OSDN                          NEWSLETTER                           
    July 15, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Linux Comes To Afghanistan

    [0]gaurab writes "For the first time, 11 people were trained in Linux
    in Kabul. This training was supported by UNDP as a broader program to
    build capacity in use of computer technologies. The press release and
    some info is available at [1]UNDP Afghanistan Website. It was reported
    on [2]NewsForge today, and was picked up by the [3]Washington Post few
    days ago. Some [4]discussion also happend on the South Asia Mailing
    0. http://gaurab at lahai dot com
    1. http://www.undp.org.af/archive/2003/7-july03-linux-training.htm
    2. http://newsvac.newsforge.com/newsvac/03/07/14/1350210.shtml?tid=4
    3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37850-2003Jul10.html
    4. http://www.apnic.net/mailing-lists/s-asia-it/archive/2003/07/msg00024.html

Philip K. Dick Speaks (Sorta)

    [0]futileboy writes "Erik Davis put together this posthumous
    [1]interview of Philip K. Dick from some tapes he found (he explains
    how it came together in his introduction to the interview). It comes
    off pretty clean." 
    0. http://www.ryanlane.com
    1. http://frontwheeldrive.com/philip_k_dick.html

Star Wars Galaxies Auctions Afoot

    [0]Fusty writes "[1]Game Girl Advance is running a story about [2]the
    first wave of Star Wars Galaxies auctions on Ebay. Items, credits and
    characters are already selling for over $250, not even a month after
    launch. Will Sony/Verant shut down SWG auctions, like they did the
    EverQuest Auctions?" 
    0. http://www.links.net/
    1. http://www.gamegirladvance.com/

UCB Researchers Critique DRM, Compulsory Licensing

    An anonymous reader writes " In [0]this paper, Berkeley researchers
    critique a host of cockamamie DRM schemes, and they also question the
    [1]compulsory licensing approach recently being promoted by the EFF.
    They get into some of the practical details about compulsory licensing
    that no one else seems to be talking about like technical feasibility,
    incentives to cheat, monitoring for compliance, efficiency of
    collection and distribution of funds, privacy, fair use, feasibility of
    legal enforcement... Anyway, it's worth a read and is a useful
    contribution to the debate, whatever side you're on. " 
    0. http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~rachna/papers/EvaluatingDRM.pdf
    1. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/30/1652250&tid=141

Funding Open Source?

    One of the beautiful things about Open Source is that the barriers to
    entry are next to non-existent, and the adage "have compiler, will
    travel" embodies this fact well enough. However, as projects grow in
    size, they will soon face financial stumbling blocks, not to mention a
    need for increased visibility. How does one best market an Open Source
    project? What can Joe (or Joni) Coder do to increase their project's
    financial stability? Have the financially minded people of the Free
    Software community thought out the possibility of an Open Investment
    firm? Read on for Slashdot readers who are asking these exact

The Near-Term Future Of Open Source Desktops

    [0]securitas writes "eWEEK has two related articles on the growth of
    open source software. The first article is about the [1]growth of
    desktop Linux, featuring Lotus and the [2]Open Source Applications
    Foundation (OSAF) founder [3]Mitch Kapor, who says (among other things)
    that call centers will be where the next wave of growth for desktop
    Linux happens and that 10 percent of global desktops will be Linux in a
    few years. He bases his statements on a report by Eazel and GNOME
    Foundation co-founder Bart Decrem entitled [4]'Desktop Linux Technology
    and Market Overview' (PDF) mentioned [5]last week. The second story is
    about [6]open source software growth in the government sector where
    government agencies like the U.S. Census Bureau have embraced OS
    software for projects like the [7]State and County QuickFacts site.
    Based on Perl, Apache, MySQL and Linux, the site gets 200,000 page
    views a day." 
    0. http://geartest.com
    1. http://www.eweek.com/print_article/0,3668,a=44522,00.asp
    2. http://www.osafoundation.org/
    3. http://blogs.osafoundation.org/mitch/
    4. http://www.osafoundation.org/desktop-linux-overview.pdf
    5. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/10/1630225&tid=163
    6. http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1190120,00.asp
    7. http://quickfacts.census.gov/

Low Power FM Report Rejects Interference Concerns

    [0]akb writes "Back in 2000, Slashdot covered [1]the Low Power Radio
    setback by Congress, detailing a law which gutted an [2]FCC initiative
    that would have created thousands of Low Power FM radio stations
    (LPFMs). Congress overruled the FCC, ostensibly because of interference
    concerns, and cut the number of stations from thousands to a few
    hundred, with hardly any in urban areas. A concession was made to allow
    a study of the interference caused by LPFMs, and that report has
    [3]been released. The verdict: 'Based on the measurements and analysis
    reported herein, existing third-adjacent channel distance restrictions
    should be waived to allow LPFM operation at locations that meet all
    other FCC requirements, [with the exception of several minor technical
    requirements]'. There's [4]more coverage at [5]DIYmedia.net" 
    0. http://demandmedia.net/
    1. //slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/12/19/1613236&tid=99
    2. http://www.fcc.gov/
    4. http://www.diymedia.net/archive/0703.htm#071103
    5. http://www.diymedia.net/

Filesharing Traffic Drops After RIAA Threats

    [0]bryan writes "According to CNN, facing the threat of lawsuits from a
    music industry trade group, [1]fewer people are using online
    filesharing applications to swap songs. Internet audience measurement
    service Nielsen Net Ratings said traffic on Kazaa, the leading
    filesharing platform, fell 15 percent in the week ended July 6 from the
    previous week. It was during that prior week, on June 25, that the
    Recording Industry Association of America said it would track down the
    heaviest users of "peer-to-peer" services like Kazaa and sue them for
    damages of up to $150,000 per copyright violation." This follows
    earlier reports, from the filesharing companies themselves, that
    [2]traffic was actually increasing. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/internet/07/14/filesharing.drop.reut/index.html
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/06/153229&tid=188

Ximian Evolution's New Clothes

    Lispy writes "Looks like everyone's favorite graphical email client,
    [0]Ximian Evolution, will get a new interface with the upcoming
    release. I found a [1]posting on the Evolution hackers bulletin board
    which leads to some mocked-up screenshots (here: [2]calendar, [3]tasks,
    [4]mail, [5]contacts and one of the [6]shrunken navbar). Although this
    is mostly eyecandy, this could be the right time to make yourself
    heard. What do you think about a maturing Evolution that goes its own
    way and leaves the Outlook-like interface behind?" 
    0. http://www.ximian.org/products/evolution/
    1. http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/evolution-hackers/2003-July/000636.html
    2. http://primates.ximian.com/~anna/evo2/evo2_calendar.png
    3. http://primates.ximian.com/~anna/evo2/evo2_tasks.png
    4. http://primates.ximian.com/~anna/evo2/evo2_mail.png
    5. http://primates.ximian.com/~anna/evo2/evo2_contacts.png
    6. http://primates.ximian.com/~anna/evo2/evo2_navbar_shrunk.png

