O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    January 19, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Neverwinter Nights Update

    nyquil superstar writes "Just thought everyone might like to know,
    there are a whole bunch of updates at [0] Bioware's NWN Linux Client
    Page. Includes goodies like the timing of future releases and betas,
    how to install the Linux client and future(!) expansions, and updates
    on the movies and sound issues. The quick version: sound is in and they
    will release a Linux client before they integrate a movie player. Oh,
    and you'll need to download the game's resource data or use a Windows
    install, the CD is only good for the reg. key and Windows install. Good
    news though, because it sounds like it's getting close." 
    0. http://nwn.bioware.com/downloads/linuxclient.html

Newsbooster Creates P2P Newsbrowser

    [0]scubacuda writes "[1]Newsbooster, the Danish company that [2]got
    busted for deep-linking to newspaper stories, [3]has created a new P2P
    version of its service to get around European law. Newsbooster's
    "[4]Newsbrowser" software works like Kazaa - users download the
    software and it networks their computers together, instead of serving
    up files from a single server." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] minus author
    1. http://www.newsbooster.com/
    2. http://digitalmass.boston.com/news/2002/07/05/newsbarred.html
    3. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,57230,00.html
    4. http://www.newsbooster.com/?lan=dk

Bushfires Destroy Historic Mt. Stromlo Observatory

    [0]Anthony writes "The historic [1]Mt Stromlo observatory has been
    destroyed by fires. Unfortunately [2]Google cache and similar archives
    are the only available detailed information. Looks like the web site
    was housed at the observatory. [3]Telescopes housed there were 74" and
    50" reflectors along with the "Oddie" 9" refractor used by the Canberra
    Astronomical Society. Also destroyed were a number of student houses
    and workshops. The view from the air is one of molten domes and twisted
    metal. with the "Oddie" 9" refractor used by the Canberra Astronomical
    Society. Also destroyed were a number of student houses and workshops.
    These [4]fires have already destroyed 388 houses in the suburbs of
    Canberra. Luckily the winds have not picked up today, but the danger is
    still high." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.anu.edu.au/pad/50th/history/mssso.html
    3. http://web.archive.org/web/20011125000347/msowww.anu.edu.au/observing/
    4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2003/01/item20030119054139_1.htm

MIT Spam Conference Conclusions

    [0]RT Alec writes "The [1]2003 Spam Conference has concluded,
    [2]reports [3]InfoWorld. (related read: [4]abstracts of the conference
    discussions). I was unable to attend the conference, but it appears all
    that was discussed was filters (client and server). I think the key
    problem is ISPs that do not block egress traffic on port 25. If you
    need to send mail through a different SMTP server than provided by your
    ISP, the admin of that server ought to provide you with a means of
    using it with authentication on a port other than 25 (you do have
    permission to use that SMTP server, don't you?). It is not too tough to
    set up an SMTP server to require authentication, or at a minimum to run
    off a different port. I am suprised that this is never mentioned as a
    cure for spam. If just AOL blocked port 25, this could reduce spam by
    50% (I base this figure on close examination of the headers of the spam
    I receive). I was pleased to see that Barry Shein, president of [5]The
    World (a Boston based ISP) was included in the talks. I am not sure by
    the abstract (see link above) posted if he mentioned blocking port 25.
    In a recent [6]interview he did not mention it." 
    0. http://www.restontech.com/
    1. http://spamconference.org/
    2. http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/03/01/17/030117hnspammit.xml?s=IDGNS
    3. http://www.infoworld.com/
    4. http://spamconference.org/abstracts.txt
    5. http://www.std.com/
    6. http://www.internetwk.com/breakingNews/INW20021219S0003

Should The Next  Windows Be Built On Linux?

    [0]scrm writes "The next version of Windows should be built on top of
    Linux, according to [1]this article by [2]Robert Cringely of PBS." If
    Microsoft wanted to, they could be the world's largest vendor of Free
    software .. couldn't they? 
    0. http://www.scandal.org
    1. http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20030116.html
    2. http://www.pbs.org/cringely

A Community Takeover of Mandrake?

    sombragris writes "[0]Ben Reser wrote an [1]interesting opinion about
    MandrakeSoft's [2]current financial woes. Reser maintains that there's
    no great value in MandrakeSoft's current business model and that the
    best course of action for Mandrake Linux would be a community or
    non-profit takeover of the Mandrake distribution. Sounds definitely
    0. http://ben.reser.org/
    1. http://ben.reser.org/rants/invisible.cgi?month=01&day=15&year=2003&t=00
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/01/15/1727240&tid=147

