O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    March 01, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Snowflake Photos

    lanzz writes "Beautiful photos don't always come from telescopes and
    distant stars - my desktop already has a [0]snow crystal close-up
    0. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/

XFree86 4.3.0 Released

    Dunkalis writes "The latest version of [0]XFree86, 4.3.0, has been
    released! [1]Release notes here, [2]mirrors here. Enhancements include
    drivers for newer Radeons, better PS/2 protocol detection, the XRandR
    extension, better font support, and more!" Source tarballs are
    available, or wait for your distribution to package them... 
    0. http://xfree86.org
    1. http://xfree86.org/4.3.0/RELNOTES.html
    2. http://xfree86.org/MIRRORS.txt

CAPPS II Trials Begin in March

    corporal_clegg writes "According to this story on FoxNews, in March
    Delta Airlines will begin [0]using a federal database that incorporates
    credit history and bank records in an effort to identify potential
    security threats. The federal system - CAPPS II (Computer Assisted
    Passenger Prescreening System) - will assign a "threat level" to
    passengers based upon information in the database and other criteria,
    such as whether the individual is on government watch lists. 'CAPPS II
    will collect data and rate each passenger's risk potential according to
    a three-color system: green, yellow, red. When travelers check in,
    their names will be punched into the system and the boarding passes
    encrypted with the ranking.' The scary thing is that no one really
    knows which databases the government will use or how long the records
    will remain. Slashdot [1]covered this story in September 2002, and it
    now seems that the first airline is ready to give it a try. In addition
    to the links in the previous Slashdot article, a [2]good background on
    CAPPS II can be found here." Actually, the last story we did on
    [3]passenger profiling was just a week or two ago. 
    0. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,79849,00.html
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/22/2157221&tid=158
    2. http://www.privacyactivism.org/Item/48
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/19/173202&tid=158

Using Statistics to Cause Spammers Pain

    mlamb writes "Statistical mail classifiers like [0]PopFile save time on
    the part of their users, but don't do anything to actively combat spam.
    I just published an [1]article that suggests a way to use classifier
    output against a spammer while they're connected to your SMTP server,
    and I'm launching a project called [2]TarProxy to implement it." 
    0. http://popfile.sourceforge.net/
    1. http://www.martiansoftware.com/articles/spammerpain.html
    2. http://www.martiansoftware.com/tarproxy

Johansen Prosecutors Appeal

    kmitnick writes "Jon Johansen will be back in court, [0]tried again in
    an appeals court, because Hollywood knows better than the Norwegian
    legal system." Norway's legal system is different than the U.S.; the
    government can appeal a loss in a criminal case. 

Humans Make Ozone

    MondoMor writes "Spotted this article at the [0]Scripps Research
    Institute. Apparently humans have the [1]ability to manufacture ozone,
    and do so as an immune response. Suppose we took a bunch of lawyers to
    the south pole, right under the ozone hole..." 
    0. http://www.scripps.edu/
    1. http://www.scripps.edu/news/press/022703.html

Barebones Notebook

    [0]Gsurface writes "The first [1]barebones notebook makes its
    appearance. The barebone notebook features no display, no CPU, no RAM
    and no HDD, but only the case, with keyboard and touchpad." 
    0. http://www.flexbeta.net
    1. http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/story.html?id=1046444411

Metech Offers to Recycle Your Mac

    [0]Rosyna writes "Apple now allows the general public to recycle their
    Apple branded computers. It only costs thirty US dollars, too. The
    dumpster is still cheaper. More details at [1]Apple's page and
    [2]Metech's page." 
    0. http://www.unsanity.com
    1. http://www.apple.com/about/environment/equipmentrecycling.html
    2. http://www.recycleapc.com/Apple/

Accidental Privacy Spills

    [0]ahem writes "A journalist attends the World Economic forum, and
    writes an email to a few friends. It's a chatty, casual conference
    report. The conference is a gathering of the 5,000 most powerful people
    in the world. The report gives a breezy insight into how stuff gets
    done at that level, and what the concerns are that keep the world's
    leaders up at night. That email was intended only for the journalist's
    friends. That email winds up getting plastered all over the net. Here
    is a very interesting [1]discussion of the implications of this
    "privacy spill." Make sure you read down to the Epilogue. Here is the
    [2]email itself." The Lawmeme discussion is quite thoughtful and
    in-depth, very good reading. 
    0. http://www.montcalmsoftware.com
    1. http://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=938

How's Your Whuffie? Interview with Cory Doctorow

    [0]Richard Koman writes "My [1]interview with EFF's Cory Doctorow just
    went up on O'Reilly. The interview is largely about his book, "Down and
    Out in the Magic Kingdom," but naturally veers towards discussing his
    view of Disney, programmers, and peer to peer. Then there's this:
    Doctorow: I think that Disney's art and technology kicks ass. But one
    thing you discover in the technology world, especially in free
    software, is that being a good programmer and being a good person are
    not necessarily correlated, or at least being a good programmer and
    being a person with whom other people want to spend a lot of time, who
    has good hygiene and good social skills, are not correlated." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/policy/2003/02/24/perspectives.html

Aorta 0.0.3_01 

    Aorta is a load-balancing clustered P2P application. It executes
    Tasklets (which have the ability to split themselves into sub tasks
    that can be executed in pararell). A typical cluster contains of a LAN
    with 1-256 computers, each one running aorta. A Tasklet can be of any
    type ranging from encoding MP3s to rendering Web pages for high
    speed/heavily loaded Web sites. You can make functions calls to C/C++,
    applications like Matlab, etc. 

