O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    March 23, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Apple Terminates Safari Seed Program

    [0]coolmacdude writes "This morning Safari beta v67 was leaked to the
    Internet. Because this is the third time it has happened (v62 and v64
    were leaked), Apple has apparantly had enough and decided to terminate
    the seed program that provided unreleased beta verisons to selected
    developers. In a email sent to all developers and posted on [1]Mike
    Wendland's blog, Apple says: 'Due to Safari 67 postings to the
    internet, we have closed the Safari Seed project. We know that the
    majority of you are not responsible for the leaks to the internet, and
    we sincerely appreciate your feedback, time and effort with this
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.mac-mike.com/

8.6 GB Internet?

    [0]prostoalex writes "Caltech computer scientists [1]announced the
    protocol, capable of delivering 8,609 Mbps over the Internet, using 10
    simultaneous flows of data. The [2]research project was conducted in
    partnership with CERN, DataTAG, StarLight, Cisco, and Level 3. The
    practical applications, according to the press release, is ability 'to
    download a full-length DVD movie in less than five seconds'. There is a
    number of [3]papers and scientific publications available." 
    0. http://www.moskalyuk.com/deals/
    1. http://pr.caltech.edu/media/Press_Releases/PR12356.html
    2. http://netlab.caltech.edu/FAST/
    3. http://netlab.caltech.edu/FAST/publications.html

Rick Berman: Enterprise May Not Suck Next Year

    [0]Steve Krutzler writes "Star Trek producer Rick Berman has made his
    latest comments in a new [1]interview with a British magazine and he
    says the season finale of Enterprise ("The Expanse") will begin to
    change the ultimate mission of the show for the better: 'I think our
    final episode of the season is going to be quite startling because
    we're going to do a cliffhanger that will put a new twist on the series
    as it enters its third year.'" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://talk.trekweb.com/articles/2003/03/22/1048356908.html

Gameboy Advance SP Released Today in North America

    [0]Txiasaeia writes "The latest version of Nintendo's venerable Gameboy
    has been released today in North America. The Gameboy Advance SP builds
    upon its predecessor by adding a front lit display, and a foldable
    design in order to protect the screen. Also, instead of using AA
    batteries to power the device, it uses a Lithium-Ion battery. Other
    than that, the basic architecture of the system remains the same as the
    original Gameboy Advance. Most online retailers' first shipment has
    been sold out, but my local Walmart had plenty of copies. Check out
    this [1]Gamespy review." I snagged one at lunch today. The screen is
    vastly improved from the original GBA. Now the only question is how
    many Pokemon I can collect ;) (And yes Hemos, we got you one too ;) 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.gamespy.com/articles/march03/gbasp/

O'Reilly Pushing Founder's Copyright System

    alansz writes "The O'Reilly and Associates [0]Open Books Project has
    been around for a while, and I've just received a letter from Tim about
    the next step" Read on if you are interested in the creative commons,
    and how O'Reilly authors are being asked to take part. 
    0. http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/

Improving Company Morale?

    [0]Undaar asks: "I work as a developer for a web development company.
    We were pretty hard hit (as were many companies that do what we do) by
    the "economic down-turn". The company went from over 500 people to
    under 200 in under two years. It's more stable now, but people are
    consistently laid-off. Consequently people feel like they always have
    to look over their shoulder to avoid getting fired. Most lunches are
    spent complaining about lack of enjoyment/challenge from the job and
    the fact that upper-management seems not to understand what we do.
    Employers: what have you done to improve employee morale in your
    company? As an employee, what can I do to improve the morale in the
    people I work with? How can I make my work environment more enjoyable?
    What kind of constructive suggestions can I take to management so that
    they can help improve the situation?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

What if Microsoft went Open Source?

    An anonymous reader writes "This [0]article on [1]newsforge takes a
    speculative look at what would have to happen if Microsoft decided to
    jump on the Open Source bandwagon (using [2]Microsoft Project as the
    source of speculation). Amusing to think about, unlikely to happen." 
    0. http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/03/17/1233239&mode=thread&tid=19
    1. http://newsforge.com/
    2. http://www.microsoft.com/office/project/default.asp

Military Grade Laptops

    bllb writes "Slate has an article about the [0]"waterproof, vaporproof,
    shockproof" laptops the military is using. It's not at the cutting edge
    of performance, but it's nice to see some bombproof hardware." Most of
    the laptops I've owned over the years died through dropping or
    drowning, so maybe I should look into something a little more sturdy ;) 
    0. http://slate.msn.com/id/2080546/

Zaurus SL-5600/SL-5500 Comparison Whitepaper

    [0]Bill Kendrick writes "A cool as the [1]Sharp Zaurus SL-5500
    Linux-based PDA is, there are definitely some quibbles about battery
    life, software and syncing. Fortunately, it seems the folks at [2]Sharp
    and [3]TrollTech have been working on it for the new [4]5600 model.
    Sharp just posted a [5]whitepaper (PDF) comparing the two models.
    (Newer kernel, no more root-privs-for-everything, JFFS2, dropping slow
    XML for PIM stuff, and USB-IO syncing, to name a few.)" 
    0. http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/
    1. http://www.zaurus.com/
    2. http://www.sharpusa.com/
    3. http://www.trolltech.com/
    4. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/17/1924257&tid=100

Pictures from Seattle's Classic Gaming Weekend

    [0]Cyberroach has pictures from last week's [1]Classic Gaming Weekend
    in Seattle. The pictures include an "Obsolete Media Festival" with a
    guy who makes music with an Atari 2600, Commodore C64, and a dot-matrix
    printer; old hardware from the NorthWest Classic Gaming Enthusiasts'
    Meeting; and the 6th Annual Atari Championship. 
    0. http://www.cyberroach.com/
    1. http://www.cyberroach.com/cyromag/15/

Advanced Strategic Command 1.13.2 

    ASC is a turn-based strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3.
    It can be played against the computer or against other human players
    (either hotseat or by mail). 

