O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    February 14, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Microsoft Switcher Ads: Part 2

    [0]burgburgburg writes "We all recall Microsoft's last [1]attempt to
    emulate the Apple [2]Switch ads. Well, it seems they're at it again.
    MacNN reports that Microsoft has sent out emails to those who have
    recently registered MS products, [3]looking for candidates for their
    'Sensible Solutions' campaign, which will 'highlight computer
    professionals that have recently converted from Apple Computer products
    to Microsoft based systems.' Do you qualify? You must be 'a US resident
    with a minimum of 3 years experience as a computer professional. You
    must have used an Apple Computer product and a Microsoft based system
    as part of your work'. So when does it just stop being the sincerest
    form of flattery and just become utter, pathetic laziness?" 
    0. http://`moc.liame' `ta' `60neksilps'
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/18/1239246&tid=133
    2. http://www.apple.com/switch/
    3. http://www.macnn.com/news.php?id=18372

Red Hat, Oracle to get Gov't Certification for Linux

    Mark writes "As this [0]news.com article states, '[1]Red Hat and
    [2]Oracle plan to announce on Thursday that the companies have teamed
    to get Linux evaluated under the Common Criteria, a certification that
    could open doors for the broader use of open-source software by
    government agencies.' It looks like this will be an important step in
    getting Linux to be more widely adopted in governments around the
    0. http://news.com.com/2100-1001-984383.html?tag=fd_top
    1. http://www.redhat.com/
    2. http://www.oracle.com/

SMP-Oriented Video Card Round-up

    Jason Mitchell writes "I just noticed that [0]2CPU.com has posted a
    rather large [1]video card round-up. They ran game and application
    benchmarks on a dual Athlon MP and Xeon workstation and also did some
    unique qualitative testing pertaining to s-video output quality. It's a
    good read." 
    0. http://www.2cpu.com/
    1. http://www.2cpu.com/Hardware/video_roundup/

Warcraft 3 Expansion Beta Signups Announced

    Clomer writes "[0]Blizzard Entertainment has announced the signups for
    the beta testing of the upcoming expansion set to [1]Warcraft 3 called
    [2]The Frozen Throne. The beta will be online-only over [3]battle.net,
    requires the full version of Warcraft 3, and is only open to US
    residents. Signups will be at [4]battle.net starting on Friday, 14
    February and will last a week." 
    0. http://www.blizzard.com/
    1. http://www.blizzard.com/war3/
    2. http://www.blizzard.com/war3x/
    3. http://www.battle.net/
    4. http://www.battle.net/register/war3xbeta/

Slashback: Regalia, Godseye, Undetection

    Slashback tonight with a round of updates and clarifications on Yahoo!
    v. France, William Gibson's new book(tour), lowish-tech helping to
    solve the Columbia mystery, searchable utra-localized information and
    more. Read on for the details. 

FTP: Better Than HTTP, Or Obsolete?

    An anonymous reader asks "Looking to serve files for downloading
    (typically 1MB-6MB), I'm confused about whether I should provide an FTP
    server instead of / as well as HTTP. According to a rapid Google
    search, the experts say 1) HTTP is slower and less reliable than FTP
    and 2) HTTP is amateur and will make you look a wimp. But a) FTP is
    full of security holes. and b) FTP is a crumbling legacy protocol and
    will make you look a dinosaur. Surely some contradiction... Should I
    make the effort to implement FTP or take desperate steps to avoid it?" 

Murchison Meteorite Still Contentious

    An anonymous reader writes "The well-known 1969 meteorite that fell 60
    miles north of Melbourne, Australia, remains [0] remarkably contentious
    today. The 100 kilogram [1]carbon rock : a) contains pre-biotic
    proteins and 12% water; b) harbors 50 amino acids not found on Earth;
    c) favors the tell-tale signature of biochemistry based on a dominant
    left-handed chirality, compared to random or racemic mixtures found in
    test-tube syntheses. While terrestrial contamination (even interior to
    the meteor) may discount this so-called 'Murchison meteor', its light
    isotopes of carbon and nitrogen suggest the left-handed amino acids not
    found elsewhere on Earth have the same ratios as the right-handed ones.
    This would not be the case if, say, bacteria was just making the
    left-handed ones after impact. Seems quite a controversy from
    0. http://www.astrobio.net/news/article375.html
    1. http://www.meteorlab.com/METEORLAB2001dev/murchy.htm

Yamaha To Withdraw From CD-R/RW Business

    An anonymous reader writes "What's going on. When I first heard this I
    thought it was a bad joke. They make great burners! 'Tokyo, February 5,
    2003 – Yamaha Corp. [0]decided at a board meeting to cease sales of
    CD-R/RWs for personal computers and to withdraw completely from the
    business by the end of March 2003.'" Does any other company make
    burners that [1]can burn an image on the CD? 
    0. http://www.global.yamaha.com/news/20030205.html
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/27/1926252&tid=137

Dragon's Lair 3D Not Worth The Effort

    [0]Anonymous Coward writes "While not the best source for gaming
    information, [1]CNNs Technology section has a review of Ubi Softs
    [2]Dragon's Lair 3D. Long story short, according to the writer Marc
    Saltzman, the game isn't worth it. In fact, the opening paragraph says,
    'The only thing worse than a lousy video game is when it taints a
    well-respected, 20-year-old franchise.' One interesting tidbit from the
    article, the original Dragon's Lair is one of only three video games on
    display at the Smithsonian. The other two games being Pac-Man and
    0. http://home.earthlink.net/~kspandle
    1. http://www.cnn.com/
    2. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/fun.games/02/13/saltzman.dragon/index.html

Buy Broadband From Your Neighbor

    [0]infractor writes "Wired has [1]an article about a wireless project
    delivering free broadband to a rural community. Using Linux based
    [2]devices called [3]meshboxes from [4]Locustworld, they've created a
    [5]local mesh network. More detail in this [6]article. With Wi-Fi
    friendly ISPs talking about [7]micro-ISP deals for wireless sharers
    this could be the accelerator UK broadband has been waiting for." Last
    year [8]we mentioned the MeshAP-05, a bootable CD which "turns a single
    board computer or laptop into a mesh node and access point," since
    updated to MeshAP-06. Update: 02/13 19:52 GMT by [9]T: I see from
    comments that -08 is actually the current version of MeshAP, with -09
    soon. Thanks. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,57617,00.html
    2. http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT5073214560.html
    3. http://www.locustworld.com/meshbox.html
    4. http://locustworld.com/
    5. http://www.kingsbridgelink.co.uk/
    6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardian_jobs_and_money/story/0,3605,891166,00.html
    7. http://lists.consume.net/pipermail/consume-thenet/2003-February/007713.html
    8. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/10/01/2220255&tid=126
    9. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/

AbstractDB 0.6 

    AbstractDB is a PHP wrapper class which provides easy and simple class
    methods to access the most important database functions. It contains
    classes implementing the functionality for native PHP functions
    (MySQL), PEAR, PHPLIB, ADOdb, and METABASE. It allows you to switch
    between these database abstraction layers by changing only a single
    line of code, allowing you to use a unified abstraction layer for
    database access. 

