O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    March 18, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Building Your Own Glowing Cyber-Balls?

    [0]krezel asks: "So I've been drooling over the [1]Ambient Orb, a cool
    little gadget 'glowing ball' that you changes colors based the 'health'
    of things you specify. It can do stuff like fade from red to yellow to
    green as your stock portfolio improves. However, being a poor college
    student I can't afford its $200 price tag. I've found lots of
    [2]sources for super bright multi-color LED's. Cast a couple of them in
    some translucent resin, hook them up to a power source, and you've got
    yourself a cheap glowing ball. But I've yet to find any good
    information on how to build hardware that will let me control relays
    for devices like this through my serial or parallel port. Basically I'm
    looking for a cheap way to build a board that will let me control 4-8
    relays (for each color) over my serial port, and some info on how to
    write the software for it. This could be a very cool project, and I
    plan on making the plans available, and the code Open Source, when I'm
    done with it. Any ideas?" 
    0. http://www.chrismetcalf.net
    1. http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/5da2/detail/
    2. http://www.superbrightleds.com/

Study Finds Tivo Less of a Threat to Advertisers

    [0]talboito writes "AdAge.com [1] reports that an internal study by
    Proctor and Gamble concludes that Tivo viewers who fast forward through
    ads recall their content at similar rates as those watching at normal
    speeds. The article concludes with a choice quote by Proctor and
    Gamble's former head of research on the significance of the results;
    "[Proctor and Gamble] may still go out and try to browbeat the networks
    into giving them a lower CPM [cost per thousand viewers] on the basis
    of it, but they'd want to know either way."" 
    0. http://[moc.loa] [ta] [otioblat]
    1. http://www.adage.com/news.cms?newsId=37390

The Definite Desktop Environment Comparison

    Gentu writes "OSNews posted a [0]very long and interesting comparison
    between the most popular desktop environments today: Windows XP Luna,
    Mac OS X Aqua, BeOS/Zeta and Unix's KDE and Gnome. Some of the points
    in the article can be thought to be 'subjective', but overall many good
    points are made and it seems that there is room for improvement for all
    0. http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=3064

Vapor-phase Processor Cooling

    [0]Econolinecrush writes "If even exotic water-cooling isn't enough for
    your processor cooling needs, there's always vapor-phase cooling. The
    [1]Tech Report has an [2]interesting review of Asetek's latest
    Vapochill system, an admittedly pricey cooling option, but one that
    manages to fight off condensation while keeping even high-end
    processors running at sub-zero temperatures. A little extreme? Sure,
    but it's undeniably cool nonetheless." I haven't seen a cooling system
    this intense since my organic chemistry labs. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.tech-report.com/
    2. http://www.tech-report.com/reviews/2003q1/asetek-vapochill/index.x?pg=1

A Photorealistic CGI TV Series Coming Real Soon Now

    ziggy_zero writes "[0]SoulPix has revealed their project named
    "SoulFire", a photorealistic computer-generated TV series created
    entirely with 3ds max. Here's a [1]trailer (it's in German). Looks
    pretty cool, better than those CGI cartoons I've seen - although
    definitely not even Final Fantasy quality. Note - apparently the DivX
    version was encoded using a weird codec that doesn't work on all
    players, so you might be better off getting the Quicktime version." 
    0. http://www.soulpix.de/
    1. http://www.soul-fire.com/

The Era Of Satellite News Gathering

    [0]swimgeek writes "The TV Technology for covering news as it happens
    is changing. This article specifically talks about the [1]transition
    from ENG (Electronic News Gathering) to SNG (Satellite News Gathering).
    The American TV networks are close to spending $100 million for this
    transition, anticipating a possible war in Iraq." 
    0. http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~ashutosh/
    1. http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=23585

WebDAV Buffer Overflow Attack Compromises IIS 5.0

    [0]rf0 writes "Well [1]CERT is [2]reporting a new overflow attack for
    IIS 5.0. [3]Microsoft has [4]released a bulletin. Better download those
    [5]patches and fix another security hole." [6]According to this CNET
    story, Microsoft says that this is already being exploited, at the very
    least since last Wednesday. 
    0. http://www.65535.net
    1. http://www.cert.org/
    2. http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2003-09.html
    3. http://www.microsoft.com/
    6. http://news.com.com/2100-1002-992920.html

Dissecting Localized Google Censorship

    [0]carpe_noctem writes "[1]Linuxsecurity.com has a link to a rather
    interesting story regarding [2]Google's use of localized censorship.
    While not much information is given from the political side of why
    Google might be censoring information likely to annoy certain
    governments, it certainly isn't the first time [3]Google has come under
    fire for censoring results on account of external pressures. Makes one
    wonder how many pages get filtered out around the world." 
    0. http://www.aboleo.net
    1. http://linuxsecurity.com/
    2. http://sethf.com/anticensorware/general/google-censorship.php
    3. http://www.xenu.net/news/

Sharp Ships Zaurus SL-5600; 5500 Available Cheap

    [0]Bill Kendrick writes "[1]LinuxDevices is reporting the good news:
    Sharp is now shipping the Zaurus SL-5600 Linux-based PDA. Compared to
    the SL-5500 that's been out for the past year, this new model sports a
    400MHz X-Scale CPU, twice the Flash (32MB), twice the RAM (64MB) a much
    better battery (1700 mAh), and a real speaker and mic. Learn more at
    [2]Sharp's website." And [3]IceFox writes "Well I wasn't expecting this
    to happen till next week, but I guess it was put up early. For a
    limited time on [4]hsn.com you can get a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA for
    $198.92, combined with a hsn.com [5]coupon you can bring the price down
    to $169.08. For anyone who has wanted to play with this Linux PDA here
    is your chance to get it for very cheap." Update: 03/18 02:03 GMT by
    [6]T: Reader Brendan Hoar corrects the listed specs: "The specs for the
    SL-5600 are incorrect. It should be 64MB of flash, 32MB of SDRAM. It's
    technically *half* the RAM of the SL-5500, not twice the RAM." Thanks. 
    0. http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/
    1. http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS5108020734.html
    2. http://www.sharpusa.com/products/ModelLanding/0,1058,1027,00.html
    3. http://www.csh.rit.edu/~benjamin
    4. http://www.hsn.com/cnt/sf/default.aspx?sf=EC&sz=6
    5. http://dealcoupon.com/merchants/hsn.com.html
    6. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/

Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Reviewed

    [0]Julio writes "For some, the [1]Audigy 2 is what the original Audigy
    should have been, however without trying to underestimate Creative
    efforts, they are bringing us today a revamped soundcard that is set to
    raise the bar like the original Live! did, many years ago. You will be
    happy to know that Creative has taken care of the board quality from
    the ground up, newer and better DACs are used to ensure
    24-Bit/96-kHz/192kHz playback and among the rest of niceties the card
    offers you have DVD-Audio playback, full 6.1 surround sound, THX
    certification and the mandatory (for a Creative soundcard) EAX Advanced
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.techspot.com/reviews/hardware/audigy2/index.shtml

abcde 2.1.1 (Stable)

    abcde is a frontend to cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3, and your
    favorite Ogg/MP3/Flac encoder (Oggenc is the default). It grabs an
    entire CD and converts each track to Ogg/MP3/Flac, then comments or
    ID3-tags each file, all with one command. It supports multiple output
    in a single CD read, volume normalization, gapless encoding (with
    Lame), parallelization, SMP, HTTP proxies, customizable filename
    organization and munging, playlist generation, and remote distributed
    encoding via distmp3. 

