O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    March 20, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
        Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/                   

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Chi Mei Announces 20" Active Matrix OLED Display

    [0]deglr6328 writes "The final barriers to [1]OLED commercialization
    have been falling fast lately with Kodak's [2]first product shipping
    soon, Samsung demoing a 256 color OLED [3]wristwatch phone and now
    [4]Chi Mei Optoelectronics [5]announcing a 20 inch full color active
    matrix OLED display. The new display was made possible by a
    breakthrough using amorphous silicon for the TFT. The new technique is
    said to allow conventional TFT LCD manufacturers to convert their
    facilities over to OLED with relative ease." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.emagin.com/oledpri.htm
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/04/0127213&tid=137
    3. http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,109830,00.asp
    4. http://www.cmo.com.tw/english/aboutcom-3.htm
    5. http://www.idtech.co.jp/en/news/press/20030312.html

Dell Offers Curbside Computer Recycling

    [0]schm00 writes "A Dell [1]press release today announced an expansion
    of thier recycling program. For $15 they will arrange to pick up used
    computer equipment from your home and transport it to an EPA approved
    recycler. You can [2]order pickup starting on March 25th. It's nice to
    see an alternative to the [3]darker side of computer recycling." 
    0. http://www.visi.com/~jmr
    2. http://www.dell.com/us/en/dhs/topics/segtopic_dell_recycling.htm
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/11/24/2237230&tid=137

Increasing Fuel Mileage With Hydrogen?

    cr0sh asks: "I was recently looking into the costs and availabilty
    associated with small, hydrogen fuel cells (results: they are still
    expensive), when I came across this site about the [0]Hydrogen-Boost
    [Warning: Pop-ups]. Looking at this site, it seemed like just another
    in the long line of scamming 'get more mileage/power' engine products
    out there, but it intrigued me enough to continue looking into it. I
    eventually came upon another site on [1]hydrogen experiments. A little
    more searching revealed this one about [2]constructing your own
    Hydro-Boost device, which goes into detail about how you would build
    such a system. None of these sites answered the big questions, however:
    'does it work?', and 'if so, how well?'. I also wanted something a
    little more authoritative. So, back to digging...which came up with
    this [3]paper from OSTI [PDF]. The very first line of the abstract of
    this paper reads 'It is well known that hydrogen addition to
    spark-ignited (SI) engines can reduce exhaust emissions and increase
    efficiency.' This paper seems to advance the notion that such a system
    like the 'Hydrogen Boost' system may actually work. Does Slashdot think
    such a system would work? If so, how it could be improved, especially
    given today's rapidly rising gasoline prices, here in America?" 
    0. http://www.hydrogen-boost.com/
    1. http://www.geocities.com/hydrogenpower1/experiments/experiments_index.html
    2. http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/bp/16/hboost.htm
    3. http://www.osti.gov/fcvt/2000-01-2206.pdf

Strike on Iraq

    According to CNN and various other news sources, Iraq is now under
    attack by the US. Here is a link to the current story running [0]at CNN
    right now, but there's really not much except that it has started. CT
    Cruise missiles launched against "Target of Opportunity". The full
    assault has not begun. CT The attack was specifically intended to take
    out Saddam. 
    0. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/19/sprj.irq.main/index.html

Automated Office Delivery with Helium Blimps

    Blimp Dude writes "Anyone who likes blimps might want to check out this
    [0]automated blimp delivery service built by some guy at HP Labs. I
    personally think this is the future... Now I want WebBlimp to deliver
    groceries directly to my 29th floor apartment window." 
    0. http://www.hpl.hp.com/shl/projects/blimp/

Making The GPL Easier For Companies To Swallow

    stupidNewbie writes "There is a new GPL "wrapper" gaining momentum on
    Capitol Hill. Dubbed O-STEP, the [0]Open Source Threshold Escrow
    Program allows vendors to license their products until so many millions
    are made, then agree to release the code under GPL. This sounds like a
    good bridge for companies looking to tap into the strengths of open
    source distribution." Starting from zero, it can certainly gain
    momentum quickly -- sounds like a good idea though. 
    0. http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,109853,00.asp

NetBSD Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

    jschauma writes "This week marks the tenth anniversary of the beginning
    of development of the [0]NetBSD Operating System. The very first commit
    to the NetBSD source tree ([1]src/Makefile) was by Chris Demetriou on
    Friday 21 March, 1993. Parties are being held in various cities around
    the world, see the [2]press release for more details. Happy 10th
    Birthday, NetBSD!" 
    0. http://www.netbsd.org/
    1. http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/Makefile
    2. http://mail-index.netbsd.org/netbsd-announce/2003/03/19/0001.html

Microsoft Bug May Attract Big Worm

    daveq writes "[0]Several [1]sources [2]report that a serious new
    Microsoft vulnerability has been found. Experts [3]expect it to be
    exploited heavily." 
    0. http://www.lockergnome.com/update/archives/week_2003_03_16.html
    1. http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2003/0317/web-hack-03-18-03.asp
    2. http://news.com.com/2100-1009-993276.html
    3. http://gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/21446-1.html

Al Gore Joins Apple's Board Of Directors

    [0]zzxc writes "News.com.com reports that [1]Al Gore has been chosen to
    be on Apple's board of directors. Apple has a [2]press release with
    more information. According to the press release, 'Al brings an
    incredible wealth of knowledge and wisdom to Apple from having helped
    run the largest organization in the world--the United States
    government' and 'He has remained an active leader in
    technology—launching a public/private effort to wire every classroom
    and library in America to the Internet.' The inventor of the internet
    should be a valuable asset to Apple." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1042-993332.html?tag=fd_top
    2. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2003/mar/19gore.html

Anti-Censorship Efforts And Port Scanning

    [0]scubacuda writes "[1]According to Wired, the University of Toronto's
    [2]Internet Censorship Explorer permits people test the limits of
    national and organizational Internet-blocking schemes. Users enter a
    target URL (and a country), and the software then scans the ports of
    available servers in that country, looking for open ones to connect on
    from behind that country's firewall. Many consider [3]port scanning a
    gray area, as it's often used by various hackers to [4]find
    vulnerabilies that can be exploited." 
    0. http://scubacuda&iname,com
    1. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,58082,00.html
    2. http://opennetinitiative.net/oni/ice/
    4. http://www.insecure.org/nmap/

3cmstats 1.0 

    3cmstats retrieves information from your 3com HomeConnect (tailfin)
    cable modem (that sometimes is password protected in the Web page modem
    config) such as Downstream, Upstream, and Registration information and
    outputs to stdout in Valid XHTML 1.1. Amongst the data are Rx power
    level, Tx Power Level, and Frequency. It doesn't use SNMP, so it will
    probably work on 3Com cable modems that have SNMP disabled. 

