OSDN                          NEWSLETTER                           
    July 01, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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CD Duplicator Refuses Linux Job, Citing MS Contract

    [0]Jonathon writes "Seems a Microsoft imposed restraint of trade
    agreement and concerns about the SCO suit have [1]prevented a New
    Zealand company duplicating 500 CDs for our upcoming installfest. The
    installfest was [2]mentioned on /. just days ago." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3510183
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/29/1554201&tid=106

Building A (Serious) Home Network From Scratch

    Casey Lang-Vie writes "[0]THG are running an article that outlines
    [1]how to build a home network from scratch. I wish I'd read this
    before I attempted - now I have a few (ok, 8) unsightly holes in my
    wall." This is the type of network that encourages home ownership
    rather than rental. 
    0. http://tomshardware.com/
    1. http://www.tomshardware.com/network/20030630/index.html

Dear Sir: Your Credit Card Number Has Been Owned

    An anonymous reader submits: "California has become the first state in
    the nation to require companies victimized by malicious computer
    attacks to [0]disclose what might have been compromised to their
    customers. Dubbed the [1]Security Breach Information Act, companies
    whose systems are cracked and have credit card, bank account, and/or
    other significant customer data stolen are required to report the
    intrusion either by email, snail mail, a notice on their website, or by
    notification to the news media. Law takes effect Tuesday, July 1
    0. http://news.com.com/2100-1019_3-1022341.html

A Critical Look at Trusted Computing

    [0]mod12 writes "After just attending a two-week [1]summer program on
    the theoretical foundations of security (one of the speakers was from
    Microsoft research), I have been interested in trying to find out if
    the "trusted computing" initiative was still alive. I got my answer
    today in the New York Times from an [2]article that was fortunately
    rather critical of the concept." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/activities/summerschool/summer03/
    2. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/30/technology/30SECU.html

Blizzard North Co-Founders Leave Company

    Thanks to several readers for pointing out a Reuters/Yahoo story
    discussing [0]the departure of four key employees from Warcraft and
    Diablo developers [1]Blizzard Entertainment. The article elaborates:
    "In a statement, Blizzard Entertainment said Blizzard North co-founders
    Erich Schaefer, Max Schaefer and David Brevik, along with a fourth
    employee, Bill Roper, 'resigned from the company to pursue other
    opportunities.'" With Bill Roper often the [2]public face of Blizzard,
    and the Blizzard North co-founders being the [3]original Diablo
    developers, this is a big deal for Blizzard owners Vivendi, as well as
    gamers everywhere, especially as Blizzard "is widely seen in the games
    industry as one of the most attractive assets of VU Games, which has
    been languishing on the auction block for months." 
    0. http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/030630/media_vivendi_games_1.html
    1. http://www.blizzard.com
    3. http://www.blizzard.com/blizz-anniversary/blizznorth.shtml

Linux On The Dell Axim

    An anonymous reader points to this interesting project to run [0]the
    Familiar Linux distribution on the Dell Axim. "It includes a picture of
    the Axim running Linux and directions for loading Linux on the Dell
    Axim from the CF card. Looks like a good start to this project." It's
    limited for now (crashes after 15 minutes, must be loaded through the
    installed version of Windows), but everything starts out that way. 
    0. http://www.lerhaupt.com/linux.html#axim

NEC Unveils Methanol-Fueled Laptop

    genericplacebo writes "Japanese computer giant NEC Corp. Monday
    [0]revealed a prototype of a laptop computer that runs on a methanol
    fuel cell instead of a rechargeable battery, and said it will start
    selling it next year. NEC initially plans to introduce a computer with
    a fuel-cell system able to run for five consecutive hours on a single
    cartridge of methanol fuel, but also plans to make a PC within two
    years that can run continuously for as long as 40 hours." 

Open Source Microsoft Exchange Replacements?

    [0]Carl Farrington asks: "Do you think you could try to raise public
    awareness of the importance for an open source replacement for
    Microsoft Exchange (Outlook/MAPI compatible for shared/public folders).
    Current offerings are SuSE Linux Groupware Server, Communigate Pro
    (Stalker Software), Samsung Contact (ex. HP OpenMail) all of which are
    not open source / free. [1]Kroupware is in development, but there will
    be no Outlook Connector for it. [2]otlkcon is in slow development as a
    possible connector for Kroupware. There is also [3]OSER (Open Source
    Exchange Replacement) which again looks like it needs more help. Is
    there any chance of getting some people to back this stuff? It's so
    important and is probably the major problem facing Linux as viable
    replacements for Win2000 servers." While this seems to be a [4]question
    [5]that [6]keeps [7]popping up in [8]one form or [9]another, it's
    always worthwhile to come back and point out alternatives, in
    development, that might need your help to get off the ground and
    running. So, if you're looking for an alternative to Exchange, would
    you be willing to contribute some time to one of the projects listed
    above? If you've been using Unix as an Exchange replacement, what did
    you do and how well has it been working? 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://kroupware.org/
    2. http://otlkcon.sourceforge.net/
    3. http://oser.sourceforge.net/
    4. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/08/22/1743244&tid=163
    5. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/04/26/0615258&tid=163
    6. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/07/11/1850247&tid=130
    7. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/02/0729250&tid=109
    8. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/11/16/194209&tid=130
    9. http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/28/0344218&tid=143

EFF Ad Campaign On File Swapping

    [0]miladus writes "The [1]Electronic Frontier Foundation is launching
    an ad campaign to counter the [2]RIAA's lawsuits about file swapping.
    There are more details available at the [3]File Sharing: It's Music To
    Our Ears subsite." The [4]press release kicking off this campaign says
    that "EFF's Let the Music Play campaign provides alternatives to the
    RIAA's litigation barrage, details EFF's efforts to defend peer-to-peer
    file sharing, and makes it easy for individuals to write members of
    0. http://www.miladus.org/mt
    1. http://www.eff.org/
    2. http://www.riaa.com/
    3. http://www.eff.org/share
    4. http://www.eff.org/IP/P2P/20030630_eff_pr.php