ADODB 3.31 

    ADODB is a set of advanced PHP database abtraction classes. It supports
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, Informix, Sybase SQL Anywhere,
    Oracle, MS SQL 7, Sybase, DB2, FrontBase, Foxpro, Access, ADO, and
    generic ODBC. A metatype system is built in, making it possible to
    figure out that types such as CHAR, TEXT, and STRING are equivalent in
    different databases. It also features an SQL to HTML popup menu and SQL
    to HTML table support. It has code to support record paging and
    blob/clob support. 

AdvanceMAME 0.66.0 

    AdvanceMAME is a port of the MAME, MESS, and PacMAME emulators for
    arcade monitors and TVs, but also for normal PC monitors. 

Allegro 4.0.3 RC 2 (Stable)

    Allegro is a multi-platform game library for C/C++ developers that
    provides many functions for graphics, sounds, player input (keyboard,
    mouse, and joystick), and timers. It also provides fixed and floating
    point mathematical functions, 3D functions, file management functions,
    compressed datafile, and a GUI. 

aMember 1.9.2 (Pro)

    aMember is a flexible user management script. It has support for
    PayPal, Clickbank, Multicards, 2Checkout, Revecom, PayPal
    multi-currency processing, Authorize.net, Q-Chex, E-Gold and offline
    payments (offline cheques/Western Union/Money Order), and allows you to
    setup paid membership areas on your site. It also can be used without
    any payment system (you can manage users manually). Unique features are
    support for multiple payment systems at the same time and support for
    multiple products (subscriptions) with different levels of access,
    pricing, and time periods. 

Aranha 0.0.325 

    Aranha is a piece of software written to allow Web applications to be
    written more cleanly and more easily. It is a Local FastCGI Responder,
    although work is in progress to allow it to work as a FastCGI
    Authoriser and a FastCGI Filter. It is based on the programming
    language Lua, and contains many extensions to enable easy Web site
    development and maintenance. 

asciijump 0.0.6 

    asciijump is an ASCII art game about ski jumping. 

Axualize 1.1.1 

    Axualize is a tool for creating applications by actualizing Java
    objects using XML. Axualize is based on JSR-57, and is intended to
    allow developers to create Java applications dynamically using XML. To
    understand how this could be useful, imagine a J2EE application with
    multiple client UIs being generated from Web applications. Using
    Axualize, you can present multiple form-based GUI front ends to your
    application by dropping in a Web application which builds your GUI
    applications using Axualize XML generated with JSP and whatever
    application framework you please. 

Babeldoc 1.0RC3 (1.x)

    Babeldoc is a framework and set of applications to process documents
    for business-to-business and other Internet/integration applications.
    It is primarily intended for text documents, especially XML, but
    supports a wide range of operations and data types. It has a
    sophisticated journaling system that supports replaying and
    reprocessing. Babeldoc is pipeline based and supports numerous ways to
    combine the pipeline stages in a dynamically reconfigurable fashion. It
    has a GUI and a Web-based console for document processing and
    monitoring, and comes with tools for the tranformation of flatfile data
    to XML, archival, and cryptography. Additionally it is able to scan
    various data sources based on sophisticated constraints. 

BASHISH 1.9.18 

    Bashish is a theme-engine using bash and other POSIX shells to
    customize nearly all aspects of the terminal: title, colors, prompt,
    font, background, etc. It has a modular design which makes it easy to
    add features (and it does have a lot) while keeping good performance. 

Bifrost Firewall iptables GUI 0.9.3-cb1 (Beta)

    Bifrost is a firewall management interface to iptables (iptables GUI).
    The system is inspired by Checkpoint, Cisco PIX, and Watchguard
    firewall management. With Bifrost you are able to work with incoming
    and outgoing traffic flows rather than focusing on interfaces. The
    system supports both IPSEC and High Availability. It is even possible
    to manage HA from the GUI. Bifrost has an advanced anti-spoofing
    function. There is also a very easy-to-use log watch function where you
    can apply filtering. Logging is controlled per rule. You can turn
    on/off logging for a rule on the fly, and there is built-in protection
    against log flooding. All firewall changes are made without interrupt
    already established connections. There is also support for traffic
    marking (mangle), very useful when you are working with QOS (bandwidth
    management) and advance routing such as policy-based routing. If you
    for some reason need something extra, it is possible to add your own

CheckBook Tracker 0.9.6 

    In order to leave Windows behind most people need a fully-functional
    money management program. CheckBook Tracker seeks to solve that
    problem. It has the feel and features of packages like Microsoft Money
    without requiring the user to build their own sources or find an RPM
    for their distribution. Its features include Import / Export QIF files
    straight from Money or Quicken, autocomplete, check printing, split
    transactions, balance forecasts and more. 

Class::Date 1.1.6 

    Class::Date provides a date datatype for Perl. You can create new
    Class::Date objects with a constructor from different scalar formats,
    array refs, and hash refs, and then you can easily manipulate it by the
    builtin "+" and "-" operators (e.g.,
    $date=date([2001,03,15])+'3Y 1s'). Relative date types also available 

CodeGuide 6.0 

    CodeGuide is a lean and fast IDE for Java and JavaServerPages. It
    features on-the-fly error checking, incremental background
    ("instant") compilation, powerful refactoring capabilities,
    and support for generic types. A visual debugger with on-the-fly class
    replacement (HotSwap) is also included. 

CvsGraph 1.4.0 

    CvsGraph is a utility for generation of graphical representation of
    revisions and branches from a CVS/RCS repository. 

CVSps 2.0b2 (Beta)

    CVSps is a program for generating 'patchset' information from a CVS
    repository. A patchset in this case is defined as a set of changes made
    to a collection of files, and all committed at the same time (using a
    single 'cvs commit' command). This information is valuable to seeing
    the big picture of the evolution of a cvs project. CVSps allows you to
    see history of committed patchsets, restrict by author, date range,
    files affected, branches affected. CVSps can generate a diff of a given

D Parser 1.0 

    The D Parser is a scannerless GLR parser generator based on the Tomita
    algorithm. It is self-hosted and very easy to use. Grammars are written
    in a natural style of EBNF and regular expressions and support both
    speculative and final actions. 

dailystrips 1.0.27 

    dailystrips is a utility to download your favorite online comic strips
    each day. What sets it apart from the rest is its "local"
    mode of operation, which automatically downloads strips for you.
    Avantgo is also supported, for downloading comics to PDAs. 

