O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    May 29, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Nullsoft's Waste: Encrypted, Distributed, Mesh Net

    [0]Myriad writes "[1]Nullsoft, makers of the venerable [2]Winamp MP3
    player, released today a secure, distributed mesh-like networking
    protocal and platform called [3]Waste. This v1.0 beta release uses RSA
    (key based) and Blowfish encryption for [4]security, and features
    Instant Messanging and group chat, along with file browsing, searching,
    and transfer. Waste has been released under the GPL, with source and
    binaries [5]available here." 
    0. http://`moc.livellafo' `ta' `toor'
    1. http://www.nullsoft.com/
    2. http://winamp.com/
    3. http://www.nullsoft.com/free/waste/
    4. http://www.nullsoft.com/free/waste/security.html
    5. http://www.nullsoft.com/free/waste/download.html

Contactless Credit Cards

    An anonymous reader writes "According to his article in EETimes, Visa
    and Phillips are teaming up to introduce a so-called "[0]contactless
    credit card". Basically it'll work like the proximity cards many of us
    use for access to our places of work or apartments. You won't need to
    physically swipe it, simply waving it over a reader is good enough." 
    0. http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/OEG20030528S0030

A Good Summer Read?

    binaryhead asks: "Well, the semester has just ended, and I have
    graduated from school! :-) I start my full-time job in a month and want
    to read a good book in the mean time. Having read Snowcrash,
    Neuromancer, and most of the hacker biographies, I am trying to find a
    scifi-geek-hacker book that people like. I might try the new [0]Kevin
    Mitnick book, but I wanted to see what Slashdot preferred. Thanks." 

Video Games Boost Visual Skills

    [0]cmburns69 writes "A new study published in Nature Magazine ([1]MSNBC
    summary) suggests that [2]playing action games improves visual skills.
    Among other things, young adults who played action games such as Grand
    Theft Auto and Medal of Honor regularly could track up to five objects
    at a time - 30% more than non-players. Apparently, the game type is
    important, as ten hours of the block-rotating game Tetris failed to
    improve test scores." 
    0. http://www.netnexus.com
    1. http://www.msnbc.com/news/919010.asp
    2. http://www.nature.com/nsu/030527/030527-5.html

Slashback: Rendering, Munich, Clones

    Slashback tonight with a passel of updates, corrections and tangents
    related to recent Slashdot postings, including GNU/Linux vs. Windows in
    Munich, Bunnie Huang's book on Xbox hacking, Mozilla's 5-line
    crash-test, and (sigh) yet another SCO note, but at least it's one to
    smile at. Read on for the details. 

SCO Might Sue Linus for Patent Infringement?

    An anonymous reader writes "[Darl McBride, SCO's chief executive
    [0]stated] that unless more companies start licensing SCO's property,
    he may also sue Linus Torvalds, who is credited with inventing the
    Linux operating system, for patent infringement." It's right at the end
    of the story and it's quite a statement. 

Nucular Hydrogen Economy

    [0]Mark Baard writes "The hydrogen economy will at least in part be
    [1]based on nukes. The DOE will build a pilot high-temperature,
    gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), which theoretically can co-generate
    electricity and hydrogen, side by side, inside a cheap modular unit." 
    0. http://www.baard.com
    1. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0322/baard.php

Play GNU Chess On Your Scanner

    [0]leighklotz writes "Debian developer and Internet Mail Archive
    founder [1]Jeff Breidenbach of [2]PARC has made [3]GlyphChess, a
    chess-playing copier using Python, [4]GNU Chess and [5]DataGlyphs
    attached to the bottom of the pieces. DataGlyphs are cool 2D barcodes
    made out of / and \ marks for ones and zeros that use the [6] coding
    from CDs for error coding. If you don't happen to have a Xerox machine
    at home, it also works with SANE..." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.jab.org/www/projects.html
    2. http://www.parc.com/
    3. http://www2.parc.com/asd/members/jbreiden/glyphchess.html
    4. http://www.gnu.org/software/chess/
    5. http://www.parc.com/solutions/dataglyphs
    6. http://www.cs.utk.edu/~shuford/terminal/reed_solomon_codes.html

Asia Running Out Of IP Addresses

    [0]miladus writes "According to a story at [1]Zdnet, Asian countries
    are running out of IP addresses. China, for example, was assigned 22
    million IP addresses (for a population of 1.3 billion) under IPv4. The
    US owns 70 percent of current IP addresses. Perhaps [2]IPv6 will solve
    the problem." 
    0. http://www.miladus.org/mt
    1. http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1103_2-1010666.html?tag=fdfeed
    2. http://www.ipv6.org/

Real Launches Music Download Service

    fupeg writes "Spurred on by Apple's success, as well as their own
    purchase of [0]listen.com, [1]Real Networks announced their own online
    music service, dubbed RealOne Rhapsody. Here is the [2]press release.
    They're offering songs at $0.79 per song, but with a $9.99/month
    subscription. The first two months are free. The press release says
    that 2/3 of their 300,000 song catalog is available for CD burning,
    while everything is available for 'on-demand' listening." 
    0. http://www.listen.com/
    1. http://www.realnetworks.com/
    2. http://www.realnetworks.com/company/press/releases/2003/rhapsody.html

Access Point Utilities for Unix 1.3.2 (Stable)

    Access Point Utilities for Unix is a set of utilities that configure
    and monitor a Wireless Access Point under Unix. It is known to compile
    (with GCC and the IBM C compiler) and run under Linux, FreeBSD,
    OpenBSD, MacOS X, AIX, and QNX. 

America's Army Gentoo GameCD 20030528 

    America's Army Gentoo GameCD is a bootable CD that contains the full
    America's Army combat simulation video game client. It features a
    completely graphical boot process and hardware auto-detection. It
    requires a modern PC with NVIDIA or ATI (Radeon 8500+) hardware, and
    includes accelerated graphics drivers. 