Electromagnetic Ship Docking System Debuts

    Makarand writes "A system that uses electromagnets for docking ships is
    getting ready to be tested at a port in the Netherlands according to
    this [0]article in the New Scientist. Magnetic docking systems were
    never used in the past as magnetic fields posed dangers to sensitive
    cargo like TVs and monitors. Researchers at the Delft University of
    Technology have developed electromagnets whose magnetic fields do not
    penetrate far into the ship for this special application. The magnets
    can be periodically switched off and on rapidly to allow ships to rise
    and fall with the tide." 
    0. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993270

Lindows' Heavy Hand Leads to Summit Dropouts

    [0]shawk writes "With Lindows becoming more popular the company's
    confidence seems to be growing. According to a [1]news item on
    Desktoplinux.com Lindows unilaterally adjusted the agenda of a planned
    vendor-neutral summit in a way that is not tolerable for others
    supporting the conference. A related [2]article on CNET reports HP
    having withdrawn from the summit as well." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS4417146902.html
    2. http://news.com.com/2100-1040-981257.html?tag=fd_top

Rosen Floats ISP Fee Idea -- Charge Everybody!

    iconian writes "Hillary Rosen of RIAA wants to impose a type of [0]fee
    to ISPs which in turn will be passed to all their customers
    indiscriminately to recoup supposed damages done by file-sharing. The
    RIAA considers downloading music illegally over the Internet to be the
    moral equivalence of stealing. I wonder then what is the moral
    equivalence of the RIAA taking realized cash from people who do not
    download music?" 

Web Site Sues Annoying Pest Troll

    [0]kongjie writes "Cleveland's [1] The Plain Dealer has a [2]story in
    the business section about a [3]pest-control web site that is suing
    someone who obviously has a particular bone to pick with exterminators:
    he is accused of being a "troll" who "constantly leaving obnoxious and
    offensive messages" on their pest-control bulletin board. The suit is
    for $5,000 and is for "violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/
    3. http://www.pctonline.com/

Lightweight Web Browsers

    The computers you meet on today's desktops are equipped with very fast
    processors (usually over 1GHz) and a few hundreds megs of RAM. Even
    very complicated and resource-consuming applications don't cause any
    problems for them. However, there are still old machines around which
    can't easily run such programs. They either don't launch them at all or
    run so slowly that sensible work can't be performed. 

adcfw-log 0.8.0 

    adcfw-log is a tool for analyzing firewall logs in order to extract
    meaningful information. It is designed to be a standalone script with
    very few requirements that can generate different kinds of reports,
    such as fully formatted reports of what had been logged, with summaries
    by source or destination host, the type of service, or protocol. There
    are also options to filter the input data by date, host, protocol,
    service, and so on. 

ALE 0.3.0 

    ALE aligns and merges several similar images from a digitizing device
    (such as a digital camera or scanner) into a single image. This may
    have the effect of producing a relatively alias-free image (sometimes
    called "anti-aliasing"). 

AllTasks.net 1.35 

    AllTasks.net allows a company to manage all parts of a task from idea
    to execution and evaluation. Work together on big projects and/or
    gather daily tasks into one common system. 

Aware 0.9.1 

    Aware is a high performance distributed event processing framework
    built for systems management. It comes with probes for common network
    services and system resources. Additionally, Aware allows the
    cross-correllation of many different streams of information, and
    includes a Web-based reporting interface. 

b0xNet 1.3 

    b0xNet is an advanced modular Eggdrop distribution with multi-lingual
    support. It will run on Unix and Linux operating systems but may be
    limited to x86 compatible architectures. It includes an automatic
    upgrade feature to keep your bot up to date. 

bash programmable completion 20030118 (Stable)

    Since v2.04, bash has allowed you to intelligently program and extend
    its standard completion behavior to achieve complex command lines with
    just a few keystrokes. Imagine typing ssh [Tab] and being able to
    complete on hosts from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts files. Or typing man 3
    str [Tab] and getting a list of all string handling functions in the
    UNIX manual. mount system: [Tab] would complete on all exported
    file-systems from the host called system, while make [Tab] would
    complete on all targets in Makefile. This project was conceived to
    produce programmable completion routines for the most common Linux/UNIX
    commands, reducing the amount of typing sysadmins and programmers need
    to do on a daily basis. 

Caramel Beta 1 

    Caramel is a collection of open-source Java utility classes and
    includes class utility methods, color utility methods and constants
    that let you use more than a hundred predefined colors by name (such as
    azure, chocolate, deepskyblue, indigo, etc.), data utility methods to
    get a timestamp in a RFC-1123 format, file utility methods to get file
    extensions or to save a stream to a file, MIME utility methods, net
    utility methods, string utility methods to fill in templates, and much

CvsKnit 0.9.5 

    CvsKnit allows knitting up a CVS Repository from existing source
    packages with their original release dates. If you have non-CVS-managed
    packages and want to start revision management with CVS, this maybe

Danpei 2.9.0 (Stable)

    Danpei is a GTK+ based image viewer. It allows you to browse through
    your image files in thumbnail form, and it can rename, cut, and paste
    them easily with an interface similar to that of Windows Explorer. 