ActiveLink PHP XML Package 0.1.5 

    ActiveLink PHP XML Package provides the means to parse, read, modify,
    and output XML easily without using PHP's XML or domXML libraries.
    Included classes are XML, XMLBranch, XMLLeaf, Tag, Tree, Branch, and

Axualize 1.1.2 

    Axualize is a tool for creating applications by actualizing Java
    objects using XML. Axualize is based on JSR-57, and is intended to
    allow developers to create Java applications dynamically using XML. To
    understand how this could be useful, imagine a J2EE application with
    multiple client UIs being generated from Web applications. Using
    Axualize, you can present multiple form-based GUI front ends to your
    application by dropping in a Web application which builds your GUI
    applications using Axualize XML generated with JSP and whatever
    application framework you please. 

Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library 0.1.2alpha 

    Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library is a general purpose library
    designed for building Bayesian Filters. Its primary purpose is to
    provide an easy-to-use interface to allow the building of Bayesian
    filters regardless of the data being analyzed. A user will only need to
    provide a tokenizer, hash function, and comparison function in order to
    build a Filter. 

BIABAM 0.9.3 

    Biabam Is A Bash Attachment Mailer. In other words, BIABAM is a tool
    that is used for mailing attachments from the commandline. It is
    similar to using Mutt to send attachments on the commandline, but
    without the overhead of a complete email client. 

Big Medium 1.01 (Stable)

    Big medium is an affordable, full-featured content management system
    that makes it easy to manage dynamic, fast-changing Web sites. The
    browser-based interface allows even the most non-technical staff to
    add, edit and publish Web content without needing to learn HTML. Big
    Medium empowers writers, editors, and business users to update Web
    sites directly, freeing Web professionals to be more productive and
    creative. It is written in Perl to run on Web servers running a UNIX
    operating system. 

BitMagic C++ library 3.1.1 

    BitMagic is C++ library designed and developed to implement efficient,
    platform-independent bitsets. It features several types of on-the-fly
    adaptive compression, dynamic range of addressable space of 2^32-1
    bits, efficient memory management, serialization in a
    platform-independent, compact format suitable for storing in files and
    databases, performance tuning for 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and
    optimization for Intel SSE2 128-bit integer SIMD. 

buildpkg 0.0.2r28-rc5 

    Buildpkg is a package build system. It gives you the opportunity to
    create package system (rpm, dpkg, etc.) independent descriptions (.def)
    which can be used to create binary packages on every system. It can be
    also used to track installations and create packages of the installed
    files. If you want more safety, you can use the 'jail' feature. In this
    mode a chroot-ed environment will be created from the (configurable)
    list of programs and the installation will be done here. Besides Linux,
    Solaris/SunOS, and FreeBSD packages are also supported. 

Configuration File Library 0.6.0 

    The Configuration File Library (CFL) is a collection of routines for
    manipulating configuration files. It is a portable library fully
    written from scratch in pure ANSI C. It is designed to offer for C
    programmers common routines for manipulating configuration text files. 

CVSps 2.0b5 (Beta)

    CVSps is a program for generating 'patchset' information from a CVS
    repository. A patchset in this case is defined as a set of changes made
    to a collection of files, and all committed at the same time (using a
    single 'cvs commit' command). This information is valuable to seeing
    the big picture of the evolution of a cvs project. CVSps allows you to
    see history of committed patchsets, restrict by author, date range,
    files affected, branches affected. CVSps can generate a diff of a given

DataVision 0.7.4 

    DataVision is a reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports, written in
    Java. It supports multiple data sources (JDBC, text files) and output
    formats (HTML, XML, PDF, LaTeX, comma- and tab-separated data files,
    and DocBook). It lets you design reports with a drag-and-drop GUI.
    Report descriptions are stored as XML. 

DeLi Linux 0.2 

    DeLi Linux is a Linux distribution for old computers, from 486 to
    Pentium MMX 166 or so. It's focused on desktop usage. It includes email
    clients, a graphical Web browser, an office package with word processor
    and spreadsheet, etc. A full install, including XFree86 and development
    tools, needs no more than 300 MB of harddisk space. 

DigitizeIt 1.5.3 

    DigitizeIt digitizes scanned graphs and charts. Graphs can be loaded in
    nearly all common image formats (including gif, tiff, jpeg, bmp, png,
    psd, pcx, xbm, xpm, tga, pct), pasted from the clipboard, or imported
    via a screenshot. Digitizing of line and scatter plots occurs
    automatically, and manual digitizing via mouse clicks is also possible.
    Data values are transformed to a specified axes system and can be saved
    in ASCII format, ready to use in many other applications such as
    Microcal Origin or Excel. Axes can be linear, logarithmic, or
    reciprocal scale. Multiple data sets can be defined and edited. Tilted
    and distorted graphs can be handled. Comprehensive online help is
    included. Java 1.4 is required. 

DMI Gallery 2.0-pre-3 (Galerias II)

    DMI Gallery is an editor-oriented image gallery application based on
    DMI. The editor just needs to FTP full-sized pictures into the
    directory and small and medium-sized thumbnails are automatically
    created. If a text documents with the same name as the picture is
    uploaded, it will be inserted as a description. DMI Gallery provides a
    complete set of navigation controls, and allows designers to create
    templates in their favorite HTML editor to customize the look and feel
    of the image gallery. 

