I think I might be having a related problem. I have recently updgraded from
OSG1.2 to 2.1.1. In my old app, I had a node inherited from Camera, loosely
based on the osgDepthPartition example, which worked as a parent for
skyboxes/spheres. It used to:

1) prevent its children from participating in the znear/zfar
auto-calculation, thanks to this->setCullingMode(DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR)
2) force its projection matrix to a fixed value within an overloaded
3) include osg::Depth to always draw at screen z=1

Under this would be a transform (like the ObserverCentredTransform in
osghangglide) to keep any skysphere centred on the observer, and underneath
that would be a sphere/box.

This worked great under OSG1.2 and earlier; it made sure that
skyspheres/boxes were always visible, were always at screen z=1, and were
never clipped by znear/zfar autocalculation. Unfortunately, now it certainly
isn't working - in particular, it now clips, and also is no longer drawing
at screen z=1, despite the osg::Depth call.

Has something fundamental changed concerning osg::Cameras in their migration
from osg::CameraNode?

Any direction would be useful.

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