Defcon4 5.0 

    defcon4 is a good starting-point firewall script to use with ipchains.
    It is well documented and tweakable to the user's needs. 

Drivel 0.8.1 

    Drivel is a LiveJournal client for the GNOME desktop. It's designed to
    utilize the new features of GNOME 2.0, including GConf, GnomeVFS, and
    GTK 2.0. 

Dropline GNOME 2.1.90 

    Dropline GNOME is a version of the GNOME Desktop that has been tweaked
    for Slackware Linux systems. It is available in Slackware's standard
    .tgz package format, in addition to the usual source code. The current
    release is based off of the latest GNOME 2 distribution from the GNOME

FLAT Assembler 1.44 beta 4 

    The flat assembler is a fast and efficient self-assembling 80x86
    assembler for DOS, Windows and Linux. It supports all
    8086-80486/Pentium instructions with MMX, SSE, SSE2 and 3DNow!
    extensions. It can produce output in binary, MZ, PE or COFF format. It
    has advanced but easy-to-use macroinstruction support, and it does
    multiple quick passes to optimize the code for size. 

FLP 1.031b 

    FLP (Flaimo's Little Package) is a collection of PHP classes for
    internationalization. It formats date and time strings, replaces
    keywords, converts measurement units between SI and the US Customary
    System, and more. 

fsdb 0.2 

    fsdb speeds the creation of slocate's database files by keeping its own
    database and updating only those parts that need to be updated. It
    connects to a daemon to receive the updated inodes. In turn, the daemon
    interfaces with a kernel module which hooks into Linux's dnotify

Genmenu 1.0.1 (Stable)

    Genmenu can generate menus for Blackbox, Fluxbox, Openbox, Window
    Maker, and Enlightenment based on the program binaries found installed
    on a system. The list of programs to search for are contained within
    the script. Users can, to a limited degree, customize their menus via a
    set of interactive questions. 

GOBLIN Graph Library 2.5.3 

    The GOBLIN project consists of a C++ class library for a large series
    of graph optimization problems, GOSH, an extension of the Tcl/Tk
    scripting language to graph objects, and GOBLET, a graphical user
    interface to the library functions. GOBLET includes a graph editor, but
    provides only basic graph layout methods. 

Graver's Football Squares 1.0 

    Graver's Football Squares was created so multiple people could enjoy
    Football Squares during the Superbowl or any other major game that may
    be going on. 

gtkVUMeter 0.1 

    gtkVUMeter is a VU Meter for gtk+. It provides a simple one-channel
    audio meter. The minimum and maximum levels are configurable and
    default to 32767 (which is correct for 16 bit signed wave files). An
    xmms plugin is available. 

Horde Application Framework 2.2 (Stable 2.x)

    The Horde Application framework is a set of PHP classes providing
    common ways to handle preferences, browser detection, authentication,
    help systems, MIME, connection tracking, cross-application
    communication, and more. 

Impact 0.2.3 

    Impact is a finite element program based on an explicit time stepping
    algorithm. It can be used to simulate dynamic events such as car
    crashes or other large deformation events. It is written in Java and is
    kept very simple, to make it intuitive to use and easy to change and
    extend. It is very flexible and can handle several different input and
    output formats. 

Interface WM 0.2.1 

    The Interface Window Manager uses Objective C and the GNUstep libraries
    to provide strictly minimal functionality, with all additional features
    in bundles called IWMComponents. It uses the GNUstep defaults database
    for user settings such as mouse button configuration, key bindings, and
    initial color settings, and is optimized for use in a strictly GNUstep

Java-Chess 2002-01-17 

    Java-Chess is a fully-featured chess program that uses using Java 1.2
    (including Swing) and 64-bit computing where possible. 

Katoob 0.3.1 

    Katoob is a light-weight, multi lingual, BIDI-aware text editor. It
    supports opening and saving files in multiple encodings. The main
    support was for the Arabic language but other languages are also

kbox 0.3 

    kbox allows users of KDE/kwin to use styles that are compatible with
    the popular Blackbox window manager. It is implemented as a kwin
    client/plugin and renders most Blackbox styles correctly. It also
    supports Fluxbox and Openbox styles. 

