O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    March 31, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
        Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/                   

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Debian's Own SourceForge

    rescdsk writes "Raphael Hertzog recently [0]announced [1]Alioth, a
    [2]SourceForge installation dedicated for Debian use. All developers
    automatically have accounts, though anyone may get an account. Quoting
    the front page, the purpose of Alioth is multiple: to provide
    facilities to free software projects supported by Debian developers, to
    make it easier for non-Debian developers to contribute to projects
    initiated by Debian, and to support projects whose goal is to promote
    Debian or one of its derivatives. Go peer with great wonder!" 
    1. http://alioth.debian.org/
    2. http://sf.net/

Flash Memory And Its future

    [0]NETHED writes "[1]C|NET News is running an article about [2]Flash
    Memory's future. Here is a [3]How Stuff Works link about Flash memory.
    An interesting read especially considering how small these things are
    currently. Does the slashdot crowd have a new size benchmark for small
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.com/
    2. http://news.com.com/2009-1040-994240.html?tag=fd_lede1_hed
    3. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/flash-memory.htm

Last-Mile Fiber Optic

    [0]Johnny Mnemonic writes "The newsletter [1]"The Town Paper" tracks
    the development of "traditional" new developments--developments with
    integrated shopping, parks, and that are pedestrian friendly. Their
    recent issue has an [2]article that describes a [3]new community in
    Issaquah WA that has, among it's interesting features: a wired LAN in
    every home, free community Intranet, and a choice for a fiber optic
    connection. It is probably no coincidence that Microsoft is planning on
    building 3 million square feet of office space there. How much is a
    pre-wired house worth to you? What will this do for community
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.tndtownpaper.com/
    2. http://www.tndtownpaper.com/Volume5/issaquah_highlands.htm
    3. http://www.issaquahhighlands.com/

Build Your Own PCB Milling Machine

    [0]mwandel writes "It used to be that one off amateur printed circuit
    boards were all etched in acid. A lot of companies nowadays use a
    special form of milling machine to mill them out of solid copper clad
    circuit boards. This guy Jonathan Westhues built his own [1] PCB
    milling machine out of various parts, with a laminate trimmer as the
    milling head. Lots of other neat hacks on his [2]Webpage as well." 
    0. http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel
    1. http://cryolite.ath.cx/i/pcb-router
    2. http://cryolite.ath.cx/i/index

U.S. Forces In Iraq Ban GPS Phones

    [0]Brian Enigma writes "According to a report last night on NPR and
    [1]these [2]two articles, Central Command has banned a particular
    satellite phone from reporters. It seems that it not only has a GPS--to
    help locate which satellite to use--but also (if activated) transmits
    the users location back to the phone company. Eavesdropping this signal
    is nontrivial, but still possible." 
    0. http://netninja.com
    1. http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/business/5451652.htm
    2. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/B360131.htm

Japanese Makers To Forge An Internet TV Standard

    An anonymous reader writes "Five Japanese TV manufacturers will form a
    working group to hammer out technical specifications by October for
    [0]digital TVs with Internet access. They will develop a consumer
    electronics version of Linux to provide functions and performance
    required for digital products. The resulting source code will be made
    available through the General Public License procedure." 
    0. http://www.eet.com/sys/news/OEG20030327S0043

Why ICANN Needs Fresh Blood

    [0]scubacuda writes "[1]Akash Kapur of [2]CircleID has written an
    editorial, [3] Why ICANN Needs Fresh Blood: A Deeper View . Kapur
    writes, "[4]ICANN was born amid the heady days of Internet euphoria.
    Its early promise to be the world's first global democracy (not to
    mention an entirely new form of governance) was a product of that
    euphoria. But like so many dot-coms, ICANN quickly succumbed to the
    hubris of its own vision. If ICANN has been a troubled organization
    from the start, then that is in no small measure because it
    over-promised at the start....What's needed is fresh blood -- new
    personalities, and new ideas to break the ideological impasse." Kapur
    lists cancelled at-large elections, the authoritarianism and secrecy of
    ICANN discussion, and the narrowing possibility that ICANN could
    represent a new model of governance as indicators that global democracy
    has failed." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.circleid.com/articles/2580.asp#bio
    2. http://www.circleid.com/
    3. http://www.circleid.com/articles/2580.asp
    4. http://www.icann.org/

Are Programmers Engineers?