Animail 2.0-pre16 (Unstable)

    Animail is a multiserver POP3/APOP/IMAP4 (with or without SSL) mail
    retrieval utility. It features an advanced filtering system based on
    blacklisting, whitelisting, or a combination of both. It is possible to
    send an autoresponse which prompts people to reply and add themselves
    to the 'autoaccept' file. It also allows filters based on regular
    expressions which match against the email headers. (If a message is
    filtered, only the header is downloaded, not the entire body.)
    Combining external filtering programs (e.g. SpamAssassin or Bogofilter)
    as message post-download plugins is also easily acomplished, thus
    extending filtering capabilities in an unlimited way. Available
    delivery options include mailbox, maildir, local SMTP, and pipe to a

ANT is Not a Telephone 0.1.1 

    ANT is a telephone application for GNU/Linux, ISDN4Linux, and OSS. 

Apache 2.0.46 (Stable)

    Apache is the world's most popular HTTP server, being quite possibly
    the best around in terms of functionality, efficiency, security and

arch revision control system 1.0pre24 

    arch is a modern replacement for CVS, specifically designed for the
    distributed development needs of open source projects. It has uniquely
    good support for development on branches (especially good merging
    tools), distributed repositories (every developer can have branches in
    their own repository), changeset-oriented project management (arch
    commits changes to multiple files at once), and, of course, file and
    directory renaming. 

AutoUpdate 5.0.1 

    AutoUpdate is a Perl script which performs a task similar to Red Hat's
    up2date or autorpm. It can be used to automatically download and
    upgrade RPMs from different HTTP(S) or (S)FTP sites, while also
    handling dependencies. Moreover, it can also be used to keep a server
    with a customized (Red Hat) distribution plus all clients up to date. 

BANG! R6-V7 

    BANG! is a news CGI script written in Perl. It generates an HTML file
    (news.txt) containing your news that can be included in your site via
    SSI #include directives. 

Bauk 1.76 (Stable)

    Bauk is a high performance HTTP server for UNIX-like operating systems.
    It brings together a rich set of features with real configurability and
    ease of administration. Some of Bauk's features include virtual hosts,
    URL aliases, execution of CGI programs, HTTP authentication: Basic
    method, network traffic per virtual host quotas, connections per client
    IP number quotas, directory browsing, server host name aliases, access
    restriction by IP address, configurable HTTP log format, multiprocess
    architecture, simple configuration, easy administration, flexibility
    and much more. 

beltane 1.0.3 

    Beltane is a Web-based central management console for the samhain file
    integrity system. If samhain is used in a client/server setup, beltane
    enables the administrator to browse client reports, acknowledge them,
    and update file signature databases stored centrally on the log server. 

bind 8.4.0-RC2 (Bind8-Beta)

    The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet name
    server for Unix operating systems. The BIND consists of a server (or
    `daemon') called `named' and a resolver library. A name server is a
    network service that enables clients to name resources or objects and
    share this information with other objects in the network. 

BinPost 0.3 alpha 

    BinPost is multi-platform tool for posting multi-part binaries to
    Usenet. It features an intiutive GUI and many features for experts. 

Blassic 0.5.6 

    Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter. The line numbers are mandatory,
    and it has PEEK & POKE. The main goal is to execute programs
    written in old interpreters, but it can be used as a scripting

Bookcase 0.6.3 

    Bookcase is a personal book collection manager for KDE. It uses an XML
    file storage format, and tracks 26 book properties by default.
    Unlimited user-defined fields are allowed. Author names are
    automatically formatted, and the collection may be sorted by any
    property. Filters are available to limit the visible books by definable
    criteria. Full customization for printing is possible through editing
    the default XSLT file. Automatic ISBN validation is included. Exporting
    to Bibtex and Bibtexml is possible. 

bosdl 0.11 (Development)

    bosdl is a client for Boss Ogg based on the SDL. It features TrueType
    fonts, album covers, and a progress meter. 

cdrtools 2.00.3 (Stable)

    cdrtools (formerly cdrecord) creates home-burned CDs with a CDR/CDRW
    recorder. It works as a burn engine for several applications. It
    supports CD recorders from many different vendors; all SCSI-3/mmc- and
    ATAPI/mmc-compliant drives should also work. Supported features include
    IDE/ATAPI, parallel port, and SCSI drives, audio CDs, data CDs, and
    mixed CDs, full multi-session support, CDRWs (rewritable), TAO, DAO,
    RAW, and human-readable error messages. cdrtools includes remote SCSI
    support and can access local or remote CD writers. 

Cone 0.50 

    Cone (COnsole Newsreader And Emailer) is a text-based email client. It
    seamlessly handles multiple POP3 and IMAP accounts and local mail
    folders. It is also a simple newsreader. It is designed to be foolproof
    enough to be used by inexperienced users, but also offers advanced
    features for power users. 

Connect Daily Web Calendar 2.1.15 

    Connect Daily, a Web-based calendaring system, allows multiple users to
    add and edit calendar events using a Web browser. The calendar display
    can be directly integrated into your Web site. It provides advanced
    capabilities for managing resources and facilities. The approval
    processes allow many users to edit calendars, with the assurance that
    all items added are approved. It supports event download to MS Outlook
    and Palm OS PDAs. Authentication to LDAP directories is also supported. 

Crash Core Analysis Suite 3.3-28 

    The Crash Core Analysis Suite utility is a self-contained tool, loosely
    based on the SVR4 crash command but completely merged with gdb, thereby
    combining the kernel-specific nature of crash with the source level
    debugging capabilities of gdb. The utility can be used to investigate
    live systems, kernel core dumps created from the Kernel Core Dump patch
    offered by Mission Critical Linux, and kernel core dumps created from
    the Linux Kernel Crash Dumps (LKCD) patch offered by SGI. 

devlabel 0.38.05 

    Devlabel is a program which dynamically creates symbolic links to
    disk/partition names. It uses the disk's and/or partition's unique
    identifiers to keep the symlink pointed to the correct location even if
    the underlying partition's name has changed. So, regardless of whether
    /dev/sdb6 becomes /dev/sdc6, devlabel figures this all out and points
    the symlink to the correct data. 