Mozilla 1.4 Released

    Phil writes "[0]MozillaZine is [1]reporting that Mozilla 1.4 has been
    released for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The new version is pretty
    similar to today's [2]Netscape 7.1, which is based on the same code,
    but lacks Netscape's proprietary features. More information can be
    found in the [3]release notes. The release can be downloaded from
    mozilla.org's [4]releases page or [5]via FTP. From here on,
    [6]mozilla.org's focus shifts to Mozilla Firebird and Mozilla
    Thunderbird." The official release news is now up on [7]Mozilla's main
    page, so let the downloading begin. 
    0. http://www.mozillazine.org/
    1. http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=3346
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/30/1659235&tid=114
    3. http://www.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla1.4/
    4. http://www.mozilla.org/releases/#1.4
    5. ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.4/
    6. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/02/2013222&tid=154
    7. http://www.mozilla.org/

42go ISP Manager 1.2.0 

    42go ISP Manager is a Linux Web server management solution. It can
    manage reseller administration, Apache Web server administration,
    sendmail/postfix, an FTP server, a POP3 auto-responder, MySQL client
    databases, Webalizer statistics, disk-quotas, mail-quotas, IP
    addresses, SSL, SSI, shell access, anti-virus mail scanning, and spam
    filtering (with SpamAssassin). 42go ISP Manager supports all major
    Linux distributions, including RedHat 9, Mandrake 9.1, SuSE 8.2, and
    Debian 3.0. 

6nome 1.5 

    6nome is a theme loosely based on the background of the GNOME logo. The
    Metacity theme has embossed title text, and features the GNOME
    footprint as the menu button. The GTK theme has light and few colors,
    and its widgets have rounded corners. 

abc2mtex 1.6.1 

    abc2mtex is a notation package that uses an ASCII input format. It was
    designed primarily for folk and traditional Western European music
    (such as Irish, English, and Scottish), which can be written on one
    stave in standard classical notation. However, it also supports
    multiple staves and can be used with many other types of music. It can
    also be used as a fast preprocessor for MusicTeX or MusiXTeX. 

abcm2ps 3.6.3 (Development)

    abcm2ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to
    PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to
    print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one
    or more keyboards, and a pedal-board. It introduces many extensions to
    the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music. 

Advanced Bash Scripting Guide 1.9 (Stable)

    The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide is both a reference and a tutorial on
    shell scripting. This comprehensive book (the equivalent of about 536
    print pages) covers almost every aspect of shell scripting. It contains
    263 profusely commented illustrative examples, and a number of tables. 

Ajaqs 0.9.2 

    Ajaqs is a Web app that organizes FAQs on a per-project basis. It is
    designed to be deployed under popular Web and application servers. It
    aims to serve two purposes: to provide engineering groups a mechanism
    for consolidating and preserving in-house knowledge in connection to
    product development and usage, and to provide small companies with a
    Web interface for exposing searchable, internationalizable information
    related to products and services. 

Alt+Connect 2.5.7/9 (Development)

    Alt+Connect manages dialup connections, allowing a group of networked
    machines to share a single Internet connection through their server.
    Custom client software lets users to start or stop their internet
    connection, and the server (connectd) ensures that the connection
    remains up only while someone's using it. Features include support for
    multiple ISPs and links (modems or ISDN channels), connection control
    lists, ability to record the time a user spends online and charge him
    for it, and the ability to enable and disable IP forwarding as a
    machine starts or stops using the Internet. 

Arbitrary Command Output Colourer 0.3.0 

    acoc is a regular-expression based colour formatter for programs that
    display output on the command-line. It works as a wrapper around the
    target program, executing it and capturing the stdout stream.
    Optionally, stderr can be redirected to stdout, so that it, too, can be
    manipulated. acoc then applies matching rules to patterns in the output
    and applies colours to those matches. 

Ardour 0.9 Beta 1 

    Ardour is a professional multitrack/multichannel audio recorder and DAW
    for Linux, using ALSA-supported audio interfaces. It supports up to 32
    bit samples, 24+ channels at up to 96kHz, full MMC control, a
    non-destructive, non-linear editor, and LADSPA plugins. 

Armagetron 0.2.2 (Stable)

    In Armagetron, you ride a lightcycle around the game grid. You can only
    make sharp turns of 90 degrees and a wall constantly builds up after
    you. Make your enemies crash into your wall, but be aware that they are
    trying to do the same to you. If you are fast enough, you may be able
    to trap them, but the only way to speed up your lightcycle is to drive
    close to the dangerous walls. Prepare for exciting strategic
    preparations followed by action-packed close combat! 

bes-cms 0.3 

    bes-cms is a multiuser Content Management System. It is also an
    application server; you can embed bes-cms in bes-cms just by creating a
    user. It comes with four default themes. 

BlogPlanet 1.0.2 

    BlogPlanet is a blog client written in J2ME primarily for smartphones.
    It lets users make new posts to their blog, edit them later, and delete
    them. The editor features a user definable dictionary and directly
    supports some HTML formatting. On phones that support the Mobile Media
    API, the camera can be used to take pictures and include them in the
    blog entries. It supports all BloggerAPI-compliant XML-RPC supporting
    systems (Blogger.com, MovableType, B2, Radio Userland). 

Bloof 0.1 beta 6 

    Bloof is an infrastructure for analytical processing of version control
    data. Its main application, the Bloof Browser, provides detailed
    visualizations of the evolution of software projects. Bloof uses
    version control data for analyzing the evolution of software projects.
    Bloof is designed to be integrated into other applications, providing a
    Java API access interface and an XML output format. The core of the
    Bloof Browser distribution is the Bloof infrastructure. The Browser
    itself is a GUI for specifying, visualizing, and browsing software
    project analyses. 

bogosort 0.4.2 

    bogosort sorts files or its standard input using the
    "bogo-sort" algorithm. It can also just randomise the lines
    in its input, allowing you to perform your own check in a loop. 

Bugzero 2.7 

    Bugzero is an all-in-one product for software bug tracking, defect
    issue incident tracking, trouble ticketing, help desk support, and
    customer email management. It is simple to use and avoids complexity by
    making the tasks or projects separate and independent. It is platform
    and database system independent (based on Java). It supports multiple
    projects, group-based access, automatic bug assignment, file
    attachment, email notification, inbound email management, metric
    reports, and workflow. It also features advanced search capability, a
    comprehensive bug audit trail, CVS version control integration, and an
    easy to use system administration tool for project configuration and
    user account management. 

