O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    March 09, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
        Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/                   

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Playing with Google

    Chromatic sent over the links to Tara Calishain's [0]Happy Google Hacks
    page. It's basically a collection of interesting ways to do searching -
    something fun for the weekend. I'm thinking of preparing dinner Sunday
    based on the recipe tool. 
    0. http://www.buzztoolbox.com/google/

Yet Another Perl Conference - Canada

    [0]minaguib writes "For anyone interested in Perl, [1]Yet Another Perl
    Conference is coming to Ottawa, Canada May 15th and 16th.
    Pre-Registration is now open and the calendar is not completely
    finalized, as they are still accepting presenter entries. This is a
    great way to get involved either as a presenter or an attendee." 
    0. http://www.topfx.com
    1. http://www.yapc.ca/

LA Times Examines Silicon Valley

    [0]Richard Finney writes "The Los Angeles Times has a [1]special
    section on Silicon Valley. Most of the stories focus on the 'survivors
    struggling through the toughest stretch in tech industry history.'
    There's also a story on [2] Five Reasons to Hope - New technologies
    that may help Silicon Valley rise again: Biotech, microsensors,
    nanotechnology, flexible electronics and data mining. We'll see." 
    0. http://rfinney.com
    1. http://www.latimes.com/features/printedition/magazine/la-tm-svintro9mar09.story

Can Science Journalism Be Entertaining and Responsible?

    [0]GRW writes "This past week, I attended a [1]panel discussion
    sponsored by the [2]Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics in
    Waterloo, Ontario, entitled "Can science journalism be entertaining and
    responsible?". This was a discussion regarding the role the media could
    and should play in the dissemination of scientific issues to the
    general public. Panelists included newspaper, TV and radio journalists.
    I thought that this might be a good subject for a Slashdot discussion.
    What do you think about science journalism? How can it better
    communicate to the general public about science and the scientific
    method? Can science journalism do a better job of helping people
    distinguish science from pseudoscience?" 
    0. http://<ac.lsd> <ta> <hslawg>
    1. http://perimeterinstitute.ca/activities/public_lectures/
    2. http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/

Intuit Sued Over Product Activation

    An anonymous reader writes "PCWorld is [0]reporting: [Scott] Leviant's
    firm of Stanbury & Fishelman has filed a class-action lawsuit against
    Intuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on behalf of all U.S. purchasers
    of TurboTax software for the 2002 tax year. The suit alleges that
    Intuit engaged in unfair and deceptive business practices by failing to
    fully disclose the mechanisms and consequences of its
    product-activation technology before consumers pay for the software." 
    0. http://www.idg.net/ic_1196714_9677_1-5042.html

Back to the Trees

    circletimessquare writes "This story should excite the nerd in anyone.
    Build a [0]luxury treehouse! The [1]New York Times reports on an
    [2]entire subculture devoted to an idea which sounds funny at first...
    but really, why not? Much serious discussion in the article about the
    technical considerations involved in treehouse construction. Also
    mention of 'treesorts' at the bottom of the article (one being called
    'Lothlorien Woods Hide-a-way' lol). I hunted down some links to two of
    the big players mentioned in the article, [3]TreeHouse Workshop Inc.
    and the [4]World Treehouse Conference. No mention as to whether or not
    they support [5]Banyan VINES (sorry, I couldn't resist)." 
    0. http://www.treehouses.com/treehouse/construction/home.html
    1. http://www.nytimes.com/
    2. http://nytimes.com/2003/03/07/realestate/luxury/07TREE.html
    3. http://www.treehouseworkshop.com/
    4. http://www.treehouses.com/treehouse/treesort/conv0.html
    5. http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/cisintwk/ito_doc/vines.htm