AddressScrambler 0.2.2 

    AddressScrambler is yet another Javascript email address scrambler to
    help protect email addresses on Web pages from being harvested. It
    comes with a handy helper page the generates the necessary code for

Advanced Banner Rotation Software 3.4 

    The Advanced Banner Rotation software enables you to display all your
    adverts in just one area of your page. It will load all your banner
    adverts and rotate them while your visitors view your page. In
    addition, search engines will no longer judge your page to be just
    another classified ad page. Its main features include unlimited
    banners, configurable link and target frame/window for each banner, any
    size banners, adjustable transition speed, ability to vary the pause
    time between banners, and a range of changeover effects. 

Afternoon Stalker 1.0.3 

    Afternoon Stalker is a clone of the 1981 Intellivision game Night
    Stalker. The player is in a two-dimensional maze. The player is
    attacked by robots that shoot at it and that it must shoot down. 

Apache Tooling Scripts 0.1.4 

    Apache Tooling Scripts is a set of scripts for creating and removing
    Apache virtual Web sites. It creates entries in httpd.conf and a new
    Web directory with an index.htm file. 

Article Manager 1.24 

    Article Manager is a fully featured Web content management system that
    makes it easy for non- technical users to easily update and manage
    articles, news stories, headlines, and editorials. It includes the
    following features: supports multiple users with different access
    levels (Administrators, Editors, Trusted Writers, and Writers), uploads
    up to 10 images per article, password protected login screen, advanced
    setup options to make it easy to customize the program, a powerful
    search engine, a customizable database, the ability to customize the
    HTML templates, and much more. 

AtariSIO 0.10 

    AtariSIO is a Linux kernel driver module plus a small set of tools that
    implement the Atari 8-bit (400/600/800/XL/XE) computer series SIO
    protocol. The kernel driver handles the low-level parts and provides a
    simple interface for user space applications. This package contains two
    tools: atariserver, an Atari disk drive emulator (similar to SIO2PC or
    APE for MSDOS), and atarixfer, a tool to transfer disk images to/from a
    connected Atari disk drive. 

Blackdown Java 2 Standard Edition for Linux 1.4.1-01-FCS 

    The Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) is a feature-complete development
    and deployment platform. Blackdown provides both a SDK (J2SDK, formerly
    known as JDK) and a runtime environment (J2RE) for Linux on various
    architectures (ix86, Sparc, PPC, S/390, ARM, m68k). Both the J2SDK and
    the J2RE contain the Java Plug-In for Netscape 4.x and Mozilla/Netscape

Bloskunk 0.0.1 

    Bloskunk is a minimalistic but customizable and expandable Weblog
    application for SkunkWeb. It features archiving by day, month, or year,
    RSS syndication, and Bloxsom-style entry editing. 

BPhpWebmail Frontend 1.0.1 

    BPhpWebmail Frontend is an easy-to-use and easy-to-install Web mail
    frontend. It features support for multiple POP and IMAP servers, Inbox,
    Outbox, Sent, and Saved folders, and an address book. 

C++ Debugging Support library 0.99.28 

    Libcwd is a full-featured, professional, well-documented library to
    support C++ developers with debugging their applications. It includes
    support for ostream-based debug output, custom debug channels and
    devices, powerful memory allocation debugging, run-time
    sourcefile:linenumber information, and demangled type names of
    variables. Libcwd is thread-safe. 

cdargs 1.24 

    cdargs adds a bookmark feature and a simple filebrowser to the builtin
    shell command `cd'. This lets you jump to various places throughout the
    filesystem with just a few keystrokes. It is intended for heavy shell

ChessY! 0.01 

    ChessY! is a Java application that allows you to visually review the
    game histories that you can email to yourself at the end of a Yahoo!
    online chess game. 

Comunap 0.0.1 

    Comunap is an early stage Python OpenNapster client. 

Cubex Rubik's Cube Solver .398 

    Cubex is a CGI Rubik's Cube solver that produces a highly-detailed
    solution for any mixed-up Rubik's Cube in seconds. 

CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse 0.0.4 

    CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse is an Eclipse plug-in to allow CVS access
    on an encrypted session by SSH2 protocol. 

Drall (Development)

    Drall is a script which allows users to access their directories and
    files remotely without the need of using insecure FTP and telnet. It
    enables the user to treat the remote file system as if it was on their
    local hard disk through a normal Web browser. The interface resembles
    the well known Norton Commander and Midnight Commander. Single or
    dual-panel views makes it easy to see an overview of the file system
    and the modular design means you only use the features you need. Drall
    is written in Perl for easy customization and expansion. 

EasyMailings 0.2.0 

    EasyMailings reads in an ASCII text file of addresses and outputs
    mailing labels in Adobe's Portable Document Format. The labels are
    sorted according to U.S. Postal Service regulations, that is, by tray
    and then package. It prints a header at the start of each tray and
    package, which greatly simplifies the mailing party. It can print
    bar-coded labels (both address and tray). It has no GUI and requires
    somewhat laborious printer calibration. 

evilbar 1.2.1 

    evilbar is small ncurses-based bar which is designed to match the style
    of evilwm. It sports a right-aligned clock, APM status, and XMMS

FAI 2.4 

    FAI (fully automatic installation) is a non-interactive system to
    install a Debian GNU/Linux operating system on a group of PCs or a
    Linux cluster. After installation, the systems are fully configured and
    ready to run. It is a scalable method for performing unattended
    installation and updating. Changes to the configuration files of the
    operating system are made by cfengine, shell, and Perl scripts. 

ffGuestBook 1.0b7 

    ffGuestBook is a PHP guestbook for Web sites. Instead of using SQL
    databases, it relies on flat files for storage. It is fully
    configurable through templates, and includes support for English and
    German. An administration interface for moderating entries is also
    provided, along with restrictions for preventing users from entering
    silly email addresses or unnecessarily long text 

FLP 1.042b 

    FLP (Flaimo's Little Package) is a collection of PHP classes for
    internationalization. It formats date and time strings, replaces
    keywords, converts measurement units between SI and the US Customary
    System, and more. 