Build it Fast 0.1.11 

    Build it Fast (BIF) is a PHP Framework. It contains several classes
    that help you develop complex Web applications in a short amount of
    time. It brings the concept of the 'widget' to Web development. It
    features Cascade Skins and transparent session management. 

CaLStats 0.0.5 

    CaLStats is a small set of scripts for monitoring computer
    availability. It creates images of the network structure and marks
    active or inactive computers. 

CodeTek VirtualDesktop 2.3.5 

    CodeTek VirtualDesktop brings full virtual desktop support as available
    on other operating systems (Mac OS 9, Windows, Unix, Linux) to the Mac
    OS X platform. 

Coyote Linux 2.2.0-beta3 (GUI Disk Creator)

    Coyote Linux is a single floppy distribution for people who have an
    Internet connection that they wish to share with other computers on a
    LAN. In addition to connection sharing, it also provides firewall
    services to help protect the internal network. The goal of the Coyote
    project is to make it as quick and easy as possible to share an
    Internet connection. 

Coyote Linux 2.00-beta2 (Development)

    Coyote Linux is a single floppy distribution for people who have an
    Internet connection that they wish to share with other computers on a
    LAN. In addition to connection sharing, it also provides firewall
    services to help protect the internal network. The goal of the Coyote
    project is to make it as quick and easy as possible to share an
    Internet connection. 

CRM Call Tracking 1.8.1-30062003 

    CRM allows you to create entities to which you can attach files, place
    alerts, prioritize, etc. It is multi-lingual and customizable.
    Installation is done using a simple script. 

Cyrus SASL 2.1.14 (SASLv2)

    The Cyrus SASL library is a generic library for easy integration of
    secure network authentication to any client or server application. It
    supports authentication via standard plaintext methods as well as
    CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 shared secret methods and KERBEROS_V4 and
    GSSAPI Kerberos methods. The SASL protocol framework is used by SMTP,
    IMAP, ACAP, LDAP, and other standard protocols. 

Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse 1.1.37 

    Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC) is a system of clients and
    servers that collect and count checksums related to mail messages. The
    counts can be used by SMTP servers and mail user agents to detect and
    reject bulk mail. DCC servers can exchange common checksums. The
    checksums include values that are "fuzzy", or constant across
    common variations in bulk messages. 

dnspython 1.0.0 (Stable)

    dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all of the
    record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic
    updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0. dnspython
    provides both high and low level access to DNS. The high level classes
    perform queries for data of a given name, type, and class, and return
    an answer set. The low level classes allow direct manipulation of DNS
    zones, messages, names, and records. 


    DSPAM is a server-side anti-spam agent for UNIX email servers. It
    masquerades as the email server's local delivery agent and
    filters/learns spam using a Bayesian statistical approach which
    provides an administratively maintenance-free, self-learning anti-spam
    service. Each email is broken down into its most interesting tokens,
    each assigned a spam probability. All probabilities are then combined
    to produce a statistical probability of spam. This approach, applied to
    a mature corpus of email, has the potential to yield a 99.75% success
    rate with less than a 0.03% chance of false positives. 

Enca 0.99.3 

    Enca detects the encoding of text files, on the basis of knowledge of
    their language. It can also convert them to other encodings, allowing
    you to recode files without knowing their current encoding. It supports
    most of Central and East European languages, and a few Unicode
    variants, independently on language. 

EzSDK 4.74 

    EzSDK is a PHP SDK which includes a PHP source code generator, a
    library of PHP classes, and an application environment consisting of
    premade supporting modules. The modules handle user application and
    data access security, DB compatibility (with MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
    etc.), a built-in GUI interface with an interactive desktop, and more. 

FAQbot 0.3.8 

    FAQbot works with a MySQL database to maintain and organize connected
    articles (generally help pages or FAQs) as well as provide a uniform
    format and display. It includes a simple ranking system. It is intended
    for Web masters with article-based Web sites, but it is flexible enough
    to provide multiple site layouts to fit different site designs. It uses
    MySQL, PHP4, SSL, and some Javascript. 

Firepass 1.1.1a 

    Firepass is a tunneling tool allowing users bypass firewall
    restrictions and encapsulate data flows inside legal ones that use HTTP
    POST requests. TCP or UDP based protocols may be tunneled with

Freevo 1.3.2 

    Freevo is a Linux application that turns a PC with a TV capture card
    and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia
    jukebox/VCR/PVR/HTPC/DVR/set-top box. It uses MPlayer and other apps to
    play and record audio and video. It is optimized for use with a TV and
    remote, but can be used with a monitor and keyboard. It is very easy to
    install since the binary release package has no external dependencies. 

FScript 1.12 (Main)

    FScript is an extremely simple scripting language. Its intended use is
    as an embedded language in other Java programs. It is very simple to
    embed; it can be as simple as sub-classing one class to add your own
    functionality. However, it is not a complete programming language, as
    it has no library of standard functions (such as IO and string
    processing). FScript supplies base functionality (such as flow control,
    variable handling, and basic math operations) that can extended by the
    host application. The only requirement is a Java 2 runtime environment. 

Genmake 2003_06_30 

    Genmake creates Makefiles for C/C++ projects from a simple project
    description. The project description file can contain any number of
    projects and dependencies between them. The description is organized
    into workspace, projectspace and filespace and supports any number of
    build modes (debug, release, etc.). 

GKrellM 2.1.14 (GTK 2.0)

    GKrellM is a GTK-based stacked monitor program that charts SMP CPUs,
    disks, load, active net interfaces, and internet connections. There are
    also builtin monitors for memory and swap, file systems with
    mount/umount feature, mailbox checking including POP3 and IMAP,
    clock/calendar, laptop battery, sensors (temperatures, voltages, and
    fans), and uptime. It has LEDs for the net monitors and an on/off
    button and online timer for PPP. There is a GUI popup for
    configuration, plugin extensions can be installed, and many themes are
    available. It also features a client/server monitoring capability. 

