O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    June 13, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Stronger Anti-Spam Law Proposed

    NumberField writes "The fight against Spam is making for some strange
    bedfellows. A new bill sponsored by Senator [0]Charles Schumer (D-NY)
    and the right-wing [1]Christian Coalition that would let individuals
    sue spammers for $1000 per message. What isn't clear is how they will
    define spam broadly enough to outlaw it, but narrowly enough to avoid
    making it a bonanza for lawyers. For [2]more information, see Schumer's
    [3]fact sheet (PDF), or his [4]press release." 
    0. http://www.senate.gov/~schumer
    1. http://www.cc.org/
    2. http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-1016779.html?tag=fd_top

Oldest Modern Humans Found

    [0]DrLudicrous writes "Anthropologists have [1]reconstructed and dated
    three skulls from Ethiopia that they believe to be the oldest
    anatomically modern human skulls in existance. They date to 160,000
    years ago, in agreement with genetic studies that pin the arrival of
    modern humans to at least 150,000 years ago. The skulls also
    demonstrate evidence of ritual burial." [2]UC Berkeley has the
    [3]original release as well. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/06/030612090827.htm
    2. http://www.berkeley.edu/
    3. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/06/11_idaltu.shtml

The Enemy Within: Firewalls and Backdoors

    [0]hrbrmstr writes "[1]SecurityFocus is running an article on
    [2]firewalls and backdoors on their InFocus site. They provide info on
    firewall types, backdoor classifications, some examples of real
    backdoors and tips on mitigating their use on your network." Some good
    topics explained for the beginner, and it's a nice refresher for the
    veteran admin as well. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.securityfocus.com/
    2. http://securityfocus.com/infocus/1701

Los Angeles Gets Own TLD

    [0]DM420 writes "On June 9th, Los Angeles officially becomes the
    world's first city to have its own Internet domain.Great to hear since
    one day I hope to be an owner of my own TLD and this is a step in the
    right direction. ;) The registry is located at [1]www.la and further
    details at [2]DMnews.com" Looks like an Irish firm made a deal with
    Laos to use the .la TLD. Looks to be on the pricier side of domains,
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.la/
    2. http://www.dmnews.com/cgi-bin/artprevbot.cgi?article_id=24139

Open Spectrum: Toward Ubiquitous Connectivity

    [0]obiwan2u writes "[1]ACM's [2]Queue magazine has a moderately dense
    article describing how [3]new intelligent radios may free up
    under-utilized spectrum bandwidth, possibly providing solutions to the
    [4] last mile bottleneck." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.acm.org/
    2. http://www.acmqueue.org/
    3. http://www.acmqueue.org/issue3/openspec1.cfm?client_no=NEW
    4. http://www.broadnetalliance.org/who_we_are_principles.html

Slashback: Mars, Linksys, Torrent

    Slashback tonight brings updates and followups on several recent
    Slashdot postings. Among other things, Linksys says they're not
    violating the GPL, and Tiger Direct says that Michael Robertson's
    claims about Microsoft targeting Lindows buyers are way off base.
    Speaking of which, Microsoft has decided it makes more sense to embrace
    schools than to alienate them with hard-nosed licensing policies on
    donated PCs. Also, a torrent file for the Red Hat 9 version of Ximian's
    latest desktop, and more. Read on for the details. 

Philips Introduces Mirror TV

    UnknowingFool writes "[0]PCWorld.com is reporting that [1] Philips is
    introducing mirror TV. It is a combination mirror with LCD monitor that
    will be rolling out to hotels. The screens will be 1280 x 768
    resolution and come in 17, 23, and 30 inch sizes. It reminds me of TV
    PiP where the main part is the mirror and the smaller part is the
    monitor. [2]Philips hopes to install it in homes later." 
    0. http://www.pcworld.com/
    1. http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,111100,00.asp
    2. http://www.philips.com/

Do We Still Need Telcos (and ISPs)?

    eraserewind asks: "Are telecom providers and ISPs going to continue to
    be necessary in the future? Why are we all paying subscriptions for
    communicating? What I want is a global extremely-high-speed ad-hoc
    wireless data & voice network, where the only entry cost is a mobile
    phone (or newtork card or whatever). Devices communicate peer to peer,
    or routed via other people's idle devices. Remember there is no
    subscriptions, so don't expect to piggy-back on someone's paid for DSL
    bandwidth. What are the technological barriers? What kind of protocols
    would you need? What hardware advances? How would you solve problems of
    geographic isolation? Are there theoretical, political or economic
    reasons it couldn't work?" 

Bill Gates, Entertainment God?

    [0]ppgreat sent in a wired story about the [1]home of the future sort
    of story discussing A/V in a Microsoft Media Player 9 future. As seems
    to always be the case, there's a lot of cool stuff in there, but more
    than a few eyebrow raises. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.07/40gates.html

PPC 970 Powerbooks and Powermacs in Production?

    Thadddius_Brinks writes "MacWispers.com is reporting [0]here that apple
    is currently in production of a redesigned single processor PowerPC 970
    Powermac system and a 15.4 inch Powerbook. They (MacWhispers.com) are
    also standing by their earlier claims about the speed of the new
    processor." This article consolidates many of the major rumors
    surrounding WWDC including the rumor of a new case for the Powermacs,
    but it raises the ultimate question: 17" Powerbook, or PPC 970
    0. http://www.envestco2.com/macwhispers/archives/000071.php

Aapl C++ Template Library 2.8.1 

    Aapl is a C++ template library for generic programming. It contains
    Linked List, Avl Tree, Vector, Binary Search Table, Double Ended Queue,
    Finite State Machine Graph, String, and Sort. The library is designed
    to be versatile for the programmer. For example, the linked list
    utilizes both inheritance and templates to allow a single instance of a
    data structure to be an element in multiple lists. In general, Aapl
    data structures do not have private data members and are thus not
    abstracted away. 