    [0]The Llama King writes "[1]The Houston Chronicle has an interesting
    story about a debate in the [2]Texas Legislature over [3]whether
    programmers are really engineers. A quote: " 'It's one of the silliest
    issues we're having to deal with this session, but it's also one of the
    most important,' said Steven Kester, legislative director of the
    American Electronics Association, an organization of computer
    companies." Are you really an engineer? Or just a code-monkey?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.chron.com/
    2. http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/
    3. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/front/1841652

Knoppix 3.2 Available

    TheCrimsonUnbeliever writes "The latest version of Knoppix (bootable
    Linux distribution on CD) is out - New features include: KDE 3.1.1 -
    XFree86 4.3 - Evolution 1.2.1 - OpenOffice 1.0.2 - KOffice 1.2.1 - The
    ability to create a home directory on a memory stick or similar - More
    information is available at the [0]KNOPPIX English homepage." If you're
    getting started with Knoppix (and speak English), you should also check
    out [1]knoppix.net for the excellent forums hosted there. 
    0. http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
    1. http://www.knoppix.net

Another Breakthrough in Prime Number Theory

    [0]Battal Boy writes "From [1]aimath.org: Dan Goldston and his Turkish
    colleague Yalcin Cem Yildirim have smashed all previous records on the
    size of small gaps between prime numbers. This work is a major step
    toward the centuries-old problem of showing that there are infinitely
    many 'twin primes': prime numbers which differ by 2, such as 11 and 13,
    17 and 19, 29 and 31,...I am especially proud of this achievement as
    Yalcin is a close friend of mine from way back! You may also want to
    check out the [2]Mercury News Article and Dan Goldston's [3]home page
    where you can see a photo of Dan's back being slowly but surely broken
    by two of his children ..." Finding patterns in primes [4]seems to be
    all the rage. 
    0. http://giray.uzmen.com
    1. http://aimath.org/
    2. http://www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/5483833.htm
    3. http://www.math.sjsu.edu/~goldston/
    4. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/25/0053238&tid=134

A touch of gold 0.1 

    A touch of gold is a theme with orange/gray colors and a background
    drawn by the scene artist Critikill. 

ALE 0.4.0 

    ALE aligns and merges several similar images from a digitizing device
    (such as a digital camera or scanner) into a single image. This may
    have the effect of producing a relatively alias-free image (sometimes
    called "anti-aliasing"). 

AqMoney 0.5.1 (Development)

    AqMoney is a console tool for home banking using OpenHBCI and
    Libchipcard. It supports all of the features offered by OpenHBCI. 

AS Macroassembler 1.42 Build 27 (Current)

    AS is a portable macro cross-assembler for a variety of microprocessors
    and controllers. Though it is mainly targeted at embedded processors
    and single-board computers, you also find CPU families in the target
    list that are used in workstations and PCs. 

AutoDia 1.6 

    AutoDia is a Perl application designed to allow the easy creation of
    XML diagrams from various data sources. The output is meant for use
    with Dia (or any XML parser). AutoDia supports any language through the
    use of handlers, and a good handler for Perl as well as a simple
    handler for C++ are included. 

AVInfo 0.7.1 

    AVInfo is a utility for displaying AVI information. It returns the
    length of a clip, FPS, resolution, codec, audio and video bit rate,
    number of key frames, sound parametrs, and the number and type of
    streams, including detailed information for each. 

ccrypt 1.4 

    ccrypt is a commandline utility for encrypting and decrypting files and
    streams. It was designed as a replacement for the standard Unix crypt
    utility, which is notorious for using a very weak encryption algorithm.
    ccrypt is based on the Rijndael cipher, which is the U.S. government's
    chosen candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This
    cipher is believed to provide very strong security. A compatibility
    mode is included for decrypting legacy "unix crypt" files. 