FLTK 1.1.3 

    FLTK (pronounced "fulltick") is a cross-platform C++ GUI
    toolkit for UNIX/Linux (X11), Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X. It
    provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat, and supports 3D
    graphics via OpenGL and its built-in GLUT emulation. FLTK is designed
    to be small and modular enough to be statically linked, and also works
    fine as a shared library. It also includes an excellent UI builder
    called FLUID that can be used to create applications in minutes. 

FreeGuide TV Guide 0.5.2 

    FreeGuide TV Guide is a TV guide program which grabs listings from the
    Internet and allows you to view them and construct a personalised guide
    to print out. It uses the XMLTV tools to grab listings, and requires
    Java 1.4 or above. 

glitch killer 2.1 

    glitch killer solves the problem of protected CD rips sometimes having
    scratchy noises by analysing the recorded .wav file and removing all

GNU TeXmacs 

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

GtkTerm 0.98.6 

    GtkTerm is a serial port terminal written in GTK+ . It is a clone of
    the famous Hyperterminal. The port can be set up, and the control
    signal can be toggled. It also supports file transfers and an
    hexadecimal view of the data. 

gURLChecker 0.1-0 

    gURLChecker is a C/GNOME 2 tool that can check links on a single Web
    page or on a whole Web site in order to determine the validity of each

hdup 1.6.2 (Development)

    hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of
    the archive (via mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none),
    the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host (via scp/rsync),
    and no obscure archive format (it is a normal compressed tar file). 

IcePref2 2.1 

    IcePref2 is an updated, overhauled, improved, and perfected version of
    the original IcePref (which was abandoned by the original author). This
    new version includes many new features and bugfixes, and is a
    sub-project of the IceWM Control Panel project. It is optimized for
    IceWM 1.2.2 and better. 

IceWM Control Panel 0.1beta-2 

    IceWM Control Panel is the first full-featured, GTK-based control panel
    for IceWM. It features such tools as Ice Sound Manager (for managing
    IceWM sound events), IcePref2, a wallpaper manager, and many other
    tools bundled into a familiar Windows-like Control Panel interface. 

id3lib.py 1.0 

    id3lib.py is a Python module which allows you to read and write ID3
    tags for a given MP3 file. It is derived from Ben Gertzfield's ID3.py,
    but allows a bit more flexibility in its tag editing features. 

Intercom 0.15 

    Intercom is a flexible voice communication utility for Unix systems. It
    supports the standard audio compression codecs such as GSM, G.711, and
    G.72x as well as audio encryption. Intercom was designed mostly for
    high-speed InterNet connections which are able to provide high quality
    audio. However, it also works on lower bandwidth connections such as
    dialup if so configured. 

Jaffer 0.05 

    Jaffer is a Java implementation of an Appletalk File Server over TCP.
    Jaffer is only concerned with the latest AFP specifications and
    supporting OS X and OS 9 clients. It is mainly focused on a tight,
    clean, fast codebase that is very portable and embeddable. 

Java Serialization to XML 

    Java Serialization to XML (JSX) allows you to write and read any Java
    object graph as XML data with one line of code. You can verify your
    data and manipulate it with standard XML tools like DOM, JDOM, and
    XSLT. JSX automatically creates a file format/wire protocol for all
    Java objects, so that it is always up to date as the code evolves. When
    you need backward compatibility, JSX provides the evolution techniques
    of Java Object Serialization, and you can also modify the XML directly.
    Unlike databinders, such as JAXB and Castor, no explicit mapping is
    required, and JSX works for all objects. 

jaxml 3.0 

    jaxml is a Python module designed to ease the creation of human
    readable XML documents. It is designed to be small, easy-to-use, and

jmame 0.6.2 

    jmame is a Java-based frontend to XMAME. It uses the Swing toolkit and
    uses XML to store all settings. 

JPluck 0.9 beta 1 

    JPluck allows users to convert Web sites to Plucker documents. It
    creates Plucker documents ready to be installed and read. 

Krename 2.5.2 (Development)

    Krename is a very powerful batch file renamer for KDE3 which can rename
    a list of files based on a set of expressions. It can copy/move the
    files to another directory or simply rename the input files. Krename
    supports many conversion operations, including conversion of a filename
    to lowercase or to uppercase, conversion of the first letter of every
    word to uppercase, adding numbers to filenames, finding and replacing
    parts of the filename, and many more. It can also change access and
    modification dates, permissions, and file ownership. 

LinPHA 0.5.0 

    LinPHA is an easy to use, multilingual, flexible photo/image
    archive/album/gallery written in PHP. It uses a MySQL database to store
    information about your pictures. It comes with a HTML-based installer,
    so you don't need experience in setting up SQL databases. Thumbnails
    are created as needed and stored in the SQL DB. 

LooperDB 0.1 

    LooperDB is a secure, multithreaded alert database used primarily for
    network/security management. It is indended to be used as a central MoM
    (manager-of-managers) platform to collect, consolidate, and correlate
    event messages. When coupled with looper, LooperDB can provide the
    framework for a sophisticated alert management infrastructure. 

MaybeUpload 1-0-6-pre3 (Development)

    MaybeUpload is a Java language package intended to make it much easier
    to write Servlets which handle RFC1867 file upload. 

Meta-CVS 1.0.3 (Stable)

    Meta-CVS is version control system created around CVS. It retains most
    of the features of CVS while adding support for first class directory
    structure versioning, storage of symbolic links, and versioning of
    execute permissions and user-defined properties. Meta-CVS greatly
    simplifies branching and merging by keeping track of what is merged
    where. It records file types and automatically assigns a CVS keyword
    expansion mode to newly added files whose suffixes match previously
    recorded types. Meta-CVS also has an importing feature that
    automatically figures out renames and moves, making it possible to
    easily keep up with patches from multiple sources in spite of directory
    structure changes. 

Meteor-II 1.1 (Development)

    Meteor-II supports the Meteor-II framegrabber family based on the Video
    Interface ASIC (VIA) by Matrox. It supports the Video 4 Linux 2 API,
    and requires a 2.4 Linux kernel. 