KZoomer 0.9 

    The KZoomer class can automatically resize components which are
    absolutely placed in a container when the size of a container has been

Last One 1.1 

    Last One is a multi-player version of the Crazy Eights card game
    (similar to Uno) for Palm OS. Dozens of game variations (including the
    one that this game is named after) are possible through a unique game
    options system. 

libchipcard 0.7.1 (Stable)

    Libchipcard is a C++ framework for easy access to chipcards/smartcards
    via chip card terminals/readers. It uses the CTAPI library provided by
    the manufacturer of the reader and provides a filesystem on memory chip
    cards. It works under Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows, and has been tested
    with Towitoko and Kobil readers even in parallel. 

Linux NTFS 1.7.0beta (NTFS Tools and Library)

    Linux NTFS provides Linux drivers for the proprietary filesystem used
    by Windows NT, 2000, and XP. It also provides support for the Logical
    Disk Manager (LDM) that controls Windows' Dynamic Disks and is used to
    create software Mirrors, Stripes, RAID, etc. 

Makin' Bakon Typing Tutor 0.3.0 

    Makin' Bakon Typing Tutor is a terminal-based typing tutor game written
    in C++ (with STL) and Curses. It contains both structured and
    fortune-based lessons. Learn to type to a professional standard while
    you're saving Pig's bacon! Warning: Includes material that may offend. 

Mnemo 1.1 

    Mnemo is the Horde notes/memos application. It provides Web-based notes
    and freeform text, similar to the PalmOS Note application. It requires
    the Horde Application Framework and an SQL database for backend

mtftpd 0.0.3 

    mtftpd is an FTP server, based in a multiple process/thread model. 

Naamah 1.06 

    Naamah is a Web application that stores the ID3 tags from your MP3s and
    details of your audio CDs in a MySQL database. It scans drives for MP3
    files and can generate LaTeX listings. 

Nokia Developer's Suite for J2ME 1.1 

    The Nokia Developer's Suite for J2ME is an application development
    environment that can be used as a stand alone tool or with Borland or
    Sun IDE products to build J2ME applications. It features integrated
    deployment to FTP servers and an audio converter for MIDI and XML
    tones. It contains the Nokia Series 40 MIDP Concept SDK with the
    according MIDP APIs, classes, documentation, and sample applications to
    build, debug, and run J2ME applications in a simulated environment. It
    is designed for Red Hat Linux 7.2. 

Open Volume Library 0.1.2 

    The OpenVL library is a framework for working with 3D volumetric
    datasets. It provides a standard and uniform API to volumetric data
    access, storage, and processing. It is designed and built to be fast,
    extensible, flexible, and easy to use. The library is completely
    open-sourced and encourages contribution. This library is an ideal
    choice if you want to write applications that deal with 3D volumes. 

PHP ImageMagick Class 1.0 

    PHP ImageMagick Class makes it possible to process images in a very
    easy way. It allows you to retrieve image data, flip, dither,
    monochrome, negate, rotate, blur, draw frames, resize, square, crop,
    convert, and save. 

PHP SQLDiff 1.4 

    PHP SQLDiff is a Web application that shows the difference between two
    SQL database tables. 

PhpDocumentor 1.2.0beta2 

    PHPDocumentor is a PHP script for creating javaDoc-style documentation
    from PHP code. It can document object-oriented and procedural code. It
    supports all javaDoc tags, including inline links, and also supports
    PHPdoc documentation in PEAR style. 

phpMyAdmin 2.3.3pl1 

    phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the
    administration of MySQL over the WWW. Currently it can create and drop
    databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute
    any SQL statement, manage keys on fields, create dumps of tables and
    databases, export/import CSV data and administrate one single database
    and multiple MySQL servers. 

Piccolo toolkit 1.0 Beta 2 

    The Piccolo toolkit is a revolutionary way to create robust,
    full-featured graphical applications in Java, with features such as
    zooming and multiple representation. It is based on the Java2D API. 

Pro-Active Webfilter 0.27 

    PAW (pro-active Web filter) is a filtering HTTP proxy based on the
    Brazil Framework. Because the Brazil Framework and PAW are written in
    Java, the software is highly portable. PAW allows for easy plugin of
    Handlers (to filter outgoing requests) and Filters (to filter incoming
    data), and a GUI for end users. All the configuration files are in XML,
    and thus easy to modify (even without the GUI). It's aim is to provide
    an easy to use interface for end users and to be easily extendable by

randcd 0.8.0 

    RandCD is used to make a CD-ROM filled randomly from a much larger MP3
    collection. The intent is to reduce the effort of making CDs for MP3 CD

reaim-voice 0.6cvs 

    ReAIM-Voice proxies the MSN voice chat sessions supported by the MSN
    messenger client. ReAIM is a compact transparent proxy designed to be
    run on or behind a Linux IPTables-based firewall. When run behind a
    simple address-translating firewall, the current AIM client software
    does not allow direct connections between users to work. AIM requires
    direct connections for file and image transfers. 