Anteater 0.4.1 

    Anteater is a log analyser for MTA logfiles (for example sendmail). The
    tool is written in 100% C++ and very easy to customize. Input, output,
    and the analysis are modular class objects with a clear interface.
    Currently there are modules for reading the syslog format of sendmail
    that do up to seven useful analyses and write the result in plain ASCII
    or HTML, to stdout or to files. 

Apache Tomcat 4.1.24 (4.1.x)

    The goal of the Jakarta Project is to provide commercial-quality server
    solutions based on the Java Platform that are developed in an open and
    cooperative fashion. Tomcat 3.x is an implementation of the Java
    Servlet 2.2 and JavaServer Pages 1.1 Specifications. Tomcat 4.x is an
    implementation of the Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages 1.2
    Specifications, and is a re-implementation of the Tomcat servlet engine
    from the ground up. 

avidemux 0.9rc3 

    Avidemux is a graphical tool to edit video. It can open AVI, MPEG,
    Nuppelvideo and BMPs. Most common codecs are supported (M-JPEG, MPEG,
    DivX, Xvid, huffyuv, WMA, etc.) thanks to libavcodec. Video can be
    edited, cut, appended, filtered (resize/crop/denoise), and re-encoded
    to either AVI (DivX/Xvid) or MPEG 1/2. 

b1gMail 4.2.0 

    b1gMail is a PHP and MySQL Web-based email system. 

BenMP3 1.0.5 

    BenMP3 is a small and powerful sound player for the Linux console (with
    or without ncurses). It can play MP2, MP3, MPEG, OGG, wav, aiff, xm,
    it, mod, and CD formats. It has French and English interfaces. 

BomberNIAC 1.1 

    BomberNIAC is a text mode BomberMan clone written in Goto++. It
    features a server and a client so that up to four players can compete
    over a network. 

CheckBook Tracker 0.9.6c 

    In order to leave Windows behind most people need a fully-functional
    money management program. CheckBook Tracker seeks to solve that
    problem. It has the feel and features of packages like Microsoft Money
    without requiring the user to build their own sources or find an RPM
    for their distribution. Its features include Import / Export QIF files
    straight from Money or Quicken, autocomplete, check printing, split
    transactions, balance forecasts, online banking, and more. 

createcddb 0.1 

    Createcddb is a utility that creates CDDB entry files from m3u
    playlists for use with disc-cover. This allows you to automatically
    make covers even for self-compiled CD's. 

dbtool 1.6 (stable)

    dbtool can be used to store and retrieve data in a key/value format in
    a hash database. Perl-compatible regular expressions are supported both
    for storing and retrieving of data. Its main advantages are speed and
    the ability to maintain huge amounts of data. 

Dirty Harry Fluxbox Theme 1.0 

    Dirty Harry Fluxbox Theme is based on Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry

EarlyBlue 1.3 

    EarlyBlue reflects the early days of Mozilla (M4 to M8) and tries to
    restore the blue-styled look of like those early milestones in current
    builds without cutting any functionality. 

ElyCA 0.19rc1 (Unstable)

    ElyCA is yet another implementation of a Certification Authority and a
    Registration Authority. It is written in Python and uses MySQL as its

encdec 0.3.7 

    Encdec encodes and decodes C objects such as integers, IEEE754 float
    and double values, times, and internationalized strings to and from
    popular binary formats and a wide variety of character encodings as
    they might appear in various file formats or network messages. It is
    compiled directly against the libiconv sources. 

fwlogwatch 0.9.1 

    fwlogwatch is a packet filter and firewall log analyzer with support
    for Linux ipchains, Linux netfilter/iptables, Solaris/BSD/HP-UX/IRIX
    ipfilter, Cisco IOS, Cisco PIX, Netscreen, Windows XP firewall, Elsa
    Lancom router, and Snort IDS log files. It can output its summaries in
    text and HTML, and it has a lot of options. fwlogwatch also features an
    interactive incident report generator and realtime anomaly response
    capability with a Web interface and internationalization. 

Gambas 0.51 (Development)

    Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic
    interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to
    use any other toolkit that a module is written for. 

Gnome Process Tree 0.76 

    Gnopstree is a GNOME application that dynamically displays the
    currently running Unix processes as a tree or forest, with the roots on
    the left and the leaf processes (with no children) on the right. The
    status of each process (running, sleeping, stopped, etc.) can be
    indicated by a color. This is a port of xps to GNOME/GTK. 

Gpasman 1.9.1b 

    Gpasman is a password manager. People working with the internet have to
    remember lots of passwords. Saving them in a textfile is not a secure
    idea. Gpasman is a GTK solution to this problem since it saves the
    password information encrypted, so now you have to remember only one
    password instead of ten (or more). 

grocks 1.01 

    grocks is a small computer game. It was written by the author while
    drunk at a party; it was a good party. grocks is somewhat of a cross
    between asteroids, thrust, and koules, with a bit of sexual innuendo
    and lots of Newtonian physics thrown in. 