EchoPoint 0.2.6 

    The EchoPoint project provides a rich collection of Web components
    which seamlessly integrate with the Echo Web Framework. 

EJBCA 2.0 (Development)

    EJBCA is a fully functional Certificate Authority in Java using J2EE
    technology. It builds on the J2EE platform to create a robust, high
    performance, platform independent, flexible, and component-based CA to
    be used standalone or integrated in any J2EE app. EJBCA comes with a
    flexible and powerful Web-based admin GUI. 

elmo 0.4.2 

    elmo is an efficient console mail user agent. It supports POP3 and
    SMTP, uses the Maildir storage format, and sends 8-bit MIME messages
    regardless of the server's ehlo response (although it is able to decode
    qp and base64 encodings). Additionally, when replying to email, elmo
    makes an attempt to determine the sex of the person being quoted so
    that it can choose the appropriate words to use in the quote's

ErfurtWiki R1.00d 

    ErfurtWiki is a small Wiki engine implemented in PHP which stores its
    pages in a MySQL database or via a flat file backend. The Wiki source
    parsing is rather complete but is very extensible. It stands out from
    other Wikis in that it does not define the whole page layout itself;
    instead it allows for very quick integration into an existing Web site.
    The whole 'library' is fully contained in one script file.
    Additionally, it can cache referenced images. The simplicity of the
    image uploading function makes it also a good choice as 'lite' CMS for
    private homepages. 

FreeLords 0.2.1 (Stable)

    FreeLords is a turn-based strategy game similiar to W*rl*rds. It can be
    played with friends on one computer or via a network. 

Gemini Unified Datamining System 1.2.1 

    The Gemini Unified Datamining System is a set of tools for performing
    automated searches on the Internet or an intranet using a customizable
    and extensible set of information sources, including private databases,
    subscription search services, and public search engines. It includes a
    flexible and open plugin architecture that can be used to analyze
    content for specialized searching, research, and information retrieval

Gequel 1.04 

    GEQUEL is a GTK/C based frontend for the popular MySQL database engine.
    It was loosely derived from an old program by the same author
    (xsqlmenu). It can retrieve data from MySQL databases, present them in
    nice browsers, and allows for update, delete, insert, search, query,
    and copy operations. 

Gerber Viewer 0.13 

    Gerber Viewer is a viewer for Gerber files, also called RS274X. It lets
    you load several files on top of each other, do measurements on the
    displayed image, etc. With GDK-PixBuf it is also possible to export
    images as PNGs. 

GL-117 0.8.5 

    GL-117 is an OpenGL- and SDL-based action flight simulator written in
    C++. It provides a random terrain generator, lighting effects, sounds,
    and joystick support. 

GNOME Commander 0.9.12 

    GNOME Commander is file manager aimed at people who want a fast and
    efficient file manager. The program can currently perform most common
    file operations, and will detect changes to files caused by other
    programs and update its views without the need for the user to manually
    reload. The program also supports Copy and Paste, DND and MIME. The
    program has some basic FTP support through GnomeVFS, but it's not very
    good. It's good enough to download/upload files, but lacks more
    advanced functions, like issuing SITE commands. 

grsecurity 1.9.9d (Stable)

    grsecurity is a complete security system for Linux 2.4 that implements
    a detection/prevention/containment strategy. It prevents most forms of
    address space modification, confines programs with least privilege via
    its process-based MAC system, hardens syscalls, provides full-featured
    auditing, and implements many of the OpenBSD randomness features. It
    was written for performance, ease-of-use, and security. The MAC system
    has an intelligent learning-mode, and all of grsecurity supports a
    feature that logs the IP of the attacker that causes an alert or audit. 

ISPSuite 2.1.1 

    ISPSuite is a suite of modular programs written principally in PHP and
    Perl for the administration of an ISP. It includes online accounting
    functions, report printing, subscriber statistics, and database
    manipulation. It uses ICRadius and MySQL for the generation and
    collection of data. The Suite also comes with a number of utilities
    which automate most of the monthly tasks that an ISP faces. It provides
    modules for: dynamic Web site production for subscribers; viewing
    current subscribers online; editing facilities for all data held in the
    database, including subscriber details; monthly accounting functions to
    produce online and printed accounts for subscribers; daily banking
    facilities to record payments received by mail and electronically; Debt
    Collection; assigning of static IP numbers for subscribers; calendaring
    and diary modules for "bring-up" reminders. Users can change
    passwords, plans, and personal details online. Subscriber control
    modules assist administrators with holding, deleting, and adding email
    boxes for POP accounts and alias accounts. 

JAMlib 1.4.7 

    JAMlib is a collection of subroutines that encapsulate much of the
    format-specific and tedious details of the JAM message base format. By
    using these routines, application programmers can concentrate on the
    higher-level issues of their programs instead of worrying about their
    JAM routines. 

Jay's Iptables Firewall 0.9.92 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a bash script that allows one to easily
    install and configure a firewall on a Linux system. It was initially
    written for use on a home LAN, but can be extend to any type of
    network. It features support for multiple (external/internal)
    interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP header control, masquerading, synflood
    control, spoofing control, port forwarding, (experimental) upload
    limits, VPNs (like vtun), ToS (bandwith managment), denying hosts,
    ZorbIPTraffic, Spyware list IP, log options, and more. The firewall is
    able to launch custom iptables rules, and the configuration of the
    firewall is assisted by an optional, interactive, curses-based Perl

JFtp 1.15 

    JFtp is a graphical FTP client written in Java. It supports all the
    basic FTP operations, and has some improved features such as recursive
    directory up/download, a nice swing UI, the ability to automatically
    resume downloads, and the ability to recognize broken directory names.
    The API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party
    applications or in a command-line mode. The clients lets you browse the
    server while transferring files in both directions. JFtp can also be
    started in a Web browser via Java Web Start. 

JMP 0.28 

    Java Memory Profiler (JMP) uses the JVMPI interface to track objects
    and method times in the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It uses a GTK+
    interface to display statistics. The current instance count and the
    total amount of memory for each class is shown as is the total time
    spent in each method. 

