OSDN                          NEWSLETTER                           
    August 13, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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EFF Coordinates Fight Against DirecTV

    [0]wumarkus420 writes "In response to recent [1]lawsuits filed by
    DirecTV against purchasers of smartcard equipment, the EFF and Stanford
    Law School Center for Internet and Society have [2]announced a new site
    devoted to the legal fight against DirecTV's aggressions. Hopefully,
    this [3]new site will provide innocent consumers that have been
    threatened under the veil of the DMCA with professional legal advice
    and information." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.hackhu.com/
    2. http://www.eff.org/directvdefense/20030812_eff_pr.php
    3. http://www.directvdefense.org/

Translated KDE/Linux Usability Report Available

    [0]WHudson writes "Relevantive AG, a German consulting firm who
    [1]recently completed a study on Linux usability, posted their results
    in [2]English translation today. Bottom line: Linux nearly as easy to
    use as Windows XP, but the wording of system and program messages could
    use some more clarity." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/08/04/2319204&tid=121
    2. http://www.relevantive.de/Linux_e.html

Windows Virus Takes Out Gov't Agencies in MD, PA

    Zolzar writes "Looks like the Md. State Motor Vehicles Administration
    is the first government agency reporting a [0]failure of their systems
    due to the recent virus." This is a [1]more specific story about the
    outage. And the city of [2]Philadelphia has suffered as well. 
    0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A49575-2003Aug12?language=printer
    2. http://www.nbc10.com/technology/2400607/detail.html

The Diamond Age

    bigner writes "The [0]new diamond age is here and will revolutionize
    the computer industry. Diamonds show amazing potential as a superior
    0. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.09/diamond.html

Identity Theft Countermeasures?

    [0]gbell asks: "Stories about reconstructing [1]shredded documents and
    horrific tales of rampant [2]identity theft (at least 750K
    victims/year) have me scared and wondering if I'm being careful enough.
    What are savvy Slashdot readers doing to protect their financial
    identity? I already have fraud alerts on my credit reports, which make
    sure I'm contacted if any requests for additional credit happen. I've
    called 800-5-OPT-OUT and stopped all the credit card offers. I use
    unique passwords on all of my online financial accounts. I shred and
    pulp-ify all documents. I order periodic copies of my credit reports
    (although I'm irked that I have to pay for them - they're only free if
    you've been recently denied credit). Is there anything else I should be
    doing? People spend years sorting out ID theft, and I'm wondering when
    credit-abusers will start crying 'fraud' just to get out of debt...
    making things even harder for the true victims. Cops don't have time to
    do anything, even if you find the perp yourself. The situation looks
    like it's going to get much worse, and I'm willing to take steps now to
    increase my security at the cost of convenience. Suggestions?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/18/1433235&tid=126
    2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A25358-2003Aug6?language=printer

Higher Education Committee Releases Report on P2P

    djeaux writes "The Joint Committee of the Higher Education and
    Entertainment Communities has released a "[0]Background Discussion of
    Copyright Law and Potential Liability for Students Engaged in P2P File
    Sharing on University Networks." The Joint Committee includes
    representatives from a number of universities, education groups,
    entertainment industry representatives, and the presidents of RIAA &
    MPAA. The paper provides an overview of copyright law relating to
    on-campus P2P file sharing and concludes that "(c)olleges and
    universities generally do not have a legal duty to control students'
    private conduct. Students therefore should not assume that their
    college or university will accept liability for them or provide them
    with legal representation." The report was distributed to presidents of
    all institutions that are members of the American Council on Education
    on Friday, August 8." 
    0. http://www.acenet.edu/washington/legalupdate/2003/P2P.pdf

Iceman Otzi was a Fighter

    Theatetus writes "Yahoo! News is running a story from USA Today that
    [0]Otzi the iceman's murder is more complicated than we thought. It
    seems Otzi had blood on his clothes and knife from four different
    people in patterns that suggested he took out two with his bow and
    carried a wounded or dead person over his shoulder. I sense an action
    movie in the making..." If you don't remember Otzi, read the
    [1]original story. 
    0. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=676&e=14&u=/usatoday/11570742
    1. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/07/26/1244241&tid=134

SCO Execs Dumping Stock

    luigi6699 writes "According to the Salt Lake Tribune, 'SCO Group
    executives have [0]sold about 119,000 shares of their company since it
    filed a lawsuit against IBM in March...' Their CFO started the $1.2
    million sell-off just after the lawsuit." 
    0. http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Aug/08122003/business/83193.asp

Local Area Security Linux 0.4a

    [0]Anonymous Coward writes "[1]Local Area Security Linux is a small
    'live CD' distribution based on [2]Knoppix that aims at being less than
    185MB so it will fit on a MiniCD. It is now 107MB with [3]FluxBox as
    the window manager. It contains about 100 security (forensics,
    penetration testing, firewall, intrusion detection, etc.) tools
    including [4]Ethereal and [5]Nessus. See a [6]screenshot here." 
    0. http://localareasecurity.com
    1. http://localareasecurity.com/
    2. http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
    3. http://www.fluxbox.org/
    4. http://www.ethereal.com/
    5. http://www.nessus.org/
    6. http://www.localareasecurity.com/sshots/0.4a_1.jpg

OpEd Piece on Extended Life Expectancy

    [0]daksis writes "CNN has posted [1]an OpEd piece from the New York
    Times that raises some interesting issues. With the current advances in
    biology, we as a society are facing the real possibility that
    "immortality" could some day be the norm. What sort of social impact
    can we expect when/if life expectancies are measured in centuries?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/08/12/nyt.kristof/index.html

A rainy day 1.0 

    A rainy day is a theme with grey tones and a black and white background
    featuring the view behind the author's bedroom window. 

Aardvark Topsites PHP 4.1.0 

    Aardvark Topsites PHP is the premier PHP/SQL topsites script. Members'
    ranks can be shown on their button, and there are 6 different ranking
    methods, including pageviews. Powerful anticheating protection is
    included. It supports categories. You can use up/down/neutral arrows.
    The admin allows you to approve new members, edit existing members,
    delete bad members, and much more. 

Ace Operator 1.2.0b 

    Ace Operator enables live interactions between company representatives
    and customers from the company Web site. It allows customers to contact
    live agents at the click of a button, engage in interactive
    conversation, and exchange information using multi-media content. It
    also allows companies to monitor visitors to their Web site and
    initiate a conversation. It is an excellent tool for low-cost pre-sales
    support and any kind of customer services over the Web. 

AfterStep 2.00.beta1 (Stable)

    AfterStep is a Window Manager for X which started by emulating the
    NeXTSTEP look and feel, but which has been significantly altered
    according to the requests of various users. Many adepts will tell you
    that NeXTSTEP is not only the most visually pleasant interface, but
    also one of the most functional and intuitive out there. AfterStep aims
    to incorporate the advantages of the NeXTSTEP interface, and add
    additional useful features. 

amavisd-new 20030616-p4 

    amavisd-new is a high-performance and reliable interface between MTAs
    and one or more content checkers, including virus scanners, and/or the
    Mail::SpamAssasin Perl module. It talks to the MTA via (E)SMTP or LMTP,
    or by using helper programs. No timing gaps exist in the design, which
    could cause a mail loss. It is normally positioned at or near a central
    mailer, not necessarily where the user's mailboxes and final delivery
    takes place. 