Damascus 0.9 

    Damascus is a GTK+ 2.x client for the Gale communication protocol. It
    is somewhat modelled after IM/ICQ-style interfaces. If you don't know
    what Gale is, this client probably won't be very useful; you need a
    valid Gale key to send anything, and Damascus can't generate them
    (yet). Gale is also scary and confusing. 

Dasher 3.0.1 

    Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by
    natural continuous pointing gestures. It is a competitive text-entry
    system wherever a full-size keyboard cannot be used--on a palmtop or
    wearable computer, when operating a computer one-handed, by joystick,
    touchscreen, trackball, or mouse, or when operating a computer with
    zero hands (i.e., by head-mouse or by eyetracker). 

DazLi's Gnometris Themes 0.1 

    DazLi's Gnometris Themes is a collection of backgrounds and blocks for

Dia 0.91 

    Dia is a program for creating diagrams of all kinds. The current
    version can do UML class diagrams, Entity-Relationship modeling,
    network diagrams, and much more. The engine is very flexible and
    dynamically loads diagram-types from disk. It can currently export to
    PostScript and load/save in an XML format. 

Disc-Cover 1.5.0 

    Disc-cover provides an easy way to produce covers for audio CDs. It
    scans audio CDs and uses information from the CDDB or CDINDEX database
    to build a back and front cover for the CD. Output is in Latex, Dvi,
    PDF, Postscript, HTML, plain ASCII, or any other format suited for

docbook-utils 0.6.13 

    docbook-utils contains scripts for easy conversion from DocBook SGML
    files to other formats (for example, HTML, RTF, and PostScript), and
    for comparing SGML files. 

DOTCONF++ library 0.0.2 

    dotconf++ is a dotconf like configuration file parser written in C++.
    It supports macro substitution from the environment or from the file
    itself, config file inclusion, easy handling of XML like tags, checking
    for required tags, and more. The whole document (with all inclusions)
    is parsed into a useful tree structure that is easy to use in your

dvipng 0.1 

    This program makes PNG graphics from DVI files as obtained from TeX and
    its relatives. Its benefits include speed; it is the fastest
    bitmap-rendering code for DVI files. On a fairly low-end laptop, it
    takes less than a second to generate 150 one-formula images.
    Furthermore, it does not read the postamble, so it can be started
    before TeX finishes. There is a -follow switch that makes dvipng wait
    at EOF for further output, unless it finds the POST marker that
    indicates the end of the DVI. It supports PK and VF fonts, color
    specials, and more. 

EasyMirror 1.18.2 

    EasyMirror is an FTP mirror program written in C. It is powerful and
    easy to use, handles regular expressions, and will process remote
    ls-lR.gz-type index files to improve performance of scans. 

Emdros 1.1.10.fix1 

    Emdros is a text database engine for annotated or analyzed text. It is
    applicable in linguistics, publishing, text processing, and other
    fields dealing with annotated text. Emdros has a powerful query
    language for asking relevant questions of the data. It is middleware,
    acting as a layer between a client (written by the user), and an
    underlying database. PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported. 

EMS MySQL Manager 

    EMS MySQL Manager provides powerful tools for MySQL Server
    administration and object management. Its Graphical User Interface
    (GUI) allows you to create/edit all MySQL database objects in a simple
    and direct way, run SQL scripts, manage users and administer user
    privileges, execute SQL queries, extract, print, and search metadata,
    and export/import data. It also supplies many more services that will
    make your work with the MySQL server as easy as it can be. 

eTktab 3.0 

    eTktab edits ASCII tablature for 4, 5, and 6 stringed instruments. Its
    features include 30 fretboard positions available via a single
    keypress, lyrics editing, expression marks (hammer-on, etc.), chord and
    solo note insertion modes, and custom guitar tunings and keybindings. 

eXtended Allow - Deny list for PAM 0.5 

    XAD is a very easy to configure PAM module. Through a very easy
    language you can allow/deny access to users. 

fetchmail 6.2.2 

    Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail
    retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand
    TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every
    remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP,
    APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. It can even support
    IPv6 and IPSEC. 

FFTW 3.0-beta1 (Development)

    FFTW is a fast C FFT library. It includes complex, real, symmetric,
    multidimensional, and parallel transforms, and can handle arbitrary
    array sizes efficiently.It is typically faster than other freely
    available FFT implementations, and is even competitive with
    vendor-tuned libraries (benchmarks are available at the homepage). To
    achieve this performance, it uses novel code generation and runtime
    self optimization techniques (along with many other tricks). 

FFTW 2.1.4 

    FFTW is a fast C FFT library. It includes complex, real, symmetric,
    multidimensional, and parallel transforms, and can handle arbitrary
    array sizes efficiently.It is typically faster than other freely
    available FFT implementations, and is even competitive with
    vendor-tuned libraries (benchmarks are available at the homepage). To
    achieve this performance, it uses novel code generation and runtime
    self optimization techniques (along with many other tricks). 

fwanalog 0.6.3 

    fwanalog is a shell script that parses and summarizes firewall
    logfiles. It understands logs from ipf (xBSD, Solaris), OpenBSD 3.x pf,
    Linux 2.2 ipchains, Linux 2.4 iptables, and some routers and firewalls
    (Linksys, Cisco). The excellent log analysis program, Analog (which is
    also free software), is used to create the reports. 

Galeon 1.2.9 

    Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering
    engine). It is fast, has a light interface, and is fully

Gequel 0.98 

    GEQUEL is a GTK/C based frontend for the popular MySQL database engine.
    It was loosely derived from an old program by the same author
    (xsqlmenu). It can retrieve data from MySQL databases, present them in
    nice browser, and allows for update, delete, insert, and copy

Gestalter 0.6.2 

    Gestalter is a free vector drawing program. The user interface is
    loosely modeled after Adobe Illustrator. The central element is the
    Bezier curve used as a base part for almost every other object. Complex
    paths are possible, compound paths can be constructed, grouping of
    elements is enabled, and everything can be screened by a mask. Adding
    and deleting of nodes is implemented as well as transformations
    (translation, rotation, scaling, and skewing). 

Getleft 1.1 (Stable)

    Given a URL, Getleft will try to download all links. As it goes, it
    modifies the original HTML pages so that the absolute links get changed
    to relative links, and links to active pages get changed to the
    resulting pages. It supports thirteen different languages. 

ggcov 0.1 

    Ggcov is a GTK+ GUI for exploring test coverage data produced by C
    programs compiled with gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. It's
    basically a GUI replacement for the gcov program that comes with gcc. 

gnetload network load meter 1.1 

    The gnetload network load meter is a network and ISDN load meter that
    is similar to xisdnload, but works in a distributed environment. It
    includes an agent (devstata) that runs on machines with interfaces to
    be monitored and periodically sends status information over the
    network. A display program (gnetload) collects and displays the data.
    Both can be run on the same machine, or be used to report on the state
    of a dedicated router on another machine. Using multicast or broadcast
    addresses, data can be fed to more than one instance of gnetload. A
    menu for taking network interfaces up and down is also provided. 

gnom 1 

    gnom is a solid, light, and clear style. 

