OSDN                          NEWSLETTER                           
    July 08, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Hardware-Based Commute-Map Gadget

    coreymetrics writes "Anyone have one of [0]these things? While it's no
    substitute for an improved mass-transit solution in the Puget Sound
    area, [1]TrafficGauge's new gadget sure looks like it beats any PDA or
    cell phone auto traffic map I've used. It uses the same data that
    powers the Washington State DOT's indispensable [2]website. Now why
    can't auto makers put this kind of thing in a dash instead of mostly
    worthless GPS navigation and DVD units?" 
    0. http://www.trafficgauge.com/product.html
    1. http://www.trafficgauge.com/
    2. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/PugetSoundTraffic/

RFID Industry Confidential Memos

    An anonymous reader writes "Cryptome has learned www.autoidcenter.org
    (RFID flak) has made [0]internal memos available for perusal at their
    site. Those RFID people sure have some interesting plans for the
    future. Who needs conspiracy theories, when you can hear it from the
    horses mouth? Weeeeee!
    0. http://cryptome.org/rfid-docs.htm

Massachusetts Probing Microsoft Settlement Gripes

    tassii writes "In [0]this article from Reuters, Massachusetts' DA's
    office told the judge in the Microsoft Anti-trust trial that it was
    looking into Microsoft settlement complaints. Among complaints being
    examined by Massachusetts was whether Microsoft had violated portions
    of the settlement prohibiting pacts requiring exclusive support of
    Microsoft software. Massachusetts was also examining whether the
    company had properly offered communications protocols allowing
    non-Microsoft software to work well with Windows." An [1]Associated
    Press article covers the same story; the non-Microsoft software
    mentioned in both stories is Linux, but it's not clear which company's
    promotion of Linux is drawing the attention. 
    1. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/030707/microsoft_antitrust_3.html

Michigan's Proposed Spam Law Called Toughest In U.S.

    [0]goats_in_boats writes "A new bill ([1]PDF or [2]HTML) was presented
    to the [3]Governor of Michigan that would require spam sent to
    residents of the State to be identified as such. Highlights include the
    requirement that unsolicited email 'Include in the e-mail subject line
    "ADV:" as the first 4 characters' and that 'a person who violates this
    act is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more
    than 1 year or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.' An
    [4]article in the Detroit Free Press calls the bill 'the most stringent
    anti-spam law in the nation.'" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    3. http://www.michigan.gov/gov
    4. http://www.freep.com/money/tech/des3_20030703.htm

Teach An Old Athlon New Tricks

    [0]budn3kkid writes "Seems like [1]Upgradeware have a new [2]gadget out
    for those overclockers looking to upgrade their age old Athlon mobo
    (KT133, KT266 etc.) with a spanking new AMD Barton CPU. Also, saw an
    article [3]at ol' Tom's about it right here as well." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.upgradeware.com/
    2. http://www.upgradeware.com/english/product/xptmc/xptmc.htm
    3. http://www6.tomshardware.com/cpu/20030703/index.html

9th Circuit Court Finds 'Thumbnailing' Fair Use

    [0]mark_wilkins writes "A photographer named Leslie Kelly had sued
    Arriba Soft Corporation for infringing his copyrights to photos when
    they made thumbnails of his pictures and stored them in a public image
    search engine. Today the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
    [1]affirmed the district court's ruling that making these thumbnail
    copies of images for the search engine was 'fair use.' Since the
    applicability of fair-use defenses to copyright infringement touches on
    all kinds of common uses of the Internet as well as rulemaking related
    to the [2]scope of the DMCA, this decision will probably have an effect
    on the discussion. (Note that this case was decided by a 3-judge panel
    and thus isn't binding precedent.)" Note that the court also reversed
    in part the lower court's ruling, specifically saying that the lower
    court should not have ruled on "whether the display of the larger image
    is a violation of Kelly's exclusive right to publically display his
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.copyright.gov/1201/

Trustworthy Software For The NSA?

    [0]Janus Daniels writes "There's a new story from the New York Times,
    as reprinted at CNET News, about [1]security concerns for Government
    agencies buying software from overseas. According to the article, a
    whistle-blower who helped sell software to the National Security Agency
    says that much of the development work is subcontracted to China,
    raising serious national security risks. He also discovered in the
    sales-support database... the names of more than 30
    [identity-classified] employees of the United States National Security
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1009_3-1023414.html?tag=fd_top

SCO Taking Linux Discussion To Japan

    levin writes "EETimes is carrying a new story about our good friend
    Darl McBride, CEO of SCO. His [0]latest escapades include a trip to
    Japan in response to the [1]CE Linux Forum initiative undertaken by
    several big-name Japanese tech firms such as Sony and Toshiba. He's
    putting his famous tainted code dog-and-pony show on parade, trying to
    influence some of the major CELF founders." 
    0. http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/OEG20030703S0026
    1. http://www.celinuxforum.org/PressRelease/pr02.htm

Distributed Computing Economics

    [0]machaut writes "In a ClusterComputing.org article, Jim Gray,
    director of Microsoft's Bay Area Research Lab, provides an
    [1]interesting economic analysis for building distributed systems. When
    do you choose a grid over a cluster or a supercomputer? When does it
    pay off to move a task to the data vs moving the data to the task? He
    takes current hardware and networking costs into account to answer
    those questions." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.clustercomputing.org/content/tfcc-5-1-gray.html

Freenet Creator Debates RIAA

    [0]smd4985 writes "Over at CNET News.com, there's a [1]good coverage of
    a debate between Ian Clarke of [2]Freenet and Matt Oppenheim of the
    RIAA." In discussing whether it's "legal and moral to create and use
    Freenet", which is "a radically decentralized network of file-sharing
    nodes tied together with strong encryption", the RIAA's Oppenheim
    suggests: "Other than the fact that most infringers do not like to use
    Freenet because it is too clunky for them to get their quick hit of
    free music, it is no more of a threat than any of the popular P2P
    0. http://www.susheeldaswani.com
    1. http://news.com.com/2010-1027_3-1023325.html?tag=fd_nc_1
    2. http://freenet.sourceforge.net/

Arbitrary Command Output Colourer 0.4.0 

    acoc is a regular-expression based colour formatter for programs that
    display output on the command-line. It works as a wrapper around the
    target program, executing it and capturing the stdout stream.
    Optionally, stderr can be redirected to stdout, so that it, too, can be
    manipulated. acoc then applies matching rules to patterns in the output
    and applies colours to those matches. 

ARIA Business Management 0.98 

    ARIA is business class management (ERP) software. It lets you manage
    inventory levels, maintain payroll, and process orders. It is written
    primarily in PHP and incorporates the ADODB database abstraction layer. 

ATutor 1.2 

    ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System
    (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.
    Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes. Educators can
    quickly assemble Web-based instructional content. Students learn in an
    adaptive learning environment. 

Bandwidth alarm 1.4 

    bwalarm lets you know by SMS or email if the bandwidth usage on your
    Unix machine goes above "normal". It's configured very
    simply, and can monitor either an iptables chain or interface counter,
    packets, or bytes. It runs as a daemon process and is intended to be
    obvious and reliable enough to warn you of expensive bandwidth bills
    before they arrive. 

