O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    April 05, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
        Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/                   

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Alan Kay Interview: Computing Past and Future

    [0]suzipaw writes "In this [1]interview on OpenP2P.com, Kay has some
    interesting observations about both the past and future of
    computing--including kids using technology. Says Kay, "Montessori would
    have been a great innovator with computers."" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.openp2p.com/pub/a/p2p/2003/04/03/alan_kay.html

Pennsylvania Refuses to Disclose Banned Website List

    koehn writes "In an interesting turn of events, the Attorney General of
    Pennsylvania has ordered all PA ISPs to block sites that have child
    porn. If that's not bad enough, they [0]won't tell you which sites
    those are because - so the excuse goes - that could be construed as
    'disseminating pornography.' So much for public review, huh?" See the
    [1]previous story. 
    0. http://www.startribune.com/stories/789/3802105.html
    1. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/20/054210&tid=123

Ender's Game Influences US Army Training

    [0]PortWineBoy writes "Although we've been bombarded in the last few
    weeks with techno tales of the U.S. Army, I found [1]this story in the
    NY Times (FRRYYY) to be quite interesting. The director of the Army's
    simulation technology center said that Ender's game influenced how and
    what they will build for future training." Begin Mazer Rackham
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] minus threevowels
    1. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/03/technology/circuits/03camp.html

SCO Group Lawsuit Q&A

    [0]althalus writes "[1]PLUG, the Provo Linux Users Group, of Utah
    recently requested representatives from SCO to answer the questions of
    the local *nix users regarding their lawsuit. Since this topic has been
    the point of a bit of discussion here on slashdot ( [2]1, [3]2, [4]3,
    [5]4) We figured it might be nice to get some of the questions from
    here. SCO has agreed to allow us to submit a list of questions ahead of
    time, and we will contain some of the highest moderated slashdot
    questions. SCO has warned us, that since this is an active lawsuit,
    there are some questions that obviously cannot be answered at this
    time, but overall, feel free to ask. Notes/Answers will be submitted to
    slashdot afterwards." Think of this as a third party Ask SCO almost
    0. mailto:jayceNOSPAM-AT-plug.org
    1. http://www.plug.org/
    2. http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/11/0137251&tid=106
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/09/1457240&tid=102
    4. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/07/187239&tid=130
    5. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/07/0234251&tid=123

Starchaser Plans Test Drop

    cwalkden writes "Everybody's favourite amateur rocketman, [0]Steve
    Bennett has [1]unveiled his new space capsule that he hopes will get
    him one step closer to the edge of space. This one is due to undergo a
    test descent (with Steve inside) in Arizona. Earlier versions of
    Steve's capsules included one made with a [2]cement mixer and some old
    joysticks." Our [3]previous story was in 2001. 
    0. http://www.starchaser.co.uk/
    1. http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/news/stories/Detail_LinkStory=55489.html
    2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1407210.stm
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/06/29/2223214&tid=160

Greenspan Examines the Economics of IP

    [0]lilgerry writes "Alan Greenspan is [1]asking some tough questions
    about the correct balance between rewarding innovators and inhibiting
    follow-on innovators. There's not many answers here, but there's a hint
    that there could be some clear economic thinking coming to be added to
    the discussion. Several good questions raised, and in very precise
    terms that should get papers published on these topics for years to
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.federalreserve.gov/BoardDocs/speeches/2003/20030404/default.htm

Third Animatrix Released: "A Detective Story"

    [0]Ant writes "The third Animatrix movie (A Detective Story) is
    released on its [1]Web site." And in case it gets Slashdotted, those of
    you with [2]BitTorrent can snag a copy from [3]this .torrent file.
    (Thanks to Trance.ORG and High5! for hosting that.) Update: 04/05 02:00
    GMT by [4]J: In other Matrix news, it seems "Reloaded" will be
    [5]premiering at Cannes May 15, with worldwide release May 25. 
    0. http://antfarm.ma.cx
    1. http://www.intothematrix.com/
    2. http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
    3. http://www.trance.org/~niels/animatrix_3_detective_story_640.mov.torrent
    4. http://jamie.mccarthy.vg/
    5. http://www.salon.com/ent/wire/2003/04/04/matrix_premiere/

Former Intel Employee 'Disappeared' by U.S.

    pmodern writes "Wired has [0]this story about Maher "Mike" Hawash a
    former Intel programmer who is being held by the DOJ for suspected
    terrorism. Anyone familiar with the Kevin Mitnick saga will not be
    surprised that he hasn't been charged and has been locked away in
    solitary. 'For nearly two weeks, he has been held as a so-called
    "material witness" in solitary confinement in a federal lockup in
    Sheridan, Oregon. The designation allows authorities to hold him
    indefinitely without charging him with a crime.'" See also a [1]NYT
    article and the [2]Free Mike Hawash website. 
    0. http://www.wired.com/news/conflict/0,2100,58326,00.html
    1. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/04/international/worldspecial/04DETA.html
    2. http://www.freemikehawash.org/

A New Spin On Physical Phenomena

    f00Dave writes "Researchers have [0]discovered "a new physical
    phenomenon, electrostatic rotation, that, in the absence of friction,
    leads to spin". I'm a bit skeptical about the implied relationship
    between physical "spin" (as in rotation) and quantum "spin", however.
    Still, this is the sort of scientific advance that renews my faith in
    the system. Go nerds! =]" 
    0. http://www.newsroom.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=548

Duke3d in Linux

    [0]Obiwan Kenobi writes "So it took four days, but [1]Duke3d now runs
    in Linux, courtesy of [2]Icculus.org. Ironically, a win32 port has yet
    to be released. Features include full sound support, hi-res video modes
    (aka VESA modes for those familiar with DOS), saved games, full screen
    or windowed viewing, and even the BUILD editor works (to a degree). No
    mouse, demos, or networking just yet, but the basic gameplay is there
    and now that the BUILD engine has been ported a win32 version is soon
    on the horizon." 
    0. http://evan AT misterorange DOT com
    1. http://icculus.org/duke3d/
    2. http://icculus.org/