GNUitar 0.2.1 

    GNUitar is guitar effects software that allows you to use your PC as
    guitar processor. It includes the following effects: wah-wah, sustain,
    distortion, reverberator, echo, delay, tremolo, vibrato, and

GNUstep 1.6.0 (LaunchPad)

    GNUstep is a set of general-purpose Objective-C libraries based on the
    OpenStep standard developed by NeXT (now Apple) Inc. The libraries
    consist of everything from foundation classes, such as dictionaries and
    arrays, to GUI interface classes such as windows, sliders, buttons,

GTetrinet 0.7.0 

    GTetrinet is a clone of the popular Windows game Tetrinet. It is
    written for Gtk/GNOME, and is designed to be fully compatible with the
    original Tetrinet, as well as being identical in gameplay. 

H-Sphere 2.3 

    H-Sphere is a multiserver control panel for automating web hosting
    tasks. It has many advanced features, a sophisticated billing system,
    private label/resellers support, and an integrated trouble ticket
    system to automate and improve your web hosting service. It is designed
    to work on many servers and can be scaled by adding more web servers,
    mail servers, database servers, and DNS servers without any downtime.
    It provides a simple, easy to use web interface that can be maintained
    from any computer with an internet connection. H-Sphere is written in
    Java and works with any SQL-compliant database. 

Historical Event Markup and Linking Project 0_5.5-dev 

    Historical Event Markup and Linking Project (Heml) provides an XML
    schema for historical events and a Java Web app which transforms
    conforming documents into hyperlinked timelines, maps and tables. It
    aims to provide a most information-rich interchange format for
    historical data, and thus add a historical component to the growing
    movement for a 'Semantic Web.' 

IcePref2 2.5 

    IcePref2 is an updated, overhauled, improved, and perfected version of
    the original IcePref (which was abandoned by the original author). This
    new version includes many new features and bugfixes, and is a
    sub-project of the IceWM Control Panel project. It is optimized for
    IceWM 1.2.2 and better. 

IlohaMail 0.8.6 (Development)

    IlohaMail is a lightweight, multilingual Webmail client that is easy to
    use and install. It runs on a stock build of PHP, and does not require
    databases (although database support is available) or the IMAP library
    (it is powered by a custom IMAP/POP3 library). It supports all
    essential functionality, including a full contacts list and a user
    customizable interface. Other features include support for multiple
    domains (virtual hosts), built-in spam prevention, and activity


    INTERact INTERNET PROVIDER is an RPM package for configuring and
    running a Linux server as an ISP or intranet server. It configures DNS,
    a Web server, mail, and a MySQL database for multiple accounts on a
    single or multiple servers. It handles invoicing, provides static
    binaries, and includes the INTERact BBS system. 

IPStat 0.9.7 

    IPStat is an IP accounting package for Linux with a Java Servlet/JSP
    Web interface. It collects, summarizes, and displays IP accounting
    data. It supports ipchains/iptables and daily/monthly per-user limits,
    and all its data is stored in a MySQL database. 

Ivy software bus 0.2.2 (Python)

    Ivy is a simple protocol and a set of libraries that allows
    applications to broadcast information through text messages, with a
    subscription mechanism based on regular expressions. 

Jay's Iptables Firewall 0.9.91 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a bash script that allows one to easily
    install and configure a firewall on a Linux system. It was initially
    written for use on a home LAN, but can be extend to any type of
    network. It features support for multiple (external/internal)
    interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP header control, masquerading, synflood
    control, spoofing control, port forwarding, (experimental) upload
    limits, VPNs (like vtun), ToS (bandwith managment), denying hosts,
    ZorbIPTraffic, Spyware list IP, log options, and more. The firewall is
    able to launch custom iptables rules, and the configuration of the
    firewall is assisted by an optional, interactive, curses-based Perl

JGraph 2.1 (For Java 1.4)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 

K Executable Viewer 0.1-03172003 

    This program allows users to view (and eventually modify) details of
    ELF (and other) executables with a nice KDE interface. 

KPasswords 0.0.1 

    KPasswords provides a convenient interface for managing usernames with
    passwords and other sensitive information. The information is stored in
    a hierarchical XML file, and passwords can be shown or hidden. 

Languenet 1.1.1 

    Languenet is a PHP application originally written for Language
    departments of Universities, allowing users to register for educational
    courses online and administrators to manage course data, add grades,
    print certificates, and more. The whole program is accessible by a
    simple browser. It is currently only available in German. 

latd 1.17 

    The latd daemon allows users to connect to a Linux system from a
    LAT-enabled terminal server (e.g. a DECserver). It also provides a
    "reverse-LAT" so that printers and modems on LAT terminal
    servers can be accessed from Linux. 

LFT 2.1 

    LFT (formerly FFT) is an alternative traceroute program for displaying
    the route packets take to an IP network host/socket. Unlike Van
    Jacobson's traceroute, which is available on almost every platform
    today, LFT uses TCP in order to elicit ICMP TIME_EXCEEDEDs or other IP
    route data. As a result, LFT often executes much faster and sees behind
    some configurations of firewalls. Its stateful engine lets the user
    know when it encounters a stateful firewall or other interesting
    conditions. It also does AS number and netblock name lookups en route.
    Most importantly, LFT can trace specific TCP-based protocol routes (not
    just IP) to assist network engineers with manual fault isolation of
    network application problems. 

libike 0.9.2 

    libike is a cross-platform C library for managing IKE negotiations. The
    library implements RFC-standard ISAKMP/IKE exchanges and utilizes a
    callback mechanism to delegate tasks of the actual packet transmission
    and security policies management to the external code. 

Linux 2.2.25 (2.2)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Lorentz 0.1b 

    Lorentz is a curve fitting program aimed for the fitting of
    spectroscopic data. The fitting function is specified as a
    user-extendable list of symbols representing various peak shapes,
    backgrounds, etc. 

Mailgust 1.0 beta 1 

    Mailgust is a mailing list manager, newsletter distribution tool, and
    message board system. All sent mail is stored on a Web message board
    for visitors to read. It features unlimited lists, many different read
    and write permission settings, HTML newsletters, post approval, no
    timeouts, a Web archive, list importing, notification management, and
    much more. 

MaraDNS 1.0.16 (Recursive/Caching)

    MaraDNS is a DNS server that strives to be secure and fully

MIMEDefang 2.31 

    MIMEDefang is a flexible MIME email scanner designed to protect Windows
    clients from viruses. However, it can do many other kinds of mail
    processing, such as replacing parts of messages with URLs, adding
    boilerplate disclaimers, and so on. It can alter or delete various
    parts of a MIME message according to a very flexible configuration
    file. It can also bounce messages with unacceptable attachments.
    MIMEDefang works with Sendmail 8.11/8.12's new "Milter" API,
    which makes it more flexible and efficient than procmail-based

Mindless 1.0.0 

    Mindless is an SDL-based puzzle game similar to the classic boardgame
    Mastermind. The goal of the game is to crack a secret code selected by
    your opponent before he has cracked yours. You can play human vs.
    human, human vs. computer, or computer vs. computer. 