Gtk-IPTables 0.4.1 (Stable)

    Gtk-IPTables is a GTK-based frontend for iptables written in C. You can
    create rules for all chains for Filter, NAT, and Mangle tables. 

Guis widget server 0.3 

    Guis widget server is a Gtk2 widget server. It listens on pipes for
    widget requests (in the LUA scripting language), and emits widget
    events using an XML-based protocol or an equivalent S-expr lispy
    syntax. It is useful for programs (in particular setuid programs) and
    scripts that don't or can't link the Gtk2 libraries and need to
    delegate the user interface to another process. 

GWorkspace 0.5 

    GWorkspace is the official GNUstep workspace manager. It is a clone of
    NeXT's workspace manager. It is ready for daily usage. 

Hibernate 1.2.4 

    Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence
    and query service for Java. It lets you develop persistent objects
    following common Java idiom, including composition, association,
    inheritance, polymorphism, and the Java collections framework. To allow
    a rapid build procedure, Hibernate rejects the use of code generation
    or bytecode processing. Instead, runtime reflection is used and SQL
    generation occurs at system startup time. It supports Oracle, DB2,
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server, Mckoi SQL,
    Progress, SAP DB, and HypersonicSQL. 

High Level Assembly Language 1.43 

    The High Level Assembly Language (HLA) was designed to allow advanced
    assembly language programmers to write more readable and powerful
    assembly language code. It makes it possible to write code by
    leveraging knoowledge of high level languages like C, C++, Pascal, and
    Delphi. HLA compiles into 80x86 assembly language, which is assembled
    by MASM, TASM, or Gas. 

Highlight 2.0b-5 

    Highlight is a universal source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, or LaTeX
    converter. (X)HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It
    supports Bash, C, C++, C#, COBOL, Java, Perl, PHP, and 40 more
    programming languages. It's possible to easily enhance the parsing

Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.1_02 

    Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) contains the essential
    compiler, tools, runtime libraries, and APIs for developers writing,
    deploying, and running applets and applications in the Java programming

JFtp 1.17 

    JFtp is a muti-threaded graphical FTP client written in Java. It
    supports all the basic FTP operations, and has some improved features
    such as recursive directory up/download, a nice swing UI, the ability
    to automatically resume downloads, and the ability to recognize broken
    directory names. The API is separated from the GUI and can also be used
    in third-party applications or in a command-line mode. The clients lets
    you browse the server while transferring files in both directions. JFtp
    can also be started in a Web browser via Java Web Start, supports the
    SMB (Windows file share) protocol, and can act as a file manager. 

Knoppix 3.2-2003-03-21 

    KNOPPIX is a bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux software,
    automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards,
    sound cards, SCSI devices, and other peripherals. It can be used as a
    Linux demo, educational CD, rescue system, etc. It is not necessary to
    install anything on a hard disk due to on-the-fly decompression. 

KXParse 1.7 

    KXParse is a PHP-based, lightweight, easy-to-use XML parser, with no
    need of installation because it's just an include file that's loaded on
    the fly. It features an API that simplifies the process of reading
    files, and only parses the part of the document from which you want to
    extract data, storing the results of calls in an internal cache. The
    performance enhancing features mean that it is not possible to parse
    documents without knowing the tag names. 

lbdb 0.27 

    The Little Brother's Database (lbdb) consists of a set of small tools
    which collect mail addresses from several sources and offer these
    addresses to the external query feature of the Mutt mail reader. 

LCARStrek 1.3 

    LCARStrek is a Star Trek skin, using the LCARS interface from the
    Federation Star Ships (heavily used in The Next Generation and Voyager
    series). It has rounded borders and hover (mouse-over) effects, be
    aware that it may look and feel quite unusual or strange, but keep in
    mind that this is an interface design which was not originally designed
    for the 21st but the 24th century. 

libmba 0.5.0 

    The libmba package is a collection of mostly independent C modules that
    should be potentially useful to any project. It includes a hash map, a
    linked list, a stack, a DOM-like interface that can load and store XML
    files for simple XML processing, a module for managing error codes and
    associated messages across separate C libraries, and more. 

LinuxInstall.org 3.0rc2 

    LinuxInstall.org is a distribution based on Red Hat with Personal
    Desktop Packages including Mozilla, Evolution, and OpenOffice.org. It
    features hardware detection, root account creation, hard drive
    partitioning, network setup using DHCP, and package selection. Since it
    does not ask any questions during installation, the process is
    completely automated, and it only takes about 15 minutes. Best of all,
    it's all on one CD. 

MenuGen 0.3 

    MenuGen generates hierarchical Web site menus of arbitrary size. These
    menus consist of static HTML pages which neither use server side
    scripting nor client side scripting (like JavaScript). These menus are
    intended to be displayed in a seperate vertical frame. 

