of data, and your program can selectively
    manipulate the data according to the relationships it cares about, not
    having to know about other connections represented in the data set. 

Efax-gtk 2.0.3 (Stable)

    Efax-gtk provides a GUI frontend for the efax fax program. It
    interfaces with efax directly, replacing the scripts supplied with
    efax, and can be used for receiving and sending faxes, and for viewing,
    printing, and managing faxes which have been received and sent. It
    requires the GTK+ and Gtkmm libraries. Ghostscript (gs) must also be

File::Scan 0.40 (Development)

    File::Scan allows users to make multiplataform virus scanners which can
    detect Windows/DOS/Mac viruses. It include a virus scanner and
    signatures database. 

Gallery.py 2.0beta11 (Development)

    Gallery.py makes picture galleries consisting of an index page with
    thumbnails linking to pages with resized pictures. The picture pages
    include a navigation bar and a simple GUI and picture comments saved in
    an XML file. Date information is extracted from the pictures if
    available. Possible comments include 'date', 'where', 'who', and
    'what'. The script is very well suited for cron operation on a
    hierarchy of directories using the --recursive option. 

Gammu 0.66 (Development)

    Gammu (formerly known as MyGnokii2) is cellular manager for various
    mobile phones and modems. It currently supports Nokia 3210, 33xx, 3410,
    3510, 51xx, 5210, 5510, 61xx, 62xx, 63xx, 6510, 7110, 82xx, 8310, 9110,
    and 9210, and AT devices (such as Siemens, Alcatel, WaveCom, IPAQ, and
    other). It has a command line version with many functions for
    ringtones, phonebook, SMS, logos, WAP, date/time, alarm, calls, etc. It
    can also make full backups and restore them. It works on various Unix
    systems (like Linux) and Win32. 

GKrellM Distributed.net Plugin 0.12 

    GKrellDnet is Distributed.net client monitor plugin for GKrellM. It
    includes a Distributed.net client wrapper, so you can write monitoring
    apps for WindowMaker, GNOME, Enlightenment, etc. 

Gringotts 1.3.0pre3 (Development)

    Gringotts is a small utility that allows you to jot down sensitive data
    (passwords, PINs, small files, etc.) in an easy-to-read,
    easy-to-access, and most of all very secure form. Gringotts makes use
    of GTK+ 2 for the user interface, and lets the user choose from among
    eight strong encryption algorithms (RIJNDAEL-128, RIJNDAEL-256,
    SERPENT, TWOFISH, CAST-256, SAFER+, LOKI97, 3DES), two hashing
    algorithms (SHA1, RIPEMD 160) and two compression techniques (ZLib and
    BZip2) with four compression ratios. Moreover, it allows the user to
    use any file or an entire floppy disk as a password, as an alternative
    to the usual text string, giving additional choices. 

GSTP 0.1 

    GSTP is a binary file transfer protocol that focuses on security and
    anonymity. It tries to do right, where FTP does wrong, especially when
    it comes to firewall and user/password security. GSTP is based on
    TLS/SSL and the GSTP package includes a reference client (cli) and
    server for Unix platforms. 

hg12605tv 0.01 

    hg12605tv is a simple program which grabs an image from a V4L device
    and displays it on a Hundai HG12605 LCD display connected to the LPT
    port. You can use this program to learn how to grab from a V4L device
    and how to drive HG12605 LCD displays. 

ipv6calc 0.45 

    ipv6calc can be used by scripts to convert IPv6 addresses from one
    format to another. 

KDE Kontact 0.1 

    KDE Kontact is a personal information management application for KDE.
    It integrates KMail, KAddressBook, and KOrganizer into a unified

KleenCurve 1.0 

    KleenCurve is a theme based on BlueCurve. It doesn't have rounded
    corners, as basic icewm doesn't support this feature. It should work
    and look clean on all icewm versions. 

lftp 2.6.4 

    lftp is a sophisticated command line based FTP client. It has a
    multithreaded design allowing you to issue and execute multiple
    commands simultaneosly or in the background. It also features mirroring
    capabilities and will reconnect and continue transfers in the event of
    a disconnection. Also, if you quit the program while transfers are
    still in progress, it will switch to nohup mode and finish the
    transfers in the background. HTTP protocol and FTP over HTTP proxy are
    supported. Version 2.3.0 includes HTTPS and FTP over SSL support. 

libchipcard 0.7beta5 (Beta)

    Libchipcard is a C++ framework for easy access to chipcards/smartcards
    via chip card terminals/readers. It uses the CTAPI library provided by
    the manufacturer of the reader and provides a filesystem on memory chip
    cards. It works under Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows, and has been tested
    with Towitoko and Kobil readers even in parallel. 