MiscTools 2.1 

    MiscTools is a collection of small UNIX utilities that are fairly
    trivial but nevertheless useful. These include a binary dump program, a
    directory browser/selector, a file truncator, an ASCII-code lookup
    utility, a program for printing fortunes, a curses-based terminal lock
    program, and a few others. 

my-swatch 0.5 

    my-swatch pretends to be an implementation of msyslog and swatch
    together. What it pretends to accomplish is put all together, to log
    events to a remote database (like msyslog), and to awake triggers (like
    swatch). When a certain condition occurs you can be notified by email
    and awake certain events, like play a sound. You can also log the event
    to a remote database and use a Web browser to surf through the logs. 

MyProxy 20030317 

    MyProxy is a privacy-enhancing personal HTTP 1.1 proxy. Arbitrary URLs
    can be blocked by regular expression patterns and optionally replaced
    by transparent GIFs. Cookies can be controlled based on server/domain
    name. The "Referer", "User-Agent", and
    "From" HTTP headers can be dealt with in various ways. All
    user settings are configured through an HTML user interface. 

Net::Server::Mail 0.07 

    Net::Server::Mail is a versatile and extensible implementation of the
    SMTP protocol and its different evolutions like ESMTP and LMTP. The
    event-driven, object-oriented API makes it easy to incorporate the SMTP
    protocol to your programs. 

NetMap network scanner 0.2.0 

    NetMap is a network scanner written in Perl/GTK. It is not just another
    nmap frontend. It is a modularized network prober/scanner that just
    happens to have an nmap module. Incidentally, NetMap has nothing to do
    with the network weather mapper. 

Nmap 3.15BETA3 (Development)

    Nmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It
    supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port
    scanning techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering),
    and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host OS or device identification).
    Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy/stealth
    scanning, sunRPC scanning, and more. Most Unix and Windows platforms
    are supported in both GUI and commandline modes. Several popular
    handheld devices are also supported, including the Sharp Zaurus and the

Ozibug 1.4.0 

    Ozibug is a platform-independent, Web-based bug tracking system. It is
    written entirely in Java, and utilizes servlet technology. This allows
    Ozibug to be installed and run on any platform for which a Java Virtual
    Machine (JVM) and servlet container are available. It provides features
    such as reports, file attachments, email notifications, audit trails,
    an administration interface, and system statistics. For those who
    require more flexibility, it also offers fine-grained access control,
    multiple module support, a customizable appearance, customizable
    reference data and full internationalization. 

pam_krb5 1.3-rc7 

    pam_krb5 is designed to allow smooth integration of Kerberos 5
    passwordchecking with applications built using PAM. It also supports
    session-specific ticket files (which are neater), Kerberos IV ticket
    file grabbing, and AFS token-grabbing. 

pbbcmd 0.5.3 

    pbbcmd is a small commandline tool to configure pbbuttonsd. Each option
    can be read or changed through a simple interface. 

PBButtonsd 0.5.3 

    PBButtons is a daemon to handle special hardware on the Apple
    iBook/PowerBook/TiBook. It controls the display brightness, the sound
    volume, mutes the sound, changes the trackpad mode, puts the machine to
    sleep, or ejects the CDROM on command. It also provides basic power
    management features. An included client gives the user visual feedback
    about all actions with nice little popup windows. 

Pebrot 0.5.3 (Stable)

    Pebrot is an MSN messenger text client implemented with Python 2 (not
    1.5). It also has a pretty curses-based interface. 

Photoshrink 3.2.0 

    Photoshrink is a Python script originally intended to create thumbnail
    gallery Web pages for directories full of large images. It now creates
    two flavors of thumbnail images and writes supporting Web pages: a
    slide show layout for medium thumbs and a thumbnail gallery layout for
    small thumbs. 

PHP-Calendar 0.8 

    PHP-Calendar is a Web-based calendar that uses PostgreSQL or MySQL to
    store data. It is designed to display properly only with modern
    browsers. It is designed with accessibility in mind, but does not
    degrade very well on Netscape 4.x. 

phpFiglet 1.0 

    phpFiglet is a PHP class file that can be called from your own programs
    to display dynamic text in an unusual manner. It includes hundreds of
    fonts and you can even make your own. It can be used for displaying
    errors, printing messages to users, drawing attention and whatever else
    you can think of. 

Pointless 0.2 

    Pointless is a wywiwyg (what you write is what you get) alternative to
    PowerPoint and other presentation applications. Presentations are
    created in a simple mark-up language and rendered using OpenGL and
    FreeType for optimal visual quality. 

PSMON 1.0.1 

    psmon is a Perl script which can be run as a stand-alone program or a
    fully functional background daemon, capable of logging to syslog with
    customisable email notification facilities. The user defines a set of
    rules in an Apache-style plain text configuration file. These rules
    describe what processes should always be running on the system, and any
    limitations on concurrent instances, TTL, and maximum CPU/memory usage
    of processes. psmon scans the UNIX process table and, using the set of
    rules defined in the configuration file, will respawn any dead
    processes, and slay or "deal with" any aggressive or illegal

QuickRip DVD 0.3 

    QuickRip is a basic DVD ripper for GNU/Linux written in Python and
    PyQt. It lacks options to fine-tune how you want to rip your DVD, but
    it makes ripping quick and easy, and so is ideal for those who aren't
    bothered about framerates, clipping, and other unecessary options. It
    uses mplayer and transcode to retrieve DVD info and rip the tracks. 

Radeox 0.6 

    Radeox is a Wiki markup rendering engine written in Java. It is part of
    the weblog and Wiki tool, SnipSnap. 

ranpwd 1.1 

    ranpwd is a small utility for generating random passwords in a variety
    of formats using /dev/(u)random. 

Scout Portal Toolkit 1.1.2 

    The Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT) is a turnkey software package that
    allows groups or organizations who have collections of knowledge or
    resources they want to share via the Web to put that collection online
    without a big investment in technical resources. It includes keyword
    and fielded search engines, a recommender system, a metadata editor,
    user agents (push technology to notify users of new resources), forums
    (bulletin boards), resource quality ratings, resource annotations by
    users, and support for multiple dynamic user interfaces, selectable on
    a per-user basis. 

Server optimized Linux 16.00 

    SoL (Server optimized Linux) is a Linux distribution completely
    independent from other Linux distributions. It was built from the
    original source packages and is optimized for heavy-duty server work.
    It contains all common server applications, and features XML boot and
    script technology that makes it easy to configure and make the server

SlackPkg 0.95 

    Slackpkg is an automated package-management tool for Slackware Linux.
    It can do tasks such as automatic downloading and installing or
    upgrading, browse the MANIFEST.gz (Slackware package-contents guide),
    and more. Dependencies are not automatically handled. It is not a
    replacement for pkgtool, but a valuable add-on. 