Moosic 1.3.3 

    Moosic is a music player that focuses on easy playlist management. It
    consists of a server process that maintains a queue of music files to
    play and a client program which sends commands to the server. The
    server continually runs through its playlist, popping items off the top
    of the list and playing each with an external program. The client is a
    simple command-line utility which allows you to perform powerful
    operations upon the server's queue, including the addition of whole
    directory trees, automatic shuffling, and item removal according to
    regular expressions. The server comes configured to play MP3, Ogg,
    MIDI, MOD, and WAV files. 

note 1.2.4 

    note is a small Perl script that maintains notes from the commandline,
    similar to knotes. The notes are stored in a MySQL database or in a
    DBM-database or a single binary file. It is highly configurable and it
    can display your data colorized. For better organization you can
    maintain your various notes under different topics (and sub-topics).
    note provides an interactive mode or a command-line mode and it is
    possible to encrypt the notes. Furthermore it is possible to backup
    notes (backend-independent) and to restore from previous backups. 

Note Editor 2.1.0 

    Note Editor is an editor for music notation that supports an unlimited
    number of staffs and up to 9 voices per staff. The import formats are
    MIDI files, recorded from MIDI keyboards and TSE3. The export formats
    are MIDI, MusiXTeX, LilyPond, PMX, MUP, and TSE3. 

Odyssey 0.2.1 

    Odyssey is a PIC programming application which can erase, read, and
    write a variety of PIC microcontrollers. It was originally written to
    work with the EPIC programmer but it should work with any parallel port

osx2x 0.1.6 

    osx2x allows the user to control a remote X11 display from a MacOS X
    machine, similar to x2x. The tool simply captures mouse and keyboard
    events on your Mac and sends them to a specified X server. 

Otak 1.3.0 

    Otak provides a visual interface to command line programs that don't
    have one, that allows users to select arguments from a menu. For
    example, it can be used as an address book program with Mutt (the
    default), or as a phone book with SMS sending software, or even as a
    list of hosts for SSH or FTP. 

PHP SQL Toolkit 0.5 

    The PHP SQL Toolkit is a PHP class system for abstracting database
    calls. Using classes or functions, it abstracts the underlying database
    structure into data sources in a manner similar to ODBC. Data sources
    are defined in one file and a standardized syntax is used for
    connecting to all databases. This is useful for portable code or for
    referencing multiple databases on multiple platforms all at the same

pppcounter 0.3.1 

    The pppcounter is subproject of the pppcost project. The general
    function of the pppcounter is to save the begin and finish times of the
    connection to a log file, and to act as a tool library for cost
    calculation. It includes a time logger, tool library, cost calculator,
    and a configuration file maker. 

Rolo 004 

    Rolo keeps track of contacts and displays with a text-based menu. It
    strives to be a well-constructed tool for complementing text-based
    email programs. It utilizes the vCard version 3.0 format for storing
    its contacts and interfaces with the end-user through an NCurses

Samba TNG 0.3.1 

    Samba TNG is another SMB server for Unix-like operating systems. This
    software is concentrating on MSRPC interoperatability with NT and
    Windows 2000. It provides PDC support and tools to remotely administer
    NT servers and workstations. Note that Samba TNG is currently in an
    alpha stage. Unless you need PDC functionality for NT or Win2k, the
    "normal" Samba is recommended. But it is nevertheless working
    for a whole bunch of people. 

Simple Cyrus Administration Tool 1.0 

    Simple Cyrus Administration Tool is a shell script which helps the user
    to administer a Cyrus mail system. It features easy user creation,
    deletion, and password changing. For Postfix fans, the script can also
    be used to add aliases to a Cyrus user. 

SimpleForum 3.3 

    SimpleForum is a forum that is designed to work on all HTTP servers
    which support CGI. It is very easy to configure, and does not require
    the user to have knowledge of any programming language. It has all the
    basic functions that a forum should have and a lot more. Additionally,
    it allows you to change the appearance of the forum (font, font
    color/size, background color/image, etc.) to your liking. You can also
    set different languages. 

Skoosh 2.0.6 (Stable)

    Skoosh is a simple, friendly, sliding tile puzzle for GNOME. 

testmail 3.0.1 

    testmail is a Perl script that checks email availability at the POP3
    server, filters it according to defined rules, and--depending on the
    selected method--gets the messages to the local mailbox and/or removes
    it from the server. It uses Perl libnet module and helps you escape
    from spam. 

Tollwut 1.0 

    Tollwut is a Perl RSS aggregator for Web sites. It does straw opml
    subscription exports, templates, and is 'multiuser' friendly. 

Vcd PyCoder 0.1 

    Vcd Pycoder is a graphical front-end to transcode, mplayer, vcdimager,
    and other video conversion tools. It is programmed in wxpython. This
    front-end allows the user to easily create VCD videos using transcode
    and burn them to CD with vcdimager and cdrdao. VcdPycoder can calculate
    video borders, video duration, and more. Supported languages include
    English and Spanish. 

Whale 0.2.2 

    Whale is a GNOME 2 application which provides a simple interface for
    creating playlists and storing songs on your Apple iPod. For example,
    you can add a song by simply dragging the file from Nautilus to the
    Whale window. 

wmweather+ 2.4 

    wmweather+ will download the National Weather Serivce METAR bulletins,
    ANV, ETA, and MRF forecasts, and any weather map for display in a
    WindowMaker dockapp. It includes forecasts, a weather map, and a sky
    condition display. 