Class::XPath 1.0 

    Class::XPath is a Perl module which adds XPath-style matching to your
    object trees. This means that you can find nodes using an XPath-esque
    query with match() from anywhere in the tree. Also, the xpath() method
    returns a unique path to a given node which can be used as an

Collink 0.5 

    Collink is a link extractor/collector based on Qt library. It saves
    lists of links as plain text or better as a Downloader for X list
    providing different names for files to save. You can filter links by
    filename extension and via regular expression. 

CPP Socket library 0.8.4 

    CPPSocket is a small Classlibrary for C++ that supports a easy usage of
    socket-programming for networking-software. It provides a simple
    object-oriented interface to the classic C library calls. 

Darius Tools 1.3 (Admin)

    Darius Tools is a collection of miscellaneous scripts which are useful
    for a variety of purposes. They are all designed to be faster and
    easier to use than the command line that would normally be required to
    accomplish the same task. For example, there are scripts for mass
    conversion of WAV files to Ogg files and Ogg files to WAV files, for
    converting LaTeX to PostScript and viewing the output in ggv, for
    creating image thumbnails, for converting from the Euro to another
    currency, for automated updating via FTP and for removing backups
    recursively. The Darius Tools are split among several packages
    according to different categories. 

Desktop ROCK Linux 2.0.0-alpha 

    Desktop ROCK Linux is a source distribution based upon the distribution
    build kit ROCK Linux. It is released with an automatic build system as
    well as prebuilt ISO images. It inherits the state-of-the-art tool
    chain from ROCK Linux and also includes the latest KDE and GNOME
    releases and many other packages. The build system allows optimized
    rebuilds of single packages or the whole ISO. 

DotGNU Execution Environment 0.1.4 (Development)

    The DotGNU Execution Environment is the core architectural component of
    DotGNU that provides the functionality of accepting, validating and
    satisfying Web service requests. The DGEE integrates the components on
    the Web service execution path, including network servers, protocols,
    virtual machines, and security mechanisms into a unified application.
    In its basic form the DGEE allows the installation and removal of Web
    services within the repository, accepts XML-RPC requests for these Web
    services, and generates browsable documentation for these Web services
    in HTML and XML form. 

Efisto 0.1.2 (Server)

    Efisto (Easy File Send To) enables users to send files to anyone who
    has email and Web access. When the sender uploads files with the efisto
    client, the recipient gets an email with an URL that can be used to
    download the files. It features automatic creation of compressed
    archives, download notification, expiration of files, and expiration

Enterprise Gantt 0.4.5 

    Enterprise Gantt is a Gantt chart library, and is becoming a generic
    charting library to support a variety of charts. The library strongly
    conforms to the Model View Controller architecture recommended by Sun.
    A lot of effort has been put into this library, from the design
    perspective rather than the feature perspective, to make this the most
    flexible library of its kind. 

Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE 0.9.0 

    Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE (fou4s) is a bash script that provides the
    functionality of YOU (YaST OnlineUpdate), but can also work in
    background and check for updates every night. It supports resumed
    downloads and proxies by using wget. GPG signatures are also checked. 

Gambas 0.52 (Development)

    Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic
    interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to
    use any other toolkit that a module is written for. 

GNOME Cherokee 0.2.3 

    GNOME Cherokee is a Web server applet for the GNOME 2 panel. It's
    configurable on-the-fly and very easy to use. It's also integrated with
    the rest of your GNOME desktop. 

GNOME Debian Package Manager 0.0.3 

    GDPM is GNOME-based graphical manager for Debian packages. It aims to
    fully replace the command-line tools apt-get, apt-cache, and dpkg by
    offering an easy way to install, remove, upgrade, and browse Debian

Goben 0.0.7 

    Goben is a GTK+ 1.2 GUI for playing Go. It allows any combination of
    human vs computer, computer vs computer, or human vs human play, and
    supports any board size from 5x5 to the full 19x19. Computer players
    are controlled via GTP for compatibility with GNUGo and other GTP
    talking Go programs. 