Aegis 4.10 

    Aegis is a transaction-based software configuration management system.
    It provides a framework within which a team of developers may work on
    many changes to a program independently, and Aegis coordinates
    integrating these changes back into the master source of the program,
    with as little disruption as possible. Aegis supports geographically
    distributed development. 

akpop3d 0.7.3 

    akpop3d is a POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure. Despite its
    small size, it offers a lot of features. It is completely RFC 1939

Album Shaper 1.0a 

    Album Shaper is a graphical application used to create, maintain, and
    share photo albums using open formats like HTML and JPG. Two-layer
    albums can be created in a drag-n-drop interface which allows quick and
    easy arrangement and categorization of photos. A few simple image
    manipulations such as rotation and flipping are provided to help get
    photos presentable as quickly as possible. Photos, subalbums, and
    albums themselves can be labeled as needed and modified at a later time
    by saving and loading from a simple XML format. 

Alicq 0.8.4 

    Alicq is pure Tcl/Tk implementation of the ICQ client with a flexible
    modularized architecture, support for ICQ2000/Oscar protocol, and
    ability to pick up Licq configuration files and user database. 

autolame 1.17 (Stable)

    autolame automatically encodes your .wav files. Just put them in the
    "in" directory, wait a bit, and you'll find your .mp3 files
    in the "out" directory. No further user interaction is
    required. An external encoder program is needed. 

BabelKit 1.04 

    BabelKit is an interface to a universal multilingual database code
    table. It takes all of the programming work out of maintaining multiple
    database code definition sets in multiple languages. The code
    administration and translation page lets developers define new virtual
    code tables, new languages, enter all codes and their descriptions, and
    then translate them into all languages of interest. Perl and PHP
    classes retrieve the code descriptions and automatically generate HTML
    code selection elements in the user's language. This makes
    internationalization and localization of Web sites and database
    interfaces much easier. 

BASHISH 1.9.19 

    Bashish is a theme-engine using bash and other POSIX shells to
    customize nearly all aspects of the terminal: title, colors, prompt,
    font, background, etc. It has a modular design which makes it easy to
    add features (and it does have a lot) while keeping good performance. 

CDStatus 0.94a 

    cdstatus checks for drive errors, outputs disc info (such as type and
    table of contents), and is capable of ripping full cd's, using
    configurable track ranges and retry counts. It usually produces
    identical output to cdparanoia with much faster execution. 

chkrootkit 0.40 

    chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit. It
    contains a chkrootkit: shell script that checks system binaries for
    rootkit modification. The following tests are made: aliens, asp,
    bindshell, lkm, rexedcs, sniffer, wted, z2, amd, basename, biff, chfn,
    chsh, cron, date, du, dirname, echo, egrep, env, find, fingerd, gpm,
    grep, hdparm, su, ifconfig, inetd, inetdconf, identd, killall, login,
    ls, mail, mingetty, netstat, named, passwd, pidof, pop2, pop3, ps,
    pstree, rpcinfo, rlogind, rshd, slogin, sendmail, sshd, syslogd, tar,
    tcpd, top, telnetd, timed, traceroute, and write. ifpromisc.c checks
    whether the interface is in promiscuous mode, chklastlog.c checks for
    lastlog deletions, chkwtmp.c checks for wtmp deletions, check_wtmpx.c
    checks for wtmpx deletions (Solaris only), and chkproc.c checks for
    signs of LKM trojans. 

Convertor class 1.0 

    Convertor class converts encodings from and to windows-1250,
    iso-8859-2, utf-8, and unicode entities. You can use it with streamed
    data (XML). 

creox 0.2.1 

    Creox is a real-time sound processor. You can plug your electric guitar
    or any other musical instrument directly to the PC's sound card and
    start experimenting with various sound effects. It has a nice
    user-friendly GUI, a preset support, and a low-latency DSP engine, and
    each effect parameter can be altered on the fly. As Creox is a JACK
    application, the output sound can be routed to the other JACK-aware
    applications, and the audio input can be taken as the output from the
    other JACK client. 

crip 3.4 

    crip is a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool for creating Ogg
    Vorbis files (or MP3 files for crip 1.X) under Unix/Linux. It is
    well-suited for someone seeking to make a lot of Ogg/MP3 files from CDs
    and have them all properly labeled and professional-quality with a
    minimum of hassle. 

ctrlproxy 2.2 

    ctrlproxy is an IRC server with multiserver support. It runs as a
    daemon and connects to a number of IRC servers, then allows you to
    connect from a workstation and work as the user that is logged in to
    the IRC server. After you disconnect, it maintains the connection to
    the server. It acts like any normal IRC server, so you can use any IRC
    client to connect to it. It supports multiple client connections to one
    IRC server (under the same nick), allowing you to connect to IRC using
    your IRC nick, even while you have an IRC session open somewhere else.
    It supports logging (in the same format as the irssi IRC client),
    password authentication, and ctcp (in case no clients are connected). 

Current 1.5.4 (Development)

    Current is a server implementation for Red Hat's up2date tools. It's
    designed for medium-sized departments to be able to set up and run
    their own up2date server, feeding new applications and security patches
    (RPMs) to workstations and servers. 

DansGuardian Anti-Virus Scanner 2.2 (2.5.x Patches)

    The DansGuardian Anti-Virus Scanner gives you the ability to virus-scan
    all content that passes through DansGuardian. It uses the scanning code
    from the MailScanner project to do the actual virus scanning, so it
    supports all the virus engines that the MailScanner project supports.
    The scanning is done as the file is being downloaded, so your current
    network apps don't have to be modified, etc. They just have to support
    using a proxy. 

DansGuardian Anti-Virus Scanner 1.3 (2.4.x Patches)

    The DansGuardian Anti-Virus Scanner gives you the ability to virus-scan
    all content that passes through DansGuardian. It uses the scanning code
    from the MailScanner project to do the actual virus scanning, so it
    supports all the virus engines that the MailScanner project supports.
    The scanning is done as the file is being downloaded, so your current
    network apps don't have to be modified, etc. They just have to support
    using a proxy. 