MiddleMan 1.4 

    Middleman is a fast HTTP/HTTPS proxy server with features designed to
    remove unwanted content and increase privacy. It features an XML-like
    configuration file and an intuitive Web interface. It can be used to
    filter HTTP headers, block certain files or mime types, block cookies
    to and from certain sites, redirect requests, forward requests through
    another proxy using NTLM or Basic authentication, block inappropiate
    content using a keyword scoring system, and manipulate the contents of
    files using either its builtin rewrite feature or an external program
    or script. It fully implements the HTTP/1.1 protocol, including
    persistent connections and gzip encoding. 

Moneydance 3.2 

    Moneydance is an easy-to-use financial organizer built for the
    Internet. You can use it to organize your finances so that you can get
    on with the important things in life. The familiar interface makes
    managing your money easy, while the advanced features give you the
    ability to visually track your spending. Graphs and reports provide
    financial feedback, while features such as budgeting, online banking,
    and transaction reminders help you keep an eye on your money. 

Net::Server::Mail 0.06 

    Net::Server::Mail is a versatile and extensible implementation of the
    SMTP protocol and its different evolutions like ESMTP and LMTP. The
    event-driven, object-oriented API makes it easy to incorporate the SMTP
    protocol to your programs. 

NetProtect Firewall Router 1.0 

    The Netprotect Firewall is a spin-off from the IPCOP GPL Firewall, with
    many extensions built-in. One big goal is to have a product that is
    usable in corporate environments. 

Network Utilities Module for Webmin 1.060.1 

    The Network Utilities Module for Webmin features tools like ping,
    traceroute, nslookup, nmap, whois, dig and an IP subnet calculator. 

Newspost 2.1 

    Newspost is a full-featured USEnet binary autoposter. It is meant as an
    all-in-one posting solution. In addition to posting files, it can post
    text prefixes, and generate and post .SFV files and .PAR volumes. 

NFGWebChat 1.0 

    NFGWebChat is a single channel chat Web application designed
    scalability and accessibility in mind. 

ng-utils 0.4 

    ng-utils is a collection of small tools to access netgroup contents. 

OSSP lmtp2nntp 1.2.0 

    OSSP lmtp2nntp is an LMTP service for use in conjunction with an MTA
    (like Sendmail), providing a reliable, real-time mail to news gateway.
    Input messages get their headers slightly reformatted to match Usenet
    news article format, and the article is posted or feeded into a remote
    NNTP service (like INN). Delivery must take place immediately or the
    transaction fails. OSSP lmtp2nntp relies on the queuing capabilities of
    the MTA in order to provide a fully reliable service. For this the
    program returns proper delivery status notification which indicates
    successful completed action, persistent transient failure, or permanent

Pathan 1.2 rc1 

    Pathan is an XPath processing library. It is written in C++ and uses
    the Xerces-C DOM XML Parser by the Apache Foundation. It fully supports
    the W3C XPath 1 specification. 

PhpBaseClasses 0.1.0 

    PHPBaseClasses is a multi-tier and fully object-oriented set of base
    classes written for and in PHP. Currently the storage tier is SQL only,
    but supports multiple databases, including any ODBC database, MsSQL
    (SyBase), MySQL, and PostgreSQL. It includes classes for drawing
    graphs, creating forums (news, bulletin boards), items, sales, links,
    users, and authentication. It includes API-documentation in XML and a
    UML Dia scheme. 

phpWebFileManager 0.5 

    phpWebFileManager is file management tool, written in PHP. It is
    designed for inclusion in large projects, and it can also act as a
    PostNuke module. Its main features are multi-language support, secure
    directory browsing, directory creation and removal, file creation,
    uploading, renaming, deleting, and viewing. There is also a powerful
    configuration file that allows you to allow/deny appropriate file
    management actions. 

POP-Before-SMTP Relay Authorization Daemon 0.5.2 

    popbsmtpd watches syslog for successful POP and IMAP logins, and writes
    IP address entries to a database to permit SMTP mail relaying for a
    configurable duration. No changes to any other software are required,
    and it can process logins where the IP address and the authentication
    success are recorded on separate log entries (i.e., when using
    stunnel). It has a user-configurable scheme for recognizing and
    extracting values from log entries, making it possible to use with many
    POP and IMAP daemons without requiring any programming changes. These
    configurations can be tested using sample log data. 

PostGIS 0.7.4 (Stable)

    PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL
    object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially
    enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a
    backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much
    like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. 

Project WiSH 1.0.0 

    Project WiSH creates a server tool and a client interface to provide
    remote control of a Linux X10 server running the X10-wish drivers. The
    server runs on the same machine as the X10-wish drivers and the client
    can be run on any machine with the Java runtime envrionment 1.3 (or

psycopg 1.0.15 (Stable)

    psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming
    language. Its main advantages are that it supports the full Python
    DBAPI 2.0 and it is thread safe at level 2. It was designed for heavily
    multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of cursors and
    make a conspicuous number of concurrent INSERTs or UPDATEs. The psycopg
    distribution includes ZPsycopgDA, a Zope Database Adapter. 

pushmail 0.3.1 

    pushmail aims to be the opposite of fetchmail. It can be used to push
    email messages to an SMTP server without the need of configuring the
    local MTA. 

pwdutils 2.2 

    pwdutils is a collection of utilities to manage the passwd and shadow
    user information. The difference to the shadow suite is that these
    utilities can also modify the information stored in NIS, NIS+, or LDAP.
    PAM is used for user authentication and changing the pasword. It
    contains passwd, chfn, chsh, and a daemon for changing the password on
    a remote machine over a secure SSL connection. The daemon also uses PAM
    so that it can change passwords independent of where they are stored. 

PySQLite 0.4.0 

    The goal of the PySQLite project is to develop a Python extension for
    SQLite that conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0.
    SQLite is a powerful embedded relational database management system in
    a compact C library. It offers support for a large subset of SQL92,
    multiple tables, indices, transactions and triggers. 