GOBLIN Graph Library 2.6 Build5 

    The GOBLIN project consists of a C++ class library for a large series
    of graph optimization problems, GOSH, an extension of the Tcl/Tk
    scripting language to graph objects, and GOBLET, a graphical user
    interface to the library functions. GOBLET includes a graph editor, but
    provides only basic graph layout methods. 

Highlight 2.0b-6 

    Highlight is a universal source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, or LaTeX
    converter. (X)HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It
    supports Bash, C, C++, C#, COBOL, Java, Perl, PHP, and 40 more
    programming languages. It's possible to easily enhance the parsing

HTTrack Website Copier 3.30-alpha (Unstable)

    HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to
    download a Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building
    recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from
    the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's
    relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the mirrored Web site in
    your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you
    were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored
    site, and resume interrupted downloads. 

iConquer 2.0 

    iConquer is an addictive game of world conquest, played by 1 to 6
    players. The object of the game is to conquer the world by occupying
    all 42 countries on the map. It features artificial intelligence
    algorithms to set the player up against formidable computer opponents
    with six AI "personalities" to choose from. It also supports
    network play, a powerful help system with detailed information on each
    stage of the game along with tips and strategies, customizable strategy
    play, and gorgeous graphics. 

IFG 0.6 

    IFG is a tool to generate iptables rules. This program can work with
    the INPUT and OUTPUT chains of the filter table. It can create rules
    for diferents protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP), IP addresses, and ports. You
    can choose different interfaces (lo, eth0, ppp0), choose the state of a
    connection, and LOG all the rules. It also has an option to save all
    the rules that you made into a file. The program was written in GTK+ 2,
    and the interface was made with glade-2. 

Inventory 0.65 

    Inventory is a inventory program written in GTK2. It uses MySQL and is
    simple, fast, and easy to use. 

Jabberwocky 1.0 

    Jabberwocky is a Lisp IDE containing a Lisp-aware editor with syntax
    highlighting, parentheses matching, a source analyzer, indentation, a
    source level debugger, a project explorer, and an interaction buffer.
    It is the replacement for the Lisp Debug project. 

jRSVP 1.1.5 

    jRSVP is a Java 1.4 tool for Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, a
    technique for extremely fast reading. It uses the Multivalent library
    for parsing input documents, and is able to read PDF, PS, HTML, man
    pages, and other documents. It displays texts on a word-by-word or
    sentence-by-sentence basis and features a file history and bookmarks. 

Jump n Bump 1.41 

    Jump n Bump is a funny multiplayer game about cute little fluffy
    bunnies, which is both fun and addictive for the whole family. It
    features network play. 

KySMS 0.6 

    KySMS is yet another graphical frontend for smssend. This one has a
    phonebook with groups. 

Makin' Bakon Typing Tutor 0.3.1 

    Makin' Bakon Typing Tutor is a terminal-based typing tutor game written
    in C++ (with STL) and Curses. It contains both structured and
    fortune-based lessons. Learn to type to a professional standard while
    you're saving Pig's bacon! Warning: Includes material that may offend. 

MCal PHP Calendar 1.15 

    MCal is a blatant, and well noted, hack/rewrite of JCal. It is a
    Web-based PHP package providing calendar and appointment functionality.
    The main changes from JCal include better PHP/HTML coding
    style/formatting, and portability enhancements, mainly in the

Mock Objects for C++ 1.1.7 

    mockpp is a platform independent generic unit testing framework for
    C++. Its goal is to facilitate developing unit tests in the spirit of
    Mock Objects and EasyMock. It does not include its own framework for
    flow control and analysis, but works with CppUnit. 

netcount 0.7a 

    netcount is a command line PPP traffic logging and statistics display
    tool for Linux. Logging is done via a small shell script which is
    called during the ip-up, ip-down, and system startup processes and from
    cron, while analysis and printing is done by a program written in
    Python. Statistics can be made on a per-call, daily, and/or monthly
    basis. Also part of the package is nstat, an X utility to display
    connection status, to hang up, and to start and terminate pppd. 