Adamantix 1.0.1 

    The Adamantix project (formerly known as Trusted Debian) aims to create
    a highly secure but usable Linux platform. It brings together security
    solutions including kernel patches, compiler patches, security related
    programs, and techniques. 

AIOCP 1.0.016 

    AIOCP (All In One Control Panel) is a professional platform-independent
    all-in-one solution to completely manage a Website through a
    user-friendly Web interface. It includes by default all needed modules
    for Website management and a long list of extra modules, including a
    CMS, WYSIWYG editor, languages, users, menus, languages, forums, news,
    newsletter, links, downloads, reviews, awards, chat, polls, calendar,
    banners, search engine, e-commerce, e-business, statistics, online
    help, system tools, shell, backup, MIME, whois, ping, traceroute, MySQL
    database management, transcoding, custom modules, code libraries,
    images, and sounds. Each module is perfectly integrated into the system
    and has adequate management and control tools. 

aquaBSD 0.60.0 

    aquaBSD is a Aqua-like theme, made for BSD users. It is a modification
    of the aquaLinux theme (without Tux). 

Astaro Security Linux 4.008 (Stable 4.x)

    Astaro Security Linux is a firewall solution. It does stateful packet
    inspection filtering, content filtering, user authentication, virus
    scanning, spam protection, VPN with IPSec (PKI for X.509 certificates)
    and PPTP, Wireless LAN, VLAN, PPPoE, PPPoA, and much more. With its
    Web-based management tool, WebAdmin, and the ability to pull updates
    via the Internet, it is pretty easy to manage. It is based on a special
    hardened Linux 2.4 distribution where most daemons are running in
    change-roots and are protected by kernel capabilities. 

Atlantis 0.1.1 

    Atlantis is a native Web browser for the GNOME desktop. 

BIE 5.2.1 

    BIE (Business Integration Engine) is an open source integration system
    that makes it easy for organizations to exchange data with external
    trading partners regardless of their native applications. It competes
    in the same space as applications like Microsoft Biz Talk except that
    it is truly cross-platform since it written in Java. 

Blocks 3D 1.1 

    Blocks 3D is yet another 3D puzzle game that resembles Tetris a bit.
    The goal of the game is to fill planes of blocks so that they
    disappear. The game uses Crystal Space and is thus hardware accelerated
    using OpenGL. 

Blue dot 1.20 

    Blue dot is a CGI tracking and Web site activity measurement script
    which generates Apache combined style access log files. These log files
    can be analyzed with most standard log analysis tools to track a site's
    popularity, referrers, hosts, etc. The logging is based on inserting a
    small piece of JavaScript or SSI code into every Web page. This code
    requests a very small blue dot image from a server where the call is
    logged. Blue dot can also be configured to set and log session and
    persistent cookies. This can be used, for example, to track
    pay-per-click search engine ROI. 

BomberClone 0.9.9 

    BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows. The
    rules of the game are simple: run though a level and bomb other
    players. It features powerups that give you more strength, make you
    walk faster through the level, or let you drop more bombs. 

Borges Documents Management System 0.9.0 

    Borges is an open-source project aimed at XML-aware documentation
    projects which care about internationalisation, reusable contents,
    teamwork, etc. The system currently support the DocBook DTD. 

Broccoli18 PIC18F Programmer 0.5 

    Broccoli18 is a suite of programming tools for the PIC 18F series of
    microcontrollers made by Microchip. Features include ability to read
    and write code memory, data EEPROM, ID bytes, and configuration word. A
    simple circuit connecting the PIC to the PC parallel port is required. 

BusyB 1.0 

    BusyB is a simple system for automatically executing builds. If you
    have software that you want to build at certain times or when certain
    things happen, BusyB is the utility for you. 

CaLStats 0.0.2 

    CaLStats is a set scripts for monitoring computer availability. It
    creates images of the network structure, and marks active or inactive

Camlserv 0.1 

    Camlserv is a lightweight Web server written in Ocaml for highly
    interactive Web pages or even online browser-based games. The server
    can already be used as a fast frontend to a MySQL database. 

Cerberus Intrusion Detection System 0.0.4 

    cIDS is an intrusion detection system, not based on packets, but rather
    based on actual intrusion recognition (as in a remote login from root,
    etc). It also logs scanning attempts and all remote attempts. It is
    good for private users looking for some form of security on their box. 

Comic Collection 0.04 

    Comic Collection is a Java (AWT) application to allow automatic
    download, storage, categorisation, and search of Web comics. 

Current 1.4.4 (Stable)

    Current is a server implementation for Red Hat's up2date tools. It's
    designed for medium-sized departments to be able to set up and run
    their own up2date server, feeding new applications and security patches
    (RPMs) to workstations and servers. 

Darkbot 7rc8 

    Darkbot is a very fast and small IRC bot written in C. Originally
    created as an aid for help channels to answer repeated questions from
    its virtually unlimited database, it has became a very popular talking
    robot in a generic sense, being used all over IRC networks for
    different purposes and in 18 languages. Data can be added to it and
    managed dynamically online or edited in its database files offline. An
    extensive but easy-to-understand list of commands and features,
    including some channel operation functions and levels of protection,
    makes Darkbot a very flexible but somehow powerful and complex robot,
    with almost human conversations and reactions. 