Apache::ASP 2.55 

    Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web
    Server with Perl as the host scripting language. Apache::ASP allows a
    developer to create dynamic Web applications with session management
    and embedded Perl code. There are also many powerful extensions,
    including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering, and new events not originally
    part of the ASP API. 

apt4rpm 0.65 (Stable)

    The superb Debian package installer APT has since some time become
    available for RPM-based distributions. However, to install RPM packages
    with apt, an apt repository is needed. apt4rpm creates the apt
    repository from an RPM repository. The rpm repository can be located
    locally or remotely. Once the apt repository has been created with
    apt4rpm, the apt tools can be used to install RPMs. 

ARIA Business Management 0.99-3 

    ARIA is business class management (ERP) software. It lets you manage
    inventory levels, maintain payroll, and process orders. It is written
    primarily in PHP and incorporates the ADODB database abstraction layer.
    There are currently translations for Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and

ArX 1.0pre11 

    ArX is a distributed revision control system that features distributed
    repositories, fancy merging, support for renaming, unobtrusive
    operation, a Web interface, and revision libraries. It consists of a
    collection of shell scripts and C code, and brings together many shell
    utilities, SSH, HTTP, diff, and patch. 

AweMUD 0.18b 

    AweMUD is a MUD server for use with fantasy-settings. Features include
    skill-based character development, fully dynamic objects and
    characters, and custom worlds. The engine will eventually have
    completely interactive rooms (items can be placed under benches, doors
    can be destroyed), complex magick, and interactive NPCs. 

BookmarkBridge 0.65 

    BookmarkBridge is a small, easy to use, multi-platform, GUI-based
    utility that allows the user to share bookmarks between all their
    browsers. The user runs it periodically to synchronize between the

Borges Documents Management System 0.9.2 

    Borges is an open-source project aimed at XML-aware documentation
    projects which care about internationalisation, reusable contents,
    teamwork, etc. The system currently support the DocBook DTD. 

borZoi/jBorZoi 0.90 (Java)

    borZoi/jBorZoi are C++ and Java elliptic curve cryptography libraries
    for developers who want a simple means of adding privacy protection to
    their applications. Ease of use and a minimum risk of security problems
    due to incorrect use are their strong points. 

Caravel .99 

    Caravel is a robust LDAP-based content management system programmed in
    PHP. It has many different plugins and is designed to allow for the
    easy creation of plugins and applications. It is designed for very
    large organizations with several thousand branches, and uses OpenLDAP
    to organize its data. It is very user-friendly and allows you to not
    only upload and manage content, but also adjust various aesthetic
    features of your layout. One of its key novelties is its ability to
    divide a page into several columns containing multiple blocks, each
    block containing an application or some content. 

Cone 0.53 

    Cone (COnsole Newsreader And Emailer) is a text-based email client. It
    seamlessly handles multiple POP3 and IMAP accounts and local mail
    folders. It is also a simple newsreader. It is designed to be foolproof
    enough to be used by inexperienced users, but also offers advanced
    features for power users. 

crackalaka 1.0.1 

    Crackalaka is a small, standalone IRC server. It does not implement the
    inter-server portions of the IRC protocol, and is meant for use by a
    small workgroup, preferably behind a firewall. 

CRUX 1.2 

    CRUX is a lightweight, i686-optimized Linux distribution targeted at
    experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is
    "keep it simple", which is reflected in a simple tar.gz-based
    package system, BSD-style initscripts, and a relatively small
    collection of trimmed packages. The secondary focus is utilization of
    new Linux features and recent tools and libraries. 

cx_OracleDBATools 1.2 

    cx_OracleDBATools contains a number of Python scripts that handle
    Oracle DBA tasks in a cross-platform manner. These scripts are intended
    to work the same way on all platforms and hide the complexities
    involved in managing Oracle databases on Windows. 

CyTV 0.0 

    CyTV is a streaming solution for the elgato EyeTV USB tuner. It allows
    you to watch a video stream of the currently active channel over a
    wired or wireless network. You can also change the channel from the
    remote computer (although this is a bit cumbersome). 

DCGUI-QT 0.2.17 

    DCGUI-QT a QT GUI Direct Connect filesharing client. 

Digital Tester 0.1 

    Digital Tester is a test planning and execution tool. It aims to be an
    alternative to Test Director or QA Director. Its features include
    requirement definition and tracking, test case design and planning,
    test case execution and result tracking, and simple effective reporting
    of planning, execution, and result data. 

Dive tools for Linux 0.1.8 (Development)

    Divetools is a set of tools to read out a dive computer. In addition it
    includes a conversion program that makes UDCF files out of thet dump
    and a Plotting tool that produces nice PostScript pages for your
    loogbook. It supports the Suunto EON and Uwatec Aladin Series dive

Divine Intervention 2.0 

    Divine Intervention consists of two programs. The first is a very
    accurate BPM measurement tool. The second is a player which can change
    the tempo of music. The player allows nudging, forward and backward
    movement by measures, and other nice things. 

DKMS 0.33.02 

    DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) is a framework where device driver
    source can reside outside the kernel source tree so that it is very
    easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This allows Linux
    vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel
    releases (as a stopgap before the code can make it back into the
    kernel), while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting
    to recompile modules for new kernels. For veteran Linux users it also
    provides some advantages since a separate framework for driver drops
    will remove kernel releases as a blocking mechanism for distributing

DNS Flood Detector 1.0 

    DNS Flood Detector was developed to detect abusive usage levels on high
    traffic nameservers and to enable quick response in halting (among
    other things) the use of one's nameserver to facilitate spam. DNS Flood
    Detector uses libpcap (in non-promiscuous mode) to monitor incoming dns
    queries to a nameserver. The tool may be run in one of two modes,
    either daemon mode or "bindsnap" mode. In daemon mode, the
    tool will alarm via syslog. In bindsnap mode, the user is able to get
    near-real-time stats on usage to aid in more detailed troubleshooting. 

Dolibarr 0.5.0 

    Dolibarr is a small and simple Web interface with ERP and CRM
    capabilities. It is designed for small companies and freelancers, and
    can be used to deal with the bills and documentation required for
    company management. 

DrScheme 205 

    DrScheme is a graphical environment for developing programs using the
    Scheme, MzScheme, and MrEd programming languages. DrScheme runs under
    Windows 95/98/NT, MacOS, and Unix/X. DrScheme's features include source
    text highlighting of syntax and run-time errors, support for multiple
    levels of Scheme from beginner to advanced, an algebraic stepper for
    the beginner language, interactive and graphical static analysis, a
    graphical user interface (GUI) library, objects, threads, modules,
    exceptions, TCP/IP, regular expressions, and filesystem support. 