DHCP Usage Statistics 1.1 

    DHCP Usage Statistics is a Perl script that analyzes your dhcpd.conf
    and dhcpd.leases files and generates output for a Web page. 

doxygen 1.3.1 

    Doxygen is a cross-platform, JavaDoc-like documentation system for C++,
    C, C#, Java, IDL, and PHP. Doxygen can be used to generate an on-line
    class browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual (in LaTeX
    or RTF) from a set of source files. Doxygen can also be configured to
    extract the code-structure from undocumented source files. This
    includes dependency graphs, class diagrams and hyperlinked source code.
    This type of information can be very useful to quickly find your way in
    large source distributions. 

Easy-to-Say password generator 1.0 

    Easy-to-Say password generator is called as a PHP function with
    arguments. You can specify a predefined part of the password, password
    length, "fuzzy factor", and other characteristics. 

Edit Source 1.0 

    Edit Source is a script that allows files on a Web site to be edited
    without requiring FTP. It features the ability to create directories
    and normal text files, as well as editing and deleting files. 

Elm ME+ PL102 (25) 

    Elm 2.4ME+ is based on Elm 2.4. It contains enhanced MIME and character
    set support. It can read mail from POP or IMAP folders and can pass
    mail to the PGP or GPG programs. It also includes modules for TLS/SSL,
    iconv, and SMTP. 

eXtended Account Managing Software 0.0.13 

    eXtended Account Managing Software (XAMS) allows Administration of
    Unix, Web, FTP, DNS, and email accounts to manage a provider's typical
    userbase. Especially focusing on email account management, it enables
    you to easily create accounts, set aliases, and delegate domain
    administration to 2nd party resellers or customers. It uses PHP with
    MySQL or PostgreSQL as a backend, and is therefore able to manage tons
    of email accounts independently from your Unix/Linux accounts. Exim for
    SMTP and Courier for POP/IMAP are fully supported, but postfix, Cyrus,
    and qmail can be used too. 

eZ publish 3.1 Beta 1 (Unstable)

    eZ publish is an open source content management system and development
    framework. As a content management system (CMS) it's most notable
    feature is its revolutionary, fully customizable, and extendable
    content model. This is also what makes it suitable as a platform for
    general Web development. Its stand-alone libraries can be used for
    cross-platform, database independent PHP projects. eZ publish is also
    well suited for news publishing, e-commerce (B2B and B2C), portals, and
    corporate Web sites, intranets, and extranets. eZ publish is dual
    licenced between GPL and the eZ publish professional licence. 

findutils 4.1.7 

    The findutils package consists of three programs. `find' is a program
    which searches a directory tree to find a file or group of files. It
    walks the directory tree and reports all occurences of a file matching
    the user's specifications. `locate' scans one or more databases of
    filenames and displays any matches. `xargs' builds and executes command
    lines by gathering together arguments it reads on the standard input.
    Most often, these arguments are lists of file names generated by

Free Bangla Fonts 0.6.0 (Sagar)

    The Free Bangla Fonts project is a volunteer run project dedicated for
    creating Free, high quality, completely Unicode compliant Open Type
    Bengali fonts. This project aims to be the central resource for getting
    and developing Free Bengali fonts. The initial aim of this project is
    to release a full set of Bengali fonts that supports all the major
    Bengali Yuktakhars (conjuncts). 

Free Bangla Fonts 0.8.5 (Akaash)

    The Free Bangla Fonts project is a volunteer run project dedicated for
    creating Free, high quality, completely Unicode compliant Open Type
    Bengali fonts. This project aims to be the central resource for getting
    and developing Free Bengali fonts. The initial aim of this project is
    to release a full set of Bengali fonts that supports all the major
    Bengali Yuktakhars (conjuncts). 

FreeBSD-boot-rescue 1.1.3 

    FreeBSD-boot-rescue is a small FreeBSD system for the purpose of system
    booting or repairing a boot/rescue system. You can put it on a CD or
    floppy and boot it. It has support for many filesystems (ext2, ufs,
    ntfs, msdos, and iso9660). 

Genius 0.5.4 

    Genius is an arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision
    floating point calculator. It includes its own programming language
    similiar in some aspects to C,bc or pascal. It can deal with rational
    numbers and complex numbers. It has matrix support as well. It uses the
    gmp library so it is very fast for calculations of large numbers. It
    has a command line and a GNOME interface. 

giFToxic 0.0.9 

    giFToxic is a GTK 2-based client for giFT 

Gmemo 0.1.1 

    Gmemo is an applet which reminds you of birthdays, feasts (with first
    name, Mother's day, etc.), or any other event. It is customizable
    (name, type, date & time, repeat mode, multi-alarm mode, etc.). 

gURLChecker 0.4.0 (Stable)

    gURLChecker is a C/GNOME 2 tool that can check links on a single Web
    page or on a whole Web site in order to determine the validity of each

Human Activity Logger 2.02 

    Human Activity Logger allows you to keep track of your time. It lets
    you add, edit, and delete log entries, which are classified according
    to categories of your choosing. You can quickly browse around old log
    entries, go to a date, and search. You can maintain separate logs
    accessible from the same installation of the program (e.g., for
    separate projects). You can browse statistics by day, week, month, and
    year, each screen providing totals and averages. There are various
    other helpful functions. 

Ian 0.5.1 

    Ian (I am normal) is a shell script designed to make a honeypot look
    more like a production system. This is accomplished by creating bogus
    data and history files, altering modification times of these files,
    adding users, patching x number of programs, and allowing the user to
    include their own created files. 

ifGraph 0.4.9 (Stable)

    ifGraph is a set of Perl scripts created to help network administrators
    to visualize network flow on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly
    basis. The graphics are created with RRDTool, and it shows bytes
    (in/out) and errors for each interface. It also shows the
    current/average/max use and the respective link/interface usage in
    percentages. The program also outputs HTML files to make the
    visualization of the PNG/GIF/GD images more friendly and easy. 