Archi´s Homepagehoster Admintool 0.4f (Development)

    Archi´s Homepagehoster Admintool (!aha!) is a HTML based tool
    which Web hosting providers can run on their servers. !aha! allows the
    customers to administer various features of their hosting accounts. 

avidemux 0.9rc1 

    Avidemux is a graphical tool to edit AVI. It allows you to multiplex
    and demultiplex audio to/from video. It is able to cut video, import
    BMP, MJPEG, and MPEG video, and encode them. You can also process video
    with included filters. It requires divx4linux and GTK/GDK. 

bayonne 1.1.10 (Development)

    Bayonne is the telephony server of the GNU project. Bayonne offers a
    script driven threaded multiline state event telephony service for
    building voice response systems and telephony plugins for runtime
    driver configuration. Bayonne also features "TGI" for making
    perl applications "telephony aware". Bayonne may be used to
    build telephony based system administration, home automation, automated
    attendent, v-commerce, and voice messaging systems. 

bayonne 1.0.10 

    Bayonne is the telephony server of the GNU project. Bayonne offers a
    script driven threaded multiline state event telephony service for
    building voice response systems and telephony plugins for runtime
    driver configuration. Bayonne also features "TGI" for making
    perl applications "telephony aware". Bayonne may be used to
    build telephony based system administration, home automation, automated
    attendent, v-commerce, and voice messaging systems. 

BlockIt 1.3.0 (Stable)

    BlockIt monitors the Snort alert file and creates either IPTables,
    IPChains, IPFWADM, or Checkpoint Firewall rules. This version is only
    for Linux (later versions will include FreeBSD and OpenBSD support).
    BlockIt has built-in CIDR support for multiple target IPs and whitelist
    support. Additional features include MySQL logging and email logging. 

BPhpWebmail Frontend 1.3.2 

    BPhpWebmail Frontend is an easy-to-use and easy-to-install Web mail
    frontend. It features support for multiple POP and IMAP servers, Inbox,
    Outbox, Sent, and Saved folders, and an address book. 

Coin 2.0.0 (2.x)

    Coin is an implementation of Open Inventor. Open Inventor is the de
    facto standard API for retained-mode 3D graphics programming. Open
    Inventor has a highly extensible design, and has been designed to allow
    for rapid development of highly interactive 3D graphics applications in
    the fields of CAD, engineering, scientific computing, simulation, VRML,
    and visualization. 

Coin 1.0.4 (Stable)

    Coin is an implementation of Open Inventor. Open Inventor is the de
    facto standard API for retained-mode 3D graphics programming. Open
    Inventor has a highly extensible design, and has been designed to allow
    for rapid development of highly interactive 3D graphics applications in
    the fields of CAD, engineering, scientific computing, simulation, VRML,
    and visualization. 

DirectFB 0.9.17 (Development)

    DirectFB is a thin library that provides developers with hardware
    graphics acceleration, input device handling and abstraction, an
    integrated windowing system with support for translucent windows and
    multiple display layers on top of the Linux framebuffer device. It is a
    complete hardware abstraction layer with software fallbacks for every
    graphics operation that is not supported by the underlying hardware. 

Dragon Breath p_28_02_2003 (Public Development Preview)

    Dragon Breath is the name of a generic development and application
    framework that is heavily based on PostgreSQL and PHP. It contains
    different layers which wrap business logic, data, and any graphical
    interface. It opens up and eases development in the field of graphical
    user interfaces and data management. The interface layer is built upon
    XSLT rendering, which allows the rendering of displays for different
    interfaces like Web browsers, PDAs, mobile phones, and others. The
    database layer depends on PostgreSQL's features and allows a common
    exchange of data with any kind of data structure. It even contains
    built in sanity checks for data integrity. 

eL DAPo 1.16 

    eL DAPo is a PHP-based application for managing and querying LDAP
    servers. It can rename, modify, and delete LDAP entries, as well as
    modify, add, and delete attributes associated with an entry. Search
    filters can be changed while a session is open, so users only have to
    bind with the LDAP server once. eL DAPo also includes a configuration
    file to make it fit well to your current schema. 

FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall 1.11.0 

    FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall. It provides a highly customizable
    script for setting up an iptables-based firewall. Configuration is done
    through one configuration file for each network to which the firewall
    is connected. FIAIF supports masquerading, port forwarding, traffic
    shaping, and more. 

FurthurNET 1.7.1 

    Furthur is a peer-to-peer cataloging and music sharing tool that allows
    a fully enforceable legal sharing model, instant downloads with no
    waiting lists, in-depth cataloging functionality, and detailed
    attribute searches. 

Gentoo Linux 1.4_rc3 

     Gentoo Linux is a versatile and fast Linux distribution for x86,
    PowerPC, Sparc, and Sparc64 that's geared towards Linux power users.
    Unlike other distros, it has an advanced package management system
    called Portage. Portage is a true ports system in the tradition of BSD
    ports, but is Python-based and sports a number of advanced features
    including dependencies, fine-grained package management,
    "fake" (OpenBSD-style) installs, path sandboxing, safe
    unmerging, system profiles, virtual packages, config file management,
    and more. 

Glirnath 0.15 

    The Glirnath is a Web utility to browse and play MP3s on a remote Unix
    computer dedicated to be a music jukebox, implemented using PHP and
    Perl. The Glirnath does not stream MP3s to other computers, but rather
    acts as a remote agent to play music on the server itself. It is useful
    for keeping in your living room hooked up to a stereo. 

GNU Smalltalk 2.0k (Development)

    GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language. 