    DBG is a PHP debugger and profiler. It makes it much easier to discover
    the origins of problems and bugs in PHP scripts. It's equipped with the
    ability to backtrace errors. It shows local and global variables as
    well as parameters which have been passed to all nested function calls
    at any point of execution. Among other things, it allows you to execute
    scripts in a step-by-step manner, set breakpoints (including
    conditional ones), evaluate expressions, and watch variables. The
    profiler allows you to find bottlenecks in PHP code at the functions
    level as well as the modules level and even the source lines level. 

dbmjui 0.1.91 

    DMBJUI is an attempt to clone DBMGUI, the database manager for SAPDB.
    It uses the Java programming language. 

Device::SerialPort 0.20 

    Device::SerialPort is a Perl interface to the POSIX serial and modem
    routines. Its functionality mirrors the Win32::SerialPort module so
    that serial routines can be written across platforms easily. 

distcc 2.6 

    distcc is a parallel build system that distributes compilation of
    C/C++/ObjC code across machines on a network. It can be set up in just
    a few minutes and makes builds up to ten times faster. It does not
    require machines to share a filesystem or have the same libraries or
    header files, and installation does not need superuser privileges. 

Divine Intervention 1.8 

    Divine Intervention consists of two programs. The first is a very
    accurate BPM measurement tool. The second is a player which can change
    the tempo of music. The player allows nudging, forward and backward
    movement by measures, and other nice things. 

DrScheme 1.03 p1 

    DrScheme is a graphical environment for developing programs using the
    Scheme, MzScheme, and MrEd programming languages. DrScheme runs under
    Windows 95/98/NT, MacOS, and Unix/X. DrScheme's features include source
    text highlighting of syntax and run-time errors, support for multiple
    levels of Scheme from beginner to advanced, an algebraic stepper for
    the beginner language, interactive and graphical static analysis, a
    graphical user interface (GUI) library, objects, threads, modules,
    exceptions, TCP/IP, regular expressions, and filesystem support. 


    DSPAM is a server-side anti-spam agent for UNIX email servers. It
    masquerades as the email server's local delivery agent and
    filters/learns SPAM using a Bayesian statistical approach which
    provides an administratively maintenance-free, self-learning Anti-Spam
    service. Each email is broken down into its most interesting tokens,
    each assigned a spam probability. All probabilities are then combined
    to produce a statistical probability of spam. This approach, applied to
    a mature corpus of email, has the potential to yield a 99.5% success
    rate with only 0.03% chance of false positives. 

dvdrtools 0.1.5 (Beta)

    dvdrtools is a fork of cdrtools, with the primary goal of supporting
    writing to DVDs. 

dvipng 0.3 

    This program makes PNG graphics from DVI files as obtained from TeX and
    its relatives. Its benefits include speed; it is the fastest
    bitmap-rendering code for DVI files. On a fairly low-end laptop, it
    takes less than a second to generate 150 one-formula images.
    Furthermore, it does not read the postamble, so it can be started
    before TeX finishes. There is a -follow switch that makes dvipng wait
    at EOF for further output, unless it finds the POST marker that
    indicates the end of the DVI. It supports PK and VF fonts, color
    specials, and more. 

eDonkey2000 16.39 

    eDonkey2000 A file-sharing system that works with any type of file. It
    doesn't rely on one central server, yet searches are quick, and your
    client doesn't get bogged down with endless search requests. You have
    the ability to search all the files being shared on the network, and to
    transfer any type of file. It automatically resumes interrupted
    transfers from alternate sources, and even introduces ways to share a
    whole collection of files (so you can get all the songs in an album
    etc.). Users are able to download a file from multiple sources at the
    same time, and files can be uploaded while being downloaded. 

Effort: Zero Franchise Manager 0.1 

    The Effort: Zero Franchise Manager (EZFM) is a set of PHP files
    designed to minimize the effort needed to create a website for a Madden
    2003 PC Franchise. One of the modes offered by Madden 2003 PC is the
    "Franchise" mode which allows you to play and manage a team
    over multiple seasons. This program aim to reduce some of the busywork
    by automatically generating Web pages to display the information
    contained in the Stat Files, and in a consistent and appealing manner. 


    Encompass is a Web browser for GNOME. It uses the GtkHTML engine for
    speed and size, making it one of the smallest and fastest browsers
    available. It currently has few features. 

ep 1.0pre4 

    Extended pipelining is an easy-to-use pipeline process (re)director. It
    has the main ability to run any number of subprocesses and redirect
    them basic filedescriptors. Basic filedescriptors are 0 (standart
    input), 1 (standart output) and 2 (standart errput). There is no
    restriction of pipe connection except that process outputs (output,
    errput) must be bound with one or more processes input. 

ergologic 1.1 

    ergologic is built to be simple, ergonomical, easy to understand
    (logical), and fit in an office environment. It should work on a
    standard distribution (tested with SuSE and Red Hat). 

Ethereal 0.9.13 

    Ethereal is a network protocol analyzer, or "packet sniffer",
    that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network
    frames. The goal of the project is to create a commercial-quality
    packet analyzer for Unix, and the most useful packet analyzer on any

Fano 1.1 

    Fano is a fast and powerful encoder and soft-decision sequential
    decoder for K=32, rate 1/2 convolutional codes. The algorithm it uses
    is many times faster than the Viterbi algorithm. It also includes
    support routines to generate metric tables that are optimized for
    Gaussian noise with a specified Eb/N0 ratio, and a test driver that
    exercises the encoder/decoder routines and keeps statistics. 

Firestarter 0.9.2 

    Firestarter is a firewall tool for Linux, and uses GNOME. You can use
    the wizard to create a basic firewall, then streamline it further using
    the dynamic rules. You can open and close ports with a few clicks, or
    stealth your services giving access only to a select few. It features a
    real-time hit monitor which you can watch as attackers probe your
    machine for open ports. 

g3data 1.3.0rc1 (GTK-2.0)

    g3data is a program for extracting data from graphs (i.e., scanned
    graphs from scientific publications). It can read many different image
    formats and outputs the extracted data through stdout or to a file. 