Internet Communications Engine 1.1.0 

    Ice is a modern alternative to object middleware such as CORBA or
    COM/DCOM/COM+. It is easy to learn, yet provides a powerful network
    infrastructure for demanding technical applications. It features an
    object-oriented specification language, easy to use C++ and Java
    mappings, a highly efficient protocol (including protocol compression),
    asynchronous method invocation and dispatch, dynamic transport
    plug-ins, TCP/IP and UDP/IP support, SSL-based security, a firewall
    solution, and much more. 

j 0.19.0 

    J is a multifile, multiwindow programmer's editor written entirely in
    Java. It features syntax highlighting for Java, C, C++, XML, HTML, CSS,
    JavaScript, Lisp, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Tcl/Tk, Verilog, and
    VHDL, automatic indentation, directory buffers, regular expressions,
    multifile find and replace, autosave and crash recovery, undo/redo, and
    FTP/HTTP support. All keyboard mappings can be customized. Themes may
    be used to customize the editor's appearance. 

Ksetiwatch 2.6.1 (Stable)

    Ksetiwatch is a monitoring tool for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] distributed computing
    project, which searches for signals of extraterrestrial life. It
    displays the state of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] client(s) running on your computer
    or in your local network, and logs/manages completed work units. 

libposition 0.3 

    libposition provides a set of functions for calculating motion and
    displacement in one-, two-, and three-dimensional space. It is part of
    The Universe Project. 

Links 2.1pre11 

    Links is graphics and text mode WWW browser, similar to Lynx. It
    displays tables, frames, downloads on background, uses HTTP/1.1
    keepalive connections, and features Javascript. In graphics mode it
    displays PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and XBM pictures, runs external bindings
    on other types, and features anti-aliased font, smooth image zooming,
    48-bit dithering, and gamma and aspect ratio correction. 

Luola 1.1.4 (Development)

    Luola is a cavern-flying game for 1-4 players. Each player flies a
    small V-shaped ship and has one special weapon. The object of the game
    is simply to destroy all other players. 

Mailgust 1.8 

    Mailgust is a mailing list manager, newsletter distribution tool, and
    message board system. All sent mail is stored on a Web message board
    for visitors to read. It features unlimited lists, many different read
    and write permission settings, HTML newsletters, post approval, no
    timeouts, a Web archive, list importing, notification management, and
    much more. 

N-View 2.7 (Stable)

    N-View is a network monitor for small and medium-sized networks. It
    features automatic scanning of subnets for host addresses, monitoring
    of ICMP responses from all hosts, signalling of timeouts and delays in
    the GUI and by mail, a portscanner, an SNMP client (MIB browser and
    trap receiver), a graphical display of network traffic for network
    interfaces, connectivity to hosts by telnet, HTTP browser, or an
    arbitrary external program (such as ssh), printing of network diagrams,
    automatic generation of HTML pages, and more. 

New Kinetics DB/Java Mapper 1.1.1 

    The New Kinetics DB/Java Mapper is a GUI tool used to create Java
    source code files which map to a JDBC reachable database table. The
    tool not only produces Java bean pattern representations of database
    tables, it also inserts Javadoc comments automatically. The code
    generating methods are also available as a library that can be used
    from within your own code. 

newsgrab-ui 3.0.1 

    newsgrab-ui is simple graphical user interface for the newsgrab.pl
    "complete set" binary downloader. It uses a Perl background
    daemon for downloading and an object oriented PHP Web interface. 

newsgrab-ui 3.0.0 

    newsgrab-ui is simple graphical user interface for the newsgrab.pl
    "complete set" binary downloader. It uses a Perl background
    daemon for downloading and an object oriented PHP Web interface. 

PsyncX 2.0b2 

    PsyncX allows you to backup either part or all of your hard drive. You
    can mirror your selected folder to a FireWire drive, a disk image, or a
    network drive (this feature doesn't seem to be working right now). In
    addition, psync will create a bootable drive if you mirror your entire
    harddrive. PsyncX allows you to schedule regular backups as well.
    (Note: your computer can't be asleep for this to work properly). 

QTads 1.1 

    QTads is a graphical, non-HTML interpreter for Tads games. Both Tads 2
    as well as Tads 3 games are supported. It uses Trolltech's Qt library,
    which means it's highly portable. It has some nice features, like
    fullscreen mode, text justification, margins, and font anti-aliasing.
    It fully supports Unicode in Tads 3, ISO Latin character mapping files
    in Tads 2, and the full set of Multimedia Tads character entities in
    both Tads 2 and 3 (like "curly" quotes and typographical

RH Email Server 1.0.0 

    The RH Email Server uses OpenLDAP authentication for IMAP, POP3, SMTP,
    and SSL/TLS protocols. It includes a Web interface, administration, and

RSS-IM Gateway 1.0 

    The RSS-IM Gateway allows you to let visitors read your RSS feed
    through an instant messgaing network such as AIM, MSN, ICQ, YIM, or
    Jabber. It is very easy to set up and can easily handle hundreds of

samhain 1.7.8 

    samhain is a daemon that can check file integrity, search the file tree
    for SUID files, and detect kernel module rootkits (Linux only). It can
    be used either standalone or as a client/server system for centralized
    monitoring, with strong (192-bit AES) encryption for client/server
    connections and the option to store databases and configuration files
    on the server. For tamper resistance, it supports signed
    database/configuration files and signed reports/audit logs. It has been
    tested on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Unixware. 

SBAM 0.2 

    SBAM (Software Based Abled Mixer) is a new approach to computer-based
    DJing.. This project aims to help DJs concentrate on the important
    aspects of DJing and to decrease the stress factor. It is intended for
    the DJs that have no need for beatmixing or other advanced mixing
    techniques, which means you'll be limited when it comes to creative
    individual mixing of tracks. Instead, you'll be able to concentrate on
    finding the right track for the audience. 

screen-scraper 0.8.7b 

    screen-scraper is a tool for extracting data from Web sites. It
    consists of a proxy server that allows the contents of HTTP and HTTPS
    requests to be viewed, and an engine that can be configured to extract
    information from Web sites using special patterns and regular
    expressions. It handes authentication, redirects, and cookies, and
    contains an embedded scripting engine that allows extracted data to be
    manipulated, written out to a file, or inserted into a database. It can
    be used with PHP, Java, or any COM-friendly language such as Visual
    Basic or Active Server Pages. 