nut 7.22 

    nut is nutrition software to record what you eat and analyze your meals
    for nutrient composition. The database included is the USDA Nutrient
    Database for Standard Reference, Release 15, which contains 6,220
    foods. This database contains values for vitamins, minerals, fats,
    calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc., and includes the
    essential polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Nutrient levels
    are expressed as a percentage of the Daily Value, the familiar standard
    of food labeling in the United States, but also can be fully
    customized. Recipes can be added. The program is completely menu-driven
    and there are no commands to learn. 

openHBCI 0.9.9 (Unstable)

    openHBCI is a C++ library for the German HomeBanking Computer
    Interface. It includes some tutorials for testing the library. Its
    current capabilities include complete key management on disc (RDH)
    and/or chip-card (DDV), the ability to perform single customer credit
    transfers, and the ability to get balance reports. 

OProfile 0.5.2 

    OProfile is a low-overhead, transparent profiler for Linux. It is
    capable of instruction-grain profiling of all processes, shared
    libraries, the kernel, and device drivers, via the hardware performance

PBS 0.87 

    PBS is a user-support call management system and call tracing system.
    It is based on intranet technologies, and it allows you to manage and
    account calls, inventory, projects, and performance. It features a
    knowledge base and reports for the manager. 

PHP Documentation Generator 0.16 

    PHP Documentation Generator is a Perl script similar to javadoc. It
    helps you generate a set of HTML pages from comments in PHP source
    files. Currently, this script parses the PHP source code to detect the
    objects attached to the comments. 

phpCodeViewer 0.3 

    phpCodeViewer is a highly-customizable, general purpose file viewer
    tool for the Web. It produces directory listings similar to apache's,
    and lets you click on (source code) files inside those directories to
    view them online with line numbering and syntax highlighting. 

phpDVDprofiler 20030330 

    phpDVDprofiler is a simple Web frontend to your DVDprofiler collection
    based on PHP and MySQL. 

pylcd 0.2 

    PyLCD is a Python module that provides access to the LCDproc daemon. 

QuickRip DVD 0.4 

    QuickRip is a basic DVD ripper for GNU/Linux written in Python and
    PyQt. It lacks options to fine-tune how you want to rip your DVD, but
    it makes ripping quick and easy, and so is ideal for those who aren't
    bothered about framerates, clipping, and other unecessary options. It
    uses mplayer and transcode to retrieve DVD info and rip the tracks. 

ReactOS 0.1.1 

    ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality operating system
    that is compatible with Windows NT applications and drivers. 

ROX-Filer 1.3.8 

    ROX-Filer is a fast and powerful graphical file manager. It has full
    drag-and-drop support and background file operations, and is highly
    configurable. It can also act as a pinboard, allowing you to pin
    frequently used files to the desktop background. 

rrd-snort 1.3 

    rrd-snort is a script that creates a graph from alerts/events stored in
    a Snort database in order to see distribution of "top n"
    attack methods. The user can customize data gathering/graphing options. 

Schroedinger 1.0 

    Schroedinger is the combination of Apache Tomcat with a nice, clean
    Swing GUI. It provides an easy way to create and test JSP and Servlet
    Web applications. It records every JSP/HTTP activity so that every
    possible bug can be corrected immediately. Schroedinger can be used in
    personal mode, which prevents others from using its JSP Server while
    you develop the application. Alternatively, Schroedinger's working
    directory can be opened via file-sharing, so that a JSP can be copied
    to any computer of the JSP development team. 

Security Filter 1.0.1 

    SecurityFilter is intended for use by Java Web application developers.
    It provides robust security and automatic authentication services for
    Web applications. It mimics the behavior and configuration format of
    container-managed security, but has several important advantages that
    make it an ideal solution for single-context, public Web sites, or when
    it is necessary or simply desirable to avoid the server configuration
    hassles and portability issues associated with container-managed

SiteBar 1.0 

    SiteBar is a multi-user bookmark database that lets users view, add,
    and maintain links from anywhere. It's intended as a Mozilla/Netscape
    sidebar, but can also be used in a main browser window. 