WTP 0.5.3 

    WTP is a Web-based FTP client that features bookmarks, uploading,
    downloading, deleting, moving, and renaming of files and directories.
    It allows administrators to limit the hostnames to which users can
    connect. Currently only Unix FTP servers are supported. 

xine xine-lib 1-beta9

    xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It
    also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local
    disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It
    interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available--and
    some of the most uncommon formats, too. All those features come in a
    reusable library (xine-lib) which can easily be embedded in your

xine gxine 0.3.2

    xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It
    also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local
    disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It
    interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available--and
    some of the most uncommon formats, too. All those features come in a
    reusable library (xine-lib) which can easily be embedded in your

Newsforge Reports
'Lock in Software,' not 'Proprietary Software'

     - By Brendan Scott - In July last year I wrote a paper which argued
    that the total cost of ownership of free software would, in the long
    run, always be lower than that of equivalent software created under
    different models. One of the problems I grappled with when writing that
    paper was how to name those different models. At the time I adopted a
    term which appeared to be used widely, that of “proprietary
    software”. I now ... 

Linux Advisory Watch - March 21st, 2003

    - By Benjamin D. Thomas - This week, advisories were released for kde,
    openssl, tcpdump, samba, netpbm-free, lxr, kernel, libc, qpopper, man,
    mysql, rxvt, zlib, gnome-lokkit, and libc.  The distributors
    include, Caldera, Debian, Guardian Digital's EnGarde Secure Linux,
    Gentoo, Mandrake, Red Hat, Slackware, SuSE, and Trustix. 

What if Microsoft decides to go Open Source?

    - By Donald K. Rosenberg - People often speculate about Microsoft's
    bringing out a Linux version of Office, but everyone assumes that they
    would never try to Open Source their products -- after all, Microsoft
    is the acme of proprietary software. But they have begun to twirl the
    seven veils lately. While Microsoft's critics denounce Shared Source as
    a sham, at least it's a move away from binary-only, and although its
    rule is "look, don't touch" ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
MH Linux Site Update

    Chris Drane writes ""MH Linux" has taken the steps to become more
    professional and offer better support to its users. We have changed out
    name from "CZ Linux" to "MH Linux" as many members thought we were a
    Czech Linux site. We have also moved our forums from phpBB2 to
    vBulletin as well as adding many new features to the site and changing
    the Domain Name to match the new Site name. MH Linux Homepage" 

Red Hat Linux Advisory: evolution

    Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in the Ximian Evolution email
    client. These vulnerabilities make it possible for a carefully crafted
    email to crash the program, cause general system instability through
    resource starvation and get around security measures implemented within
    the program. 

WinTel trips on Linux?

    As a marriage of convenience the WinTel alliance used to work pretty
    well. Intel lived up to Moore's Law by building ever larger and more
    complex chips, while Microsoft executed Gate's Law by churning out ever
    more bloated and serially incompatible versions of its software. 

   McNealy: It's mankind vs. Microsoft

     Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy was in fine fighting form as he
    traveled through Asia this week, uttering scathing sound bites about
    rival Microsoft. 

Appro Linux Clusters Shatter Scalability, Supercomputing Performance

     Appro announced that its new HyperBlade Server Cluster, 1U, 2U, dual,
    and quad servers will be available for purchase after the AMD Opteron
    launch on 4/22/03. 

Key Linux group faces split

     The XFree86 project, key to developing graphics technology for Linux
    and other operating systems, has ejected a central member and is facing
    new criticism 

Linux co-developer warns of serious flaw

     A developer who helped write the original Linux kernel is warning of a
    flaw in some versions of the operating system that could allow a
    malicious local user to gain root control of a Linux computer. 

Betting on Linux for Business

     Linux is becoming popular in places where the prospect of greater
    interoperability and security can translate into tangible return on

Time for Users to Start Testing 2.5

     A lot of people ask me, "When do you think the 2.6 kernel will be
    released?" My response to that question usually is, "Well, how well is
    the 2.5 kernel working for you?" 

Slackware lets Linux 9.0 loose

     Built around version 2.4.20 of the Linux kernel, Slackware Linux 9.0
    has been officially released. 

Cube Goodies: Atari Classics 10-in-1 TV Games

Computing: IQeye3 Network Camera

Electronics: FM Transmitter

Computing: UV-Treated Rounded Cables

Computing: 4-D Optical Mouse

Books: Revolution OS DVD/VHS

Gadgets: Wireless PenCam

Gadgets: WristLinx Communicator

Gadgets: Laser-Sighted MiniTemp

Computing: Labtec Axis 712 Digital USB Headset

Computing: Fly Fan USB Fan

Computing: Antec LanBoy Aluminum PC case

Computing: UV-Treated 80mm Cooling Fans

Computing: Viewsonic Airpanel Wireless 15" LCD

Computing: Antec PlusView PC Case

Computing: Klipsch GMX-D5.1

Computing: iMic USB Audio Interface

Tshirts: There's no place like

Tshirts: fsck it!

Cube Goodies: Circuitboard Glo Cube Lamp

Audacity sound editor 1.1.3 beta

    Audacity 1.1.3 is the latest development snapshot of Audacity, a
    multitrack sound editor for MacOS, Linux and Windows. Version 1.1.3
    includes a mixer toolbar for directly controlling the hardware input
    and output levels and recording source, gain and pan controls in every
    track, improved audio I/O with lower latency, higher quality
    resampling, and more. Audacity's project files now use standard AU
    files, so they can be read by other programs, but unfortunately this
    version of Audacity cannot open project files written by previous
    versions of Audacity. 