Linux OpenMediaBox 0.8.1 

    The aim of the LinuxOpenMediaBox project is to create a free multimedia
    console which can be plugged into a TV set. LinuxOpenMediaBox gives you
    the ability to play most multimedia streams, including DVD, DivX, MP3,
    Ogg, and more. LOMB can also be used as a game console and a
    set-top-box. It can execute most Linux applications, including games,
    Web browsers, and office suites, as long as they are burned on a CD. 

logrelay-pop3 1.0.0 

    logrelay-pop3 is a POP-before-SMTP program on FIFOs and with real time
    updating (Perl). It is for solid-pop3d (syslogd) and Sendmail, but you
    can easy change this if you want in config section. It reads
    authenticated IP and modifies access file (makemap hash, makedb, or how
    you want). After a definite time (in conf section) IP expires and the
    access base is reloaded. Everything goes in real time. 

Magick IRC Services 2.0rc2 

    Magick IRC Services is a set of programs made for the IRC protocol (RFC
    1459). They are designed to allow users to register and keep their
    nicknames and channels, send messages to other users, and allow IRC
    Operators and Admins more control and flexability over the entire

Magma (Stable)

    Magma is a bash script designed to make CD burning at the console
    easier. It supports burning normal data CDs, audio CDs, blanking
    CD-RWs, multisession, and more. 

mailgraph 1.1 

    Mailgraph is a very simple mail statistics RRDtool frontend for Postfix
    that produces daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly graphs of
    received/sent and bounced/rejected mail. 

Ogg::Vorbis::Header 0.02 

    Ogg::Vorbis::Header is a Perl module for viewing and modifying info and
    comment fields of files encoded in the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio
    format. It uses Inline::C to access the underlying Vorbis libraries and
    provides an object oriented interface, an incremental loading scheme,
    and maintains no open filehandles between operations, which allows data
    structures containing many Ogg::Vorbis::Header objects to be created. 

openHBCI 0.9.5 (Unstable)

    openHBCI is a C++ library for the German HomeBanking Computer
    Interface. It includes some tutorials for testing the library. Its
    current capabilities include complete key management on disc (RDH)
    and/or chip-card (DDV), the ability to perform single customer credit
    transfers, and the ability to get balance reports. 

Placebo 0.9 

    Placebo is a framework for developing Web-based applications in the PHP
    scripting language. The framework allows applications to be designed
    and structured with proper software design methodologies. Placebo
    encourages object-oriented design and the use of the
    Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. 

RSA implementation in Octave 0.01 

    RSA implementation in Octave is a short, dirty, and very slow
    implementation of the cryptographic primitives of the RSA public key
    algorithm, using GNU Octave. It includes functions to work on big
    numbers, modular exponentiation, modular inversion, probabilistic prime
    numbers generators, key pair generators, and functions to encrypt and
    decrypt files using a rather insecure scheme. 

SaveMyModem 0.14 (Development)

    SaveMyModem is an anti-spam, mail-shaping, and delete-on-server mail
    tool. It is designed for users with slow dialup connections, who are
    tired of downloading large amounts of spam and worm and virus

Server Logging Operations Platform 1.2 

    SLOP is an engine for the collection of and reporting on logs from
    various network based devices such as firewalls, switches, and Web
    servers. It includes support for Checkpoint Firewall-1 firewalls and
    Cisco 2900 and 3500 series switches. It features storage of logs in an
    SQL database, dynamically generated Web-based graphic reports of
    statistics from devices, Web-based viewing of raw logs, with sorting
    and color highlighting, and an object-oriented framework for adding
    "modules" to support other devices. 

skadns 0.20 

    skadns is an asynchronous DNS client library. It was designed for
    simplicity of use and light resource usage, and can even be used on an
    embedded system. Unlike other DNS client libraries, skadns leaves the
    asynchronous work to a daemon, making the client API easy to understand
    and use. 