GLAME 1.0.1 

    GLAME (GNU/Linux Audio Mechanics) is meant to be the GIMP of audio
    processing. It is designed to be a powerful, fast, stable, and easily
    extensible sound editor for Linux and compatible systems. It has full
    support for non-destructive editing including undo/redo and applying
    LADSPA effects. Its supported platforms are Linux, BSD, IRIX, and OS X.
    It uses guile and libxml, and the GNOME libs available is highly
    recommended. MP3 and Ogg files can be processed if libmad and
    libvorbisfile are installed. 

Glub Tech Secure FTP 2.0.6 

    Glub Tech Secure FTP is a command-line utility that allows FTP
    connections to be made using SSL. 

GNOME War Pad 0.2.8 

    GNOME War Pad is 'VGA Planets' client for GNOME 2 desktop platform. It
    aims to develop a full featured client, including scripting Python

GNU Smalltalk 2.1.3 (Stable)

    GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language. 

GNU TeXmacs 

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

HURL 0.6.3b 

    HURL Updates RedHat Linux. It attempts to download appropriate system
    updates from a specified FTP server. It features dependency checking,
    package exclusion with regular expressions, email notification when
    updates are ready to install, and Powertools updates. It has been
    tested on RedHat 5.1 through 9. It is written in Python but does not
    require the Python RPM bindings. 

icradius-ha 0.14 

    icradius-ha is a patch that adds some new features to icradius itself,
    which is an authentication server that stores all information in a
    MySQL backend. A default domain can be added automatically to user name
    before auth and accounting. You can instruct icradius to open a
    different mysql connection for read and write operations (nice with
    mysql replications). You can also get it to use a different mysql
    server for read and/or write operation in case of failure of the
    master. Various other features included. 

imgSeek 0.7.2 

    imgSeek is a photo collection manager capable of searching through an
    image database, in which the query is expressed either as a rough
    sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply. You simply
    draw a rough sketch of what you want to find and imgSeek displays for
    you a thumbnail view of the best matches. You may also find duplicate
    images automatically, generate Web photo albums, edit image metadata
    including EXIF JPEG data, organize images into a keyword hierarchy, and

ImLib3D 0.9.0 

    ImLib3D is a C++ library and visualization system for 3D (volumetric)
    image processing. It contains most basic image processing algorithms,
    as well as some more sophisticated ones. Its images are STL-compliant
    templated containers. It inculdes a viewer that features multiplanar
    views, interactive image processing, animations, vector field views,
    and 3D (OpenGL) multiplanar. Its main application is medical image

Internet Task Management System 1.11 (Build 111) 

    ITMS uses PHP to formalize the task delegation process in a business
    environment. Functionality includes the ability to create individual
    tasks and then combine them into a process of work items which can be
    easily delegated to any user of the system. Assignment and reminder
    emails are recieved based upon user preferences. Administrators of the
    system have the ability to manage all users and their task properties.
    ITMS supports MySQL, Oracle, LDAP, and SSL. 

iPodEject 0.1 

    iPodEject adds an iPod icon to the Mac OS X menu bar that eject your
    iPod volume so that it can be safely disconnected. 

ITracker 2.0.0 (Stable)

    ITracker is a Java J2EE issue/bug tracking system designed to support
    multiple projects with independent user bases. It supports features
    such as full i18n support, multiple versions and project components,
    detailed histories, issue searching, file attachments, dynamic reports
    with charts, configurable field values, and multiple email

Kpacman 0.3.2 (Development)

    Kpacman is an implementation of the pacman game for KDE. Multiple game
    modes/schemes are available, including Ms. Pacman. Sound is not yet

Krename 2.7.3 (Development)

    Krename is a very powerful batch file renamer for KDE3 which can rename
    a list of files based on a set of expressions. It can copy/move the
    files to another directory or simply rename the input files. Krename
    supports many conversion operations, including conversion of a filename
    to lowercase or to uppercase, conversion of the first letter of every
    word to uppercase, adding numbers to filenames, finding and replacing
    parts of the filename, and many more. It can also change access and
    modification dates, permissions, and file ownership. 

LANforge FIRE & ICE 3.7.3 

    The LANforge is a unified multi-protocol network traffic generation and
    WAN simulation application. It allows testing and verification labs to
    simulate real world customer traffic. The WAN simulator allows the
    injection of latency and other network oddities like dropped,
    duplicated, and re-ordered packets. The LANforge provides a scriptable
    command line interface with Perl libraries as well as a graphical user

LILO 22.5.6 

    LILO is a Boot loader for Linux/x86 and other PC operating systems. It
    is responsible for loading your Linux kernel from either a floppy or a
    hard drive and passing control to it. It is capable of booting beyond
    cylinder 1024 of a hard disk if the BIOS supports EDD packet call
    extensions to the int 0x13 interface. LILO can also be used to boot
    many other operating systems, including DOS, Windows (all versions),
    OS/2, and the BSD variants. The LILO distribution includes full source,
    documentation and support files. 

Matchbox Window Manager 0.6 

    Matchbox is a unique X11 window manager designed for computers with
    little screen real estate, limited input devices and low CPU/storage
    resources. Touchscreen PDAs fit well into this category. 

Minimalist Queue Services 0.0.3 

    MQS (Minimalist Queue Services) is a minimalist queueing system that
    provides a set of basic methods in order to offer asynchronous
    messaging for program/application. Applications can use this type of
    services in order to store and retrieve messages to a dedicated queue
    in the queue services. This allows you to avoid direct connection
    between applications and provides a simple asynchronous communication
    system. It provides a simple set of XML-RPC methods for pushing and
    getting messages in a specific queue (so you can use the system with
    any application that can talk XML-RPC). The queue is stored in a
    database (e.g., MySQL). 