GStreamer 0.6.2 

    GStreamer is a streaming media library and set of tools that enable
    applications to share a common set of plugins for things like video
    decoding and encoding, audio encoding and decoding, audio and video
    filters, audio visualisation, Web streaming and anything else that
    streams in real-time or otherwise. It is modelled after research
    software worked on at the Oregon Graduate Institute. 

GSwaret beta 4 

    GSwaret is a friendly text mode user interface based on Dialog for
    Swaret, a package updating system for Slackware. 

Haystack snapshot 0604 

    Haystack is a powerful tool designed to enable each and every
    individual manage all of her information in the way that makes the most
    sense. By removing the arbitrary barriers created by applications that
    only handle certain information "types", and recording only a
    fixed set of relationships defined by the developer, users can define
    whichever arrangements of, connections between, and views of
    information they find most effective. Such personalization of
    information management will dramatically improve your ability to find
    what you need when you need it. 

High Level Assembly Language 1.49 

    The High Level Assembly Language (HLA) was designed to allow advanced
    assembly language programmers to write more readable and powerful
    assembly language code. It makes it possible to write code by
    leveraging knowledge of high level languages like C, C++, Pascal, and
    Delphi. HLA compiles into 80x86 assembly language, which is assembled
    by MASM, TASM, or Gas. 

Historical Event Markup and Linking Project 0_5.6-20030612 

    Historical Event Markup and Linking Project (Heml) provides an XML
    schema for historical events and a Java Web app which transforms
    conforming documents into hyperlinked timelines, maps and tables. It
    aims to provide a most information-rich interchange format for
    historical data, and thus add a historical component to the growing
    movement for a 'Semantic Web.' 

Intensely Violet 0.1 

    Intensely Violet is a theme with light shining through a
    violet-coloured flower. The background is by dolcevitas (Panda Gielen). 

Ismo 0.0.10 (Development)

    Ismo is a Web application framework and application suite written in
    PHP. It's easy to use but still powerful and flexible. 


    Jaffm is a lightweight wxWindows (GTK+ interface) file manager for
    Unix, written in C++. It is aimed at nonsense-free file management. It
    is mostly inspired by the List View in Mac OS Finder, but does and will
    have Unix-handy features such as an interactive location bar, and a
    simple but elegant user interface. 

jCIFS 0.7.9 

    jCIFS is an SMB client library written entirely in Java. It closely
    follows the CIFS specification supporting Unicode, named pipes,
    batching, multiplexing IO of threaded callers, encrypted
    authentication, full transactions, domain/workgroup/host/share/file
    enumeration, NetBIOS sockets and name services, the smb:// URL protocol
    handler, a java.io.File like API, RAP calls, NTLM HTTP Authentication,
    and more. 

Jife 0.2 

    Jife is a spell checking IRC robot written in Java. It provides for a
    flexible suggestion architecture, including using a database interface
    for storing wordlists. 

JPublish 2.0 

    JPublish is a powerful Web publishing system designed to ensure a clean
    separation of developer roles. It includes support for multiple
    templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker,
    and WebMacro. It supports numerous scripting languages including
    Python, BeanShell, and JavaScript. It is modular and provides for easy

LaNewsFactory 0.8.4 

    LaNewsFactory is a PHP news and forum engine for Web sites. It requires
    no database software, and uses XML files to store news. It provides
    forums, news system behaviors, topics, moderation, several
    authentication levels, threaded comments, search capacity, HTML
    template support, Web admin, and internationalization (11 languages). 

libstldb4 0.3.1 

    libstldb4 is a C++ wrapper for the sleepycat db4 database. It uses the
    STL in the API where sensible, allows standard IOStreams for data
    access where sensible, e.g. getting the value of a key should be able
    to use an istream interface to allow simple partial value retreival,
    and moves the transaction parameter to be the last optional parameter
    or provides two versions of the same method for trans/nontrans. The API
    has been modified to use more standard types. Operator overloading is
    used to allow quick and dirty coding (mydb[ "key" ] =
    "value";) to set and cerr. 

Linux4Geeks 0.01 

    Linux4Geeks is a LFS-based small distro which works around several
    problems and issues mainstream Linux distributions have. It offers
    different versions compiled for each architecture and has all the
    packages required for a slim installation including a firewall and
    network administration tools, amongst others. 

Loopess 2.1 

    Loopess is a small signal and select loop library for applications
    running on POSIX operating systems. It provides a convenient
    abstraction of signals, file descriptor events, and timeouts for
    single-threaded applications using a simple C++ class structure.
    Loopess properly handles the race condition introduced by mixing
    signals with the select system call. 

LyxDogs 1.1 

    LyxDogs lets you print a mail merge using a LyX letter and a text
    database that you create with an editor. A mail merge takes the name,
    address, and enclosures from the database and prints the letter, the
    envelope, an SASE if needed, and part or all of other LyX documents.
    LyxDogs also lets you simply print an envelope for a LyX letter, or
    print an SASE, or print part or all of any LyX document. 

Mamory 0.2.10 

    Mamory is a library for ROM management in emulator-related projects. It
    also has a CLI client. 