Scribe Email Client 1.86-test29 (Development)

    Scribe is a cross platform email client, address book, and calendar. It
    is small, fast, and easy to install. It has multi-language support, and
    currently includes English, French, Chinese, Italian, Czech, Spanish,
    German, and Dutch. It is very expandable via a plugin interface, and
    uses its own HTML engine (and not IE when run on Windows). It supports
    POP3, [E]SMTP, MIME, IMAP4, and MAPI. An integrated contact database
    and calendar are included. 

shellforge 0.1.7 

    shellforge enables you to write shellcode programs in C. It transforms
    C program code into shellcode that will run on a Linux/x86 system. It
    provides macros to substitute libc calls with direct system calls and a
    Python script to automate compilation, extraction, encoding, and tests. 

shsql 1.21 

    shsql is a a reasonably full-featured, efficient SQL database for
    Unix/Linux that can be downloaded and installed by a non-privileged
    user in 5 minutes. It can be embedded directly into applications
    requiring no persistent server process, has a small code size and
    memory footprint, uses plain ASCII whitespace-delimited data files
    which can be modified in a text editor, and is easy to administer. It
    can be used for rapid prototyping situations, demos, exploratory work,
    one-developer projects, etc. where full-blown packages like MySQL or
    Oracle aren't already available or are unacceptable. 

Sluice 0.3 

    Sluice is a workflow engine Jabber component. Its goal is to allow
    users to create and configure an automated workflow or business process
    with ease. The clients should be very simple with all the work being
    done on the server/component end. The main component and modules are
    done in perl. The Web client is done in PHP. 

Songer 0.1.2 

    Songer is an ID3 tagger designed for the ROX desktop that supports the
    drag-and-drop nature of ROX. It is designed to be a simple tagging
    utility. Songer currently only supports MP3s and ID3 version 1 tags.
    Future support of ID3v2 and OGG files is planned. 

Support Information Tracker 0.16 

    Support Information Tracker is a knowledge base for organizations.
    Features include multiple document versions, group permissions,
    document submission reviews, and many more. 

Swiss-PdbViewer 3.7 

    Swiss-PdbViewer is an application that provides a user friendly
    interface for analyzing several proteins at the same time. The proteins
    can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and to
    compare their active sites or any other relevant parts. Amino acid
    mutations, H- bonds, angles, and distances between atoms are easy to
    obtain with the intuitive graphic and menu interface. 

SX 1.1.2 (Stable)

    SX is a graphical 3D geometric object editor implemented in Scheme (GNU
    Guile). It can create, edit, or modify any geometry consisting of
    points, one dimensional elements (lines), triangles, quadrilaterals,
    and boxes in 3D. 

taglog 0.1.40 

    Taglog is designed for anyone who spends most of their day sitting at a
    computer, working on various projects. You can make notes about what
    you do, as you go along, associating them with the projects you work
    on. At the end of the week you can produce a report of how your time
    was spent, broken down by project for booking purposes. You can view
    previous entries, by date, or by project. You can enter the actions you
    intend to take, associate them with a project, and mark them as active,
    or complete. 

TextMaker Release 

    TextMaker is a word processor that launches quickly, needs little
    memory, does not require complicated setup, and has the full feature
    set of a modern high-end word processor. It reads and writes Microsoft
    Word 6/95/97/2000/XP files. 

Tk Ecasound 1.4.0 

    Tk Ecasound is a frontend for Ecasound. It has the look of a multitrack
    recorder. It supports Ladspa plugins, multiple devices inputs/outputs,
    and multiple effects. 

TransFlat 1.0 

    TransFlat is a clean, flat theme. 

uClinux 2.5.70-uc0 (2.5.x)

    uClinux is a set of patches for Linux that supports MMUless processors.
    It brings a full featured operating system onto platforms that would
    otherwise run less advanced, simpler operating systems. uClinux gives
    the programmer a Linux API with remarkably few concessions to the lack
    of MMU (Memory Management Unit), and in terms of code size and
    efficiency it has an advantage over standard Linux. 

vsftpd 1.2.0 (Stable)

    vsftpd is a secure and fast FTP server for UNIX-like systems that is
    used on many large and critical Internet sites. Despite its small size,
    it is surprisingly configurable. 

VT Survey Tool 2.2.1 

    Survey is a Web-based tool which allows users to autonomously create
    and run online surveys, feedback, or registration forms. 

WANPIPE beta7-2.3.0 (Beta)

    WANPIPE S-series is a family of intelligent multi-protocol WAN and ADSL
    adapters that support data transfer rates up to 8Mbps. All WAN
    protocols supported by WANPIPE are implemented in firmware and run on
    the card. An advantage of an intelligent adapter is that it offloads
    the system CPU and improves stability. By adding a Sangoma WAN/ADSL
    component to the Linux kernel, one can create a powerful multi-T1/ADSL
    router/firewall with proven reliability of Linux. Sangoma S-series
    cards support an optional on board T1/E1 CSU/DSU that eliminates all
    external components of a traditional routing solution: i.e. T1/E1 line
    can be directly connected to the card. WANPIPE supports the following
    protocols, ATM, ADSL, Frame Relay, PPP, MULTILINK PPP, CHDLC, X25(API),
    BitStreaming (API), BiSync(API), and SDLC(API). Furthermore, WANPIPE
    supports custom API development such as: Credit card verification,
    Voice-over IP, Satellite Comm. All device drivers are part of the
    standard Linux Kernel distribution. 

ZWarehouse 0.6 

    ZWarehouse is an e-commerce solution with a Web management interface,
    support for skins, multi-language by default, and well-documented
    interfaces for extensions. It has multiple user-defined currencies,
    exchange rates (manual and automatic), custom images to set multiple
    configurations, intuitive navigation, real time order tracking,
    unlimited product options, real time UPS shipping calculation, an
    unlimited number of custom-defined shipping modules, and credit card
    and PayPal payment modules. 