Mojo Mail 2.8.8 

    Mojo Mail is a light-weight Web-based email mailing list manager. It
    supports announce-only lists and group discussion lists, as well as
    archiving, double opt-in subscriptions, and double opt-out
    unsubscriptions. List mailings can be sent using sendmail, qmail, or
    even with a straight SMTP connection (either all at once, or in timed
    batches). All list administration can be done through your browser via
    Mojo Mail's administrative control panel. Creating new lists and
    administrating them is easy. Mojo Mail is a great alternative to
    programs such as Majordomo if you want to give more control to the
    actual list owners, who may not have much experience with such
    applications. Mojo Mail can be run simply as a CGI script and needs no
    special modules installed. The entire look of html pages created by
    Mojo Mail can be customized with any template you can provide, on a
    list by list basis. 

Music Library 1.2 

    Music Library is a music-on-demand system for phpGroupware. It searches
    recursively through a directory full of files for audio formats you
    specify and dumps their artist, album, and track names into a database.
    You can then browse, search, or listen over HTTP. It features custom
    playlists, and comes with an MP3 renaming script to ease the task of
    administration as well as an Applescript for using XMMS via X11 on OS

MyHeadlines 4.2.2 

    MyHeadlines is module that adds syndicated headline functionality to
    any PHP and MySQL-based website. Your users may subscribe to multiple
    RSS feeds from a fully categorized database of over 1,000 sources. It
    was previously a PHPNuke/PostNuke Addon, but can now be integrated with
    any Web site. 

Netscape Communicator 7.1 (Mozilla-based)

    Netscape Communicator is the all-in-one web browser and communications
    suite that makes it easy to send Internet email, read newsgroups,
    create web pages, and browse the World Wide Web. 

NewsMonster 1.0RC5 

    NewsMonster is an advanced Weblog manager, reputation system,
    micropayment economy, and semantic Web application. It allows the user
    to keep track of news and use reputation within the blogging community
    to help discover new Weblogs, important articles, and other compelling

NexControl 0.2 

    NexControl is a simple Perl program that controls a Celestron NexStar
    series telescope. It should work on any other platform that supports
    Perl and /dev serial ports. 

Nmap 3.30 (Stable)

    Nmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It
    supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port
    scanning techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering),
    and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host OS or device identification).
    Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy/stealth
    scanning, sunRPC scanning, and more. Most Unix and Windows platforms
    are supported in both GUI and commandline modes. Several popular
    handheld devices are also supported, including the Sharp Zaurus and the

Nokia Logo Converter for Linux 0.9.8 

    The Nokia Logo Converter for Linux is a program that is capable of
    converting most Nokia Logo Files (*.nlm, *.nol) into Bitmap and
    vice-versa, allowing you this way to use any Bitmap (other graphic
    formats also supported) you drew or copied from somewhere as a logo for
    your Nokia Mobile Phone or to browse your collection of Nokia Logo
    files. It handles both formats of Logos (Operator and Picture SMS) and
    has an integrated file browser showing you every Logo or Bitmap in a
    directory while you scroll in the file box. It features a batch convert
    mode, so you can convert several files at once. It also offers standard
    file managing functions so you can manage your logos on your hard disk. 

OpenFrame 1.0 beta 

    OpenFrame an extensible, complete, and portable framework for J2EE
    portal applications, providing APIs and ready-to-use tools for page
    definitions, portlets, user management, content management,
    collaboration, and community services. 

OpenIsis 0.9.0 

    OpenIsis provides a library and tools to access CDS/ISIS databases,
    which are mostly used for bibliographic data (ISO2709, Z39.50) but also
    well suited for other catalogues due to the very flexible indexing
    mechanism. Based on a C library, there are also bindings for Perl and
    Java (Tcl to come). 

OSSP fsl 1.2.0 

    OSSP fsl offers the syslog API otherwise provided by libc. Instead of
    writing to the syslogd process, it uses the powerful OSSP l2 logging
    capabilities. It is a drop-in link-time replacement which enables any
    syslog consumer to take advantage of OSSP l2 by just linking this
    library in before libc. The program is intended to apply OSSP l2
    functionality to existing syslog-based third-party programs without the
    requirement to change the source code of the program. 

OSSP l2 0.9.2 

    OSSP l2 is a C library providing a very flexible and sophisticated Unix
    logging facility. It is based on the model of arbitrary number of
    channels, stacked together in a top-down data flow tree structure with
    filtering channels in internal nodes and output channels on the leave
    nodes. Channel trees can be either constructed manually through
    lower-level API functions or all at once with a single API function
    controlled by a compact syntactical description of the channel tree.
    For generating log messages, a printf-style formatting engine is
    provided which can be extended through callback functions. The data
    flow inside the channel tree is controlled by logging message severity
    levels which are assigned to each individual channel. 

PhotoGen 1.9b 

    PhotoGen is a bash shell script that creates photo galleries from a
    directory of JPEG and GIF images. The script will generate thumbnails
    from the large images, let you choose a background color for the
    gallery, and also let you add captions to each thumbnail image. 

PHP Panoptes 0.3 (Main)

    PHP Panoptes is a set of PHP utilities to manage the statistics of the
    machines and devices on a network. It has a modular design, allowing
    new features to be added easily. Configuration is done through a
    single, simple XML file. It is intended to allow you to maintain all
    your network statistics in a centralized way. 

PHPXref 0.3 

    PHPXref is a Perl script that cross-references classes, functions,
    variables, and SQL tables used in a PHP-based Web site and generates
    simple HTML output designed to make browsing through code easy. In
    addition, it can extract phpdoc style comments from the PHP files to
    provide browsable documentation. 

Postfix 2.0.13 (Stable)

    Postfix is an attempt to provide an alternative to the widely-used
    Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and
    hopefully secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible
    enough to not upset your users. 

PreMail 1.1 

    PreMail is a mail previewer and deleter that checks POP accounts and
    presents a list of messages. You can then select and delete any of
    these messages. By default, it uses .fetchmailrc as its list of

PyKota Print Quota System 1.09 

    PyKota is a centralized and extensible print quota system for the
    Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) and LPRng. It features per-printer
    user and group quotas, automated email warning to users and quota
    administrator, commandline tools which mimic the disk quota utilities,
    PostgreSQL and OpenLDAP backends, and much more. 

QuickDownloader 3.3 

    QuickDownloader is a download manager that accelerates downloads by
    between 200 and 300%. It provides a resume capability for resuming
    broken downloads. It supports both HTTP and FTP downloads. 