BBStatus 2.0RC15 

    BBStatus is an IP accounting package, and an SNMP and IP monitoring
    tool for Linux. It collects, summarizes, and displays the values from
    its database. It can be used for IP accounting (using iptables, you can
    design various kinds of accounting filters), SNMP monitoring (collects
    data making SNMP requests), IP monitoring (using ping, it stores and
    summarizes values like min, avg, max reply time, and packet loss), and
    client traffic filtering (using various types of filters). It also
    provides user based access so that every user can log in and check the
    traffic from/through his/her IP addresses. It requires PostgreSQL,
    Apache with mod_auth_pgsql, Perl(Net::SNMP), and RRDTool. 

Bibkeeper 0.2 

    Bibkeeper is a Java graphical interface for working with BibTeX (.bib)
    databases. The intention is to provide a user-friendly tool for
    accessing and editing your bibliographical databases. 

bigloo 2.6a 

    Bigloo is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It
    relies on an optimizing compiler from Scheme to C. Bigloo enables
    connections between Scheme code and C code. It proposes many extensions
    to Scheme such as a regular parser compiler, an lalr parser compiler,
    pattern matching, an object layer, etc. 

Biglook 0.6 

    Biglook is a graphical toolkit for the Bigloo Scheme system. Even if
    the current Biglook implementation relies on the Tk library, Biglook
    proposes a high programming level by mapping low level Tk widgets to
    Bigloo classes. In that, Biglook programs resemble STk programs.
    Biglook enables graphical user interface for Bigloo programs. It is
    implemented by the means of a Bigloo library. Programs making use of
    Biglook widgets are compiled into native code on the major Unix

Bubble Shooter 2 2.1 

    Bubble Shooter 2 is a game mini-pack which includes Strategic, Arcade,
    Sniper, and Marathon games. The goal of these games is to pop all the
    colored bubbles that fill the board. It's a bit like Bust-a-Move or
    Bubblet, but with rather different and varying gameplay. It is highly
    addictive. There is an online contest for the best players. Versions
    for PalmOS 5 (hi-res) and for older devices are both available. 

Callflow 20030707 

    Callflow is a collection of awk and shell scripts that will take a
    capture file that can be read by Ethereal and produce a callflow
    sequence diagram. The scripts have been primarily tested with SIP call
    flows, but should work for other network traffic as well. 

Cavepilot 0.3.0 

    Cavepilot is another cave-flying game like the old classics, Turbo
    Raketti and Gravity Force You fly a small rocket in a 2D cave and try
    to shoot down your opponent. It currently supports one or two local

Chemtool 1.6 

    Chemtool is a GTK+-based 2D chemical structure editor for X11. Drawings
    can be exported in XFig format for further annotation, or as Postscript
    files (using xfig's companion program transfig). A set of sample
    molecular structure drawings is included in the archive. 

CVSGnome 0.4.2 

    CVSGnome is a build environment for the GNOME project which allows a
    systems administrator to install GNOME from either released source
    Tarballs or from bleeding edge CVS depending on what is wanted. This
    script also works as a general building wrapper around other sources.
    When started, it shows an interactive self-explanatory menu. 

Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse 1.1.42 

    Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC) is a system of clients and
    servers that collect and count checksums related to mail messages. The
    counts can be used by SMTP servers and mail user agents to detect and
    reject bulk mail. DCC servers can exchange common checksums. The
    checksums include values that are "fuzzy", or constant across
    common variations in bulk messages. 

doc2xml 0.0.1 

    doc2xml converts Microsoft Word files to XML, which can in turn be
    converted to something more useful. 

Dolibarr 0.2.0 

    Dolibarr is a small and simple Web interface with ERP and CRM
    capabilities. It is designed for small companies and freelancers, and
    can be used to deal with the bills and documentation required for
    company management. 

edit-on JavaBean SDK 1.0.47 

    The edit-on JavaBean SDK is a customizable, feature-rich JavaBean that
    allows developers to add WYSIWYG editing functionality to their AWT- or
    Swing-based applications. It features an intuitive word processor-like
    user interface that enables XHTML content authoring with XML markup,
    and has a royalty free run-time license. 

edit-on Pro 3.1.200 (3.x)

    edit-on Pro is a cross-platform, in-browser, WYSIWYG editor Java applet
    which enables XHTML content authoring with XML markup. The editor is
    compact, powerful and requires no special libraries or client plugins.
    It includes CSS support, table editing, a spelling checker,
    multi-language support, and features an API that allows full
    customisation and seamless integration into Web-based applications. It
    perfectly complements content management systems, e-learning, knowledge
    management systems, and CRM. A free trial version is available for
    download and includes complete developer samples and a comprehensive
    integration manual. 

eNetwizard Matrix Server 0.0.1 (Core)

    eNetwizard Matrix Server is a content management system with a rich set
    of features that rival the expensive proprietary counterparts. It can
    satisfy the content management and application serving requirements of
    the individual to the largest of enterprises. Best of all, it can
    manage and render an unlimited number of domains from a single running
    copy of the distribution. eNetwizard Matrix Server is
    platform-independent, robust, scalable, highly customizable, and fully
    supported. It includes complex user security measures, complete
    worldwide language capabilities, comprehensive logging abilities,
    thorough session management functions, and an array of Web applications
    and management wizards. 

Ephox EditLive! for Java 

    EditLive! for Java is a cross-platform, browser-based Web content
    authoring tool. It enables business users to edit HTML, XHTML, and XML
    content via an easy-to-use WYSIWYG interface. It includes advanced
    table editing, CSS support, spell checker, and integrated image and
    hyperlink browsing via WebDAV. It is designed for use with Web content
    management, knowledge management and e-learning applications. 

fingerdvd 0.3 

    fingerdvd is a Python module and commandline tool which can fingerprint
    a DVD and use the fingerprint to submit or retrieve disc information. 

FireStorm 1.0.2 

    FireStorm is a powerful development tool that reduces the amount of
    coding required for a typical business application by automatically
    generating the persistence tier. It reverse-engineers existing data
    sources and generates a Java persistence framework that is independent
    of any specific persistence technology, and then offers the choice of
    generating implementation logic based on JDBC or EJB. The generated
    source code conforms to the widely accepted Data Access Objects (DAO)
    design pattern and has no dependencies on any proprietary runtime

flexbackup 1.2.0 

    flexbackup is a configurable and easy to use Perl-based backup tool,
    that can backup local files as well as remote machines (using ssh). It
    allows the backup itself to be made with afio, cpio, tar, dump, star,
    or pax. It can work with tape drives, or can easily archive to on-disk

FreeMarker 2.3pre6 (Lazarus)

    FreeMarker is a template engine that was originally designed so that
    servlet-based applications could keep graphical design separate from
    application logic. The templates provide an easy and highly flexible
    way to generate any kind of text output (HTML, RTF, PostScript, TeX,
    source code, etc.) from a variety of data sources such as Java objects,
    Jython objects, XML object models, and more. 