MEDICI 0.1.3 (Development)

    MEDICI is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) library. EDIFACT (ISO
    9735), ASC X.12, and TRADACOMS syntaxes are currently supported. MEDICI
    provides a parser for EDI streams and functions to query EDI guidelines
    for validation information, reference information, and design notes.
    MEDICI does not dictate how EDI guidelines should be implemented, but
    provides an interface which can be used to interrogate external
    implementations and an example guideline implementation for internal

MoviX 0.8.0rc1 

    MoviX is a small Linux distro that transforms your PC in a powerful
    multimedia box. After booting your PC with MoviX, a user-friendly
    console menu will allow you to use MPlayer (www.mplayerhq.hu) to play
    any DVD/VCD, video/audio files (most noticeably DivX, AVI, MPEG,
    QuickTime, WMV, ASF, MP3, and OGG/VORBIS), TV (provided you have a TV
    card), and radio stations on the Internet (if you are connected to a
    LAN). Since the entire operating system is loaded into RAM, you do not
    even need a hard disk to use MoviX. 

mvnForum  1.0.0 RC1

    mvnForum is a powerful, easy to use bulletin board. 

mysqltcl 2.20 

    mysqltcl is the Tcl interface to mysql realtional database. It is the
    next version of mysqltcl1.53 (new contributor) with many new futures:
    Tcl8.0-Object support, Unicode support, configure support, no
    connection limitation, nested queries, handling of binary files
    (containing null values), and many extra commands: seek on result
    block, escaping of string, last inserted id, introspection of
    connection and query state, and query metadata (schema). 

NanoBlogger 1.7 

    NanoBlogger is a simple blogger written in bash that's completely
    command-line driven. It features easy editing and managing of entries,
    automatically organizes and archives your entries, builds Web pages
    from templates and stylesheets for easy customization, and keeps a
    separate HTML file of all your entries for extra portability. It
    doesn't require any Javascript or server-side scripting; just upload
    the Web page to your server and NanoBlogger takes care of the rest. 

ngetw 0.2 

    ngetw is a user-friendly Web frontend to using nget. It will not get
    nget working for you, but it will work nget once you have it
    configured. It will download articles from USENET that you have queued.
    You can then search for articles, queue/dequeue groups of articles,
    subscribe/unsubscribe to newsgroups, etc. Header refreshes can be
    scheduled every n hours. The queue will warn you if you have queued too
    much (and the posts will expire before you have downloaded them). 

NIST Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector Driver 2.1 

    The NIST Implementation of the Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector
    protocol is a kernel-level driver for the Linux 2.4.x operating system.
    It supports the ix86, ARM, and MIPS architectures. Ad-Hoc routing
    protocols support networks in which both end users and routers can move
    freely while retaining network connections. 

nullredir 0.1.1 

    nullredir is a TCP traffic redirector that changes \0 into \r\n and
    vice versa. This is needed in order to talk to anything else besides
    other XMLSockets from flash. XMLSockets in flash use \0 (the ASCII NULL
    character) as the EOL ("end of line") character. 

OZradio beta 

    OZradio is a Linux FM radio player and CD Player for KDE and GNOME. It
    supports BTTV-compatible FM and TV cards. It features the ability to
    save up to 10 preset stations, a sound mixer, volume control, a mute
    button, automatic frequency scanning, on-demand recording and replay of
    radio, and programmable recording. 

PDFGo 1.0.7 

    The PDFGo.com PDF Java Library is a pure Java component for PDF file
    parsing and visualization, letting you view PDF files on the Web
    without the need of Acrobat Reader. 

Perl HL7 Toolkit 0.65 

    Perl HL7 Toolkit provides a number of Perl libraries and scripts for
    developing HL7-capable applications in Perl. 

phpSysInv 0.1 

    This is a set of scripts that maintain a database of file signatures
    and checks them on a regular basis to ensure that none of the files
    have been compromised on a server and will email the administrator when
    there are any discrepancies. The file signatures are stored in a
    PostgreSQL database and it is structured to allow for multiple servers
    to use the same remote backend database. 

picoSQL 1.5 

    picoSQL is an Italian RDBMS. Because it derives from a commercial
    project, it is already robust, fast, and rather complete. 

PIMd 2.1.0-alpha29.18 (development)

    PIMd is a PIM-2 sparse-mode multicast router, ported to Linux; kernel
    patches are available for various BSD-based OSes that do not already
    support PIM multicasting. It can support native multicasting and/or

POPFile 0.19.0 

    POPFile is an automatic email classification tool using a Naive Bayes
    classifier, a POP3 proxy, and a Web interface. It runs on most
    platforms and with most email clients. 

Pro Forma 0.2.1 

    Pro Forma is a GUI tool that lets you fill out forms on your computer
    like you would with a typewriter. It's clever in the way that it can
    look at a document, find blank spaces where you're likely to type, and
    put a textbox there for you to type in, sitting right on top of the
    line. It's quick to learn and easy to use, and produces nice looking

Pro Forma 0.2.0 

    Pro Forma is a GUI tool that lets you fill out forms on your computer
    like you would with a typewriter. It's clever in the way that it can
    look at a document, find blank spaces where you're likely to type, and
    put a textbox there for you to type in, sitting right on top of the
    line. It's quick to learn and easy to use, and produces nice looking

PyHtmlTable 1.12 

    PyHtmlTable is a class for Python CGIs to generate HTML tables on the
    fly. It allows you to set individual row and cell attributes via
    arbitrary dictionaries, and span rows and columns. It autogrows the
    table if cells are set outside its initial range. It allows dynamic
    insertion of new rows and columns anywhere in the table, and allows
    bulk population of table data via arrays to arbitrary locations in the
    table. It also provides default cell attributes for tablewide
    uniformity and the ability to override these on a cell-by-cell basis.
    PyHtmlTable is intended to be a functional equivalent to Table.pm or

Quark 1.0 

    Quark is a daemon-like player that uses Gstreamer to play music. It
    features a front-end that sits in your system tray. 

Radeox 0.7 

    Radeox is a Wiki markup rendering engine written in Java. It is part of
    the weblog and Wiki tool, SnipSnap. 