Cell Phones Changing Social Group Communication

    Mortimer.CA writes "An interesting article on how cell phones are
    [0]changing the way people interact and get together in Japan. Some
    interesting quotations: 'To not have a keitai (cell phone) is to be
    walking blind, disconnected from just-in-time information on where and
    when you are in the social networks of time and place.' And the new
    social faux pas: 'One college student I spoke to described leaving
    one's phone at home or letting the battery die as "the new taboo."' The
    article mentions the book Smart Mobs which was [1]mentioned on Slashdot
    before. I keep thinking how Marshal McLuhan said that our new
    inventions change the way we view the world. This is 'obvious' now, but
    was quite a new idea when he thought of it. In the 40s and 50s you
    "needed" to get a (land line) phone, then it was cars, email, and now
    cell phones. What's next? Is it simply a matter of keeping up with the
    0. http://www.ojr.org/japan/wireless/1043770650.php
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/01/1514206&tid=96

Australian Overturns 15 Years of Nano-Science Doctrine

    [0]Roland Piquepaille writes "Dr John Sader, from the University of
    Melbourne, discovered a design flaw in a key component of the Atomic
    Force Microscope (AFM). He 'used established mechanical principles to
    prove that the popular V-shaped cantilever inadvertently degrades the
    performance of the instrument, and delivers none of its intended
    benefits.' This finding may reshape the industry by proposing a single
    new standard and because the AFM 'has been the instrument of choice for
    three dimensional measurements at the atomic scale, since its invention
    in 1986.' Check [1]this column for more details and an AFM diagram or
    read the original [2]University of Melbourne's article. You also can
    visit the '[3]How AFM works' page." 
    0. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/
    1. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/2003/03/08.html
    2. http://uninews.unimelb.edu.au/0006_1_1.php?article=414
    3. http://stm2.nrl.navy.mil/how-afm/how-afm.html

Significant Interactivity Boost in Linux Kernel

    An anonymous reader writes "The Linux kernel team is [0]at it again.
    Linux creator Linus Torvalds recently proposed a patch to offer
    interactive processes a boost, greatly benefiting the X desktop, as
    well as music and movie players. O(1) scheduler author [1]Ingo Molnar
    merged Linus' patch into his own interactivity efforts, the end result
    nothing short of amazing... The upcoming 2.6 kernel is looking to be a
    desktop user's dream come true." 
    0. http://kerneltrap.org/node.php?id=603
    1. http://kerneltrap.org/node.php?id=517

Grand Theft Auto Released For Free

    [0]Snover writes "It's already incredibly difficult to actually get to
    the site due to its extreme popularity, and can only get worse after
    the inevitable slashdotting, but [1]Rockstar Games has [2]updated their
    original hit, Grand Theft Auto, to run on 'modern' computers and
    released it for free to the public. It'd be nice if more gaming
    companies did this! Unfortunately, it (of course) is Windows-only and
    utilises the propietary DirectX API, but hey, [2]free game for anyone
    that's paid the Microsoft tax! (The download speed, once you actually
    manage to connect to the site, is quite excellent -- it's maxing out my
    2Mbps connection.)" Ah, what a classic game. 
    0. http://zetafleet.com
    1. http://www.rockstargames.com/
    2. http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/

Fine-tuning MPlayer

    MPlayer is a movie player. It's written mainly for Linux, but it works
    on most Unices and even on other architectures like OSX, QNX, and
    (somehow) even Windows. Although it's a desktop/end-user application,
    it is not as user-friendly as it should be. Some time ago, I even told
    newbies (coming from Windows) to try xine instead of using the
    commandline MPlayer. 

avidemux 0.9rc2 

    Avidemux is a graphical tool to edit AVI. It allows you to multiplex
    and demultiplex audio to/from video. It is able to cut video, import
    BMP, MJPEG, and MPEG video, and encode them. You can also process video
    with included filters. It requires divx4linux and GTK/GDK. 

bogofilter (Current)

    Bogofilter is a Bayesian spam filter. In its normal mode of operation,
    it takes an email message or other text on standard input, does a
    statistical check against lists of &quot;good&quot; and &quot;bad&quot;
    words, and returns a status code indicating whether or not the message
    is spam. Bogofilter is designed with fast algorithms (including
    Berkeley DB system), coded directly in C, and tuned for speed, so it
    can be used for production by sites that process a lot of mail. 