FScript 0.6 (J2ME)

    FScript is an extremely simple scripting language. Its intended use is
    as an embedded language in other Java programs. It is very simple to
    embed; it can be as simple as sub-classing one class to add your own
    functionality. However, it is not a complete programming language, as
    it has no library of standard functions (such as IO and string
    processing). FScript supplies base functionality (such as flow control,
    variable handling, and basic math operations) that can extended by the
    host application. The only requirement is a Java 2 runtime environment. 

fwlogview 0.3.5 (Development)

    fwlogview is a graphical, realtime, colorized logviewer for netfilter
    and other logs written in Java. It displays the logentries which are
    related to the firewall action. You can hide unimportant columns or
    change the order in which columns are shown. 

galculator 1.1.2 

    galculator is a GTK 2 based scientific calculator supporting algebraic
    mode as well as RPN. Features include arithmetic operations plus
    precedence handling, full keypad support, trigonometric functions,
    power, square root, natural and common logarithm, constants (e, PI),
    and inverse and hyperbolic functions. It supports different number
    bases (decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary) and angle bases
    (radiant, degree, and grad). 

Gerwin 0.1 

    Gerwin is a tool that aid you in creating data models and then
    (perhaps) implementing them in a relational database. You can draw your
    data model via an entity-relation diagram, generate the tables from it
    (another graphical diagram), and then generate the SQL that creates
    such relational tables. Several SQL dialects are supported (for most
    popular free software database systems) and it is very easy to patch
    the sources to support more. 

Getleft 1.1.1 (Stable)

    Given a URL, Getleft will try to download all links. As it goes, it
    modifies the original HTML pages so that the absolute links get changed
    to relative links, and links to active pages get changed to the
    resulting pages. It supports thirteen different languages. 

ggcov 0.1.7 

    Ggcov is a GTK+ GUI for exploring test coverage data produced by C
    programs compiled with gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. It's
    basically a GUI replacement for the gcov program that comes with gcc. 

gmorgan 0.01 

    gmorgan is a fully programmable General MIDI rhythm station. It
    features chord recognition for playing in real-time. 

GNU TeXmacs 

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

Graphico 1.20 

    Graphico is a 3D graphics API for Java and/or C++, based on OpenGL. 

Grisbi 0.4.1 

    Grisbi is personal accounting software for that can manage multiple
    accounts, multiple currencies, and multiple users. It manages third
    parties, expenditures and receipts categories, and also budgetary
    lines, financial years, and other information. It is adapted for
    personal use as well as for associations. 

High Level Assembly Language 1.52 

    The High Level Assembly Language (HLA) was designed to allow advanced
    assembly language programmers to write more readable and powerful
    assembly language code. It makes it possible to write code by
    leveraging knowledge of high level languages like C, C++, Pascal, and
    Delphi. HLA compiles into 80x86 assembly language, which is assembled
    by MASM, TASM, or Gas. 

Horgand 1.02 

    Horgand is a graphical FM real time organ with auto-accompaniment. It
    is jack capable, with DSP effects to emulate and store organ sounds. 

IlohaMail 0.8.8 (Development)

    IlohaMail is a lightweight, multilingual Webmail client that is easy to
    use and install. It runs on a stock build of PHP, and does not require
    databases (although database support is available) or the IMAP library
    (it is powered by a custom IMAP/POP3 library). It supports all
    essential functionality, including a full contacts list and a user
    customizable interface. Other features include support for multiple
    domains (virtual hosts), built-in spam prevention, and activity

invoicebot 0.1 

    invoicebot is a custom time tracking, quotation, and invoicing system
    for consulting firms. It is used in house for all of thoughtbot's
    invoicing. It is written in Perl and MySQL. 

Jacquard 1.8.0 

    Jacquard is a Web-database integration toolkit, written as a Java
    Servlet package. It is designed to make it extremely easy to build two-
    and three-tier client-server applications which will be completely
    portable to any hardware platform and operating system which supports a
    Java 1.2-compliant JVM or a JDBC 2.0-compliant database management
    system, or any Web server or Web Application Server which supports the
    JSDK 2.0 API. 

Jameleon 1_0-docs-HttpUnit-RC2 

    Jameleon is an automated testing tool that separates applications into
    features and allows those features to be tied together independently,
    creating test-cases. These test-cases can then be data-driven and
    executed against different environments. The goal is to create an
    automated testing tool that can be used for the enterprise. A UI that
    ties a series of features to a test-case, generating both the test
    script and the test-case documentation is in the works. 

jEdit 4.2pre3 (Development)

    jEdit is an Open Source text editor written in Java. It has many useful
    features, such as syntax highlighting, bracket matching, regular
    expression searching, multiple file search and replace, folding, and
    keyboard macros. jEdit also includes a powerful plugin architecture
    that allows more than 80 plugins to be downloaded and installed from
    within the editor. 

JProfiler 2.3 

    JProfiler is a fully dynamic profiler based on the Java virtual machine
    profiling interface (JVMPI). It is targeted at J2EE and J2SE
    applications, and features CPU profiling, memory profiling, thread
    profiling, and VM telemetry information. 

JRat 0.5.0 

    JRat is a Java runtime analysis toolkit that enables developers to
    better understand the runtime behavior of their Java programs. This
    includes but is not limited to performance profiling. 

kcd 7.0.0 (Stable)

    kcd is a directory change utility similar to NCD. It helps you navigate
    the directory tree. You can also supply part of the desired directory
    name in the command line and let kcd find it for you. 

Least 1.0.1 

    Least is a tool for fitting generic data to a user-specified function
    using the least squares method. It supports multidimensional and
    multiparametric fitting, linear or non-linear functions in the
    parameters, and error in the independent variable(s). 

libdaemon 0.1 

    libdaemon is a lightweight C library that eases the process of writing
    UNIX daemons. It contains a daemonizing fork() wrapper, a powerful
    syslog() wrapper, PID file management, and signal serialization. 

LibTomMath 0.11 

    LibTomMath provides highly optimized and portable routines for a vast
    majority of integer-based number theoretic applications (including
    public key cryptography). 

Libxml 2.5.8 

    Libxml is the XML C library developed for the Gnome project. The
    library code is portable (to Linux, Unix, Windows, embedded systems,
    etc.) and modular; most of the extensions can be compiled out. Libxml
    implements a number of existing standards related to markup languages,
    including the XML standard, Namespaces in XML, XML Base, Relax NG, RFC
    2396, XPath, XPointer, HTML4, XInclude, SGML Catalogs, and XML
    Catalogs. In most cases, libxml tries to implement the specifications
    in a relatively strict way. To some extent, it provides support for the
    following specifications, but doesn't claim to implement them: DOM, FTP
    client, HTTP client, SAX, and DocBook SGML. Support for W3C XML Schemas
    is in progress. It includes xmllint, a command line XML validator. 

libxml++ 0.24 

    libxml++ is a C++ interface for working with XML files, using libxml
    (gnome-xml) to parse and write the actual XML files. It has a simple
    but complete API. 

Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator 1.0 (Guide)

    Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator allows beginning-to-advanced network
    administrators to control bandwidth. It is designed to be completely
    turn-key in its default configuration. You just plug it into your
    network trunk, and it self configures and immediately starts slowing
    "bandwidth hogs". It also comes with finer controls that are
    easy to use, and can be configured to target specific applications such
    as Kazaa, IMAP, and POP. Traffic can be limited by host IP, subnet, and
    content blocking. 