Funding for TIA All But Dead

    Shackleford writes "Wired has an article saying that the Terrorism
    Information Awareness program, which would troll Americans' personal
    records to find terrorists before they strike, may soon face the same
    fate Congress meted out to John Ashcroft in his attempt to create a
    corps of volunteer domestic spies: [0]death by legislation. The
    Senate's $368 billion version of the 2004 defense appropriations bill,
    released from committee to the full Senate on Wednesday, contains a
    provision that would deny all funds to, and thus would effectively
    kill, the Terrorism Information Awareness program, formerly known as
    Total Information Awareness. TIA's projected budget for 2004 is $169
    0. http://wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,59606,00.html

alogg 1.3.4 

    alogg is a library which makes it easier to use Ogg/Vorbis streams with
    Allegro. It offers facilities to decode, stream, and encode Ogg/Vorbis
    streams, and integrates those facilities with Allegro's datafile and
    sample loading routines. alogg comes with a sample player, streamer,
    and encoder based on Allegro's sound routines. 

avidemux 2.0.10 (Development)

    Avidemux is a graphical tool to edit video. It can open AVI, MPEG,
    Nuppelvideo and BMPs. Most common codecs are supported (M-JPEG, MPEG,
    DivX, Xvid, huffyuv, WMA, etc.) thanks to libavcodec. Video can be
    edited, cut, appended, filtered (resize/crop/denoise), and re-encoded
    to either AVI (DivX/Xvid) or MPEG 1/2. 

BBStatus 2.0RC16 

    BBStatus is an IP accounting package, and an SNMP and IP monitoring
    tool for Linux. It collects, summarizes, and displays the values from
    its database. It can be used for IP accounting (using iptables, you can
    design various kinds of accounting filters), SNMP monitoring (collects
    data making SNMP requests), IP monitoring (using ping, it stores and
    summarizes values like min, avg, max reply time, and packet loss), and
    client traffic filtering (using various types of filters). It also
    provides user based access so that every user can log in and check the
    traffic from/through his/her IP addresses. It requires PostgreSQL,
    Apache with mod_auth_pgsql, Perl(Net::SNMP), and RRDTool. 

BioCoRE 3.7.14 

    BioCoRE is a collaborative work environment for biomedical research,
    research management, and training. It offers scientists (working
    together or alone) a seamless interface to a broad range of local and
    remote technologies such as discipline-specific and general tools,
    data, and visualization solutions. It features powerful yet easy-to-use
    tools, among them co-authoring papers and other documents, running
    applications on supercomputers, sharing molecular visualization over
    the Internet, notifying project team members of recent project changes
    by email, chatting, keeping a lab book, and other practical features. 

BlueBox for BlackBox 0.2 

    BlueBox for BlackBox is a clean blue theme with wallpapers of various
    sizes and a startup sound. 

cacti 0.8.2a (Development)

    Cacti is a complete frontend to RRDTool. It stores all of the necessary
    information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL
    database. The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able
    to maintain graphs, data sources, and round robin archives in a
    database, Cacti also handles the data gathering. There is SNMP support
    for those used to creating traffic graphs with MRTG. 


    CAMPSITE is a Unicode-based, mulitlingual Web content management system
    designed for medium-to-large-size news publications. Issues, copy flow,
    back archives, and subscription management are implemented. At the core
    of CAMPSITE is CAMPFIRE, a Java Editor supporting Unicode, which allows
    contributors and editors to publish content and control layout online
    in their native alphabets. Formatting can be altered in a way similar
    to that of editors such as Wordpad; no HTML knowledge is necessary for
    formatting text. 

CD-Me 1.11 

    CD-Me is an X application for creating ISO images, burning CDs,
    creating jewel case inserts, and editing ID3 tags from MP3 files that
    you have already ripped or downloaded. The program also integrates a
    very simple MP3 player and volume control, uses M3U playlists as the
    standard file format, and contains toolbar icons for loading your
    playlist into XMMS or starting GRip. 

CjOverkill 2.0.1 

    CjOverkill is a traffic trading script developed to track traffic
    trades between sites. These kind of scripts are mainly used for adult
    sites like TGPs, links lists, toplists or similar. It includes
    productivity, raw and unique hits traffic tracking also as several
    cheat protections like extreme low or extreme high productivity,
    minimum hits per day and maximum proxy percent per day. It also
    includes several integrity and security tests and a traffic filter in
    order to minimize hacking attempts. 

CodeWorker 2.17 

    CodeWorker is a scripting language for producing reusable, tailor-made,
    evolveable, and reliable IT systems with a high level of automation. An
    extended BNF syntax allows defining new domain-specific languages or
    parsing existing formats (HTML pages for example). A template-based
    syntax like PHP and JSP allows writing the patterns for generating
    code. The code generation knows how to preserve protected areas with
    hand-typed code and offers code expansion, source-to-source
    translation, and program transformation. These tasks are executed in a
    straightforward process, with no binding to an external programming
    language and with no translation of requirements specification in a
    constraining format. 

Contract 0.1 

    Contract facilitates the handling of documents that are processible by
    both humans and machines. Contracts in e-commerce are one possible
    application, but the programs in this package are not limited to any
    particular use. The package is desinged with security and resource
    economy in mind, because of possible embedded applications in handheld
    devices, smart cards, and other attractive targets for e-commerce. 

Corewars 0.9.13 

    Corewars is a game which simulates a virtual machine with a number of
    programs, where each program tries to crash the others. The program
    that lasts the longest time wins. A number of sample programs are
    provided and new programs can be written by the player; Corewars
    supports both Redcode and its own language. 

Coyote Linux 2.2.2 (GUI Disk Creator)

    Coyote Linux is a single floppy distribution for setting up network
    utility services such as Internet connection sharing, firewalling, or
    wireless access points. The goal of the Coyote project is to make it as
    quick and easy as possible to set up a Linux floppy, and to require a
    minimal amount of Linux knowledge to do so. 

Database of Managed Objects 1.900 Alpha 

    DMO is generic object management, documentation, and inventory
    software. It enforces defining an abstract hierarchical structure for
    the data stored, making object management very intuitive. All the data
    in a company can be stored in a structured manner, from hard disks,
    computers, and printers to routers, UPSes, and alarm systems. Powerful
    querying and PDF report generation, plugin support, a high level of
    customization, and very clean code make DMO a very powerful tool. 