JProfiler 2.2 

    JProfiler is a fully dynamic profiler based on the Java virtual machine
    profiling interface (JVMPI). It is targeted at J2EE and J2SE
    applications, and features CPU profiling, memory profiling, thread
    profiling, and VM telemetry information. 

JTAG Tools 0.3.1 

    JTAG Tools is a software package which enables working with JTAG-aware
    (IEEE 1149.1) hardware devices and boards through a JTAG adapter. This
    package has an open and modular architecture with the ability to write
    miscellanous extensions like board testers, flash memory programmers,
    and so on. 

KPasswords 0.0.2 

    KPasswords provides a convenient interface for managing usernames with
    passwords and other sensitive information. The information is stored in
    a hierarchical XML file, and passwords can be shown or hidden. 

Lazarus libtemplate 1.2 

    Libtemplate allows C developers to use templates for their CGI programs
    just like Perl and PHP programmers. Use this template library to
    separate your program's business logic from the HTML that generates the
    output. Your code will be smaller and easier to maintain, and cosmetic
    changes to an application won't create havoc with your program. 

Leif 0.2 

    Leif is a KDE tool for the SonyEricsson T68/T68i mobile phone. It
    supports phonebook editing, SMS management, and file uploading. 

LinPHA 0.6.0 

    LinPHA is an easy to use, multilingual, flexible photo/image
    archive/album/gallery written in PHP. It uses a MySQL database to store
    information about your pictures. It comes with a HTML-based installer,
    so you don't need experience in setting up SQL databases. Thumbnails
    are created as needed and stored in the SQL DB. 

Log Tool 1.2.0 

    Logtool is a syslog file parser, report generator, and monitoring
    utility. It takes logfiles from syslog, multilog, or other ASCII log
    generating sources as input from stdin, and depending on command line
    switches and/or config file settings, will parse and filter out
    unwanted messages from the logfile accordingly, and generate output in
    ANSI color, formatted ASCII, CSV (for spreadsheets), or HTML format. It
    is very handy for use in automated nightly reports, and online
    monitoring of logfile activity. It comes with some simple example
    scripts and documentation. 

MailStripper Pro 1.0rc1 

    MailStripper Pro is a mail scanner that aims to remove spam and viruses
    from incoming mail using the F-Prot anti-virus. It is written in Tcl
    and was designed to be MTA-independent. 

Mesa 5.0 

    Mesa is a 3-D graphics library which uses the OpenGL API (Application
    Programming Interface). Mesa cannot be called an implementation of
    OpenGL since the author did not obtain an OpenGL license from SGI.
    Furthermore, Mesa cannot claim OpenGL conformance since the conformance
    tests are only available to OpenGL licensees. Despite these
    technical/legal terms, you may find Mesa to be a valid alternative to
    OpenGL. Most applications written for OpenGL can use Mesa instead
    without changing the source code. 

Mioga 1.2.2 

    Mioga is a groupware application suitable for intranet use. All the
    functionality of Mioga can be reached through any HTML browser. The
    interface is designed with HTML templates which allow the look and feel
    and the ergonomics of Mioga to be fully and easily customizable. It is
    written in Perl and uses a PostgreSQL database. It uses DAV for file
    management, providing you with a complete DAV workspace with Mioga user
    access controls (ACLs). Mioga includes the followig applications: file
    manager, organizer, todo tasks, shared folders (with version control),
    forms, intranet search, and administration tool. 

mod_auth_aix 1.0 

    mod_auth_aix is an Apache module which allows the Apache Web server to
    use AIX Loadable Authentication Modules as its source of basic
    authentication. Due to its generic approach, mod_auth_aix should work
    with any AIX Loadable Authentication Module, including DCE.
    "Loadable Authentication Modules" are AIX's way to extend the
    identification and authentication functions of the operating system.
    They are, to a certain degree, the AIX equivalent of the PAM and NSS
    mechanisms known to many other systems. 

mod_variety 0.2.0 

    mod_variety is an Apache 2.x module that will serve a random file from
    the requested directory. It is useful for serving random images or
    completely random sites. 

Mojo Mail 2.8.0 

    Mojo Mail is a light-weight Web-based email mailing list manager. It
    supports announce-only lists and group discussion lists, as well as
    archiving, double opt-in subscriptions, and double opt-out
    unsubscriptions. List mailings can be sent using sendmail, qmail, or
    even with a straight SMTP connection (either all at once, or in timed
    batches). All list administration can be done through your browser via
    Mojo Mail's administrative control panel. Creating new lists and
    administrating them is easy. Mojo Mail is a great alternative to
    programs such as Majordomo if you want to give more control to the
    actual list owners, who may not have much experience with such
    applications. Mojo Mail can be run simply as a CGI script and needs no
    special modules installed. The entire look of html pages created by
    Mojo Mail can be customized with any template you can provide, on a
    list by list basis. 

MPlayer 0.90-rc5 

    MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of
    codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4, DivX 3/4/5, Windows
    Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2. It
    has many MMX/SSE(2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs,
    but allows using XAnim's and RealPlayer's binary codec plugins, and
    Win32 codec DLLs. It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality,
    including DVD subtitles, but supports many text-based subtitle formats
    too. For video output, nearly every existing interface is supported.
    It's also able to convert any supported files to raw/divx/mpeg4 AVI
    (pcm/mp3 audio), and even video grabbing from V4L devices. 

Net-Policy 0.9.2 

    The Net-Policy project allows system administrators to configure and
    manage their entire network at once. It is initially designed to
    configure firewall and IPsec connections across an entire network, but
    will eventually include the ability to control and configure just about
    anything. It uses a role and policy based data-model concept so
    reconfiguring a device usually just means assigning or removing a role
    to/from it. Initially the software comes with a completely configurable
    IPsec and IKE software suite for Linux. Stop configuring your network
    one device at a time! 