Linux Virtual Server 1.1.7 (IPVS for kernel 2.5)

    The Linux Virtual Server Project is an Open Source project to cluster
    many real servers together into a highly available, high-performance
    virtual server. The LVS handles connections from clients and passes
    them on the the real servers (so-called Layer 4 switching) and can
    virtualize almost any TCP or UDP service, like HTTP, HTTPS, NNTP, FTP,
    DNS, ssh, POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, etc. It is fully transparent to the client
    accessing the virtual service. 

LoadBar 1.0.2 

    LoadBar is a simple CPU load graph, shown as a thin line on the left
    side of the desktop. 

MacXM 1.0 

    MacXM is a control program for the XM PCR satellite receiver, an XM
    radio powered and controlled by a USB connection. 

MainBrain School 1.3 

    MainBrain School is a Web-based information portal for schools which
    allows parents to log in to view their students' assignments, grades,
    attendance, class Web sites, school calendars, and updates; it can also
    alert parents of potential problems before they become real issues. It
    helps schools use the Internet to improve parent-teacher communication. 

MicroBlogger 1.9 

    MicroBlogger is a fast, flexible, secure, reliable, and bloat-free
    weblog engine written entirely in Bash script. It is designed to have
    absolutely no dependencies on any outside programs--no PHP, no SQL, no
    CGI, no CSS, no JavaScript, no Perl, no XML, no DHTML, nothing.
    MicroBlogger is completely self-contained and self-regulating, and is
    ready for you to use straight out of the box. MicroBlogger has become a
    favorite of those who don't want the bloat and confusion normally
    associated with other weblog engines. Its advantages include speed, an
    easy to use menu subsystem, and an incredibly small footprint. A fully
    working MicroBlogger site, complete with backend, can occupy as little
    as 10KB of storage space. 

MidHosting FTPd 

    mhftpd was created in order to provide FTP access to a hosting server.
    It is based on vftpd, which is itself an extension of the Linux port of
    the OpenBSD ftpd. mhftpd is a fast, secure, and reliable FTP server. It
    supports virtual users, quotas, and other standard FTP features. mhftpd
    may work as a stand-alone daemon, as well as inetd-wrapped service. 

Music Player Daemon 0.8.0 

    Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a server that allows remote access for
    playing music (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and Flac) and managing playlists. The
    design focus is on integrating a computer into a stereo system that
    provides control for music playback over a local network. Currently, it
    includes a Web interface, phpMp. The goals are to be easy to
    install/use, to have minimal resource requirements, stability, and

mvc 0.8.0 

    MVC is a text mode v4l video capture program that features motion
    detection. It is very small and easy to use, and could be used to
    monitor and record the people that enter your room. 

myJCQ 0.3 

    myJCQ (my Java ICQ Client) is a simple ICQ client written in Java. At
    the moment, only basic messaging is supported. 

N-View 2.8a (Stable)

    N-View is a network monitor for small and medium-sized networks. It
    features automatic scanning of subnets for host addresses, monitoring
    of ICMP responses from all hosts, signalling of timeouts and delays in
    the GUI and by mail, a portscanner, an SNMP client (MIB browser and
    trap receiver), a graphical display of network traffic for network
    interfaces, connectivity to hosts by telnet, HTTP browser, or an
    arbitrary external program (such as ssh), printing of network diagrams,
    automatic generation of HTML pages, and more. 

Octave 2.1.49 (Development)

    Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical
    computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for
    solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing
    other numerical experiments. It may also be used as a batch-oriented

org.benow.media 0.01 

    org.benow.media is the BeNOW Streaming Media Framework. It is a set of
    Java interfaces and classes used in the development of streaming media
    applications. The media interfaces define InputElements,
    ManipulatorElements, and OutputElements which read, manipulate, and
    output multimedia data. These elements can be linked together, forming
    a media graph that does a specific thing. Implementations of these
    elements include file readers, a javalayer based MP3 decoder, and a
    javasound writer. Its goal is to be a Java-based engine capable of
    reliably delivering a complex icecast-compatible audio stream. The
    framework is architecturally similar to gstreamer and JMF. 

org.benow.meta 0.01 

    org.benow.meta (the BeNOW Meta Object Framework) is a set of Java
    interfaces and classes used to describe things. There are meta objects
    for Albums, Tracks, Artists, Photographs, Movies, Actors, Forums,
    Comments, Projects, Bugs, etc. These objects provide a standardized
    interface to common things, in an attempt to straighten out some of the
    chaos associated with data management. These objects may be stored and
    retrieved via the org.benow.repository framework and may be used for
    communication and presentation of the associated information. Having
    the information located within objects (instead of simple
    name->value pairs) allows for navigation of links, strict
    formatting, transparent security, and data validation. 

org.benow.repository 0.01 

    org.benow.repository (The BeNOW Object Repository Framework) is a set
    of Java interfaces and implementations of an object store. The primary
    interfaces define adding, removing, updating, and querying of objects
    in an ObjectRepository. An implementation that uses a modified version
    of Castor JDO to persist objects to a relational database is included,
    along with a repository-based implementation of the org.benow.security
    objects, an RMI publishing security administrator, and an
    implementation of a serialization-based ObjectRepository. 

org.benow.security 0.01 

    org.benow.security (The BeNOW Security Framework) is a set of Java
    classes that present a simple user/role/permission-based security
    layer. It consists mostly of interfaces, which could be implemented in
    various ways, such as with database backends for user storage. 

org.benow.util 0.01 

    org.benow.util (The BeNOW Utilities) are a set of Java classes that are
    useful within larger projects. It includes a command line application
    facilitator, a configuration API, a notification API, and many other
    small handy utilities. 

org.benow.web 0.01 

    org.benow.web (the BeNOW Web Application Framework) is a set of Java
    classes that facilitate the development and deployment of complex Web
    applications. It uses XML/XSL, enhanced Castor JDO Object persistence
    (via MySQL, Oracle, etc), object caching, LOG4J logging and Web
    administration, real-time XSL editing, and user/role/permission
    security. Full documentation and examples are included. 

photos 4.0b1 

    photos is a Web-based photo database for storing metadata about digital
    photos so you can find them again later. It supports adding photos one
    at a time, or as a group by directory. It is intended to be run locally
    but can be run on a remote Web server if you've got the space and the

PHPCoder 1.0 

    PHPCoder is a Web-based frontend to the Turck MMCache encoding
    functions, which are similar to the Zend Encoder product. PHPCoder
    enables you to encode your PHP scripts and applications into
    non-reversible byte-code, thus preventing users of your programs from
    viewing or alterting the source code while having full functionality.
    Another excellent use for PHPCoder is to encode your applications PHP
    configuration files, that way someone viewing your source code does not
    see your databae login and password information. It also allows you to
    set restrictions on the encoded scripts, you can lock a script to a
    particular server IP address, server host name, visitor IP, or even
    place a time limit on the script so it will expire after a configurable
    amount of time. You specify Text, HTML, or PHP code that should be
    prepended and appended to each file before it is encoded, allowing you
    to easily and securely implement your own licensing scheme. 