    0. Intro 1. New RSS Feeds 2. New SF.NET Download mirrors. 3. Project of
    the month 4. Work for SourceForge.net 5. Stats and Top Projects SF.NET
    Sitewide Update sponsored by IBM:
    Join us. IBM developerWorks(TM) Live! New Orleans, April 9-12. Over 312
    technical session hours, 126 hands-on lab hours and 75 hours dedicated
    to meet the developers and experts. Explore the e-business on demand
    roadmap for developers. Register now. Save up to $200 off a new Palm
    Tungsten T. http://www.ibm.com/events/ibmdeveloperworkslive/r/nltr34
    Dear SourceForge.net Developer, With this sitewide update, I'm pleased
    to announce two new enhancements to SourceForge.net. First, we've
    implemented new RSS feeds that are accessible to all projects and
    developers to aid in the publishing of information and project status
    to other sites. Second, SF.NET has added two new download servers,
    including our first mirror in Australia. Details below. Progress on IBM
    DB2's deployment on SF.NET continues. We are in the final phases of
    testing before we rollout it out to SouceForge.net itself. Currently,
    only mailing list archives are being powered by DB2. As you might have
    noticed in recent weeks, SF.net's project search database has been
    overwhelmed at times. As we roll out DB2 to the rest of the site in
    April, we expect this issue, and other issues like it to be resolved.
    Finally, in this time of global political uncertainty, it is good to be
    reminded that Open Source software has no boundaries. The work you do
    on your Open Source project benefits countless individuals and nations
    in every corner of the globe. Regardless of location, faith, or race,
    developers are collaborating together to create software that will not
    only benefit themselves, but all of humanity. At a time when it's hard
    to see something positive in the news, remember in our own way, the
    Open Source community is making a difference. Thank you for supporting
    SourceForge.net and the Open Source software movement. As always, if
    you have a question or want to share feedback regarding the site,
    please feel free to email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pat- Patrick
    McGovern Director, SF.NET [EMAIL PROTECTED] New RSS Feeds.
    --------------------------------------------- A convenient way to keep
    up-to-date with the SourceForge.net site, project news, activity
    information, and new projects is now available. SourceForge.net
    provides a number of RSS feeds that may be accessed using an RSS reader
    or aggregator (some content management systems also allow you include
    data from an RSS feed on your website, much as Slashdot and Freshmeat
    do in the right sidebar of their layout). Using these RSS feeds, you
    can keep up-to-date with the latest project news and file releases,
    Site Status updates and SourceForge.net statistics (such as top
    projects). Project-specific RSS feeds may now be accessed using the
    "View list of RSS feeds available for this project" link on the Summary
    page for each project. Information about the full set of the available
    SourceForge.net RSS feeds (14 feeds, in all), including information on
    the software needed to view RSS feed data and a complete list of the
    options available for each RSS feed, may be found at:
    New SF.NET Download mirrors.
    --------------------------------------------- SF.NET now has two
    additional download mirrors. The first, Flow Communications, is our
    first mirror in Australia. We know, from looking at statistics, that
    SF.NET has many enthusiastic developers 'down under'. We are very
    excited that SF.net now has a server in Australia to allow users in
    that part of the world acquire files faster. To learn more about Flow
    Communication, please visit their website at: http://www.flow.com.au/
    Our second new mirror is Aleron, located in Virgina, USA. Aleron
    provides high-speed, high-performance Internet connectivity, data
    transmission and value-added network applications for it's customers.
    For more information, please visit their website at:
    http://www.aleron.com/ The SF.NET team would like to thank Flow
    Communications, Aleron, and our other download partners, in helping
    distribute Open Source code and Open Source binaries around the world.
    Currently SF.NET serves approximately 500,000 files daily and these
    mirrors help a great deal in providing global accessibility to all of
    the software generated by our 60,000 projects. SourceForge.net's March
    2003 Project of the month.
    --------------------------------------------- Keeping a team of people
    on task and well organized is a difficult chore. There are timelines to
    meet, information to organize, and the need to be more efficient.
    SourceForge.net's March 2003 Project of the Month helps with all of
    these difficult issues. TUTOS, 'The ultimate team organization
    Software', is a broad focused Open Source Application targeted at
    making groups of individuals more successful when collaborating. Tutos
    Project of the month page: http://sourceforge.net/pom_0303.php Tutos
    Home Page: http://www.tutos.org Tutos SF.NET Summary Page:
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tutos Work for SourceForge.net
    --------------------------------------------- We have a new position
    for a senior web developer available at SourceForge.net. We are looking
    for someone to help us maintain, upgrade, and add new features to
    SourceForge.net. The ideal candidate has 5+ years of development
    experience on high end, high volume websites (3+ million page views a
    day). He/she as a vast level of knowledge of Internet technologies:
    PHP, PostgreSQL, MYSQL, DB2, Linux, PERL, Apache, LDAP, Mailman. A
    flare for design / UI is a bonus. SourceForge is a unique site with
    unique challenges. We are looking for someone at the top of his/her