DbVisualizer 3.3.1 

    DbVisualizer is a cross-platform database visualization and management
    tool which entirely relies on the JDBC, Java Database Connectivity
    APIs. DbVisualizer enables simultaneous connections to many different
    databases through JDBC drivers. Just point and click to browse the
    structure of the database, characteristics of tables, etc. Arbitrary
    SQL statements can be executed and saved between sessions. DbVisualizer
    supports a variety of databases including Oracle, Sybase, DB2, MySQL,
    Informix, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Cloudscape, McKoi, SAP DB, and

diradm 1.2 

    diradm is a simple bash script for managing POSIX users and groups
    stored in a LDAP directory, offering the same features as the
    traditional passwd file utilities useradd/usermod/userdel and
    groupadd/groupmod/groupdel. It uses the ldapsearch, ldapadd,
    ldapmodify, and ldapdelete utilities from the OpenLDAP project to
    perform the needed queries against the LDAP database. 

Dodge Viper 1.0 

    Dodge Viper is a theme featuring the author's favorite car. 

dxr3Player 0.1 

    dxr3Player is a lightweight command line DVD player for Linux and the
    DXR3 (aka Hollywood+) MPEG-2 decoder boards. It supports all major DVD
    features, including menus, navigation, fast forward and backward
    playback, subtitles, and camera angle changes. The player is very
    conservative on memory usage and tries very hard (and mostly succeeds)
    to keep video and audio in sync. 

Enemies of Carlotta 1.0.2 (Stable)

    Enemies of Carlotta is a simple mailing list manager. It tries to mimic
    the ezmlm software somewhat, but is written completely from scratch in
    Python. It has a less restrictive license than ezmlm and qmail, and is
    smaller and simpler than GNU Mailman. 

Enigmail 0.76.2 

    Enigmail is a "plugin" for the mail client of Mozilla and
    Netscape 7.x which allows users to access the authentication and
    encryption features provided by the popular GnuPG software. Enigmail
    can encrypt/sign mail when sending, and can decrypt/authenticate
    received mail. It can also import/export public keys. Enigmail supports
    both the inline PGP format and the PGP/MIME format, which can be used
    to encrypt attachments. Enigmail is cross-platform, although binaries
    are supplied only for a limited number of platforms. Enigmail uses
    inter-process communication to execute GPG to carry out

Eros BBS Engine 2003-07-13-1044-jam (Development)

    Eros is a modular, object-oriented BBS engine intended to be used as a
    library that builds upon proven open source software technology and W3
    standards to implement and manage templates, permissions, membership,
    database access, etc. It is currently in heavy development, and new
    snapshots are released often. 

evkeyd 0.1pre6 

    Evkeyd listens for media key input events and then takes the correct
    action by modifying screen brightness, changing the volume, muting the
    volume, or ejecting the CD-ROM. While designed to be used on Apple
    notebooks, it uses the Linux input event layer and works with most USB
    keyboards with extra keys, including Apple Pro Keyboards. 

Exchanger XML Editor Beta 2 

    The Exchanger XML Editor is a Java-based XML editor that offers a broad
    spectrum of functionality to help XML authors, business analysts, and
    software developers. It features schema-based editing, tag prompting,
    validation against a DTD, XML schema, RelaxNG, tree view and outliner
    for tag free editing, XPath and regular expression searches, schema
    conversion, XSLT and XSLFO transformations, comprehensive project
    management, an SVG viewer and conversion, easy SOAP invocations, and

Feedbackd 0.3.0 

    Feedbackd is a client/server system that provides dynamic feedback of
    server load in a Linux Virtual Server (LVS)-based cluster. Monitor
    plugins are used to measure the health of each server, allowing a
    flexible way to report load back to the load balancer. It also
    facilitates the addition and removal of servers from the cluster. 

g-cara-tk 0.7.2 

    g-cara-tk is an easy-to-use caramail client written in C with GTK+. 

Gambas 0.62 (Development)

    Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic
    interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to
    use any other toolkit that a module is written for. 

GNU Automake 1.7.6 

    Automake is a tool for automatically generating Makefiles compliant
    with the GNU Coding Standards. It was inspired by the 4.4BSD make and
    include files, but aims to be portable and to conform to the GNU
    standards for Makefile variables and targets. Automake is a Perl
    script. The input files are called Makefile.am. The output files are
    called Makefile.in; They are intended for use with Autoconf. Automake
    requires certain things to be done in your configure.in. This package
    also includes the "aclocal" program. aclocal is a program to
    generate an 'aclocal.m4' based on the contents of 'configure.in'. It is
    useful as an extensible, maintainable mechanism for augmenting

GNU Solfege 1.9.11 (Development)

    Solfege is an ear training program for GNOME 2, but can also run with
    only the GTK+ libs. It even runs in Windows. 

gtranscode 0.3 

    gtranscode is a GUI frontend for transcode, a powerful processing tool
    which can read most video and audio formats and convert between them. 

hotconnect 0.1.0 

    hotconnect is a client/daemon to authenticate with the gateway to the
    Hotwire Internet service provided by Primus Telecommunications India
    Limited and its cable partners. 

HTTP-WebTest 2.03 

    HTTP-WebTest is a Perl module which runs tests on remote URLs or local
    Web files containing Perl/JSP/HTML/JavaScript/etc., and generates a
    detailed test report. This module can be used "as-is" or its
    functionality can be extended using plugins. Plugins can define test
    types and provide additional report capabilities. This module comes
    with a set of default plugins, but can be easily extended with
    third-party plugins. 

iCAR 0.5 

    iCAR is the [iC]hat [A]uto-[R]eply. It adds an extremely simple
    "away message" feature to iChat, something that's been
    lacking in an otherwise excellent chat client. 

iCOM 0.2 (alpha) 

    iCOM is a component architecture based on the idea of blending COM with
    the advanced features of CORBA. It has modern standards-based language
    mappings, and runs on multiple platforms. 

Infotrope ACAP Server 0.0.6 

    The Infotrope ACAP Server is an implementation of RFC2244, complete
    with asynchronous notification of changes, stored search results, ACLs,
    and data inheritance, etc. It supports TLS and SASL encryption as well
    as almost the entire base standard, plus a few optional extensions.
    ACAP allows applications to store configuration data in a way that's
    standards based, fully interoperable, and easily managed by users,
    administrators, and technical support teams alike. Infotrope's key
    features include the ability to randomly crash the server without data
    loss, and backing up of data (even while it's being written) without
    losing integrity. 