Newsforge Reports
Tux goes to college

    - by Russell Pavlicek - In an era when mature Linux distributions
    abound, do you need a special one just for college? Robert Kennedy
    Collegein Del&#233mont, Switzerland, thinks so. This institution allows
    its students to learn entirely via the Internet, so the computer tools
    at the student's disposal are critical to the success of both the
    learner and the college itself. The school's CollegeLinux 2.3, a
    single-CD Linux distribution, is a ... 

Commercial CAD/CAM for Linux?

    - by Carl Brown - I recently returned from my annual pilgramage to the
    Eastec 'Advanced Productivity Exposition' trade show in Springfield MA,
    billed as 'The East Coast's Largest Annual Manufacturing Event.' Every
    year since 1999, I have made the rounds there, asking all the CAD/CAM
    vendors at the show the same simple question: "Do you have any plans
    for a Linux version?" The answer has always been an unequivocal "No."
    The excuses varied, but ... 

Replacing MS Exchange with Bynari

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - The company's Web site says, "Bynari
    makes a Linux email server and components that connects to Outlook
    clients using our own unique middleware called the Connector. The
    current products are the Insight Family of messaging services
    consisting of Linux based Mail Server, InsightConnector, and the LDAP
    Client. Bynari utilizes an open standards model for its mail and
    messaging server and supports, not only the Intel ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
   HP's Linux Laptops Prove Popular

     Public demand for the low-cost Linux-based laptops Hewlett-Packard
    began selling in Thailand earlier this month has been "overwhelming," a
    company representative said this week. 

   Why Munich Dumped Microsoft for Linux

     Microsoft on Wednesday lost its bid to keep the German city of Munich
    a Windows customer. The Munich City Council on Wednesday announced that
    it has decided to deploy the Linux open-source operating system and
    will migrate its 14,000 desktop and notebook computers away from
    Windows products to Linux. 

City of Munich (Germany) replaces Windows with Linux

    Anonymous Reader writes "Its official. Munich council will be replacing
    its 14,000 MS Windows servers and clients with SuSE Linux." 

Benefits of Carrier Grade Linux Under Discussion at SUPERCOMM 2003

    Annette Oevermann writes "May 28, 2003On June 4th the Open Source
    Development Lab (OSDL) invites attendees of SUPERCOMM 2003 in Atlanta,
    Georgia, to learn about the benefits of using carrier-grade Linux in
    telecommunications infrastructure equipment. At their panel discussion
    Running Your Business on Carrier Grade Linux, HP, IBM, Intel,
    MontaVista Software, Nokia and SuSE Linux will discuss the technology
    and business advantages of this ... 

Head of German branch of Microsoft quits.

    Anonymous Reader writes "Old news (24 May), but interesting. As the
    title states, the head of MS Germany has resigned. The german gov't has
    been an enthusiastic adopter of Linux. SuSE linux is based in Munich,

AUUG Calls For SCO To Cease Destructive Actions

    Gordon Hubbard writes "AUUG Inc. calls on SCO to cease its destructive
    actions and to work toward the constructive resolution of intellectual
    property issues. 

Hospital Case Study of FOSS Use

     Joseph Dal-Molin found this case study of Open Source Software in a
    Dublin, Ireland hospital: 'This study describes the implementation of
    open source software in a large Irish public sector organization,
    Beaumont Hospital. 

Getting Serial: The Ultimate Linux Box S-ATA Disk Subsystem

     One of the big advantages of Linux is you don't need all that much
    buck to get maximum bang. With the advent of serial ATA disk drives and
    controllers, I thought we might undertake this approach in hardware as
    well. Street prices on comparable RAID controllers--I compared the
    3Ware Escalade 8500-4, which we use here, to an Adaptec 2400--seem to
    be fairly close. 

Japan Embraces Linux on the Desktop With Lindows.com/EDGE Partnership

    Lindows.com, Inc. today firmed their global position as they publicly
    announced their exclusive partnership with the EDGE, a diverse public
    company, to sell LindowsOS in Japan for home, work and educational

Asset Control moves to Linux

    Asset Control of the Netherlands has ported its AC Server 5.1 data
    management system to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system with
    the Oracle 9i RDBMS. 

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Interests: Tempt me.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Cube Goodies: Midnight blue 'geek.' glass

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

Tshirts: Follow the white rabbit.

Tshirts: M.A.D.

Gadgets: USB Digital Voice Recorder

Caffeine: ThinkGeek 'Best Of' Caffeine Sampler v2.5

Caffeine: Case O' Cricket Cola

WebGUI 5.3

    WebGUI 5.3 is here and packed with new goodies. It includes a new theme
    management system that will easily enable you to transport your designs
    and templates from one site to another with the click of a mouse. 5.3
    also includes a new Data Form wobject that allows content managers to
    build simple data entry applications on the fly. The default rich
    editor has been upgraded to include direct integration with the
    collateral manager, spell checking, and emoticons. There is also a
    brand new trash and clipboard management system which makes it even
    easier to move your content around. Among dozens of other features
    there are also over 10 new macros to make your content mangement
    experience faster and easier. You can find our latest release here:

FreedroidRPG 0.9.5 released

    Version 0.9.5 of Freedriod RPG has been released. Freedriod RPG is a
    graphical single player role playing game for Linux, featuring the Tux
    as the hero battling evil MS machines in a future universe. Version
    0.9.5 now comes with map editor, dialog editor and item editor. Any new
    submissions for characters, dialogs, quests and other content welcome.
    You can find our latest release here:

YAM Amiga 2.4p1 bugfix release

    The YAM (Yet-Another-Mailer) open source team is pleased to announce
    the release of version 2.4p1 of the well-known AmigaOS Email client
    (MUA). This release is a minor bugfix release which mainly fixes some
    last-minute bugs that weren't fixed in the last full 2.4 release. YAM
    (short for 'Yet Another Mailer') is a MIME-compliant Internet mailer
    written for AmigaOS computers. It supports multi-POP3, APOP, SMTP,
    TLSv1/SSLv3, multiple users, PGP, unlimited hierarchical folders,
    filters, configurable GUI, ARexx interface. You can find the latest
    release here:

Columba 0.10.1 released

    A new stable version of Columba is now available. Columba is an email
    client written in Java, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface
    with wizards and internalionalization support. Its a powerful email
    management tool with features to enhance your productivity and
    communication. So, take control of your email before it takes control
    of you! This version fixes several bugs related to i18n and attachment
    issues. http://columba.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=download For more
    information visit: http://columba.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=news 

par2cmdline v0.2 released

    PARv2.0 is a parity archive file format specification that uses
    reed-soloman code to protect sets of files within your filesystem.
    PARv2.0 allows for protection of files without having to archive them
    first by operating on virtual "blocks" of data within those files. For
    every N recovery blocks, you can recover N missing or corrupted blocks.
    PARs main purpose is helping to insure binary usenet propigation, but
    is by no means limited to that purpose. Announcement: Version 0.2 of
    par2cmdline is now available for download in source code form from the
    following URL:
    load This version has been compiled and tested on the following
    platforms (and you can download pre-compiled binaries for them from:
    161776): CPU OS Distribution --- -- ------------ Alpha Linux 2.2 Debian
    3.0 Cerfcube SA1110 Linux 2.4 Debian 3.0 J2EEE IBM Websphere PPC G4
    MacOS X 10.2 Server Edition Sparc R220 Sun Solaris 8 Sparc Ultra 60
    Linux 2.4 Debian 3.0 x86 Cygwin 1.3.22 x86 Linux 2.4 Debian 2.2 x86
    Linux 2.4 Red Hat 7.3 x86 Linux 2.4 Red Hat 9.0 x86 Windows The
    following changes have been made since version 0.1 was released: *
    Corrected a fault in the handling of filenames that have 8-bit
    characters. * Reduced restrictions on permitted characters in filenames
    on unix operating systems. * Added many portability enhancements
    including the use of GNU Autoconf/Automake for configuration and
    compiling on different cpu/os platforms. * Added support for verifying
    and repairing using version 1.0 PAR files. Please report any problems
    you encounter with this version of par2cmdline in the parchive tracker
    at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=30568 Peter B Clements
    (Author of par2cmdline and QuickPar) The Parchive Project

OggCarton Home Jukebox goes beta

    OggCarton is a cross-platform CD ripper, database, and web server for
    Ogg and MP3 files. OggCarton needs no external database or web server.
    With this release, the OggCarton Home Jukebox software moves from the
    alpha to the beta stage. Accordingly, binaries and installers for
    Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows are now available for those who prefer to
    not roll their own. Full source is still available for those who do.

Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 release

    Tool Command Language (Tcl) is an interpreted language and very
    portable interpreter for that language. Tcl is embeddable and
    extensible, and has been widely used since its creation in 1988 by John
    Ousterhout. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.4.3 releases
    of the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit. This is the third
    patch release of Tcl/Tk 8.4. Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 Release Announcement May 20,
    2003 The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.4.3 releases of the
    Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit. This is the third patch
    release of Tcl/Tk 8.4. More details can be found below. We would like
    to express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and
    patches. This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and
    eliminate problems in the core. Where to get the new releases:
    ------------------------------ Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 sources are freely
    available as open source from the Tcl Developer Xchange web site at:
    http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/8.4.html This web page also contains
    additional information about the releases, including new features and
    notes about installing and compiling the releases. Sources are always
    available from the Tcl SourceForge project's file distribution area:
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10894 Windows,
    Linux, Solaris and HP-UX binaries are available from:
    http://www.activestate.com/Tcl For additional information:
    --------------------------- Please visit the Tcl Developer Xchange web
    site: http://www.tcl.tk/ This site contains a variety of information
    about Tcl/Tk in general, the core Tcl and Tk distributions, Tcl
    development tools, and much more. Thank you for your contributions:
    --------------------------------- As usual, this release includes
    contributions from the Tcl community. We have a page honoring these
    contributors at: http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/contributors.html
    Summary of Changes since Tcl/Tk 8.4.2:
    -------------------------------------- The following were the main
    changes in Tcl/Tk 8.4.3. A complete list can be found in the changes
    file at the root of the source tree. The more complete ChangeLog is
    also included with each source release. This is a patch release, so it
    primarily included bug fixes and corrections to erratic behavior. Below
    are only the most notable changes. * Correct case-insensitive unicode
    string comparison in Tcl_UniCharNcasecmp * Corrected loading of
    tclpip8x.dll on Win9x * Correct Tcl_SubstObj handling of \x00 bytes *
    Correct wide int issues in 'format' * Remove assumption that file times
    and longs are the same size * Allow Tcl to differentiate between
    reparse points which are symlinks and mounted drives on Windows * Bad
    command count on TCL_OUT_LINE_COMPILE * Store pointers to notifier
    funcs in a struct to work around some platform linker issues * Load
    correct (non-)debug dll for dde or registry * Fixing ObjMakeUpvar's
    lookup algorithm for the created local variable * Make sure that
    tclWideIntType is defined and somewhat sensible everywhere * Corrected
    inconsistent results of [string is integer] observed on systems where
    sizeof(long) != sizeof(int) * Substantial changes to the Windows clock
    synch phase-locked loop in a quest for improved loop stability * Made
    changes so that the "wideInt" Tcl_ObjType is defined on all platforms,
    even those where TCL_WIDE_INT_IS_LONG is defined. Also made the
    Tcl_Value struct have a wideValue field on all platforms. Potential
    incompatibility for TCL_WIDE_INT_IS_LONG platforms because that struct
    changes size *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** * Catch any errors
    returned by the Windows functions handling TLS ASAP instead of waiting
    to get some mysterious crash later on due to bogus pointers * Correct
    'glob -path {[tcl]} *', where leading special character instead lists
    files in '/'. Bug only occurs on Windows where '\' is also a directory
    separator. * Fixed memory leak in threaded allocator on Windows caused
    by treating cachePtr as a TLS index * Ensure cd is thread-safe *
    Correct mem leak on closing a Windows serial port * Prevent string
    repeat crash when overflow sizes were given * Worked around the issue
    of realpath() not being thread-safe on Mac OS X by defining NO_REALPATH
    for threaded builds on Mac OS X * Correct handling of the gb2312
    encoding by making it an alias of the euc-cn encoding and creating a
    gb2312-raw encoding for the original. Most uses of gb2312 really mean
    euc-cn. * Corrected another putenv() copy behavior problem when
    compiling on Windows and using Microsoft's runtime * Stop buttons from
    being very wide when a tk_messageBox has a lot of content on Unix *
    Fixed crash in [winfo server] on Mac OS X * Correct compound button
    display in the disabled state * Correct crash when generating
    postscript for a single-line polygon (point) with no color * Updated
    French message catalog * Use gb2312-raw as the alias for gb2312*
    charset fonts on unix -- Tcl Core Team and Maintainers Jeff Hobbs, Tcl
    Core Release Manager 