GTKsubtitler 0.2.1 

    GTKsubtitler is a tool for editing and converting subtitles for DivX
    films. It allows you to move subtitles, change their format, convert
    them to ISO-8859-1/2, and merge two sets of subtitles. 

hdup 1.6.4 (Development)

    hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of
    the archive (via mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none),
    the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host (via scp/rsync),
    and no obscure archive format (it is a normal compressed tar file). 

Ice Sound Manager 0.3 (Development)

    Ice Sound Manager was designed to ease the management of sound events,
    sound themes, and the IceSound server in the IceWM window manager. It
    is also intended to be an improvement upon the noble but primitive
    icesndcfg. The main improvements over icesndcfg include a support for
    sound event "themes", more comprehensive help, easy
    management and configuration of the IceSound server, a cleaner GUI
    interface, automatic starting of the IceSound server, and a more
    conservative approach to disk space usage. 

IceCurve 1.0.2 

    This theme is a modification of the IceCrack2 theme with additions from
    the the BlueCurve theme. It is made to be simple and clean cut. 

IceSilver 0.9.5 

    IceSilver is a resurrection of the long-lost Silver theme. The original
    author's email address is lost in history, but kudos go to him first.
    Everything has been updated except the Titlebar (which looks great as
    it is). The menu is based on the one from the IceCrack2 theme. 

Jay's Iptables Firewall 0.9.7 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a bash script that allows one to easily
    install and configure a firewall on a Linux system. It was initially
    written for use on a home LAN, but can be extend to any type of
    network. It features support for multiple (external/internal)
    interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP header control, masquerading, synflood
    control, spoofing control, port forwarding, (experimental) upload
    limits, VPNs (like vtun), ToS (bandwith managment), denying hosts,
    ZorbIPTraffic, Spyware list IP, log options, and more. The firewall is
    able to launch custom iptables rules, and the configuration of the
    firewall is assisted by an optional, interactive, curses-based Perl

jEdit 4.1 

    jEdit is an Open Source text editor written in Java. It has many useful
    features, such as syntax highlighting, bracket matching, regular
    expression searching, multiple file search and replace, folding, and
    keyboard macros. jEdit also includes a powerful plugin architecture
    that allows more than 80 plugins to be downloaded and installed from
    within the editor. 

Jess 6.1b3 (Development)

    Jess is a fast, light rule engine and scripting environment written
    entirely in Java. You can build Java software that has the capacity to
    "reason" using knowledge you supply in the form of
    declarative rules. It is supplied as a programmer's library, making it
    ideal for embedding in larger applications. It is free for academic use
    and can be licensed for commercial use. 

JFtp 1.06 

    JFtp is a graphical FTP client written in Java. It supports all the
    basic FTP operations, and has some improved features such as recursive
    directory upload, a nice swing UI, the ability to automatically resume
    downloads, and the ability to recognize broken directory names. The API
    is separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party
    applications or in a command-line mode. 


    Jove is a compact, powerful, Emacs-style text-editor. It provides the
    common emacs keyboard bindings, together with a reasonable assortment
    of the most popular advanced features (e.g., interactive shell windows,
    compile-it, language specific modes) while weighing in with CPU,
    memory, and disk requirements comparable to vi. 

jui 0.5 

    jui is a tool for creating Java GUIs. It has a powerful and flexible
    layout algorithm and support for the Swing look and feel guidelines.
    Through its use, developers can achieve a much better separation of
    view and model. 

libdbi 3rd-party drivers 0.3 

    The libdbi 3rd-party drivers is a collection of database drivers for
    libdbi, a database abstraction library written in C. The first driver
    implements an embedded SQL engine using the SQLite library. 

libferris 0.9.96 

    libferris is a virtual filesystem that exposes hierarchical data of all
    kinds through a common C++ interface. Access to data is performed using
    C++ IOStreams and Extended Attributes (EA) can be attached to each
    datum to present metadata. Ferris uses a plugin API to read various
    data sources and expose them as contexts and to generate interesting
    EA. Current implementations include Native (kernel disk IO with event
    updates using fam), xml (mount an xml file as a filesystem), edb (mount
    a berkeley database), ffilter (mount an LDAP filter string) and mbox
    (mount your mailbox). EA generators include image, audio, and animation

libieee1284 0.2.7 (Stable)

    libieee1284 is intended to be used by applications that need to
    communicate with (or at least identify) devices that are attached via a
    parallel port. 

LinPacker 0.0.12 

    Linpacker is a tool to optimize the placement of rectangles in a band
    of semi-infinite size (2D bin packing problem) with a genetic
    algorithm. It can be useful for cutting stocks in trucks and factories. 

M8 Blue Theme 1.2 

    M8 Blue Theme is a clean blue theme consistent with the mcblue MetaCity

m8 darker GTK 1.0 

    m8 darker GTK is a theme to go with the m8Darker MetaCity theme. It
    provides a clean theme which is less aggressive in contrast and lighter
    in color than all the "aquaish" themes 

M8Darker 1.0 

    M8Darker is a dark blue violin theme. 

madman 0.90.1 

    madman is a tool for managing your music collection. It reads and
    writes tags for you, organizes, searches, deletes, plays, and enqueues
    in XMMS. A powerful expression syntax and a streamlined one-window GUI
    allow you to listen to better music all the time. The "Play 20
    random songs" feature lets you discover music you didn't even know
    you owned. 

mkultra oroburs 0.1 

    mkultra oroburs is a clean theme based on the KDE native theme by
    Shamyl Zakariya. 

Mod_Survey 3.0.15-pre5 (3.0.x-testing)

    Mod_survey is an Apache mod_perl module which allows users to create
    their own Web questionnaires using an XML-based tag notation. It
    supports exporting of data into several file formats, including SPSS
    syntax, semi-colon delimited fields, and SQL script. It also provides
    limited support for descriptive statistics of the submitted data, and
    stylesheet customizations of layout. 

mono-b 1.0 

    mono-b is the standard mono theme modified to provide small borders all
    around to grab for resizing. 