Radio Shortest Path First 1.1 

    Radio Shortest Path First (RSPF) is a routing protocol for wireless
    networks. This particular implementation is written for Linux and
    conforms to version 2.2 of the protocol specification. 

Retro Native Forth Release 6 (Build 9) (RETRO6)

    Retro is a clean, usable Forth-based operating system. It attempts to
    be a simpler and easier-to-use alternative to more complex operating

REXML 2.7.0 (Development)

    REXML is an XML 1.0 compliant, reasonably fast, non-validating XML
    parser. It has an API that is designed to be intuitive,
    straightforward. and terse. REXML includes a tree model parser, a SAX2
    streaming parser, and a pull parser. It also includes a full XPath
    implementation. All of REXML's parsers pass 100% of the Oasis XML
    non-validating tests. 

ROCK Linux 2.0.0-beta4 (Development)

    ROCK Linux is a distribution build kit for creating Linux
    distributions. You can easily design and build your own distribution by
    choosing packages, compilers, and optimization options, and optionally
    enable the GCC Stack-Smashing Protector for enhanced security. It is
    also possible to choose custom configure options, cross-compile, and
    much more. Many specialized targets (customized distributions) have
    already been created, such as a Desktop, Router, or Minimal
    distribution. A variety of architectures are supported. 

RSS Mix Tape 1.3.0 

    RSS Mix Tape reads items from specified RSS feeds and displays them in
    a list. Selected posts can be categorized and commented on, and an RSS
    feed is generated for each category. It also supports LiveJournal input
    whether or not you are a paid user. 

rtEq 0.6.0 

    rtEq is a realtime 31-band equalizer. It supports ALSA and OSS for I/O. 

Rumor 1.0.0 

    Rumor is a realtime monophonic MIDI keyboard to Lilypond converter. It
    receives MIDI events, quantizes them according to its metronome on the
    fly, and outputs intelligently handwritten-like corresponding Lilypond
    notation. Tempo, meter, key and other parameters can be set via
    commandline options. Rumor can use ALSA/OSS or emulate MIDI input with
    computer keyboard. It is scriptable with Guile. Rumor has been tested
    on several major J. S. Bach organ pieces. 

Samizdat 0.0.1 

    Samizdat is a generic RDF-based engine for building collaboration and
    open publishing Web sites. It will let everyone publish, view, comment,
    edit, and aggregate text and multimedia resources, vote on ratings and
    classifications, filter resources by flexible sets of criteria, and
    cooperate and coordinate on all kinds of activities. It intends to
    promote values of freedom, openness, equality, and cooperation. 

sendcard 3.2.0 (Stable)

    sendcard is an advanced ecard program. It is very flexible and easy to
    customize. Some of its features are: an easy installation wizard,
    password-protected administration controls, statistics on the cards
    sent, a smart template system, multiple recipients support, delayed
    sending, support for JPEG, GIF, PNG, Flash, Java applets, Quicktime,
    and other media types, optional background music, optional emoticons,
    support for 9 databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, MS SQL, mSQL,
    OCi8, ODBC, Oracle, and Sybase), optional email notification of
    receipt, print-friendly layouts, and comprehensive documentation. 

sendEmail 1.42 

    SendEmail is a lightweight tool written in Perl for sending SMTP email
    from the console. It was designed to be used in bash scripts, Perl
    programs, and Web pages. It requires no special modules, and has a
    simple interface, making it very easy to install and use. It should
    work on any platform that has Perl and supports Unix sockets, but was
    designed for Linux. 

SetDesigner 2.0 

    SetDesigner is a tool specifically designed for aiding in the design
    and visualization of theatrical sets. It is not a CAD program. The laws
    of physics are not enforced by the program itself. Sets can be designed
    in SetDesigner by sizing and arranging predefined common elements of
    sets (for example: platforms, and flats), and defining paint schemes
    for these objects. 

slack*more 1.1 

    Slack*more installs and secures Slackware Linux. The package is divided
    into two parts. The INSTALL directory contains the tools for
    installing, removing, or upgrading programs, and the SECURE directory
    contains the tools for the preliminary securing of the system. 

SlackCheck 2.70 

    SlackCheck allows users to keep many Slackware machines up to date with
    the latest packages. All upgrades are performed from single machine
    though SSH (or RSH). It generates an upgrade script and list of
    non-standard packages for every machine. 

SpyImage 3.0 

    SpyImage is a PHP script that creates a real-time image based on Winamp
    track information. It parses information from the client's spyamp
    plugin data. This is a server-based application where one installation
    can be used by multiple users. 

ssltunnel.pl 1.0 

    ssltunnel.pl is an SSL tunnelling script that supports reproxying to
    build a chain of proxies, thus allowing access even if the local proxy
    inserts characters that would normally mess up SSH and other binary
    TCP/IP protocols. It supports basic proxy authentication and can even
    work without SSH. 

strace 4.4.98 

    strace is a useful diagnositic, instructional, and debugging tool.
    System adminstrators, diagnosticians and troubleshooters will find it
    invaluable for solving problems with programs for which the source is
    not readily. 

Struts 1.1-rc2 

    Struts is a Jakarta project that provides a J2EE framework for building
    Web applications. It is based on a Model 2 approach, a variant of MVC.
    Struts provides its own Controller component and integrates with other
    technologies to provide the Model and the View. For the Model, Struts
    can interact with any standard data access technology, including
    Enterprise Java Beans, JDBC, and Object Relational Bridge. For the
    View, Struts works well with JavaServer Pages, Velocity Templates,
    XSLT, and other presentation systems. 