Renaissance 0.6.0 

    GNUstep Renaissance allows you to describe your user interfaces (that
    is, the windows in your application and the buttons, boxes, text
    fields, etc. in the windows) in simple and intuitive XML files, using
    an open, standard format describing the logic of the interface. 

Retro Native Forth Release 5 (Draft #1) (Development)

    RetroForth is a 32-bit Forth-based operating system for the IA-32 (x86)
    architecture. It is written in assembly language and high-level Forth. 

ripperX 2.5 

    RipperX is a pretty GTK program to rip CD audio and encode MP3s. It can
    rip and encode in parallel and has plugins for cdparanoia, BladeEnc,
    Lame, GoGo, FHG (l3enc and mp3enc), XingMp3enc, 8hz-mp3, and the ISO
    encoder. It also has support for CDDB (including HTTP proxy servers)
    and ID3 tags. Preliminary support for Ogg Vorbis is available, but
    tagging doesn't work. The goal of ripperX is to be the easiest and
    best-looking frontend for creating MP3s on Linux. 

RoboRally Board Editor 0.5 

    RoboRally Board editor is a Java utility for creating boards for the
    board game, RoboRally. It has a simple graphical interface where you
    choose an element of a game and place it on the board where you like
    it, much like an ordinary drawing program. When elements are in place
    you can remove, rotate, and edit them as you see fit. When you feel
    done you can export your board as a JPEG and print it with your
    favorite printing tool. The current version supports all the features
    of the standard RoboRally game. 

Ruby/Google 0.5.0 

    Ruby/Google offers a higher-level abstraction of Google's SOAP-driven
    Web API. It allows the user to programatically query the Google search
    engine from Ruby. The aim of the library is to shield the programmer
    from the details of the raw data structures returned by the Web API,
    and in the process make the API more accessible for everyday use. 

Sandwish for Metacity 2.2 

    Sandwish for Metacity is a port of the Sawfish theme. 

SANE 1.0.10-pre2 (Beta)

    SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an
    application programming interface (API) that provides standardized
    access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, handheld
    scanner, video and still cameras, framegrabbers, etc.). The SANE
    standard is public domain and its discussion and development are open
    to everybody. The source code is written for UNIX (including Linux) and
    is available under the GPL, but commercial applications and backends
    are welcome. The package contains the libraries, net support, and
    scanimage. The X frontends xscanimage and xcam can be found in

SANE Frontends 1.0.10-pre2 (Beta)

    This package contains frontends to SANE ("Scanner Access Now
    Easy"), including xscanimage, xcam, and scanadf. Xscanimage is a
    GTK-based application for scanning images that can also be used as a
    GIMP-plugin. Xcam is used to get images from cameras supported by SANE.
    Scanadf is a command line frontend especially suited for scanners
    equipped with automatic document feeders (ADF). 

SMATCH 0.35 

    SMATCH is an experiment in finding Linux kernel errors. There are two
    main parts to Smatch. The first is a patch to the gcc sources to print
    out a lot of information. The second part is a collection of Perl
    scripts and libraries to analyze the information. 

SMS Server Tools 1.8.0 

    The SMS Server Tools were made to send and receive SMS from one or many
    GSM modems. They include a send/receive daemon and some sample scripts
    to build an SMS email gateway and for logging into an SQL database. The
    daemon waits for files in an outgoing spool directory and sends them.
    It puts all received SMS in an incoming spool directory, and can call
    any external program for incoming or outgoing notification. 

Snak 4.9 

    Snak is a full-featured IRC client for Mac. It features a configurable
    window view, an inbuilt address book, logging functions, multiple
    connections and multiple channels per connection, a find function for
    text within channel listings and channel text, as well as scripting
    capability, amongst others. 

SNARLsnmp 1.2.0 

    SNARLsnmp is a monitoring tool for dynamic Web applications. It
    dynamically creates and assembles URLs and scans them at arbitrary
    intervals, performs predefined checks on URL content, size, and timing,
    notifies a monitoring application via informative SNMP traps if a
    predefined error condition (event) has been met, and delivers a
    snapshot of its current tests and results at any given time. It is
    built as a truly multi-threaded MIB module for net-snmp 5.0.3 and
    higher. Its current monitoring status can be retrieved via the net-snmp
    daemon's SNMP request interface. configuration of the URL tests is done
    via a configuration file in a human readable format. All configurations
    can be hot updated. No data will be lost when reconfiguring a running

Sweep 0.8.0, Milestone 1 

    Sweep is an audio editor and live playback tool. It supports many music
    and voice formats including WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex, and MP3, with
    multichannel editing and LADSPA effects plugins. Inside lives a pesky
    little virtual stylus called Scrubby who enjoys mixing around in your

Terminal.app 0.9.4 

    Terminal.app is a terminal emulator for GNUstep. 