DBMonster 0.1 (Development)

    DBMonster is a tool which helps database application developers with
    tuning the structure of the database, tuning the usage of indexes, and
    testing the application performance under heavy database load.
    DBMonster generates as much random data as you wish and puts it into an
    SQL database. It provides a very pluggable interface and is trivial to

devaki-nextobjects 0.3-RC1 

    Nextobjects is an integrated development tool for Entreprise
    Applications. It use Turbine Torque for code generation, and is based
    on the Merise method. 

Dungeon Crawl 4.0.0beta25 (Development)

    Dungeon Crawl is a fun game in the grand tradition of Rogue, Hack, and
    Moria. Your objective is to travel deep into a subterranean cave
    complex and retrieve the Orb of Zot, which is guarded by many horrible
    and hideous creatures. 

Ensemblist rc1 

    Ensemblist is a 3D puzzle game in which you have to model a given shape
    with geometric primitives that you must assemble with boolean
    operations (using constructive solid geometry). 

FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall 1.12.0 

    FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall. It provides a highly customizable
    script for setting up an iptables-based firewall. Configuration is done
    through one configuration file for each network to which the firewall
    is connected. FIAIF supports masquerading, port forwarding, traffic
    shaping, and more. 

Fireflies Screensaver 2.01 

    Fireflies is an OpenGL screensaver for Linux (using xscreensaver) and
    Windows. It also works as a standalone program, which allows you to
    move and rotate the camera. Swarms of bugs fly around the screen
    leaving colorful translucent trails that get blown around by the wind. 

gperiodic 2.0.2 

    gperiodic is a program for browsing the periodic table and looking up
    data for different elements. It also features a non-graphical

HTTrack Website Copier 3.23 

    HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to
    download a Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building
    recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from
    the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's
    relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the mirrored Web site in
    your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you
    were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored
    site, and resume interrupted downloads. 

IceWM 1.2.7 

    IceWM is a window manager designed for speed, usability, and
    consistency. It is able to emulate the looks of Motif, OS/2, and
    Windows, and allows you to have a customizable look using pixmaps. 

Ikaros Simulation Framework 0.7.4 

    Ikaros is a framework for writing and running component-based
    simulators. It is presently used for simulations of brain areas and
    learning models, but is general enough to be easily used for any
    discrete-time simulations. A simulation consists of modules written in
    C or C++ that are connected in the simulator, with connections
    specified in an XML file. At this time it is a console-based
    application, but there are socket-based hooks for adding a GUI. The
    package contains a number of modules and complete documentation for
    working with the framework. 

Kodo JDO 2.4.2 

    Kodo JDO allows you to write database calls using Java statements
    instead of SQL statements, by supporting the Java Data Objects standard
    for transparent persistence. It is the most complete implementation of
    the JDO specification for relational data stores, and comes with tools
    for producing a schema from an object model, producing class files from
    an existing schema, and a performance pack (distributed caching and
    statement batching) that improves performance by 15 - 30 times. It
    supports most relational databases, application servers, and IDEs, and
    reduces the total coding effort by 20-40%. 

LBreakout 2.4.1 

    LBreakout is a breakout game with nice effects, graphics, and sounds.
    It's got a menu to configure a lot of things and a high score chart. It
    can be played either by mouse or keyboard. New levels can also be
    created, and most other aspects of the game can be customized. 

LinPacker 0.2.0 

    Linpacker is a tool to optimize the placement of rectangles in a band
    of semi-infinite size (2D bin packing problem) with a genetic
    algorithm. It can be useful for cutting stocks in trucks and factories. 