Net-SNMP 5.0.8 (net-snmp)

    The NET-SNMP (formerly UCD-SNMP) package contains various tools
    relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including an
    extensible agent, an SNMP library, tools to request or set information
    from SNMP agents, tools to generate and handle SNMP traps, a version of
    the unix 'netstat' command using SNMP and a Tk/perl mib browser. It was
    originally based on the Carnegie Mellon University SNMP implementation
    (version, but has been greatly enhanced, ported and fixed and
    barely resembles the original package anymore. 

NetMap network scanner 0.2.1 

    NetMap is a network scanner written in Perl/GTK. It is not just another
    nmap frontend. It is a modularized network prober/scanner that just
    happens to have an nmap module. Incidentally, NetMap has nothing to do
    with the network weather mapper. 

Neutron 1.4 

    Neutron is a very nice skin. 

NewsCache 0.99.22p1 (Maintainance)

    NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET News. NewsCache acts to
    news reading clients like a news server, except that it stores only
    those articles that have been requested by at least one client.
    NewsCache targets problems of the current News System like network
    bandwidth consumption or the IO load caused by news clients. 

nflash 0.7.1 

    nflash is a Perl/CGI script providing an easy to use and maintain way
    of posting news to a Web site. It is possible to create users able to
    edit their own preferences and postings. There is a Web interface, a
    simple user system, optional commenting, multiple language support, and

noeGNUd 0.4 

    noeGNUd is an alternate ASCII, 2D, and 3D user interface for nethack
    that uses SDL and OpenGL. 

nut 7.20 

    nut is nutrition software to record what you eat and analyze your meals
    for nutrient composition. The database included is the USDA Nutrient
    Database for Standard Reference, Release 15, which contains 6,220
    foods. This database contains values for vitamins, minerals, fats,
    calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc., and includes the
    essential polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Nutrient levels
    are expressed as a percentage of the Daily Value, the familiar standard
    of food labeling in the United States, but also can be fully
    customized. Recipes can be added. The program is completely menu-driven
    and there are no commands to learn. 

OpenBSD Network Shell 20030318 

    Nsh is intended to handle configuration for interfaces, bridging,
    routing, packet filtering, NAT, and ISAKMP. It presents the user with a
    vaguely Cisco-like interface. It also gives the user access to system
    information and diagnostics. Nsh replaces the userland commands which
    handle these functions, and talks directly to the OpenBSD kernel for
    most functions. 

OpenSG 1.2.0 (Stable)

    OpenSG is an Open Source scenegraph system. Its design goals include
    high performance, multithread-safe data handling, high flexibility,
    extensibility, and portability to Irix, Linux, and Windows. A number of
    computer graphics research institutions are actively working on moving
    the system beyond the state of the art to include features like
    clustering, subdivision surfaces, occlusion culling, and more. 

openSkat 1.2 

    OpenSkat is an cryptographically secure implementation of the german
    card game Skat for multiple players over IRC (Internet Relay Chat). The
    fairness is based on several zero-knowledge-proofs from Christian
    Schindelhauers research paper "A Toolbox for Mental Card
    Games". It has a graphical user interface based on xskat 3.4. The
    modified sources are included and require an X11 environment. 

opensnmp 0.3.6 

    opensnmp is a multi-threaded development environment for C++ that
    implements SNMP 3. 

phpGIS 2.0 

    phpGIS is a Geographic Information System application meant to be used
    as a way of viewing ESRI shape files and aerial photos in the TIFF

pmacct 0.3.3 

    pmacct is a network tool to gather IP traffic information (source
    address, bytes counter, and number of packets). Data is stored in an
    in-memory table whose content can be retrieved by a client program via
    a local stream-oriented connection for simple output or export to MRTG.
    Gathering packets off the wire is done using the pcap library and one
    or more network interfaces in promiscuous mode. 

Proteus EAI Toolkit 0.4.3 

    Proteus is a toolkit for message-based Enterprise Application
    Integration. It includes adapters that allow databases, message queues,
    FTP servers, email, and other message sources and sinks to be addressed
    in a simple, uniform fashion. It also includes a simple but very
    capable message broker. The broker allows routing and transformation of
    messages from and to all the sources and sinks for which adapters
    exist. Transformations may be custom-written in Java or XSLT (the
    broker uses Xalan as its XSLT transformation engine). 

Python Desktop Server 0.4.17 

    The Python Desktop Server is a combined Weblog authoring tool,
    XMLRPC/SOAP server, and news aggregator. It allows one to read RSS news
    feeds, post to a community server (such as Radio Userland or any Python
    Community Server installation), and includes tools for Weblog and
    homepage management. It features a Web interface, a built-in Web
    server, extensibility through scripts that connect via XMLRPC or
    macros, and a plugin architecture. 

QPong 0.3 

    QPong is another clone of the game "pong". It features some
    nice graphics and is very flexible. You can configure the images,
    sizes, speeds, and shapes of the pads and balls. Most importantly, it's
    fun to play. 

Re-Tail 1.0.0 

    retail is intended as an intelligent incremental logfile reader. It is
    useful to track log file changes (i.e., new log entries) via cronjob or
    script, and works nicely as a companion to the LogTool program. 

red_november 0.2 

    red_november is a dark red theme based on the wallpaper "my four
    walled world" from the DAVIDIAN. 

Restricted RSH Daemon 1.0 

    rrshd differs from rshd in that it ignores the remote user's alleged
    identity and credentials, and unconditionally runs local tasks as a
    specific unprivileged user ("nobody" or similar). It will
    only allow execution of programs listed in a configuration file
    (/etc/rrsh.allow), and will exec those programs directly without using
    an intermediary shell of any kind. It also has TCP wrapper support.
    These modifications make it a good deal more secure than traditional

Score Cluster System Software 5.4.0 (Stable)

    The Score cluster system software is designed for the high performance
    cluster environment without using the TCP/IP protocol stack. It
    features high performance communication, efficient computer management
    and single-system image, higher usability and availabily, and a
    seamless cluster environment. 

SerialBridge 0.3 

    SerialBridge bridges data across two serial ports across a Palm device.
    It's mainly aimed at bridging the Wireless Modem and a USB/Serial port
    on a Treo. 