IRC Services 5.0.21 (Stable)

    Services for IRC Networks (or just Services for short) provides for
    definitive nickname and channel ownership, automatic channel mode
    setting, memo (short message) storage and retrieval, and greater IRC
    operator control over the network. 

isalogan 1.0 

    isalogan analyzes logs generated by the Microsoft ISA Web Proxy service
    and generates five types of HTML reports. It is launched from the
    command line and takes the name of the log files as an argument. 

J-Lan Communicator 1.0 build 20030713 

    J-Lan Communicator is a small application that facilitates
    communication between different hosts on the same local area network.
    It does not require a central server and uses very little bandwidth by
    taking advantage of a lightweight protocol and UDP packets. 

Jameleon 1.2 

    Jameleon is an automated testing tool that separates applications into
    features and allows those features to be tied together independently,
    creating test-cases. These test-cases can then be data-driven and
    executed against different environments. The goal is to create an
    automated testing tool that can be used for the enterprise. A UI that
    ties a series of features to a test-case, generating both the test
    script and the test-case documentation is in the works. 

JFreeChart 0.9.9 (Development)

    JFreeChart is a chart library for Java that supports a wide range of
    charts including pie charts (2D and 3D), bar charts (horizontal and
    vertical, regular or stacked line charts with optional 3D-effects, XY
    plots, scatter plots, time series charts, high/low/open/close charts,
    candlestick plots, Gantt charts, Pareto charts, combination charts, and
    more. It is suitable for use in applications, applets, servlets, and

JGraph 2.2 (For Java 1.4)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 

JGraph 2.2 (For Java 1.3)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 

Just4Log R0_2 

    Just4Log is a library to dynamically enhance the performance of Apache
    commons logging inside a Java application (dynamically because the
    sourcecode in Java is not modified but rather the optimization occurs
    on the compiled bytecode files). It offers various ways to optimize
    your bytecode. An Ant task offers integration in Ant scripts. 

Kernel Mode Linux 2.6.0-test1_001 (For Linux 2.6)

    Kernel Mode Linux is a technology which enables the execution of user
    programs in a kernel mode. In Kernel Mode Linux, user programs can
    access kernel address space directly. Unlike kernel modules, user
    programs are executed as ordinary processes (except for their privilege
    level), so scheduling and paging are performed as usual. Although it
    seems dangerous, the safety of the kernel can be ensured through such
    methods as static type checking, software fault isolation, and so

KSendFax 3.0.2 

    KSendFax is an interface to fax packages like HylaFax, E-Fax, and
    mgetty+sendfax for sending facsimiles. It incorporates a built-in
    phonebook, but can also use the standard KDE addressbook. It features
    scanning of new faxes, editing/creating textual faxes directly,
    previewing the fax to send, user defined fax coverpages, and a filter
    system that lets you use more or less any file format for the documents
    you want fax. Everything is configurable through a convenient
    configuration dialog. It is, however, not intended to configure your
    whole fax suite, but only to provide a GUI interface for an already
    configured fax server package. 

KXParse 2.0 

    KXParse is a PHP-based, lightweight, easy-to-use XML parser. It does
    not require installation because it's just an include file that's
    loaded on the fly. It features an API that simplifies the process of
    reading files. 

libConfuse 2.1 

    libConfuse is a configuration file parser library written in C. It's
    goal is to be easy to use and quick to integrate into existing code. It
    supports sections and (lists of) values (strings, integers, floats,
    booleans, or other sections), as well as some other features (such as
    single/double-quoted strings, environment variable expansion,
    functions, and nested include statements). It makes it very easy to add
    configuration file capability to a program using a simple API. 

LILO 22.5.7-beta3 (Beta)

    LILO is a Boot loader for Linux/x86 and other PC operating systems. It
    is responsible for loading your Linux kernel from either a floppy or a
    hard drive and passing control to it. It is capable of booting beyond
    cylinder 1024 of a hard disk if the BIOS supports EDD packet call
    extensions to the int 0x13 interface. LILO can also be used to boot
    many other operating systems, including DOS, Windows (all versions),
    OS/2, and the BSD variants. The LILO distribution includes full source,
    documentation and support files. 

Linux 2.6.0-test1 (2.5)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator 5.1 

    Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator allows beginning-to-advanced network
    administrators to control bandwidth. It is designed to be completely
    turn-key in its default configuration. You just plug it into your
    network trunk, and it self configures and immediately starts slowing
    "bandwidth hogs". It also comes with finer controls that are
    easy to use, and can be configured to target specific applications such
    as Kazaa, IMAP, and POP. Traffic can be limited by host IP, subnet, and
    content blocking. 

LoadBar 1.2 

    LoadBar is a simple CPU load graph, shown as a thin line on the left
    side of the desktop. 

Lorentz 0.2 

    Lorentz is a curve fitting program aimed for the fitting of
    spectroscopic data. The fitting function is specified as a
    user-extendable list of symbols representing various peak shapes,
    backgrounds, etc. 

Loudmouth 0.11 

    Loudmouth is a lightweight Jabber client library written in C/Glib. 

MailDooHicky 1.9.52 

    mdh (MailDooHicky) is a GTK2-based toolbar that can display the time,
    email message count, and various system (CPU, network, etc.)
    utilization. It also features five user definable buttons, a run
    window, and scratch pad. 

minido 0.4 

    minido is a simple, generic, multi-user, database-free todo list
    manager and tracking system written in GTK2. Its interface is generated
    from a simple data description file in XML. 

Minimalist 2.4 

    Minimalist is a mailing lists manager, written in Perl. It is small,
    fast, and easy to setup and maintain. Support is included for optional
    authentication subscribe/unsubscribe requests, global or per list
    administrators, message archiving, activity logging, lists permissions,
    and a subscribers thresold per list. Minimalist can be configured on
    per-list basis as well as globally. 

Modular Access Control System 0.7-alpha 

    Modular Access Control System (MACS) is a system for global
    authentication, authorization, user/group/resource management, and
    application services. 

mod_security 1.5.1 

    Mod_security is an intrusion detection and prevention module for the
    Apache Web server. Its purpose is to protect vulnerable applications by
    detecting and (optionally) rejecting attacks. In addition to request
    filtering, it also can create Web application audit logs. Requests are
    filtered using regular expressions. Mod_security can analyse POST
    payloads, unlike other similar projects. 

mousikos 0.3 

    mousikos is a portable audio/music player manager for GNOME. It will
    support on-the-fly bit-rate peeling (Ogg to Ogg), re-encoding of MP3s
    and Oggs, and is based on playlists. It is designed to be able to
    support various types of portable music players. 