TAMS 2.15a7 

    TAMS (Text Analysis Markup System) is a qualitative or ethnographic
    coding and data extraction-analysis system. 

testmail 3.1.3 

    testmail is a Perl script that checks email availability at the POP3
    server, filters it according to defined rules, and--depending on the
    selected method--gets the messages to the local mailbox and/or removes
    it from the server. It uses Perl libnet module and helps you escape
    from spam. 

ThinStation 0.92 

    Thinstation is a mini Linux distribution that enables you to convert
    standard PCs into full-featured, diskless thin clients supporting all
    major connectivity protocols like Ica, Windows terminal services (RDP),
    X, telnet, ssh, etc. It can be booted from the network using
    Etherboot/PXE or from standard media like floppy/CD/hd/flash-disk etc.
    The configuration is centralized to simplify terminal management. 

tvrec tools 0.1b 

    tvrec tools is a set of scripts for controlling an alternative
    capture-script to record TV with a Linux system. These shell scripts,
    together with some other standard Linux programs, allow you to trigger
    recording, view recording status, and delete the whole recording queue
    via email or SMS (short message service). 

viPlugin 0.0.6 

    viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors
    that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, ...). 

WebShop 0.9.0 

    WebShop provides a framework for an Internet shop using EJB 2. It
    includes the beans necessary to operate an e-commerce enterprise, as
    well as a sample servlet implementation of a shop. 

WLA DX 8.9 

    WLA DX is yet another macro assembler that can program the GB-Z80, Z80,
    6502, 65c02, 6510, 65816, HuC6280, and SPC-700 CPUs. Included in the
    package there is a GB-Z80 disassembler and few converters. WLA DX was
    initially programmed to compile ROM images for Gameboy, but nowadays it
    can also patch existing ROM images with code, and even compile program
    files and ROM files for other CPUs like the NES-6502, C64-6510, and
    SNES's SPC-700. 

XBindKeys_Config 0.1.3 

    XBindKeys_Config is an easy-to-use GTK program for configuring
    Xbindkeys, a program that associates keys to shell commands under X. 

xfce 3.90 (xfce4)

    Xfce is an easy-to-use and easy-to-configure environment for X11 based
    on GTK2. A priority is adherence to standards, specifically those
    defined at freedesktop.org. 

Newsforge Reports
Real-time alerting with Snort, part 2 of 3

    - by Jack Koziol - Last time we introduced some issues to consider when
    implementing real-time alerting with Snort. Once you've considered the
    issues, it's time to put your planning into practice. Today we'll talk
    about how to use swatch to handle alerts. Next time we'll cover setting
    up distributed three-tier alerting. 

Continental Airlines doesn't like Linux users

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - In an article published June 3 by TechWeb
    under the title Microsoft Launches New Security Certification, a
    Continental Airlines employee had some nasty things to say about Linux
    users and developers. 

One-day Linux project brings Internet to disadvantaged Miami kids

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - Miami's Liberty City is one of the worst
    neighborhoods in a city famous for bad neighborhoods. The Liberty City
    Learning Center is a privately-run effort to help neighborhood children
    break the cycle of ignorance that keeps them there. And now, thanks to
    volunteers from two Florida Linux user groups and hardware donations
    from local businesses, Liberty City Learning Center can add computer
    and Internet training to ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
Microsoft Linux?

    Derek Kraan writes "David Coursey explores the possibility of a
    Microsoft Linux distro in a letter to Steve Ballmer. He outlines a
    possible Microsoft takeover of Linux, and relates it directly to their
    takeover of the internet." 

eZ publish 3.1 beta 2 release

    eZ systems writes "eZ systems has released eZ publish 3.1 beta 2 which
    is the last of two beta releases for the eZ publish 3.1 content
    management system. This release includes bug fixing to the existing
    version of eZ publish 3.1 beta. Visit ez.no for more news about the 3.1
    beta 1 release." 

LinuxQuestions.org adds a Review Section

    linuxquestions writes "The review section allows you to quickly and
    easily compare and review your favorite Distributions. You can view
    pros, cons, price paid, rating and a short review. You can also add
    your own comments. 

German Penguins Launch Successful Counter-Attack in SCO vs Linux War

    Reader writes "German penguins call SCO-Caldera' bluff. MozillaQuest
    Magazine's (mozillaquest.com) Mike Angelo discusses the German
    injunctions with Univention's Peter H. Ganten, first to enjoin SCO's
    anti-Linux FUD. Leading the Penguin counter-attack on SCO, Univention
    GmbH and Tarent GmbH obtained preliminary injunctions from the Bremen
    and Munich Regional Courts - prohibiting SCO-Caldera from circulating
    "the idea that the Linux ... 

PowerBook, iBook nominated for Linux hardware award

     The PowerBook and iBook have been nominated in the Best Linux Hardware
    category of the UK LinuxUser & Developer Awards. They're competing
    against the SGI Altrix 3000 (a family of clusters and superclusters)
    and the Xinit Sharq SPS440 (an enterprise-class SCSI-based server). 

Fujitsu Siemens: PC boom days are over

     Adrian von Hammerstein, head of Europe's largest PC maker, says the PC
    industry is maturing and will not return to its high-growth days
    anytime soon. However, there is a silver lining. 

   Mac G5: Too Little, Too Late

     Instead of a hot new model, Apple needs a new manufacturing process
    that will enable it to compete price-wise with Windows. Of course, the
    G5's release instantly lowers the price on the G4. And those G4
    Titaniums are still looking good. 

AOL Connects AIM, ICQ Users

    Anonymous Reader writes "AOL has introduced a version of ICQ that can
    talk to AOL Instant Messenger users." 