Mp3cdBrowser 1.9.1 (Development)

    Mp3cdBrowser is a Java program which stores MP3 information in a
    database. You can add an MP3 manually or by scanning a hard drive/CD
    for files. Information about the MP3s is obtained using their ID3 (v1
    and 2) tags. You can search the database for MP3s by CD ID, artist,
    album, title, etc. 

Mrwtoppm 0.0.a9 

    Mrwtoppm provides a command line utility and a Gimp plugin for
    processing RAW image files from Minolta's DiMAGE 5 and 7 series digital
    cameras. The programs decode Minolta's RAW format, perform Bayer
    pattern interpolation, and color space conversion. The programs also
    perform tone control and sharpening in CIELab color space. Utilities
    for displaying much of the additional data stored in the RAW file are
    also included. 

my-swatch 0.2 (Web Interface)

    my-swatch pretends to be an implementation of msyslog and swatch
    together. What it pretends to accomplish is put all together, to log
    events to a remote database (like msyslog), and to awake triggers (like
    swatch). When a certain condition occurs you can be notified by email
    and awake certain events, like play a sound. You can also log the event
    to a remote database and use a Web browser to surf through the logs. 

NAI VirusScan DAT/Engine file updater 0.4 

    This script will check the local and remote VirusScan DAT/Engine file
    versions. If there is a newer version available from NAI, it will
    retrieve it and install it. A lot of checks are done to make very sure
    you will always have a working DAT/Engine file. 

nALFS 1.1.7 

    nALFS is interactive, ncurses-based application used for parsing the
    ALFS profiles (simple instructions in XML) and doing various things
    (like executing commands), one by one, to compile some packages from

neon 0.23.8 

    neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems, with a C
    language API. It provides high-level interfaces to HTTP/1.1 and WebDAV
    methods, and a low-level interface to HTTP request/response handling,
    allowing new methods to be easily implemented. 

OGRE 0.10.0 

    OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a class library
    written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for
    developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware. It exposes
    a number of useful objects allowing you to create and manipulate a 3D
    environment and render it to your specifications, while removing the
    unnecessary complexities of the underlying system libraries like
    Direct3D and OpenGL. 

Qixite 0.0.8 

    Qixite is a program for creating Web sites. The user has to provide the
    information and structure of the site, while Qixite does the rest. It
    uses predefined templates for site generation, and it is possible to
    create or edit them using XSL. 

qMsg 0.1.1 

    qMsg is a simple alternative to xmessage using Qt3. It's possible to
    set the buttons, icon, and title of the message box. The message text
    can be specified on the command line, from the standard input or from a

Rolo 002 

    Using the vCard format as the data storage structure, Rolo will keep
    track of your contacts and display them to you with a curses frontend. 

rpcCalc 0.1.0 

    rpcCalc is a simple RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator for the
    console. Based on Python's curses module, it starts quickly, has few
    dependencies, and runs in any Linux console or terminal. It's easy to
    use, showing buttons for every available command. The commands can be
    typed, or a mouse can be used (if supported by the terminal). 

rssh 2.0.1 

    rssh is a small shell that provides the ability for system
    administrators to give specific users access to a given system via scp
    or sftp only. 

rubrica 1.0.0cr1 (Stable)

    rubrica is an address book written using GTK+ and GNOME. It allows you
    to add personal data (name, surname, address, etc.), Web links, email
    addresses, telephone numbers, job information (company where contact
    works, company infos, contact's assigment, etc.) and notes. XML is used
    to store the data. It can import addressbooks from GnomeCard and export
    to HTML. 

SDBA Revolution 1.7 

    SDBA Revolution is an open-source architecture written in Perl which
    simplifies and streamlines the process of writing applications that run
    on an instant messaging network. It features easy scripting of IM
    responses, session variables which are consistent across messages,
    session time limits, support for multiple "apps" from one
    bot, basic security, and the ability to use multiple access lists. It
    makes writing IM apps very much like writing mod_perl or PHP pages. It
    currently supports AIM, MSN, ICQ, YIM, and Jabber. The homepage has
    full tutorials and documentation. 

Sfears 0.1 

    Sfears is a theme made with the GIMP which incorporates shadow effects,
    lighting effects, and a look which is not too complex. 

Siag Office 3.5.7 

    Siag Office is a free office package which consists of the spreadsheet
    Siag, the word processor PW, the animation program Egon, the text
    editor XedPlus, the file manager Xfiler and the previewer Gvu. Siag is
    easy to use, yet infinitely flexible through multiple embedded
    interpreters and a plugin mechanism that allows other programs to run
    inside the main document. The supported interpreters are SIOD, Guile,
    Tcl, and Python. 

Straw 0.17 

    Straw is desktop RSS aggregator for the GNOME 2.0 environment, written
    in Python. 

SuperWaba 3.41 

    SuperWaba is a JavaVM for handhelds. It can run in PalmOS and Windows
    CE devices, and is fully emulated under JDK and browser. It has support
    for exceptions, threads, lots of user interface controls, and double
    and long 64-bit types. It has grayscale and color support, a beautiful
    set of 3D controls in PalmOS, and support for JNI and Java libraries.
    It is also is fast and small, lets you use all device's memory if
    needed, and supports Symbol scanners, sockets, and serial/IR. 

Sux Services 0.2.5 (Development)

    Sux Services are new-generation IRC services which aim to be robust,
    flexible, and scalable. They are multi-threaded and use an SQL backend
    (MySQL) to store their databases. 