LJChk 0.0.15 

    LJChk is a script for working with livejournal servers via the XMLRPC
    over HTTP protocol. Functions include continous checking for friends'
    updates, monitoring changes in a friends list, posting both in your own
    journal and in community journals, with the ability to use all the
    options available through the livejournal Web interface, and
    auto-posting quote lists with references to other users' posts. 

makeself 2.1.1 

    makeself is a small shell script that generates a self-extractable
    compressed TAR archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as
    a shell script, and can be launched as is. The archive will then
    uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an arbitrary command
    will be executed (for example, an installation script). This is pretty
    similar to archives generated with WinZip Self-Extractor in the Windows

Metadot Portal Server 4.0b 

    Metadot Portal Server is point-and-click Web site building software. It
    features content management, collaboration, and a dashboard like My

microZique 0.05 

    microZique is yet another MP3/Ogg jukebox that was started as an effort
    to provide a very convenient interface for playing albums. It can be
    run on a dedicated jukebox machine or a simple computer, and is
    controlled via a nice Web interface. 

Mindless 0.9.0 

    Mindless is an SDL-based puzzle game similar to the classic boardgame
    Mastermind. The goal of the game is to crack a secret code selected by
    your opponent before he has cracked yours. You can play human vs.
    human, human vs. computer, or computer vs. computer. 

Mock Objects for C++ 1.1.3 

    mockpp is a platform independent generic unit testing framework for
    C++. Its goal is to facilitate developing unit tests in the spirit of
    Mock Objects and EasyMock. Mockpp does not have its own testing
    framework; CppUnit is recommended. 

Motiontrack 0.0.6 

    Motiontrack is a set of tools that detect motion between two PNG or JPG

nut 7.17 

    nut is nutrition software to record what you eat and analyze your meals
    for nutrient composition. The database included is the USDA Nutrient
    Database for Standard Reference, Release 15, which contains 6,220
    foods. This database contains values for vitamins, minerals, fats,
    calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc., and includes the
    essential polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Nutrient levels
    are expressed as a percentage of the Daily Value, the familiar standard
    of food labeling in the United States, but also can be fully
    customized. Recipes can be added. The program is completely menu-driven
    and there are no commands to learn. 

PassGuard Figaro's Password Manager plugin 0.01alpha 

    The PassGuard suite is a set of software that manages passwords
    encrypted in a file. Users just have to remember one password, and
    different encrypted file formats are supported via plugins. The
    PassGuard FPM plugin is a plugin that manages Figaro's Password Manager
    files encrypted with the Blowfish algorithm. 

patchutils 0.2.22 (Stable)

    Patchutils contains a collection of tools for manipulating patch files:
    interdiff, combinediff, flipdiff, filterdiff, fixcvsdiff, rediff,
    lsdiff, grepdiff, splitdiff, recountdiff, and unwrapdiff. You can use
    interdiff to create an incremental patch between two patches that are
    against a common source tree, combinediff for creating a cumulative
    diff from two incremental patches, and flipdiff to transpose two
    incremental patches. Filterdiff is for extracting or excluding patches
    from a patch set based on modified files matching shell wildcards.
    Lsdiff lists modified files in a patch. Rediff, recountdiff, and
    unwrapdiff correct hand-edited (or otherwise broken) patches. 

PG-SMSTerm 0.1 

    PG-SMSTerm is a basic TCP/IP server implementation in PHP for sending
    SMS thru a machine which is configured with SMSTerm. 

pharao portal system 0.60.02 

    pharao is a complete Internet/intranet portal system with many

PhotoPnMTools 1.1 (Stable)

    PhotoPnMTools is a simple toolkit for processing photographic images
    using improved algorithms. It is based on Poskanzer's PPM toolkit. It
    contains resizing, sharpening, and contrast / saturation / color
    balance filters. It can be used for cropping, color editing, and making
    Web albums. 

prokyon3 0.9.1 

    prokyon3 is a multithreaded MP3/Ogg Vorbis manager and tag editor. It
    was written in C++ using the Qt3 widget set and the MySQL database.
    prokyon3 can access MP3 files on harddisk, CDROM, SMB, and NFS. MP3
    files can be played using XMMS, and can even be played when the files
    are on CD as prokyon3 identifies CDs by content. The files view is
    customizable and favorite artists are supported. prokyon3 also offers
    an editor for ID3 tags and has been designed to support tagging for
    multiple files en masse. 