SSCDRFE 0.02alpha 

    sscdrfe is small, simple frontend for cdrecord, cdrdao, and mkisofs. It
    uses C++ and Qt. The main goal is to provide a nice small interface for
    CD burning tasks . 

SSTP 0.1 

    SSTP (Server-Side Template Parser) is powerful tool for formatting
    pages based on templates written in PHP. It will work with virtually
    any HTML/XHTML page, and has support for advanced features such as
    intelligent link correction. Rather than loading the template around
    the page, SSTP takes any basic HTML/XHTML page and formats it according
    to a template. The template is simply a regular HTML page with tags,
    and can be created in any standard WYSIWYG HTML/XHTML editor. 

Straw 0.18 

    Straw is desktop RSS aggregator for the GNOME 2.0 environment, written
    in Python. 

Structured Document Validator 0.6.7 

    Structured Document Validator implements a generalized method for
    validating both the structure and content of structured documents. Any
    data format that can be deterministically divided into tags and data is
    classed as a structured document. This definition applies to a wide
    array of data formats, including XML, Java properties files, and
    delimited value files. The application performs validations based on
    user-defined Structured Document Definitions (SDDs). It provides an
    environment for validation, SDD development, and document editing. 

Synergy for Mac OS X 0.9.6 

    Synergy is a tiny Cocoa application for Mac OS X 10.2 (and later) that
    puts three buttons to control iTunes in your menubar: previous track,
    next track, and play/pause. It also provides you with visual feedback
    about the currently playing tune and allows you to control iTunes via
    system-wide hot key combinations. These features provide a very fast
    way of skipping between songs when using the keyboard or the mouse,
    without having to switch to iTunes or access its Dock menu. 

TechTables 2003-03-17 

    Tech tables is an asset and trouble ticket management system using PHP
    and PostgreSQL. It lets you track computing assets, contacts, and
    trouble tickets. 

The Graph Template Library 1.2.0 (Stable)

    GTL can be seen as an extension of the Standard Template Library STL to
    graphs and fundamental graph algorithms. It is a platform independent
    and extendible C++ library, and is a useful aid to any software
    designer. It contains the classes needed to work with graphs, nodes,
    and edges, and some fundamental algorithms as building blocks for more
    complex graph algorithms. Customized algorithms can be developed by
    experienced programmers. 

The Tamber Project 1.2.2 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a free, componentised n-tier website engine that
    uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content
    is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects;
    business functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP; and
    presentation is controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for
    delivery over multiple channels such as HTML, WAP and email. Currently
    Tamber contains modules that support; automatic locale detection,
    search engine tracking and optimisation, e-commerce catalogues;
    shopping carts and order management, secure sign in, data access and
    conversion services, advanced session management, content managemt
    tools and forums. 

Toojays' Tagger 0.1.1 

    Toojays' Tagger (ttag) is a commandline utility which, given an Ogg
    Vorbis file, calculates the TRM of that file and searches for that TRM
    in the MusicBrainz database. If there is a match for the TRM, ttag then
    offers to write the appropriate tags (artist, title, album and track
    number) to the Ogg Vorbis file. The file will be renamed with the form
    "Artist - Title.ogg". ttag is written in CWEB, however the
    distribution includes a generated C++ file, so CWEB is not required to
    compile ttag. 

TrueCurve 1.0.2 

    TrueCurve is a theme based on the BlueCurve MetaCity theme released
    with Red Hat 8.0; it is an attempt to perfectly copy the original

Turck MMCache for PHP 2.3.8 

    Turck MMCache is a opcode cache for PHP. It increases performance of
    PHP scripts by caching them in a compiled state, so that the overhead
    of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also uses some
    optimizations for speeding up PHP scripts' execution. It typically
    reduces server load and increases the speed of PHP code by 1-10 times.
    It is tested with PHP 4.1.0-4.3.1, and Apache 1.3 and 2.0 under Linux
    and Windows. 

Virtual QMail 1 

    Virtual QMail's goal is to create a virtual domains management system
    for QMail. It is easy to setup, create, and maintain. It is also very
    reliable and fast, and has been designed for big sites. It includes
    software to manage domains, users, and aliases. 

Virtual Universe / Virtual Worlds 0.17 PreAlpha 

    VU/VW is a 3D cyberspace which offers more possibilities than just
    chat: people can meet each other, build houses and worlds, and interact
    with each other. 

VUXcast 1.0.1 

    VUXcast is a Web-based multi-user learning jukebox stream controller
    for ices2. It uses a bell curve to select a song based on past
    popularity, and tracks user preferences, attempting to learn from them. 

Whale 0.2.1 

    Whale is a GNOME 2 application which provides a simple interface for
    creating playlists and storing songs on your Apple iPod. For example,
    you can add a song by simply dragging the file from Nautilus to the
    Whale window. 

xNeoterics 0.90 

    xNeoterics is a cellular automaton simulation containing agents with
    fixed-structure neural net brains that process input signals into
    responses allowing the agents to forage and interact in a changing
    environment of resources. The nets' weights and thresholds evolve via
    standard genetic operators (mutation, crossover, etc.) while they try
    to survive and reproduce by ingesting enough "energy" to

XPde 0.3.0 

    XPde aims to recreate the Windows XP desktop environment on Linux in
    order to allow Windows users to "feel at home" in front of a
    Linux computer. 

Xplanet 1.0.1 

    Xplanet was inspired by Xearth, which renders an image of the earth
    into the X root window. All of the major planets and most satellites
    can be drawn, similar to JPL's Solar System Simulator. A number of
    different map projections are also supported, including azimuthal,
    Mercator, Mollweide, orthographic, and rectangular. 

XScreenSaver 4.09 

    XScreenSaver is a modular screen saver and locker for the X Window
    System. It is highly customizable and allows the use of any program
    that can draw on the root window as a display mode. More than 140
    display modes are included in this package. 

Newsforge Reports
Why Shared Source is not Open Source

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - This topic has been written about at
    least 1000 times. But hardly anyone seems to have highlighted the
    biggest practical difference between Open Source and Shared Source:
    That you can modify Open Source software to fit your device (and other
    software), while Shared Source only lets you modify your device (and
    other software) to fit the Shared Source software. 

What eGovOS must do

    - By Richard Stallman - Two weeks ago, the main organizer of the eGovOS
    (open source in e-government) conference begged me to speak at the
    conference. It was not the first time. I refused, and I would like to
    explain why. [Note: The eGovOS conference opens today. NewsForge editor
    Robin 'Roblimo' Miller will be there starting this afternoon.] 