SCons 0.14 adds Java support, Autoconf-like functionality

    SCons alpha release 0.14 is now available for download. SCons is a
    software construction tool (build tool, or substitute for Make)
    implemented in Python, based on the winning design in the Software
    Carpentry build tool competition (in turn based on the Cons build
    tool). This release most notably adds support for Java builds (javac,
    javah, rmic and jar), and adds integrated Autoconf-like functionality
    for finding #include files and libraries. This release also contains
    significant performance improvements from previous releases. IMPORTANT:
    Release 0.14 contains the following interface changes: - Tool
    specifications no longer take a "platform" argument. - Emitter
    functions in Builders are now passed Node objects, not strings, for all
    targets and sources. - New TargetSignatures() and SourceSignatures()
    functions have been added to replace SetBuildSignatureType() and
    SetContentSignatureType(). - The Export() function and the exported
    variables argument of SConscript() now search for variables using the
    same rules as Python: local first, then global. - The SetJobs() and
    GetJobs() functions have been deprecated in favor of using
    SetOption('num_jobs', num) and GetOption('num_jobs'). - Callable
    expansions of construction variables in a command line now take a
    fourth "for_signature" argument that is set when the expansion is being
    called to generate a build signature. - Construction variables for
    building a target are now frozen when the Builder is called; later
    changes to the Environment do not necessarily affect how the target is
    build. See the release notes for more information about these changes.
    This release adds the following features: - Support for the Java tools
    javac, javah, rmic and jar has been added. - A Configure() function has
    been added that supports a lot of functionality similar to Autoconf. -
    A new PLATFORM construction variable stores a string representing the
    platform on which SCons is being run. - Dependencies may now be
    specified on in-core Python values. - Help text can now be sorted
    arbitrarily. - New $TARGET and $SOURCE attributes: ".posix" expands to
    a path name with forward slashes as separators, even on Win32 systems;
    ".srcpath" expands to a path to the source of a file in a BuildDir;
    ".srcdir" expands to a path to the BuildDir itself. - A new clear()
    method resets a Node's state for re-use by continuous integration build
    interfaces. - Support for using Ghostscript to convert Postscript to
    PDF files has been added. - A stand-alone "Alias" function has been
    added. - Import('*') will now import everything that's been Export()ed.
    - New SetOption() and GetOption() functions support setting and
    fetching various command-line options within an SConscript file. - The
    Tool() function now adds tool names to a $TOOLS variable, which may be
    used to examine what tools are available. - The C preprocessor
    "#import" statement is now supported. - Newly-built .dll files can now
    be registered with the Windows registry using regsvr32. - An IDL
    scanner has been added. - A builder for Windows type library (.tlb)
    files from IDL files. The following fixes have been added: - Cygwin
    fixes: Use the .dll extension for shared libraries; don't use -fPIC
    when compiling shared libraries; use 'rm' to remove files; use MSVC '@'
    syntax for linking long command-lines. - The SYSTEMROOT environment
    variable on Win32 systems is now automatically propagated to the
    execution ENV environment. - Remote CVS file names are now checked out
    using Posix-style path names. - Trying to expand an out-of-range
    subscript for a construction variable like $TARGETS or $SOURCES now
    interpolates the null string. - SCons now correctly links or duplicates
    files in subsidiary BuildDir() directories. - SCons now reports
    "Cleaning targets ..." when the -c option is used. - The "Entering
    directory" message now quotes the directory name exactly like Make
    does. - Export() now works correctly for local Python variables, and
    can accept a dictionary as an argument. - PDB files now get put in a
    BuildDir() correctly. Performance has been improved as follows: -
    Unnecessary redundant signature calculations for command lines and
    Nodes have been eliminated. Development tests suggest this may speed up
    builds up to 30% or more. 

Python 2.2.3 rc 1

    The first and hopefully only release candidate for Python 2.2.3 is now
    out. See http://www.python.org/2.2.3 for details. We expect Python
    2.2.3 final to be released within a week of this announcement. 

DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.61.2 released

    Major bug fix for 1.61.1 and accumulated enhancements and fixes from
    previous releases. 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $297.00 

P4-3.0GHz 512KB L2 Cache PGA478 800Mhz FSB (Intel)

    Lowest Price: $420.20 

A7N8X Deluxe Athlon Motherboard (Asus)

    Lowest Price: $122.74 

Combo Drive DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE 4X-DVD+RW+R 24X-CDRW (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $319.88 

RADEON 9800 Pro 128MB DDR (ATI)

    Lowest Price: $382.75 

DAV-C990 DVD Home Theater (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $693.00 

X1 Multi-use Projector (InFocus)

    Lowest Price: $942.00 

42" PPM42S2 Flat Panel TV (Samsung)

    Lowest Price: $2707.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3129.00 

iPod 15GB MP3 Player (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $389.00 

Windows XP Pro(Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $133.95 

Windows XP Home (Full) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $85.00 

Doom III (Full Product) (Activision)

    Lowest Price: $59.99 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.95 

Office XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $254.00 

Copyright (c) 2002 OSDN. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
permission of OSDN is prohibited.
url - http://www.osdn.com

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