    game. Location of Job is in Fremont, California. Please send resume and
    URL's of sites you have worked on to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Text resumes
    only. (No MSWORD files!) Stats and Top Projects.
    --------------------------------------------- Number of Projects:
    58,245 Number of Registered Users: 586,017 Daily Stats for March 12,
    2003 SF.NET : 1,907,806 pages served SF.NET project web space :
    3,211,337 pages served Total Pages: 5,119,143 CVS updates: 14,161 Open
    Source Files downloaded in 24 period: 454,134 Outgoing Mailing list
    emails: 1,362,151 Top 20 SourceForge.net Projects 1. Gaim
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/gaim/ Gaim is an all-in-one IM client
    that resembles AIM. Gaim lets you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, IRC,
    Jabber, Napster, Zephyr, and Gadu-Gadu, all at once. Gaim is NOT
    endorsed by or affiliated with AOL, Yahoo, MSN or Napster. 2.
    phpMyAdmin http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ phpMyAdmin is a
    tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over
    the WWW. Currently, it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter
    tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys
    on fields. 3. XboxMediaPlayer http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbplayer/
    The XboxMediaPlayer for the Xbox allows you to use a modded Xbox to
    play/view DivX, XVID, MPEG-1/2, MP3, JPG & other supported
    video/audio/picture formats via your TV so it can used as a multimedia
    jukebox. It also supports streaming media over a network. 4. DC++
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/dcplusplus/ This project is aimed at
    producing a C++ version of the popular DirectConnect client, enhancing
    functionality and performance. A hub (server) is planned. 5. JBoss.org
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/jboss/ The JBoss/Server is the leading
    Open Source, standards-compliant, J2EE based application server
    implemented in 100% Pure Java. 6. eMule for Linux
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmule/ This is a Linux port of eMule
    client (see http://www.emule-project.net) using wxWindows class
    library. 7 Miranda IM Client
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/miranda-icq/ A free Win32 instant
    messaging client. Smaller, Faster, Easier. 8. zenTrack
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentrack/ A complete project
    management, bug tracking, ticket, and tech support/help desk/phone log
    system. Tracker is configuable and adaptable; a simple design. Supports
    most databases, including mySql, Oracle, postgres, others. Works on
    Windows and Unix. 9. Compiere ERP + CRM Business Solution
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/compiere/ Smart ERP+CRM solution for
    Small-Medium Enterprises in the global marketplace covering all areas
    from customer management, supply chain and accounting. For $2-200M
    revenue companies looking for "brick and click" first tier
    functionality. 10. POPFile - Automatic Email Classification
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/popfile/ POPFile is an email
    classification tool with a Naive Bayes classifier, a POP3 proxy and a
    web interface. It runs on most platforms and with most email clients.
    11. PCGen -- A Character Generator
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/ PCGen is a java character
    generator and maintenance program. All datafiles are ASCII so they can
    be modified by users, and are available through the pcgendm project. An
    XML conversion is underway. 12. Dev-C++
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp/ Dev-C++ is an full-featured
    Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Win32. It uses GCC, Mingw
    or Cygwin as compiler and libraries set. 13. ScummVM
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/scummvm/ ScummVM is a cross-platform
    interpreter for SCUMM-based games, used by LucasArts in games like
    Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Day Of The Tentacle, The Dig, etc. It
    also includes a non-SCUMM interpreter for Simon The Sorcerer 1/2. 14.
    Newsfighter http://sourceforge.net/projects/newsfighter/ Newsfighter is
    a J2EE web portal designed and geared for indy media. It combines a
    skinnable template engine with a host of web-based content management
    features. Cross-site data sharing and trust modelling features are in
    the queue. 1.5 FreeCraft real-time strategy game engine
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/freecraft/ This is a free
    cross-platform real-time strategy game engine. It is possible to play
    over LAN, internet or against the computer and to build C&C, W*rCr*ft,
    St*rCr*ft or AOE like RTS games with it. Currently, only a W*rCr*ft II
    compatible theme is available. 16. Hibernate
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/ Hibernate - Relational
    Persistence for Idiomatic Java. 17. TUTOS
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tutos/ TUTOS is the ultimate team
    organization software; a webbased groupware or ERP/CRM system to manage
    events/calendars, addresses, teams, projects, tasks, bugs, mailboxes,
    documents, and your time spent with these things. 18. XMeeting
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmeeting/ The project goal is to
    produce a Mac OS X native application that does Internet VoIP and video
    conferencing. The application will base on protocol stack developed by
    openh323.org. 19. bitpim http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitpim/ BitPim
    allows synchronization of Phone Book, Calendar, WallPapers and
    RingTones with the LG VX4400 cell phone. 20. Fink
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink/ Fink is an attempt to bring the
    full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X.
    Packages are downloaded, built automatically and installed into a tree
    managed by dpkg. 