reciteword 0.8.1 

    reciteword is education software developed using GTK 2 to help people
    study English and recite English words. It has a very beautiful
    interface to make reciting words an interesing thing. It can change
    skins, and comes with many sound events, including over 400 books for
    you to choose. It also includes a dictionary, which can also run

Remote Arpwatch 0.02 

    Remote Arpwatch collects ARP tables from remote devices usin g SNMP and
    checks them for changes. It is very useful for det ecting problems and
    malicious users in networks with routers th at don't support static ARP

SingIt Lyric Displayer 0.1.25 (Development)

    The SingIt Lyric Displayer is an XMMS plugin which displays formatted
    lyrics, including id3v2xx lyrics. It consists of the displayer and an
    integrated editor which allows one to easily insert time stamps, edit
    the text, and export &amp; strip HTML. 

SNMP::Info 0.3 

    SNMP::Info gives an object oriented interface to information obtained
    through SNMP. This module is geared towards network devices. Speciality
    sub-classes exist for a number of network devices and MIBs. 

SpiralSynthModular 0.2.1 

    SpiralSynth Modular (or SSM) is an object orientated modular softsynth
    / sequencer / sampler. Audio or control data can be freely passed
    between the plugins, and is all treated the same. Data can also be fed
    back on itself for chaotic effects. LADSPA plugins are supported, and
    you can use them in the same way as any of the native plugins. Not
    having MIDI won't restrict what you can do. It currently uses the
    standard OSS/Free sound input/output (/dev/dsp), and should work on
    ALSA too. You can also render WAV files directly to disk. 

Steel Bank Common Lisp 0.7.13 

    Steel Bank Common Lisp is a development environment for Common Lisp,
    with support for almost all of the ANSI standard: garbage collection,
    lexical closures, powerful macros, strong dynamic typing, incremental
    compilation, and the Common Lisp object system (multimethods and all).
    It also includes some extensions, such as an interface to call out to
    C. These are all available through an integrated native compiler, plus
    the usual Lispy integrated interpreter and high level debugging

storebackup 1.11 

    storebackup is a backup utility that stores files on other disks. It
    includes several optimizations that reduce the disk space needed and
    improve performance, and unifies the advantages of traditional full and
    incremental backups. It includes tools for analyzing backup data and
    restoring. Once archived, files are accessible by mounting filesystems
    (locally, or via Samba or NFS). It is easy to install and configure. 

swaret 1.1.1 (Stable)

    swaret lets you keep your Slackware system up to date. It functions
    similarly to apt-get, the Debian package manager. 

teTeX 2.0.2 

    TeTex is by far, the best TeX distribution available for Linux,
    includes latest versions of web2c, pdfTeX, e-TeX, Omega, xdvi, ps2pk,
    makeinfo, texinfo, texconfig and lots of fonts and macros. It's easy to
    install and easy to customize. 

TextMaker beta rev 377 

    TextMaker is a word processor that launches quickly, needs little
    memory, does not require complicated setup, and has the full feature
    set of a modern high-end word processor. It reads and writes Microsoft
    Word 6/95/97/2000/XP files. 

tkjmdict 0.93 

    Tkjmdict is a free multilingual dictionary program written in Tcl/Tk
    which utilises the Japanese multilingual JMdict dictionary. JMdict
    consists of more than 90000 Japanese entries translated to English with
    varying degree of support for German, French, and Russian. 

TomPong 0.5 

    TomPong is a very simple implementation of the classic Pong game, using
    Python and Pygame. It features realistic physics for motion using
    vectors, not-so-realistic but very fun spin dynamics, and scoring. 

TSE3 0.2.7 

    TSE3 (Trax Sequencer Engine v3) is a powerful open source sequencer
    engine written in C++. It is a sequencer engine because it provides the
    actual driving force elements of a sequencer but provides no form of
    user interface. 

Wapmail 0.1 

    Wapmail is a free, working wapmail client written in PHP. 

WWW Forum 0.9.0 

    WWW Forum is an extremely fast and reliable Web forum that is fully
    configurable and packed with features. It boasts an elegant user
    interface and powerful administrative tools. 