Themus 0.1.4 

    Themus is a collection of theme utilities for GNOME. You can manage
    your themes by going to themes:/// in Nautilus, where they are
    displayed and can be applied, installed, or deleted. 

TopicEngine 1.19 

    The TopicEngine is an advanced TCL script for eggdrop bots for managing
    the topic in one or more channels. It allows users to change or lock
    the channel topic through the use of public commands in the channel,
    with fine-grain permission controls available. Users do not have to be
    opped to change the topic (but the bot must be if the channel is +t).
    It can automatically refresh the topic after a netjoin, and allows
    command caching to avoid flooding the channel with topic changes. The
    topic can also be locked by appropriate people. TopicEngine will
    attempt to communicate with other TopicEngine bots in the channel to
    avoid a topic live-lock flood. 

Turaco CL 0.6 

    Turaco CL is a tool for extracting PNM image files out of arcade game
    ROMs. It also can regenerate arcade game ROMs from PNM image files.
    Once the image files have been extracted, you can edit them in your
    favorite paint program. They can then be encoded back into game ROMs to
    be played in an emulator or real arcade hardware. 

Virtual Universe / Virtual Worlds 0.19 

    VU/VW is a 3D cyberspace which offers more possibilities than just
    chat: people can meet each other, build houses and worlds, and interact
    with each other. 

Wingmaker 0.1-final 

    Wingmaker is a theme based on wingmaker art with an edited image and
    bright red/yellow colors. 

yChat++ 0.3 

    yChat is a Web-based chat server daemon which is compatible with all
    browsers that support frames and Javascript. 

Newsforge Reports
Open Source needs centralized PR, not development

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - It happened again: A complaint was
    brought up on a free software email list I'm on about the lack of a
    certain type of open source program, but there are several healthy
    projects in that area I knew about, and other list members pointed out
    yet others. Why didn't we all know about all of them? And if we don't
    know, how can we expect potential corporate open source adopters, who
    aren't on "inner circle" Linux and ... 

Linux Advisory Watch - March 28th, 2003

    - By Benjamin D. Thomas - This week, advisories were released for
    openssl, apcupsd, bonsai, krb5, lpr, mutt, heimdal, kernel, ecartis,
    glibc, mysql, bitchx, mod_ssl, netpbm, rxvt, zlib, evolution, samba,
    kerberos, ethereal, and file. The distributors include, Caldera,
    Debian, Guardian Digital's EnGarde Secure Linux, Gentoo, Mandrake,
    NetBSD, Red Hat, SuSE, Trustix, and Turbolinux. 

Gordano - an "Exchange Replacement" that predates Exchange

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - The company Web site says, "Gordano has
    provided robust and secure messaging for over eight years and continues
    to innovate and lead the market. Since 1994, the Gordano Messaging
    Suite has been deployed in over 20,000 organizations in 120+ countries
    and supports over 54 million Email accounts. These companies and users
    have enjoyed the benefits of low cost of ownership of our solution
    allowing them to reduce their ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
KOBOL 1.3.2, a COBOL IDE and compiler for Linux and Windows

    Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - 31 March 2003 -- theKompany.com, producers
    and distributors of high-quality open source and commercial software
    for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and embedded systems, are pleased to
    announce the release of Kobol version 1.3.2. 

Debian Project has new leader

    The winner of the election is Martin Michlmayr. 

VA Software Joins Open Source Software Institute

    Oxford, MS - March 26, 2003 - The Open Source Software Institute (OSSI)
    announced today that VA Software (Nasdaq: LNUX) has joined the
    open-source advocacy group as a corporate member and sponsor. OSSI
    (www.oss-institute.org) is a non-profit organization whose mission is
    to promote the development and implementation of open-source
    technologies and methodologies within the U.S. Federal government and
    academic communities. Note: VA Software owns ... 