Qmail-Scanner 1.16 

    Qmail-Scanner, (also known as scan4virus) is an addon that enables a
    Qmail Email server to scan all gatewayed Email for certain
    characteristics. It is typically used for its anti-virus protection
    functions, in which case it is used in conjunction with commercial
    virus scanners. but also enables a site to react to Email (at a
    server/site level) that contains specific strings in particular
    headers, or particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.VBS
    attachments). It also can be used as an archiving tool for auditing or
    backup purposes. Qmail-Scanner is integrated into the mail server at a
    lower level than some other Unix-based virus scanners, resulting in
    better performance. It is capable of scanning not only locally
    sent/received Email, but also Email that crosses the server in a relay
    capacity. It also has SpamAssassin support. 

qMsg 0.1 

    qMsg is a simple alternative to xmessage using Qt3. It's possible to
    set the buttons, icon, and title of the message box. The message text
    can be specified on the command line, from the standard input or from a

RapidSVN 0.1.2 Alpha 2 

    RapidSVN is a platform independent GUI client for the Subversion
    revision system written in C++ using the wxWindows framework. 

Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit 0.9.8 (Development)

    Raptor is the RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland, a C library for the
    RDF/XML and N-Triples RDF formats. It can use expat or libxml2 as
    available, and supports the latest RDF updates, such as datatyping and

rblcheck.pl 0.1.4 

    rblcheck.pl is Perl version of rblcheck, a simple tool for performing
    lookups in DNS-based IP address databases (such as the MAPS RBL),
    useful for filtering email and especially for anti-spam activists. When
    checking multiple RBLs, it is faster than rblcheck. 

rdesktop 1.2.0 

    rdesktop is an open source RDP client for Microsoft Windows NT Terminal
    Server, Windows 2000 Terminal Services, Windows XP Remote Desk­top,
    and possibly other Terminal Services products. rdesktop currently runs
    on Linux and other UNIX based platforms with the X Window System. 

Redland RDF library 0.9.12 (Development)

    Redland is a library providing high-level APIs for RDF (Resource
    Description Framework), allowing it to be stored, parsed, queried, and
    manipulated. Redland has an object-based, modular design and comes with
    detailed reference documentation and examples. APIs are provided in C,
    Perl, Python, Java, and Tcl. 

ReMedial 0.2.7 

    Remedial aims to be an easy-to-use player for Windows media files under
    Linux. It is a front-end to the excellent avifile library, and provides
    a look and feel similar to that of Realplayer. 

ReplayTV 5000 Series Client 1.18 

    This cross-platform Python program allows users to download the
    "Replay Guide" and MPEG files of recorded TV shows from a
    5000-series ReplayTV unit on the local network. It automatically finds
    replay units using Universal Plug and Play (UPnP). When it finds a
    Replay unit, it lists it in the "ReplayTVs" column. Selecting
    a replay unit from the list allows users to see basic info about the
    unit (such as serial number), fetch the guide, display information on a
    specific show, and download the MPEG files for recorded shows. It will
    also save the guide data for a Replay unit to a file. 

Report Manager 1.4 

    Report Manager is both a print scheme designer (report) and a
    high-level printing (reporting) engine. The functionality is similar to
    some other comercial tools like Crystal Reports. 

Resolver User Layer Interface 0.15 

    RULI stands for Resolver User Layer Interface. It's a library built on
    top of an asynchronous DNS stub resolver. RULI provides an easy-to-use
    interface for querying DNS SRV resource records. The main goal is to
    promote deployment of SRV-cognizant programs. RULI aims to
    automatically perform all the SRV logic described by RFC 2782, and to
    comply with related specifications. As a side-effect, RULI also
    provides a general-purpose, event-driven, asynchronous, stub DNS

Roadsend PHP SiteManager 2.4.0-pre3 (Development)

    SiteManager is an Open Source Web Application Toolkit for PHP
    Developers that includes a framework for code modules and layout
    templates, database connectivity, SmartForms, sessions, and some other
    tools. All parts of the system are integrated through object-oriented
    libraries which allow for easy expandability and maintenance. 

SIGHT 2.1.0 

    SIGHT is a code generator set to create a user-defined system of Web
    robots, realising arbitrary workflow. It generates Web robots that can
    be based on Stalker algorithm, HTML structure, etc. This task is
    frequent in bioinformatics. 

SimpleCart 1.0 

    This is an extremely simple and straightforward Perl- based shopping
    cart system for a Web site. It does not require any sort of SQL
    database, but rather, makes use of plain-text comma-delimited CSV
    files. It features a full-featured shopping basket with item
    descriptions, quantities, options, prices, and subtotal. It has the
    ability to add sales tax for orders originating in a specific state.
    The checkout process allows the user to input both a billing and
    shipping address, and pay for the order via credit card or electronic
    check. The credit cart payment page even supports the credit card
    verification value, or CVV number. It is very easy to configure and
    integrate with a Web site, and comes complete with comprehensive
    HTML-based documentation. 

SKYRiX Web Groupware 4.1pl7 

    SKYRiX Web Groupware is a set of Web-based applications for contact,
    appointment, project, and content management. It is comparable to
    Exchange and SharePoint portal servers. SKYRiX servers run on almost
    any Linux system, can synchronize with Palm PDAs and is completly
    scriptable using XML-RPC. 

SlackPkg 0.92 

    Slackpkg is an automated package-management tool for Slackware Linux.
    It can do tasks such as automatic downloading and installing or
    upgrading, browse the MANIFEST.gz (Slackware package-contents guide),
    and more. Dependencies are not automatically handled. It is not a
    replacement for pkgtool, but a valuable add-on. 

SNMP Trap Translator 0.5 

    SNMPTT is an SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the
    NET-SNMP/UCD-SNMP snmptrapd program. Received traps are translated into
    friendly messages using variable substitution. Output can be to STDOUT,
    text log file, syslog, MySQL (Linux/Windows), or a Windows ODBC
    database. User defined programs can also be executed. 

snort-ng 1.6.7 

    Snort-ng is a Perl script that summarizes Snort logs making an easy
    view of what attacks are being seen through a network. It can generate
    charts in HTML and includes a GUI. It works with all versions of Snort
    and can analyse logs in two formats: syslog alerts and text alerts. 

Space Hulk 1.2 

    Space Hulk is a great board game which takes place in the world of
    Warhammer 40000. It is a two player turn-based game where one player
    plays the 'Marine', the other player plays the alien called
    'Genestealer'. This video game is a complete conversion of the board
    game with the 2nd edition rules. It features playing over the network,
    either in real time or asynchronously via email. 