X10-wish GUI 1.2.2 

    This Java Client demonstrates the simplicity of creating a remote
    control client/server capability for an X10 automated home controlled
    by a Linux server with the X10-wish drivers installed. The socket
    server runs on the same machine as the X10-wish drivers and the Java
    client can be run on any machine with the Java runtime envrionment 1.3
    (or higher) installed. 

xbiso 0.5.7 

    xbiso is an Xbox xdvdfs ISO extraction utility. 

XiangQi Engine 0.3.1 

    XiangQi Engine is a software Chinese chess opponent. It provides
    interfaces for connecting to chess servers, GUI clients, and a simple
    command line tool with or without board printing. 

xine xine-lib 1-beta8

    xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It
    also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local
    disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It
    interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available--and
    some of the most uncommon formats, too. All those features come in a
    reusable library (xine-lib) which can easily be embedded in your

yaws 1.01 (Main)

    Yaws is a high performance, light-weight, threaded HTTP 1.1 Web server
    targeted for the generation of dynamic content. It is written in
    Erlang, and the server side dynamic content is generated by Erlang code
    embedded in the HTML code. 

ZorbIPtraffic 0.06 

    ZorbIPtraffic shows the IP traffic on a network interface in real time.
    It can display traffic statistics for each IP on your internal network,
    and it summarizes the total traffic for each IP per year, per month,
    and per day. All information is stored in a MySQL database, which makes
    it easy to search the traffic measurements for a specific day.
    ZorbIPtraffic only works if you use iptables. 

Zorbstats 0.19 

    ZorbStats is a simple Web statistics generator using PHP and MySQL. It
    is simple to install an features visitor logs, browser stats, OS stats,
    and number of visits. It also allows you to search all logs. 

Newsforge Reports
The U.S. as a second-class Linux citizen

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - Here's a quote from an article at The
    Economic Times of India: "Some PC manufactures such as HP sell PCs
    without software giving the option to chose an operating system to
    customers from the home segment. Others like Compaq are choosing to
    load Linux, the free operating system on to their computers." Why
    aren't U.S. citizens given this same choice? 

SCO follows David Hannum’s 'sucker' theory in lawsuit against IBM

    - by Tina Gasperson - Apparently taking to heart the adage, "There’s a
    sucker born every minute", SCO yesterday filed a lawsuit against
    customer IBM, stating that big blue violated Unix licensing agreements
    by allegedly using and encouraging other companies to use the source
    code for AIX in Open Source projects. My god, McBride. Are you really
    that desperate for funds? It sure sounds like it, according to what you
    said in your teleconference ... 

Linux Advisory Watch - March 7th, 2003

    - by:&nbsp; Benjamin D. Thomas - This week, advisories were released
    for sendmail, php, slocate, mhc, eterm, tcpdump, snort, OpenSSL, tg3,
    squirrelmail, and im.&nbsp; The distributors include Conectiva, Debian,
    FreeBSD, Gentoo, Mandrake, NetBSD, Red Hat, Slackware, SuSE, and Yellow

Newsforge Newsvac
Xbox Linux team issues antitrust plea

    The programmers who got Linux to run on Microsoft's gaming console now
    want the EC's antitrust body to head off a legal response 

$1 billion lawsuit against IBM could taint Linux

     SAN JOSE — SCO Group's $1 billion lawsuit against IBM for allegedly
    giving away trade secrets in its open-source Linux programs is a
    potential boon to Microsoft and other proprietary software companies. 

Axceleon Launches Academic High-Performance Grid Computing

    Axceleon, leaders in computational grid software, announced today that
    it is offering special pricing to the academic community. 

Why SCO Needs to Go

    uninet writes "It's clear to any long term observer of the community
    that this means exactly one thing: SCO has not been able to succeed in
    the Linux and dying UNIX businesses and is now seeking an alternative
    way to bring in profits. Its no secret that the company hasn't been
    doing well for some time, in fact, Open for Business and others
    questioned SuSE and Conectiva's alliance with SCO and TurboLinux (which
    was recently bought up by a ... 