Sporum 3.0.9 (Classic)

    Sporum is a Web-based discussion forum. It features several expected
    elements of forums including user registration, moderating abilities,
    threaded discussions, a search engine, Web-based administration, and
    more, as well as some new features including a new interface, four
    different threaded views (Combined, Flat, Nested, Threaded), multiple
    forums/categories/boards, e-mail subscription, and a ratings and point

Tensile 0.9 (Current)

    Tensile (formerly NSL) is essentally a text-processing language based
    on a push-down transducers paradigm. It has an inherent
    HTML/XML-parser, CGI-programming capabilities, SQL access, and more.
    Additional modules can also be attached for expanding functionality. 

TuxGlo 0.1 

    A green/grey theme for Hackedbox which features a "glowing"
    tux background. 

Video4Linux Grab pre4-0.2.2 

    The v4lgrab project is real-time capturing software for a Video4Linux

VK Tafe 0.6a 

    A program that parses and analyzes MPEG-2 transport streams. 

VK Tools 0.6a 

    The VK Toolset is intended to aide MPEG developers and hobbyist in
    understanding and creating conformant MPEG streams. The current version
    focuses on the MPEG system layer (MPEG-1 System, MPEG-2 Program
    Stream), and MPEG-2 Transport bitstreams). 

Webcpp 0.7.11 (Stable)

    Webcpp (Web C Plus Plus) is a command line utility that takes your
    source code and converts it into an HTML file, using a fully
    customizable syntax highlighting engine and stylesheets. Webcpp
    currently supports Ada95, Assembler, ASP, Basic, C, C#, C++, Cg, CLIPS,
    DOS Batch, EMF, Fortran, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Markup, Modula2,
    Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Power Builder, Python, RenderMan, Ruby,
    SQL, Tcl, Unix shell, and VHDL highlighting. 

Webtop web-based email system 1.30 

    Webtop is a Web-based POP3 email client that includes many filter
    options, spam fighting features, custom folders, email import/export,
    and email-to-PDF generation. The Webtop also includes a calendar,
    notepad, Webdrive, automated email reminders, contacts, mailing lists,
    and Web-based administration. One installation can support multiple
    users and each user can set up as many POP3 accounts as they need. 

WMApp DockApp Library 0.0.4 

    WMApp is a C++ based library for writing WindowMaker-style dockapps. It
    provides numerous widgets, all with the traditional dockapp appearance. 

wtail 0.1.4 

    wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once. The
    screen is split into as many parts as there are files to watch. 

Yerase TNEF Stream Reader 1.03 

    ytnef is a program to decode TNEF streams. Unlike other similar
    programs, it can also decode meeting requests and create VCal entries
    for easy import. It also has a Perl script that can be used in procmail
    recipes to automatically reformat incoming mail appropriately. 

ZZIPlib 0.10.77 (Preview)

    ZZIPlib provides read access on ZIP-archives. The library uses only the
    patent-free compression-algorithms supported by zlib. Functions are
    provided that transparently access files being either real files or
    zipped files, both with the same filepath. The zip-archive can be used
    in the place of a normal subdirectory. It is written in portable C. 

Newsforge Reports
Linux can do hot backups on Oracle now

    - by Tina Gasperson -Data backups are essential in the enterprise - not
    just a good idea. STORserver has an interesting backup appliance that
    installs in fifteen minutes, they say. Now, they're releasing a product
    that will allow companies to run "hot" backups on Oracle databases, in
    Linux. It is called SDP - STORserver Data Protection. 

Commentary: Linux myths that never die

    - by John Fitzgibbon -As a long-time Microsoft Windows user who
    recently switched almost exclusively to Linux, I'd like to share a few
    observations on the transition. 

Linux Advisory Watch - January 3rd,  2002

    By:  Benjamin D. Thomas Linux Advisory Watch is a comprehensive
    newsletter that outlines the security vulnerabilities that have been
    announced throughout the week. It includes pointers to updated packages
    and descriptions of each vulnerability. 

Newsforge Newsvac
Microsoft Belgium's GPL attack refuted in detail

    leonbrooks writes "Recently, images from a presentation by Microsoft
    Belgium were published on the web. The presentation made some startling
    (for Microsoft) concessions to Open Source, then set about FUDding the
    GPL into the ground. I whacked together a point-by-point answer to the
    anti-GPL FUD and here it is." 

Software Contracts: Antitrust tying and computer hardware

    Anonymous Reader writes "Have you bought a PC to run Linux and received
    a copy of a proprietary desktop operating system you do not intend on
    using? Did the manufacturer collect a fee for the operating system you
    don't use? Walt Pennington, member of the San Diego Linux Users Group,
    concerned citizen, and esteemed tort attorney outlines the legal
    challenge of OEM agreements. Seeking a refund of his own unwanted copy
    of Microsoft Windows, ... 