DIOTA 0.6 

    DIOTA is a just-in-time instrumentation tool for Intel binaries. It
    allows you to create a dynamic loadable library that can be attached to
    a program running under Linux. DIOTA can instrument all memory
    operations in the application and the used libraries (e.g., for
    checking for faulty memory accesses), calls of dynamically linked
    procedures (malloc, printf, etc.), detect the code executed during a
    particular run, and more. 

DockExtender 3.0.4 

    DockExtender allows you to organize and access your applications,
    documents and web sites through custom menus that you create. You can
    create up to 10 separate menus that you can access through the Dock,
    menu bar, or by pressing a HotKey. Items in your menus can be organized
    into as many submenus as you want, and sectioned by separator items.
    Load whole folders into submenus, or have them loaded when you access
    the menu, giving you the most up-to-date contents at your fingertips. 

DPROG 0.2.2 

    DPROG is a domain-specific language for specifying dynamic programming
    algorithms; given a recursive definition of the problem, the compiler
    generates code for solving the problem using dynamic programming. 

Exuberant Ctags 5.5 

    Exuberant Ctags is a multilanguage reimplementation of the Unix ctags
    program. It generates an index of source code object definitions which
    is used by a number of editors and tools to instantly locate the
    definitions. Exuberant Ctags currently supports the following
    languages: Assembler, ASP, AWK, BETA, C, C++, C#, COBOL, Eiffel,
    Erlang, Fortran, HTML, Java, Javascript, Lisp, Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl,
    PHP, PL/SQL, Python, REXX, Ruby, Scheme, Shell (Bourne, Korn, Z),
    S-Lang, SML (Standard ML), Tcl, Vera, Verilog, Vim, and YACC. 

flow-tools 0.66 

    flow-tools is a set of programs for processing and managing NetFlow
    exports from Cisco and Juniper routers. The tools included are:
    flow-capture, flow-cat, flow-dscan, flow-expire, flow-export,
    flow-fanout, flow-filter, flow-gen, flow-header, flow-import,
    flow-mask, flow-merge, flow-nfilter, flow-print, flow-receive,
    flow-report, flow-send, flow-split, flow-stat, flow-tag, and

FreeMercator Java POS 0.4.2 

    FreeMercator Java POS is a Point of Sale terminal and back-office.
    Project goals include scalability, robustness, and ease of use. 

gAlan 0.3.0-test2 (Unstable)

    gAlan is an audio-processing tool for X Windows and Win32. It allows
    you to build synthesizers, effects chains, mixers, sequencers, drum
    machines, etc. in a modular fashion by linking together icons
    representing primitive audio processing components. 

giFTui 0.0.1 

    giFTui is a graphical user interface to giFT. It is written in GTK+2
    and is designed to be really easy to use. Since it uses giFT, it is
    virtually able to connect to any file-sharing network (currently OpenFT
    and Gnutella). Its main features over other clients are multiple
    "search" and "browse user" tabs, transfer and
    status tabs, and the ability to stop a search. 

GLiv 1.7.1 

    GLiv is an OpenGL image viewer. It performs image loading via
    Gdk-pixbuf (which is bundled with GTK+-2.2) and rendering with OpenGL.
    The graphical user interface uses GTK+ with GtkGLExt. If Gdk-pixbuf
    cannot load your image, it uses ImageMagick to convert it to PNG. GLiv
    is very fast and smooth at rotating, panning, and zooming if you have
    an OpenGL accelerated graphics board. 

GtkPSproc 1.0 

    GtkPSproc is a GUI frontend for PSUTILS. It allows you to adjust all
    programs to your printer type (for example, always sending the pages in
    reverse order), to group two or more pages on a single sheet, to print
    booklets, and to easily print in double-sided fashion. It is designed
    to work from nearly all programs that call LPR, acting as an
    intermediary between the program and LPR, but it can work alone, too. 

gtranscode 0.1 

    gtranscode is a GUI frontend for transcode, a powerful processing tool
    which can read most video and audio formats and convert between them. 

hdup 1.6.9 (Stable)

    hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of
    the archive (with mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none),
    the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host or restoring from
    a remote host (with ssh), and no obscure archive format (it is a normal
    compressed tar file). 

ILIAS 2.3.5 (Stable)

    ILIAS is a platform for Web-based training. It is being developed at
    the University of Cologne, in Germany, using PHP and MySQL. It has been
    available since September 2000 as open software software under the GPL.
    The system's core is an authoring tool for creating courses. Other main
    components include personal desktops, a mail system, newsgroups, a
    group system, and system administration. 

ioctlsave 1.0 

    ioctlsave is a command-line utility to create /etc/ioctl.save.
    /etc/ioctl.save contains the terminal settings for the console when in
    single user mode. If no /etc/ioctl.save exists the default is 9600bps,
    8 data bits, no parity. When init leaves single user mode and no
    ioctl.save exists, it creates a /etc/ioctl.save with the console's
    current terminal settings. Serial console users that cannot connect at
    9600bps cannot use init to create /etc/ioctl.save. 

ITracker 1.6.1 (Stable)

    ITracker is a Java J2EE issue/bug tracking system designed to support
    multiple projects with independent user bases. It supports features
    such as multiple versions and project components, detailed histories,
    issue searching, file attachments, dynamic reports with charts, and
    multiple email notifications. 

Jay's Iptables Firewall 0.9.94 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a bash script that allows one to easily
    install and configure a firewall on a Linux system. It was initially
    written for use on a home LAN, but can be extend to any type of
    network. It features support for multiple (external/internal)
    interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP control, masquerading, synflood control,
    spoofing control, port forwarding from specific interfaces, VPNs (like
    vtun), ToS (bandwith managment), denying hosts (IP or MAC address),
    ZorbIPTraffic, Spyware list IP, Pre/Post scripts, log options, and
    more. The firewall is able to launch custom iptables rules, and the
    configuration of the firewall is assisted by an optional, interactive,
    curses-based Perl script. 

jGal D2 [2003-04-04] 

    jGal is a Perl script that generates static XHTML image galleries,
    along with thumbnails and slides, from image files. It's derived from

JOELib 2003-04-04 

    JOELib is a computational chemistry library which supports SMARTS
    substructure search, descriptor calculation, processing/filtering
    pipes, and conversion of different chemical file formats. It is written
    in 100% pure Java, and interfaces to external programs are available. 