New release lksctp-2_5_65-0_6_8 available

    A new release of lksctp based on linux kernel 2.5.65 is available for
    download. This includes a kernel patch against 2.5.65 that includes
    sctp specific changes that didn't go into 2.5.65; and a lksctp tools
    tar ball that includes the user level library and test programs for
    sctp users and developers. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
    is a reliable, message-oriented, multihomed transport protocol.
    Developed by the IETF SIGTRAN working group to transport SS7 over IP,
    it is now the third general-purpose transport developed by the IETF.
    NOTE: Several users reported build/configure issues for the previous
    release of lksctp-tools. We are still investigating this issue, but
    have been unable to reproduce this issue locally. If you see the
    following error: ... checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
    ltconfig: you must specify a host type if you use `--no-verify' Try
    `ltconfig --help' for more information. configure: error: libtool
    configure failed make: *** [config.status] Error 1 we'd greatly
    appreciate any debugging/fix for the issue. Best Regards, Jon Grimm 

SpamAssassin 2.51 released

    SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam using text analysis.
    Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail
    headers and body text, to identify "spam", or unsolicited commercial
    email. Download at: http://spamassassin.org/downloads.html If you're
    running 2.50, this release is strongly recommended, since 2.50 cannot
    expire Bayes tokens from its databases. It's also no longer a beta
    release. Changes: - Bayes locking and concurrency issues fixed - Bayes
    expiration was not working; fixed - spamd was not enabling Bayes after
    auto-learning without restart; fixed - safer way to attach spams, for
    broken mail clients, using 'report_safe 2' - a few doco cleanups 

EJBCA 2.0 released

    EJBCA 2.0 is finally released after extensive development and testing.
    This is an important milestone for EJBCA and with all the new features
    it is ready for the enterprise. EJBCA is a fully functional certificate
    authority with a very flexible and powerful administration interface.
    Changes ------------- Added Hard Token funtionallity, EJBCA can now
    store store pin/puk data in database. Added email notification to added
    end entities. Added Key Recover funtionallity. Changed initial
    temporary super administrator from "CN=Walter" to "CN= SuperAdmin".
    Removed CA and ROOTCA types in "ra adduser" cmd, from now on use
    certificate profiles. Added allowOverrideKeyUsage in certificate
    profiles. New fields in DN, givenname, surname, initials.
    ExtendedKeyUsage extension (for use in OutLook). New servlet in
    adminweb, AdminCertReqServlet that creates users out of PKCS10-
    requests. Moved batch and deploy scripts into build.xml. Moved external
    jars into ear-file. Tested on Weblogic 7.1. Lots of bugfixes and
    cleanups. A copy of our latest release can be found here:

XOOPS 1.3.9 released!

    The XOOPS team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 1.3.9 If you
    are already running XOOPS2 RC2 or a first time user, please read
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=700 This release
    includes a number of security based enhancements which fix possible
    cross site script and SQL injection vulnerabilities. Therefore all
    1.3.8 users are STRONGLY ADVISED to upgrade as soon as possible. It
    also includes an upgrade script that will modify one of the database
    tables to enhance performance of database access. - Full Package
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=16 For new
    users that would like to use XOOPS 1.3.x for some reason instead of
    XOOPS2 ;-). This package contains entire XOOPS 1.3.9 source and a
    several number of language packages. - Patch Files
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=341 ->
    http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=342 ->
    [zip] For those who already have XOOPS 1.3.8 running. This package
    contains only the files that have been modified from XOOPS 1.3.8. To
    upgrade from 1.3.8, overwrite the old files with the new ones, then
    point your browser to 138_to_139.php and follow the instruction
    displayed. Don't forget to remove this file from the server after the
    upgrade is complete. 

DataVision 0.7.4 released

    DataVision 0.7.4 is now available from SourceForge at
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=33343 DataVision
    is an Open Source reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports. Reports
    can be designed using a drag-and-drop GUI. They may be run, viewed, and
    printed from the application or exported as HTML, XML, PDF, LaTeX2e,
    DocBook, or tab- or comma-delimited text files. The output files
    produced by LaTeX2e and DocBook can in turn be used to produce PDF,
    text, HTML, PostScript, and more. Changes: * Moved from MinML to MinML2
    XML parser. * Output app version number when printing stack traces. *
    If a SQL table or column name can't be found, look for it again while
    ignoring schema names. * Stop running a report after the first Ruby
    script error. This way, you won't see the same error message over and
    over. Bug fixes: * Parameters, formulas, and user columns can now
    appear in suppression procs. * Fields, parameters, formulas, and user
    columns are now found within suppression procs or the report's startup
    script when a report is looking for them. This fixes a few related
    problems. * The suppression proc edit command now appears properly in
    the Undo and Redo Edit menu items. 

GLE -- alpha blending in version 3.1.0

    GLE is a library of C functions that draw extruded surfaces, including
    surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders and
    helicoids. GLE uses the OpenGL(R) API to perform the actual rendering.
    The new version 3.1.0 includes new varients of existing functions that
    allow alpha-blending (transparency) to be used. Any subroutines that
    used to take RGB arguments now have analogous *_c4f() versions that
    take RGBA (alpha) colors. A simple demo showing alpha transparency can
    be found in the examples/alpha.c file. Also in the 3.1.0 release: -- a
    minor memory leak fix -- other minor, forgetable fixes You can get our
    latest release here:

Razor! Gaming Engine for Palm devices 0.91 released

    Razor! allows you to develop all kinds of fun games for your Palm
    device :-) Enjoy color, sprites, perfect timing and sound. Can be used
    with the popular PRC-Tools and CodeWarrior development environments.
    This release focuses on full compatibility with the CW9 development
    tool. A copy of our latest release may be found here:
    =147113 Enjoy! 

ToscanaJ 1.0 released

    After having tested the last release for a while on a workshop, we now
    consider the current version of ToscanaJ stable enough to be called a
    1.0 release. Development will of course go on, but this version gives
    you a rather complete feature set for creating and deploying conceptual
    systems based on simple relational databases. The feature list esp. of
    ToscanaJ as the main viewer component exceeds what has been there
    before, hopefully opening new applications for Formal Concept Analysis.
    As usual you will find more information in the change log and release
    notes. A copy of our latest release can be found here:

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