Hi Gert,

On 8/20/07, Gert van Maren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know it works but performance over the internet is just not really
> anything like GE (OSG1.2). Maybe 2.x is faster... maybe it is our web
> server...

By GE do you mean Google Earth?

Google Earth uses JPEG compression of imagery will helps alot.  osgdem
by default generates OpenGL compressed textures which results in much
much large tiles and poorer paging over the web - but much better
performance when loading from a local disk.  osgdem as it stands is
focused on local disk performance.

In the rewrite of VPB I will be adding options to generate databases
much more suitable for paging over the web where latency and bandwidth
are serious issue.  Optimizations will include support for compressed
imagery and more compact geometry representations.

1.2 and 2.x will be almost identical in performance w.r.t paging over
the web as the format of the database is the same, and the net plugin
is largely the same too - these are the things that gate performance.

 > I saw there was a discussion about speeding up the net plugin about 8
> months ago and the answer was to wait for a complete multi threaded
> database pager?

Allowing multiple loads to happen at one time would probably help as
this would enable multiple connections at once, something that can
help improve paging performance.  Some of the work that I've done on
generalising threading support in the OSG over the past six months
will make it more straight forward to add multiple load threads from
within the database pager, but I haven't done the final bits to wire
up DatabasePager with it yet.

The other route is make the net plugin to be more efficient, I have no
expertise in this area so will have to defer to others.

In the end the solution to better paging over the web performance will
come from a combination of better runtime paging/download performance
and better database generation tuned for lower bandwidth.

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