JTAG Tools 0.3.2 

    JTAG Tools is a software package which enables working with JTAG-aware
    (IEEE 1149.1) hardware devices and boards through a JTAG adapter. This
    package has an open and modular architecture with the ability to write
    miscellanous extensions like board testers, flash memory programmers,
    and so on. 

jui 0.6 

    jui is a tool for creating Java GUI layout components. It has a
    powerful but simple layout algorithm and support for the Swing look and
    feel guidelines. 

KCachegrind Calltree 0.2.93 (Calltree Skin)

    KCachegrind visualizes traces generated by profiling, in various ways,
    including a TreeMap visualization of the calls happening, and a
    condensed version, the Coverage analysis. It's designed to be fast and
    to provide a quick overview of very large programs, such as KDE
    applications. It uses Cachegrind as profiling backend, which uses the
    CPU simulator in Valgrind. Thus, profiling does not need any
    preparation, can cope with shared libraries and plugin architectures,
    and allows for profile runs to not influence the measuring by the
    profile itself, however, the disadvantage to this is slower profile

KCachegrind 0.3b 

    KCachegrind visualizes traces generated by profiling, in various ways,
    including a TreeMap visualization of the calls happening, and a
    condensed version, the Coverage analysis. It's designed to be fast and
    to provide a quick overview of very large programs, such as KDE
    applications. It uses Cachegrind as profiling backend, which uses the
    CPU simulator in Valgrind. Thus, profiling does not need any
    preparation, can cope with shared libraries and plugin architectures,
    and allows for profile runs to not influence the measuring by the
    profile itself, however, the disadvantage to this is slower profile

KdeGiFT 0.5 

    KdeGiFT is a KDE client for the giFT file sharing network. 

Koha 1.2.3 

    Koha is a library and collection management system. It is designed to
    manage physical collections of items (books, CDs, videos, reference,
    etc.). It provides cataloguing, searching, member/patron management, an
    acqusitions system, and circulation (issues, returns, and reserves).
    Circulation is handled with a full screen curses interface or a
    Web-based interface, and the rest of the system is Web-based. 

Lame Node System 0.2 (Themes)

    Lame Node System is a Web-based idea repository. It supports files,
    pictures, external links, and (limited) HTML input. 

larswm 7.2.9 

    larswm is a modified version of the 9wm window manager that adds
    virtual desktops, automatic window tiling, and many other features
    designed to make it a highly efficient user environment. One of the
    design goals is that you should never have to manually shuffle windows
    around on the screen. Another is that it should use as little CPU time,
    RAM, and screen space for itself as possible. 

LDAPd 0.7 

    LDAPd is a pure Java LDAP protocol daemon that aims to be fully version
    3 compliant. It has a Staged Event Driven Architecture (SEDA) with
    several hot-pluggable components. LDAPd is currently built as an Apache
    Avalon Phoenix application. The use of Avalon Framework has allowed the
    development to maintain a pluggable architecture. Each module has been
    developed as a Phoenix block. 


    libike is a cross-platform C library for managing IKE negotiations. The
    library implements RFC-standard ISAKMP/IKE exchanges and utilizes a
    callback mechanism to delegate tasks of the actual packet transmission
    and security policies management to the external code. 

Linux graphical bootsplash 3.0.7 

    Linux graphical bootsplash allows you to use custom graphics during
    early system startup. It makes it possible to place a nice graphic
    behind or above the kernel boot messages. It hooks into the fbcon layer
    and, if activated, searches the initial ramdisk for a JPEG picture to
    show. On any output operations to the console, it takes care of
    painting a margin around your text and a background picture behind the
    text with a set of special cfb functions. 

Linux Test Project 20030404 

    The Linux Test Project is a joint project with SGI, IBM, OSDL, Bull,
    and Wipro Technologies with a goal to deliver test suites to the open
    source community that validate the reliability, robustness, and
    stability of Linux. The project consists of well over 950 individual
    testcases and a test driver to automate execution of the tests. 

Log Tool 1.2.1 

    Logtool is a syslog file parser, report generator, and monitoring
    utility. It takes logfiles from syslog, multilog, or other ASCII log
    generating sources as input from stdin, and depending on command line
    switches and/or config file settings, will parse and filter out
    unwanted messages from the logfile accordingly, and generate output in
    ANSI color, formatted ASCII, CSV (for spreadsheets), or HTML format. It
    is very handy for use in automated nightly reports, and online
    monitoring of logfile activity. It comes with some simple example
    scripts and documentation. 

Lucane 0.0.1 

    Lucane is an object oriented interpreted programming language. Its core
    is a prototype-based object model. 

MailScanner 4.14 

    MailScanner is an Email virus scanner, vulnerability protector, and
    spam tagger. It supports the Sendmail and Exim MTAs, and the Sophos,
    McAfee, F-Prot, F-Secure, CommandAV, InoculateIT, Inoculan 4.x,
    Kaspersky, Nod32, AntiVir, RAV, Panda, and Clam anti-virus scanners. It
    supports SpamAssassin for highly successful spam identification. It is
    specifically designed to handle Denial Of Service attacks. It is very
    easy to install, and requires no changes at all to your sendmail.cf
    file. It is designed to be lightweight, and won't grind your mail
    system to a halt with its load; a good PC can process over 1.5 million
    messages per day. It can be integrated into any email system,
    regardless of the software in use. 

MailStripper Pro 1.0rc3 

    MailStripper Pro is a mail scanner that aims to remove spam and viruses
    from incoming mail using the F-Prot anti-virus. It is written in Tcl
    and was designed to be MTA-independent. 