DRT 0.3.7 

    DRT is a design recovery tool for interactive graphical applications
    running under the X Window System. The tool automatically captures
    actions performed while using such an application. Functions
    particularly relevant to each action are highlighted. Moreover, the
    action itself is described visually from fragments of the application
    display. One can search and browse these actions to learn about the
    design of an application. 

eSKUeL 1.0.4 

    eSKUeL is MySQL database managment tool written in PHP. It can
    completly handle databases operations, including create, drop, rename,
    move, and insert into. It can also be completely skinned and adapted. 

eXist 0.9.2 

    eXist is a native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XPath
    query processing, extensions for keyword search, XUpdate support, and
    tight integration with existing XML development tools. The database is
    lightweight and may be easily deployed in a number of ways, running
    either as a stand-alone server process, inside a servlet engine, or
    directly embedded into an application. 

fbdump 0.4.1 

    fbdump is a simple tool to capture snapshots from the Linux kernel
    framebuffer device and write them out as a PPM file. Currently, most
    packed-pixel framebuffer formats and the vga16 framebuffer are

Fedora Digital Object Repository 1.1 

    The Fedora software is based on an architecture known as FEDORA
    (Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture). The
    software takes advantage of distributed (or local) Web services, and
    makes representations of objects (called disseminations) available via
    HTTP. It is particularly good at handling complex digital objects where
    source datastreams and behaviors are distributed. There are two binary
    distributions (server and client), and a source distribution (including
    all libraries and source code needed to build any distribution). 

Formsess 2.0.0 RC2 

    Formsess is a Smarty-powered forms toolkit. It adds support for an
    XHTML-compliant set of tags, directly inspired from standard form tags,
    and allows you to skip most common steps implied in forms manipulation,
    validation (Javascript and server side) and data persistence (any
    validated field is automatically kept). 

Foundation Class Library 1.0.0 

    The Foundation Class Library (FCL) was written over the course of two
    years to meet the needs of 24x7 commercial server applications. It
    includes low-level communictions classes for sockets and also include
    protocol-level classes for DNS and SMTP. 

Freemed-YiRC Beta0.22 

    Freemed-YiRC is a PHP package based on Freemed for use with Youth in
    Residential Care (YiRC) agencies. Its aim is to be a complete package
    to replace legacy non-free apps which aren't customizable. Since it's
    PHP-based, all that is needed for the client is a good Web browser with
    extensive table support. Some of the objectives for Freemed-YiRC are:
    User Management, a Contact Database, Clinical CaseNotes, an Incident
    Report System, an email client, a Service Plan System, a Timecard
    System, and Medical Billing (Medicaid/Insurance/Private). 

ftplibpp 1.0 

    ftplibpp contains a C++ class providing easy FTP client functionality.
    It features resuming of up- and downloads, FXP support, SSL/TLS
    encryption, and logging functionality. Every FTP session is represented
    by an ftplib object, whose methods are called to communicate with the
    FTP server. 

galadin 0.1 

    galadin is an application which reads, displays, and prints profiles
    from Uwatec Aladin dive computers. 

GNU nano 1.2.2 

    GNU nano (Nano's ANOther editor, or Not ANOther editor) is an enhanced
    clone of the Pico text editor. 

gpsdrive 2.03 

    Gpsdrive is a map-based navigation system. It displays your position on
    a zoomable map provided from a NMEA-capable GPS receiver. The maps are
    autoselected for the best resolution, depending of your position, and
    the displayed image can be zoomed. Maps can be downloaded from the
    Internet with one mouse click. The program provides information about
    speed, direction, bearing, arrival time, actual position, and target
    position. Speech output is also available. 

gURLChecker 0.6.0-pre5 (Unstable)

    gURLChecker is a C/GNOME 2 tool that can check links on a single Web
    page or on a whole Web site in order to determine the validity of each

H2O Rotisserie 1.1.0 

    H2O is a system that supports gathering people around ideas. In
    addition to the traditional features of learning management systems,
    H2O includes support for collaboration between projects through the
    sharing of syllabus elements and through joint discussions between
    projects. It also supports Rotisserie-structured discussions, which
    provide an alternative to traditional online discussion boards by
    structuring the timing and flow of discussions. It can be used as a
    traditional course management platform, but it can also be used for
    more informal projects centered around the exploration of a set of
    ideas, whether the project be a conference, an ongoing public
    discussion, or a traditional academic course. 

Hardware lister A.01.03 

    lshw (Hardware Lister) is a small tool to provide detailed informaton
    on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact
    memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU
    version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. 

hhmalloc 1.0.5 

    Hierarchical heap is an extension of the standard C malloc/free
    interface, which allows organizing memory blocks into naturally
    occurring hierarchies. HH can be used for a number of tasks including
    memory pooling, limited garbage collection, and simplified dynamic
    structure management. 

HTTrack/WebHTTrack 3.30-RC13 (Unstable)

    HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to
    download a Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building
    recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from
    the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's
    relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the mirrored Web site in
    your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you
    were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored
    site, and resume interrupted downloads. WebHTTrack is a Web-based GUI
    for HTTrack. 

HyperSpell 1.0 Beta 5 

    HyperSpell is a convenient menu item that gives you instant access to
    Mac OS X's built-in spellchecker. All you do is click on HyperSpell's
    icon in the menu bar and enter the word, or words, that you want
    spellchecked. Words that are misspelled appear with a red underline.
    You can then control-click (or right-click) on the misspelled words to
    reveal a list of possible spellings. 

IceWM 1.2.10 

    IceWM is a window manager designed for speed, usability, and
    consistency. It is able to emulate the looks of Motif, OS/2, and
    Windows, and allows you to have a customizable look using pixmaps. 

Jaxup 1.01 

    Jaxup is a Java library that defines an interface to update XML
    documents, through which clients can work without knowledge of the
    exact object model that the document uses. The interface is called
    Updater, and the idea behind it is the same as with Jaxen's Navigator
    interface. In addition, an implementation of xmldb.org's proposed
    XUpdate specification is provided. Jaxup supports DOM, JDom, and DOM4J. 

JBother .01 

    JBother is a Jabber client specifically written for inter-office
    communications. It uses the Smack Jabber libraries and the Kunststoff

JEditorCombo b1-r1 

    JEditorCombo is a Java application with a tabbed interface. One tab
    offers RTF document editing. The other tab offers plain text editing.
    The plain text editor also offers the ability to send the current
    document as the body of an email. No additional APIs are required to
    send the email, since it is handled internally. Both editors have undo
    and redo capability. 

JPluck 2.0 pre14 (2.x)

    JPluck converts Web sites to Plucker documents for offline reading on
    your handheld. 

JSP TestRunner 0.4 

    JSP TestRunner is a tag library for performing JUnit test cases/suites
    from a JSP page. This can be used for testing the deployment staus, or
    for testing test cases in the same environment as the deployment

kbarcode 1.4.0 (Stable)

    KBarcode is a barcode and label printing application for KDE 3. It can
    be used to print everything from simple business cards up to complex
    labels with several barcodes, such as article descriptions. KBarcode
    comes with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG label designer, a setup wizard, batch
    import of labels (directly from the delivery note), thousands of
    predefined labels, database managment tools, and translations in many
    languages. Even printing more than 10,000 labels in one go is no
    problem for KBarcode. Additionally, it is a simple xbarcode replacement
    for the creation of barcodes. All major types of barcodes like EAN,
    UPC, CODE39, and ISBN are supported. 

Kopete 0.7.1 

    Kopete is a flexible and extendable multiple protocol instant messaging
    system designed as a plugin-based system. All protocols are plugins and
    allow modular installation, configuration, and usage without the main
    application knowing anything about the plugin being loaded. The goal of
    Kopete is to provide users with a standard and easy to use interface
    between all of their instant messaging systems, but at the same time
    also providing developers with the ease of writing plugins to support a
    new protocol. The core Kopete development team provides a handful of
    plugins that most users can use, in addition to templates for new
    developers to base a plugin on. 