The Tamber Project 1.2 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a componentized n-tier Web site engine that uses
    open languages such as XML and JavaScript. Content is stored in
    separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects. Business
    functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP. Presentation is
    controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for delivery over
    multiple channels such as HTML, WAP, and MHEG. Currently, Tamber can
    deliver to HTML and WAP, and contains modules that support e-commerce
    shopping carts, secure sign in, data access and conversion services,
    and advanced session management. 

ThinkSQL RDBMS 0.5.00 beta (Beta)

    ThinkSQL is a multi-threaded relational database management system. The
    aim is to bring it as close as possible to full compliance with the ISO
    SQL standard. It already supports transactions, sub-selects, views,
    stored procedures, functions, comprehensive constraints, multi-version
    concurrency control, and a statistical optimiser that uses constraints
    and relationships to improve plans. The SQL server runs under Windows
    and Linux and includes native ODBC, dbExpress (Delphi/Kylix), and JDBC

tnftp 2.0beta1 

    tnftp (formerly known as lukemftp) is a port of the NetBSD FTP client
    to other systems. It offers many enhancements over the traditional BSD
    FTP client, including command-line editing, command-line fetches of FTP
    and HTTP URLs (including via proxies), command-line uploads of FTP
    URLs, context-sensitive word completion, dynamic progress bar, IPv6
    support, modification time preservation, paging of local and remote
    files, passive mode support (with fallback to active mode), SOCKS
    support, TIS FWTK gate-ftp server support, and transfer rate

Usepackage Environment Manager 1.6.3 

    Usepackage is a tool for managing the Unix environment for a
    multi-tool, multi-platform site. It is designed to simplify login
    scripts and allow administrators to control users' environments
    centrally. This tool should be considered primarily designed for sites
    where users have to deal with a number of different tools, or versions
    of tools, that are installed in different locations and require
    environment variables to be set. This is particularly a problem for
    developers, or anyone who has to manage a large toolset across multiple
    platforms (e.g. different versions of the Sun JDK which require various
    environment variables to be set correctly). One or more central
    configuration files control a number of different "packages"
    and their associated environment and dependencies for different
    platforms (this includes the standard PATH, MANPATH, and
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables). A single user command, use, can be invoked
    to source the appropriate environment information into the users'
    current shell. 

WindowLab 1.05 

    WindowLab is a small and simple window manager of novel design. It is
    click-to-focus, shares its window depth policy with the Amiga, and has
    a window resizing/reshaping method similar to that of 8-1/2 from Plan
    9. It maintains the illusion of direct manipulation by constraining the
    mouse pointer when appropriate (i.e., when a window cannot be dragged
    any further in one direction). The pointer is also constrained
    vertically (effectively making the target menu items infinitely tall
    according to Fitts's law) when it is in the menubar to reduce pointing

wmCube 0.99-pre1 

    wmCube is a dockapp that displays a realtime rotating 3D object and the
    current CPU load. You can design your own objects for it. 

XDirectFB 1.0-rc4 

    XDirectFB is a rootless X Server using DirectFB Windows for X11
    toplevel windows. This way the opacity of every application can be
    adjusted with your mouse wheel. Window movements are initiated by the
    application or the window manager. The graphical movement is done by
    DirectFB using the available hardware acceleration. Overlapping
    toplevel windows does not cause expose events, i.e. redrawing of the
    window contents, as they are DirectFB windows and therefore have an own
    surface, or backing store. 

Youhp3 3.4 

    Youhp3 (Youpee's One Unlimited HTML PreProcessor) is an HTML
    preprocessor that allows you to embed code of any script language, as
    well as calling any external program to generate text files. It is
    specifically designed to work with HTML/XML documents, and provide
    traditional features, such as define, include, macro, conditional
    tests, and loop. 

Zina 0.9.13 

    Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal
    jukebox, and an MP3 streamer. It can run alone or as a Postnuke or
    PHPNuke module. It is similar to Andromeda, but is released under the

Newsforge Reports
Choosing Strong Passwords

    - By Raj Shekhar - Passwords are the most common approach for
    identifying a user's identity. We use passwords to secure our
    computers, to send or receive emails or to access special resources.
    Password guessing has always been the favourite method of cracking into
    computers or circumventing security measures. 

Linux Advisory Watch - February 28th, 2003

    - By Benjamin D. Thomas - This week, advisories were released for
    slocate, nanog, tcpdump, kde, openssl, WebTool, syncookie, webmin,
    acupsd, tightvnc, vnc, vte, hypermail, libmcrypt, openldap, mysql,
    postgresql, initscripts, krb5, lynx, and shadow-utils.  The
    distributors include Conectiva, Debian, Guardian Digital's EnGarde
    Secure Linux, Gentoo, Mandrake, Red Hat, SuSE, and Trustix. 

There's GOLD in them thar (Linux) Hills!

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - The company name is Linux Gold. The URL
    is linuxgoldcorp.com. This name is brand-new. It used to be
    LinuxWizardry (Google Cache), and before that it was called Flame
    Petro-Minerals. What does the company do? It owns gold mining claims in
    Alaska. But, says CEO/President John Robertson, "We still use the name
    'Linux' because we have Linux antispam and antivirus solutions in the
    company, and we don't really want to ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
   XFree86 Version 4.3.0 Released

     The long-awaited and much-anticipated release of XFree86 version 4.3.0
    has just been announced. 

   German government agency rolls out desktop Linux

     A small German institute has become one of the Interior Ministry's
    first agencies to implement Linux on the desktop, as the government
    pushes ahead with its ambitious plans to introduce open-source software
    in the public sector. 