The state of SuSE

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - I spent a little time on AIM with SuSE
    U.S. rep (and all-around nice guy) Holger Dyroff, discussing SuSE's new
    products, trends in Linux desktop/consumer use, and the state of Linux
    market penetration in general. This transcript has been edited (very
    lightly) only for grammar and spelling, not content. Make sure you read
    all the way to the end, where Holger mentions SuSE's take on SCO's
    decision to commit corporate ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
IBM: Linux keeps on Trucking

    NZheretic writes "IBM / Rocksteady Networks Linux Infrastructure to
    Provide America's Three Million Truckers Nationwide Truck Stop Wireless
    Internet Access. 1,000 Truck Stops to Be Transformed to Offer
    Transportation Industry e-Business on Demand." 

The Definite Desktop Environment Comparison

    Anonymous Reader writes "OSNews posted a very long and very interesting
    comparison between the most popular desktop environments today: Windows
    XP Luna, MacOSX Aqua, BeOS/Zeta and Unix's KDE and Gnome. Some of the
    points in the article can be thought to be 'subjective', but overall
    many good points are made and it seems that there is room for
    improvement for all DEs." 

Study Says Linux Getting Most Converts From Windows, not Unix

    NZheretic writes "On Information Week: Contrary to popular opinion,
    Linux is getting most of its developer converts from Windows rather
    than Unix, research firm Evans Data said Monday. More than half of
    Linux developers, 52%, formerly wrote primarily for Windows, while only
    30% came from Unix, Evans Data said." 

MontaVista Software Joins Open Mobile Alliance

    Annette Oevermann writes "CTIA Wireless, New Orleans, March 17, 2003
    MontaVista Software Inc., the company powering the embedded revolution,
    today announced it has joined the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), a global
    organization formed to foster worldwide growth in the mobile services

Texas Bill Would Require Open Source Consideration

    The Texas Legislature now has before it a bill, submitted by State
    Senator John Carona, to require the state to consider open source and
    open standards as part of the acquisition of software. 

Gentoo vs. the n00b: Round 2?

    Anonymous Reader writes "Here is a new article at OSNews, a
    walkththrough of the Gentoo installation for newbies." 

Installing Debian GNU/Linux on the Rebel NetWinder

    GonzoJohn writes "For the serious techno-geek, Linux Orbit takes a look
    at installing Debian GNU/Linux on a Netwinder 3100 mini server. Though
    currently the Netwinder is not in production, the installation process
    and the discoveries made make for an interesting Linux sleuthing
    article. Lots of screen shots and configuration files included." 

eCos announces eCos 2.0 Beta

    eCosCentric Limited writes "eCosCentric Limited, the eCos and RedBoot
    experts, working in conjunction with the eCos maintainers, today
    announced the release of eCos 2.0 Beta, the latest version of the eCos
    real-time operating system. This is a substantial release which
    reinforces eCos as the premier royalty-free open source RTOS." 

 Lowdown on Linux Skills

     What does it mean for IT professionals now that Linux is finding its
    way into a growing number of corporate settings? 

Getting Started With Linux

     To hear some people tell it, Linux is taking the world by storm.
    Unilever, a $52 billion consumer products giant, is switching to Linux
    to run its businesses around the world. 

Gadgets: Wireless PenCam

Gadgets: WristLinx Communicator

Gadgets: Laser-Sighted MiniTemp

Computing: Labtec Axis 712 Digital USB Headset

Computing: Fly Fan USB Fan

Computing: Antec LanBoy Aluminum PC case

Computing: UV-Treated 80mm Cooling Fans

Computing: Viewsonic Airpanel Wireless 15" LCD

Computing: Antec PlusView PC Case

Computing: Klipsch GMX-D5.1

Computing: iMic USB Audio Interface

Tshirts: There's no place like

Tshirts: fsck it!

Cube Goodies: Circuitboard Glo Cube Lamp

Cube Goodies: Circuitboard Business Card Case

Cube Goodies: Set Of Circuitboard Coasters

Cube Goodies: circuit board clipboard

Books: Art Of Deception: Controlling the Human Element Of Security

Books: BOFH Series - 3 Pack/Bundle!

Cube Goodies: GeoMAG from Italy

OnBoard Suite v2.1 released

    The OnBoard Suite team is excited to announce the release of v2.1 of
    the OnBoard Suite. Thanks to everyone who contributed code, reported
    bugs, and suggested ideas. The OnBoard Suite is a C-language
    development environment that runs on and creates executables for the
    Palm OS. The OnBoard Suite creates stand-alone, fully-fledged PRCs with
    no need for run time libraries. OnBoard Suite comes with OnBoard C (a C
    compiler), a built-in assembler, SrcEdit (a programmer's editor),
    Sherpa (a palm-to-host porting tool) and documentation. This release of
    the OnBSuite incorporates a large number of fixes including _many_
    SrcEdit updates and bug fixes as well as new documentation (Users'
    Guide and Cookbook). 

SableVM 1.0.8 released

    SableVM is a portable bytecode interpreter. Its goals are to be
    reasonably small, fast, and efficient, as well as providing a
    well-designed and robust platform for conducting research. This version
    fixes a few bugs. You can download the sources from:

bogofilter- - new stable release

    The status of bogofilter version has been promoted from
    bogofilter-current to bogofilter-stable. The bogofilter package
    implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines suggested by
    Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam" . It is written in C.
    Supported platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X. 

JGraph Geneva (v2.1) released

    JGraph is the most powerful, lightweight, feature-rich, and thoroughly
    documented open-source graph component available for Java. It is
    accompanied by JGraphpad, the first free diagram editor for Java that
    offers XML, Drag and Drop and much more! Moved all GraphCell
    dependencies to the GraphModel, added multiple grid styles, new font
    attribute, and the API is now ready for combined port/vertex cells. Bug
    fixes include improved live-preview, better zoom/grid integration,
    handling of negative coordinates, and minor bug fixes. Java 1.4 is the
    default version. 

New project RSS feeds available

    Today SourceForge.net added project RSS feeds to the hosting services
    they provide. You can now easily track various project information:
    News items, DocManager updates, new File releases, and Summary
    information. Project RSS Feeds: leaf
    Additional information on the new RSS feeds provided by SourceForge is
    explained in the document below. Information regarding
    SourceForge.net-provided RSS feeds

FreeCraft stable 1.18 released

    The FreeCraft team is proud to announce the release of FreeCraft 1.18.
    Thanks to everyone who contributed code, reported bugs, and suggested
    ideas. FreeCraft is a free cross-platform real-time strategy game
    engine. Here are the main new features: o Save and Load (Single Player)
    o Shared Vision and Diplomacy o Replays o Auto Spell Cast o Much
    Improved Multiplayer Support o FcMP and WC2 can be played against each
    other o Many bug fixes For a complete list of changes, please see the
    ecraft/doc/ChangeLog.html?rev=1.449 You can find a game on
    irc.freenode.net, channel #freecraft. Enjoy! 

phpESP 1.6 Final

    phpESP provides scripts to let non-technical users create surveys,
    administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online
    after database initialization. MySQL database backend. Version 1.6
    incorporates several large changes since version 1.5. New features
    include: save/resume feature on surveys, self-sign-up for respondents,
    viewing of individual responses, a graphical interface for cross
    analysis, and a system test script. Additionally, the install procedure
    has been streamlined, and the documentation has been updated.
    Non-English translations should be available out of the box for many
    more platforms that have GNU Gettext support. Several new translations
    are available in 1.6 including: Japanese, Swedish, and Greek. There
    have been some minor database changes since 1.5, so please read the
    INSTALL guide. 