SpamAssassin 2.44 

    SpamAssassin is a mail filter that uses a wide range of heuristic tests
    on mail headers and body text to identify spam. Once identified, the
    mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later filtering. It
    provides a command line tool to perform filtering, a client-server
    system to filter large volumes of mail, and Mail::SpamAssassin, a set
    of Perl modules that implement a Mail::Audit plugin -- allowing
    SpamAssassin to be used in a Mail::Audit filter, a spam-protection
    proxy POP/IMAP server, or almost anywhere. 

structural get_opts 20030128-1 

    Structural get_opts is intended to be an easy-to-use yet reasonably
    extensible argument-parsing library. Arguments are initially defined,
    and may then be parsed into C structures for later use. A number of
    argument types are supported, including strings, integers, toggles, and

Syslinux 2.02 

    SYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates
    off of MS-DOS floppies. It is intended to simplify first-time
    installation of Linux, rescue disks, and other uses for boot floppies.
    A SYSLINUX floppy can be manipulated using standard MS-DOS (or any
    other OS that can access an MS-DOS filesystem) tools once it has been
    created, and requires only a ~ 9K DOS program or ~ 18K Linux program to
    create it in the first place. It also includes PXELINUX, a program to
    boot off a network server using a boot PROM compatible with the Intel
    PXE (Pre-Execution Environment) specification, ISOLINUX, a program to
    boot off ISO 9660 CD-ROMs in native mode, and MEMDISK, a tool to boot
    legacy operating systems (e.g. DOS) using a Linux boot loader
    regardless of medium. 

Tiki 1.5 RC2 (Release candidates)

    Tiki is software written in PHP4 to develop portals, community sites,
    and applications. It includes a Wiki, Weblogs, a CMS system, banners,
    file galleries, image galleries, a dynamic content system, comments,
    and a lot of other features. A permission system and admin panel allows
    any configuration for the application. Tiki can be customized to your
    needs using templates (Smarty) and CSS files for themes. Multiple
    languages are supported. There is complete documentation for users and

toolame 02j 

    Toolame is an optimized MPEG-1/2 Layer II audio encoder based upon the
    ISO demonstration source code that borrows heavily from the LAME
    project, as well as introducing new optimizations and additional
    features such as VBR. 

Tulip 1.2.3 

    Tulip is a software system dedicated to the visualization of huge
    graphs. It manages graphs with up to 500,000 elements (node and edges)
    on a personal computer (PIII 600, 256MB RAM). Its SuperGraph technology
    architecture provides the following features: 3D visualizations, 3D
    modifications, plugin support, support for clusters and navigation,
    automatic graph drawing, automatic clustering of graphs, automatic
    selection of elements, and automatic coloring of elements according to
    a metric. 

Turck MMCache 2.3.4 

    Turck MMCache is a opcode cache for PHP. It increases performance of
    PHP scripts by caching them in a compiled state, so that the overhead
    of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also uses some
    optimizations for speeding up PHP scripts' execution. It typically
    reduces server load and increases the speed of PHP code by 1-10 times.
    It is tested with PHP 4.1-4.3, and Apache 1.3 and 2.0 under Linux and

Vstr string library 1.0.1 

    Vstr is a safe and fast string library for C. It is designed for
    network communication. Its design uses chunks of ptr+length data, so
    adding, substituting, and deleting data are all fast operations. This
    model also allows it to do automatic referencing for mmap() areas of
    memory. Shortcut APIs are included to mmap() a file into a Vstr string,
    and read()/write() data to/from a Vstr string. Another big feature of
    the library is a POSIX and ISO 9899:1999 compliant printf() like
    function, which can also be extended with user supplied formatters that
    are gcc warning compatible. The total API is over 140 functions, but
    laid out in a easy to remember manner, including data parsing
    functions, a non-destructive split() function, and conversion functions
    (among others). 

Wollabot 0.2.3 

    Wollabot is a modular service bot for IRC channels. It's written
    entirely in PHP, making it crossplatform and easy to customize. It's
    not supposed to be guarding channels and does not contain such
    functionality, thus increasing performance for the tasks it is supposed
    to do. It comes bundled with a couple of modules (e.g., a PHP function
    prototype lookup and a Google lookup tool). 

Working Overloaded Linux Kernel 4.0s-pre10 (Stable)

    The Working Overloaded Linux Kernel (WOLK) project provides stable and
    development kernels for either server or testing purposes. These
    kernels provide a server kernel and also a service for developers and
    end users who can't be up-to-date with the latest kernels/patches but
    want to test new kernel features. Patches may be added upon request. 

xvnkb 0.2.6 

    xvnkb is a Vietnamese keyboard input program for X Windows. It provides
    a useful way of editing Vietnamese in X Windows environments with
    popular input methods and charsets. It runs as a small X application in
    the background without any interference with others, and works well
    with most X applications. Supported Vietnamese input methods include
    VNI, TELEX, and VIQR. Supported Vietnamese charsets include TCVN3,
    VISCII, VPS, VNI, VIQR, and Unicode (UTF-8). 

Newsforge Reports
Open Source in Mexico - Part Two

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - While attending CONSOL 2003, I quickly
    realized that the Open Source movement in Mexico is just barely
    starting to discover business -- or perhaps it's the other way around.
    In many ways, the idea of Open Source is much more political in Mexico
    than in the U.S., and there is a uniquely Mexican holdback to Open
    Source adoption that is, sadly, a reflection of some of the worst
    aspects of Mexican corporate and ... 

Call for parallel and distributed processing conference papers:

    - By Barbara French, Tekrati - With the 2003 International Conference
    on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
    February 17 call-for-papers deadline approaching, Rajat P. Garg, Ph.D.
    with Sun Microsystems, encourages the open source community to file
    submissions and offers some suggested topics. You are invited to submit
    a draft paper of about 5 pages and/or a proposal to organize a
    technical session/workshop. All ... 

Microsoft to Open Source: You guys are hypocrites!

    - by Tony Stanco -Leave it to the kooks in the community to make
    Microsoft look sympathetic. I heard from Microsoft yesterday on the
    chatter over their appearing at our Open Source in Government
    conference and they quickly proposed that they be uninvited. Not so

Newsforge Newsvac
Oracle to Submit Oracle9i Database on Linux for Independent Security Evaluation

    Oracle Corp. (NASDAQ: ORCL), the world's largest enterprise software
    company, today announced its intention to submit Oracle9i Database
    Release 2 on the Linux operating system for a Common Criteria (ISO
    15408) evaluation at Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 4, the highest
    level generally achieved by commercial software vendors 

 German bank switches to Linux

    Deutscher Investment Trust has chosen to run Intel-based servers with
    SuSE's version of Linux on its computers that analyze funds and
    portfolios, SuSE said Thursday. The German bank's programs previously
    ran on a Hewlett-Packard Unix server, but the company switched to Intel
    and Linux because it was less expensive than moving from the existing
    HP-UX 10i Unix version to 11i, the bank said. 