Microsoft to kill popular Linux antivirus product

     Users and resellers of RAV AntiVirus, popular especially on Linux
    platforms, are in limbo after Microsoft Corp. announced plans to buy
    the RAV technology from Romania's GeCAD Software Srl. 

Linux: Catalyst for Server Consolidation

     "Linux on Intel is probably the optimal solution for server
    consolidation," said Ted Schadler of Forrester Research. "It can handle
    the workloads of Web servers, file and print, and database storage," he
    told NewsFactor. 

Electronics: Radio YourWay

Computing: ThermalTake Active Memory Cooling Kit

Cube Goodies: Luminglass

Computing: ThermalTake Aquarius II CPU Cooler

Computing: ThermalTake HardCano 10

Computing: ThermalTake Xaser PC Cases

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Interests: Tempt me.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

Tshirts: Follow the white rabbit.

OpenEJB 0.9.2 released

    The 0.9.2 release is one that the whole team is quite proud of. OpenEJB
    0.9.0 marked are first release with special Tomcat embedded support.
    Thanks to all the user feedback that support has just gotten better and
    better. The 0.9.2 release contains a neat surprise for OpenEJB/Tomcat
    users -- TOOLS! The new integration features a webapp with a setup
    verifier, JNDI browser, EJB viewer, Class browser, and even an Object
    invoker! You can browse the OpenEJB namespace and know right away
    exactly where the ejb is and what it is called. When you find one you
    like, just click it and it will open up into the EJB viewer. While
    there you can check out it's home, remote and bean classes in the class
    browser. The Object invoker allows you to actually create and invoke
    your EJBs without writing a single line of code. OpenEJB 0.9.2 also
    contains a new openejb.base variable to complement the openejb.home
    variable. The openejb.base variable allows you to have several
    configurations of OpenEJB all running against the same OpenEJB install.
    This makes using OpenEJB in IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans even easier.
    Move the openejb_loader-0.9.2.jar into your project's lib directory,
    set the openejb.base, and you'll be debugging your EJB apps
    front-to-back without the need for remote debugging support or special
    editor plug-ins. Thanks to all the OpenEJB users for all the great
    ideas! You speak, we listen.

LTI-Lib Version Beta 1.9.3 released

    LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++
    for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to
    solve mathematical problems, many image processing algorithms, some
    classification tools and much more. This release provides new functors
    and features, many bug fixes and more documentation. Download --------
    You can get this and previous releases from:
    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45767 Homepage
    -------- For more information please visit our homepage:
    http://ltilib.sourceforge.net ChangeLog --------- For more details
    about the changes in this release please visit the ChangeLog page at:
    Acknowledgments --------------- Thanks to all developers at the Chair
    of Computer Science: Suat Akyol, Pablo Alvarado, Daniel Beier, Axel
    Berner, Ulrich Canzler, Peter Doerfler, Thomas Erger, Holger
    Fillbrandt, Peter Gerber, Claudia, Goenner, Xin Gu, Michael Haehnel,
    Christian Harte, Bastian Ibach, Torsten Kaemper, Thomas Krueger,
    Frederik Lange, Henning Luepschen, Peter Mathes, Alexandros Matsikis,
    Bernd Mussman, Jens Paustenbach, Norman Pfeil, Jens Rietzschel, Daniel
    Ruijters, Thomas Rusert, Stefan Syberichs, Guy Wafo Moudhe, Ruediger
    Weiler, Jochen Wickel , Benni Winkler, Xinghan Yu, Marius Wolf, Joerg

Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 available

    Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 - This is the second (and, we fully
    expect, final) *release candidate* for Gallery v.1.3.4. Changes from
    RC1 essentially amount to small fixes for errors discovered since the
    first release candidate in the backup_albums.php script and the new
    "custom fields" code. Gallery is slick, intuitive web based photo
    gallery with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to
    install, configure and use. Photo management includes automatic
    thumbnails, resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great
    for communities. Download it:
    http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130 Read more about this
    release candidate: http://gallery.sf.net/article.php?sid=75 

phpwsBB 0.1.0 released

    phpwsBB is a native bulletin board module for the phpWebSite content
    management system, version 0.9.2 or later. Today we release version
    0.1.0 of phpwsBB. Features include anonymous posting, message editing
    and deletion for registered users, thread locking and message forking
    for admins, and ... well that's probably it. Be sure you have the
    latest version of phpWebSite installed: http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu
    and then download phpwsbb from: http://phpwsbb.sourceforge.net. 

Aleph One 2003-05-30 Mac OS X Carbon and Windows releases

    Aleph One plays Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and third-party content
    on a wide array of platforms with numerous enhancements. The new Mac OS
    X Carbon and Windows SDL 2003-05-30 releases add significantly improved
    Internet play, Lua scripting, Speex compression for realtime network
    audio (making it much more practical in Internet games), an anisotropic
    filtering option on video cards that support it, and more. 

Combo Drive DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE 4X-DVD+RW+R 24X-CDRW (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $305.99 

A7N8X Deluxe Athlon Motherboard (Asus)

    Lowest Price: $119.89 

Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $269.95 

RADEON 9800 Pro 128MB DDR (ATI)

    Lowest Price: $360.00 

DVR-A05 2MB Buffer (4x DVD-R, 2x DVD-RW, 16x CD-R, 8x CDR-RW) (Pioneer)

    Lowest Price: $188.89 

DAV-C990 DVD Home Theater (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $668.99 

X1 Multi-use Projector (InFocus)

    Lowest Price: $799.00 

42" PPM42S2 Flat Panel TV (Samsung)

    Lowest Price: $2699.00 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $3159.00 

DVD-LA95 Portable DVD Player (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $516.00 

Windows XP Pro(Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $133.73 

Windows XP Home (Full) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

Office XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $257.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.00 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $94.50 

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