Simple Python Blogger 0.5.2 (No XML)

    Simple Python Blogger is a small Python script to handle entries,
    users, sessions, and comments of a blog. the files are very simple to
    edit, change, and set up. It creates pages based on one HTML template
    file, which can be edited to suit your personal taste. 

Sipcalc 1.1.2 

    Sipcalc is an advanced console-based IP subnet calculator. It can take
    multiple forms of input (IPv4/IPv6/interface/hostname) and output a
    multitude of information about a given subnet. 

Slide System 0.5 

    Slide System is a PHP-based Web application to create and manage slide
    presentations in the PDF format. 

SmartSieve 0.5.0devel 

    SmartSieve is a Web-based graphical user interface for creating and
    managing sieve scripts on a Cyrus IMAP mail server. It provides a way
    for non-technical users to generate sieve rules for mail filtering and
    vacation messaging without prior knowledge of the sieve scripting
    language. It is written in PHP and is intended to be intuitive to use
    and simple to configure, and is compatible with Websieve scripts. 

Smilehouse Workspace 0.9.4 (Beta)

    Smilehouse Workspace is a Java based e-commerce application for
    product, order, and customer information management. It can be used for
    building and managing product catalogs, online stores, Web shops, and
    b-to-b extranets. It currently runs on Tomcat and has two Web-based
    interfaces. The first is a themed interface visible to the public, and
    the second is a separate administration interface for managing both the
    appearance and content of the published service (users and customers,
    product information and related files, order information). 

SURVIVOR 0.9.1a 

    SURVIVOR is yet another systems monitor. It consists of a POSIX-thread
    based scheduler written in C++ running arbitrary checks in a flexible,
    heterogeneous, bureaucratic, and convoluted environment. It maintains
    proper state, history, sanity, and attitude, and allows interaction via
    Web, command, and two-way messaging interfaces. 

Syntext XslGen 1.1 

    XslGen is a simple but effective tool for Web site content management.
    Develop HTML layout in your favorite HTML editor, and keep your content
    in XML. XslGen lets you seamlessly fuse your HTML templates and complex
    XML content into a sophisticated web site. Technically, XslGen provides
    simple HTML-embeddable language, which provides easier-to-use shortcuts
    to XSLT instructions. 

TAMS 1.21a4 

    TAMS (Text Analysis Markup System) is a qualitative or ethnographic
    coding and data extraction-analysis system. 

To-Do 1.1 

    To-Do is a simple Web-based application for keeping track of things to
    be done. It is written to be slim and quick in what it does, with a
    minimum of dependencies and having painless setup and operation. It has
    configurable themes and a clean, professional-looking interface. Extra
    themes (CSS styles) can be added easily. 

TrackStudio Enterprise 2.5 beta 1 

    TrackStudio Enterprise is a powerful and scalable multi-platform defect
    tracking system based on Java. It includes a Web-based workflow manager
    and bug filter (AND, OR, and NOT). It supports custom fields,
    multi-level security, rule-based email notification, PDF reports with
    charts, locales, and timezones. It allows you to organize your database
    into projects and subprojects, and works with any database. 

VectorLinux 3.2 (SOHO)

    VectorLinux is a small, fast, Slackware-based Linux distribution. It
    requires only 425M of disk space and 16M of RAM, and retains full
    functionality with a GUI desktop, full development environment, FTP
    server, sendmail, networking utilities, laptop support, and a full
    range of desktop and console applications. It is also available as a
    console-only system. 

viewoff 1.0.0 

    viewoff is a viewer for the off (object file format). This is a fairly
    old 3D file format but an very easy one to use to create objects in.
    This viewer uses OpenGL to view the model and select the wireframe,
    vertex normals, and other features. This program depends on the cpe
    files and ftgl projects. There is also support for a glut interface. 

Warewulf 1.10 

    Warewulf is a Linux cluster implementation tool that builds RAMDISK
    based filesystems and distributes them to the slave nodes. This
    facilitates a Central administration model for all nodes and includes
    tools needed to build configuration files, monitor, and control the
    nodes. It is totally customizable and can be adapted to just about any
    type of cluster. The node distributions are built from a virtual node
    filesystem residing on the master and transfered to the nodes either by
    Etherboot or CD-ROM images. Administration becomes scalable by having
    only one point of admin for all nodes. Node filesystems are very easy
    to customize, which makes Warewulf fit many different solutions. There
    are also a number of add-on software components (MPI, PVM, and Sun Grid
    Engine) for Warewulf. 

WeeWM 0.01 

    WeeWM (Wee Enhanced Environment) is a fast and light window manager
    for. Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable, and
    has dock management, smart window placement, virtual desktops, and

Wine 20030318 

    Wine Is Not an Emulator. It is an alternative implementation of the
    Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs. Wine provides both a development toolkit
    (Winelib) for porting legacy Windows sources to Unix and a program
    loader, allowing unmodified Windows 3.1/95/NT binaries to run under
    Intel Unixes. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a
    completely alternative implementation consisting of 100% Microsoft-Free
    code, but it can optionally use native system DLLs if they are

x-Desktop 1.0.5 (Development)

    The x-Desktop is designed to unify different operating system desktop
    interfaces into a browser-only application interface. It helps users to
    feel comfortable with any application using the interface they are used
    to. It helps companies to unify their intranet applications into one
    desktop interface--built on existing interfaces or one which
    incorporates their own CI. It helps you design the same interface for
    all types of devices using browsers like PDA and other mobile devices,
    Notebooks, Desktops, Tablett Computers and any other future devices
    which may come up. 

XOOPS 2.0 RC 3 

    XOOPS is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) portal script written in PHP.
    It supports mySQL, and is an ideal tool for developing small to large
    dynamic community Web sites, intra-company portals, corporate portals,
    Web logs, and much more. 

xSiteable 0.8 

    xSiteable is a complete all-you-need package for creating sites that
    are fully relational, open source, fully templating-enabled, using only
    XML-based technologies to help you create complex sites on the fly. It
    packs such features as topic maps, notation for content, and the fast
    Sablotron xslt parser. 