Music daemon 0.0.2 

    Music daemon is a music playing server that supports multiple formats
    through plugins and multiple playlists. It has a simple protocol for
    control and communication for frontends. 

My Signup Sheet 2.1 

    My Signup Sheet is a simple Web-based application that allows visitors
    to sign up for events. It is intended to be used for teachers and
    organizations wishing to allow users to sign up for events with limited
    seats avaible. The admin may specify the events, number of seats
    available, and information required from each user. 

mysqltcl 2.30 

    mysqltcl is the Tcl interface to mysql realtional database. It is the
    next version of mysqltcl1.53 (new contributor) with many new futures:
    Tcl8.0-Object support, Unicode support, configure support, no
    connection limitation, nested queries, handling of binary files
    (containing null values), and many extra commands: seek on result
    block, escaping of string, last inserted id, introspection of
    connection and query state, and query metadata (schema). 

nmproxy 1.2 

    nmproxy is a transparent H.323 proxy. It is intended to be used for the
    forwarding of NetMeeting sessions on a router or firewall system. 

OpenGUI 4.2.0 

    OpenGUI (formerly FastGL) is a high-level multi-platform, thread-safe
    C/C++ graphics and windowing library built upon a fast, low-level x86
    ASM graphics kernel. It provides 2D drawing primitives and an event-
    driven windowing API for easy application development, and it supports
    the BMP, JPG, TGA, PNG, and PCX image file formats and TTF fonts. You
    can write apps in the old Borland BGI style or in a windowed style like
    QT. OpenGUI supports the keyboard and mouse as event sources, the Linux
    framebuffer, SVGAlib, and XFree86/DGA2 (HW accelerated) as drawing
    backends, Mesa3D under Linux, and 8, 15, 16, and 32-bpp color modes. 

osCommerce 2.2-MS2 (Milestones)

    osCommerce is an open source e-commerce solution under on going
    development by the open source community. Its feature packed
    out-of-the- box installation allows store owners to setup, run, and
    maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with no costs
    involved. osCommerce combines open source solutions to provide a free
    and open development platform, which includes the powerful PHP web
    scripting language, the stable Apache web server, and the fast MySQL
    database server. 

photos 4.0b2 

    photos is a Web-based photo database for storing metadata about digital
    photos so you can find them again later. It supports adding photos one
    at a time, or as a group by directory. It is intended to be run locally
    but can be run on a remote Web server if you've got the space and the

PHP [EMAIL PROTECTED] web monitor 0.1.0b5 

    The PHP [EMAIL PROTECTED] web monitor is a very simple PHP script to monitor a
    single [EMAIL PROTECTED] program running on a workstation or server via the
    local Web server. It displays general information of the user, the
    current work unit and the processing statistics. It also displays a
    skymap to show the source of the current data. 

pixelcons 0.1 

    pixelcons is a set of 64x64 pixel icons. They're meant for (small)
    window managers, not for desktop environments. 

procps 3.1.11 

    procps is a package of utilities which includes ps, vmstat, top, w,
    skill, snice, pgrep, pkill, free, sysctl, pmap, uptime, and kill. These
    utilities report what is running, who is logged in, how long the system
    has been running, and what is using up memory. They can be used to kill
    processes and change run-time kernel configuration values. 

psycopg 1.1.6 (StablePlus)

    psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming
    language. Its main advantages are that it supports the full Python
    DBAPI 2.0 and it is thread safe at level 2. It was designed for heavily
    multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of cursors and
    make a conspicuous number of concurrent INSERTs or UPDATEs. The psycopg
    distribution includes ZPsycopgDA, a Zope Database Adapter. 

pwdutils 2.3.90 (Development)

    pwdutils is a collection of utilities to manage the passwd and shadow
    user information. The difference to the shadow suite is that these
    utilities can also modify the information stored in NIS, NIS+, or LDAP.
    PAM is used for user authentication and changing the pasword. It
    contains passwd, chage, chfn, chsh, and a daemon for changing the
    password on a remote machine over a secure SSL connection. The daemon
    also uses PAM so that it can change passwords independent of where they
    are stored. 

pydance 0.7.2 

    pydance is a dancing game written in Python, formerly named pyDDR. The
    idea is simple. There's a floor mat with arrows, and the game scrolls
    arrows up the screen to the beat while playing a song. When the arrows
    reach the top of the screen (not sooner and not later), the player hits
    the corresponding arrow on the pad, and given that it's hit on time
    with the beat, points are scored. Based on how well the dance is put
    together, s/he is graded at the end of the song. Both keyboard and mat
    play are supported. 

Python RPM utilities 0.7.4 

    The Python RPM utilities allow you to merge multiple directories
    containing various versions of RPMs in to one directory that has
    symlinks to the most up to date version of each package, install
    packages based on name and have all of the dependencies installed
    automatically, or update all of the RPMs on a system. 

Qryptix 0.1 

    Qryptix consists of a PAM object and utilities for session- and
    key-management for encrypted home directories using the International
    Kernel (CryptoAPI) patches for Linux. It simplifies login/logout,
    mounting/unmounting, and key generation and changing. 

QtRadio 0.8.0 

    QtRadio (formerly KDERadio) lets you listen to the radio, add stations,

Ragel State Machine Compiler 1.5.4 

    Ragel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into
    runnable C code. It allows you to embed actions at any point in your
    regular language and to control the non-determinism in the resulting
    machines. It understands concatenation, union (the "or"
    operator), kleene star, subtraction, and intersection, as well as some
    helpers like "!", "?" and "+". Ragel's
    finite state machines are closed under all of its operators. This
    property allows for arbitrary regular lanuages to be described. It can
    be used to create a parser for any language that is regular. 

Redundancy Information Protection System 0.11 

    RIPS can protect data in a manner where minor corruptions can be
    balanced out by adding some redundancy to it. 

Ringtone Tools 2.13 

    Ringtone Tools is a set of tools for creating ringtones and logos on
    mobile phones. 

rpCalc 0.4.1 

    rpCalc is a simple RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator for X. It
    works much like an HP calculator, and all of the commands can be
    entered using the keyboard or a mouse. rpCalc is based on the PyQt

Samizdat 0.0.2 

    Samizdat is a generic RDF-based engine for building collaboration and
    open publishing Web sites. It will let everyone publish, view, comment,
    edit, and aggregate text and multimedia resources, vote on ratings and
    classifications, filter resources by flexible sets of criteria, and
    cooperate and coordinate on all kinds of activities. It intends to
    promote values of freedom, openness, equality, and cooperation. 