Scripting Language City

    Ursus Maximus writes "Scripting Language City is for folks who want to
    learn more about the future of this increasingly important subset of
    the programming universe. Scripting languages are not just for odd jobs
    anymore ;-))). Special attention is paid to four languages in Python
    City, Ruby City, Perl City, and JavaScript Expert Systems which
    includes a Scripting Language Chooser Program as well as a Basketball
    Expert Ssystem and a Football ... 

Linux Continues Desktop March

    Ban_Country_Music writes "The good news for Linux as an operating
    system for the desktop--as opposed to the server--is that it is set to
    become No. 2 after Windows in the next year or so. The bad news is that
    its growth does not look to be as explosive as some advocates might
    have hoped." 

Microsoft's Reaction to OSS Adoption

    Slashdot: inode_buddha writes "Eric S. Raymond has the eighth
    "Halloween" memo available here." 

Linux TCO edge: Lower labor costs

    The question of whether Linux's total cost of ownership (TCO) is lower
    than that of Windows or other operating systems has inspired many
    fierce debates among enterprise IT professionals. 

Lindows CEO Funds Xbox Hacking Challenge

    Contest invites coders to devise ways to run Linux on gaming
    console--both with and without hardware hacks. 

Aberdeen Group Targets IT Trends For 2003

    IT spending will show meager growth, outsourcing will be a bright spot
    but potentially troublesome, and Linux won't move out of the back of
    the shop. That's the take on 2003 from the Aberdeen Group, which this
    week identified its top tech trends for the coming year. And if the
    market-research firm is on target, outsourcers will have the most to
    look forward to. 

Linux conferences for 2003

    Can't go to many conferences this year? Just go to a couple good ones. 

Desktop Options

    Anonymous Reader writes "Michael C. Barnes takes an in-depth look at
    desktop operating system options available on the market today in this
    exclusive article at DesktopLinux.com." 

Cube Goodies: The Binary Clock

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Electronics: Hitman 2 for PS2

Computing: Sylvania SF170 17" LCD

Electronics: Splinter Cell for Xbox

JGraph Valencia (v1.0.7) released

    JGraph is the most powerful, lightweight, feature-rich, and thoroughly
    documented open-source graph component available for Java. It is
    accompanied by JGraphpad, the first free diagram editor for Java that
    offers XML, Drag and Drop and much more. This release has a complete
    new website and contains bug fixes. Bug fixes include:
    DefaultGraphSelectionModel.CellPlaceHolder is now a protected inner
    class with public accessors, DefaultGraphCell's getChildren method
    never returns null, SizeHandle/RootHandle double buffer members are now
    protected, Dependency between isMoveable, isAutosize and isSizeable was
    removed, Focus argument and childrenSelected are handled separately by
    renderer, Focused cell's highlight color is different from other
    selected cells. 

Rexx/Wrapper 2.1 released

    Rexx/Wrapper is a pseudo compiler for Rexx programs. It generates a SAA
    API application with the Rexx program embedded. The application is then
    compiled and linked allowing the user to distribute their Rexx program
    as a stand-alone executable. This principal change in this release is
    the ability to build Win32 executables of your Rexx programs with the
    lcc-win32 compiler. 

Gimp-Print 4.3.7 (unstable development)