The Linux Virus Writing HOWTO 2003-01-08 

    The Linux Virus Writing HOWTO describes how to write parasitic file
    viruses which infect ELF executables on Linux/i386. Though it contains
    a lot of source code, no actual virus is included. Every mentioned
    infection method is accompanied with a practical guide to detection. 

Timer_q 1.0.5 

    Timer_q is a shared C library which implements multiple queues of timed
    events. This is commonly needed, but often implemented badly (via.
    alarm()). The library also aims to be fast, small, and easy to use. 

Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator 0.80-pre1 (Development)

    UADE (Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator) plays old Amiga music formats by
    UAE Amiga emulation. It supports at least 150 different formats. 

vtwatch 0.2 

    vtwatch automatically switches the active virtual console on your Linux
    system in a loop, acting as a virtual terminal surveillance monitor.
    The speed at which they switch is configurable, and it is possible to
    input a search string, which you are notified about if it is found on a

Web Performance Trainer 2.5 Build 414 

    Web Performance Trainer is a load, stress, and performance testing tool
    for Web servers. It simulates thousands of individual users hitting a
    server at connection speeds between 14.4Kb/s and LAN speeds. It
    supports URL rewriting, dynamic form data, multiple servers, and
    unusual port numbers. Statistics are collected at multiple levels, from
    the transaction down to the individual HTTP request. Users can view,
    edit, or dynamically replace hidden data such as the HTTP request and
    reply headers. It runs on Linux, Solaris, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and
    Windows XP. 

WePaSe 1.0 

    WePaSe is a full-text Web indexing and search engine, designed to be
    used to index/search small and medium sites. Its features include word,
    phrase, and meta-data searching (including combinations of these),
    support for many character encodings (data is stored in Unicode
    internally), parsers for plain text, HTML, and PDF, a multi-threaded
    crawler, and Web administration. It was designed to be easy to use with
    data sources other than HTTP (such as news archives) or other file

Worm Warner 1.3 

    WormWarner is a Perl script that is used to warn hosts that are
    probably infected by a worm. It decides wether a host is infected by
    analyzing the data from the Apache log files. It currently recognizes
    CodeRed, Nimda, the Linux.Slapper.Worm, and the FreeBSD.Scalper.worm.
    Warning is done by trying to contact the SMTP server on the infected
    host and sending an email to the postmaster. 

Yet another nV Configurator 0.1.4 

    YanC (Yet another nV Configurator) is a small tool which you can use to
    change the nVidia-specific settings (almost) as easily as with the
    Windows drivers. You can edit the settings for the AGP-Support, the
    Cursor Shadow, the nVidia-Logo, for Digital Vibrance Control and, of
    course, TwinView. Furthermore, YanC offers the possibility to run your
    OpenGL applications (e.g., games) with your favourite settings for
    antialiasing, anisotropic texture filtering, and vsync to blank without
    difficult commandline operations. 

Newsforge Reports
Commentary: Why I would miss Mandrake

    - By Dr. Paul Miller Well, I am guilty as charged in the potential
    demise of Mandrake. You see, I am one of those leeches who likes to get
    something for nothing. I burned the download version of Mandrake 9.0
    and installed it on my old AMD Athlon 800. No money paid to Mandrake.
    Thanks guys :) I can even get access to their update servers for nowt,
    zilch, nada. They are most kind and generous. They are nearly bankrupt. 

Linux Advisory Watch - January 17th 2003

    - by Benjamin D. Thomas - Linux Advisory Watch is a comprehensive
    newsletter that outlines the security vulnerabilities that have been
    announced throughout the week. It includes pointers to updated packages
    and descriptions of each vulnerability. This week, advisories were
    released for wget, xpdf, openldap, libmcrypt, impsql, bugzilla,
    mod_php, cups, dhcpd, kde, leafnode, libpng, postgresql, mysql, vim,
    and ethereal. The distributors include ... 

Open Source Security: Better Protection at a Lower Cost

    Steve Schlesinger, Astaro Corp. At first glance, the idea of using open
    source software for a firewall or other security application seems
    counterintuitive, even absurd. Why would a corporation use code that's
    available to anyone - hackers, cyber-terrorists, disgruntled employees
    - to protect their most vital information assets? Yet that's what's
    happening at places like Stanford University, EDS, and Los Alamos
    National Labs, to name but a few ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
Qlusters Introduces ClusterFrame™  for Linux

    Ofer Shoshan, Qlusters, Inc. writes "Menlo Park,California (January 21,
    2003) - Qlusters has today announced the release of ClusterFrame™.
    Qlusters' ClusterFrame product brings mainframe features and
    capabilities to business applications and traditional compute-intensive

NGO launches long-term open source research

    Kodek writes "A new two year study by NGO Bridges.org and SchoolNet
    Africa hopes to provide an unbiased view of the benefits and pitfalls
    of using open source software in Africa." 