New ATI Card Pushes Limits of ASCII Gaming

     Markham, ON - In a joint announcement today the Nethack Devteam
    announced a new version of the popular text based game, version 3.4.1,
    but the big announcement came from ATI which announced a new video
    card, the ATI Radeon 9500 ASC, optimized for ASCII gaming. 

Linux/Samba holds its own (and more) with Win2000

    Michael S. Mimoso writes "Make any comparison between the reliability,
    scalability and total cost of ownership (TCO) of Microsoft Windows 2000
    and Linux, and someone's bound to object." 

Real World Linux Conference and trade show focusing on the Linux operating system.

    Real World Linux Conference & Expo is Canada's only national,
    comprehensive event focusing on Linux and open source operating
    systems, a lower cost alternative to today's proprietary platforms.
    Real World Linux is Canada's largest such exhibition and conference,
    expected to attract more than 2,000 visitors who will meet in excess of
    70 exhibiting companies on the trade show floor and take in 40 industry
    related seminars, tutorials and ... 

"Definitive Guide to Using Mandrake Linux" released

     MandrakeSoft, the makers of the Mandrake Linux distribution, have
    released the first title from Mandrakesoft Press -- a comprehensive
    guide titled "The Definitive guide to using Mandrake Linux". The book
    is 646-pages and is available from the Mandrake online store. 

Rivals chip away at Microsoft's dominance

     Sterling Ball is Microsoft-free. Two years ago, the maker of Ernie
    Ball electric guitars and strings was slapped with a $90,000 fine by
    the Business Software Alliance for what the company says was unwitting
    use of eight unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office. 

Microsoft-China GSP Deal: Perjury OR Treachery?

    NZheretic writes "In May, under oath at the antitrust hearing Jim
    Allchin, group vice president for platforms at Microsoft, stated that
    disclosing the Windows operating system source code could damage
    national security and even threaten the U.S. war effort. Now in
    February, Microsoft signed a pact with Chinese officials to reveal the
    Windows operating system source code. Bill Gates even hinted that China
    will be privy to all, not just part, of ... 

The "KiSA 444 Surface to Surface PC"

     Chris Adams disarmed a U.S. Air Force surplus bomb tail assembly and
    gave it a much more useful payload - a Mini-ITX motherboard running
    Redhat 8. Our weapons inspectors report that its improved capabilities
    include MP3 and DivX playback, and that the inner workings have a
    propensity for turning up in unusual places. 

Microsoft: We Have No Plans To Remove Linux Support From Virtual PC For Mac

     After the announced sale of Connectix's Virtual product line to
    Microsoft (Virtual PC (VPC) for Mac, VPC for Windows, and Virtual
    Server), there has been no small amount of angst amongst Mac users
    concerning the fate of VPC for Mac. Questions about whether or not
    Microsoft would kill the Mac version of Virtual PC, or limit its
    usefulness by removing support for Linux, have been raised by a large
    number of TMO readers. 

Electronics: i2eye Broadband Videophone

Electronics: Si-5 Portable Speakers

Computing: Latte Mini PC

Electronics: SoundPaX Portable Stereo Speakers

Computing: Ratpadz GS Mousing Surface

Computing: Griffin PowerMate

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Books: GPF 2 - Gone With The Windows

Books: BOFH 2 - Son Of The Bastard

Books: GPF 3 - And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

Books: BOFH 3 - Bride Of The Bastard

Books: BOFH 1 - Bastard Operator From Hell

Books: User Friendly - Version 1.0

Gadgets: Candela Rechargeable Lamps

Electronics: Mustek MDC-3500 Digital Camera

Computing: iGesture Keyboard

Computing: Roll-Up Keyboard

Gadgets: InkLink Handwriting System

Cube Goodies: Hubzilla - 4 Port Firewire Hub

Caffeine: Warp Mints - Green T - Lemon/Lime

AMaViS-ng 0.1.6 released

    AMaViS-ng is a modular rewrite of amavisd and amavis-perl. It scans
    email for malicious code inside attachments and archive files, stopping
    delivery if malicious code is found. It supports integration of several
    third-party virus scanners and integrates nicely into several MTA
    setups. Unlike amavis-perl and amavisd, there is no need for build-time
    configuration. Changes: Support for Courier-MTA, CLAM Antivirus daemon,
    F-Prot daemon ("enterprise") version, INOC, NOD32 daemon, RAV, Trophie
    daemon, and drWeb has been added. The main documentation is now
    provided in Texinfo format. 

Crystal Space 0.96r003 released

    Crystal Space 0.96r003 has been released. This release fixes a number
    of the problems and issues discovered in the 0.96r002 release. Crystal
    Space is an Open Source 3D SDK for Unix, Windows, MacOS/X. It renders
    with OpenGL or software and features curved surfaces, volumetric fog,
    dynamic colored lighting, terrain engine, LOD, procedural textures,
    portals, etc. Here is a brief overview of some of the problems
    addressed by this release: * On some drivers OpenGL incorrectly reports
    the maximum texture size. CS now detects this case and uses a
    reasonable default. * Several bugs were fixed in the ensocket
    networking plugin. * PNG image loader now works on platforms with
    different structure sizes. * Map2CS outputs directly usable XML now.
    levtool is still needed to improve performance. * Bug fixed in OpenGL
    which could causes objects to disappear. * Fullscreen in Windows/OpenGL
    works better now. * Fixed memory leak in OpenGL. * Fixed memory
    overwrite bug in Dynavis. This could cause crashes at exit. * Fixed
    several culling errors in Dynavis. * Fixed dynamic ambient for objects
    using DrawPolygonMesh. * Fixed ref counting problems in the DirectSound
    renderer. * Fixed a bug in the AWS notebook. * Fixed bugs in the
    sequence manager to ensure that operations are fired in the right
    order. * Added new csArray class. * The localshadows flag for genmesh
    now works. * 'ball' mesh object now implements iPolygonMesh (can be
    used for collision detection). * Static and pseudo-dynamic lighting
    recalculation is now a LOT faster (several factors). * Updating the
    color of a pseudo-dynamic light is also faster. * Fixed several bugs in
    the console. * Several smaller performance improvements. * Several
    smaller bug fixes. * Several configure/autoconf changes. Check out
    http://crystal.sf.net for more information. 