Redundancy Information Protection System 0.9 

    RIPS can protect data in a manner where minor corruptions can be
    balanced out by adding some redundancy to it. 

SaveMyModem 1.0pre5 

    SaveMyModem is an anti-spam, email-shaping, and delete-on-server email
    tool. It is designed for users with slow dialup connections who are
    tired of downloading large amounts of spam and worm and virus

SBLIM 1.0 (Test Suite)

    SBLIM (pronounced "sublime"), the Standards Based Linux
    Instrumentation for Manageability is an IBM Open Source project,
    intended to enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux systems. It does so
    by enabling GNU/Linux for WBEM, Web Based Enterprise Management, a set
    of standards defined by the DMTF and fostered by the WBEMsource

Scratchy 0.5 

    Scratchy is an Apache log parser and report generator which can produce
    charts of the log statistics. 

Secure FTP Bean 2.0.6 

    The Secure FTP Bean allows FTP connections to be made over SSL,
    including both implicit and explicit SSL connections, and passive and
    active data transfers with or without encryption. 

Show 1.4 

    Show is a fast, flexible, extensible, and bloat-free image viewer for
    X11 that can fade images in, display them, and fade them out to black
    according to user-specified values of fade speed and delay. It features
    an extremely small executable footprint (20KB), support for well over a
    dozen image formats, variable scaling, magnification, window
    positioning, clockwise and counterclockwise image rotation, X/Y axis
    flipping, wildcard support, and logging abilities. It can also be
    easilly incorporated into multimedia presentations, shell scripts, and
    other utilities. 

SimpleData 3.0.17 

    SimpleData is a Web application for managing your sales, inventory,
    invoices, quotes, purchases, and requests for quotes. It offers the
    ability to track all payments and balances on purchases and orders, and
    allows reports and forms to be printed or emailed. The printed forms
    are intended to fit in a standard 2-pane envelope for easy mailing. It
    features four sales and purchase reports, and can be easily extended. 

sitecopy 0.13.3 

    sitecopy allows you to easily maintain remote Web sites. The program
    will upload files to the server which have changed locally, and delete
    files from the server which have been removed locally, keeping the
    remote site synchronized. FTP and WebDAV are supported. 

Snd 6.8 

    Snd is a freeware sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs and an old,
    sorely-missed PDP-10 sound editor named Dpysnd. It is currently an
    X/Motif application. 

StarPlot 0.94.1 

    StarPlot is a GTK-based program, written in C++, which can be used
    interactively to view three-dimensional perspective charts of stars.
    Charts can be recentered, rotated, or zoomed in or out with a mouse
    click (this can also, of course, be done via dialog boxes for more
    precision). Stars may be viewed (or ignored) by spectral class and
    absolute magnitude. Other features include support for both celestial
    and galactic coordinate systems, the ability to display extended
    non-stellar objects, and a pop-up Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. StarPlot
    is also packaged with starconvert, a utility which converts
    line-oriented stellar data records to StarPlot format. Most star data
    files available on the Internet can be converted this way if a short
    file describing the original file format is provided to starconvert. 

Syndigator 0.09 

    Syndigator is an RSS reader/aggregator. 

Synitech OpenEMR 2.0.0 

    OpenEMR is a modular, HIPAA compliant, cross-platform Electronic
    Medical Records System (EMRS). It runs under Apache or IIS and includes
    advanced authorization and auditing functionality, automatic timeouts,
    group-based user configuration, extensive logging, and supports
    patient-requested file changes. It facilitates efficient office
    management through automated patient record journaling, and has been
    successfully integrated with third-party technologies including speech
    recognition, wireless access, tablet PCs, and biometric authentication.
    The interface is themable and optimized for consistency, simplicity,
    and speed of access to patient information. Public standards are used
    to achieve maximum compatibility with evolving technologies. 

System Garden Habitat 0.16.2 

    Habitat is a performance management system which captures, stores, and
    visualises table-based time series data. Monitor probes exist for Linux
    and Solaris with Windows coming soon. It has a command line interface,
    a fast GUI client for graphical visualisation, and a simple format for
    extending data capture in the agent. It is written in C with Gtk and
    can access data from its peers directly, by file sharing, or with the
    use of a separate central archiving repository (harvest) to scale to
    installations of significant size. 

tclperl 2.5 

    Tclperl allows the execution of Perl code from within a TCL interpreter
    using one or several embedded Perl interpreters. 

tclpython 3.1 

    Tclpython allows the execution of Python code from within a TCL
    interpreter using embedded Python interpreters. 

The Tamber Project 1.2.10 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a free, componentised n-tier website engine that
    uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content
    is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects;
    business functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP; and
    presentation is controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for
    delivery over multiple channels such as HTML, WAP and email. Currently
    Tamber contains modules that support; automatic locale detection,
    search engine tracking and optimisation, e-commerce catalogues;
    shopping carts and order management, secure sign in, data access and
    conversion services, advanced session management, content managemt
    tools and forums. 

TinyCA 0.4.8 

    TinyCA is a simple GUI written in Perl/Tk to manage a small
    certification authority. It is based on OpenSSL and Perl modules from
    the OpenCA project. TinyCA lets you manage x509 certificates. It is
    possible to export data in PEM or DER format for use with servers, as
    PKCS#12 for use with clients, or as S/MIME certificates for use with
    email programs. It is also possible to import your own PKCS#10 requests
    and generate certificates from them. 

TPL Compiler 1.0.1 

    TPL Compiler compiles a phpBB-style template into a Python module,
    which can be called with a data dictionary to apply that data to the

tvmet 1.2.0 (Stable)

    This Tiny Vector and Matrix template library uses Meta Templates and
    Expression Templates (ET) to evaluate results at compile time, thus
    making it fast for low-end systems. Temporaries are avoided because of
    this. The produced code is similar to hand-coded code, but the quality
    of the code still depends on the compiler and its version. The
    dimensions for vectors and matrices are static and bounded at compile
    time using template arguments. 