Plone CMS 1.0.3 

    Plone CMS is a content management system that is simple to set up,
    maintain and modify. It is designed to be a proper content management
    system that can replace Interwoven Teamsite or Opentext's Livelink. 

Postfix 2.0.13-20030706 (Development)

    Postfix is an attempt to provide an alternative to the widely-used
    Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and
    hopefully secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible
    enough to not upset your users. 

PRepS 1.9.5 (Development)

    PRepS is a problem reporting and tracking system similar to Gnats, only
    simpler to use. Currently, PRepS is best used with smaller projects or
    projects where all developers have access to the same network. For more
    "remote" projects, Gnats may be a better choice. 

PyKota Print Quota System 1.13 

    PyKota is a centralized and extensible print quota system for the
    Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) and LPRng. It features per-printer
    user and group quotas, automated email warning to users and quota
    administrator, commandline tools which mimic the disk quota utilities,
    PostgreSQL and OpenLDAP backends, and much more. 

PyObjC 1.0b1 

    PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C that allows full
    featured Cocoa applications to be written in pure Python. It can also
    be used with other Objective-C class libraries, as well as C and C++
    source. The installer package includes a number of Project Builder
    templates and Python syntax coloring files. It supports full
    introspection of Objective-C classes and direct invocation of
    Objective-C APIs from the interactive interpreter. 

PyPE 1.0 

    PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) was written in order to offer a
    lightweight but powerful editor for those of you who think emacs is too
    much and idle is too little. Syntax highlighting is included out of the
    box, as is multiple open documents via tabs. Being written in Python
    and wxPython allows PyPE to be used on basically every platform

RabbIT 2.0.27 

    RabbIt is the mutating, caching webproxy which is used to speed up
    surfing over slow links like modems. It does this by removing
    advertising and background images and scaling down images to low
    quality JPEGs. RabbIT is written in Java and should be able to run on
    any platform. It does depend upon an image converter if imagescaleing
    is on. The recommended image converter is "convert" from the
    ImageMagick package. 

remstats 1.0.13a 

    Remstats is a system of Perl scripts to collect performance data, store
    them using RRDtool, monitor the data for anomalies, generate alerts,
    and display the data in graphical form. 

RPG1 0.0.9 

    RPG1 is a text-mode console role playing game written in Perl. It
    features ASCII graphics provided by the ANSI::Color module, an
    inventory, a magic system, food depletion, killing, getting killed, a
    library system, and themes. It also features a top-down view

rssh 2.1.0 

    rssh is a small shell that provides the ability for system
    administrators to give specific users access to a given system via scp
    or sftp only. 

Seminole Webserver 2.33 (Stable)

    Seminole Webserver is a portable Web server designed to be used in
    embedded systems, where memory space is at a premium. It is written in
    C++, and has a mechanism to direct requests to application-specific
    code, complete with the decoding of "CGI" parameters. It also
    includes a "filesystem" that can package up Web content (and
    optionally compress it) and store it in a ROM or other "flat"
    device. It comes with a simple example to make it a standalone
    Webserver under POSIX platforms for evaluation and testing. 

socklog 1.1.1 (Development)

    socklog cooperates with the runit package to create a small and secure
    replacement for syslogd. socklog supports system logging through Unix
    domain sockets (/dev/log) and UDP sockets ( with the help
    of runit's runsvdir, runsv, and svlogd. socklog provides a different
    network logging concept, and also does log event notification. svlogd
    has built in log file rotation based on file size, so there is no need
    for any cron jobs to rotate the logs. socklog is small, secure, and

Space Hulk 1.4.3 

    Space Hulk is a board game which takes place in the world of Warhammer
    40000. It is a two player turn-based game where one player plays the
    'Marine', and the other player plays the alien called 'Genestealer'.
    This video game is a complete conversion of the board game with the 2nd
    edition rules. It features playing over the network, either in real
    time or asynchronously via email. 

SpamReview 0.1 

    SpamReview is a generic spam quarantine management system works with
    any anti-spam application that can forward spam to a quarantine

Support Information Tracker 1.0.3 

    Support Information Tracker is a knowledge base for organizations.
    Features include multiple document versions, group permissions,
    document submission reviews, and many more. 

sysstat 4.1.4 

    The sysstat package contains the sar, mpstat, and iostat commands for
    Linux. The sar command collects and reports system activity
    information. This information can also be saved in a system activity
    file for future inspection. The iostat command reports CPU statistics
    and I/O statistics for tty devices and disks. The statistics reported
    by sar concern I/O transfer rates, paging activity, process-related
    activites, interrupts, network activity, memory and swap space
    utilization, CPU utilization, kernel activities, and TTY statistics,
    among others. Both UP and SMP machines are fully supported. 

tasks 1.6.2 

    tasks is built on PHP and MySQL. It features a dynamic hierarchical
    view of your tasks, scheduling due dates and associating URLs with
    tasks, an iCalendar of your tasks (scheduled tasks can go into the
    calendar as events or task list). and a mobile version for easy access
    with a PDA. 

Teapot 1.0.6 

    Teapot (Table Editor And Planner) is a 3D spreadsheet that can easily
    be extended by new functions in C. It includes English, Dutch, and
    German message catalogs. 

The BWidget Toolkit 1.2.1 

    The BWidget Toolkit is a high-level widget set for Tcl/Tk that uses
    native Tcl/Tk 8.x namespaces. They feature a professional look and feel
    and don't require a compiled extension library. 

The XSLT C library for GNOME 1.0.31 

    Libxslt is a C library for GNOME which allows developers to work with
    XSLT. It is based on libxml for XML parsing, tree manipulation, and
    XPath support. It is written in plain C, making as few assumptions as
    possible, and sticking closely to ANSI C/POSIX for easy embedding. It
    should work on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Though not designed primarily
    with performances in mind, libxslt seems to be a relatively fast
    processor. It also include full support for the EXSLT set of extension
    functions as well as some common extensions present in other XSLT

ttylinux 3.2 

    ttylinux is a minimalistic Linux distribution that can fit in 4 MB of
    disk space. It contains software needed to log into an ISP by modem or
    ISDN, surf the Web, and provide Web content to the world. The minimum
    hardware requirement is a 386SX with 10 MB of RAM for a ramdisk setup
    or 5 MB of RAM for a hard disk setup. 

txt2man 1.4.8 

    Txt2man converts flat ASCII text into the man page format. This allows
    man pages to be authored without knowledge of nroff macros. It is a
    shell script that uses GNU awk, and it should run on any Unix-like

vcp 1.5 

    vcp copies files and directories using a curses or text-only interface.
    Its options and output are similar to cp. It provides visual
    information about the files copied and left to copy, the amount of data
    written and to be written, the amount of data being written every
    second, and two status bars representing the number of files copied and
    to copy. When output is sent to the console, a status bar, size copied,
    and speed are shown. 