Microsoft Antitrust Lawsuit Settlement Appeal To Be Heard

     A federal appeals court will consider whether a settlement in the
    antitrust lawsuit brought against Microsoft by the U.S. Justice
    Department and state attorneys general was consistent with the public

Fujitsu preps Linux-based robot

    Fujitsu has launched a humanoid robot - based on a real-time version of
    the Linux operating system. The HOAP-2 is driven by an Intel Pentium
    III running at 700MHz. It is half a metre high and weights 7kg, and is
    scheduled to ship to Japanese consumers in July (Fujitsu will begin
    taking orders next month). 

Sun Drops Its Linux Distribution

    Anonymous Reader writes "In a major strategy shift, Sun Microsystems
    Inc. officials said it will stop offering its own customized version of
    Linux and will instead turn to several other standard Linux

Japan seeks new OS [ or anything but Microsoft ] for networked home appliances

    NZheretic writes "The Japanese Consumer electronics makers and the
    government are teaming up to make sure the coming generation of
    Internet-connected home appliances will not depend on Microsoft Corp.
    for an operating system. In working out the standards they plan to
    adopt for networked appliances by 2007, manufacturers and the industry
    ministry plan to make use of either Linux or the domestically developed
    TRON operating system." 

PlumpOS Released:  Successor to clump/os

    Bruce Knox, openMosix Project writes "At last, the successor to the
    highly popular clump/os has arrived. With a new name, a new author, a
    new logo, and based upon openMosix, PlumpOS has finally been released. 

 Distro Release: First Look At SuSE Linux 8.2

    Once again I find myself checking out the newest SuSE release, and to
    tell you the truth, I really enjoy it. My personal computer is running
    Slackware (yes, I upgraded to 9.0 immediately), and I wouldn't trade it
    for any other distribution in the world, but I've got to say is that
    SuSE is still at the top of their game. When you look at all the
    desktop distros out there such as Mandrake, Lycoris, and Red Hat, they
    all really have their endearing ... 

Enterprise Linux at Tipping Point

     In 2004, Linux adoption will skyrocket, according to a recent study by
    Forrester Research titled "The Linux Tipping Point." Based on
    interviews with a wide array of firms, the study concludes that while
    "enterprise support remains a concern," most respondents are continuing
    with plans to adopt Linux. 

Cube Goodies: Portable Mini Fridge

Gadgets: LightWedge Reading Light

Gadgets: Binary Code Watch

Books: High Score! The Illustrated History Of Electronic Games

Computing: LED Light Sticks

Cube Goodies: Activision 10-in-1 TV Games

Cube Goodies: Atari Classics 10-in-1 TV Games

Computing: IQeye3 Network Camera

Electronics: FM Transmitter

Computing: UV-Treated Rounded Cables

Computing: 4-D Optical Mouse

Books: Revolution OS DVD/VHS

Gadgets: Wireless PenCam

Gadgets: WristLinx Communicator

Gadgets: Laser-Sighted MiniTemp

Computing: Labtec Axis 712 Digital USB Headset

Computing: Fly Fan USB Fan

Computing: Antec LanBoy Aluminum PC case

Computing: UV-Treated 80mm Cooling Fans

Computing: Viewsonic Airpanel Wireless 15" LCD

ECB 1.93 released

    ECB is a file/code browser for Emacs. It can be used to browse any type
    of file and supports parsing of Java, C, C++, Elisp and other types of
    source code. This release (1.93) includes bug fixes, layout
    enhancements and enhancements to tree-buffers. 

Colander Internet Agent 0.2.2 release

    Colander is a Java application which acts as a scripted personal
    Internet agent (performance of arbitrary scripted tasks through the
    provided framework.) Access is possible through a standard web browser.
    Announcing release 0.2.2: This is a bugfix release that contains
    numerous backported fixes and updates. Please see the release notes on
    the file release page for details. Note that this version does not
    include the proper handling of binary data that the unstable branch
    does. Colander is in a useable state. It is listed as alpha software
    due to changes that may yet occur in the interface and API. 

