Hi Robert,

>> server...
> By GE do you mean Google Earth?


> by default generates OpenGL compressed textures which results in much
> much large tiles and poorer paging over the web - but much better
> performance when loading from a local disk.  osgdem as it stands is
> focused on local disk performance.

That makes sense.

> In the rewrite of VPB I will be adding options to generate databases
> much more suitable for paging over the web where latency and bandwidth
> are serious issue.  Optimizations will include support for compressed
> imagery and more compact geometry representations.

Excellent. As of this week we'll go across to OSG 2.x / VPB 0.9x and I'll  
start doing some extensive testing.

> In the end the solution to better paging over the web performance will
> come from a combination of better runtime paging/download performance
> and better database generation tuned for lower bandwidth.

Great, thanks for your explanation.

Regards Gert

Gert van Maren

Head of Research & Development
K2Vi Virtual Reality Software
Data Interface Technologies Ltd

Phone: +64 21 2855581
Web: http://www.k2vi.com

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