Uptime 0.1a 

    Uptime periodically requests a page from your Web server. If the site
    is unreachable, it sends you an email, followed by another when it
    becomes reachable again. 

viPlugin 0.1.14 

    viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors
    that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, etc.). 

Visual Interactive Datapipe 0.8devel 

    Visual Interactive Datapipe (Vida) is an interactive visual datapipe
    for all *nix systems, which allows socket communications to be
    redirected over pipes. It features an ncurses interface that allows the
    creation of multiple datapipes, each supporting multiple connections.
    It is possible to sniff and log traffic in various ways, hijack piped
    connections, perform DNS hijacking on switched LANs, and much more. 

WebConference 2.22 

    WebConference is a CGI-based streaming/real-time chat solution. It has
    a full suite of features such as custom colors, private rooms, seamless
    jumping, advanced security features, stealth mode, and much more. 

XMLmind XML Editor 2.3 

    XMLmind XML Editor (XXE for short) is a full-fledged XML 1.0 editor,
    featuring a word processor-like view (CSS2 styled). It was designed to
    make technical persons comfortable with and productive at editing XML
    documents and XML data. It can be used with or without a CSS style
    sheet. If a CSS style sheet has been attached to the document, a word
    processor-like view may be used to edit the document; otherwise a tree
    view is used. A substantial subset of CSS2 is supported, including
    tables, counters, and generated content. It has a multi-level
    undo/redo, is written in Java, and should run on a large variety of

xTunes 1.0 

    xTunes is a skin for XMMS based on Apple's iTunes. 

yawk 1.0.0 

    yawk is a wiki clone written in gawk. It supports the usual text
    styles, lists, and tables. Additional and optional features are
    formatting with stylesheet classes, file uploads, and a framed user
    interface mode. It works on plain text files and does not require a

Zinc 3.2.94 (initial)

    Zinc is a Tk widget developed with Perl/Tk, Tcl/Tk and Python/Tk
    bindings. Zinc widgets are very similar to Tk canvases in that they
    support structured graphics. Graphical items can be manipulated, and
    bindings can be associated with them to implement interaction
    behaviors. But unlike the canvas, zinc can structure the items in a
    hierarchy, and has support for affine 2D transforms. Clipping can be
    set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy and the item set is quite more
    powerful, including field-specific items for Air Traffic systems. Zinc
    is fast enough to allow the implementation of 2k2k radar displays with
    smooth animations. It is structured enough to allow the implementation
    of direct manipulation desktop GUIs. 


    zpop3d is an RFC 1939-compliant POP3 server. It features virtual
    domains support, POP before SMTP, and secure mailbox updates. It runs
    through tcpserver, xinetd, or the like. 

Zuul 1.0.0 

    Zuul is yet another PHP frontend for mldonkey. It allows full access to
    many of the features of mldonkey, including starting/viewing downloads,
    viewing uploads, viewing servers, and setting all the options. 

Newsforge Reports
Selling Linux keeps getting easier

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - Teresa Spangler started marketing
    Linux-based products back in 1997 as co-founder of a small startup
    company in North Carolina. From there she went to Red Hat. Now she's
    the U.S. general manager for Trustix. Teresa says Linux is an easier
    corporate "sell" today than ever before, and is likely to be an even
    easier one in the future. 

Review: Windows Services for Unix 3.0

    - by Russell Pavlicek - Microsoft may not be ready to announce its own
    Linux distribution, but it does sell a product with appeal for POSIX
    fans: Windows Services for Unix 3.0. Designed as a migration tool to
    assist organizations moving from Unix to Windows, SFU is also useful
    for organizations that need to live with both Unix and Windows. 

The Fud Thickens

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - Along with the SCO nonsense, we're seeing
    an increase in anti-Linux FUD. Is this a campaign orchestrated by the
    producers of our favorite near-monopoly proprietary operating system?
    Or are the FUD-sters simply using the SCO situation as an excuse to
    spew their venom? Whatever answer you have to these questions, you had
    better be very polite if you post those answers in a public forum like
    NewsForge, because if you ... 

Newsforge Newsvac
Battle between Linux and Microsoft

     US-based computer maker Sun Microsystems and business software giant
    Oracle Corp on Wednesday announced an alliance intended to break into
    Microsoft's dominance in India's server market. 

Dell details new Linux-on-Itanium 2 server

    Michael S. Mimoso writes "This week's release of the TOP500
    supercomputing list illustrates the breadth to which Linux is present
    in compute-intensive environments. A Linux cluster built for the
    Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in the United States ranked No. 3 on
    the list, for example." 

New VariCAD Released

    Marek Dedecius writes "VariCAD (www.varicad.com)is proud to announce
    the recent release of its mechanical CAD system - VariCAD The
    compact CAD package includes many powerful tools for 3D modeling and 2D
    drafting, libraries of mechanical parts, surface development,
    calculations of standard mechanical components, tools for working with
    bills of materials (BOM) and title blocks. It is a compact system
    featuring all necessary tools that the ... 

Mandrake Goes For High Performance Clustering

    uninet writes "At the International Supercomputer Conference 2003
    today, MandrakeSoft announced its latest entry to the company's growing
    portfolio of middle-to-high end server products. MandrakeClustering is
    a high performance clustering distribution for IA-32 and AMD64
    (Opteron) architectures. IA-64 support should come in September, the
    company reported." 

UnitedLinux Launches "UnitedLinux Ready" Partner Program for Independent

    WAKEFIELD, Mass. -- June 25, 2003 - UnitedLinux, the industry
    consortium comprised of Conectiva, The SCO Group (NASDAQ:SCOX), SuSE
    Linux and Turbolinux, today introduced the UnitedLinux Ready Partner
    program for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). This program allows
    ISVs to self-test and certify their products on UnitedLinux. Upon the
    completion of certification, ISVs will be designated "UnitedLinux
    Ready" partners, easily identified by end ... 

SGI Linux Cluster Scores Well on Benchmarks

    The SGI Altix 3000 server, running 64-bit Linux on Intel Itanium 2
    processors, has scored very well on a number of industry standard
    performance benchmarks. 

Sun signs up for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

     Sun has entered into a global agreement with Red Hat to distribute the
    x86 versions Red Hat Enterprise Linux. 