BitMagic library version 3.1.2 released

    BitMagic is a C++ library implementing dynamic bitvectors with several
    types of on-the-fly, adaptive compression. Designed for use in
    databases, search systems, scientific projects. Version 3.1.2 primarily
    focuses on memory consumption issues. Additional parameters added to
    save memory in situations when thousands of bitsets are used. (see
    http://bmagic.sourceforge.net/memsave.html); several build environment
    problems were fixed; added support file for AIX; improved performance
    of logical operations. 

hl7d added to HL7 Toolkit

    This project aims at providing a Perl Toolkit for using the HL7
    protocol (a data interchange protocol used in healthcare). The toolkit
    will consist of a number of Perl libraries and scripts for developing
    HL7 capable applications in Perl. An early version of the hl7 server
    has been added to the project. This is a forking server that uses the
    Net::HL7 module, and dispatches incoming HL7 messages to user defined

Anjuta 1.0.2 (Tagore) released

    The Anjuta team is pleased to announce the release of Anjuta 1.0.2.
    Anjuta is an IDE (Integrated Developmetn Environment) for C and C++
    targetting the GNOME platform. The main highlight of this release is
    the advanced search/replace functionality. There have also been
    numerous smaller feature additions, updates and bug fixes. The Anjuta
    1.0.x series should now be considered dormant. New development will be
    taking place on HEAD which targets the GNOME2 platform. The current
    stable branch will only get critical bugfixes. Learn more about anjuta
    at http://www.anjuta.org/ 

SnipSnap 0.4.1a and Radeox 0.6.1

    Released a bugfix release for SnipSnap and Radeox. The major change is
    the improved performance of the Macro rendering mechanism that is now a
    100 times faster. SnipSnap is a personal content management system
    based on weblog and wiki technologies. It's intended for desktop use,
    but can be deployed on servers. SnipSnap differs from other weblog and
    wiki tools as it's focused on easy installation. 

POP/SMTP e-mail jConduit now available via CVS.

    Users who build the project from sourcecode will be interested to note
    that the latest sources now include the new Email jConduit, that allows
    you to synchronize the Palm Mail database with the POP and SMTP servers
    of your choice. Work on this jConduit is continuing (adding features
    and such), but it is a good example of how to code a network-enabled
    jConduit. Interested developers are encouraged to update their source
    trees. This jConduit will be a part of our first beta binary release,
    planned for sometime within the next few weeks. 

FreeMarker 2.2 final available

    The first release of FreeMarker 2.2 labelled production/stable is
    available. FreeMarker 2.2 incorporates some revolutionary new features:
    names-spaces, support for 3rd party JSP taglibs, fine control over
    whitespace, macros with default arguments. FreeMarker is a template
    engine. It provides an easy way to generate textual (HTML, RTF,
    PostScript, TeX, source code, etc) output from your data and helps you
    separate design issues from application logic. Integrates with
    servlets, XML, Python and more. 

bogofilter- - new current release

    bogofilter fixes several minor defects in and updates
    the help messages and FAQ. The bogofilter package implements a fast
    Bayesian spam filter along the lines suggested by Paul Graham in his
    article "A Plan For Spam" . It is written in C. Supported platforms:
    Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X. 

Privoxy 3.0.2 is released

    This is the first maintenance release of Privoxy. There are no
    significant new features in this release. Many bugs are fixed, and some
    existing features have been enhanced. See ChangeLog for details.
    Upgrading from 3.0.0 is recommended. Privoxy is a web proxy with
    advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web
    page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads,
    banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious junk. It is based on the Internet

C-4000 Zoom Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $309.95 

PowerShot G3 Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $526.00 

EOS 10D Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $1418.00 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $312.95 

C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $555.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3143.00 

DMR-E30 DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $370.00 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $107.64 

Panasonic 42" Diagonal Plasma TV - PT42PD3P 852 x 480 Pixels (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3389.00 

RIO S35S Mp3 Player (Sonic Blue)

    Lowest Price: $162.95 

Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $133.00 

Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $10.00 

WarCraft III (Full Product) (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $21.45 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $108.99 

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