PCGen 4.3.5 is available

    PCGen is a Java-based RPG character generator and maintenance program
    that works on all platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc). All
    datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users, and are available
    through the pcgendm project. An XML conversion is underway. We'll soon
    be releasing another production release of PCGen - version 5.0.0. We'd
    appreciate feedback on the editors, the Companions section of the
    Resources tab (especially for Paladins and Blackguards) and the
    Equipping tab. We're also considering using that release to migrate
    PCGen to using java 1.4.1 now that Apple has released it. This decision
    is not final yet, pending our testing efforts. For users who have
    trouble getting the 3 zip files to unzip properly, we have some
    OS-specific installs that should help minimize the chance of install
    related errors. Links to these installs can be found at:
    These are the same PCGen everyone else uses, just packaged with
    installers which target Windows and Mac OS X users specifically.
    Typically there is a lag between when the official release is done and
    when these special installers are ready. We always recommend that users
    install new versions of PCGen in a 'new' directory. Below is a list of
    everything that has been addressed in this release. If you reported one
    of these, please verify that it is was addressed properly. PCGen is
    available at http://pcgen.sourceforge.net , and the main discussion
    group is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen . If you wish to
    discuss making your own custom lst files for use with PCGen, the data
    monkeys have made their home at
    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgenlistfilehelp and they pride
    themselves in being able to field all questions about the data - from
    very basic to very advanced. All three zips are required to run PCGen:
    pcgen435_part1of3.zip, pcgen435_part2of3.zip and pcgen435_part3of3.zip.
    Bugs 588777 LEVEL:X:SA:Something tag misbehaving 700446 4.3.4 - Cannot
    reopen some character files 699891 Container behavior 584972 New party
    file format breaks mutiuser 698832 Equipping Tab - Keyboard Issue #2
    698828 Equipping Tab - Keybard Issue #1 698826 Equipping Tab - Location
    Popup autosized wrong 698702 Duplicate loading of familiar 698670 4.3.4
    won't load phb.pcc Features 698824 Equipping Tab - Add All Equipment
    698840 Equipping Tab - Put plus/minus on Item column 606205 Add Buy%
    and Sell% on Right Click menu for items PCGen:DM Bugs 682005
    melee+thrown weapons need .Thrown 699141 "thundering" magical attribute
    PCGen:DM List File Fixes 686265 added type:humanoid to
    slayershobgobraces.lst 686263 added type:humanoid to
    slayersgnollraces.lst PCGen:DM Tag Modification Requests 677326
    TARGETAREA - sovereignspells.lst 677325 TARGETAREA -
    deadlandswebspells.lst 677323 TARGETAREA - wayhucksterspells.lst 677316
    TARGETAREA - slayersamazonsspells.lst 677315 TARGETAREA -
    necromancyspells.lst 677314 TARGETAREA - montecookwebspells.lst 677313
    TARGETAREA - thouhtskillpowers.lst 677312 TARGETAREA -
    eldritch2spells.lst 677311 TARGETAREA - eldritchspells.lst 677310
    TARGETAREA - kalamarspells.lst 677309 TARGETAREA - arcanaspells.lst
    677320 TARGETAREA - deadlandsspells.lst 677319 TARGETAREA -
    seabloodspells.lst 677318 TARGETAREA - slayerstroglodytesspells.lst
    677317 TARGETAREA - slayershobgobspells.lst 677307 TARGETAREA -
    traptreachspells.lst 677306 TARGETAREA - spellsspellcraftspe
    spellsspellcraftspells.lst 677304 TARGETAREA - mythicracesspells.lst
    677303 TARGETAREA - starfarershbspells.lst 677302 TARGETAREA -
    melnibonespells.lst 677301 TARGETAREA - guardianspells.lst 677300
    TARGETAREA - touchedgodsspells.lst 677298 TARGETAREA -
    beyondtheveilspells.lst 677297 TARGETAREA - warspells.lst 677294
    TARGETAREA - dragonsspells.lst 657059 Verify pipe is the only
    delimiter:VISION 677295 TARGETAREA - dungeonsspells.lst PCGenDocs:
    Output Sheet Bugs 702203 Greatsword outputs with N/A for To Hit & Dmg
    699956 SAs missing from _combined 686797 Two-handed weapons: 1-H lines?
    697216 TO-HIT under PB Range incorrect PCGenDocs: Output Sheet Feature
    Requests 634092 TAG for ONLY Domain Spells 700057 Remove the race name
    from the innate spell header The PCGen Development Team 

AviSynth 2.0.8 and 2.5.1 released

    Two new versions of AviSynth has been released today. The 2.0.8 version
    contains critical bugfixes, and is supplied for those who enjoy the
    stability of the non-beta versions. Avisynth is a scripting language
    and a collection of filters for simple (and not so simple!) non-linear
    video editing tasks. It frameserves video to (most) applications.
    AviSynth 2.5.1 beta is an update to the first 2.5.0 beta and contains
    many fixes and additions, as well as some considerable speedups. Mainly
    interlaced processing has been improved vastly, but also general
    stability should be better. 

Quartz 1.0.6 available

    This release of Quartz, contains several small corrections and bug
    fixes, as well as a few new features (see change log). Quartz is an
    enterprise-class Job Scheduler for use in stand-alone and full-blown
    J2EE Applications. Quartz is very light-weight, highy scalable, and
    extremely easy to use within your own applications. Changes: Changes in
    version 1.0.6 ========================== 1- Added DB2v6Delegate for
    usage with JDBC-JobStore and older versions of DB2. 2- Added
    HSQLDBDelegate for usage with HSQLDB 1.7.X - previously, MSSQLDelegate
    was used by HSQLDB users, but that was confusing. 3- Updated JavaDOC
    and table-creation docs for all db types / delegates. 4- Implemented
    JobStoreTX.getTriggersForJob(name, group) - it used to throw an
    UnsupportedOperationException. 5- Misc small JavaDOC corrections. 6-
    Additions to the Quartz tutorial. 7- Introduced
    "org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin" interface. 8- Introduced
    "org.quartz.plugins.history" package - with plugins for recording
    historical data. 9- Fixed bug in CronTrigger related to expressions
    using "#" in the day-of-week field. 10- Fixed bug using non-global
    JobListeners with the JDBC-Jobstore using OracleDelegate. 

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FinePix3800 Digital Camera (Fuji)

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C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $572.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3144.99 

DMR-E30 DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $356.00 

RIO S35S Mp3 Player (Sonic Blue)

    Lowest Price: $162.95 

MZ-N707 MiniDisc Player/Recorder (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $129.00 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $107.99 

Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $130.00 

Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.95 

WarCraft III (Full Product) (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $19.95 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $108.99 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
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