Libbt 0.02 

    Libbt is a C-language implementation of the BitTorrent protocol suite
    for Unix that was designed to be linked into a variety of languages. It
    is implemented as a memory-efficient single threaded library, and has
    fdset maintenance that can be used to either add in to your select loop
    or its own main loop. 

libspopc 0.5.8 (Stable)

    libspopc is a simple-to-use POP3 client library. It's primary goal is
    to provide an easy and quick way to host a POP3 client within a program
    to C developers without exposing them to socket programming. However,
    the socket layer is also accessible. libspopc allows mail programs to
    connect to many POP accounts and manage email. It implements the client
    side of RFC 1939. The email client can download email headers before
    downloading the entire message. 

Lifebook B-Series Touchscreen Driver for XFree 4.x 0.7.4 (Stable)

    This is a touchscreen driver for XFree86 4.x for the Fujitsu-Siemens
    Lifebook B-Series. 

Local Area Security Knoppix 0.4a 

    Local Area Security Knoppix is a 'Live CD' distribution based on
    Knoppix but with a strong emphasis on security tools and small
    footprint. There are four different versions of L.A.S. Knoppix to fit
    three specific needs. These are a Firewall/IDS-centric version, a
    penetration testing/forensics version, a MiniCD-size version covering a
    full spectrum of tools, and a SECSERV secure mini-server that runs off

lsh 2003-08-10 (lsh-gss)

    lsh is a GNU GPL-licensed implementation of the SSH (version 2)
    protocol. It includes a server, a client, and some utility programs. 

malavita 0.9.3 

    malavita (Mattia's LaTeX Viewgraph Tactics) is a package which uses
    LaTeX to produce nice (though not particularly spiffy) viewgraphs
    intended for (mostly) scientific presentations. 

Martian Memory 1.1 

    Martian Memory is a simple memory game oriented to kids, featuring the
    Pachi el marciano's world characters. The goal of the game is to pick
    up two identical chips from a board that contains 32. The game contains
    very nice visual effects, sounds, and very nice music composed by Jonne

Mathomatic 10.4 

    Mathomatic is a symbolic math program that can solve, simplify,
    combine, differentiate, and compare algebraic equations. Complex number
    and polynomial arithmetic are supported. This is a console mode
    application that works entirely in text mode. ANSI color escape
    sequences are enabled by default. 

Media player Video CD plugins 0.6.1 (VLC)

    These Video CD plugins strive to add the full compliment of advanced
    Video CD features, including playback control (PBC), display of hi-res
    still frames, and menu selections. There is a plugin for xine and one
    for vlc. 

Medialibrary 0.4.1 

    Medialibrary is a standalone application which catalogs all of your
    media files (on hard disk and CD). You can browse, sort, search, and
    organize them once indexed. It features a user-friendly GUI,
    hierarchical categories, ADC (.cat) file support, search, and
    statistics, and MP3 ID3 parsing. 

MIMEDefang 2.36 

    MIMEDefang is a flexible MIME email scanner designed to protect Windows
    clients from viruses. However, it can do many other kinds of mail
    processing, such as replacing parts of messages with URLs, adding
    boilerplate disclaimers, and so on. It can alter or delete various
    parts of a MIME message according to a very flexible configuration
    file. It can also bounce messages with unacceptable attachments.
    MIMEDefang works with Sendmail 8.11/8.12's new "Milter" API,
    which makes it more flexible and efficient than procmail-based

Mobile Database 0.0.2 

    Mobile Database is a set of classes writen in the compact Java language
    called Ewe. These classes allow you to have database access on your
    handhelds, and allow you to very easily deploy on any platform the
    supports Java. Virtual Machines are provided for almost all Handhelds
    via the Ewe project including PocketPC, Palm, and the Zaurus. This
    database can also be accessed via any Java 1.2-compatible VM. 

Netcurse 1.0 

    Netcurse is a curses-based network speed monitor written in C. It can
    also run over networks because of its client/daemon architecture. 

ORSA 0.3.0 

    Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis (ORSA) is a framework
    for Celestial Mechanics investigations. The main goals of the project
    are the implementation of state of the art orbit integration
    algorithms, with concerns on accuracy and performance, and the
    development of a number of analysis tools. Commandline and graphical
    interfaces are also provided. 

OtherWay IRCd 1.0 

    OtherWay is an IRC daemon based on Hybrid/PTlink6.15.0. It has all the
    powerful features of Hybrid and PTlink, along with new user/channel
    modes, commands, and much more. 

Ozibug 2.0 

    Ozibug is a platform-independent, Web-based bug tracking system. It is
    written entirely in Java, and utilizes servlet technology. This allows
    Ozibug to be installed and run on any platform for which a Java Virtual
    Machine (JVM) and servlet container are available. It provides key
    features such as audit trails, file attachments, multiple module
    support, email notifications, system statistics, XML data storage,
    custom reports and RSS feeds. For those who require more flexibility,
    it also offers fine-grained access control, full internationalization,
    optional database storage plus a customizable appearance, email
    notifications, and reference data. 

pal 0.2.3 

    pal is a commandline utility which displays a color calendar and marks
    approaching events and holidays. It supports several different types of
    recurring events (one time, annual, monthly, etc.). Events are defined
    in text files, and pal is distributed with files for significant
    holidays and events. pal is similar to both the Unix "cal"
    command and OpenBSD's "calendar" command. 

PalmApple 0.65 

    PalmApple is an Apple //e emulator for PalmOS. It emulates the Apple
    //e with 64K RAM, an 80 column card, in Hi/Low Res Mode. It runs in
    both 160x160 and 320x320 on OS4/OS5 devices. 

PHProjekt 4.0.4 (Stable)

    PHProjekt is a groupware suite which supports communication and
    management of teams and companies via an Intranet and the Internet. It
    consists of multiple components, including a group calendar with
    resource booking, a time card system, project management, a request
    tracker, a mutual filesystem, a contact manager, a mail client, a
    forum, chat, notes, shared bookmarks, todo lists, a voting system, and
    reminders. An API allows the integration of several available addons
    (e.g. Web shop, WAP suite, sync tools) or own applications. It is
    available for MySQL, Postgres, Interbase, Oracle, Informix, MS-SQL, and
    28 languages. 

phpSecureSite 0.1.0 

    phpSecureSite is a modular authentication, session handling and
    security system for Web applications that was built using PHP. It
    features a stripped-down core that takes care of basic session
    handling, and modules for other functionality like brute force
    protection, session variables, and access control lists. 

pnDBadmin 1.0 

    A module that converts tables to InnoDB, creates INDEXES where needed,
    and checks and/or repairs a table. 

prov 1.0 

    prov is form overlay printing tool for Unix-like systems. Form overlay
    is one of the printing techniques often used with a mainframe. It gives
    data a fixed title, a ruled line table, etc., which are defined by
    dissociating from data, and prints them on Unix-like systems. 