SandWeb 1.0RC3 (Development)

    SandWeb is a Web-based Sandbox Management Client. Since we currently
    only support CVS, it could also be described as a Web-based CVS client.
    It can be used to check out modules from a VCS such as CVS, manage
    files, edit, commit, and much more. 

Sauron 0.7.0 (Development)

    Sauron is a free DNS/DHCP management system with Web and command line
    interfaces. It is able to manage multiple DNS/DHCP servers. Complete
    dhcpd and named configurations are generated from a central SQL

Scribus 1.0 (Stable)

    Scribus is a DTP program for Linux. Its goal is to provide an
    easy-to-use tool for simple Desktop Publishing. It tries be as
    professional as possible. 

SendYmail 0.5.0 

    SendYmail allows you to send email through Yahoo! Mail, using your
    favorite mail client. It works as a gateway between the Yahoo! Mail Web
    interface and your email program, and can be used in conjunction with
    FetchYahoo or YoSucker to emulate a POP3/SMTP-like interface. 

Sesame 0.9.1 

    Sesame is an Open Source RDF Schema-based repository and querying
    facility. It is a scalable, modular architecture for persistent storage
    and querying of RDF and RDF Schema. It supports two query languages
    (RQL and RDQL), and can use main memory or PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle
    9i databases for storage. 

Simple Power SQLite class 0.6 

    SPSQLite class is a class in PHP for easy SQLite operation. With it you
    can create databases, connect to an SQLite database, send a query, or
    make simple transactions. 

Socat (Stable)

    Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two
    independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file,
    pipe, device (terminal or modem, etc.), socket (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw,
    UDP, TCP), a client for SOCKS4, proxy CONNECT, or SSL, etc. It provides
    forking, logging, and dumping, different modes for interprocess
    communication, and many more options. It can be used, for example, as a
    TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as a daemon-based socksifier, as a
    shell interface to Unix sockets, as an IP6 relay, for redirecting
    TCP-oriented programs to a serial line, or to establish a relatively
    secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell
    scripts with network connections. 

Software Suspend 1.0-pre4 (2.4 Development)

    swsusp enables you to suspend your machine without having to use APM or
    BIOS support. It creates an image which is saved in your active swaps.
    At the next system bootup, the kernel detects the saved image, restores
    the memory from it and then it continues to run as before you've

Storix System Backup Administrator 4.2 

    Storix Backup Administrator (SBA) provides both an intuitive graphical
    user interface and command line options for performing backups of a
    standalone system, or managing backups of all Linux and AIX systems on
    a network. In addition to backing up data onto a network server, tape,
    or disk device, it can reinstall a complete system from scratch, clone
    or migrate systems, manage volumes and RAID devices, and restore data
    in any configuration you choose. It features easily accessible

streamtuner 0.10.0 (World Cup)

    streamtuner is a stream directory browser. Through the use of a plugin
    system, it offers an intuitive GTK+ 2.0 interface to Internet radio
    directories such as SHOUTcast and Live365. 

SuperVESA FrameBuffer Driver 0.9 

    SuperVESAfb is a framebuffer driver for VESA 2.0-compliant graphic
    cards. It allows you to change the resolution and color depth

System Configurator 2.0.8 

    System Configurator is a configuration API for Linux. It will setup
    hardware, networking, and bootstrapping in a unified way. It is
    primarily designed to be the configuration engine for System
    Installation Suite, though is modular enough to be used in other

tadpole 0.5 

    Tadpole is a small GUI for editing/executing SQL queries against the
    SQLite database. It was named after Toad, a similar but far superior
    tool for Oracle. 

The Tamber Project 1.2.11 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a free, componentised n-tier website engine that
    uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content
    is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects;
    business functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP; and
    presentation is controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for
    delivery over multiple channels such as HTML, WAP and email. Currently
    Tamber contains modules that support; automatic locale detection,
    search engine tracking and optimisation, e-commerce catalogues;
    shopping carts and order management, secure sign in, data access and
    conversion services, advanced session management, content managemt
    tools and forums. 

TimCam 1.00 

    TimCam is a simple graphical Webcam program. Its main objective is to
    capture pictures at intervals and intelligently upload them to a
    specified FTP site. 

tinyproxy 1.6.0 

    tinyproxy is a lightweight HTTP proxy designed to do the job with a
    minimum of system resource use. It's ideal for small networks in which
    a larger HTTP proxy such as Squid might be overkill or a security risk.
    This simplicity also makes tinyproxy an ideal candidate for
    customization; it takes very little time to read and understand the
    tinyproxy source, and you can start adding your own desired features in
    short order. 

top 3.5beta12.6 (Delta)

    Top is a CPU usage display program. It provides a rolling display of
    the processes with the highest CPU usage on a Unix system, and also
    displays other information about the overall health of the system,
    including load averages and memory utilization. 

Turbo Vision 2.0.2 RC1 (Beta)

    Turbo Vision is a C++ library that provides a very nice user interface
    for console applications. This UNIX port is based on Borland's version
    2.0 with fixes. It was made to create RHIDE, a nice IDE for gcc and
    other GNU compilers. The library supports /dev/vcsa devices for fast
    access to local consoles, and it uses ncurses to run from telnet and
    xterm. This port, in contrast to the Sigala's port, doesn't have
    "100% compatibility with the original library" as goal.
    Instead, many modifications were made for the sake of security
    (especially buffer overflows). This port is also available for the
    original platform (DOS). 

uClinux 2.5.75-uc0 (2.5.x)

    uClinux is a set of patches for Linux that supports MMUless processors.
    It brings a full featured operating system onto platforms that would
    otherwise run less advanced, simpler operating systems. uClinux gives
    the programmer a Linux API with remarkably few concessions to the lack
    of MMU (Memory Management Unit), and in terms of code size and
    efficiency it has an advantage over standard Linux. 

UPMS 4.1.1-2003 

    UPMS (Universal Package Managment System) is based on the BSD ports
    system, and can be used on any FSH 2.0 Linux-compatible distribution.
    UPMS has two level of dependencies checking: required and suggested. It
    also has an option to optimize everything that you build and install
    with it for your architecture. 

wh-switchscripts 0.1 

    wh-switchscripts is a set of Perl scripts to manage the security
    features of 3com Superstack 3300 switches with SNMP. Its features allow
    one to enable/disable switchports, show switch configuration, show
    switchport state and stored MACs, set switchports to MAC autolearning,
    set the maximum number of MACs on each port, and to reset and delete
    the MACs on a port. 

WikiChump 1.0 

    WikiChump listens in an IRC channel like a traditional chump bot, but
    rather than creating separate HTML and RSS pages, it adds the
    information to a wiki in realtime. 