(Updated) SCO-Caldera Sues IBM in Intellectual Pro

    MozillaQuest Magazine takes a look at the legal nitty-gritty and
    reports: &quot;The legal action appears to be about claims involving
    the UNIX and Linux operating systems . . . Interestingly, none of these
    counts are for UNIX source code copyright infringement. The impression
    we formed upon skimming over the 136 paragraph Complaint is that
    SCO-Caldera is all bent out of shape because SCO is losing UNIX

SCO: IBM Suit Not About Linux

     The legal action the SCO Group brought against IBM on Thursday has
    nothing to do with Linux or the open-source community, Darl McBride,
    CEO and president of the SCO Group, stressed in a media conference on
    Friday morning. 

Red Hat: An Appraisal and Outlook

     Ever since the market bubble burst, Red Hat has been struggling to
    regain its initial glow of excitement. Although it claims prestigious
    accounts (Amazon, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Cisco and others),
    enterprise IT loyalty to a specific Linux distribution and distributor
    is less locked in than with proprietary systems. 

A tale of two licenses: Part 1 (MS EULA)

    rjmatm writes "What restrictions are you accepting when you click
    through that license agreement?" 

Microsoft issues first-ever dividend

    A.Guru prasadh writes "SEATTLE: Microsoft is issuing its first dividend
    on Friday, shelling out more than $850 million to shareholders, from
    the smallest investor right up to co-founder Bill Gates." 

Mitchell Baker of mozilla.org on Browser Innovation, Gecko, and the Mozilla project

    Anonymous Reader writes "Mitchell Baker, mozilla.org's Chief Lizard
    Wrangler, has written an article about browser innovation and the
    future of the World Wide Web. Lots of stuff about cross-platform
    technologies and open Web standards, with some interesting comments
    about Apple's new Safari browser." 

Books: BOFH Series - 3 Pack/Bundle!

Cube Goodies: GeoMAG from Italy

Electronics: i2eye Broadband Videophone

Electronics: Si-5 Portable Speakers

Computing: Latte Mini PC

Electronics: SoundPaX Portable Stereo Speakers

Computing: Ratpadz GS Mousing Surface

Computing: Griffin PowerMate

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Books: GPF 2 - Gone With The Windows

Books: BOFH 2 - Son Of The Bastard

Books: GPF 3 - And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

Books: BOFH 3 - Bride Of The Bastard

Books: BOFH 1 - Bastard Operator From Hell

Books: User Friendly - Version 1.0

Gadgets: Candela Rechargeable Lamps

Electronics: Mustek MDC-3500 Digital Camera

Computing: iGesture Keyboard

Computing: Roll-Up Keyboard

Gadgets: InkLink Handwriting System

bogofilter-0.11.1 released

    The bogofilter package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the
    lines suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam" . It is
    written in C. Supported platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X.
    Version 0.11.1 is available, including a number of enhancements and
    bugfixes. See the NEWS-0.11 file for details. 

drjava-20030304-2327 released

    DrJava is an integrated Java development environment that supports
    interactive evaluation of expressions. This development release of
    DrJava provides a significant number of bug fixes, in preparation for
    an upcoming beta release. The changes include improvements to saved
    Interactions histories, improved undo support, key binding fixes, and
    various user interface bug fixes. Please test this release by following
    the "more download options" link on our home page. 

Tcl/Tk 8.4.2 release

    The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.4.2 releases of the Tcl
    scripting language and the Tk toolkit. This is the second patch release
    of Tcl/Tk 8.4. See http://www.tcl.tk/ for details. 