Pure FTP Server 1.0.16 

    Pure FTP Server is a fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP
    server based on Troll-FTPd. It has no known vulnerability, it is
    trivial to set up, and it is especially designed for modern kernels.
    Features include PAM support, IPv6, chroot()ed home directories,
    virtual domains, built-in 'ls', FXP protocol, anti-warez system,
    bandwidth throttling, restricted ports for passive downloads, an LDAP
    backend, XML output, and more. 

Python Gutenberg E-text Project 0.6.0 

    The PyGE project aims to provide free cross-platform desktop
    applications to make the growing collection of copyright-free literary
    works from Project Gutenberg more accessible to the typical computer
    user. The suite includes PyGETS, a program for searching and
    downloading available PG e-texts, PyGEMZ, a program for converting
    e-texts to a format suitable for both desktop and Palm PDA usage, and
    PyGERS, a program for comfortably viewing e-texts which includes basic
    text-to-speech capabilities. 

Quasi-Operational 1.0 

    Quasi-Operational is a greyscale theme with pixmapped buttons, rounded
    windows/toolbar/slit, menu/slit alpha, and more. It's dark, sexy, and
    relatively simple. 

QuoteEngine 1.1.0 

    The QuoteEngine is an eggdrop TCL script (with an optional PHP-based
    Web interface) that allows channel users (with the right flags) to
    store IRC quotes in a MySQL database. Adding, searching, fetching, and
    deleting from the channel are supported. Multiple channel support is

Rad SFTP Applet 1.00 

    The Rad SFTP Applet is a secure FTP applet with a Java GUI. 

RenderX XEP 3.5.4 

    RenderX XEP is a commercial-grade application written in Java for
    dynamic rendering of XML documents. XEP is a pluggable architectural
    component that takes two open standard inputs, XML data and XSL FO
    stylesheet, and produces the industry's defacto standards for
    high-quality rendered electronic documents, Adobe PDF and PostScript.
    XEP supports many extensions to the XSL FO specification, including SVG
    graphics and PDF-to-PDF linking. 

rewrap 1.0 

    rewrap rewraps paragraphs, separated by blank lines, from standard
    input and writes them to standard output, removing multi-spaces. It is
    mainly written for Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders
    postproofing files, but can be applied to any text file. 

Scintilla 1.54 

    Scintilla is a free source code editing component for Win32 and GTK+.
    As well as features found in standard text editing components,
    Scintilla includes features especially useful when editing and
    debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error
    indicators, code completion and call tips. Styling choices are more
    open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts,
    bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and
    multiple fonts. 

SciTE 1.54 

    SciTE is a GUI-based single-document editor which uses the Scintilla
    editor component. It rapidly styles most common programming languages
    with good control over how syntactic elements are displayed, and
    features folding for C++, C, Java, JavaScript, and Python. Styling of
    HTML also styles embedded scripts written in VBScript, Javascript, or

Simp 1.01 

    Simp is a single-player turn-based platform puzzle game written in
    Eiffel with simple SDL graphics. It is impossible to lose because there
    are unlimited undo levels, but some levels are nevertheless very

SkunkWeb 3.4b4 

    SkunkWeb is a scalable, extensible, and easy-to-use Web application
    server written in Python. It is designed for handling both high-traffic
    sites and smaller sites. Its features include a powerful component
    model and an elegant templating language that encourages
    component-based design, highly configurable caching (on disk and/or in
    memory) of compiled templates and component output, message catalog
    support for i18n, and remote component calls. It can be used with
    Apache via an Apache module, or it can serve HTTP requests directly. 

SledgeHammer 0.2 

    SledgeHammer is a template engine for PHP. It separates business logic
    and presentation layers into two distinct files. It provides variable
    replacement, conditional blocks, and loops. 

Spam-me-not 0.4 

    Spam-me-not is a JavaScript form that helps you encode email addresses
    for Web pages (no JavaScript is needed on target pages). It is meant to
    hide email addresses from address-collecting spam spiders. 

Squid 3.0 PRE2 - 20030812 (Development)

    Squid is a high performance Web proxy cache that can be arranged
    hierarchically for an improvement in response times and a reduction in
    bandwith usage. Squid runs on all popular Unix and Windows platforms. 

SunGazer PacketFilter 0.4.0pre2 (Stable)

    The SunGazer PacketFilter is a small and simple tool to set up firewall
    rules. It uses iptables and is easy to use and to configure. 

SuperVESA FrameBuffer Driver 1.0 

    SuperVESAfb is a framebuffer driver for VESA 2.0-compliant graphic
    cards. It allows you to change the resolution and color depth

Systems Panel 1.0.3 

    The Systems Panel features 6 functions for organizing any size IT
    department. These features include knowledge base, ticket system,
    contact directory, and system inventory. Systems Panel's knowledge base
    allows you to quickly store, search, and view technical documentation.
    The Trouble Ticket System can manage all support problems for your IT
    department. It does this by allowing you to quickly store, track, and
    search trouble tickets. The Inventory feature allows you to track your
    entire computer system inventory. Information like serial numbers,
    model number, warranty data, or problem history can be store and
    tracked right from Systems Panel. Systems Panel is built on PHP and
    MySQL and can be implemented alongside any current intranet on your

TAMS 2.21a4 

    TAMS (Text Analysis Markup System) is a qualitative or ethnographic
    coding and data extraction-analysis system. 

TBCI 2.4.3 (Stable)

    TBCI is a C++ library which provides classes for Vectors, Matrices,
    etc., and defines operations on them. There are many Matrix classes
    providing specializations for different sparse matrices. They all
    feature a similar interface. TBCI comes with an extensive set of
    solvers for linear systems and an interface to lapack libraries. It
    uses the temporary base class idiom, which avoids unnecessary copying
    of data by having a notion of real and temporary objects which are
    treated differently with respect to assignment and copy c'tor. 

Think3d 0.0.0 

    Think3d is a brainstorming application, letting you easily create
    3-dimensional charts with your ideas. 

tresor 1.01-1 

    tresor is an application for performing full backup and fast restores
    with bytepositioning tape drives. This option is available on some
    Tandberg and Wangtek streamers and some SCSI-2 tape drives. It features
    flexible configuration, a database for multiple volumes, fast restores
    (due to direct seeking), a graphical user interface, tape operations
    based on dd, afio, and mt, and tape identification using its own
    header. Language support for German and English is included. 

Turck MMCache for PHP 2.3.22 

    Turck MMCache is a PHP accelerator and encoder. It increases
    performance of PHP scripts by caching them in a compiled state, so that
    the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also uses
    some optimizations for speeding up PHP scripts' execution. It typically
    reduces server load and increases the speed of PHP code by 1-10 times.
    It is tested with PHP 4.1.0-4.3.2, and Apache 1.3 and 2.0 under Linux
    and Windows. 

Twiggi Web Based Groupware 10.1.16 (Stable)

    Twiggi Web Based Groupware is a Web based groupware application,
    written in PHP4, using MySQL as its database engine. It was originally
    based on the excellent TWIG project. With many on-going enhancements,
    it is similar to Microsoft Outlook, and features the following modules:
    twiggi today, Mail, Contacts, Notes, ToDo, Bookmarks, and extensive
    online help (available in English and German). Twiggi has full language
    support for German, Dutch, Italian, and English. 