WaveSurfer 1.5.2 

    WaveSurfer is a sound visualization/manipulation tool for novice and
    advanced users, with a simple and intuitive user interface. It can be
    adapted to different tasks, such as speech research and education,
    speech/sound analysis, and sound annotation/transcription. You can also
    make more advanced/specialized applications by extending it with custom
    plugins or embed WaveSurfer components in other applications. Its
    flexible interface handles many different file formats, and it runs on
    many flavors of Windows and Unix. It also supports encoding and Unicode
    with unlimited file size, and more. 

webrowse 1.5.1 

    Webrowse, inbrowse, and "go" are tools that facilitate
    interfaces between a Web browser (Netscape, Mozilla, or Mosaic) and
    other components of a Unix desktop, such as the command line, the X11
    cut buffer, editors, email readers, etc. Browse any source of text,
    HTML, files, URLs, pieces of URLs, simple search and lookup
    specifications, etc., including automatic markup of implicit URLs and
    paths in the text. 

WeeWM 0.0.2 

    WeeWM (Wee Enhanced Environment) is a fast and light window manager for
    XFree86. Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable,
    and has dock management, smart window placement, virtual desktops, and

WeWiMo 0.0.3 

    WeWiMo (Web WiFi Monitor) is a script for monitoring computers
    connected to access point running Linux and hostap WiFi card driver
    (ZCom XI-626). 

white_dune 0.25beta39 (Development)

    white_dune is a graphical VRML97 editor. VRML97 (Virtual Reality
    Modeling Language) is the ISO standard for displaying 3D data over the
    Web via browser plugins. It has support for animation, realtime
    interaction and multimedia (image, movie, sound). White_dune can read
    VRML97 files, display and let the user change the scenegraph/fields,
    and load and store x3d (the next generation VRML XML format) files if
    configured to work with the nist.gov x3d translators. It also has
    support for stereoscopic view via "quadbuffer"-capable stereo
    visuals, and support for 3D input devices like a joystick, spaceball,
    or magnetic tracker. 

WordNet-Similarity 0.05 

    WordNet-Similarity is a collection of Perl modules for the WordNet
    system. They are designed as object classes with methods that take two
    word senses as input and return the semantic relatedness of these word

Xeuphoric 0.14.0 

    Xeuphoric is a port of Euphoric, Fabrice Francès' Oric emulator,
    to the X window system. It emulates the Oric-1, the Oric Atmos, and the

yaccc 0.1b 

    yaccc (yet another cyan chat client) is a commandline client written in
    Python for the CyanChat protocol. CyanChat is the chat service owned
    and maintained by Cyan Worlds (creators of Myst and Riven). 

Yet Another Rio Receiver Server 1.1 

    YARRS is (yet another) Unix-based server for the SONIC|blue Rio
    Receiver. It uses dhcpd, nfsd, ssdp, and HTTP servers to provide MP3
    content. Written in Perl, it should work on any Unix platform, and is
    fully documented. 

Youhp3 3.6 

    Youhp3 (Youpee's One Unlimited HTML PreProcessor) is an HTML
    preprocessor that allows you to embed code of any script language, as
    well as calling any external program to generate text files. It is
    specifically designed to work with HTML/XML documents, and provide
    traditional features, such as define, include, macro, conditional
    tests, and loop. 

Newsforge Reports
Centrino Laptops Becoming Popular Among Linux Geeks

    - by Werner Heuser - Three months after Intel has released their new
    technology, laptops based on the Centrino(TM) features are already very
    popular in the Linux community. For almost all Centrino based laptops
    from different manufacturers there are installation reports available
    at TuxMobil. 

Saving an old laptop with Knoppix

    by Peter Johansson An old laptop of mine fubared its Linux partition
    beyond (easy) repair so I decided a clean install was the way to go.
    When I went to install a recent Debian system I had trouble with PCMCIA
    under the 2.2 kernel, and XFree gave me a blank screen under 2.4.
    Knoppix, however, made everything work automagically (with the
    exception of sound). 

Happy 4th of July!

    July 4th is Independence Day here in the United States of America, so
    NewsForge is taking a three-day weekend except for a few NewsVac items
    we'll post between now and Monday. See you then! 

Newsforge Newsvac
Open source user group announces 2003 awards

    Anonymous Reader writes "The Australian Unix and Open Systems User
    Group (AUUG) is calling on the open source community to nominate
    outstanding Australians who have contributed to the open source cause
    for its second annual awards. The Open Source Awards (OSA) 2003, which
    were launched last year alongside AUUG's annual technical conference in
    Melbourne, are designed to encourage and recognise work undertaken by
    Australians towards the open ... 

Massachusetts Probing Microsoft Settlement Gripes

    Anonymous Reader writes "Massachusetts, the state appealing Microsoft's
    landmark antitrust settlement, has told a federal judge it is probing
    potential breaches of the pact. [I]n a filing posted on the court's Web
    site on Monday, that it was looking at whether the world's largest
    software maker had retaliated against a computer maker for promoting
    Linux, an alternative to Microsoft's Windows operating system." 

Basic Hardening Linux

    An Anonymous Reader writes "Linux is capable of high-end security;
    however, the out-of-the-box configurations must be altered to meet the
    security needs of most businesses with an Internet presence. This
    chapter shows you the steps for securing a Linux system called
    hardening the server using both manual methods and open source security

Sources say IBM to drop Windows-based storage

     IBM plans to discontinue its line of Windows-based network-attached
    storage (NAS) devices in order to focus on higher-end products,
    including an upcoming file server that will run Linux, sources said
    this week. 

Linux and Open Source is Better for Business than MS Windows

    Anonymous Reader writes "A Linux user and businessman tests both
    Windows and Linux and concludes that Linux and Open Source is better
    for business than Microsoft Windows. Read the editorial at OSNews.com." 

Big, Fault-Tolerant Servers Meet Linux

     NEC Solutions America Inc. and Stratus Technologies Inc. are looking
    to Linux as a way to expand the reach of their respective
    fault-tolerant servers. 

Netli, Linux Take Web to Warp Speeds

     In physics, distance in space often translates into longer durations
    of time. The farther you go, the longer it will take you to get there.
    Unless you change the way you're going. 

SAP, Sharp Go in a Linux, Java Mobile Direction

     Enterprise software company SAP AG and Japanese electronics giant
    Sharp have teamed up in order to build applications that deliver
    real-time data across corporate networks to smaller mobile devices. 

Pogo Linux, MySQL Team on Open-source Appliance

     Two small companies aimed to spread the gospel of open-source
    technologies Monday as Pogo Linux said it agreed to build an appliance
    powered by MySQL AB's open-source database. 

SuSE Linux In Space With CC CompuNet in 2.4 Million Euro Engagement

     SuSE Linux announced a new 2.4 million euro engagement with the German
    Aerospace Center (DLR) on a high-performance storage system for
    Columbus, the European space lab project. 