tcpdump 3.7.2 released

    tcpdump 3.7.2 has been released. As described in the ChangeLog, a
    handful of security problems have been addressed. In particular,
    iDEFENSE Security Advisory 02.27.03 (a vulnerability in the isakmp
    parser) has been addressed, and we recommend upgrading to this release.
    The MD5 of this release is: MD5 (tcpdump-3.7.2.tar.gz) =
    1e44b59abba39a48e3680bc2cffb8a6a In addition, a PGP signature is
    available for download. 

POPFile v0.18.1 released

    POPFile is an email classification tool with a Naive Bayes classifier,
    a POP3 proxy and a web interface. It runs on most platforms and with
    most email clients. Release 0.18.1 fixes bugs found in the major 0.18
    major release and has significant accessibility enhancements (Bobby AA
    rating). INTRODUCTION v0.18.0 was a major update and inevitably some
    bugs crept in that we didn't detect prior to shipping. Happily they
    have been fixed, and even more happily the regression test suite now
    has tests for many of them so that they will never reoccur. v0.18.1
    fixes these bugs (see THE GORY DETAILS below for the gory details) and
    also has two significant changes: the caching code associated with the
    History page has been totally rewritten by me so that the History
    barely slows down as the number of messages in the History increases;
    the Windows installer can now configure Outlook and Outlook Express
    Internet email accounts for you (and undo the changes if you uninstall
    POPFile). POPFile v0.18.1 is also the first version where the UI meets
    the Bobby AA rating for accessibility. This means that not only does
    POPFile not discriminate against particular operating system, or
    natural languages, or ways you want to sort your mail, but it is also
    accessible by everyone regardless of the specific challenges they face.
    (FOr more details on this drop by
    http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/html/en/about.jsp) Aside: If you are
    young, fit, and computer literate you might wonder why I bothered to
    make Bobby-level accessibility a requirement. Early on in POPFile's
    development a user told me that POPFile was a life changer. For him,
    sorting mail had been an arduous, frustrating task. ESSENTIAL READING
    POPFile makes this really easy, just copy the entire POPFile directory
    somewhere. You can then safely install POPFile v0.18.1 on top of your
    current installation; I just think a back up is a sensible precaution.
    2. YOUR HISTORY WILL CLEAR: I have changed the format of the History
    files used in this version which means that the old History files will
    not be read by POPFile and will in fact be deleted to save disk space.
    If you need to do any reclassifications prior to installing v0.18.1 do
    them! POPFile does NOT clear buckets, statistics or anything else on
    install of this version, just the History files. To refresh the History
    view click the History tab at any time; POPFile will check disk for new
    messages. 3. IF YOU HAD BROKEN MAGNETS: I have added automatic update
    of broken magnets. If you had a magnet like [foo] which POPFile
    mistakenly changed to \[foo\] it should get magically fixed and start
    working. 4. ACCURACY MIGHT DROP FOR A SHORT WHILE: because of some
    changes made in the mail parser it is possible that you might see
    accuracy drop initially and you may find yourself reclassifying a few
    messages that used to work. This is unfortunate but necessary to make
    POPFile even more accurate than before and v0.18.1 incorporates changes
    that make POPFile's classification accuracy better; however old
    corpuses might need a little retraining. DOWNLOADING You can obtain the
    latest release of POPFile by visiting
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=63137 UPGRADING
    Just install POPFile on top of the currently installed version. But did
    you read the ESSENTIAL READING above first if you are upgrading from a
    pre v0.18.0 version? FAQ zonk3r has spent a great deal of time on a
    POPFile FAQ. Please check it out as it covers many questions that you
    might have:
    7 THE GORY DETAILS 1. Fixed a serious bug that could cause POPFile to
    stop responding to POP3 and HTTP requests in the middle of downloading
    mail when the mail message containing a MIME encoding that used certain
    characters that were special in a Perl regular expression. (Reported by
    ecarlseen, gilesjuk, panther757, szkaroly and fixed by sschinke) 2. The
    skinning system continues to evole with kraelen, stanley_krute and
    kinematics working madly to make everything skinnable, make everything
    comply with HTML 4.01, CSS1 and Bobby AA guidelines. 3. The code that
    handled the History cache that was meant to speed the loading of the
    History pages and that I originally wrote was pretty lame and some
    people (including me!) were ending up with 1000 message in the history
    and the load time sucked. So I fixed it. The new cache will load ONCE
    and ONLY ONCE per file and caches everything in memory. When new
    messages are received they get loaded once per new message as well.
    When a History page needs to be generated everything can be loaded from
    the cache without doing any disk access which means that you should see
    little difference between 10 messages and 1000. 4. To magnets would not
    work correctly if the To line in the email header contained multiple
    lines. (Reported by drunin and fixed by kinematics) 5. There was a
    nasty problem where sometimes the statistics would not update correctly
    which typically happened when you downloaded a large number of emails
    in one batch. This was caused by the fact that we weren't flushing the
    pipe between the child POP3 process and the parent regularly, this has
    been modified so that this can never happen and statistics update in
    real time even as mail is downloading. (Reported by burale, ct85711) 6.
    The Windows installer has been much improved with the assistance of
    xuesheng to make it reconfigure Outlook and Outlook Express for you and
    include a number of new screens. 7. Quarantine had a couple of bugs
    where it would show the incorrect date (reported by thejcab) and the
    wrong to address (reported by dyoungmciwcom) under some circumtances.
    8. When the From or Subject was encoded using base64 or quoted
    printable weird things would show up in the History. (Reported by
    goulduck and fixed by williamxp) 9. spf and I went back and forth
    discussing line endings in the files saved to disk so that all the MSG
    and CLS files could be loaded into an editor on any platform without
    extraneous characters. 10. People who live on the Bleeding Edge were
    getting update warnings from POPFile even though they were on the
    latest version. This has been fixed on the update server. 11. Magnets
    containing the & character could not be deleted. (Reported by the
    infamous stanley_krute and fixed by helphand) 12. There was a bug
    associateds with invisible ink detection that could cause POPFile's
    HTML engine to think invisible ink was in use when a font tag spanned a
    table. (Reported by mfichtner) 13. If POPFile didn't exit gracefully
    then statistics were not being saved to disk and would not be up to
    date. (Reported by daemon72) 14. The Shutdown page had no CSS because
    POPFile was shutdown, we now have a simple SSI solution just for the
    shutdown page. (Fix and report by helphand) 15. There was a problem
    with Subject Line Modification where if it was turned off every subject
    line got an extra space in it. (Reported by and fixed by helphand) 16.
    There was a bug where you couldn't look up words that had # in them.
    (Reported by adammc and fixed by helphand) 17. Viewing base64 encoded
    messages in the History resulted in little useful output. (Reported by
    biljir and fixed by pkarlin) 18. sschinke whipped up a new -archive
    option that causes message removed from the History to get saved away
    on disk. 19. sschinke made POPFile behave better when a POP3 server
    suddenly stops responding in the middle of a conversation. DONATIONS
    Thank you to everyone who has clicked the Donate! button and donated
    their hard earned cash to me in support of POPFile. Thank you also to
    the people who have contributed patches, feature requests and bug
    reports and big thanks to the two POPFile team members Stan and Sam for
    their continued efforts. Keep the ideas and bug reports coming. John. 

