> http://www.opengl.org/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=015351;p=0
> > The OpenGL ARB officially announced OpenGL 3 on August 8th 2007 at
> > the Siggraph Birds of a Feather (BOF) in San Diego, CA. OpenGL 3 is
> > the official name for what has previously been called OpenGL Longs
> > Peak. OpenGL 3 is a great increase in efficiency in an already
> > excellent API. It provides a solid, consistent and well thought out
> > basis for the future. OpenGL 3 is a true industry effort with broad
> > support from all vendors in the ARB. The OpenGL 3 specification is on
> > track to be finalized at the next face-to-face meeting of the OpenGL
> > ARB, at the end of August. This means the specification can be
> > publicly available as soon as the end of September, after the
> > mandatory 30 day Khronos approval period has passed. Also presented
> > today were the changes to the OpenGL Shading Language that will
> > accompany OpenGL 3.
> >
> > We look forward to your discussions in this thread.
> someone wanted to know when will osg support opengl 3? yes i know the
> specs aren't even finalized, but i want to give the guy an answer and not
> let him pass in a forum with foul arguments against osg, especially not at
> heise.de. ;)
> kind regards
Good readings for today here :

Serge Lages
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