Gadgets: FM Radio Pen

Gadgets: USB Memory Pen

Interests: Ph34r t3h Cute Ones Poster

Interests: Broken Miho Poster

Caffeine: Chargers Caffeinated Espresso Beans

Caffeine: Shock Triple Mocha

Caffeine: Brute Force Energy Drink

PC Mods: ThermalTake SubZero CPU Coolers

Computing: Archos AV120 w/ DVR Attachment

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

Cube Goodies: geek. bumper sticker

Interests: Megatokyo Bumper Sticker 3-pack

Cube Goodies: There's no place like bumper sticker

Cube Goodies: hacker. bumper sticker

Cube Goodies: Killer coding ninja monkeys Bumper Sticker

Cube Goodies: I Brake For LAN Parties Bumper Sticker

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Caffeine: Jolt Gum - Spearmint Office Fishbowl

Gadgets: Boostaroo Portable Amplifier

Gadgets: Mathmos Space Projector

EVMS 2.1.0 released

    The EVMS team is announcing the next major release of the Enterprise
    Volume Management System. Package 2.1.0 is now available for download.
    This release is for the new EVMS design, which is based on user-space
    volume discovery and communication with existing kernel drivers, such
    as MD/Software-RAID and Device-Mapper. Downloads at the project page:
    http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/evms/ Please see the INSTALL file
    in the 2.1.0 package for information about installing and getting
    started with the new EVMS. Since this new design is based on user-space
    discovery, there will no longer be boot-time volume activation. Please
    see the INSTALL file for information about how to activate your volumes
    using the EVMS user-interfaces and utilities. The INSTALL file also
    contains instructions for how users may easily "upgrade" an existing
    2.4 kernel with Device-Mapper and EVMS 2.0.1 patches. Please see the
    README file in the 2.1.0 package for more detailed notes concerning
    this release and it's new features. EVMS 2.1.0 is supported on 2.4.21,
    2.4.20, 2.4.19, and 2.5.73 kernels. If you have any questions, find any
    bugs, or simply want to report success stories, please send email to
    the EVMS mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or visit the EVMS IRC
    channel (irc.freenode.net, #evms). Please see the notes and changelog
    at: http://www.sf.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=168707 

NDoc version 1.2 beta released

    A beta of the latest version of NDoc, the .NET Code Documentation
    Generator, has been released. The new features include: - new HTML Help
    2 documenter (beta version), - new HTML Linear documenter (alpha
    version), - the MSDN documenter can now generate CHM or Online
    documentation, - option to link to the .NET Framework SDK v1.0, v1.1 or
    MSDN Online - support for Visual Studio 2003 and the .NET Framework
    1.1, - plus many improvements and bug fixes... The NDoc v1.2 beta
    source code is available for download at:

Columba 0.11.0 (unstable) released

    A new unstable version of Columba is now available. Columba is an email
    client written in Java, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface
    with wizards and internalionalization support. Its a powerful email
    management tool with features to enhance your productivity and
    communication. So, take control of your email before it takes control
    of you! This version contains numerous new features we want you to
    testdrive. http://columba.sourceforge.net/downloads_unstable.php For
    more information visit: http://columba.sourceforge.net/news.php 

Python 2.3b2

    Python 2.3b2 has been released (29-Jun-2003). We encourage you to test
    your applications with this release, as we plan on a final Python 2.3
    release by early August. 