Ultra-Performance UDPForwarder 2.1 

    UDPForwarder forwards incoming UDP datagrams from a client to a
    specified server and forwards the server's response back to the client.
    This works 100% transparently, so clients think they are talking to the
    forwarder and the server does not notice the clients' real IP. It was
    initially designed to work as a transparent relay for online game
    traffic (static routing). It might be useful for hiding IPs or tricking
    firewalls. Its motivation and advantage over existing tools is its
    uncompromising focus on performance, which is crucial when dealing with
    hundreds and thousands of datagrams per second without allowing any
    rise in response time. 

Warewulf 1.13 

    Warewulf is a Linux cluster implementation tool that builds RAMDISK
    based filesystems and distributes them to the slave nodes. This
    facilitates a Central administration model for all nodes and includes
    tools needed to build configuration files, monitor, and control the
    nodes. It is totally customizable and can be adapted to just about any
    type of cluster. The node distributions are built from a virtual node
    filesystem residing on the master and transfered to the nodes either by
    Etherboot or CD-ROM images. Administration becomes scalable by having
    only one point of admin for all nodes. Node filesystems are very easy
    to customize, which makes Warewulf fit many different solutions. There
    are also a number of add-on software components (MPI, PVM, and Sun Grid
    Engine) for Warewulf. 

WinDriver 6.03 

    WinDriver is a professional USB/PCI/ISA/ISAPnP/EISA device driver
    development tool for Linux 2.0.31 and above. It lets you use powerful
    wizards to access and diagnose your hardware from an intuitive user
    mode interface. The wizard will also automatically generate your
    skeletal driver. Drivers written using WinDriver will also compile and
    run in Solaris 2.6, 2.7 (both x86 and Sparc), Windows NT/2000/XP,
    Windows 95/98/Me, Windows CE/CE.NET, and VxWorks. It has API support
    for multiple interface USB devices, dual processor and SMP support on
    Linux, and scatter/gather DMA support on Linux 2.4. 

X-ChaMan 0.7.5 

    X-ChaMan is a chapter manager for AVI/DIVX movies. It can display an
    easy-to-use GUI menu providing a choice of language (for BIVX) and
    chapter selection. X-ChaMan runs with mplayer or Xine. 

Xeuphoric 0.17.0 

    Xeuphoric is a port of Euphoric, Fabrice Francès' Oric emulator,
    to the X window system. It emulates the Oric-1, the Oric Atmos, and the

xMule v2 0.1.4 (wx UI)

    xMule v2 is a multi-platform client for the eDonkey2000 network. It
    supports multiple custom user interfaces (including console and Web
    interfaces) and a separate core module. The main user interface is
    written using the wxWindows GUI library and imitates the eMule 29c GUI. 

YorTracer  0.0.2

    YorTracer is a handy network trace program. A bleeding edge Web
    interface is included, where you can easily see which NetBIOS machines
    are on the network. 

Your Operating System 3.2.2-09082003-1.1 

    YOS is a compact, personalised, and optimised OS with support for RPM,
    deb, and tgz packages, with 200 packages carefully selected and
    compiled for speed and stability. It has an automatic hardware
    detection system, which should detect most modern hardware. 

zoem 03-224 

    Zoem is a macro/programming language. It can be used as an all-round
    macro language, but has more specialized uses as well. One such
    specific use is its support for creating small mark-up languages that
    map to different devices. It has character filtering capabilities
    tailored to this application. Two such languages come packaged with
    zoem; one for creating manual pages that can be output either in troff
    or in HTML, the other for creating FAQs again in either troff or HTML
    output. It supports arithmetic evaluation, regular expressions,
    multidimensional data storage, iteration, comprehensive IO, control
    operators, dictionary stacks, system commands, and more. 

Newsforge Reports
Strike Three for Microsoft IP

    - by Joe Barr - Microsoft has been found -- again -- to have infringed
    upon the intellectual property rights of others. This seems to be a
    recurring theme with Microsoft, who often tries to pose as a champion
    of intellectual property rights. 

Hats off to Fedora package manager

    - by Joe Barr - Package management -- the way we install and maintain
    applications -- is a problem for many Linux users. One of the projects
    working on the problem is Fedora, a project that wants to be recognized
    as "the Debian of Red Hat." 

Linux is coming to Juno and Netzero

    - by Joe Barr - United Online is planning to support Linux. United
    Online is the parent firm for such well-known ISPs as Juno, Netzero,
    and Blue Light. According to data from their most recent
    quarter-closing reports, United Online has more than 2.5 million
    subscribers, making them the fourth-largest dial-up ISP in the world,
    trailing only AOL, MSN, and Earthlink. 

Newsforge Newsvac
New computer worm lacks distinct name, but the trouble is clear

     A new computer worm has been born, and area network security groups
    are still trying to figure out what to name it as it makes its way into
    the world. 

Opinion: Reasons To Shun Open Source-ry

     Linux is not ready for the enterprise. When I argued that point a
    month ago, I didn't really believe it. But I took the position to make
    a point about the need to properly justify IT decisions. Over the
    years, I've seen many IT executives lose their jobs or trash their
    careers because they made a decision that was obvious to them but could
    not be effectively defended to upper management or internal auditors. 

Real Pushes Open Source Media Player

     This past week at LinuxWorld, Real Networks announced its latest
    endeavor: an open source digital audio and video player for Linux, Unix
    and Solaris that meets the quality of the company's flagship RealOne

   Microsoft hires chief for China

     A top executive has left Motorola to head the software giant's
    operations in China, according to a report. 

   Metrowerks adds kernel-level debugging to embedded Linux toolsuite

     Metrowerks, Motorola's software tools subsidiary, has added
    kernel-level debugging capabilities to its development tools for
    embedded Linux environments with the launch today of the CodeWarrior
    Development Studio, ARM ISA Edition for Linux Platform Development,
    Version 2.0. In addition to its support for ARM processors, Metrowerks
    soon expects to extend Linux kernel-level debug capabilities to other
    architectures, including Motorola's ... 

SCO not exactly the lovable little guy

     Sometimes in a David and Goliath story, you want to root for Goliath. 

Lessons to be learnt installing Linux

     It was a dark and stormy night. Beside the deserted desk lay a small
    pile of notebook computers, waiting to be evaluated. In front lay a CD
    of Linux TLE and the latest version of Pladao, the localised version of
    Open Office. The atmosphere was cold, silent, depressing. Getting Linux
    to run properly on those notebooks was harder than any of us had
    initially thought. 

Army has `Warlord' Linux

     The Royal Thai Army has implemented its own flavour of Linux called
    Khunsuk (Warlord) and developed in-house to make the most use of its
    old computers. 

Linux luminaries explain why the time is now

     We did not set out to make this a ``Linux issue'' of Post Database,
    but you would be forgiven for thinking that we had made a special
    effort this week to chase down stories about the open source operating
    system that is on the up-and-up. 

BMC widens support for Linux

     BMC Software announced a new version of its Deployment Manager for
    Linux software Tuesday as well as increased support for enterprise
    Linux software. 