    Gimp-Print 4.3.7, released January 4, 2003, is a development release of
    this package. Gimp-Print is a suite of printer drivers that may be used
    with most common UNIX print spooling systems, including CUPS, lpr,
    LPRng, or others. These drivers provide high quality printing for UNIX
    (including Macintosh OS X 10.2 and newer) and Linux systems in many
    cases equal to or better than proprietary vendor-supplied drivers, and
    can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks. This
    software includes the Print plug-in for the Gimp, and Ghostscript and
    CUPS drivers, including Foomatic data. The print plugin for the Gimp
    requires the Gimp 1.2 (later versions of the Gimp are not supported).
    The CUPS driver requires CUPS 1.1.9 or higher. 1.1.14 or above is
    highly recommended, as certain translation-related bugs are fixed and
    it is possible to print true CMYK. The IJS-based GhostScript plugin
    driver requires GNU Ghostscript 6.53 or later, ESP Ghostscript 7.05 or
    later, or APFL GhostScript 7.04 or later. Users of Macintosh OS X 10.2
    and above can use this package, as the printing system is based on
    CUPS, which is supported by Gimp-print. Note that Macintosh OS X 10.0
    and 10.1 (including 10.1.5) cannot use this package. Please read the
    README file for full instructions on installing this package.
    Gimp-Print 4.3.7 is considered to be an unstable release, as more
    significant API changes have been introduced with relatively limited
    testing. While most of the changes improve the clarity of the code, the
    limited testing and extensive nature of the changes suggests that this
    release is likely to be quite unstable. We recommend that only people
    who want access to these new API features for development use this
    release. There are very significant user-visible changes over earlier
    4.3 releases, and few changes over the 4.2 stable line. Gimp-Print
    4.3.7 contains the following major changes over Gimp-Print 4.3.6: 1)
    Further internal API changes. Please see
    include/gimp-print/gimp-print.h, and the various header files in
    src/main, for details. There will be significant further changes,
    particularly in the color code. The API is considerably more consistent
    than before. 2) Parameters are now stored as variables within
    stp_vars_t, rather than as fixed fields. This change is largely
    transparent at the API level, but it marks an important advance. 3) The
    Gimp Print plugin has been split into a GTK-based library
    (libgimpprintui) and the actual Print plugin. The libgimpprintui code
    permits creating print panels for other applications, or standalone
    graphical print utilities, all using the same user interface. In
    addition, the thumbnail preview mechanism has been changed to use the
    stp_image_t API rather than to make direct calls to the color
    machinery. This was done by creating a new family driver (print-raw.c)
    and by creating a new stp_image_t implementation for thumbnail
    creation. This removed the only reason to export the color API, and
    will permit us to simplify the very complex color API. This work is
    currently in progress. To simplify coding while avoiding an unnecessary
    dependency, some widgets have been borrowed from libgimp. The two files
    comprising the Gimp plugin proper total less than 900 lines of code,
    out of about 60,000 lines total in the core library, UI library, and
    Print plugin. This work is not complete; support for multiple pages
    still needs to be added, for example. However, there should be a
    sufficient base to permit interested developers to experiment. A very
    desirable project that someone may wish to undertake is to write a
    ghostscript front end (or extension to ghostview or gv) that uses this
    UI library. This would create a full-featured graphical printing
    application. 4) Many parameters for Epson printer control, dither
    matrix control, and HSL adjustment have been exported as settable
    parameters. While currently no Gimp-print applications provide access
    to these controls, they are available for developer use. Please read
    the code to see where they are made available. This is a work in
    progress; expect major changes in the future. 5) A new header file,
    gimp-print-version.h, has been created to store the autogen-time
    versioning information. 6) The Gimp Print plugin now uses g_message to
    deliver error messages to pop-ups rather than to stderr. 

WebMacro 1.1final released

    WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source servlet framework that enables
    programmers and designers to work together while promoting the
    ModelViewController pattern. WebMacro is a viable (and proven!)
    alternative to JavaServerPages, PHP, and ASP. WebMacro 1.1final
    --------------- This is WebMacro 1.1. WM 1.1 includes new features such
    as #macro, #count, $functions(), and numerous bugfixes. WebMacro is
    alive, and this production quality release is proof! The best place for
    information about WebMacro is our website: http://www.webmacro.org/ In
    addition, WebMacro has relocated the management aspects of the project
    to SourceForge (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/webmacro/). We hope
    this will prove to give the WebMacro community continued support. We
    also hope it will make our lives a bit easier! Note that because of the
    move to SourceForge our mailing list address has changed. Please visit
    http://www.webmacro.org/MailingList for details. Changes in this
    Release ----------------------- - Fix for Tomcat and template loading
    from .jar files (Sebastian) - Fix NPE's when calling methods using the
    'null' keyword - Add .tmpl as a recognized template file extension for
    #parse and #include 

P.E.T. 1.3 released

    P.E.T. (PHP Processor Engine for Templates) class is released in
    version 1.3. P.E.T. cleans up your PHP scripts by using templates for
    output. It is quick to learn and easy to use but still powerful. With
    very few lines of code you display your output, use Server Side
    Includes, dump the result to disk and more. The new method
    "$pet->get_content" returns all content added by $pet->add_content
    until this moment for the reason of debugging. 