In Search of the Ultimate Linux-Server Programming Language

     The safe bet in programming languages for Linux servers is, of course,
    Java. For those whose main concern is the secure transmission of code,
    it cannot be beat. 

Oracle tool helps migration to Linux

     In a move to throw further weight behind the company's Linux push,
    Oracle Wednesday introduced a new tool to help companies migrate from
    their existing E-Business Suite implementations to Linux. 

LiFY - Linux customized for Education

    Linux for You writes "Linux for You magazine has just released LiFY -
    Linux customized for educational use. 

Caffeine: Brute Force Energy Drink

Caffeine: Chargers Caffeinated Espresso Beans

Caffeine: Shock Triple Mocha

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

PC Mods: ThermalTake SubZero CPU Coolers

Computing: Archos AV120 w/ DVR Attachment

Cube Goodies: Killer coding ninja monkeys Bumper Sticker

Cube Goodies: I Brake For LAN Parties Bumper Sticker

Cube Goodies: geek. bumper sticker

Interests: Megatokyo Bumper Sticker 3-pack

Cube Goodies: There's no place like bumper sticker

Cube Goodies: hacker. bumper sticker

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Caffeine: Jolt Gum - Spearmint Office Fishbowl

Gadgets: Biometric Mouse

Gadgets: Boostaroo Portable Amplifier

Gadgets: Mathmos Space Projector

Tshirts: geek.

Cube Goodies: Airzooka Air Gun

Tshirts: wardriver

Gallery v1.3.4 and Gallery Remote v1.0.1 Released

    Three years to the day since Gallery became a SourceForge project,
    we're pleased to announce the release of Gallery v1.3.4 as well as
    Gallery Remote v1.0.1. Gallery v1.3.4 is both a new feature and bugfix
    release, and is recommended for all Gallery users. New features for
    v1.3.4 include: the ability to download your gallery to burn to CD or
    browse offline, additional photo print services, auto-rotation of JPEGs
    when possible, and the ability to add new customized description fields
    to photos. In addition, v.1.3.4 fixes numerous minor bugs, and extends
    support for PHP-Nuke to versions 6.5 and newer, and improves the
    Windows XP Publishing Wizard interface. Alongside the new Gallery
    release comes the release of Gallery Remote v1.0.1, which fixes many
    bugs, implements HTTP basic authentication, and allows you to save and
    load Gallery Remote projects. Gallery v1.3.4 and Gallery Remote v1.0.1
    are available from the Gallery Download Page:

Zsh 4.0.7 and 4.1.1 released

    Finally, a development version of zsh is available again. 4.1.1
    introduces many new features both in the main shell and as library
    add-ons. It has been in development for some time and is believed to be
    fairly stable. 4.0.7 is a bug-fix release for the stable branch of zsh.
    zsh is a shell probably most similar to ksh, but with countless
    enhancements and differences. 

BZFlag 1.7g2 "steely eyed banana" released

    Now with twice as mojo! New features include a nifty server
    administration system, autoconf, cheating protection, expanded platform
    support and much more. BZFlag is an OpenSource OpenGL Multiplayer
    Multiplatform battlezone capture the flag game. Get it today at

FreeDOS kernel 2030 released

    FreeDOS kernel build 2030 is out with quite a few important bugs fixed.
    FreeDOS aims to be a complete, free, 100% MS-DOS compatible operating
    system. FreeDOS is free because it is released under the GNU General
    Public License. 

Netatalk 1.6.3 released

    The Netatalk development team is proud to announce version 1.6.3 of the
    Netatalk File Sharing suite. Netatalk is a collection of server
    programs and utilities for handling various protocols employed by Apple
    Macintosh computers on Unix compatible systems. This allows Unix hosts
    to act as file, print, and time servers for Apple Macintosh (classic
    MacOS as well as MacOS X) computers. The suite contains: * afpd - a
    file server that implements the Apple Filing Protocol, allowing clients
    running MacOS to access Unix file servers * atalkd - an implementation
    of the AppleTalk protocol * papd - a print server that enables
    Macintosh computers to access printers connected to Unix servers *
    timelord - a time server for synchronizing time over the network *
    megatron - a tool to convert files in Macintosh specific formats like
    BinHex, AppleSingle, or MacBinary into files readable by Unix computers
    * various other utilities Netatalk is a Free/Open Source Software
    project and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
    Please see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license
    text. News in Netatalk 1.6.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Netatalk 1.6.3 is a
    maintenance release for the 1.6 series that fixes various small bugs
    and glitches in Netatalk. Please see the NEWS file contained in the
    distribution for more detailed information. 

Combo Drive DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE 4X-DVD+RW+R 24X-CDRW (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $248.95 

A7N8X Deluxe Athlon Motherboard (Asus)

    Lowest Price: $121.80 

ZIRE 71 PDA (Palm Computing)

    Lowest Price: $252.99 

RADEON 9800 Pro 128MB DDR (ATI)

    Lowest Price: $339.00 

Tungsten T PDA (Palm Computing)

    Lowest Price: $244.99 

DAV-C990 DVD Home Theater (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $689.00 

X1 Multi-use Projector (InFocus)

    Lowest Price: $945.00 

Samsung 50" HDTV Monitor TV With DLP Technology - HLN507W 1280 x 720P Resolution 

    Lowest Price: $3347.00 

iPod 15GB MP3 Player (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $365.99 

42" PPM42S2 Flat Panel TV (Samsung)

    Lowest Price: $2699.00 

Red Hat Linux 9 Personal (Full Product) (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $33.09 

Linux 9 Professional (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $119.95 

Linux 8.2 Professional Edition (Global Marketing Partners)

    Lowest Price: $69.00 

Linux 8.2 Personal Edition (Global Marketing Partners)

    Lowest Price: $35.00 

Red Hat Linux 8.0 Pro (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $49.99 

Windows XP Pro(Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $128.50 

Windows XP Home (Full) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $99.00 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.00 

Battlefield 1942 (Electronic Arts)

    Lowest Price: $26.49 

Copyright (c) 2003 OSDN Open Source Development Network, Inc., All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
permission of OSDN is prohibited.
url - http://www.osdn.com

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