    The Medicine-HOWTO provides pointers to Linux software (mostly GPLed)
    for medical sciences. 

MRemote 1.2.1 

    MRemote is a set of utilities that allow an X10 MouseREMOTE to remotely
    control Linux. It includes a driver for the MouseREMOTE hardware, an
    XMMS plugin for controlling music, and a general-purpose program
    launcher that can easily be customized. In addition, custom
    MouseREMOTE-aware apps can be built using the included C API. 

Mulimidix 0.1 

    Mulimidix is a mini Linux distribution for building a PC-based set-top
    box and multimedia player system with digital TV, MP3, DivX, etc.
    support, using VDR, Freevo and other tools. It is currently optimized
    for i686. 

Natural Language Processing Toolkit 0.0.1 

    Natural Language Processing Toolkit is part of the Traduki Machine
    Translation Project. It provides a basic framework for working with
    Natural Language Processing, like tokens structures, regular expression
    parsing, string comparison by similarity, Unicode functions, etc.
    Although initially developed for machine translation purposes, it can
    be used in many different fields, such as spam filtering and text
    adventure games. 

Open Application Server 0.1 

    The Open Application Server is an application server that provides a
    thread-based request delivery architecture, support for request
    handlers loaded from external libraries, and support of additional
    application APIs such as HTTP, SMTP, etc. 

Openline 1.0 

    Openline is an open source version of Hotline, a PC/MAC client/server
    application that provides users the ability to create and manage a
    desktop community. The application has file uploading and downloading,
    instant messaging, a bulletin board, threaded news, and public and
    private chat. 

Perl HL7 Toolkit 0.63 

    Perl HL7 Toolkit provides a number of Perl libraries and scripts for
    developing HL7-capable applications in Perl. 

Photoshrink 3.2.1 

    Photoshrink is a Python program that creates two flavors of thumbnail
    images and writes supporting Web pages: a slide show layout for medium
    thumbs and a thumbnail gallery layout for small thumbs. The package
    includes command line and Web (mod_python) interfaces. 

phpMyFAQ 1.3.0 Beta 2 (Development)

    phpMyFAQ is a fully featured and database powered FAQ system. It
    includes user management, a rating option, and a forum system. 

popsneaker 0.6.1 

    Popsneaker is a mailfilter for remote filtering of POP3 email accounts.
    It is mostly useful for computers which have a dial-in connection to
    the internet. You can define rules to select emails, which you don't
    want to download to your local box. This is a simple and effective way
    to get rid of spam, advertisings and other kinds of unwanted mail. The
    filter rules are very flexible and powerful, but still easy to handle.
    The main ruletypes are using regular expressions to deny, to accept or
    to make an assumption on the mail. 

Portable OpenSSH 3.6.1p1 (Stable)

    This is a Unix/Linux port of OpenBSD's excellent OpenSSH. OpenSSH is a
    full implementation of the SSH1 protocol and a 99% implementation of
    the SSH 2 protocol, including sftp client and server support. 

posh 0.2.27 

    posh is a stripped-down version of pdksh with several improvements that
    aims for compliance with Debian's /bin/sh policy, and few extra
    features. Currently, Debian's policy is to adhere to POSIX with the
    exception of supporting 'echo -n', so posh strives toward compliance
    with SUSv3 (with the exception of 'echo -n'). 

Python-LDAP 2.0.0pre07 

    python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
    servers from Python programs. It wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for that

PyX 0.3.1 

    PyX is a Python package for the creation of encapsulated PostScript
    figures. It provides both an abstraction of PostScript and a TeX/LaTeX
    interface. Complex tasks like 2D and 3D plots in publication-ready
    quality are built out of these primitives. 

qpopper-mysql 0.11 

    qpopper-mysql is a patch to Qualcomm's qpopper POP3 daemon to enable it
    to do user authentication via a MySQL database, support virtual
    domains, support Maildir-style mailboxes, and log logins into a MySQL
    database for possible MTA SMTP authentication relaying use. 

qpopper-mysql 0.9.1 

    qpopper-mysql is a patch to Qualcomm's qpopper POP3 daemon to enable it
    to do user authentication via a MySQL database, support virtual
    domains, support Maildir-style mailboxes, and log logins into a MySQL
    database for possible MTA SMTP authentication relaying use. 

Qtmame 2.0 

    Qtmame is a frontend to xmame. It shows snapshots, cabinets, marquees,
    titles, flyers, mameinfo, and history. It supports Catver.ini. 

Revision History Viewer 1.0 

    Revision History Viewer is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE to view CVS
    repository information graphically. It includes an historical timeline
    of file updates. 

RIMiGate, APRSD on a Floppy 0.2 

    RIMiGate is a floppy-based Linux distribution for running WA4DSY's
    aprsd. Its goal is to make it easy to deploy igates for the APRS

Romeo xmame frontend 0.1b 

    Romeo is a Java frontend for xmame with a lot of features. It uses a
    library by l2fprod to be skinnable and the Java Mail API for an
    enclosed mail module. Romeo can automatically download ROMs,
    screenshots, flyers etc. and can use a different config file for each

Scientific Image Database 0.30 (beta4)

    SIDB (Scientific Image Database) is a Web-driven database for
    (scientific) images. Entry of image meta-data is facilitated through
    the use of user-definable templates. Users have complete control over
    who else may see the submitted image and data. SIDB offers various
    views on the actual image data. Thumbnail plus meta-data can be
    printed, and multiple thumbnails can be combined in galleries. A
    freeware version of the Huygens software (http://www.svi.nl) can be
    used to generate projections from 3-D images (most confocal microscope
    image formats are supported), as well as MPEG movies, showing the
    individual layers from the 3-D images. 

Scriptol Compilers 3.4 (Stable)

    Scriptol is an object oriented programming language designed to deliver
    the programmer from hardware or software constraints and let him or her
    concentrate only on the problem to formulate as a program. It is
    universal, and allows building dynamic Web pages (with PHP as the
    backend), writing scripts, and building binary applications. It is
    compatible with Java and C++ libraries. Examples of use with PHP, Java,
    and GTK are included. 