Why the Supreme Court is wrong on Eldred v. Ashcrost

    Anonymous Reader writes "The 'exclusive Right to their respective
    Writings' that is conferred by Copyright law is not the whole story.
    The taxpaying public is obligated to police and defend the monopoly of
    the copyright holder. In return for that favor, the written work goes
    into the public domain after a limited time. By this decision, the
    Supreme Court seems to be only enforcing one side of that bargain. Read
    the whole story at Librenix." 

NetBSD now has native pthreads!

    Jan Schaumann writes "Jason Thorpe has merged the nathanw_sa branch
    with -current. NetBSD now has a high performance, modern kernel thread
    implementation using Scheduler Activations in the main source tree.
    This work was performed by Nathan Williams with contributions by
    several other developers." 

 Interview with Shamyl Zakariya on SlicKer development

    mangeli writes "As the second victim in the TinyMinds interview series
    we have picked the SlicKer project as our target. SlicKer aims to
    someday replace Kicker in KDE with its own more taskoriented approach.
    Today we talk to one of its developers; keyboard cowboy Shamyl

Why Microsoft Should Build Its Next Version of Windows on Top of Linux

    I was exchanging e-mail recently with my friend Mike Class, SJ, who is
    associate dean of the Graduate School at Marquette University in
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mike, who is a Jesuit priest and therefore
    naturally drawn to the whole idea of conversion, wants Microsoft to
    build its next version of Windows on top of Linux. And you know, it
    actually makes some sense! 

How does Linux stack up against Windows XP?

     Shortly after I lost the ALT-F-S feature in Microsoft Word last fall,
    I made a New Year's resolution to try out the Linux operating system. 

Will Silicon Valley get its mojo back?

    Will Silicon Valley--mired in a post-boom crisis of confidence--ever
    regain its status as an economic powerhouse and its place at the center
    of the high-tech universe? 

Intellectual property issues everywhere

    While I suspect that everyone's heard of this week's Eldred vs.
    Ashcroft decision , there are also some interesting developments on the
    patent front, including trouble in Web Services and a pointed comment
    from Microsoft on the W3C's latest Patent Policy draft . 

EFF Pioneer Awards Call for Nominations

    It's time to recognize the people who have done the most for freedom in
    the past year. 

Computing: DVD X Copy

Gadgets: Snap Digital Mini Camera

Gadgets: LED Mini Headlamp

Cube Goodies: The Binary Clock

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

SCons 0.10 is now available

    SCons alpha release 0.10 is now available for download. SCons is a
    software construction tool (build tool, or substitute for Make)
    implemented in Python, based on the winning design in the Software
    Carpentry build tool competition (in turn based on the Cons build
    tool). IMPORTANT: Release 0.10 contains the following interface
    changes: - The meaning of the third argument passed to user-defined
    Scanner functions has changed. It was formerly the target node being
    built, and is now a list of directories (a path) which may be searched
    for files found during the scan. - The .sconsign files are no longer
    ASCII text, they are now a pickled (binary) Python data structure. This
    release adds the following features: - SCons now prints a description
    of Python functions being executed as actions to update a target. -
    Scanners now support a "recursive" attribute that specifies the Scanner
    will be re-applied to files found during the scan. - A new Clean()
    method supports removing user-specified files when using the -c option.
    - New SetJobs() and GetJobs() method support setting or fetching the
    default number of jobs. - The MinGW tool chain is now supported. - A
    new --debug=includes option has been added. The following fixes have
    been added: - SCons now symlinks or copies files from Repositories on
    different file systems, when hard links won't work. - The Install()
    method prints something when the -n option is used. - When the -n
    option is used, SCons no longer creates duplicate source files in a
    BuildDir(). - The Program() Builder (and other multiple-step Builders)
    now work properly when only the source file is specified. - A bug when
    building a file whose basename matched the directory in which it lived
    has been fixed. - The -c options will now properly remove symlinks. -
    The Environment.get() now returns None by default. - Error messages now
    all start with "scons: ***". - Warning messages now all start with
    "scons: warning:". Performance has been improved as follows: - Scanners
    are now called once and only once per file. - Internal checks for
    whether a file has a Builder have been significantly sped up. -
    Unnecessary internal imports have been removed. The following changes
    have been made to the SCons packaging: - The scons-local packages no
    longer contain Python bytecode (*.pyc) files. The documentation has
    been improved: - The initial explanation of SConscript files has been
    improved. - A misformatted table in the StaticObject description has
    been fixed. - New features have been documented. 

lifelines internationalized

    LifeLines is a genealogy program to help with your family history
    research. Its primarily strengths are its powerful scripting language
    and the ability easily import and export information in the GEDCOM
    format. Recent copies of lifelines now include Danish, French, German,
    and Swedish message catalogs. 