Newsforge Reports
Iraq's renewal: U.S. using tools that could have been free

    - by Tina Gasperson - The U.S. State Department has a plan for the
    renewal of post-Hussein Iraq, called the "Future of Iraq" project. In
    fact, they're already making deals with technology companies for tools
    to help in that renewal. But one of the geographical imaging tools they
    picked up from an outside vendor has a free counterpart created by the
    U.S. Army. It's called GRASS. 

Why Shared Source is not Open Source

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - This topic has been written about at
    least 1000 times. But hardly anyone seems to have highlighted the
    biggest practical difference between Open Source and Shared Source:
    That you can modify Open Source software to fit your device (and other
    software), while Shared Source only lets you modify your device (and
    other software) to fit the Shared Source software. 

What eGovOS must do

    - By Richard Stallman - Two weeks ago, the main organizer of the eGovOS
    (open source in e-government) conference begged me to speak at the
    conference. It was not the first time. I refused, and I would like to
    explain why. [Note: The eGovOS conference opens today. NewsForge editor
    Robin 'Roblimo' Miller will be there starting this afternoon.] 

Newsforge Newsvac
American Megatrends launch Linux-based NAS

     American Megatrends, a manufacturer of motherboard and storage
    solutions, released a new Linux- and ATA-based NAS storage system with
    remote management capabilities that is designed for small to midsize

Microsoft Challenges Linux On The Bottom-Line

     Microsoft in its never-ending quest to be dominating the operating
    system world suggested that running Open-source software could be more
    expensive than buying a copyrighted product. It was reported in a study
    performed by IDC (International Data Collection) on the behalf of
    Microsoft, that companies could save 11% - 22% with Windows. 

SCO-Caldera v IBM: Alan Cox, Richard Gooch, and David Weinehall Respond to SCO's 
Linux-Related Claim

     Today in our in-depth SCO IP and Caldera v IBM coverage, we look at
    discussions with three, extremely Linux-knowledgeable, very prominent,
    and well-respected members of the Linux kernel community, Alan Cox,
    Richard Gooch, and David Weinehall. Alan Cox is the maintainer of the
    2.2 Linux kernel and David Weinehall maintains the 2.0 Linux kernel.
    Richard Gooch, PhD, is the maintainer of The linux-kernel mailing list

Sun Microsystems sued for 'favouring' Indian workers

    A.Guru prasad writes "Sun Microsystems, the Silicon Valley computer
    giant, was hit with a lawsuit on Monday alleging that the firm laid off
    thousands of US high-tech workers in order to replace them with
    younger, lower-paid engineers from India." 

SnapGear Unveils PCI630 - Stateful Firewall NIC

    Miles Gillham writes "Powered by embedded Linux, the PCI card
    revolutionizes enterprise server and deskop security by providing host
    operating system independent stateful firewall and VPN protection. 

Write an article - win security books!

    LogError writes "We have a contest going on at Help Net Security. If
    you write a short article with the topic "Implementing basic security
    measures" you could win 3 security books. Click here to find out more!" 

It's a Cycle of Life Thing: Managing Linux Releases

     One of the things I used look forward to about twice a year was a new
    release of Red Hat (RH) Linux. 

   uClinux powers security-enhanced smart PCI NIC

     SnapGear Inc. has embedded its VPN appliance technology into a smart
    PCI NIC card which contains a built-in security processor. Controlled
    by an embedded Linux operating system (uClinux, to be precise), the
    SnapGear PCI630 provides full multi-VPN capabilities for secure access
    and communication, the company said. 

When OSS-based Corporations and (some) OSS Hackers Clash

     A KDE developer tipped me off to a recent thread discussed in the
    kde-core-devel mailing list regarding interoperability between KDE and
    Gnome. OSNews featured an interview with the usability experts from
    Gnome and KDE a few days ago and we expected that the spirit of
    co-operation would continue to get stronger every day. Luckily this is
    true regarding most of these developers, but not for all of them are
    sharing it. Here is a commentary on the ... 

   Mandrake 9.1 Final

     9.1 is gone to production. In the name of MandrakeSoft engineering
    team, I would like to thank all the cookers for the great help you
    provided to build this release. 

Books: Revolution OS DVD

Gadgets: Wireless PenCam

Gadgets: WristLinx Communicator

Gadgets: Laser-Sighted MiniTemp

Computing: Labtec Axis 712 Digital USB Headset

Computing: Fly Fan USB Fan

Computing: Antec LanBoy Aluminum PC case

Computing: UV-Treated 80mm Cooling Fans

Computing: Viewsonic Airpanel Wireless 15" LCD

Computing: Antec PlusView PC Case

Computing: Klipsch GMX-D5.1

Computing: iMic USB Audio Interface

Tshirts: There's no place like

Tshirts: fsck it!

Cube Goodies: Circuitboard Glo Cube Lamp

Cube Goodies: Circuitboard Business Card Case

Cube Goodies: Set Of Circuitboard Coasters

Cube Goodies: circuit board clipboard

Books: Art Of Deception: Controlling the Human Element Of Security

Books: BOFH Series - 3 Pack/Bundle!

EJBCA 2.0 released

    EJBCA 2.0 is finally released after extensive development and testing.
    This is an important milestone for EJBCA and with all the new features
    it is ready for the enterprise. EJBCA is a fully functional certificate
    authority with a very flexible and powerful administration interface.
    Changes ------------- Added Hard Token funtionallity, EJBCA can now
    store store pin/puk data in database. Added email notification to added
    end entities. Added Key Recover funtionallity. Changed initial
    temporary super administrator from "CN=Walter" to "CN= SuperAdmin".
    Removed CA and ROOTCA types in "ra adduser" cmd, from now on use
    certificate profiles. Added allowOverrideKeyUsage in certificate
    profiles. New fields in DN, givenname, surname, initials.
    ExtendedKeyUsage extension (for use in OutLook). New servlet in
    adminweb, AdminCertReqServlet that creates users out of PKCS10-
    requests. Moved batch and deploy scripts into build.xml. Moved external
    jars into ear-file. Tested on Weblogic 7.1. Lots of bugfixes and
    cleanups. A copy of our latest release can be found here:

XOOPS 1.3.9 released!