TimeSys rolls out updated embedded Linux SDK

    Anonymous Reader writes "TimeSys Corporation today announced the
    release of TimeSys Linux 4.0, and additionally has broken the
    price/performance barrier for commercial embedded Linux development
    packages by introducing a full-function embedded Linux SDK for just

PYCON 2003: 1st annual Python developers' conference

    Python Software Foundation writes, No, it's not a snake or the name of
    a British comedy group. Python is one of the most useful, compelling
    and intelligently designed programming platforms to have emerged into
    the computer industry mainstream in recent years. It is rapidly gaining
    wide acceptance and being deployed in major IT shops around the world. 

Testing Lotus iNotes on Linux

    Anonymous Reader writes "Last month IBM announced the availability of
    iNotes on Linux, which lets you easily access your Notes mail,
    calendar, contacts, To Do list, and notebook directly from your Linux
    brrowser. This iNotes Demo shows you how it looks, feels, and works.
    You get an iNotes email ID for 7 days to test iNotes on Linux, but you
    can get longer access if you want." 

Development Progress Motivates Little Blue Box Group

    Chicago IL, February 12th, 2003 Today, the makers of the revolutionary
    Little Blue Box (the LBB), network email appliance announced an
    expanded reseller opportunity for traditional VAR resellers and OEMs of
    business class servers. 

IBM Taps Trolltech For Linux-Based Mobile Devices

    Norwegian software maker's suite will serve as an alternative to
    competing technology from Palm and Microsoft. 

Mitnick banned from security group

    On January 23rd he received a congratulatory e-mail, welcoming him into
    the association, and giving him a password to the members-only section
    of the ISSA site. It didn't last long. Mitnick's password was quickly
    revoked, and a few days later he received a letter in certified mail
    from the ISSA's headquarters informing him that news of his acceptance
    was greatly exaggerated. 

Intel Launches Cell Phone Chip

    'Wireless Internet on a chip' handset processors promise lighter,
    smarter phones with long battery life. 

FBI warns 'patriot hackers'

    Real patriots don't hack. Uncle Sam says only he can do that. The FBI's
    National Infrastructure Protection Center warned Wednesday that growing
    tensions between the United States and Iraq could lead to an increase
    in global computer hacking activities on both sides. 

Electronics: Mustek Gsm@rt Mini 3

Tshirts: I Didn't Get the Memo

Tshirts: Esc

Tshirts: Network Security Staff

Interests: O'Reilly Coaster Set

Cube Goodies: Meetings

Gadgets: Radiation Detection Watch

Cube Goodies: Indifference

Cube Goodies: Motivation

Computing: iGesture Pad

Electronics: SOCOM Navy Seals for PS2

Electronics: PowerPad Pro XBOX Controller

Electronics: SI-5 Gen2 Speakers

Electronics: Panzer Dragoon ORTA for Xbox

Computing: PowerPad Extended Life Notebook Batteries

Computing: Glow Wire PC Lights

Gadgets: ER1 Personal Robot System

Gadgets: Securikey Authentication System

Electronics: Infoglobe Caller ID Display

Computing: Dual RW DVD/CD Internal Drive

Revival/2k 1.0.1 released

    Revival/2k has released a new version of the Extended Web-Interface.
    v1.0.1 is now available. Revival/2k is a modular network interface
    system that allows multiple web applications (forums, mail, login,
    etc), internet servers (NNTP, POP3, etc) and a Telegard/Renegade styled
    telnet server all using the same DBs, and shareing information. The
    initial release of the WIGUEST module has also been made. v0.1.0 is
    also available, and requires the The extended web-interface v1.0.1 or
    later to operate. WIGUEST is a guestbook system for Revival/2k. V1.0.1
    adds support for GuestBook type modules. If you're seeing this outside
    of the Revival/2k project, you can visit Revival2k at

DVArchive V2.0 available 

    DVArchive allows you to turn your PC into a "Virtual ReplayTV" that can
    download shows and serve them back up to your ReplayTVs as well as
    automated schedules and the like. DVArchive V2.0 is a major update with
    lots of bug fixes, lots of new features and a drastically rewritten
    infrastructure/plumbing. DVArchive V2.0 is now available You can read
    more about DVArchive at it's home page http://dvarchive.sourceforge.net
    DVArchive V2.0 makes some serious changes in your DVArchive.xml and
    Local.guide files. Please read the CHANGELOG.txt before running it and
    if you are upgrading, be sure to backup your Local.guide and
    DVArchive.xml files first. If this will be your first use of DVArchive,
    please review the README.txt before running it. -- Gerrys Plea :-) ***
    PLEASE READ THE CHANGELOG.txt and README.txt *** Most questions folks
    have asked are answered in the CHANGELOG.txt or the README.txt or
    TROUBLESHOOTING.txt. Please check them over before you report a problem
    - it's good for you (quick resolution) and the community in general
    (saves resources for the new issues). Thanks in advance! -- A brief
    summary of new features: * Support for Replay 4xxx and 5xxx units *
    New, efficiant/clean/single window interface - Combined single window
    DVR Explorer - Context sensitive menus (regular and popup) - Full Drag
    and Drop support * Ability to store show files using the shows title
    (vs numbers) in your local guide * New XML based guides (no more guide
    corruption) * Fixes to eliminate lockups * Ability to remotely turn
    ReplayTV off (to free up time and speed up downloads) * Ability to edit
    ALL information about a show (including date/time, ratings, etc) *
    Periodic renegotiation of time offset (so that DVA keeps working even
    if your computers clock drifts over time - useful when DVA is left
    running all the time) There is really a lot more - the item about a new
    User interface is deceptive as this has literally dozens of
    changes/enhancements contained in it. 