Axualize 1.1.0 released

    After successful beta testing, version 1.1.0 is now official. Axualize
    is a language for building application from objects using an XML
    dialect. Axualize is schema driven and infinitely extendable. Axualize
    is currently implemented in Java but the Axualize schema does not
    dictate a specific platform. The 1.1.0 release adds support for Ruby,
    JavaScript and BeanShell scripting, as well as other enhancements.
    1.1.0 Added: - Built in "Ruby" scripting support through BSF and JRuby
    - Built in "JavaScript" scripting support through BSF and Rhino - Built
    in "BeanShell" scripting support both through BSF and as the natively
    supported scripting environment. - MrRoboto class which aids in
    creating Axualize documents which implement simple java.awt.Robot
    actions. The MrRoboto class implements KeyListener, and MouseListener
    and is simply registered as such for each component which will be
    recorded. - new BSF schema so to aid creating documents which utilize
    both standard and BSF namespaces. changed: - ProcessHandler has been
    refactored to behave more like HttpHandler. 

IlohaMail 0.7.10 released

    IlohaMail 0.7.10 has been released. This version includes security
    fixes (also released in 0.7.9-2), three new languages (Korean, Standard
    Portuguese, Catalan), APOP support, improved handling of RFC822
    attachments as well as minor fixes to the IMAP and SMTP libraries. This
    is the most recent update to the stable branch. IlohaMail is a PHP
    based lightweight full featured multilingual webmail program with IMAP
    and POP3 support. 

gchch-1.9.0 released

    This is a full port of the game to Gnome 2.0, along with numerous bug
    fixes and enhancements. It's a prelease before the actualy 2.0.0
    release. Gnome Chinese Checkers is an networked implementation of the
    Chinese Checkers board game, supporting upto 6 players. The game
    includes added goodies like an integrated chat window, player rotation,
    etc. This has been updated for Gnome 2.0. 

libmng 1.0.5 (final) released

    This is the long-awaited major update of the MNG library. The MNG
    specification is now covered to near 100% and as an added bonus this
    release includes the new 'dynamic MNG' feature, that allows for easy
    roll-over (hover/click; w or w/o mask) effects with a minimum of fuss.
    libmng is the reference library for reading, displaying, writing and
    examining Multiple-Image Network Graphics. MNG is the animation
    extension to the popular PNG image-format. 

pureIRCd release 2.7.1304

    pureIRCd is a Win32 IRCd written in Visual Basic, that operates Fast
    and efficiently in networks as well as standalone. This release
    features better Server to Server linking, some statistics additions and
    Server - Server autoconnecting. Autoconnecting is new to pureIRCd and
    may have some glitches, so dont trust on it, it's alpha, really. You
    dont have to upgrade to this version of pureIRCd if you mostly use it
    standalone as most changes only affect server links. To download the
    new version, please go here:

Qixite 0.0.8 released

    Qixite allows easy template based generation of web sites. It organizes
    the web site into a tree of nodes representing Pages, Text Sections,
    Images, and Links. It provides quick and easy way to publish your
    thoughts and information on Internet. The program generates links,
    style sheets and other things, the only thing user has to warry about
    is information. Changes in 0.0.8: - Possibility to use external editor
    (eg. Mozilla) for editing articles in WYSIWYG mode was added - French,
    Spanish and Lithuanian translations were updated - Several non-critical
    bugs were fixed To download, please go here:

Burn To The Brim v2.5 released

    Burn To The Brim is a utility for grouping files and folders together
    in the most efficient way to fill up an entire CD, DVD or other medium.
    Burn to the Brim version 2.5 now allows the user to directly create ISO
    9660 files of the filled CD's, using mkisofs by Joerg Schilling. These
    files can then be burned by an arbritary burn-program that supports the
    ISO 9660 format. You can find the new version at

C-4000 Zoom Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $310.00 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $320.99 

PowerShot G3 Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $548.00 

FinePix3800 Digital Camera (Fuji)

    Lowest Price: $315.00 

C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $549.99 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3149.00 

RIO S35S Mp3 Player (Sonic Blue)

    Lowest Price: $160.95 

DMR-HS2 DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $779.99 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $109.99 

Nomad Jukebox MP3 Player (Creative Labs)

    Lowest Price: $256.00 

Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $135.00 

Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $85.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.95 

Instant Copy - Make Exact Copies of CDs & DVDs (Pinnacle)

    Lowest Price: $38.95 

WarCraft III (Full Product) (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $21.45 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
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url - http://www.osdn.com

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