xf4vnc 4.3.0 released

    xf4vnc 4.3.0 is released alongside the XFree86 4.3.0 release. xf4vnc
    provides source and binaries of VNC for the XFree86 v4.x (modular)

jrexx version 1.1.1 released

    jrexx provides an automaton based regular expression api for Java
    including a very fast matching alogrithm, an extended pattern syntax
    (with set operations for complement, union, intersection, difference)
    and introspection of the automaton's structure. Release 1.1.1 added
    Serialization support for Automatons and a lightweight Pattern Matching
    Class DFASet that works with a serialized automaton. 

KShowmail 3.0.4-beta2 released

    KShowmail is a POP3 mail checker for the KDE with these features: show
    number, size and other useful information about mails on pop3 servers
    in a list view, on request show the raw mail headers or complete mails,
    delete unwanted mail from server. The 3.0.4-beta2 release includes
    bugfixes. Specific bugs fixed: corrected segfault when password, server
    url and account name are too long; Finally set up the cvs account. (Hi,
    Allistar !); Added the option for users to hide account or message
    columns in the main window; Added french translation finally; Added
    option to allow rich text formatting (simple html); set tab focus to
    editdialog to allow keyboard navigation; header information filtered in
    view complete mail; fix of the locking problem when running commands 

JavaScore version 3.9.1 is released

    JavaScore is a scoring program for sailboat regattas. Written in Java
    (currently 1.3), it supports standard low-point scoring for both
    one-design and some handicap classes. This is a minor release in
    preparation for 4.0. AVG points calculation updated to A10(a) RRS 2002
    and bug fix in Dragon Tiebreaker are most significant updates 

First release of FreeDOS 32

    The first release of FreeDOS 32 is finally available through the
    SourceForge.net download area. FreeDOS 32 is an operating system under
    development which aims to extend the DOS concepts to work in a 32 bit
    environment natively. The release is named 0.0.1 (unstable), and
    includes a floppy image for testing (with GNU GRUB, FD32 kernel and
    drivers, and a COMMAND.COM replacement) and a package for sources,
    based on the latest CVS. 

netrik release: 1.3.0 (alpha)

    Netrik is a fairly complete text-based web browser; it is useful both
    for browsing local documentation and web sites. After another longer
    pause, a new version of netrik is now out. There is a fairly simple,
    but very convenient new feature: If you go back to a page from history
    (or reload the current one), the link which was active when leaving the
    page is not only reactivated when it's still in the same place, but
    also if the page is somewhat different than it was. This is especially
    useful when reading newstickers or other dynamic pages. But even
    changing ads can cause layout changes, so this can also help with
    otherwise static pages. 

C-4000 Zoom Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $310.00 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $320.99 

PowerShot G3 Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $565.00 

FinePix3800 Digital Camera (Fuji)

    Lowest Price: $299.00 

C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $589.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3219.00 

DMR-HS2 DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $739.99 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $108.09 

RIO S35S Mp3 Player (Sonic Blue)

    Lowest Price: $155.00 

Nomad Jukebox MP3 Player (Creative Labs)

    Lowest Price: $252.00 

Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $134.00 

Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $85.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.00 

WarCraft III (Full Product) (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $21.45 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $112.99 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
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