WMNUT 0.58 

    WMNUT is a dockapp program to monitor UPS statistics through the NUT
    (Network UPS Tools) framework on Linux and other systems. 

XDrawChem 1.7.3 (Stable)

    XDrawChem is a program for drawing chemical structures. Features
    include fixed length and fixed angle drawing, a ring tool to
    automatically draw rings, automatic alignment of structures in
    reactions, and structure diagram generation. It can access structures
    in the NCI database by name, CAS number, or formula. It can predict 1H
    NMR, 13C NMR, simple IR spectra, and estimated pKa. XDrawChem can work
    with its native file format, ChemDraw files, and any format supported
    by OpenBabel (MDL Molfile, CML, etc.). 

Xephyrus File Upload Tag Library 1.0 

    The File Upload Tag Library provides an easy way to process files
    uploaded from a Web form from within JSP pages. It is a tag library
    wrapper around the Jakarta Commons FileUpload utility. 

Xeuphoric 0.15.0 

    Xeuphoric is a port of Euphoric, Fabrice Francès' Oric emulator,
    to the X window system. It emulates the Oric-1, the Oric Atmos, and the

XORM Beta 5 

    XORM is an extensible object-relational mapping layer for Java
    applications. It provides interface-based persistence to RDBMSs using
    the Java Data Objects (JDO) API while allowing developers to focus on
    the object model, not the physical layer. 

Xrefactory 1.6.2 (Stable)

    Xrefactory is a refactoring browser for Emacs, XEmacs, and jEdit which
    provides multiple project support, a source browser, intellisense code
    completion, refactorings for safe symbol renaming, parameter
    manipulations, function/method extraction, field encapsulation, and the
    ability to move fields, methods, classes, etc. It is based on full
    pre-processing, parsing, and static analysis of sources. It works for
    the C and Java languages, and contains a stand-alone cross referencer,
    and a generator for HTML documentation. 

Yet Another Autoresponder 0.1 

    Yet Another Autoresponder (yaa) is a mail auto-responder with data
    retrieval plugin support. Curently available plugins include an SQL
    pluging which works with all databases supported by Perl DBI. It works
    with the Postfix virtual delivery daemon, and autoresponder messages
    can be in any charset. It doesn't respond to mailing list posts and
    posts that could cause autoresponder deadlock. 

Newsforge Reports
OGo: No go so far

    - by Russell Pavlicek - The OpenGroupware.org (OGo) project last week
    announced the release of its software under GPL and LGPL licenses. This
    new project claims to be the software that can replace Microsoft
    Exchange servers with a totally Open Source solution. As I looked at
    the press release, I saw quotes like "The release of OGo means the
    OpenOffice.org suite is ready for the enterprise complete with
    full-featured and mature groupware ... 

Open Asia: GNU/Linux gaining visibility across the continent

    - by Frederick Noronha - Occupying some 30% of the Earth's land, with a
    population of 3.7 thousand million, Asia includes 47 countries and
    assorted island dependencies. This is a region where resources are
    scarce and infrastructure weak, yet GNU/Linux is achieving some
    interesting gains in Asia that are not widely being reported. 

The Caribbean learns about Free and Open Software - Part Two (of Two)

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - This article is long overdue because I've
    been both overworked and sick since I wrote Part One. But here it is at
    last: A discussion of why Free/Open Source Software is the most
    appropriate IT technology base for developing countries. 

Newsforge Newsvac
LIC shifts to Linux system

     THE Life Insurance Corporation has shifted to a Linux operating system
    on the heels of pinpricks experienced with a Unix system, according to
    LIC officials. 

PCI for the masses

     With the availability of the Iyonix, PCI is usable on RISC OS systems.
    It's therefore worth discussing the implications of this, and what it
    enables us to do. 

Kernel 2.6.0-test1 released!

    Derek Kraan writes "The test kernel for the 2.6 series is here! Click
    to download." 

Call to end Linux legal wars

     Computer Associates chairman and chief executive Sanjay Kumar has
    called for an end to the Linux legal wars that are being pressed by The
    SCO Group. 

Sybase Strengthens Linux Ties

     Integration stalwart Sybase deepened its ties to the open source Linux
    operating system Monday, opening the doors to a new Linux Competency
    Center in New York City and expanding its alliance with Red Hat. 

php|architect publishes July issues, announces print edition

    Marco Tabini writes "php|architect, the magazine dedicated exclusively
    to the world of PHP, has announced the availability of ther July issue,
    which includes all new articles on topics ranging from socket
    programming to writing code for PHP5, in addition to a comprehensive
    interview with MySQL's Zak Greant on the licensing changes recently
    introduced by the database software developer and their effect on the
    PHP Community. In addition, the ... 

Here's how Linux gets to the desktop

     Dan Farber: As the operating system improves and gets a broader base
    of applications, expect to see it on an increasing number of desktops. 

Xaraya .9.0.5 Released

    John Cox writes "Xaraya is an Open Source extensible content management
    system. The system allows on-the-fly extensions to the content and user
    areas which allow greater control and versatility. Coupled with a XML
    style template engine with complete templating of output gives Xaraya
    unmatched versatility. 

Computer know-how reaches new level in Afghanistan

    Atia Jeewa writes "The first class of 11 Afghan civil servants trained
    in Linux operating systems returned to work this week after completing
    a 10-day certification course supported by the United Nations
    Development Programme (UNDP)." 

Interview with Chris McKillop of QNX Software Syst

    Anonymous Reader writes "OSNews features an interview wtih Chris
    McKillop, software engineer of QNX Software Systems. Chris, the most
    outspoken and 'visible' QNX employee in the QNX community, is
    discussing about performance differences between RT and monolithic
    kernels, the difficulties of pitching a new OS to the world, the Linux
    and Microsoft threat to QNX in the embedded space, QNX's Momentics
    desktop operating system and more." 