Perl Shell 1.0 "Dithyramb" released

    The Perl Shell (psh) combines aspects of bash and other shells with the
    power of Perl scripting. It aspires to be your primary login shell.
    After a long period of time with no releases (and two or more promises
    of "OK, I'll release it", I have bundled the latest code in CVS into
    the newly released version 1.0. I believe that Markus Peter is
    responsible for most of the code in this release ($Markus++), although
    I think there were some patches or clues from other folks ($folks{$_}++
    foreach @contributor). I have dubbed this the "Dithyramb" release
    (http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/wow/2001-09-29.html). Here are
    some notes about what is new (you can find more in the CHANGES file on
    the web page noted below): * New 'if' builtin * New 'forfile' builtin:
    "forfile *.txt less $_" is equivalent to bash's "for i in #.txt; do
    less $i; done" * New redirection and piping syntax (incompatible with
    old sh- like syntax): "ls >[=FILEHANDLE]" * Backticks work * A strategy
    for finding and running Darwin/Mac OS X Appbunlde programs. * Support
    for && and || with simple commands * Themes * Major startup time
    reduction NOTE: You may need to modify your startup scripts / rc files
    with this version. Please see README.upgrade in the distribution for
    more information. You can find out more at The Perl Shell (psh) at:
    http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/psh/ Please note that Windows
    functionality in this release has not seen much testing, so it may not
    work correctly in that environment. Please post experience reports to
    the mailing list. We are looking for folks interested in helping keep
    future releases working under Windows environments. If you are so
    inclined, then please so indicate. The next wave of changes being
    contemplated for psh will take things in a new direction. First, where
    the desire for shellish and perlish behaviors get in each other's way,
    we will be moving toward shellish behavior. This will very likely
    entail some modifications to the syntax required to advise the shell
    "here be perl". Second, we are considering some changes which will make
    psh more generic. So, while it will remain The Perl Shell (from an
    implemenatation perspective), it may become The Poly Shell (from a
    user's perspective). There is room for discussion on the psh-dev list
    for those with comments, concerns, ideas, queries, curses, etc. as we
    flesh out the details. Enjoy, -- Gregor 

SynCE 0.6 released

    The purpose of the SynCE project is to provide a means of communication
    with a Windows CE or Pocket PC device from a computer running Linux,
    *BSD or other unices. The greatest addition to this release is the
    GNOME-VFS module that allows you to browse your device in Nautilus! To
    get this and other small fixes, download here:

oo2c-2.0.3 released

    Release 2.0.3 introduces experimental support for exceptions. OOC is an
    Oberon-2 development platform. It consists of an optimizing compiler, a
    number of related tools, a set of standard library modules, and a
    reference manual. 

jmove 0.3 available

    jmove eases the understanding and valuation of the design and
    architecture of complex software written in java. It provides
    dependency analysis, metrics, design rule checking and impact analysis.
    The release 0.3 is available now. It contains a complete redesign and
    vital functional extensions like source code analysis metrics etc.. 

WinTV PVR 250/350 Capture Only App 1.3 release

    This release is a stable release level that appears to work for people
    in numerous countries and TV standards(NTSC and PAL). As the reports
    seem positive from the 1.2.3 Release that corrected the Path issue in
    this release the trace log file can now be disabled via a ini setting.
    Command line capture only application for the Hauppauge WinTV PVR
    250/350 Capture Cards. This application supports a subset of the
    Hauppauge WinTV2000 application's command line options for capturing
    directly to disk with minimal CPU utilization. 

C-4000 Zoom (4.1MP, 3200x2400, 3x Opt, 16MB SM) (Olympus)

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Dual DVD+RW/-RW Combo Drive (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

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PowerShot G3 (4.0MP, 2272x1704, 4X Opt, 32 CF) (Canon)

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FinePix 3800 (3.2MP, 1600x1200, 6X Opt, 16MB) (Fuji)

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PowerShot G2 (4MP, 2272 x 1704, 3X Opt, 32MB CF) (Canon)

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RM-AV3000 Universal Remote Commander (Sony)

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DMR-HS2 Recorder (Progressive Scan) (Panasonic)

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TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

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RIO S35S (128MB, MMC) (Sonic Blue)

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DMR-E30 Silver Progressive-Scan DVD Video Recorder with Time Slip Playback (Panasonic)

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Norton Antivirus 2003 (Full Product) (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $8.45 

Windows XP Professional (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $134.00 

Windows XP Home Edition (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $85.00 

Battlefield 1942 (Full Product) (Electronic Arts)

    Lowest Price: $27.90 

Nero Burning ROM 5.5 (Full Product) (Ahead Systems)

    Lowest Price: $14.90 

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