Computing: 17" Samsung 170N  LCD Display

PC Mods: Startech Cool Aluminator PC Case

Computing: Multimedia Access Panels

Computing: Zip-Linq Cell Phone Charger Kits

Computing: Kensington WiFi Finder

Computing: Zip-Linq Retractable Network/Modem Cables

Computing: Zip-Linq Zip-Mouse

Cube Goodies: Smart Mug

Cube Goodies: Moving Gear Clock

Computing: BenQ FP2081 20" LCD Display

Gadgets: Microscope Pen

Gadgets: Candeloo Rechargeable Lamps

Computing: ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

Electronics: Mustek [EMAIL PROTECTED] D30 Digital Camera

PC Mods: Cigarette Lighter Mod

PC Mods: Bubble Lights

PC Mods: Meteor Light

Cube Goodies: Levitating Desktop Globes

Tshirts: No, I will not fix your computer

Interests: ph34r t3h Cute Ones T-Shirt

CK-Ledger v.0.7.1 released

    A new release, v.0.7.1, of CK-Ledger, has been posted at
    SourceForge.Net, http://sf.net/projects/ck-ledger. New features include
    traditional Chinese translation, simplified Chinese translation,
    Postgresql 7.3.2 compatibility, enhanced payroll generation process and
    enhanced email advice when HR staff action on timesheet and leave
    application. Other enhancements and bug fixes are also included.
    CK-Ledger (with 15 modules, Ledger Admin, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation,
    Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for
    Manager, HR, Staff Self Service, Payroll) runs on top of phpGroupWare.
    Operating platform can either be LAMP or LAPP. It provides accounting
    and back office functionalities to SMEs and utilizes phpgw to
    administer accounts/groups. Please report error and suggestion to the
    mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] . General history
    and expected development is available at the mailing list's Archive.
    Demo is located at, http://ck-ledger.sourceforge.net
    http://ck-ledger.gro.clinux.org http://ck-ledger.cosoft.org.cn Download
    is available from, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ck-ledger

Gimp-Print 4.3.19 (development)

    Gimp-Print 4.3.19, released August 8, 2003, is a development release of
    this package. Like all development releases, this version is considered
    unstable and should only be used by those individuals tolerant of the
    likelihood of problems. Individuals desiring a stable release of
    Gimp-Print should use the latest 4.2 release. Gimp-Print is a suite of
    printer drivers that may be used with most common UNIX print spooling
    systems, including CUPS, lpr, LPRng, or others. These drivers provide
    high quality printing for UNIX (including Macintosh OS X 10.2 and
    newer) and Linux systems in many cases equal to or better than
    proprietary vendor-supplied drivers, and can be used for many of the
    most demanding printing tasks. This software includes the Print plug-in
    for the Gimp, and Ghostscript and CUPS drivers, including Foomatic
    data. The Print plugin for the Gimp requires the Gimp 1.2 (later
    versions of the Gimp are not supported). You may need to install a
    package named "gimp-devel" or the like on many distributions. The CUPS
    driver requires CUPS 1.1.15 or higher. You may need to install a
    package named "cups-devel" or the like on many distributions. The
    Foomatic data will work with either Foomatic 2.x or 3.x. Foomatic 3.x
    has additional capabilities that this package detects and takes
    advantage of. The IJS-based GhostScript plugin driver requires GNU
    Ghostscript 6.53 or later, ESP Ghostscript 7.05 or later, or APFL
    GhostScript 7.04 or later. Users of Macintosh OS X 10.2 and above can
    use this package, as the printing system is based on CUPS, which is
    supported by Gimp-print. Note that Macintosh OS X 10.0 and 10.1
    (including 10.1.5) cannot use this package. Please read the README file
    for full instructions on installing this package. Gimp-Print 4.3.19
    contains the following major changes over Gimp-Print 4.3.18: 1) An
    ImageType setting has been added, with several settings for common
    types of image (text, graphics, photograph, mixed). This setting
    controls a bundle of other options, considerably simplifying the
    available choices. The Manual Control setting enables setting the
    individual options. 2) The ImageOptimization setting has been renamed
    ColorCorrection. The main effect of this is that settings for the
    ImageOptimization control in the GIMP plugin will not be carried
    forward from 4.3.18; they will need to be changed back. 3) The Cyan,
    Magenta, Yellow, and Black controls have been renamed CyanGamma,
    MagentaGamma, YellowGamma, and BlackGamma to avoid technically illegal
    constructs in the PPD files. 4) Preliminary support for the Epson
    Stylus Photo 935, C43SX, C43UX, C44SX, and C44UX. 5) The
    cups-genppdupdate script and PPD files are fixed such that
    cups-genppdupdate will work in future releases. The script relies upon
    new information in the PPD files, so the script will not correctly
    update PPD files from 4.3.18. However, going forward the script will
    operate correctly. In addition, the cups-genppdupdate script no longer
    requires the non-standard Compress:Zlib perl module. 6) Color quality
    has been improved substantially for Epson printers. 7) The CUPS driver
    (rastertoprinter) now prefixes all messages with "Gimp-Print: " to
    simplify recognition of messages in the CUPS error log. 8) The Quality
    setting now controls additional options in the core (dithering and
    color correction). 9) The escputil utility has been changed to use the
    core package for its printer information database, so all Epson
    printers recognized by the core package will now be recognized by
    escputil. In addition, the -d option now prints out only the printer
    model name rather than the entire status line, and adds an option to
    print out only the short name. Finally, certain cases where escputil
    did not wait correctly for output from the printer have been fixed. 10)
    The XML code has been updated to mxml 1.1.2. 11) A bug in the curve
    code whereby rescaling wraparound curves increases the number of points
    has been fixed. 12) Constraints have been added to the PPD files such
    that using grayscale or black and white mode, or using the Quality or
    Image Type settings, will disable certain options. 13) Support and
    tuning for Epson Watercolor - Radiant White paper has been added for
    printers using Ultrachrome ink (matte black). In addition, Premium
    Luster and Premium Semigloss papers have been tuned on most printers. 

PasswordSafe 1.9.2c released

    Password Safe is a password database utility. Users can keep their
    passwords securely encrypted on their computers. A single Safe
    Combination unlocks them all. Release 1.92c is available for download.
    This is a maintenance release, fixing a few minor annoyances: Bugfix
    [783314] Clearing the clipboard now properly trashes the password in
    process memory, as well as emptying the clipboard. Bugfix [760656]
    Passing a filename that contains spaces via the command line now works
    correctly. Previously, the quotation marks confused PasswordSafe.
    Bugfix [777367] The Edit/View Item dialog box's Help button now works
    correctly. RFE [772212] Pressing Cancel when prompted for the password
    when unminimizing the application no longer exits the program. (Would
    happen only if "Lock password database on minimize" is set) Bugfix
    [769820] Pressing Cancel in the Clear Clipboard dialog box will now
    prevent the passowrd from being copied to the clipboard. Previously, it
    was equivalent to pressing OK. (Would happen only if "Confirm item copy
    to clipboard" was selected) RFE [768870] Added a manifest file for
    native Windows XP theme support. RFE [754790] The option "Clear the
    clipboard when minimized" has been changed to "Clear clipboard upon
    minimize or exit". Previously, the clipboard was unconditionally
    cleared upon exit. This allows the user to change the behaviour. The
    PocketPC release incorporates the fixes of the Windows release. In
    addition, the endianness of devices built around the SH3 CPU is now
    correct. Thanks to Gregg and Karlo for their work fixing the bugs, and
    to Kevin for building the PocketPC versions. Link to files:
    =177038 md5sums: 49b87547f2a09178d2b50bfd4bc72283 pwsafe-1.9.2c-bin.zip
    7f00423b03db942422a933039d73fb21 pwsafe-1.9.2c-ppc-bin.zip
    bb25d7ab1f0d9bcaf4133b7c311e24c8 pwsafe-1.9.2c-src.zip 