Cube Goodies: Desktop Retro Wind-ups

Cube Goodies: The Red Swingline Stapler

Cube Goodies: Futurama Tin Signs

Gadgets: FM Radio Pen

Gadgets: USB Memory Pen

Interests: Broken Miho Poster

Interests: Ph34r t3h Cute Ones Poster

Caffeine: Chargers Caffeinated Espresso Beans

Caffeine: Shock Triple Mocha

Caffeine: Brute Force Energy Drink

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

PC Mods: ThermalTake SubZero CPU Coolers

Computing: Archos AV120 w/ DVR Attachment

Cube Goodies: geek. bumper sticker

Interests: Megatokyo Bumper Sticker 3-pack

Cube Goodies: There's no place like bumper sticker

Cube Goodies: hacker. bumper sticker

Cube Goodies: Killer coding ninja monkeys Bumper Sticker

Cube Goodies: I Brake For LAN Parties Bumper Sticker

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Free Pascal Compiler 1.0.10 released

    Version 1.0.10 of FPC has been released and uploaded to SourceForge.
    This will be the last 1.0.x version; we will now concentrate on the 1.1
    branch, which will end in 1.2 or 2.0. The Free Pascal Compiler is a
    32-bit Pascal Compiler for AmigaOS, DOS, Linux, *BSD, OS/2 and Win32;
    semantically compatible with Borland Pascal 7 with additional features
    such as operator overloading. The compiler itself is written in Pascal. 

giFT 0.11.1 released

    After approximately two years of internal development, giFT has finally
    been released to the public! This release features OpenFT and Gnutella
    plugins as part of the standard distribution distribution. Be sure to
    read the QUICKSTART file available in the tarball for information on
    how to begin using giFT. giFT is a project designed to completely
    abstract low-level filesharing protocol communication while allowing
    seamless support for multiple networks. Currently available plugins
    include: OpenFT, Gnutella, and FastTrack (third party). ...and you
    thought it'd never happen? Ha! 

Tiki 1.7 -Eta Carinae- RC1 released

    Tiki 1.7 includes a lot of new features, including multi-server
    capability, workflow engine (galaxia), WYSIWYG editor, WML&PDA
    extensions (HawHaw), an events and groups calendar, many new plugins,
    several feature enhancements, and more. Tiki is a powerful
    CMS/Groupware. Features: article, forum, newsletter, blog, file/image
    gallery, wiki, drawing, tracker, directory, poll/survey & quiz, FAQ,
    chat, banner, webmail, calendar, category, ACL, etc in Single Sign-on
    or LDAP. (PHP/MySQL/Smarty) 

Leo 3.12 beta 2 released

    Leo is: 1) a programmers, outlining editor and a flexible browser, 2) a
    literate programming tool, 3) a data organizer and project manager. 4)
    fully scriptable using Python, 5) Portable. Leo.py will run on any
    platform with Python and Tk/tcl. This version fixes many bugs and adds
    a few new features. There are no known serious bugs in this version of
    Leo. N.B. See the documentation 3.12 beta 1 for many more changes added
    since 3.11 final. leo.py 3.12 beta 2 is now available at:
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/ The hightlights of 3.12 beta 2: *
    Window sizes are now in pixels rather than grid units. As a result,
    existing outlines (.leo files) will need to be resized when opening
    them for the first time. Don't panic! * Improvements: - Added
    spell-checking plugin. - Undo now restores the insert point or the
    selection range after most commands. - Added apply button to Font
    panel. - Improved the reporting of characters that do not exist in the
    present encoding. * Fixed a major bug involving undo. * Fixed more than
    a dozen minor bugs, some several months old. Highlights of 3.12 beta 1:
    * Plugged a huge memory leak. * Added Icon & Status areas to Leo window
    for use by plugins. * Added new plugins: - add_directives.py allows
    plugins to define new directives. - color_markup.py supports
    wiki-styled markup. - nav_buttons.py creates browser-style navigation
    plugins in the icon area. - plugins_menu.py creates a Plugins menu
    items for all loaded plugins. - scripts_menu.py creates a Scripts menu
    for all scripts in scripts folder. - trace_gc traces all changes to
    memory at idle time. * Other enhancements: - Redesigned the Find panel.
    Non-functional options are dimmed. - Added @wrap and @nowrap
    directives. - Added Write Dirty @file Nodes command. - Added several
    new "stub hooks". - Hyperlinks are now enabled by default. - Leo now
    loads plugins in alphabetical order. - Leo now remembers the size and
    location of Leo windows. - Fixed numerous minor bugs. Quote of the
    month: ------------------- "Thanks for such a great mind-opening
    program!" -- Eduardo Dominguez What is Leo? ------------ - A
    programmer's editor, an outlining editor and a flexible browser. - A
    literate programming tool, compatible with noweb and CWEB. - A data
    organizer and project manager. Leo provides multiple views of projects
    within a single outline. - Fully scriptable using Python. Leo saves its
    files in XML format. - Portable. leo.py is 100% pure Python. - Open
    Software, distributed under the Python License. leo.py requires Python
    2.1 or above and tcl/tk 8.3 or above. leo.py works on Linux, Windows
    and MacOs X Jaguar. Links: ------ Leo:
    http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html Home:
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/ Download:
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=3458 CVS:
    http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=3458 Wiki: http://leo.hd1.org/
    Edward K. Ream 

osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2

    We proudly present the immediate availability of the second milestone
    release of osCommerce 2.2, which is on demonstration at the LinuxTag
    2003 event in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Milestone 2 release contains
    numerous updates to strengthen the security on both client and server
    side of operations. osCommerce, formerly titled The Exchange Project,
    is a feature packed out-of-the-box online shop ecommerce solution for
    both PHP3 and PHP4 web servers. Maintenance is made easy with a
    friendly GUI thats given to the Administration Tool. The "Security and
    Privacy Proposal" was realized to strengthen security on the client
    side, whos main purpose is to protect the clients session ID. This
    includes a 'force cookie usage' feature which prevents the session ID
    from appearing on the url, a feature to prevent search engine spiders
    from generating session IDs which were stored as part of their index,
    and client IP address, browser (user agent), and secure session ID (for
    SSL servers) verification. The "Strip and Parse Proposal" and security
    audit updates were realized to strengthen the security on the server
    side, which includes parsing all user input for storage and display
    purposes, and having removed most PHP notice messages when error
    reporting has been set to 'E_ALL'. Numerous layout changes have also
    been made throughout the Catalog to improve the user interface and
    experience for the customer, and the Installation and Update module has
    been updated with a new theme layout for a more simplified procedure
    for store administrators. Shared SSL servers are now properly
    supported, with the possibility to fine tune session and cookie related
    parameters for both normal HTTP server and secure HTTPS servers. We'd
    like to thank the community for the continuing support, with each
    Milestone release more exciting than the last release, we look forward
    to bringing you the remaining Milestone releases that will lead to a
    finalized and rock solid 2.2 release. A complete feature guide for
    osCommerce 2.2 will be presented when osCommerce 2.2 is finalized and
    released to the public. The latest milestone releases can be downloaded
    at: http://www.oscommerce.com/downloads/milestones The public Workboard
    is available at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/workboard Keeping
    up to date with the projects progress can be done via the Weekly
    Summary reports at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/weekly This
    announcement can be discussed at the community support forums here:

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