FreeGuide TV Guide 0.5.2-1 released

    This include channel sets and movie highlighting as well as a fixed NA
    grabber. (The files uploaded when this release was named 0.5.2
    contained some minor Windows bugs which have now been fixed.) FreeGuide
    is a TV guide. Download TV listings from the Internet, view them
    offline, create a personalised TV guide and choose favourites. It uses
    the XMLTV tools to grab listings for the UK, USA, Canada, Norway,
    Sweden, Germany and New Zealand. 

ntfsprogs 1.7.1 (stable) released

    This release includes urgent bug fixes! Upgrade from 1.7.0 and
    1.7.0beta is essential. See the ChangeLog for details. (Note ntfsprogs
    was formerly linux-ntfs.) The goals of this project are: create a new
    Linux kernel driver for the NTFS file system (v1.2 and later 3.0), user
    space utilities (e.g. format, ntfs check, etc.) and a library to avoid
    code duplication and provide access to NTFS to other GPLed programs. 

Tiki 1.5 -Regulus- RC2 released

    This is a new release candidate before the 1.5 release. Lot of bugs and
    problems found in the RC1 version have been fixed in this new release.
    Tiki is a CMS system based on a Wiki, it has all the features a regular
    Wiki application has and a lot more. Tiki uses PHP and templates via

SCons 0.11 is now available

    SCons alpha release 0.11 is now available for download. SCons is a
    software construction tool (build tool, or substitute for Make)
    implemented in Python, based on the winning design in the Software
    Carpentry build tool competition (in turn based on the Cons build
    tool). IMPORTANT: Release 0.11 contains the following interface
    changes: - The default suffix for static object files when using gcc
    has been changed to ".os" to allow shared and static object files to
    exist side-by-side in the same directory. - When no command-line
    targets are specified, the default behavior is now to build all derived
    files in or below the current directory (like Make). This can be
    disabled by explicitly specifying "Default(None)" in an SConscript
    file. - Setting the BUILDERS construction variable now clears previous
    Builder attributes from the construction Environment. - An "env"
    argument has been added to the strfunction() method of Python function
    Actions. See the release notes for more information about these
    changes. This release adds the following features: - A new CacheDir()
    function and related command-line options --cache-disable,
    --cache-force and --cache-show support the ability to share derived
    files between builds. - Support for the IRIX platform and SGI MIPSPro
    tool chain. - Support for the PharLap ETS tool chain. - Support for
    compiling with Microsoft VC++ when running Cygwin Python. - New
    AddPreAction() and AddPostAction() functions. - Python function Actions
    can now include the contents of construction variables in their
    signatures. - A new strfunction() method has been added for external
    command Actions. - The SConscript() function now takes optional
    "build_dir" and "duplicate" keyword arguments that make it easier to
    set up a build directory. - The same Win32 object files can now be
    linked into either shared or static libraries. The following fixes have
    been added: - Fixed many (not all) situations when interrupts (CTRL-C)
    wouldn't actually stop a build. - Libraries in the LIBS construction
    variable can now explicitly include a library prefix and suffix. - The
    Win32 scons.bat script now has DOS-standard CR-LF line endings. - Fixed
    how the Environment.Append() method works BUILDERS (and other
    dictionaries). - Fixed how a file prefix is added when the target isn't
    specified. - Better error messages whene a BuildDir is read-only. - A
    platform or tool module can now be directly imported even after it's
    been included in a construction Environment. - The output of -c -n is
    now correct when a target is a directory. Performance has been improved
    as follows: - Added support for caching values when use
    --implicit-cache. The following changes have been made to the SCons
    packaging: - Added new --standard-lib, --standalone-lib and
    --version-lib options to the "setup.py install" command to make it
    easier to install the SCons build engine (library) into different
    locations. If no explicit library installation location is specified,
    the SCons "setup.py" script now looks for an existing SCons build
    engine in these three locations and prefers where the build engine was
    installed previously. The documentation has been improved: - Eliminated
    description of some deprecated keywords. - Updated description of
    BuildDir() to try to explain more clearly how to set up a build

FinkCommander (GUI for Fink package mgr) v. 0.5.0

    Version 0.5.0 of FinkCommander has been released. It has a number of
    significant new features, including a package browser, which provides a
    Finder-like interface for viewing the files intalled on your system by
    a particular Fink package. FinkCommander is a graphical user interface
    for the Fink software packaging system for Mac OS X. It provides an
    intuitive front-end to the Fink command-line tools for downloading and
    installing Unix software. If you have version 0.4.3 installed, you will
    need to move it to the trash before installing this version. 

Freevo version 1.3.1 released

    Freevo is a Linux application that turns a PC with a TV capture card
    and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia jukebox/VCR/PVR/HTPC/DVR/set
    top box. It uses MPlayer to play and record audio+video. It is
    optimized for use with a TV+remote. There is a new stable binary
    release (1.3.1) available on SourceForge.net's download page. It
    includes a number of important changes from the last stable release
    (1.3.0). The binary release now includes all external libraries (e.g.
    SDL) and applications (e.g. MPlayer). The current version is useful for
    watching/recording TV, AVIs, DVDs, playing MP3/OGG, viewing images. 

AOLserver 4.0 beta 2 released

    The second beta release of AOLserver 4.0 is available. In addition to
    bug fixes, this includes enhancements for international and Win32
    support. AOLserver is a multithreaded, Tcl-enabled, massively-scalable
    and extensible web server tuned for large scale, dynamic web sites.
    AOLserver also includes complete database integration and a dynamic
    page scripting language. 

Tiny COBOL Compiler release 0.60

    The Tiny COBOL compiler project is developing a COBOL compiler for use
    on Linux; it generates GNU x86 assembler code. With this release,
    improvements have been made in the following areas: locking for
    relative files, better support of print files (write after and before
    advancing) and better compatibility with 85 Standard for some indexed
    file I/O operations. 

C-4000 Zoom (4.1MP, 3200x2400, 3x Opt, 16MB SM) (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $339.00 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $320.99 

Dual DVD+RW/-RW Combo Drive (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $339.99 

PowerShot G3 (4.0MP, 2272x1704, 4X Opt, 32 CF) (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $605.00 

FinePix 3800 (3.2MP, 1600x1200, 6X Opt, 16MB) (Fuji)

    Lowest Price: $280.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3379.00 

DMR-HS2 Recorder (Progressive Scan) (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $739.99 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote Commander (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $107.95 

RIO S35S (128MB, MMC) (Sonic Blue)

    Lowest Price: $155.00 

42" Plasma PME42V3 HDTV/Multimedia Display Monitor (Sampo)

    Lowest Price: $2859.00 

Windows XP Professional (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $134.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Full Product) (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.00 

Windows XP Home Edition (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $85.00 

WarCraft III: Reign Of Chaos (Full Product) (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $21.95 

Windows 2000 Professional (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $112.99 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
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