    This project is a set of Ruby language bindings for the various
    application development libraries included with the GNOME/GTK+
    environment. This project is for GTK+2.0 or later. Ruby-GNOME2-0.6.0 is
    now available. Enjoy! Highlights ========== * Support ruby-1.8.0. *
    Added Ruby/GnomeVFS, Ruby/GtkHtml2 * Merged Ruby/GStreamer * Fixed some
    bugs, Improved. * Some classes/methods were added. Downloads =========
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53614 * ruby-gtk2
    The minimum package which includes Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GdkPixbuf,
    Ruby/Pango, Ruby/GTK2. * ruby-gstreamer The minimum package for
    Ruby/GStreamer. Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GStreamer. * ruby-gnome2 All of
    Ruby-GNOME2 libraries. Changes since version 0.5.0
    =========================== * Ruby/GLib - mkmf-gnome2.rb,rbglib.h,
    rbgobject.h, rbgutil.h are installed to site-ruby directories. The
    other libraries which depends on Ruby/GLib can compile in any
    directotires. [Masahiro Sakai, Masao Mutoh] - Support ruby-1.8.0 [Masao
    Mutoh] - Added new macros: [Geoff Youngs, Masao Mutoh]
    and Fixed some bugs. [Masahiro Sakai] GLib::Object, GLib::Type,
    GLib::Closure, GLib::Signal, - Added some methods: [Masahiro Sakai]
    GLib::Param, GLib::Param::*, GLib::Boxed, GLib::Signal, GLib::Pointer -
    Removed some methods. [Masahiro Sakai] GLib::Param::*#default,
    #default_value * Ruby/GTK - Follow Ruby/GLib changes. [Sakai, Masahiro,
    Masao Mutoh] - rbgtk.h are installed to site-ruby directories. The
    other libraries which depends on Ruby/GTK can compile in any
    directotires. [Masao Mutoh] - Completed: [Geoff Youngs, Masao Mutoh]
    Gtk::Clipboard, Gtk::Menu, Gtk::Notebook, Gtk::Socket, Gtk::Plug,
    Gtk::FileSelection, Gtk::ListStore, Gtk::TreeStore, Gtk::TreeModel,
    Gtk::TextView, Gtk::Notebook, Gtk::ColorSelection, Gtk::Style,
    Gtk::ItemFactory, Gtk::Invisible, Gtk::TreeSortable, Gtk::TreeView,
    Gtk::TreeSelection, Gtk::TreePath, Gtk::TreeViewColumn, Gtk::Drag,
    Gtk::TextTag, Gtk module - Added and completed. Gtk::TreeDragSource,
    Gtk::TreeDragDest, - Added some methods, improved, fixed bugs: [Geoff
    Youngs, Masahiro Sakai, Masao Mutoh] Gdk::Window, Gdk::Drawable,
    Gdk::EventProperty, Gdk module, Gtk::Object, Gtk::Editable,
    Gtk::TreeModel, Gtk module, Gtk::TextBuffer, Gtk::IMContext, Gtk::Menu
    - Added: [Geoff Youngs, Masao Mutoh] Gtk::BingindSet, Gdk::Display,
    Gdk::Screen - Removed: [Masao Mutoh] Gtk::Socket#xwindow,
    Gtk::Menu#set_path, Gtk::Notebook#popup_disable/enable,
    Gtk::ItemFactory.add_foreign Gtk::TreeSortable#sort_func=,
    Gtk::TreePath#to_s * Ruby/GNOME - Follow Ruby/GLib changes. [Masao
    Mutoh] - Add Gnome::PixmapEntry#set_preview. [Masao Mutoh] *
    Ruby/GnomeCanvas - Follow Ruby/GLib changes. [Masao Mutoh] *
    Ruby/Libglade - Follow Ruby/GLib changes. [Masao Mutoh] * Ruby/Libart -
    Follow Ruby/GLib changes. [Masao Mutoh] * Ruby/GConf - Fix a bug
    [744158] [Masao Mutoh] * Ruby/GStreamer [NEW] - Merged with
    Ruby-GStreamer project. [Laurent Sansonetti] - Version informations are
    also merged. - Completed: [Laurent Sansonetti] Gst, Gst::Autoplug,
    Gst::Cpu, Gst::Format, Gst::Object, Gst::PadTemplate, Gst::Pipeline,
    Gst::PluginFeature, Gst::QueryType, Gst::Type - Added and completed.
    [Laurent Sansonetti] Gst::AutoplugFactory, Gst::EventMask,
    Gsk::EventSeek, Gst::EventSegmentSeek, Gst::EventSize, Gst::Parse,
    Gst::SystemClock, Gst::Thread,Gst::MediaInfo, Gst::MediaInfoStream,
    Gst::MediaInfoTrack - Added some methods, improved, fixed bugs:
    [Laurent Sansonetti] Gst::Caps, Gst::Clock, Gst::Plugin, Gst::Pad,
    Gst::Element, - Added: [Nikolai :: lone-star :: Weibull, Laurent
    Sansonetti] sample/media-type.rb, gst-inspect.rb, mediap-type2.rb *
    Ruby/GnomeVFS [NEW] - Initial release. [Nikolai :: lone-star ::
    Weibull] - Completed: [Nikolai :: lone-star :: Weibull] GnomeVFS
    module, GnomeVFS::Directory, GnomeVFS::Monitor, GnomeVFS::FileInfo,
    GnomeVFS::Error - Added: [Nikolai :: lone-star :: Weibull]
    GnomeVFS::File, GnomeVFS::URI * Ruby/GtkHtml2 [NEW] - Initial release.
    [Martin Povoln] - Added: [Martin Povoln] Gtk::HtmlDocument,

Archetypes 1.0 Released

    Archetypes is a framework for the development of new Content Types in
    Zope/CMF/Plone. Schema driven automatic form generation, simple
    integration with rich content types, and a lower entry bar to the
    complex requirements Zope places on new content objects. New Archetypes
    Release is out on the streets. Powered by Brazilian coffee :^) Just
    made the final 1.0 release of
    "Archetypes":http://sf.net/projects/archetypes This new release
    includes a whole bunch of bugfixes, improved FTP support for
    BaseContent-based objects with the new RFC822Marshaller (made default),
    slight UI cleaning, fixed handling of error messages on form
    validation. Also, on this release the *transform* package was
    deprecated, and the *validation* and *transform* packages were turned
    into standalone distutils-enabled packages. Get the files here: -
    _0-final.tgz?download -
    .tar.gz?download (required) -
    .0.tar.gz?download (required) - "Portal
    rms-1.0a2.tar.bz2?download (optional) Many thanks go to Benjamin
    Saller, Sylvain Thenault, Andy McKay, Alan Runyan, Philipp Auersperg,
    Robert Boulanger, Fabiano Weimar dos Santos and all the folks that
    submitted patches and bug reports. -- Sidnei da Silva dreamcatching ::
    making your dreams come true

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