    0. Intro. 1. Improved Search. 2. Project of the month: Megamek. 3.
    Updated Project Registration System. 4. New RSS Feeds. 5. Stats and Top
    Dear SourceForge.net, One of our biggest challenges in managing
    SourceForge.net has been handling our growth. With approximately 70 new
    Open Source Projects and 700 new registered users being added to the
    site each day, it can be quite a trick trying to stay ahead of the
    curve. This month I want to mention two improvements that are
    noteworthy. The first is project search. You can read about it below,
    but essentially the average time for searching for projects (using the
    left navbar) been reduced from 30 seconds to 1 second. The second is
    the beginning of the process of weeding out "dead" projects. These are
    projects that haven't had any real activity in the past 6 months and
    have never released any files. This is a big change for us. When
    SourceForge.net was started over 3 1/2 years ago, the vision was that
    it would be the permanent record of Open Source Software - Nothing
    would be deleted. We held on to the mission so strongly that we never
    developed internal tools to delete projects. Now with over 63,000+
    projects and 70 new ones being added daily, we do realize that not
    -every- project has taken root. The real crusty/vacant ones (haven't
    released files and have zero activity) will be put in a queue for
    removal. This process will be done very carefully; we will give the
    registered admins of the project ample warning and the ability to
    'opt-out' of the removal. The upside for the SourceForge.net community
    is that soon things will be a bit cleaner around here. Search results
    will list less dead projects and the software map will be easier to
    traverse. We still have some growing pains, but I hope you enjoy these
    latest improvements. I want to thank you for supporting SourceForge.net
    and the Open Source community. As always if you have some feedback or
    issues related to the site, please feel free to email me directly at
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Patrick McGovern Director, SF.NET [EMAIL PROTECTED] Improved
    Project Search --------------------------------------------- As
    SourceForge.net continues to have significant growth in the size of its
    user base, count of hosted projects, and daily activity, a significant
    amount of work is done by the SourceForge.net team to ensure suitable
    site performance and to work to resolve existing performance problems.
    The SourceForge.net team is happy to announce that the "Software/group
    search" facility is now operating in a more proper and functional
    manner. Searches are now performed in real time and last only seconds.
    Search users should no longer encounter the dreaded "search server is
    overloaded" messages previously offered during peak traffic hours. The
    SourceForge.net team expects to further expand the search facility in
    the near future, and to increase the frequency of search updates
    (currently twice-weekly) to better meet the needs of our hosted
    projects. Your patience has been appreciated; we hope you enjoy your
    search results... http://sourceforge.net/search/ Project of the Month:
    MegaMek --------------------------------------------- The
    SourceForge.net team loves games. Our favorites are online, net-based
    games that offer the ability to battle friends and foes from all over
    from world. SourceForge.net's June 2003 project of the month, MegaMek,
    is a Java based networkable game for 2 or more players. It's a
    strategic game that features brains over fast reflexes. The Software,
    licensed under the GPL, has enjoyed a position in the top 25 SF.net
    most active projects since it's founding in February 2002. With new
    features being added daily, MegaMek is a project to keep an eye on.
    http://sourceforge.net/potm/potm-2003-06.php Updated Project
    Registration System ---------------------------------------------
    SourceForge.net provides hosting for Open Source software development
    projects. Each day, SourceForge.net evaluates more than 100 new
    projects for hosting. Historically, there have been a number of
    pitfalls in this process. In particular, ensuring that each new project
    registration contains enough information to be properly considered by
    the SourceForge.net team without the added delay of asking the
    submitter for more information. Delays due to lack of information
    previously impacted roughly 15% of our new project registrations,
    causing these registrations to take more than our ideal two business
    days to be processed fully. The project registration system on
    SourceForge.net has recently been completely rewritten, integrating
    fixes for all previously-reported issues (in the past couple of years)
    and generally making the process more seamless for the submitter. Based
    on information collected during the early stages of the project
    registration process, the project registration system automatically
    advises you as to what should be included in your project description,
    and helps to bring potential pitfalls to your attention before the
    registration request is submitted. Users of our past project
    registration pages will note a larger amount of integrated
    documentation, the ability to easily return to earlier stages in the
    process without losing entered data, and the capability to review the
    information you have provided (and make necessary changes) before
    submitting it to the SourceForge.net team for consideration. We hope
    these changes will help make the process of registering a project on
    SourceForge.net easier to understand, and help us to further improve
    the turnaround time on hosting requests. New RSS Feeds.
    --------------------------------------------- This is information from
    the last sitewide email, but we think it's worth repeating. A
    convenient way to keep up-to-date with the SourceForge.net site,
    project news, activity information, and new projects is now available.
    SourceForge.net provides a number of RSS feeds that may be accessed
    using an RSS reader or aggregator (some content management systems also
    allow you include data from an RSS feed on your website, much as
    Slashdot and Freshmeat do in the right sidebar of their layout). Using
    these RSS feeds, you can keep up-to-date with the latest project news
    and file releases, Site Status updates and SourceForge.net statistics
    (such as top projects). Project-specific RSS feeds may now be accessed
    using the "View list of RSS feeds available for this project" link on
    the Summary page for each project. Information about the full set of
    the available SourceForge.net RSS feeds (14 feeds, in all), including
    information on the software needed to view RSS feed data and a complete
    list of the options available for each RSS feed, may be found at:
    Stats and Top Projects. ---------------------------------------------
    Number of Projects: 63,569 Number of Registered Users: 642,495 Daily
    Stats for June 11th, 2003 SF.NET : 1,762,941 pages served SF.NET
    project web space : 4,037,233 pages served Total Pages: 5,800,174 CVS
    updates: 15,017 Open Source Files downloaded in 24 period: 310,666
    Outgoing Mailing list emails: 124712 Top 25 Projects: 1. GAIM
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/gaim/ Gaim is a GTK2-based instant
    messenger application. It supports multiple protocols via modules,
    including AIM, ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, Jabber, IRC, Napster, Gadu-Gadu and
    Zephyr. It has many common features found in other clients, as well as
    many unique feature. 2. phpMyAdmin
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ phpMyAdmin is a tool
    written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the
    WWW. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter
    tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys
    on fields. 3. JBoss.org http://sourceforge.net/projects/jboss/ The
    JBoss/Server is the leading Open Source, standards-compliant, J2EE
    based application server implemented in 100% Pure Java 4. AWStats
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/awstats/ Advanced Web Statistics
    (AWStats) is a free powerful and featureful web server logfile analyzer
    that shows you all your Web (but also FTP or Mail) statistics including
    visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, hours, search engines, keywords,
    robots, etc. 5. Dev-C++ http://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp/
    Dev-C++ is an full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
    for Win32. It uses GCC, Mingw or Cygwin as compiler and libraries set.
    6. guliverkli http://sourceforge.net/projects/guliverkli/ Home of
    VobSub, Media Player Classic (MPC) and other misc utils. 7. BZFlag
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/bzflag/ OpenSource OpenGL Multiplayer
    Multiplatform battlezone capture the flag. 8. Tiki CMS/Groupware
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/ Tiki is a powerful
    CMS/Groupware. Features: article, forum, newsletter, blog, file/image
    gallery, wiki, drawing, tracker, directory, poll/survey & quiz, FAQ,
    chat, banner, webmail, calendar, category, ACL, etc in Single Sign-on
    or LDAP.(PHP/MySQL/Smarty) 9. ScummVM
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/scummvm/ ScummVM is a cross-platform
    interpreter for SCUMM-based games, used by LucasArts in games like:
    Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Day Of The Tentacle, The Dig, etc. It
    also includes a non-SCUMM interpreter for Simon The Sorcerer 1/2. 10.
    Freecraft http://sourceforge.net/projects/freecraft/ This is a free
    cross-platform real-time strategy game engine. It is possible to play
    over LAN, internet or against the computer and to build C&C, W*rCr*ft,
    St*rCr*ft or AOE like RTS games with it. Currently only a W*rCr*ft 2
    compatible theme is available. 11. XboxMediaPlayer
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbplayer/ The XboxMediaPlayer for the
    Xbox allows you to use a modded Xbox to play/view DivX, XVID, MPEG-1/2,
    MP3, JPG & other supported video/audio/picture formats via your TV so
    it can used as a multimedia jukebox. It also supports streaming media
    over a network. 12. wxWindows
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxwindows/ wxWindows is a free C++
    framework that facilitates cross platform software development,
    including GUIs, threads, sockets, database, file system access, etc.
    13. POPFile http://sourceforge.net/projects/popfile/ POPFile is an
    email classification tool with a Naive Bayes classifier, a POP3 proxy
    and a web interface. It runs on most platforms and with most email
    clients. 14. moregroupware
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/moregroupware/ Web-based groupware
    written in PHP4. Including modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts,
    project management, calendar and others. 15. Compiere ERP + CRM
    Business Solution http://sourceforge.net/projects/compiere/ Smart
    ERP+CRM solution for Small-Medium Enterprises in the global marketplace
    covering all areas from customer management, supply chain and
    accounting. For $2-200M revenue companies looking for "brick and click"
    first tier functionality. 16. TUTOS
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tutos/ TUTOS is the ultimate team
    organization software, a webbased groupware or ERP/CRM system to manage
    events/ calendars, addresses, teams, projects, tasks, bugs, mailboxes,
    documents and your time spent with these things. 17. filezilla
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/ FileZilla is a fast FTP
    client for Windows with a lot of features. FileZilla Server is a
    reliable FTP server. 18. Armagetron
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/armagetron/ Armagetron is a simple
    action game modeled after the lightcycle sequence of the movie Tron.
    The main focus lies on the multiplayer mode, which has already made
    Armagetron a popular warmup game on LAN parties. 19. ffdshow
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow/ ffdshow is DirectShow decoding
    filter for decompressing DIVX and XVID movies using libavcodec or xvid
    with rich set of video postprocessing filters. ffdshow can also be used
    as a separate postprocessing filter for other decoders. 20. TV-Browser
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tvbrowser/ TV-Browser is a java-based
    TV guide which is easily extensible using plugins. It is designed to
    look like a paper based tv guide. 21. Mobicq
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/mobicq/ Mobicq is a native ICQ client
    for mobile devices, such as celluar phones. It is written using Java 2
    Micro Edition (MIDP 1.0) and uses ICQ protocol version 8. 22. Alvaro's
    Messenger http://sourceforge.net/projects/amsn/ Alvaro\'s Messenger is
    a MSN messenger clone for linux/unix/windows/mac. It features
    multilanguage support, file transfers, new graphical interface,
    emoticons, multiple profiles support, dock icon, sound events, email
    notification, url processing... 23. MAMEoX
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/mameox/ MAMEoX is a port of the popular
    MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator) system to the XBOX. The main goals
    of the project are to provide a well documented port with a consistent
    coding style. 24. WebCalendar
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/webcalendar/ WebCalendar is a PHP
    application used to maintain a calendar for a single user or an
    intranet group of users. 25. TortoiseCVS
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tortoisecvs/ TortoiseCVS is an
    extension for Microsoft Windows Explorer that makes using CVS fun and
    easy. Features include: colored icons, tight integration with SSH, and
    context-menu interactivity. 

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