    The XOOPS team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 1.3.9 If you
    are already running XOOPS2 RC2 or a first time user, please read
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=700 This release
    includes a number of security based enhancements which fix possible
    cross site script and SQL injection vulnerabilities. Therefore all
    1.3.8 users are STRONGLY ADVISED to upgrade as soon as possible. It
    also includes an upgrade script that will modify one of the database
    tables to enhance performance of database access. - Full Package
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=16 For new
    users that would like to use XOOPS 1.3.x for some reason instead of
    XOOPS2 ;-). This package contains entire XOOPS 1.3.9 source and a
    several number of language packages. - Patch Files
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=341 ->
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=342 ->
    [zip] For those who already have XOOPS 1.3.8 running. This package
    contains only the files that have been modified from XOOPS 1.3.8. To
    upgrade from 1.3.8, overwrite the old files with the new ones, then
    point your browser to 138_to_139.php and follow the instruction
    displayed. Don't forget to remove this file from the server after the
    upgrade is complete. 

DataVision 0.7.4 released

    DataVision 0.7.4 is now available from SourceForge at
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=33343 DataVision
    is an Open Source reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports. Reports
    can be designed using a drag-and-drop GUI. They may be run, viewed, and
    printed from the application or exported as HTML, XML, PDF, LaTeX2e,
    DocBook, or tab- or comma-delimited text files. The output files
    produced by LaTeX2e and DocBook can in turn be used to produce PDF,
    text, HTML, PostScript, and more. Changes: * Moved from MinML to MinML2
    XML parser. * Output app version number when printing stack traces. *
    If a SQL table or column name can't be found, look for it again while
    ignoring schema names. * Stop running a report after the first Ruby
    script error. This way, you won't see the same error message over and
    over. Bug fixes: * Parameters, formulas, and user columns can now
    appear in suppression procs. * Fields, parameters, formulas, and user
    columns are now found within suppression procs or the report's startup
    script when a report is looking for them. This fixes a few related
    problems. * The suppression proc edit command now appears properly in
    the Undo and Redo Edit menu items. 

GLE -- alpha blending in version 3.1.0

    GLE is a library of C functions that draw extruded surfaces, including
    surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders and
    helicoids. GLE uses the OpenGL(R) API to perform the actual rendering.
    The new version 3.1.0 includes new varients of existing functions that
    allow alpha-blending (transparency) to be used. Any subroutines that
    used to take RGB arguments now have analogous *_c4f() versions that
    take RGBA (alpha) colors. A simple demo showing alpha transparency can
    be found in the examples/alpha.c file. Also in the 3.1.0 release: -- a
    minor memory leak fix -- other minor, forgetable fixes You can get our
    latest release here:

Razor! Gaming Engine for Palm devices 0.91 released

    Razor! allows you to develop all kinds of fun games for your Palm
    device :-) Enjoy color, sprites, perfect timing and sound. Can be used
    with the popular PRC-Tools and CodeWarrior development environments.
    This release focuses on full compatibility with the CW9 development
    tool. A copy of our latest release may be found here:
    =147113 Enjoy! 

ToscanaJ 1.0 released

    After having tested the last release for a while on a workshop, we now
    consider the current version of ToscanaJ stable enough to be called a
    1.0 release. Development will of course go on, but this version gives
    you a rather complete feature set for creating and deploying conceptual
    systems based on simple relational databases. The feature list esp. of
    ToscanaJ as the main viewer component exceeds what has been there
    before, hopefully opening new applications for Formal Concept Analysis.
    As usual you will find more information in the change log and release
    notes. A copy of our latest release can be found here:

OnBoard Suite v2.1 released

    The OnBoard Suite team is excited to announce the release of v2.1 of
    the OnBoard Suite. Thanks to everyone who contributed code, reported
    bugs, and suggested ideas. The OnBoard Suite is a C-language
    development environment that runs on and creates executables for the
    Palm OS. The OnBoard Suite creates stand-alone, fully-fledged PRCs with
    no need for run time libraries. OnBoard Suite comes with OnBoard C (a C
    compiler), a built-in assembler, SrcEdit (a programmer's editor),
    Sherpa (a palm-to-host porting tool) and documentation. This release of
    the OnBSuite incorporates a large number of fixes including _many_
    SrcEdit updates and bug fixes as well as new documentation (Users'
    Guide and Cookbook). 

SableVM 1.0.8 released

    SableVM is a portable bytecode interpreter. Its goals are to be
    reasonably small, fast, and efficient, as well as providing a
    well-designed and robust platform for conducting research. This version
    fixes a few bugs. You can download the sources from:

bogofilter- - new stable release

    The status of bogofilter version has been promoted from
    bogofilter-current to bogofilter-stable. The bogofilter package
    implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines suggested by
    Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam" . It is written in C.
    Supported platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X. 

JGraph Geneva (v2.1) released

    JGraph is the most powerful, lightweight, feature-rich, and thoroughly
    documented open-source graph component available for Java. It is
    accompanied by JGraphpad, the first free diagram editor for Java that
    offers XML, Drag and Drop and much more! Moved all GraphCell
    dependencies to the GraphModel, added multiple grid styles, new font
    attribute, and the API is now ready for combined port/vertex cells. Bug
    fixes include improved live-preview, better zoom/grid integration,
    handling of negative coordinates, and minor bug fixes. Java 1.4 is the
    default version. 

C-4000 Zoom Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $315.00 

PowerShot G3 Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $538.00 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $327.99 

C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $571.00 

Satellite 5205-S703 Notebook (Toshiba)

    Lowest Price: $1999.99 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3144.00 

DMR-E30 DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $376.00 

MZ-N707 MiniDisc Player/Recorder (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $129.00 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $107.99 

RIO S35S Mp3 Player (Sonic Blue)

    Lowest Price: $151.26 

Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $130.00 

Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.95 

WarCraft III (Full Product) (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $19.95 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $112.99 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
permission of OSDN is prohibited.
url - http://www.osdn.com

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