Millstone 3.0.2 released 

    Millstone is a library for creating server side user interfaces for
    networked Java applications. It provides easiness and modularity of
    component based user interface development to Internet application
    development as well as terminal independency. This version is service
    release for the Millstone Base 3.0 and the Millstone WebAdapter 3.0
    modules. This version includes fixes to both base and web-adapter
    modules, and it also adds some previously unimplemented features to the
    default theme. 

JGAP 0.32 released

    JGAP is a genetic algorithms package written in Java. It is designed to
    require minimum effort to use "out of the box," but is also designed to
    be highly modular to allow for custom components to be easily plugged
    in by the more adventurous. JGAP 0.32 is a maintenance release that
    primarily includes optimizations to increase performance and reduce
    memory consumption. Minor enhancements and fixes, as well as additions
    to the documentation, are also included. Please see the Changelog for
    details. JGAP 0.32 is considered an alpha release and is therefore not
    feature-complete and may contain bugs. 

EasySok 0.3.2 released

    EasySok is a sokoban game for KDE. It is themeable, has a level editor
    and a solver, various import/export functions, a retro mode and other
    nice features. This is just a bugfix release for users of gcc 3.2. If
    you could compile EasySok 0.3.1, there is no need to switch to this new

KRadio 0.2.7 released

    KRadio is a radio application for KDE3. It has support for video4linux
    radio devices and lirc remote control. Changes in this release include:
    the configuration dialog is now in KDE style; a configurable "good
    signal" level has been added; and numerous bugs have been fixed. And
    many fixes that can be read in the
    http://www.kawo1.rwth-aachen.de/~witte/kradio/ChangeLog kradio can be
    downloaded as usual from
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45668 or from
    http://www.kawo1.rwth-aachen.de/~witte/kradio.html And don't forget to
    contribute your station preset file to our database ;) Have fun! Martin 

drjava-20030115-2237 released

    This development release includes a new approach for the communication
    between the main DrJava JVM and the JVM used by the Interactions Pane.
    It should resolve many of the Interactions Pane problems that users
    have recently encountered, and it needs to be tested on all platforms.
    DrJava is an integrated Java development environment that supports
    interactive evaluation of expressions. Download it by following the
    "more download options" link on our home page. 

TurboPower Orpheus 4.06 released

    Orpheus is an award-winning UI toolkit for Borland Delphi and
    C++Builder. It contains over 120 components covering everything from
    data entry to calendars and clocks. Other noteworthy components include
    an Object Inspector, LookOut bar, & report views. This is a source-code
    only release. TurboPower Orpheus project page:

MPman MP-F70 suite 0.3 released

    Version 0.3 of the kernel driver and utilities for the MPman MP-F70
    portable MP3 player is up for download. The kernel driver provides a
    block device which you can then mount in read-write mode. The
    mpf70-utils allow you to extract MP3 information and queue tracks to
    the player in one command! http://sourceforge.net/projects/mpf70/ 

Chicken of the VNC 1.3.5 released

    Chicken of the VNC is a VNC client for Mac OS X. A VNC client allows
    one to display and interact with a remote computer screen. In other
    words, you can use Chicken of the VNC to interact with a remote
    computer as though it's right next to you. This release contains
    enhancements, including new encoding support, support for wheel mice,
    and performance improvements. 

Dual DVD+RW/-RW Combo Drive (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $324.94 

C-4000 Zoom (4.1MP, 3200x2400, 3x Opt, 16MB SM) (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $347.00 

PowerShot G3 (4.0MP, 2272x1704, 4X Opt, 32 CF) (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $639.00 

FinePix 3800 (3.2MP, 1600x1200, 6X Opt, 16MB) (Fuji)

    Lowest Price: $298.00 

PowerShot G2 (4MP, 2272 x 1704, 3X Opt, 32MB CF) (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $479.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3429.00 

DMR-HS2 Recorder (Progressive Scan) (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $747.77 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote Commander (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $108.00 

VR-6070 (Kenwood)

    Lowest Price: $389.00 

42" Plasma PME42V3 HDTV/Multimedia Display Monitor (Sampo)

    Lowest Price: $2899.00 

Windows XP Professional (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $134.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Full Product) (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.95 

Windows XP Home Edition (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $86.00 

Battlefield 1942 (Full Product) (Electronic Arts)

    Lowest Price: $27.90 

Windows 2000 Professional (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $129.00 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
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