SKYRiX ZideStore Server 0.9.10 

    The SKYRiX ZideStore server is a native client integration server for
    the SKYRiX groupware. Users can access the contact, appointment, and
    task database using Outlook, Evolution and almost any iCalendar
    compatible client (for example Apple iCal or Mozilla Calendar). 

SMATCH 0.46 

    SMATCH is an experiment in finding Linux kernel errors. There are two
    main parts to Smatch. The first is a patch to the gcc sources to print
    out a lot of information. The second part is a collection of Perl
    scripts and libraries to analyze the information. 

SoulSeek for Linux 1.1.0pre1 

    Soulseek (http://www.slsk.org) is a communication and file-sharing
    system. It is quite similar to Napster: it lets you exchange files,
    search for files, chat with other users in public and in private,
    browse their files, and get recommendations for music. SoulSeek for
    Linux is a GUI client for the system written in Python/wxPython. It
    includes all the major functionality: chat, searches, and file

SpamAssassin 2.53 

    SpamAssassin is a mail filter that uses a wide range of heuristic tests
    on mail headers and body text to identify spam. Once identified, the
    mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later filtering. It
    provides a command line tool to perform filtering, a client-server
    system to filter large volumes of mail, and Mail::SpamAssassin, a set
    of Perl modules that implement a Mail::Audit plugin -- allowing
    SpamAssassin to be used in a Mail::Audit filter, a spam-protection
    proxy POP/IMAP server, or almost anywhere. 

SQL ToolBox 0.6 

    SQL ToolBox is a database administration and code generation tool that
    features a graphical user interface, compatibility with JDBC databases,
    a code generator for EJBs, and CSV and XML data support. Its JBuilder
    and NetBeans integration supports a database browser and a SQL editor
    with syntax highlighting and syntax checking. 

stowES 0.5.3 

    stowES (stow Enhancement Script) is a Perl script which tries to ease
    the use of the "stow" packaging program and software which
    can be compiled and installed with autoconf. It automates the
    compilation and installation of software packages and provides some
    useful functions to maintain your stow packages (e.g., list packages,
    check packages for integrity, etc.). 

swsusp 2.5 Beta19-20 (2.5 Development)

    swsusp enables you to suspend your machine without having to use APM or
    BIOS support. It creates an image which is saved in your active swaps.
    At the next system bootup, the kernel detects the saved image, restores
    the memory from it and then it continues to run as before you've

swsusp 2.4 Beta19-20 (2.4 Development)

    swsusp enables you to suspend your machine without having to use APM or
    BIOS support. It creates an image which is saved in your active swaps.
    At the next system bootup, the kernel detects the saved image, restores
    the memory from it and then it continues to run as before you've

tdl 1.3.1 

    tdl is a command-line application for managing a list of outstanding
    tasks that you have to do. It can organise tasks in a hierarchy,
    produce weekly reports of completed tasks and so on. 

Ted 2.14 

    Ted is a text processor running under X on Unix/Linux systems, with the
    ability to edit rich text documents on Unix/Linux in a WYSIWYG way. It
    also converts RTF to PostScript and PDF. RTF files from Ted are fully
    compatible with MS Word. 

The Quipu Maximum Entropy Package 2.1.0 

    Maximum entropy is a powerful method for constructing statistical
    models of classification tasks, such as part-of-speech tagging in
    Natural Language Processing. The Quipu Maximum Entropy Package is a
    Java implementation of the maximum entropy framework. It allows you to
    train, evaluate, and use maxent models. 

trickle 1.03 

    trickle is a lightweight, portable, per-application bandwidth shaper.
    It works in collaboration, has peak detection, and does smoothing.
    trickle works entirely in userland and does not require root to run. It
    has been developed on OpenBSD and is known to run on Linux, FreeBSD,
    and Solaris. 

TUTOS 1.1.20030404 

    TUTOS (The Ultimate Team Organization Software) is a groupware or
    ERP/CRM suite that helps small to medium teams manage various things in
    one place. Its features include personal and group calendars, an
    address book, product and project management, bug tracking,
    installation management, a task list, notes, files, mailboxes, and
    useful links between all of the above. 

WebCollab 1.30 

    WebCollab is a collaborative Web site for project workgroups. It aims
    to be easy and intuitive to use without being complicated or
    graphically intensive. 

Wipe 033003 

    Recovery of supposedly erased data from magnetic media is easier than
    what many people would like to believe. A technique called Magnetic
    Force Microscopy (MFM) allows any moderately funded opponent recover
    the last two or three layers of data written to disk. Wipe repeadetly
    overwrites special patterns to the files to be destroyed, using the
    fsync() call and/or the O_SYNC bit to force disk access. 

WMBiff 0.4.15 

    WMBiff is a dockapp which can display the status of up to 5 mailboxes.
    It supports mbox, maildir, POP3, APOP, IMAP and IMAPS mailboxes, as
    well as Licq history files. 

YABS 0.2a 

    YABS is a template-based blog system. It uses a file-based template
    system, with markers for positioning the YABS elements. This allows
    users to place specific elements anywhere on the page. The provided
    template is both XHTML and CSS compliant, and all output from the
    classes is XHTML compliant. YABS allows uploadable CSS files to be used
    as subthemes, which are viewer selectable via a drop down list (again,
    the template dictates where this appears). It also allows viewer
    comments, and these can be disabled on a site-wide, or per-blog basis.
    It also supports anti-spam email display, using Dan Benjamin's email

Zmanim 1.0.4 

    Zmanim is a software package that computes zmanim, the times (according
    to Jewish law) by which an observant Jew must complete specific

Newsforge Reports
GNU & Linux - Setting the Record Straight

    - Clinton Goveas - I was reading Richard Stallman's interview in a
    local Linux monthly the other day and was struck by an important point
    he was trying to make. The operating system we have all come to love,
    is not Linux! Let me explain... 

