Hi guys,

Still getting crashes on dual core machines in osg21-osgTextd.dll / osg21-osgd.dll (with 2.1.10 (also 2.1.9)). It seems to do with the osgdb_freetyped.dll because when we disable all osgText in our app -> the osgdb_freetyped.dll does not get loaded hence no crashes. If I disable dual core in the bios, I can have text -> no crashes.

So when running dual core -> still osgText crashes.

below: the 'windows' output for 2 crashes and I have attached a call stack as well.

'v3_viewerd.exe': Loaded 'D:\OpenSceneGraph-2.1.10\OpenSceneGraph\bin\osgplugins-2.1.10\osgdb_freetyped.dll', Symbols loaded. First-chance exception at 0x00cd1161 (osg21-osgTextd.dll) in v3_viewerd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000. First-chance exception at 0x7c812a5b in v3_viewerd.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] @ 0x00000000.

'v3_viewerd.exe': Loaded 'D:\OpenSceneGraph-2.1.10\OpenSceneGraph\bin\osgplugins-2.1.10\osgdb_freetyped.dll', Symbols loaded. First-chance exception at 0x008b4232 (osg21-osgd.dll) in v3_viewerd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0006ffff.

Hopefully this points to the bug.


Gert van Maren

Head of Research & Development
K2Vi Virtual Reality Software
Data Interface Technologies Ltd

Phone: +64 21 2855581
Web: http://www.k2vi.com
>       msvcr71d.dll!_nh_malloc_dbg(unsigned int nSize=1, int nhFlag=3, int 
> nBlockUse=1240720, const char * szFileName=0x0012ef30, int nLine=0)  Line 267 
> + 0x7 C
        msvcr71d.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject=0x0012eeac, 
const _s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo=0x104f6150)  + 0x39        C++
        msvcp71d.dll!std::_Nomemory()  Line 10  C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!operator new(unsigned int size=528)  Line 15 C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!std::_Allocate<osg::Vec3f>(unsigned int _Count=44, 
osg::Vec3f * __formal=0x00000000)  Line 34 + 0xc  C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!std::allocator<osg::Vec3f>::allocate(unsigned int 
_Count=44)  Line 137 + 0xb C++
>::_Insert_n(std::vector<osg::Vec3f,std::allocator<osg::Vec3f> >::iterator 
_Where={...}, unsigned int _Count=44, const osg::Vec3f & _Val={...})  Line 823 
+ 0xc    C++
>::resize(unsigned int _Newsize=44, osg::Vec3f _Val={...})  Line 510       C++
>::resize(unsigned int _Newsize=44)  Line 504      C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!osgText::Text::computePositions(unsigned int 
contextID=8)  Line 957  C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!osgText::Text::computePositions()  Line 814  C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!osgText::Text::computeGlyphRepresentation()  Line 
744        C++
        osg21-osgTextd.dll!osgText::Text::setText(const osgText::String & 
text={...})  Line 166 C++
std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & 
text={...})  Line 170 + 0x28     C++
        v3_viewerd.exe!V3viewer_UpdateMessagesCallback::operator()(osg::Node * 
node=0x02ba4628, osg::NodeVisitor * nv=0x025e2dd8)  Line 4898 + 0x52     C++
 & node={...})  Line 83 + 0x1a        C++
        osg21-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::UpdateVisitor::apply(osg::Projection & 
node={...})  Line 56 + 0x1a  C++
        osg21-osgd.dll!osg::Projection::accept(osg::NodeVisitor & nv={...})  
Line 36 + 0x3f     C++
        osg21-osgd.dll!osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor & nv={...})  Line 
62 + 0x23        C++
        osg21-osgd.dll!osg::NodeVisitor::traverse(osg::Node & node={...})  Line 
180 + 0x1c      C++
 & node={...})  Line 84 + 0x27        C++
        osg21-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::UpdateVisitor::apply(osg::Group & 
node={...})  Line 54 + 0x1a       C++
        osg21-osgd.dll!osg::Group::accept(osg::NodeVisitor & nv={...})  Line 38 
+ 0x3f  C++
        osg21-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Viewer::updateTraversal()  Line 1418 + 
0x30     C++
simulationTime=1.7976931348623157e+308)  Line 1019 + 0xd   C++
        v3_viewerd.exe!renderLoop()  Line 2158 + 0x19   C++
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