Linux Advisory Watch - April 4, 2003

    - Benjamin D. Thomas - This week advisories were released for sendmail,
    dietlibc, krb4, mutt, lpr, kernel, apcupsd, samba, eterm, evolution,
    dhcp, openssl, vsftp, kerberos, eog, enetbpm, and mysql. The
    distributors include Caldera, Conectiva, Gentoo, Immunix, Red Hat,
    SuSE, Slackware, Trustix, and Yellow Dog. 

Recent security flaws highlight need for vigilance

    - Lee Schlesinger - Open source security is looking a lot like
    Microsoft lately. Last week we heard about a Linux kernel flaw that
    could allow non-privileged users to gain root privileges. This week the
    problem is in Sendmail. According to CERT, "An email message with a
    specially crafted address could trigger a stack overflow" that "could
    allow an attacker to gain control of a vulnerable sendmail server." Is
    it time to re-examine the notion that ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
The Linux Test Project ltp-2003DD released

    Robbie Williamson writes "The Linux Test Project test suite
    ltp-full-20030404.tgz has been released. Visit our website
    (http://ltp.sourceforge.net) to download the latest version of the
    testsuite that contains 1000+ tests for the Linux OS. Our site also
    contains other information such as: test results, a Linux test tools
    matrix, an area for keeping up with fixes for known blocking problems
    in the 2.5 kernel releases, technical papers and HowTos ... 

IndLinux.org releases Hindi interface for Gnome

    Kodek writes "More news from the translation front. IndLinux.org has
    released a Hindi version of the Gnome interface, opening open source
    software up to the more than 400 million Hindi speakers globally." 

Publisher's Books so Good They Get "Hacked"

    Anonymous Reader writes "Linuxlookup.com is running a story on a
    popular publisher recently discovered that two of their books have been
    illegally circulated on the Internet. Because this was the result of
    anti-copying circumvention by the perpetrator, they could have pursued
    legal action under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. However, they
    have chosen not to, and outline their reasons why in the story." 

High-Availability.Com introduces RSF-1 on Linux

    Grenville Whelan writes "High-Availability.Com (HAC), a leading
    provider of easy and affordable high availability (HA) clustering
    solutions for Unix environments, today announced that it has released
    an aggressively-priced "all-in" RSF-1 solutions package to provide High
    Availability for Linux systems. 

   Does an organization have anything to gain from .Net?

     Despite a vaguely defined purpose, no track record and several known
    risks, organizations are starting to implement projects based in .Net.
    Carmine Mangione delves into the .Net enigma and explains why jumping
    on the .Net bandwagon -- like blindly adopting any technology without
    first weighing the pros and cons -- could potentially sink your

   Text-to-speech software gets Linux voice

     NeoSpeech has announced Linux support for its VoiceText 2.0, advanced
    Text-to-Speech (TTS) software. The software generates natural-sounding
    voices from text input across handheld, desktop, and network/server

   Dell Feels Linux Customer Demand

     In rolling out low-cost, Oracle-based server clusters on Wednesday,
    Dell CEO Michael Dell mentioned Linux and Windows as "standards" in
    almost the same breath. At the same press conference in New York City,
    though, members of a Dell customer panel indicated that momentum for
    Linux could be starting to outweigh attachment to Windows and other OS
    among Dell's customer base. 

Page Clustering, Booting Linux On A 64GB x86

    William Lee Irwin III recently announced on the lkml that he'd
    successfully gotten Linux running on a 64GB x86 server. His posts
    included two different boot message logs, one without his page
    clustering patch, and one with. In the latter case, his patch overcomes
    the 1GB mem_map virtual space limitation imposed by x86 32-bit servers,
    without which the kernel over-runs allowable memory space. 

German lawyer demands Linus Torvalds drop Linux name

     A report in a German magazine said that a lawyer has asked Linus
    Torvalds to drop the use of the brand name Linux. 

   Aussie consortium ponders Linux engineering cluster

     A supercomputing consortium plans to decide within the next two weeks
    on a tender for what it claims is the first large cluster in Australia
    dedicated to computational engineering. 

Tshirts: Mostly IP Creeper & Toddler Tee

Interests: Megatokyo Endgames - Pirogoeth Poster

Books: The Matrix & Philosophy: Welcome To The Desert Of The Real

Books: The Book Of Overclocking

Books: Pattern Recognition

Computing: Zalman CNPS7000-Cu CPU Cooler

Computing: Multi-Fan Speed Controller

Computing: Zalman Silent 400W Power Supply

Computing: Half Keyboard

Computing: Zalman VGA Heatsink w/ HeatPipe

Cube Goodies: Portable Mini Fridge

Gadgets: LightWedge Reading Light

Gadgets: Binary Code Watch

Books: High Score! The Illustrated History Of Electronic Games

Computing: LED Light Sticks

Cube Goodies: Activision 10-in-1 TV Games

Cube Goodies: Atari Classics 10-in-1 TV Games

Computing: IQeye3 Network Camera

Electronics: FM Transmitter

Computing: UV-Treated Rounded Cables

phpPgAdmin: Third development version released

    The phpPgAdmin project is proud to announce a new development release
    of its 3.0.0 software. The biggest improvements have been in our
    foreign language support. As well as French, Japanese and Russian
    translations, all our translations work better and we've fixed a lot of
    small bugs. phpPgAdmin is a fully functional web-based administration
    utility for a PostgreSQL database server. It handles all the basic
    functionality as well as some advanced features such as triggers, views
    and functions (stored procs). 

DataVision 0.7.6 released

    DataVision is an Open Source reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports.
    Reports can be designed using a drag-and-drop GUI. They may be run,
    viewed, and printed from the application or exported as HTML, XML, PDF,
    LaTeX2e, DocBook, or tab- or comma-delimited text files. The output
    files produced by LaTeX2e and DocBook can in turn be used to produce
    PDF, text, HTML, PostScript, and more. This is a bug fix release. SQL
    tables would still sometimes not load their columns. They should, now.
    The HTML layout engine now uses "font-family", not "font-name", when
    specifying a field's font. 

SandBoss_1_2 released

    sandboss is a free Structs And Nodes Development environment (sandbox)
    built on JBoss and other open source tools. The goal is to provide a
    working project management system as an example distributed enterprise
    application built using SAND. In addition to assorted bug fixes and
    minor enhancements, this release greatly extends the SANDForms UI
    structures and related processing. It is now possible to handle query
    operations on persistent message information (in addition to the
    existing add/update/delete processing) within a single unified form
    environment. Forms can also be named, to support control of multiple
    forms in a single display. See the UIGen.html documentation in the top
    level docs for details. 

SquirrelMail 1.4.0 released

    SquirrelMail is a PHP4-based Web email client. It includes built-in
    pure PHP support for IMAP and SMTP, and renders all pages in pure HTML
    4.0 for maximum compatibility across browsers. It also has MIME
    support, folder manipulation, etc. Today, after a very long wait, the
    first stable child of the past development series, 1.4.0, has seen the
    light! It includes enhancements for stability, performance and
    compatibility, plus new features and many bugfixes. We consider this
    the best version of SquirrelMail available. 

ROBODoc 4.0.0 released 

    ROBODoc is a documentation tool. It extracts the documentation from
    commentheaders in the sourcecode and formats it in HTML, RTF, TeX, or
    ASCII. Works with C, Tcl, FORTRAN, and any other language that supports
    remarks. Release of ROBODoc V4.0.0 All previous versions of ROBODoc
    operated on a single file and created a single output file. To create
    the documentation from all the source files of a project a makefile had
    to be written. Documentation was created in two steps, one for the
    crosslinks and one for the actual documentation. It was possible to
    work with subdirectories but this required a lot of wizzardry. This has
    been all changed with this release. All documentation can now be
    created with a single call to robodoc. This makes it much easier to get
    started with ROBODoc. To make it even easier a new tool is available,
    robohdrs, that can insert empty headers in the source code. ROBODoc now
    supports documentation in single file and multiple file format, called
    singledoc and multidoc. In singledoc mode ROBODoc stores all the
    extrated documentation in a single file. This is usefull if you want to
    print the documentation, deliver documentation to a client, or include
    it in a large document. In multidoc mode ROBODOc stores the extrated
    documentation in several files. This is useful if you want to browse
    documentation. The manual has been converted to DocBook format and is
    much more extensive. A HTML version and a printable PDF version are
    available. Besides the source package, RedHat, OS-X, and Debian
    packages are now available. Amiga Guide format output is no longer
    available. TROFF output is temporairily unavailable, but will be
    restored in the next version. SGML DocBook format has been replaced
    with XML DocBook format. 

ntop 2.1.91 posted

    Source for ntop 2.1.91, a RELEASE CANDIDATE release working towards
    ntop 2.2, has been released. ntop is a tool for both Unix and Win32
    that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix
    command does. It sports both a web and a command line interface. 

CDDA Ripper XP 0.66 released

    CDDA Ripper XP is an audio (CD-DA) CD ripper program based on AKRip32.
    Provides support for NT/2000/XP natively (no ASPI manager required). It
    supports WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA encoding. It uses newest and quality
    encoders, like LAME 3.93.1 and OGG/Vorbis 1.0. Version 0.66 has new
    features and many bug fixes. Now CDDA Ripper XP can optionally use an
    external ASPI manager. This may solve the error "No cd-roms found"
    which appears in some systems. In this release fixed a bug related with
    the internal CD player (for systems with two CD-ROM drives), a bug that
    causes the Ok and Cancel button to not be displayed in track settings,
    a bug that causes the genre to not be saved properly in ID3 tag. An
    attemp to fix the crash that occures when trying to load the CDDB
    information of a CD title that has data tracks has been made. 

New packages for gcvs 1.0

    The CvsGui project is providing several high-end interface clients
    (WinCvs, MacCvs, gCvs) written in C++ using popular frameworks (MFC,
    PowerPlant, GTK+) with a scripting support via Python or TCL. There are
    new precompiled gcvs packages for FreeBSD, RedHat and Solaris in the
    download area.

Chicoon 0.1 released

    Chiba provides an implementation of the W3C XForms standard, thereby
    delivering generic, XML-based form-processing for the web. This is the
    first release of the Chiba/Cocoon (Chicoon) integration package. By
    integrating Chiba into Cocoon the power and functionality of Chiba's
    XForms processing is now available to any Cocoon application. The set
    of special connectors in Chicoon enables the Chiba processor to
    directly interact with the Cocoon environment, thereby utilizing
    Cocoon's powerful XML processing capabilities. Chicoon uses Chiba 0.8
    and is tested under Cocoon 2.0.4. 

BSpam-0.5 released (A probabilistic spam filter in perl)

    BSpam is a perl implementation of Paul Graham's Bayesian spam filtering
    system. Major features include mime decoding, html parsing and
    whitespace compression to foil spammers who try to hide thier content
    from filters. Version 0.5 includes improvements in tokenizing prices,
    and special marking of tokens in Content-Type headers to better handle
    chinese language spams. Also fixed is an oversight that required users
    to have the MIME:Base64.pm and MIME:QuotedPrint.pm installed in thier
    site_perl directory. See the BSpam project home page for more
    information: http://bspam.sourceforge.net 

PowerShot G3 Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $509.99 

EOS 10D Digital Camera (Canon)

    Lowest Price: $1349.99 

C-4000 Zoom Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $299.00 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $320.99 

C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus)

    Lowest Price: $529.99 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $2999.00 

FreeSpeak Wireless Headset for Bluetooth Phones (Jabra)

    Lowest Price: $57.95 

DMR-E30 DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $368.00 

RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $107.12 

Panasonic 42" Diagonal Plasma TV - PT42PD3P 852 x 480 Pixels (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3389.00 

Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $133.00 

Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $10.00 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $108.99 

DVD X Copy (Full Product) (321 Studios)

    Lowest Price: $58.95 

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